Take care of your health from a young age. How to take care of your health Take care of your health

People need to be reminded again and again - “take care of your health from a young age.” It’s not for nothing that this saying has been repeated everywhere for so long; it’s not for nothing that our mother kept telling us, “Put on your hat!” So what? Remember about health when it reminds you of itself? And it reminds you when something is no longer in order. But it’s easier to prevent than to treat later. Time, money, nerves... You also need to take pills wisely - “one heals, the other cripples.” This only happens in fairy tales and games - I took a pill and became completely healthy. Taking medications can also cause harm, and treatment without them can be both dangerous and difficult. There is only one conclusion - to prevent diseases in advance and not leave them without treatment.

The modern healthcare system today offers many innovative technologies for maintaining health. If possible, you should attend physical therapy for a week, about which you can consult with a therapist. Warming up the bronchi, nasal sinuses, quartzing the nasopharyngeal cavity, inhalation with an antiseptic... Very, very good for health. You can also take care of yourself - mustard plasters are sold without a prescription in pharmacies, however, you don’t need to overdo it with them if you don’t want to get square-shaped burns.

Within three weeks you can stick this warming agent on yourself - is it in vain that so many people are treated with it and used to prevent diseases? All the more accessible. And it would be nice to alternate days when you can arrange inhalation yourself - it won’t hurt either. Breathing hot steam over a pan of boiled potatoes is clearly not exotic; it has been familiar to many from time immemorial. You can also perform inhalations with sage, eucalyptus, and valerian. An excellent way to warm up the chest and throat is with easy-to-use salt heating pads, sold in pharmacies.

And, of course, you need to arrange “vitamin holidays” for yourself - A, C, D, E. And remember - self-medication will not lead to good, you need to consult a therapist - not only run to the clinic when you are already sick. And if possible, ask your loved ones for a massage - your back, neck and head need it most. You need to ask those who know how to perform it, when a feeling of relaxation really sets in in the body. Good health to you! And let the most important “vitamin” - joy - be in your life more often.

Krasikova Olga

Our health is in our hands! This is our wealth! And how we use it depends only on us: on our knowledge, skills and our will.

Health is our gift, which is given to us from birth, along with breathing, blood circulation, and digestion. Apparently, that’s why until we lose our health, we don’t think about it. Our health is subject to the general laws of the Universe. Without compliance with these laws, our existence is impossible. That is why it is extremely important to acquire at least the minimal knowledge that science has regarding humans and their health.

Paradoxically, no one studies a healthy person. They study diseases. And to date, many of their components have been studied: symptoms, process, treatment methods and preventive measures. But every disease has its own cause, due to which our cells, tissues, and organs are damaged, which in turn causes disruption of the body’s functions. And as a result, a person is faced with symptoms of diseases: redness, vomiting, dizziness, fever and much more. There are many symptoms, but here is the same scheme: cause – damage – disease.

Looking at this diagram, it is easy to understand that in order to get rid of any disease, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused it.

Let's consider the body's reaction to dysfunction.

First of all, the body tries to eliminate the cause of the disturbance on its own. This causes discomfort, which we, due to our illiteracy, mistake for the disease itself and treat it with all kinds of means. In fact, this discomfort is not the disease itself, but the healing physiological processes with which our body fights the disease, wanting to restore health on its own.

Thus, an increase in body temperature is an indicator that the body is “burning” toxic substances accumulated in the blood - toxins. The mistake many people make at this stage of the disease is trying to bring down the temperature, which under no circumstances should be done, because by doing so we prevent our body from producing antibodies and increasing immunity, and in addition we load our kidneys and liver with additional poisons.

When a large amount of toxic poisons accumulates in the blood, blood vessels contract. This action of the body is aimed at protecting cells, this is its protective measure. As a result, blood pressure increases. A literate person will cleanse his body by consuming large amounts of fluid, and a person who does not know the reasons for such pressure changes will begin to take medications to dilate blood vessels, not realizing that by doing this he is only accelerating the penetration of poisons into the blood.

It is important to understand: everything that happens in the body is done to save its life.

The disease does not overtake a person spontaneously. Most often, a chronic unhealthy condition is the result of a long period during which, due to human ignorance, the laws of health are violated and the healing abilities of the body lose their power.

The French scientist Leriche poetically called the disease a drama in two acts: the first act, in his opinion, consists of all those invisible processes that occur in the tissues and organs of the human body asymptomatically; but the appearance of pain and discomfort is the second act. You should not rely on medications - they only help to endure the disease, but do not cure it. It’s better to think: what did you do wrong, why did your body reach such a state that you need to give up in order to get back on track?

First of all, it is important to remember: all drugs are inorganic substances, they are non-living, and our body cannot create a single living cell from them. Once in the body, all inorganic substances are gradually converted into a salt of oxalic acid, which is deposited in the body's bins, becoming the basis for the development of arthritis, atherosclerosis, the formation of stones and many other diseases. And when the body receives a ready-made product in the form of hormones, vitamins, glucose, drugs, which are antibodies to destroy viruses and microbes, then it itself is inactive and the systems that should produce substances of this type simply stop working.

Everything that doesn't work dies. This is the law of life.

Likewise, organs that are supposed to produce important substances for the body can die due to their inactivity. However, the body still needs these substances, and having failed to produce them on its own, it requires external support. Receiving it, he gradually gets used to such help. Drug treatment gradually causes new diseases and complications, which, in turn, require additional medications. It turns out to be a vicious circle! A person who constantly receives vitamins, hormones, and enzymes from the outside, rather than producing them through his own efforts, disrupts all the vital metabolic processes of his body.

As the Japanese say: “Don’t feed me fish, teach me how to catch fish!”

When a doctor prescribes us medications, he feeds our body ready-made “fish” instead of teaching it to produce everything it needs on its own. Having enjoyed the “fish”, we calm our body for a while. But later “hunger” sets in again and we have no choice but to consult a doctor again. But it’s easier to learn to avoid what causes illness. And if it does come, then know how to deal with it, and be able to use all the natural forces of the body for this purpose.

How to restore your health?

The only sure way to restore lost health is to return to the lifestyle that was prescribed to us by nature itself. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle; it will not only help us protect ourselves from diseases, but also quickly cure them if they enter our body.

At first glance, everything is very simple. But this is only until we remember our habits. Nature did not give them to us, they came to us by inheritance from our parents; and over the centuries they are passed on from generation to generation: we will pass them on to our children, and our grandchildren will receive them from our children. In this simple way, a chain of absurdities is built, which can and should be interrupted. To do this you will have to retrain yourself. Usually in such situations one hears only: “I can’t”, “I won’t succeed”, “I don’t have enough will, time”, etc. But these are just excuses, there is no other way. And until a person realizes this, he will not get rid of diseases. Ignorance is the cause of misunderstanding.

There is no way to overcome stupidity, but ignorance can be overcome!

Unfortunately, peoples are increasingly at war with each other. And the war divides us all into two camps: robot killers and their victims. It makes us cruel, insensitive, it teaches us lies, adaptation, limiting our natural needs. Nature is silent in response. But she has a good memory, and her laws work always and everywhere. Before them, all people are equal: rich and poor, talented and untalented, lucky and unlucky. We cannot deceive nature, we cannot bribe it. You can adapt it to yourself only by unquestioningly obeying its laws.

Don't tell yourself that you can't do something. Your will, your need to overcome obstacles are inherent in you by nature, they have been given to you since birth, and this indicates that you are able to fight for your health and well-being.

Forget about “fashionable” healers, don’t waste your time on them! You need to become literate in these matters yourself! Any person should know the laws of health well and obey them, living in harmony with their body, and not fighting against it.

It is necessary to return to people all the norms and culture of health that have developed year after year since the creation of mankind. There is a huge amount of this knowledge! But not all of them are useful, we do not need all of them. And it is impossible for one person to cover such a volume of information. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn to weed out unnecessary knowledge, focusing only on those valuable bits that will help us be healthy and manage our body.

Let's try to organize our knowledge, making it more logical and clear.

Almost all diseases are caused by microorganisms. Scientists came to this conclusion more than 100 years ago and began to intensively study and search for them. A little later, medicine proved that diseases are caused not only by microorganisms, but also by a lack of minerals in food. Then they began to treat people by introducing additional amounts of various minerals into their diet - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. However, this did not help defeat the disease.

A little later, diseases caused by a lack of vitamins became known. And it seemed that coping with them was as easy as shelling pears: you just need to take those vitamins that you lack in the form of tablets and injections. However, everything turned out to be more complicated. The diseases did not give up.

Doctors soon discovered that pathological abnormalities in the body can also be caused by a lack of hormones. And again, they took the simplest of routes: they gave the patients the missing hormones obtained synthetically, and they fought with the excess hormones by surgical correction of the endocrine glands.

In each of the above cases, physical and mechanical processes came first: the elimination of microorganisms by introducing potent drugs, the introduction of missing vitamins, hormones, and minerals into the body. This is the position of academic medicine. But much earlier, even before its appearance, mankind knew natural ways to combat diseases, which were later called Natural Hygiene.

Naturally, some diseases, such as influenza, tuberculosis, and tonsillitis, arise under the influence of microorganisms. But the approach of natural therapy to them is different from that of academics.

According to the outstanding modern doctor A.S. Zalmanov, local diseases do not exist - the person as a whole is always sick. Therefore, treatment should be aimed not at a specific organ, but at the entire body as a whole.

No matter what discoveries pharmacology, genetic engineering, or surgery make, no matter how much respect and admiration they arouse in us, any disease arises for a specific reason. And until it is eliminated, no medicine will help - the disease will not go away.

Undoubtedly, antibiotics give effective results when used, but after studying their effect on the human body, it also turned out that they stimulate the development of new types of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and cannot be treated with them. All this has led to the emergence of new forms of pre-existing diseases, which are becoming increasingly difficult to treat. For example, a new type of pneumonia cannot be cured with either penicillin or sulfonamides. It turned out that microorganisms easily adapt to the environment in which they find themselves.

Also, a person should rely on his body, launch his ability to adapt in a new way. When a person overcomes a disease in a natural way: with proper nutrition, special exercises that accelerate blood circulation, exposure to fresh air, cleansing enemas, he has nothing to fear!

Natural therapy does not give in to microorganisms. Those who do not watch their diet, abuse alcohol and nicotine, are overworked at work, and forget that our body needs care are susceptible to infections. Those who lead a healthy lifestyle are not afraid of any infections!

In addition, there are microbes that can benefit humans. These are those that cohabit with the human body: they feed on its blood, juices, and in return suppress the activity of its enemies - pathogenic microbes. As soon as a violation of the correct lifestyle occurs, manifested in overeating, physical fatigue, etc., these microbes begin to behave differently. And there is only one sure way to cope with them - to return to the previous, normal way of life.

Class hour “Take care of your health”

Target: bring children to the definition of “health”.

Tasks: health and its differences from illness; develop the desire to always be healthy, be able to avoid contact with sick children, be able to quickly improve your health - help yourself; show the importance of healthy habits for improving human health; develop in children the need to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Poster-motto: “I will save my health, I will help myself!”
  2. Proverbs and sayings, riddles about health.
  3. Cards for independent work.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizationalmoment.

- Guys, look at each other, smile, tell yourself “I love to study and learn new things.”
– They sat down quietly.

  1. Introductory conversation. Class topic message.

Guys! Today we will talk about a person’s most precious wealth – health. Our state is constantly concerned about the health of the country's citizens, especially the health of children. Parents and teachers make sure that you grow up healthy and happy. But despite your best efforts, sometimes you get sick.
– Every person should take care of their health.

Our motto:

I will save my health
I will help myself! (By heart.)

  1. Main part.

– How do you feel when you are healthy?
(Good mood; I want to play a lot, run; I want to read, write, tell something.)

– How do you feel when you are sick?
(Everything hurts; I want to cry; I don’t want to get out of bed; I don’t want to eat or drink.)

– Why do people get sick? How do you think?
(Most often they become infected from other people.)

– Listen to Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “Flu” (portrait of the writer).

Katya came home from school today,
Together with the books, I “brought” the disease.
Coughs, sneezes, wipes away tears.
She looks unhappy - her head hurts a lot,
Her nose is swollen, she has a fever - it’s clear she needs some medicine
And it’s also painful to swallow – Katya is very unhappy.
We need to teach her lessons - she toils in a doze,
I need to help my mother, but she can’t get up,
It's time to call your friend - it's hard to speak loudly.
In general, everything came to a standstill - the illness let me down.
Despite the protest, they put a compress on her,
Even though I don’t want to undergo treatment, Katya puts up with the procedures,
We need to drive away that disease in order to become healthy again:
Running to school, singing songs - you have to do a lot.

– What is the name of the girl who got sick? (Kate.)
- Let's read this poem together.

(On the desks there is an envelope with a poem.)

On the board: Illness is a disease.

– What should sick people do to avoid infecting others?
(Call a doctor at home. Stay at home and receive treatment until complete recovery.)

– By what signs do we identify a sick person?
(Eyes are watery, runny nose, cheeks are burning, the person answers inappropriately, is lethargic, and is reluctant to communicate.)

– What will you do if you notice such a person at school?
(Tell the teacher.)

– What does human health depend on?
(From the ability to avoid contact with a sick person. From the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle. From the ability to help yourself and others.)

– Now, try to define what health is?
(This is when nothing hurts. When a person is cheerful, joyful, vigorous, energetic. When a person eats well.)

On the board: This is the definition given by scientists at the World Health Organization forum in 1949: “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being.”

– What do you think is very important for maintaining your health?
(Follow a daily routine. Do exercises in the morning. Eat healthy foods. Strengthen the immune system. Move a lot. Wash your hands many times a day. Brush your teeth twice a day.)

– Guys, you need to constantly monitor your health and stay healthy as long as possible, although it’s not easy!

Our body consists of many organs. When a person is sick, it is these organs that hurt. Name them?
(Heart, lungs, brain, eyes, ears, liver, kidneys……..)

  1. Physical education minute.

To the music.

Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice,
He spread his arms to the side -
Apparently I couldn't find the key.
To get us the key -
We need to stand on our toes.

  1. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

Working with proverbs and sayings.

- Guys! Health has always worried all people. They passed on their experience on how to preserve health from generation to generation.
– We need to take a piece of paper with a proverb out of the bag and explain it.

If you are healthy, everything is great.
Health has no price. You can't buy health.
Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.
Health is more valuable than anything, health is more valuable than wealth.
Work is health, laziness is illness.


– Olya looks at the cat,
To pictures, fairy tales.
And for this we need
To our Ole... (eyes)

“But I won’t let him out.”
Foams with white foam,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands (soap).

– What can you see
with your eyes closed? (dream).

- I've been wearing them for many years.
But I don’t know their count (hair).

- The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day (shower).

– Five brothers –
Equal for years
Different heights (fingers).

- Two mothers
Five sons each -
One name for everyone (hands).

- Not a watch
And it's ticking (heart).

- Let's look carefully at what word was hidden. That's right, this word is “health”.

Game “Edible - Inedible”.

Target: find out what human actions relate to a healthy lifestyle.

Description of the exercise: the teacher pronounces an action. Depending on how it affects our health, children perform conventional signs.

Instructions: Guys, I will perform some action. Your task, depending on how it affects our health, is to clap your hands (if you save - clap, if you interfere - sit quietly), as in the game “Edible - Inedible”.

Example phrases:

Summing up: you did a good job. Now I see that you are healthy guys. And in order to maintain your health, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Result and DZ.

– Why is health the most valuable gift to a person?
– Now that we know the meaning of folk wisdom, let’s summarize: what the word “Health” means and what kind of person can be called healthy.

On the board:

Health - it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Healthy man- this is a person not only with a healthy body, but also a person who has a wonderful mood and good relationships with people around him.

– Why is it bad to be sick?
– Who will help you maintain your health?
– At the next class hour we will continue the conversation about maintaining health.

DZ: cards for independent work at home –

Man is given one life, and he must live it with dignity. We must also understand that we are given one body to live on this earth. From birth to childhood, our parents take care of our health. When we grow up, this task is entrusted entirely to an adult.

If a person carelessly monitors his health in his youth, then later this will be expressed in the form of chronic diseases. What should be done to prevent this from happening?

Basic rules to protect your health

First of all, you need to practice good hygiene by keeping your body clean. Shower regularly and brush your teeth every day.

Even if a person cannot tolerate acute diseases, he still needs to periodically visit some specialists. For example, dentists constantly remind that a person should come for an examination 1-2 times a year. Even if you don’t have any pain, just get a preventive examination. After all, it won't cost anything. When a tooth hurts, it may already be too late.

A woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year. For example, many people do not attach importance to a disease such as thrush. But if you do not consult a specialist in time, complications may arise that will be much more difficult to cure. There can be many reasons for the appearance of such a disease. Therefore, you need to seek help from a good specialist, and not self-medicate.

Diagnosis is carried out using several methods: smear microscopy or culture. When examining a smear under a microscope, you can determine the presence of Candida fungal cells. If you carry out the second method of examination, the doctor will find out how many colonies of Candida fungi will grow from the scraping sample. After all, many women may have them on the vaginal mucosa, but their number should not exceed certain indicators. Also, according to the results of the analysis, the doctor can find out which antifungal drugs the detected type of fungus is sensitive to. Only then will the prescribed treatment be more effective.

How does sport affect health?

Playing any sport will only have a positive effect on your general condition. The load must be increased gradually. Sometimes it's better to start with a daily walk in the park, and then supplement your walk with running. Games of tennis, badminton, football, volleyball will also give a positive result.

If you live in a large city and are far from the green zone, then you can sign up for a sports section. Working out several times a week will allow you to be more organized.

Most people believe that a doctor should take care of their health. This position is at least naive. Not a single doctor or even a single mother can do for another person what a person can and should do for himself. Health, like life, is personal wealth. How a person uses them depends only on his knowledge, abilities, skills and will.

Health is given to us along with life as an ordinary function or accessory - like breathing, digestion, blood circulation, excretion, etc. Maybe that’s why no one thinks about health until they lose it. Health is subject to the general laws that reign in the Universe, without knowledge and observance of which life is impossible. Therefore, each of us is obliged to learn at least what science knows about man and his health.

Unfortunately, a healthy person is not studied at all. Something is known about diseases: their signs (symptoms), the process of development, medicinal methods of treating them. But every disease has its own cause. Only this reason can cause damage to cells, tissues, organs, and damage leads to dysfunction, which is manifested by certain symptoms (pain, redness, fever, itching, nausea, vomiting, etc.). Thus, there is only one scheme: cause - damage - disorder (or disease).

And in order to get rid of a disease, you must first understand the cause of its occurrence.

How does the body react to dysfunction?

First of all, the body itself tries to eliminate the cause of such disorders: as a rule, this is accompanied by discomfort, which an illiterate person considers a disease and rushes to cope with it by any means. However, what is mistaken for illness is healing physiological processes - the body’s attempts to restore health on its own.

For example, when your temperature rises, this indicates that the body is trying to “burn” the toxins (poisonous substances) accumulated in the blood, so you should not rush to bring down the temperature, do not interfere with the body’s production of antibodies and thereby increase your immunity, do not saturate the already overloaded liver and kidneys with additional poisons.

When toxic poisons accumulate in the blood, the body contracts blood vessels to protect itself and prevent the poisons from entering the cells. This protective measure is naturally accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. A knowledgeable person will simply drink water and cleanse himself, and one who does not know the reason for the rise in pressure will rush to medications in order to achieve dilation of blood vessels with their help, not knowing that he himself is widening the door for poisons to enter the blood.

We must know and always remember: everything that happens in the body is, first of all, done in the name of saving its life.

The disease does not fall on a person immediately. As a rule, an unhealthy chronic condition is the result of long days when the Laws of Health are constantly violated and when the healing powers of the body become powerless in the face of human ignorance.

“An illness is a drama in two acts, the first of which is played out in the gloomy silence of our tissues with the lights out,” wrote the French scientist Leriche. “When pain or other unpleasant phenomena appear, it is almost always the second act.” Even if the second act has already begun, you should not rely on medications, they are unlikely to help you. Better think about what you are doing wrong and what nonsense you should give up.

What do you need to know first?

All medicines are inorganic (non-living) substances from which the body is not able to create a single living cell. All inorganic substances in the human body are converted, as is known, into a salt of oxalic acid, which accumulates and deposits in the body, is the basis for the formation of stones, the development of arthrosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, etc. In addition, if the body receives a “finished product” (vitamins, glucose, hormones, microelements, medicines - antibodies to destroy viruses or microbes), then it itself seems to be inactive, i.e. the systems that should be involved in the creation of these substances cease to function.

Remember the law of life: everything that does not work dies.

This means that the organs that should participate in the creation of necessary substances in the body can die and die. But the body needs them, and if they don’t work, the person rushes to get outside help. Gradually, the body gets used to such help, since without it it becomes powerless, like a drug addict without drugs. Drug treatment then causes new diseases or complications, so there is a need for more and more new drugs. If a person constantly receives enzymes, hormones, and vitamins from the outside, all vital metabolic processes in his body are disrupted.

There is a well-known wise Japanese proverb: “Don’t feed me fish, rather teach me how to catch it!”

When a doctor offers medicine, he feeds the patient ready-made “fish” instead of teaching him how to control the forces of his body. The patient eats the “fish”, calms down, but soon the “hour of hunger comes” again, and then he has no choice but to consult a doctor again. Isn't it better to learn to prevent yourself from doing what can cause illness? And if it comes, you need to know how to end it by raising the natural forces of your body to fight.

How to regain lost health?

There is only one way in which health can be restored: to return to the lifestyle prescribed to man by Nature.

A correct lifestyle is not only the best protector against diseases, but also the surest way to cure them.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but it’s all about habits. They were not given to us from above, but came to us by inheritance from mom and dad: our parents received these habits from their parents, our children will receive them from us, and our children’s children will receive them from their parents. How can we stop this chain of absurdities? The question is clear: you will have to retrain yourself. Often in such cases one hears: “I will never be able to do this!” or: “I have no will” or: “I have no time!” But there is no other way. Until a person understands this, he will suffer from diseases. Misunderstanding is a consequence of ignorance.

It is useless to fight stupidity, but it is possible to fight ignorance!

Unfortunately, peoples fight too much. And war turns some people into robot killers, others into their victims. War teaches nothing except the ability to kill, lie, limit one’s natural needs, and adapt.

Nature silently looks at us.

But she has a good memory. Its laws are impartial and unshakable. They work always and everywhere, and before these laws everyone: rich and poor, talented and untalented, beautiful and ugly, lucky and unlucky are equal. Nature cannot be deceived, circumvented, or bought. Nature can be conquered only by obeying its laws.

And don't convince yourself that you can't do something. You can do anything for yourself! Your will, your need to overcome obstacles are inherent in you from birth, which means that you are able to fight for your health.

You should not waste time looking for a “fashionable” healer. You have to become literate yourself! Every mother and every teacher should be literate and be able to correctly resolve issues related to the health of children and loved ones.

It’s time to return to people the norms and culture of health that have developed over the centuries since the formation of human society.

In his book “The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body,” the wonderful doctor and thinker A.S. Zalmanov wrote: “In the old house of classical medicine there are countless treasures. But these treasures are scattered in basements and attics, forgotten, ignored, covered with dust. To discover these precious particles of knowledge, to make a selection, you need to be armed with guiding ideas, doctrinal a sieve for sifting out valuable grains."

Let's try to make our knowledge clear and logical!

About 100 years ago it was discovered that many diseases are caused by microorganisms. Medicine intensively began to study and search for them: they were destroyed, eliminated, and preventive measures were taken against them. But the person continues to get sick.

Another 50 years later, a new discovery was made: it turned out that the cause of diseases is not only microorganisms, but also a lack of mineral salts in food. It was decided to prescribe to patients certain mineral substances that they require (for example, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium). However, this time the diseases were not defeated.

A few more years later, diseases that develop in the absence of certain vitamins became known. It seemed that it would not be difficult to cope with this - it was enough to prescribe vitamins to the patient in the form of tablets or injections. And again failure! The illnesses did not stop.

Soon the attention of doctors was drawn to hormones, the lack of which in the body also caused a number of pathological conditions. This means that the patient must be given hormones obtained synthetically. If the body produces excess hormones, you can surgically “tweak” the endocrine glands a little, and that’s the end of it!

As you can see, in all cases, physical and mechanical processes come to the fore: eliminate microorganisms (from blood, urine, sputum, etc.) through the use of potent medications, introduce missing vitamins, microelements or hormones into the body. Academic medicine thinks so.

However, long before its emergence, humanity knew another way of treatment - the way of natural therapy, later called Natural Hygiene.

Of course, some diseases (flu, sore throat, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.) develop under the influence of microorganisms. But natural therapy approaches these diseases from a different perspective. Outstanding modern doctors A.S. write about this. Speransky, I.V. Davydovsky, I.I. Mechnikov, A.S. Zalmanov, Katsudzo Nishi, Michael Goren, G. Shelton, P. Bragg and others.

“There are no local diseases, diseases of individual organs. The person as a whole is always sick. There is no local treatment,” writes A.S. Zalmanov.

No matter how admirable the achievements of pharmacology, surgery and genetic engineering may be, every disease begins with a cause, without eliminating which no medicine can help.

Remember: after many years of obvious positive results from the use of antibiotics, it turned out that they contribute to the development of new types of bacteria in the human body that do not respond to antibiotics at all. Moreover, new forms of pneumonia began to arise, against which penicillin and sulfonamides also became powerless. It turned out that microorganisms have the ability to adapt to the environment in which they live.

Why shouldn’t a person be guided by the adaptive abilities of his body? If a person has dealt with the disease using natural methods: a properly selected diet, regulation of sweating, exposure to fresh air, cleansing enemas, herbal infusions, special exercises to increase blood circulation, he has nothing to fear.

Natural (natural) therapy treats germs without any fear. It is known that people who lead a healthy lifestyle are not exposed to infections:

This threatens those who allow themselves excesses in food, turning into gluttony, abuse smoking, alcohol, are overworked at work, do not monitor the systematic cleansing of the body, etc.

Moreover, some microbes are not only completely harmless, but even to a certain extent useful to humans. These are those microorganisms that live in symbiosis (cohabitation) with a person: although they feed on his blood and juices, they restrain the activity of his enemies - pathogenic microbes. However, if a person is physically tired, hypothermia, overeating or other lifestyle disorders, changes may occur in the behavior of these microbes, and then, in order to cope with them, there is only one way out - to urgently return to a normal lifestyle.