Ecological quiz “Under the blue sky. Scenario for the environmental quiz “Nature Experts” for senior preschool age Questions for the environmental quiz in kindergarten


— formation of an environmental culture among all participants;

- contribute to improvement family relations children and parents through a shared positive emotional experience.

Materials and equipment: emblems for all team members; carrots, pears, 2 baskets for scoring; 2 Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, paints, crayons; ball, gymnastic sticks, skittles.

Characters: Grandfather Au, presenter, 2 teams - children and a teacher and a team of parents.

Progress of the event

Presenter (V.). Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests. I am glad to see you in our hall, where the quiz game “We are friends of nature” will take place today.

The children and their parents will demonstrate their knowledge about nature and show that they are true friends of nature.

So, welcome Team "Hares" (children and the teacher enter while the soundtrack is playing and sit down at their table), And team "Bear Cubs" (their parents enter to the music and sit down).

The teams' performances are assessed with points that will look like this: carrots for the bunnies, pears for the cubs (shows). The better the performance of the teams, the more points they receive, and at the end of our meeting we will sum up the results and count the points.


Blitz tournament, you need to answer questions quickly and correctly.

For the team "Bear Cubs"

  • Big owl. (Owl)
  • A bird with a skewed beak. (Crossbill)
  • What mammal reaches a length of 33 meters and weighs up to 150 tons? (Whale)
  • Do our migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

For the Bunnies team

  • What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks (Cuckoo)
  • Stinging insects (Wasp, bee)
  • Large, wild, striped cat (Tiger)
  • Wild pig (Boar)

Result, points.

Musical break - dance “Kolomiyka”

IN. Before the next competition we have a little warm-up. Now I want to check everyone - both participants and fans - whether they know the rules of behavior in nature.

I read a statement - a statement. If you agree with me, then clap loudly, if not, stomp.

  • In the forest you can break branches and pick flowers. Just think, there will be a lot more growth.
  • Don’t break branches, don’t mutilate trees, don’t tear up a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.
  • A clumsy toad, a crawling beetle, or thick caterpillars can be driven away. And it’s better if they don’t exist at all.
  • Different animals are needed, each of them does its own useful job.
  • It’s funny to bring a small hedgehog or a chick from the forest and let it live at home.
  • Animals and birds must not be removed from their natural environment.
  • It's great to catch a butterfly and put it in a matchbox.
  • Catching butterflies means destroying them.

IN. Well done! You know how to behave in nature. Teams are offered the following task: draw a poster reminiscent of the rules of behavior in nature or a warning sign.


While the “Little Bunnies” and “Bear Cubs” are working on their task, you and I will play a little.

Game “Hello, I am a daisy!”

Those present along the chain greet each other, calling themselves some kind of flower.


If I knock, my head hurts; if I don’t knock, I’m hungry. (Woodpecker)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. (Som)

Lives in the river, wags its tail, has teeth, but does not bark. (Pike)

It rushes quickly under the water, soars above the water like a bird,

He is a resident of warm seas, a faithful companion of ships. (Dolphin)

There's an umbrella walking along the waves, if you see it, don't touch it.

What a miracle, what a miracle, the umbrella stings like nettles. (Jellyfish)

Tricky Questions for Adults

  • What do elephants have and no other animal? (Baby elephant)
  • What type of fish is the most valuable? (Gold fish)
  • What city can float in the air? (Eagle)
  • When does a horse turn into a predator? (When trotting)
  • What city do we carry on our heads? (Panama)
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

"Dance while sitting"

(Examination of posters, result, points)

IN. Often in the behavior and appearance of animals, people notice some features characteristic of humans: his speech, manner of moving, speaking. A little warm-up before the next competition task. Please finish the sentence.

Hardworking like... (bee)

Stubborn as... (donkey)

Cunning as... (fox)

Crackle like... (magpie)

Coo like... (pigeon)

Slim as... (gazelle)

Cowardly as... (hare)

Grimaces like... (monkey)

The look is as sharp as... (eagle)

It drags like... (turtle)


They stand in a circle, the leader with the ball in the center, throws the ball, the player catches it and calls a fairy tale, returns the ball to the leader. If the fairy tale is repeated, the player leaves the game; if he finds it difficult, he counts to three and also quits. The team whose player is the last one standing wins.

Result, points.

Song "The Bear and the Fox" lyrics. and music Sokolova

IN. Guys, I completely forgot that I invited Grandpa Au, a forest guest, to our holiday. But he’s delayed for some reason, let’s call him:

Grandfather the forester, show yourself quickly

Appear before us!

(The children call. Grandfather Au enters to the music.)

Grandpa Au. I got lost in a big city today,

That's why I'm a little late with my visit.

Hello children, forest greetings to you.

They recognized me or maybe not.

IN. You are an old man, an old forest man,

You protect the forest from evil, you don’t allow evil in the forest.

Grandpa Au. Yes it is. I am the owner of all forests, I protect and protect nature and do not allow anyone to destroy it.

IN. And our children and adults are also very careful about nature. They know and can do a lot. Our holiday is called “Friends of Nature”.

Grandpa Au. Very good! The more helpers I have, the better.

IN. Grandpa Au, maybe you can help us hold the next competition?

Grandpa Au. Certainly! Here I have cards with pictures of animals.


One team is shown a card. One of the participants portrays an animal in pantomime. The opposing team guesses.

Result, points.

IN. Our guys know the habits of animals well and will show this in the next issue.

Song-dance “Zverobika” lyrics. Plyatskovsky, music. Savelyeva

Grandpa Au. Now listen to my riddle:

Who, forest dwellers, wise builders,

Are the whole team building a house out of needles under a spruce tree? (Ants.)

IN. We invite teams to take part in the next competition


Relay race.

They stand in two columns, each with a gymnastic stick in their hand. When the music starts, they take turns running and putting sticks into a hoop, adults run between the pins.

Result, points.


Grandpa Au. I read the clues, and the team guesses the song, listens to the melody and actively sings along.

For "Bear Cubs":

A song about an ancient custom that should not be repeated in our time, as it is harmful to nature. (“There was a birch tree in the field”).

For "Hares":

  • A very sad song about one very harmless creature that became the victim of a voracious animal. ("In the grass Grasshopper sat").

For "Bear Cubs":

  • Lyrical song about the autumn season. They fly over the city and dream about something. But what? No one knows. (“The leaves are yellow”).

For "Hares":

  • Two cheerful pet birds who behaved very irresponsibly towards their owner. ("Two cheerful geese").

For "Bear Cubs":

  • A song about an old tree, which has become a symbol of happiness for all lovers. (“Old Maple”).

For "Hares":

  • I really want to ride them, they are like horses, but unfortunately, this is impossible. ("Clouds")

Result, points.

IN. All participants in our meeting tried their best and coped with all the tasks perfectly. It's safe to say that you are true friends of nature. Every person, both child and adult, is responsible for the state of nature throughout the Earth. After all, any most inconspicuous flower, any animal is unique and unrepeatable.

Nature is our friend and wise teacher. Human health depends on its condition. Every smart and decent person protects and preserves nature, thereby protecting and preserving himself.

If you like earthly beauty,

Take care of her, you are tired without knowing.

Surely then we will become friends,

And sing with us about cats and dogs.

Song "Don't tease the dogs" lyrics. Plyatskovsky, music. Chichkova

(Results of the competition, points, awarding prizes. Grandfather Au treats all the children with sweet prizes. Says goodbye, invites them to visit him.)

IN. We answer together, and there is no doubt here,

Today friendship has become the mistress of victories.

Now the moment of farewell has come, our speech will be brief.

We say: Goodbye, happy new meetings!

(Lap of honor, applause.)

Zelentsova Oksana Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MBDOU "Totemsky kindergarten No. 7 "Sun"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Ecological quiz for older children “Nature Experts” Zelentsova Oksana Vladimirovna MBDOU "Totemsky kindergarten No. 7 "Sun" With the help of game tasks and questions, children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants was tested,

Ecological quiz for older children “Nature Experts”

Target: Improving the environmental culture skills of students;


Expand children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants,

Strengthen children's ability to behave in nature;

Develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a complete meaningful answer to them.

Cultivate a caring attitude and love for them;

Materials:Letters (NATURE), ball, picture (Old Forest Man), tokens, box, medals, easel.

Preliminary work: reading encyclopedias, observations, solving riddles, crosswords, looking at illustrations in albums, books, watching presentations.

Progress of the quiz game.

Presenter: Guys, today I invite you to show your skills and knowledge, and help us with thisQuiz game. And now it’s time to guess the topic of our quiz. Her you you'll find out Having answered my questions, you and I will attach the first letter of each answer to the board and at the end we will get a word.
1. Bright red tomatoes
They are keeping watch on the bushes.
We'll prepare salads
Let's say: “Delicious...!” (Tomato)
2. The sun is shining, the rain is pouring

The ray shines golden

A bridge is thrown across the river

Seven-color painted. (Rainbow)
3. Early morning in the yard

The ice settled on the grass.

And the whole meadow turned light blue.

Sparkles like silver... (Rime)
4. A wet woman runs on the ground -
Great joy for all the children.
People escape from the heat in the summer,
In winter they go ice skating and sledding . (River)
5. There is one such flower,

You can't weave it into a wreath,

Blow on it lightly

There was a flower and there is no flower. (Dandelion) .
6. Who beats on the roof all night,

yes he knocks
And he mumbles and sings, lulls him to sleep. (Rain)
7. Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt.

For frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

Well done, the guys completed the task. We got the keyword - NATURE.

And we begin the quiz game “Nature Experts”.

Everyone should know the rules of our game:

1. Listen to the question or task to the end.

1.During the game you cannot give hints to each other.

2.If someone does not answer the question, the next participant answers.

3.A token (circle) is given for the correct answer

You guys are funny and you won't be bored.

We will answer the quiz questions with you!

You answer unanimously and there is no doubt about it.

Today friendship will be the mistress of victories.

Our guest from the forest will evaluate your knowledge Old man forester. For each correct answer he will be given a token. At the end of the game - quiz we will see the result.

So let's begin! Everyone is ready!

WARM-UP "Name it quickly"
White-sided bird. (Magpie)
What plant can burn us? (Nettle)

Christmas tree. (Christmas tree)
The time of year when nature wakes up. (Spring)
Who is the forest's animal health officer? (Wolf)
What is the name of the hare's domestic relative? (Rabbit)
What is the name of a bear's home? (Den)
Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)
What flower blooms without leaves? (Coltsfoot)
Who is the nurse of the bird forest? (Woodpecker)
What is the name of the animal that builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)

Quiz questions:

1. How do you understand what a forest is?

2. What trees grow in our forests?

3. Why do people go to the forest?

4. What does edible mean? Name them.

5. What does it mean - poisonous? Name them.

6. How should we treat forest inhabitants?

7. Why can’t you make noise in the forest?

8. Which tree sap is very useful for people?

9. What benefits does the forest bring to people?

Ball game “I’ll start, you continue”:
- The oak tree has acorns, and the pine tree... (cones)
- The birch is curly, and the pine... (prickly)
- Rowan has leaves, and pine has... (needles)
- In autumn, the birch tree is golden, and the pine tree... (green)
- Aspen stands without leaves in winter, and pine... (in needles)
– Apples grow on an apple tree, and on an oak tree... (acorns)

10. What types of birds are there?

11. What does migratory mean? Name them.

12. What does it mean - wintering? Name them.

13. How can you guys help birds in winter?

14. How does a hare prepare for winter?

15. Where does the squirrel live?

16. What wild animal has horns and hooves?

17. What is the “Red Book”?

Presenter: Guys, you were great today, how much do you know about nature of our region, and now it's time to take stock.

old man -Lesovichok is ready to sum up the results of our quiz. (Counting tokens).

Presenter: Let's put all the tokens in the box, close it and I will say the magic words that I told you Old man forester and you listen attentively:

The hero stands rich, treats all the guys.

Vanya - strawberries, Tanya - boneberries,

Mashenka - a nut, Petya - russula.

What kind of hero is this, guys? (FOREST)

After the magic words, open the box and see what kind of gift - a surprise - the FOREST and the Old Forest Man have prepared for you.

Presenter: What a gift - all our tokens turned into medals. Thank you, Lesovichok!

Priceless Russian forest beauty,

Green gold is our forests.

Guard the wealth of forests, guard,

Attentive, vigilant "green patrol"!

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet. (V. Berestov)

View certificate of publication

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Quiz for children of the preparatory school group “Ecological path”

Klimova Irina Anatolevna
Position and place of work: Teacher of the preschool educational institution kindergarten "Solnyshko" town. Atamanovka, Chita district, Transbaikal region.
Description of work: Methodological development quiz designed for children preparatory group, for educators and primary school teachers.
Target: To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about nature.
1. Deepen children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants, cultivate a caring attitude and love for them;
2. Strengthen children’s ability to behave in nature; develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and give a complete meaningful answer to them.
3. Continue to teach how to work in a team.
Preliminary work:
1. Repetition of proverbs and sayings about nature.
2. Conversation about the Red Book of Russia.
3. Didactic games"What's extra?"
Contents of the quiz.
The soundtrack of the music “In the Animal World” plays. Teams of children enter the hall and take their places.
Leading: Hello, dear quiz participants, members of the jury! Today we have gathered here to take part in a quiz about ecology. Two teams of children from the preparatory group participate in the quiz. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a team name and motto related to nature. In the meantime, the teams are preparing, our support group has prepared poems.
Children read poetry. On the multimedia project, the poems are accompanied by the presentation "Our Nature"

1 child
Nature is beautiful with rain,
Magical and wondrous spring,
Snow and leaf fall,
And just by herself.
Gives us magical colors,
Touches the heart with love,
Nature, she is happiness,
What everyone shares with each other.
2 child
I'm in the scorching summer heat
I'll go into the cool forest,
So he's real
A world of fairy tales and miracles.
I'll find a cold spring,
I'll drink his water
And decorously and nobly
I'll go my own way.
Nature gives bliss
And gives strength
Eh, I would like free birds
Feel the flight.
Nature is the muse
What needs to be protected
Cargo liability
Without throwing it off your shoulders!
Rules of the game: the quiz has six rounds in which teams are asked to answer different questions. For each correct answer, the team is awarded a point. At the end of the game, the jury calculates the number of points. The team with the most points wins.
Round 1 - “Explain the proverb”
The presenter reads one proverb to each team. The task of the teams is to explain the meaning of the proverb.
1 team: The grass is afraid of frost, and frost is afraid of the sun.
Team 2: The sky will give rain, and the earth will give rye.
Round 2 - “Ecological crossword”
The leader gives each team a crossword puzzle grid with questions (teachers help read the question and fill in the empty cells)
1 team

You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...
Lives in seas and rivers,
But it often flies across the sky.
How will she get bored of flying?
It falls to the ground again.


There are prickly needles on me,
But I am neither a fir nor a Christmas tree.
Slender, beautiful, green
Beautiful all year...
Atmosphere and water
Sun, warm winds,
Round, rotating,
What is the name of?

2nd team

You won't be able to live without him
No eating, no drinking, no talking.
And even, to be honest,
You won't be able to light a fire.
All summer I stood in greenery,
And autumn lit up red,
And clusters of many crystals,
I invited all the birds to a feast in the garden!


Everything that surrounds us - plants, animals, water, sun, moon, stars. It can be living or non-living.
In a sky clear of rain
A bright arc shines.
Always smiling
Seven-flowered - ...

Round 3 - “The Fourth Wheel”
On the multimedia screen, the teams take turns seeing pictures of plants and animals. Quiz participants need to choose an extra picture and explain their choice. (slide show)

Round 4 - “Ecological puzzles”
Each team needs to guess the same number of puzzles.
(the presenter hands out an envelope with puzzles for each team, calm music sounds)
1 team
1 rebus

2 rebus

3 rebus

2nd team
1 rebus

2 rebus

3 rebus

Conversation about the Red Book. Presentation.

Round 5 - “What do we know about the Red Book?”
Quiz questions (2 questions for each team)
1.What is the International Red Book?
Answer: Information document - a description of rare and endangered species of animals and plants on the planet.
2. What does the red color of the book mean?
Answer: The color of alarm.
1. What color are the pages of the Red Book?
Answer: Red - extinct species; white - rare species are printed; yellow - declining species; gray - uncertain, there is no clear information about the status of these species; green - species whose numbers have been restored.
2. What forms of protected areas do you know?
Answer: National parks, nature reserves, sanctuaries, natural monuments.
Round 6 – “Signs of Nature”
Children are invited to watch a video about the beauty of our Earth and its other side - environmental pollution.

After viewing, the teams are given an envelope containing cards with road and environmental signs. The teams' task is to arrange them correctly.

Dear guys, dear members of the jury, the time has come to sum up the results. Teams are awarded 1st and 2nd place based on the points scored.

All quiz participants are awarded commemorative medals “Best in the world around us”

After the award ceremony, children are invited to watch a video accompanied by the song "Anthem of Environmentalists"

Tatiana Kalinichenko
Ecology quiz for older children preschool age"Nature Experts"

Target: Systematize knowledge children about nature.


1. Consolidate knowledge children about animals, birds, plants.

2. Continue to improve speech as a means of communication.

4. Develop the ability to work in a team and help each other.

5. Foster interest and respect for nature.

Quiz progress

Organizing time (Children stand in a circle)


Let's say hello to you.

Hello, palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello, chubby cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Hello sponges. Smack - smack - smack.

Hello, teeth. Click - click - click.

Hello, my little nose. Beep - beep - beep.

And now let’s hold hands together and smile at each other.

Educator: Are we ready to play today?

Ready together o nature to reason?

Answers children.

Educator: First, let's do a warm-up. I ask questions and you answer.

1. Who is called the king of beasts? (a lion)

2. A horse in a vest? (zebra)

3. Who is the forest health officer? (woodpecker)

4. Marsupial jumper. (kangaroo)

5. The most stubborn animal. (donkey)

6. Which animal has the longest neck? (giraffe)

Educator: I see that everyone is in a wonderful mood, we can start completing tasks. Competitions will help us test your knowledge.

1. Competition “Call it in one word”

Wolf, fox, bear, hare - these are...animals.

Birch, pine, oak, linden are...trees.

Sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow are...birds.

Pike, crucian carp, catfish, burbot are…. fish.

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are….berries.

Honey mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms are...mushrooms.

A butterfly, a mosquito, a dragonfly, a fly – this is... insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are... flowers.

2. Competition "Find a home for every animal". (music sounds)

The teams are given envelopes with drawings of animals and their different homes. We need to make pairs "The animal is its home".

3. And now, guys, I suggest you play a game “Which tree is the leaf from?” (music sounds)

The leaves are laid out on the floor, the children collect them, determine which tree the leaf comes from and take it to the tree to which it belongs.

Educator: Guys, who are called the singers of the forest, are they the main inhabitants of the trees in the forest?

Answers children.

Let's talk about birds. Many birds live in the forest. What types of birds are there?

What does migratory mean?

What does it mean - wintering?

How can we help birds in winter?

4. Competition “Select wintering and migratory birds”.

On the floor there are pictures of wintering and migratory birds (pictures of birds should be divided into 2 groups).

5. Competition “I’ll make a guess, guess”

1. What bird is called "forest drummer"? (woodpecker)

2. What mushrooms grow on stumps? (honey mushrooms)

3. What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (cuckoo)

4. What animal is called "ship of the desert"? (camel)

5. Who wears a hat but doesn’t know how to say hello? (mushroom)

6. What tree is called "Russian beauty?" (birch)

7. What happens to the bee after it stings? (dies)

8. What flowers bloom first in spring? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother)

Now, so that you guys can rest a little, let's play an outdoor game "Owl".

6. Competition "Guess the riddles".

a) In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives.

b) Who carries his own house?

c) Not a tailor, but has been walking around with needles all his life.

d) I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest. In the hollow on old oak, I'm gnawing nuts.

e) Small, white jump through the forest - jump! One snowball at a time, poke-poke!

f) Who is cold in winter, walks around angry, hungry?

7. Competition "Guess by the description".

“This beast has two main methods of defense against enemies: camouflage and legs. He jumps and runs very quickly and easily - so easily that he doesn’t even fall into the snowdrifts. He doesn't just run away from danger, he chooses the shortest path to salvation. But it happens that neither cunning nor speed help, then he falls on his back and defends himself with his strong hind legs.”

Clue: He is considered a big coward. Answer: hare.

“This is a very large and strong animal, it can walk on four legs, sometimes stands on its hind legs and roars throughout the forest. Many animals are afraid of him, he climbs trees well and even catches fish.”

Clue: Hibernates in winter, loves honey and raspberries. Answer: bear.

A game "It flies, it doesn't fly" The teacher pronounces the words. If he names a flying item, players "fly" (raise hands). If a non-flying object is named, then the players do not raise their hands.

8. Find out the time of year from the poem.

a) Tomorrow morning we will go to the forest.

And honey mushrooms, and butter mushrooms, we’ll collect all the mushrooms. (autumn)

b) We wear fur coats and earflaps, and sled down the mountains. (winter)

c) Our quiet river is both bright and wide.

Let's run to swim and splash with the fish. (summer)

d) Starlings are returning - ours old tenants.

Sparrows circle around the puddle in a noisy flock. (spring)

Educator: Now stand in a circle and let's play the game "Good Animal". Let's hold hands and imagine that we are one animal. Let's listen to his breathing. Let's all take a breath together, inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale, and inhale-exhale again. Very good. Let's listen to his heart beat. Here we take a step forward, here we take a step back. And once again, knock - step forward, knock - step back."

Educator: Well done guys, I want to thank you for the excellent game in which you showed good knowledge O nature and give you medals « Nature connoisseurs» .

The game is over and I want to tell everyone farewell:

Love your dear nature - lakes, forests and fields.

This is our native land!

Scenario of the game - a quiz on environmental education for children of senior preschool age on the theme "Hello, forest, hello, Mother Nature."

Botyakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at MBDOU Krasnoborsky kindergarten "Kolosok" village. Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Description of material: The material will be useful to teachers of preschool educational institutions when carrying out environmental projects, events, and entertainment. This event is recommended for older children.

Target: formation of environmental knowledge, moral and value attitude towards nature.

Educational: expand your understanding of the forest and its inhabitants.
Educational: develop cognitive interest, curiosity, enrich lexicon children.
Educational: to cultivate a love of nature, an understanding of the need to preserve its integrity, and the ability to behave in the forest.

Preliminary work:
excursion to the forest, viewing illustrations depicting various types trees, viewing albums "Wild Animals", "Birds", "Insects", a competition of drawings about nature, reading works by Russian writers and poets about nature.

Equipment: green and red circles, pictures depicting animals, insects, birds, mushrooms, flowers, “caps” of berries, flowers cut out of cardboard according to the number of children, tree leaves (maple, oak, birch, aspen), cards depicting animal tracks , tokens, basket with natural material.

Participants: presenter, children, Lesovichok, fox.

Progress of the quiz.

Leading: Hello guys! A warm summer breeze brought a maple leaf to the kindergarten. There is an invitation written on it from old man Lesovich. He invites us into the forest for riddles.

Round dance: “We went for a walk in the forest” (“The Forest Sings” by O. Feltsman)
Leading: So we came to the flower meadow. Isn't it really beautiful here? The trees are green, there are flowers in the clearing... Oh, how good it is to breathe!

Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves?
On a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn?
All in dew, like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness:
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, don’t hide:
You know that we are our own! (S. Pogorelovsky)

(Lesovichok appears)

Lesovichok: Good afternoon guys! You recognized me? I am Lesovichok, the owner of the forest. I'm glad you came to the forest clearing. did you know that the forest is your great and true friend? The forest is alive. And like all living things, it needs the sun, which gives warmth and light, water and soil for plant growth and animal life, clean air, and also peace and quiet. People often don't think about how easily they can harm the forest and its inhabitants. How do you behave in the forest? Before you go through the forest to look for riddles, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Didactic game: "Ecological traffic light"
(The forester lists what can be done in the forest and what cannot be done. Children raise a green or red circle in accordance with this)
- You can (cannot) break branches;
- leave trash behind;
- destroy nests and anthills;
- somersault in the grass;
- picking berries;
- destroy poisonous mushrooms;
- light fires;
- rest on a stump, etc.
Lesovichok: Right. And remember a few more rules:

Going for a walk in the forest,
Please don't forget
Forest rules
Unpretentious, simple.

Trees, don't break branches,
Don't leave trash in the forest
Don't light fires in vain,
Don't shout too loudly.
Don't catch butterflies
That's not what they are for.

You are only a guest in the forest,
The main ones there are oak and elk.
Take care of the green forest
And he will reveal many secrets and miracles!

Lesovichok: So, my first riddle will be about our feathered friends. Who do we call birds?
Children: Birds.
(On the easel, children choose the appropriate picture from several)
- What birds do you know? (Children's answers).
- What birds winter in our area? (Crow, sparrow, magpie, woodpecker, etc.)
- What bird throws its chicks into other people's nests? (Cuckoo)
-What bird knocks on wood all day? (Woodpecker)

- What bird settles on the roofs of houses and, according to legend, brings happiness to the house? (Stork)
- Which bird has a very long neck and legs? (Crane)
- What bird hunts at night? (Owl)

Outdoor game "Owl"
Designated "owl's nest". A leading owl is placed in the nest. The rest of the children pretend to be birds, butterflies, and beetles - they scatter across the clearing.
In response to the teacher’s words: “Night comes, everything falls asleep,” the children freeze in the positions in which the night found them. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to hunt - it walks, slowly waving its arms, and picks up moths and bugs that move. He takes them to his nest. The owl catches until the teacher says: “Day.” Then she returns to the nest, and the moths and bugs begin to fly again. The owl goes hunting two or three times. Then a new leader is chosen, and the game starts all over again.

Lesovichok: So, the next riddle.
Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt
Who won't pass
Everyone gives a bow. (Berry)
(Children choose a picture of berries)

It's easy to pick a berry -
After all, it doesn't grow very high.
Look under the leaves -
It's ripe there... (strawberry)

The berry tastes good
But pick it up and go:
A bush with thorns is like a hedgehog -
So it's named.... (blackberry)

I'm red, I'm sour
I grew up on a bolt,
And I will mature under the snow,
Well, who knows me?

Under a leaf on every branch
Little children are sitting
Who will gather the children?
He'll stain his hands and his mouth.

Red beads hang
They are looking at you from the bushes.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.

Round dance: "Let's go to the garden through the raspberries."

Lesovichok: You have to find the next riddle yourself. To do this, you need to turn to the right, take three steps forward and find an oak leaf. Riddles will be written on it.
(Children complete the task; among the leaves of different trees they find an oak leaf on which riddles about insects are written).

1.Flies from flower to flower,
and sits down and rests. (Butterfly)

2. On the daisy at the gate
The helicopter descended -
Golden eyes.
Who is this?... (Dragonfly)

3.I work in an artel
At the roots of a shaggy spruce,
I'm dragging a log over the hills -
It's bigger than a carpenter. (Ant)

4.Flies by flowers,
Collects honey. (Bee)

5. The spring jumps -
Green back -
From grass to blade of grass,
From the branch to the path. (Grasshopper)

6.Flies, squeaks,
His long legs are dragging,
Don't miss the opportunity
He will sit down and bite. (Mosquito)

Low mobility game: "Catch a mosquito."
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader. The driver has a stick in his hand with a string tied to it. At the end of the rope is a mosquito cut out of paper. The driver spins a rope with a mosquito over the children's heads. They, in turn, try to catch the mosquito with their hands.

Lesovichok: Listen carefully and look for the next riddle.

From an elegant bright cup
The insects are enjoying themselves.

Flower riddles
1.White peas
On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

2. Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

3. Sisters are standing in the meadows -
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Daisies)

4. Eh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells)

5.I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the wind blew -
A stalk remains. (Dandelion)

Dance competition.
Cardboard flowers are placed on the children's heads and, at the leader's signal, they begin to dance to the music without touching the flowers with their hands. The winner is the one who dances the longest without dropping the flower.

Lesovichok: The next riddle is from old man Lesovich. (Shows pictures of animal tracks) What do you think it is?
Children: Animal tracks.

Game: “Whose traces?”
Children take turns drawing cards with footprints from the “Magic Bag” and answering who they belong to. For correct answers, tokens are awarded. (Children's answers: elk, wild boar, fox, hare, etc.)

Riddles about animals
1. I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

2. Don’t meet me when I’m hungry,
I’ll click my teeth and eat it casually. (Wolf)

3. In the summer he walks through the forest,
In winter it rests in a den. (Bear)

4.Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away. (Hedgehog)

5. Red-haired cheat,
Cunning and dexterous,
Got into the barn
I counted the chickens. (Fox)

Lesovichok: And here is a resident of the forest - Fox. (A child comes out dressed as a fox)
Foxy, don't be angry,
Play with us.

Outdoor game: "Sly Fox"
The players stand in a circle. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and the teacher walks around them from the outside of the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes the driver - the sly fox. Then the children open their eyes and ask in unison three times: “Sly fox, where are you?” After the third question, the sly fox runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and says, “I’m here!” All the players run away, and the fox catches them.

There's a baby in the forest under the Christmas tree,
A hat and a leg. (Mushroom).
(Children choose the appropriate picture)
Lesovichok: Well done guys, you're looking for riddles well. Listen to mushroom riddles.

Some mushrooms are edible, and some are... (Inedible).
- Mushrooms that have a special reddish color. (Saffron milk caps).
- Neighbors of the birch. (Boletus mushrooms).
- Most often they grow under aspen, but are found under birch and oak trees. (Boletus).
- Deadly poisonous mushrooms, “relatives” of the fly agaric. (Pale toadstools).
- They will quickly save you from hunger in the forest. (Russula).
- Edible mushrooms who grow all year round. (Champignon).
- The most beautiful poisonous mushrooms. (Fly agarics).