How to open a door without a key at home when it slams shut. How to open an interior door lock without a key without damaging it. The easiest way to open a slammed door

Standard interior doors in apartments are often equipped with weak locks, which are nevertheless used quite actively, especially if there are small children or animals in the apartment. However, sooner or later, many are faced with an unpleasant situation: a door that has served faithfully until now slams shut just at the moment when the key is not at hand. And you need to get out or get into the room as quickly as possible, for example, the door to the bathroom breaks. There is a need to open the lock interior door keyless.

Reasons for door slamming

Before looking for ways to break into an unruly door, it is advisable to understand what exactly led to the problem. This will help you develop the most winning strategy under the existing conditions.

It is usually not so difficult to understand the reasons why the door slammed: it could be due to drafts, children's pranks, or deliberate closure. Much more important is why it doesn't open. And here the list of reasons can be much longer.

  • Button element malfunctions.
  • The latch is stuck.
  • The lock tongue is stuck.
  • The key is lost.
  • The key is stuck in the lock on the other side or has broken in the keyhole.

Methods for opening a lock

Finally, the diagnosis was carried out and the causes of the problems were identified. Depending on the cause of the breakdown, you can take different ways to solve this problem. Of course, you can always break down the door or remove it from its hinges, but sometimes such crude methods are not necessary at all - just a little cunning is enough.

Standard Methods

Since interior doors are not designed to withstand such heavy loads as entrance doors, the locks on them are usually very simple. And they often have "workarounds" in case of problems. However, it is worth considering that most of them can only be used if there are additional available tools, such as a knife, nail file, awl, knitting needle or something similar:

It is also worth noting that sometimes solving the problem of how to open an interior door if it slams shut can be even simpler. It happens that all you need to do is pull the handle hard for the stuck tongue to move. But this only works in case of minor breakdowns.

Power moves

It happens that the castle broken completely and irrevocably or there is simply no time for subtle manipulations with him, for example, he locked himself in the room Small child. In such a situation, when every minute counts, it is necessary to act quickly, despite possible damage to the door leaf:

Prevention of breakdowns

As you can see, there are many reasons why an interior door may slam shut. How to open it in this case depends on the type of breakdown, but the most correct solution would be to prevent the very possibility of accidentally locking yourself without the ability to quickly open the door. Of course, it is impossible to take into account all accidents, but some universal preventive measures will help reduce the chance of such an unpleasant surprise.

Sections of the article:

Sometimes life forces a person to solve quite complex problems. One of them is emergency opening of door locks. There are different situations - the front doors may slam shut, in another case the keys may simply be lost. Also, the key sometimes simply breaks right in the hole. Those who found themselves in such a situation, being in a confused state, called the Ministry of Emergency Situations or used the services of specialists. But there are ways to open a door without a key and the need for someone’s services. Let's carry out small master class and learn how to open any locking mechanisms.

Main types and designs of lock mechanisms

So, the situation is that upon returning home the person realized that the key was irretrievably lost. In this case, people can act in different ways - some people try to knock down the door, others try to ruin the canvas or cut out the lock. At the same time, no one uses a set of master keys for opening - there is an opinion that this procedure is quite complicated. But the basic set of skills that are enough for hacking is available to everyone.

All door locks existing today can be divided into several types - padlocks, overhead locks, mortise locks and inset locks.

In this case, there is no particular point in considering padlocking mechanisms - they have not been used on entrance or interior doors for a long time. They are used only for doors to utility or other types of non-residential premises.

Overhead locks are used on wooden doors. They can be found on metal ones, but very rarely. The advantage of such locking systems is that when they are installed, the integrity of the door leaf is maintained. It is considered a minus appearance doors - the rear part of the locking system is visible on the reverse side.

Mortise locks are already a popular solution for all types of modern doors. They are located inside the door leaf, which supports the mechanism and performs protective functions. These models are aesthetically pleasing and quite reliable. Disadvantage - it is necessary to violate the integrity of the door leaf frame when installing them.

And finally, the fourth group is the best choice. At the factory where the door was made, the lock is installed even before the door block begins to be assembled. Main advantages – high level reliability, minimum damage to the integrity of the door leaf, beautiful appearance.

Now it’s worth considering the secret parts of the mechanisms. There are two popular types - lever and cylinder.

A lever lock works as follows - when a person inserts a key into the hole, the teeth of the secret magazine arrange the relief parts or levers in a certain sequence - the lock will turn only in this sequence. These mechanisms are considered one of the most reliable, and the level of burglary resistance depends on the number of these plates.

Cylinder locks work differently - the cylinder mechanism has pins that are aligned in height according to a certain pattern. Instead of pins, there can be anything - various blocks with the ability to rotate, washers, moving parts. During the opening process, the mechanism inside the cylinder acts on the crossbars through a special drive. This is how the door opens.

Classification of secret lock mechanisms

Cylinder locks vary in security level - the first group of low security can have up to 10,000 different combinations. The average level of secrecy is up to 5,000,000 combinations. The maximum level is up to 100 billion different variations.

The first option is often manufactured with low precision. This mechanism is also practically not protected from the effects of master keys and is made of inexpensive materials. The main representative of this group is the so-called lock with an English key. An experienced burglar can deal with such mechanisms in less than a minute. The opening process takes a little longer for an ordinary person, but he will cope with the task.

The second category is a high level of reliability. Here the pins are made with a high level of precision, and their arrangement is very complex. There are various protective elements here, and all parts are made of more durable materials. To open this mechanism, a professional will have to spend about 5-10 minutes.

The mechanism of the third category is equipped with all protective elements made from the most wear-resistant materials. The pins are arranged with maximum difficulty. This lock is practically unbreakable. The key is a “punched card” or “Finnish key”.

The lever mechanism is much easier to classify - here there are single-bit or butterfly keys. The quality of locks and keys depends on the cost of the mechanism. Experienced burglars claim that if a mechanism has more than 6 levers, then it can be considered reliable. These systems have special protection against drilling, the keys are made with high precision - it is very difficult to hack them, but it is possible. Let's find out how it's done.

Opening a lock with an English key

This is done as simply as possible. Various pieces of wire, hairpins, and paper clips are suitable for this. Anything will do as long as it's made of metal and doesn't bend.

The first step is to prepare a master key. The paperclip should be bent at an angle of 90° so that the bent part can fit into the hole. Then the end of this segment is flattened - this should make turning easier.

The second wire should remain flat - you can only bend it a little at the edge. The result should be a small hook. You will need it when working with pins.

To open the lock, the first wire is inserted into the top of the keyhole. In this case, you need to pull it a little in the direction of turning the key. During the interaction of this master key, the cylinder should rotate slightly. Then the device is deepened to the very end and the pins are raised with wire. This must be done clearly, lifting one pin after another. When the process is completed and all the pins are raised, the lock will open with a slight movement.

We work with a two-way English key

The principle of operation in this case is the same as with a regular English key. The only difference is that here you will have to lower the lower set of pins.

How to open a door without a key with a cross mechanism

There is nothing easier than opening a lock with a cross key. This mechanism is characterized by low secrecy - in various models there are only 600 to 1000 possible combinations.

To work you will need a Phillips screwdriver. It should be pressed firmly into the well and simply cut off the pins of the secret mechanism. Metal doors with locks of this type are easy to open. This is an example of when a lock spoils a good and reliable looking door.

"Finnish" keys

These locks are difficult to pick using master keys. In this case, it is much faster and more accurate to dismantle the outer cover and remove all the insides. Then the mechanism can be easily turned using a screwdriver.

Locks are different, and this is not possible with every mechanism. However, everything will work out with Chinese and domestic ones.

Level locks

Here the opening principle is slightly different. You need any lever wrench except the “butterfly”. Next, you should make an L-shaped master key. One by one, the levers need to be lifted with this “tool”. When all the plates are raised, the key can be turned. These operations must be repeated until the door opens.

other methods

You can fight locks with homemade master keys - the locks open quite successfully. But if you don’t have time or something doesn’t work out, then you can simply drill out the secret, and then the mechanism will open with a simple screwdriver.

The second working option is to simply knock out the lock. To do this, you need to hit the cylinder quite hard with a hammer. Hit with such force as to break the internal joint responsible for turning. If this part breaks along with the screw that holds the cylinder, all that remains is to pull out the cylinder and open the lock with a bent wire or knitting needle.

Of course, working in this way, the locking mechanism can then simply be thrown away - it will no longer be able to perform its tasks. But it will still be possible to get into the apartment or house.

How can you close the door if there is no key?

It all depends on the type of lock. There are no problems with systems that slam shut. With others, the task of closing the door is more difficult. But nothing is impossible.

If the lock has a handle that moves down or up, then any metal pipe will be needed. You can use a mop pipe. Tape the pipe to the handle so that it points towards the floor. Then the door simply closes - and that’s it, it can no longer be opened. The pipe will simply hit the floor when you try to press the handle. This is one of the possible options for how you can close the front door without a key.

You can open an interior door without a key if you correctly determine the cause of the current situation. This will determine how quickly and accurately the procedure is completed.

How to open an interior door handle without a key with a master key

To open the lock of a door that accidentally slammed, you should not rush to knock it down. Often a key can be replaced by a master key or other device. Apartment owners equip most of their interiors with cheap Chinese locks that do not offer sophisticated burglary protection. To open the door without using brute force, you can try the following options:

  • When closed, a door with a cheap lock rarely fits tightly to the frame. You can try to open the door by frequently tugging on the handle. Loosening the door sometimes helps move the lock bolt.

    Advice! When loosening the door, it is important to feel strength in your hands. If you overdo it, the lock can be broken along with part of the sash.

  • Identical locks are opened with similar keys. They have the same shape of recesses, only the arrangement of the teeth is different. If there is another key going inside the cylinder, insert it all the way and try to turn it. While turning, the key is gradually moved towards itself and back forward. You'll be lucky when the teeth hit the spring-loaded pins and press them to the required depth.
  • Cheap Chinese locks are often opened with a nail file, a thin knitting needle, or a paper clip. The device is inserted inside the larva, they try to turn it by pressing the pins one by one.
  • When you can’t open an interior door without your original key, they resort to a radical but harmless method. Cheap locks usually have mounting screws visible on the top of the decorative plates and handles. They must be unscrewed and removed to gain access to the mechanism. Next, they act according to circumstances. If the mechanism cannot be moved, the cylinder is drilled out. Then it is replaced with a new element. Spare cylinders with keys are sold in stores. You just need to choose the right size.

Instead of a lock, the interior door is often equipped with one latch. The locking element is a tongue pressed by a spring. Its operation is controlled by handles. When the spring breaks, the tongue remains in the "closed" position. Turning the handles does not give a positive result. Thin metal objects will help move the tongue. A manicure file, knife, or metal ruler will do. If the gap is large, a straight-bladed screwdriver can fit in.

A tool of suitable thickness is placed in the gap between the canvas and the frame. If a person stands on the side of the interior door where there is a bevel of the tongue, then it is more convenient to press on it from the side. When you are unlucky and the bevel remains on the back side of the canvas, it is more convenient to install the tool vertically in order to press the top of the tongue. They are trying to push the locking element back inside the latch body. During the procedure, the door handle is turned.

The key lock of the interior door has a lock. It works after pressing the button. However, a strong clap of the sash due to a draft sometimes leads to the mechanism operating independently. An unusual key in the form of an awl or a thin metal knitting needle will help you open the lock. High-quality key-type locking devices have a safety hole. It is located at the bottom of the outer part of the handle. An awl is inserted into the hole, lightly pressed, and the mechanism opens.

There are locks whose handles have locks that prevent the door from opening from the outside. They are usually placed on bathroom doors. If such a lock closes spontaneously, sharply turning the handle in different directions sometimes helps to open it.

How to open a slammed interior door without a key using force

Radical methods often end in expensive repairs. If it is not possible to open the door without a key in a gentle way, use brute force:

  • Of all the radical methods, the most gentle option is to remove the sash from its hinges. However, the process will succeed if the person is inside the room. Access to the fittings is open here. The second condition is the presence of a wide gap between the canvas and the frame. The third condition is that the interior door has regular card hinges. The fittings usually have decorative caps. After removing them, knock out the hinge pins. The door can be easily removed from the frame.
  • If the hinges are not removable, but they protrude beyond the interior door block, then they are carefully cut off with a grinder. The fittings will have to be replaced.
  • Hidden hinges cannot be disassembled or cut down. To open an interior door without a key, you will have to deal with the lock. If there is a visible latch in the gap, cut it off with a grinder. The shutter and door frame are protected from sparks.

    Advice! When cutting out a latch with a grinder, it is advisable to maximize the gap between the sash and the frame. This can be done by wedging with wooden or plastic wedges.

  • You can press the door away from the jamb using a pry bar. As the gap increases, the latch tongue will pop out of the strike plate socket. However great effort will lead to frame deformation and partial damage to the canvas.
  • To prevent damage to the interior door, it is easier to try to drill out the lock. First of all, they drill out the larva and try to get to the mechanism. It may be necessary to drill out accessible fasteners so that the lock will fall out when pressure is applied to the door.
  • The last radical method is resorted to when all efforts have failed. The interior door is simply knocked out of the frame. However, the process will bring many problems if the sash is made of solid wood. Wooden canvas, especially oak, is difficult to knock out.

Attention! After opening, a radical method will have to restore the interior door block. The cost of repairs will depend on the damage caused.

A large percentage of success depends on the correctly identified reason for fixing the canvas. The most common problem is:

  • slamming a door with a broken handle;
  • displacement or jamming of the lever;
  • failure of the spring pressing the latch tongue;
  • it is impossible to open the lock due to the key remaining in the cylinder on the back side of the slammed door;
  • a part of the broken key remained inside the lock cylinder;
  • The lock mechanism has failed.

The choice of the appropriate method depends on which side of the slammed door the person was left on. Depending on the situation, they look to see if there is access to fittings and tools. If the situation is hopeless, then the only solution is to knock out the sash.

An important factor is the time limit. When there is nowhere to rush, you can look for gentle options to get out of the current situation. When emergency act only for the sake of quick achievement result.

The video shows several ways to open a door without a key:


You can open an interior door without a key with minimal damage if you choose the right method. To avoid getting into unpleasant situations less often, you need to buy high-quality accessories and always have duplicate keys on hand.

There are situations in life when you cannot do without everyday savvy and some useful skills. Such situations include opening the front door without a key. Unfortunately, such a situation, despite its somewhat absurdity, is not uncommon: sometimes you have to think about how to open the door lock both from the outside and from the inside, without having the keys.

How this can be done and what available means to use - we will learn about this from the article: we will find out with what devices you can open the front door while inside the apartment and outside it.

What kind of locks are there for the front door of a house or apartment?

To decide on the method of unlocking the locking mechanism, you must first find out what types of locks are currently used for entrance doors.

Currently, two types of locks are used for metal entrance doors: mortise and inset.

  • If the lock is mortise, then in this case the mechanism cuts into the door leaf, which partially deforms it.
  • With the inset type of lock, the mechanism is installed in the door before the structure (leaf + frame) is assembled and installed.

How to recode the front door lock, read.

Mortise door lock mechanisms

Let's also find out what types of locking devices there are.


In this case, the locking device consists of plates, which are aligned in a certain way when the mechanism is locked. How large quantity plates in the mechanism, the more reliable the lever lock is (and the more difficult it is to open). A butterfly key is used.


The second name for this lock is pin lock. The locking mechanism consists of special blocks - washers or pins. These blocks, when turning the key in the well, press the bolts, after which the door is unlocked.

This device has certain privacy groups:

  • Low degree. The lock can be easily opened using master keys. The mechanism provides up to 10 thousand different combinations. The key can be English or cross.
  • Average degree. There can already be up to 5 million combinations here. A punched key is used.
  • High degree. In this case, opening the lock is very difficult: there are more than 100 billion possible combinations. A punched card key and a Finnish key are used.

How to open or open a metal door from the outside yourself

Most often you have to get into an apartment without keys from outside. This situation is complicated by the fact that it is quite difficult, having only a bag in your hands, to find in it some useful item for opening the lock. So what can you do in this case?

Look in your purse for a hairpin. To use this women's accessory to open the lock of the front door, you need to break the hairpin in two. And bend one of the parts at approximately an angle of 80-90 degrees. This way you will get a kind of master key, which may well let you into the house.

And if we use the first, bent part of the pin as a master key, then the second - straight - as a device for recessing the pins. By the way, this method is also quite suitable for opening the door from the inside.

If the lock has a cylinder opening/closing mechanism, you will have to use a drill. Of course, it’s unlikely to be at hand outside, but you can ask your neighbors. To open the lock, you need to drill a small hole above the key hole. And then use a master key (or the same pin) to lift the lock stopper and move the hook of the locking device to the side.

Read also about how to choose an electronic lock for your front door.

If the lock has a pin cylinder device, then a hole will also have to be drilled in the cylinder. Then you need to insert a bent wire, a pin or a master key into this hole, and, turning the inner cylinder, open the door. If you can't find a hairpin in your bag, a paper clip or a hairpin can help. But with the help of these devices it will be more difficult to open the lock, and without certain skills, it will probably not be possible.

If the lock is closed only one turn, then it can be easily opened using a crowbar or crowbar, which are often present in the car.

If Entrance door locked with a latch, there are often cases when you jump out to take out the trash onto the site, and the door slams shut from a gust of wind. In this case, you will need a screwdriver: you will have to turn to your neighbors for this simple tool. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the bolts on the locking mechanism and remove the plate covering the core of the device. Feel for the latch, push it, and turn it until the door opens. You will probably be interested in familiarizing yourself with the views.

If there are no useful devices at hand at all, there is nowhere to get them, and you need to get home urgently, you will have to knock out the lock. A woman is unlikely to cope with this work, but a strong man can do it quite well. To do this, you need to hit the locking device with something blunt and heavy (for example, a hammer), and thus destroy the locking mechanism. Of course, after this you will have to buy a new lock, but the goal is this moment will be achieved - you will enter the house.

You will learn about the technology for replacing the front door lock cylinder.

But this method is only suitable if the door opens inward and not outward: in the latter case, it will be extremely difficult to break it in this way. And with metal door this technique is unlikely to work: too much force will have to be applied. And here is the castle wooden door It's quite possible to knock it out.

If you have a lock installed with a Finnish locking device, then opening it without a key will be more difficult than all others: these systems are highly reliable. And even professional master keys may be powerless here. If the lock is expensive, then it is better to call rescuers who can professionally provide assistance in this case. Well, if you don’t mind the lock, you can try to demolish the external mechanism, remove the plates, and then try to open the lock with a screwdriver.

Opening the internal lock, or the door from the inside if it is jammed

If it turns out that the door needs to be opened from inside the apartment, the situation is much easier. There may be many items around the house that can help with opening a door. So, what methods can be used in this situation.

It often happens that the front door lock is equipped with a special tongue. In this case, you will need a screwdriver or other similar tool: you probably have at least a nail file in the house. To open the tongue mechanism using these simple devices, insert it between the door leaf and the frame and try to squeeze the lock tongue. It’s good if there is a man in the house: physical effort will be required. When the tongue is released, all that remains is to turn the handle and swing the door open.

For this method, you can use a regular plastic card.

You can also try using a screwdriver to disassemble the lock into individual parts, and thus get to the core of the locking mechanism.

You can rummage through various household items at home and try to open the lock by selecting various keys lying around in boxes of small items. But this method will only work if your lock mechanism is cylinder.

Experienced attackers sometimes use the following method: pour caustic acid into the keyhole, which melts the locking device. Of course ordinary person It is unlikely that there will be acid in the house, but suddenly.

If you use this method, take every precaution: if acid can melt metal, imagine what it can do to skin.

If the key is broken

We will find out what to do in the case when, due to careless handling, the key breaks right in the locking mechanism: and now you are without a key and without the ability to leave/enter the apartment.

Firstly, in this situation you should not try to pull the key fragment out of the well. This risks the fact that the tip of the key may get even deeper, from where it will be very difficult to get it out.

You will need a small set of tools and devices that can be found in every home (or neighbors). This:

  • crowbar;
  • screwdrivers of different sizes;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • grinder saw;
  • nail file;
  • jigsaw file;
  • drill

Tools needed to open the door.

Armed with these tools, you can get to work. Most likely, all of them will not be useful: try tools as the complexity increases, starting with the simplest - a nail file. If you are outside, ask your neighbors for one of these tools (knock on those apartments where you know men live).

Using one of the listed devices, you need to grab the edge of the broken key and carefully pull it out. If there is absolutely nothing to grab onto, then we try to pick up the fragment with a jigsaw file and pull it out of the hole a little. When we have achieved this task, we grab the edge with pliers or wire cutters. Proceed extremely slowly and carefully: this requires precise calculations and almost jewelry work.

Step-by-step instructions for installing interior doors with your own hands are described.

Some useful tips, which will help you not to get confused if the key to the front door is lost or broken.

Carry a universal master key with you in your purse or jacket pocket. This useful device will not take up much space, and one day it can seriously help out. In addition, no special skills are required to work with this tool: its design is simple and understandable even to a person with a far from technical mindset.

If the door needs to be opened during the daytime, you can call a locksmith from the building management or by advertisement. Such a “jack of all trades” will quickly be able to deal with the lock and let you in/out of the apartment. However, be prepared to prove that this property belongs to you and not to someone else. And, of course, the service will be paid.

If you notice yourself absent-minded and inattentive, then the likelihood of losing your keys is quite high. In this case, we can recommend installing a lock for which keys are not needed in principle. This is a modern and completely logical way out of the situation.

In addition, you may be interested in information about.


On the video how to open the lock without a key on the front door:

We looked at many ways to get into an apartment without a key. As you can see, the loss of a key or its breakdown is not yet a reason to despair and call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. But we recommend using the listed methods only to get into your own home: all other options for using master keys and other devices may not appeal to law enforcement officials.

As the saying goes, “all castles come from honest people.” You begin to realize it when you see a slammed interior door, seemingly with a very primitive lock, and you cannot get inside. What to do in this situation? There are several solutions to this problem, which we will highlight below.

Rotary handle with built-in lock - unlocking methods

This is the most popular mechanism used in interior doors. The locking tongue at home is usually not used and the handle is opened hundreds of times a day, but at some point it stops working. This happens when the lock on the reverse side is accidentally turned to the “closed” position. and it is absolutely impossible to open the door without a key.

In fact, such a lock is primitive and most often it can be opened using any thin object (for example: a hairpin, hairpin, knife, paper clip). To do this, you need to insert a “master key” into the lock cylinder, twisting it all the time in the right direction. You can hear a click when the tool engages the mechanism.
If you can’t open the lock this way, you can try removing the bolt. In this case, you need a knife or a rigid metal ruler.

Insert the tool into the gap between the frame and the door and operate it like a lever. This method will work better on the side where the constipation is slanted. Otherwise, there is a risk of simply not picking up the tongue. But it’s worth a try, only the tool should be inserted from above.

Sometimes a slammed door can lock you in a room where there is neither a key nor a suitable tool to open it.

In case of simple locks, where the size of the beveled tongue is not very large, you can try to use force:

  1. Turn the handle as far as it will go, then continue to "twist" it until the door is forced open.
  2. Pull or hit the fabric with your shoulder several times (depending on the location of the loops)
    Such an onslaught will make it possible to remove the blocking, or the bolt will jump out from the impacts on its own. There is a risk that the door frame will be damaged, but will not need serious repairs.

Key lock

A common but easy-to-lock device for interior doors. It can be locked from the living room side by simply pressing a button. When installing such a handle, you should think in advance about where to store spare keys. But if they are not there, you will have to use improvised means again.
Some lock manufacturers provide for the possibility of slamming doors, so they leave a small hole in the decorative trim of their products for emergency opening. You need to insert a thin metal object (knitting needle, awl, nail, pin) into it, and the latch will open.

How to open an English lock with a massive deadbolt

This type of lock is used extremely rarely on interior doors - only in communal apartments or housing rented by several people. Such serious mechanisms must prevent unauthorized persons from entering the room, so it is almost impossible to open this door without a key. To open it you will need physical strength and reliable tools.

Methods for opening a lock

1. Hammer the end of a chisel between the door frame. Guide the tool at a minimum angle to the plane of the blade in order to accurately reach the edge of the bolt. After this, you need to try to force it back into the open position. You will be able to get into the room, but the casing will be seriously damaged.
2. Drilling out the lock cylinder will help keep the door block safe and sound. Through the hole made, you need to hook the narthex mechanism thin instrument, retract the bolt. The cylinder itself can be knocked out with a chisel. The constipation will then, unfortunately, have to be changed.
3. The crossbar, which is clearly visible in the gap and cannot be opened in any other way, can be cut with a grinder. Sometimes it's easier to do this thanks to slats or hinge hinges.
There is always the option of breaking down the door, but it is better to use it in the most extreme cases, when other actions do not help or there is an emergency situation.

You can try to remove the slammed door from its hinges.
But to open it in this way, several conditions must be met:
There is a fairly large gap between the canvas and the floor, as well as the top bar, which will make it possible to freely lift the sash and remove it from its hinges.
Having several stiff rods or thick screwdrivers to use as leverage.
Special design of hinges - if the canopy turns out to be extremely long, the lock bolt itself will not allow the canvas to be removed.

One of the relatively harmless options for the majority of locks is careful dismantling from the outside. In this case, you will have to look for a nail file, screwdriver, knife or some other object that can be used to unscrew all visible screws, and then remove the handle or decorative trim. After that, try to get to the mechanism and turn it. The result of this opening method cannot be predicted in advance, but if you still cannot open the lock, you will have to disassemble the entire structure.