How to multiply different numbers with the same powers. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of powers. VII. Homework

In the last video lesson, we learned that the degree of a certain base is an expression that represents the product of the base by itself, taken in an amount equal to the exponent. Let us now study some of the most important properties and operations of powers.

For example, let's multiply two different powers with the same base:

Let's present this work in its entirety:

(2) 3 * (2) 2 = (2)*(2)*(2)*(2)*(2) = 32

Having calculated the value of this expression, we get the number 32. On the other hand, as can be seen from the same example, 32 can be represented as the product of the same base (two), taken 5 times. And indeed, if you count it, then:

Thus, we can confidently conclude that:

(2) 3 * (2) 2 = (2) 5

This rule works successfully for any indicators and any reasons. This property of power multiplication follows from the rule that the meaning of expressions is preserved during transformations in a product. For any base a, the product of two expressions (a)x and (a)y is equal to a(x + y). In other words, when any expressions with the same base are produced, the resulting monomial has a total degree formed by adding the degrees of the first and second expressions.

The presented rule also works great when multiplying several expressions. The main condition is that everyone has the same bases. For example:

(2) 1 * (2) 3 * (2) 4 = (2) 8

It is impossible to add degrees, and indeed to carry out any power-based joint actions with two elements of an expression if their bases are different.
As our video shows, due to the similarity of the processes of multiplication and division, the rules for adding powers in a product are perfectly transferred to the division procedure. Consider this example:

Let's transform the expression term by term into its full form and reduce the same elements in the dividend and divisor:

(2)*(2)*(2)*(2)*(2)*(2) / (2)*(2)*(2)*(2) = (2)(2) = (2) 2 = 4

The end result of this example is not so interesting, because already in the process of solving it it is clear that the value of the expression is equal to the square of two. And it is two that is obtained by subtracting the degree of the second expression from the degree of the first.

To determine the degree of the quotient, it is necessary to subtract the degree of the divisor from the degree of the dividend. The rule works with the same base for all its values ​​and for all natural powers. In the form of abstraction we have:

(a) x / (a) y = (a) x - y

From the rule of dividing identical bases with degrees, the definition for the zero degree follows. Obviously, the following expression looks like:

(a) x / (a) x = (a) (x - x) = (a) 0

On the other hand, if we do the division in a more visual way, we get:

(a) 2 / (a) 2 = (a) (a) / (a) (a) = 1

When reducing all visible elements of a fraction, the expression 1/1 is always obtained, that is, one. Therefore, it is generally accepted that any base raised to the zero power is equal to one:

Regardless of the value of a.

However, it would be absurd if 0 (which still gives 0 for any multiplication) is somehow equal to one, so an expression of the form (0) 0 (zero to the zero power) simply does not make sense, and to formula (a) 0 = 1 add a condition: “if a is not equal to 0.”

Let's solve the exercise. Let's find the meaning of the expression:

(34) 7 * (34) 4 / (34) 11

Since the base is the same everywhere and equal to 34, the final value will have the same base with a degree (according to the above rules):

In other words:

(34) 7 * (34) 4 / (34) 11 = (34) 0 = 1

Answer: the expression is equal to one.

The concept of degree in mathematics is introduced in the 7th grade in algebra class. And subsequently, throughout the entire course of studying mathematics, this concept is actively used in its various forms. Degrees are a rather difficult topic, requiring memorization of values ​​and the ability to count correctly and quickly. To work with degrees faster and better, mathematicians came up with degree properties. They help to reduce large calculations, convert a huge example into a single number to some extent. There are not so many properties, and all of them are easy to remember and apply in practice. Therefore, the article discusses the basic properties of the degree, as well as where they are applied.

Properties of degree

We will look at 12 properties of degrees, including properties of degrees with the same bases, and give an example for each property. Each of these properties will help you solve problems with degrees faster, and will also save you from numerous computational errors.

1st property.

Many people very often forget about this property and make mistakes, representing a number to the zero power as zero.

2nd property.

3rd property.

It must be remembered that this property can only be used when multiplying numbers; it does not work with a sum! And we must not forget that this and the following properties apply only to powers with the same bases.

4th property.

If a number in the denominator is raised to a negative power, then when subtracting, the degree of the denominator is taken in parentheses to correctly change the sign in further calculations.

The property only works when dividing, it does not apply when subtracting!

5th property.

6th property.

This property can also be applied in the opposite direction. A unit divided by a number to some extent is that number to the minus power.

7th property.

This property cannot be applied to sum and difference! Raising a sum or difference to a power uses abbreviated multiplication formulas rather than power properties.

8th property.

9th property.

This property works for any fractional power with a numerator equal to one, the formula will be the same, only the power of the root will change depending on the denominator of the power.

This property is also often used in reverse. The root of any power of a number can be represented as this number to the power of one divided by the power of the root. This property is very useful in cases where the root of a number cannot be extracted.

10th property.

This property works not only with square roots and second powers. If the degree of the root and the degree to which this root is raised coincide, then the answer will be a radical expression.

11th property.

You need to be able to see this property in time when solving it in order to save yourself from huge calculations.

12th property.

Each of these properties will come across you more than once in tasks; it can be given in its pure form, or it may require some transformations and the use of other formulas. Therefore, to make the right decision, it is not enough to know only the properties; you need to practice and incorporate other mathematical knowledge.

Application of powers and their properties

They are actively used in algebra and geometry. Degrees in mathematics have a separate, important place. With their help, exponential equations and inequalities are solved, and equations and examples related to other branches of mathematics are often complicated by powers. Powers help to avoid large and lengthy calculations; powers are easier to abbreviate and calculate. But to work with large powers, or with powers of large numbers, you need to know not only the properties of the power, but also work competently with bases, be able to expand them to make your task easier. For convenience, you should also know the meaning of numbers raised to a power. This will reduce your time when solving, eliminating the need for lengthy calculations.

The concept of degree plays a special role in logarithms. Since the logarithm, in essence, is a power of a number.

Abbreviated multiplication formulas are another example of the use of powers. The properties of degrees cannot be used in them; they are expanded according to special rules, but in each formula of abbreviated multiplication there are invariably degrees present.

Degrees are also actively used in physics and computer science. All conversions to the SI system are made using powers, and in the future, when solving problems, the properties of the power are used. In computer science, powers of two are actively used for the convenience of counting and simplifying the perception of numbers. Further calculations for converting units of measurement or calculations of problems, just like in physics, occur using the properties of degrees.

Degrees are also very useful in astronomy, where you rarely see the use of the properties of a degree, but the degrees themselves are actively used to shorten the notation of various quantities and distances.

Degrees are also used in everyday life, when calculating areas, volumes, and distances.

Degrees are used to record very large and very small quantities in any field of science.

Exponential equations and inequalities

Properties of degrees occupy a special place precisely in exponential equations and inequalities. These tasks are very common, both in school courses and in exams. All of them are solved by applying the properties of degree. The unknown is always found in the degree itself, so knowing all the properties, solving such an equation or inequality is not difficult.

It is obvious that numbers with powers can be added like other quantities , by adding them one after another with their signs.

So, the sum of a 3 and b 2 is a 3 + b 2.
The sum of a 3 - b n and h 5 -d 4 is a 3 - b n + h 5 - d 4.

Odds equal powers of identical variables can be added or subtracted.

So, the sum of 2a 2 and 3a 2 is equal to 5a 2.

It is also obvious that if you take two squares a, or three squares a, or five squares a.

But degrees various variables And various degrees identical variables, must be composed by adding them with their signs.

So, the sum of a 2 and a 3 is the sum of a 2 + a 3.

It is obvious that the square of a, and the cube of a, is not equal to twice the square of a, but to twice the cube of a.

The sum of a 3 b n and 3a 5 b 6 is a 3 b n + 3a 5 b 6.

Subtraction powers are carried out in the same way as addition, except that the signs of the subtrahends must be changed accordingly.

2a 4 - (-6a 4) = 8a 4
3h 2 b 6 - 4h 2 b 6 = -h 2 b 6
5(a - h) 6 - 2(a - h) 6 = 3(a - h) 6

Multiplying powers

Numbers with powers can be multiplied, like other quantities, by writing them one after the other, with or without a multiplication sign between them.

Thus, the result of multiplying a 3 by b 2 is a 3 b 2 or aaabb.

x -3 ⋅ a m = a m x -3
3a 6 y 2 ⋅ (-2x) = -6a 6 xy 2
a 2 b 3 y 2 ⋅ a 3 b 2 y = a 2 b 3 y 2 a 3 b 2 y

The result in the last example can be ordered by adding identical variables.
The expression will take the form: a 5 b 5 y 3.

By comparing several numbers (variables) with powers, we can see that if any two of them are multiplied, then the result is a number (variable) with a power equal to amount degrees of terms.

So, a 2 .a 3 = = aaaaa = a 5 .

Here 5 is the power of the result of the multiplication, equal to 2 + 3, the sum of the powers of the terms.

So, a n .a m = a m+n .

For a n , a is taken as a factor as many times as the power of n;

And a m is taken as a factor as many times as the degree m is equal to;

That's why, powers with the same bases can be multiplied by adding the exponents of the powers.

So, a 2 .a 6 = a 2+6 = a 8 . And x 3 .x 2 .x = x 3+2+1 = x 6 .

4a n ⋅ 2a n = 8a 2n
b 2 y 3 ⋅ b 4 y = b 6 y 4
(b + h - y) n ⋅ (b + h - y) = (b + h - y) n+1

Multiply (x 3 + x 2 y + xy 2 + y 3) ⋅ (x - y).
Answer: x 4 - y 4.
Multiply (x 3 + x - 5) ⋅ (2x 3 + x + 1).

This rule is also true for numbers whose exponents are negative.

1. So, a -2 .a -3 = a -5 . This can be written as (1/aa).(1/aaa) = 1/aaaaa.

2. y -n .y -m = y -n-m .

3. a -n .a m = a m-n .

If a + b are multiplied by a - b, the result will be a 2 - b 2: that is

The result of multiplying the sum or difference of two numbers is equal to the sum or difference of their squares.

If you multiply the sum and difference of two numbers raised to square, the result will be equal to the sum or difference of these numbers in fourth degrees.

So, (a - y).(a + y) = a 2 - y 2.
(a 2 - y 2)⋅(a 2 + y 2) = a 4 - y 4.
(a 4 - y 4)⋅(a 4 + y 4) = a 8 - y 8.

Division of degrees

Numbers with powers can be divided like other numbers, by subtracting from the dividend, or by placing them in fraction form.

Thus, a 3 b 2 divided by b 2 is equal to a 3.

$\frac(9a^3y^4)(-3a^3) = -3y^4$
$\frac(a^2b + 3a^2)(a^2) = \frac(a^2(b+3))(a^2) = b + 3$
$\frac(d\cdot (a - h + y)^3)((a - h + y)^3) = d$

Writing a 5 divided by a 3 looks like $\frac(a^5)(a^3)$. But this is equal to a 2 . In a series of numbers
a +4 , a +3 , a +2 , a +1 , a 0 , a -1 , a -2 , a -3 , a -4 .
any number can be divided by another, and the exponent will be equal to difference indicators of divisible numbers.

When dividing degrees with the same base, their exponents are subtracted..

So, y 3:y 2 = y 3-2 = y 1. That is, $\frac(yyy)(yy) = y$.

And a n+1:a = a n+1-1 = a n . That is, $\frac(aa^n)(a) = a^n$.

y 2m: y m = y m
8a n+m: 4a m = 2a n
12(b + y) n: 3(b + y) 3 = 4(b + y) n-3

The rule is also true for numbers with negative values ​​of degrees.
The result of dividing a -5 by a -3 is a -2.
Also, $\frac(1)(aaaaa) : \frac(1)(aaa) = \frac(1)(aaaaa).\frac(aaa)(1) = \frac(aaa)(aaaaa) = \frac (1)(aa)$.

h 2:h -1 = h 2+1 = h 3 or $h^2:\frac(1)(h) = h^2.\frac(h)(1) = h^3$

It is necessary to master multiplication and division of powers very well, since such operations are very widely used in algebra.

Examples of solving examples with fractions containing numbers with powers

1. Reduce the exponents by $\frac(5a^4)(3a^2)$ Answer: $\frac(5a^2)(3)$.

2. Decrease the exponents by $\frac(6x^6)(3x^5)$. Answer: $\frac(2x)(1)$ or 2x.

3. Reduce the exponents a 2 /a 3 and a -3 /a -4 and bring to a common denominator.
a 2 .a -4 is a -2 the first numerator.
a 3 .a -3 is a 0 = 1, the second numerator.
a 3 .a -4 is a -1 , the common numerator.
After simplification: a -2 /a -1 and 1/a -1 .

4. Reduce the exponents 2a 4 /5a 3 and 2 /a 4 and bring to a common denominator.
Answer: 2a 3 /5a 7 and 5a 5 /5a 7 or 2a 3 /5a 2 and 5/5a 2.

5. Multiply (a 3 + b)/b 4 by (a - b)/3.

6. Multiply (a 5 + 1)/x 2 by (b 2 - 1)/(x + a).

7. Multiply b 4 /a -2 by h -3 /x and a n /y -3 .

8. Divide a 4 /y 3 by a 3 /y 2 . Answer: a/y.

9. Divide (h 3 - 1)/d 4 by (d n + 1)/h.

Addition and subtraction of powers

It is obvious that numbers with powers can be added like other quantities , by adding them one after another with their signs.

So, the sum of a 3 and b 2 is a 3 + b 2.
The sum of a 3 - b n and h 5 -d 4 is a 3 - b n + h 5 - d 4.

Odds equal powers of identical variables can be added or subtracted.

So, the sum of 2a 2 and 3a 2 is equal to 5a 2.

It is also obvious that if you take two squares a, or three squares a, or five squares a.

But degrees various variables And various degrees identical variables, must be composed by adding them with their signs.

So, the sum of a 2 and a 3 is the sum of a 2 + a 3.

It is obvious that the square of a, and the cube of a, is not equal to twice the square of a, but to twice the cube of a.

The sum of a 3 b n and 3a 5 b 6 is a 3 b n + 3a 5 b 6.

Subtraction powers are carried out in the same way as addition, except that the signs of the subtrahends must be changed accordingly.

2a 4 - (-6a 4) = 8a 4
3h 2 b 6 — 4h 2 b 6 = -h 2 b 6
5(a - h) 6 - 2(a - h) 6 = 3(a - h) 6

Multiplying powers

Numbers with powers can be multiplied, like other quantities, by writing them one after the other, with or without a multiplication sign between them.

Thus, the result of multiplying a 3 by b 2 is a 3 b 2 or aaabb.

x -3 ⋅ a m = a m x -3
3a 6 y 2 ⋅ (-2x) = -6a 6 xy 2
a 2 b 3 y 2 ⋅ a 3 b 2 y = a 2 b 3 y 2 a 3 b 2 y

The result in the last example can be ordered by adding identical variables.
The expression will take the form: a 5 b 5 y 3.

By comparing several numbers (variables) with powers, we can see that if any two of them are multiplied, then the result is a number (variable) with a power equal to amount degrees of terms.

So, a 2 .a 3 = = aaaaa = a 5 .

Here 5 is the power of the multiplication result, which is equal to 2 + 3, the sum of the powers of the terms.

So, a n .a m = a m+n .

For a n , a is taken as a factor as many times as the power of n;

And a m is taken as a factor as many times as the degree m is equal to;

That's why, powers with the same bases can be multiplied by adding the exponents of the powers.

So, a 2 .a 6 = a 2+6 = a 8 . And x 3 .x 2 .x = x 3+2+1 = x 6 .

4a n ⋅ 2a n = 8a 2n
b 2 y 3 ⋅ b 4 y = b 6 y 4
(b + h - y) n ⋅ (b + h - y) = (b + h - y) n+1

Multiply (x 3 + x 2 y + xy 2 + y 3) ⋅ (x - y).
Answer: x 4 - y 4.
Multiply (x 3 + x – 5) ⋅ (2x 3 + x + 1).

This rule is also true for numbers whose exponents are negative.

1. So, a -2 .a -3 = a -5 . This can be written as (1/aa).(1/aaa) = 1/aaaaa.

2. y -n .y -m = y -n-m .

3. a -n .a m = a m-n .

If a + b are multiplied by a - b, the result will be a 2 - b 2: that is

The result of multiplying the sum or difference of two numbers is equal to the sum or difference of their squares.

If you multiply the sum and difference of two numbers raised to square, the result will be equal to the sum or difference of these numbers in fourth degrees.

So, (a - y).(a + y) = a 2 - y 2.
(a 2 - y 2)⋅(a 2 + y 2) = a 4 - y 4.
(a 4 - y 4)⋅(a 4 + y 4) = a 8 - y 8.

Division of degrees

Numbers with powers can be divided like other numbers, by subtracting from the dividend, or by placing them in fraction form.

Thus, a 3 b 2 divided by b 2 is equal to a 3.

Writing a 5 divided by a 3 looks like $\frac $. But this is equal to a 2 . In a series of numbers
a +4 , a +3 , a +2 , a +1 , a 0 , a -1 , a -2 , a -3 , a -4 .
any number can be divided by another, and the exponent will be equal to difference indicators of divisible numbers.

When dividing degrees with the same base, their exponents are subtracted..

So, y 3:y 2 = y 3-2 = y 1. That is, $\frac = y$.

And a n+1:a = a n+1-1 = a n . That is, $\frac = a^n$.

y 2m: y m = y m
8a n+m: 4a m = 2a n
12(b + y) n: 3(b + y) 3 = 4(b + y) n-3

The rule is also true for numbers with negative values ​​of degrees.
The result of dividing a -5 by a -3 is a -2.
Also, $\frac: \frac = \frac .\frac = \frac = \frac $.

h 2:h -1 = h 2+1 = h 3 or $h^2:\frac = h^2.\frac = h^3$

It is necessary to master multiplication and division of powers very well, since such operations are very widely used in algebra.

Examples of solving examples with fractions containing numbers with powers

1. Decrease the exponents by $\frac $ Answer: $\frac $.

2. Decrease exponents by $\frac$. Answer: $\frac$ or 2x.

3. Reduce the exponents a 2 /a 3 and a -3 /a -4 and bring to a common denominator.
a 2 .a -4 is a -2 the first numerator.
a 3 .a -3 is a 0 = 1, the second numerator.
a 3 .a -4 is a -1 , the common numerator.
After simplification: a -2 /a -1 and 1/a -1 .

4. Reduce the exponents 2a 4 /5a 3 and 2 /a 4 and bring to a common denominator.
Answer: 2a 3 /5a 7 and 5a 5 /5a 7 or 2a 3 /5a 2 and 5/5a 2.

5. Multiply (a 3 + b)/b 4 by (a - b)/3.

6. Multiply (a 5 + 1)/x 2 by (b 2 - 1)/(x + a).

7. Multiply b 4 /a -2 by h -3 /x and a n /y -3 .

8. Divide a 4 /y 3 by a 3 /y 2 . Answer: a/y.

Properties of degree

We remind you that in this lesson we will understand properties of degrees with natural indicators and zero. Powers with rational exponents and their properties will be discussed in lessons for 8th grade.

A power with a natural exponent has several important properties that allow us to simplify calculations in examples with powers.

Property No. 1
Product of powers

When multiplying powers with the same bases, the base remains unchanged, and the exponents of the powers are added.

a m · a n = a m + n, where “a” is any number, and “m”, “n” are any natural numbers.

This property of powers also applies to the product of three or more powers.

  • Simplify the expression.
    b b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 = b 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = b 15
  • Present it as a degree.
    6 15 36 = 6 15 6 2 = 6 15 6 2 = 6 17
  • Present it as a degree.
    (0.8) 3 · (0.8) 12 = (0.8) 3 + 12 = (0.8) 15
  • Please note that in the specified property we were talking only about the multiplication of powers with the same bases. It does not apply to their addition.

    You cannot replace the sum (3 3 + 3 2) with 3 5. This is understandable if
    calculate (3 3 + 3 2) = (27 + 9) = 36, and 3 5 = 243

    Property No. 2
    Partial degrees

    When dividing powers with the same base, the base remains unchanged, and the exponent of the divisor is subtracted from the exponent of the dividend.

  • Write the quotient as a power
    (2b) 5: (2b) 3 = (2b) 5 − 3 = (2b) 2
  • Calculate.

11 3 − 2 4 2 − 1 = 11 4 = 44
Example. Solve the equation. We use the property of quotient powers.
3 8: t = 3 4

Answer: t = 3 4 = 81

Using properties No. 1 and No. 2, you can easily simplify expressions and perform calculations.

Example. Simplify the expression.
4 5m + 6 4 m + 2: 4 4m + 3 = 4 5m + 6 + m + 2: 4 4m + 3 = 4 6m + 8 − 4m − 3 = 4 2m + 5

Example. Find the value of an expression using the properties of exponents.

2 11 − 5 = 2 6 = 64

Please note that in Property 2 we were only talking about dividing powers with the same bases.

You cannot replace the difference (4 3 −4 2) with 4 1. This is understandable if you calculate (4 3 −4 2) = (64 − 16) = 48, and 4 1 = 4

Property No. 3
Raising a degree to a power

When raising a degree to a power, the base of the degree remains unchanged, and the exponents are multiplied.

(a n) m = a n · m, where “a” is any number, and “m”, “n” are any natural numbers.

We remind you that a quotient can be represented as a fraction. Therefore, we will dwell on the topic of raising a fraction to a power in more detail on the next page.

How to multiply powers

How to multiply powers? Which powers can be multiplied and which cannot? How to multiply a number by a power?

In algebra, you can find a product of powers in two cases:

1) if the degrees have the same bases;

2) if the degrees have the same indicators.

When multiplying powers with the same bases, the base must be left the same, and the exponents must be added:

When multiplying degrees with the same indicators, the overall indicator can be taken out of brackets:

Let's look at how to multiply powers using specific examples.

The unit is not written in the exponent, but when multiplying powers, they take into account:

When multiplying, there can be any number of powers. It should be remembered that you don’t have to write the multiplication sign before the letter:

In expressions, exponentiation is done first.

If you need to multiply a number by a power, you should first perform the exponentiation, and only then the multiplication:

Multiplying powers with the same bases

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In this lesson we will study multiplication of powers with like bases. First, let us recall the definition of degree and formulate a theorem on the validity of the equality . Then we will give examples of its application on specific numbers and prove it. We will also apply the theorem to solve various problems.

Topic: Power with a natural exponent and its properties

Lesson: Multiplying powers with the same bases (formula)

1. Basic definitions

Basic definitions:

n- exponent,

n th power of a number.

2. Statement of Theorem 1

Theorem 1. For any number A and any natural n And k the equality is true:

In other words: if A– any number; n And k natural numbers, then:

Hence rule 1:

3. Explanatory tasks

Conclusion: special cases confirmed the correctness of Theorem No. 1. Let us prove it in the general case, that is, for any A and any natural n And k.

4. Proof of Theorem 1

Given a number A– any; numbers n And k – natural. Prove:

The proof is based on the definition of degree.

5. Solving examples using Theorem 1

Example 1: Think of it as a degree.

To solve the following examples, we will use Theorem 1.


6. Generalization of Theorem 1

A generalization used here:

7. Solving examples using a generalization of Theorem 1

8. Solving various problems using Theorem 1

Example 2: Calculate (you can use the table of basic powers).

A) (according to the table)


Example 3: Write it as a power with base 2.


Example 4: Determine the sign of the number:

, A - negative, since the exponent at -13 is odd.

Example 5: Replace (·) with a power of a number with a base r:

We have, that is.

9. Summing up

1. Dorofeev G.V., Suvorova S.B., Bunimovich E.A. and others. Algebra 7. 6th edition. M.: Enlightenment. 2010

1. School assistant (Source).

1. Present as a power:

a) b) c) d) e)

3. Write as a power with base 2:

4. Determine the sign of the number:


5. Replace (·) with a power of a number with a base r:

a) r 4 · (·) = r 15; b) (·) · r 5 = r 6

Multiplication and division of powers with the same exponents

In this lesson we will study multiplying powers with equal exponents. First, let's recall the basic definitions and theorems about multiplying and dividing powers with the same bases and raising powers to powers. Then we formulate and prove theorems on multiplication and division of powers with the same exponents. And then with their help we will solve a number of typical problems.

Reminder of basic definitions and theorems

Here a- the basis of the degree,

n th power of a number.

Theorem 1. For any number A and any natural n And k the equality is true:

When multiplying powers with the same bases, the exponents are added, the base remains unchanged.

Theorem 2. For any number A and any natural n And k, such that n > k the equality is true:

When dividing degrees with the same bases, the exponents are subtracted, but the base remains unchanged.

Theorem 3. For any number A and any natural n And k the equality is true:

All the theorems listed were about powers with the same reasons, in this lesson we will look at degrees with the same indicators.

Examples for multiplying powers with the same exponents

Consider the following examples:

Let's write down the expressions for determining the degree.

Conclusion: From the examples it can be seen that , but this still needs to be proven. Let us formulate the theorem and prove it in the general case, that is, for any A And b and any natural n.

Formulation and proof of Theorem 4

For any numbers A And b and any natural n the equality is true:

Proof Theorem 4 .

By definition of degree:

So we have proven that .

To multiply powers with the same exponents, it is enough to multiply the bases and leave the exponent unchanged.

Formulation and proof of Theorem 5

Let us formulate a theorem for dividing powers with the same exponents.

For any number A And b() and any natural n the equality is true:

Proof Theorem 5 .

Let's write down the definition of degree:

Statement of theorems in words

So, we have proven that .

To divide powers with the same exponents into each other, it is enough to divide one base by another, and leave the exponent unchanged.

Solving typical problems using Theorem 4

Example 1: Present as a product of powers.

To solve the following examples, we will use Theorem 4.

To solve the following example, recall the formulas:

Generalization of Theorem 4

Generalization of Theorem 4:

Solving Examples Using Generalized Theorem 4

Continuing to solve typical problems

Example 2: Write it as a power of the product.

Example 3: Write it as a power with exponent 2.

Calculation examples

Example 4: Calculate in the most rational way.

2. Merzlyak A.G., Polonsky V.B., Yakir M.S. Algebra 7. M.: VENTANA-GRAF

3. Kolyagin Yu.M., Tkacheva M.V., Fedorova N.E. and others. Algebra 7.M.: Enlightenment. 2006

2. School assistant (Source).

1. Present as a product of powers:

A) ; b) ; V) ; G) ;

2. Write as a power of the product:

3. Write as a power with exponent 2:

4. Calculate in the most rational way.

Mathematics lesson on the topic “Multiplication and division of powers”

Sections: Mathematics

Pedagogical goal:

  • the student will learn distinguish between the properties of multiplication and division of powers with natural exponents; apply these properties in the case of the same bases;
  • the student will have the opportunity be able to perform transformations of degrees with different bases and be able to perform transformations in combined tasks.
  • Tasks:

  • organize students’ work by repeating previously studied material;
  • ensure the level of reproduction by performing various types of exercises;
  • organize a check on students’ self-assessment through testing.
  • Activity units of teaching: determination of degree with a natural indicator; degree components; definition of private; combinational law of multiplication.

    I. Organizing a demonstration of students’ mastery of existing knowledge. (step 1)

    a) Updating knowledge:

    2) Formulate a definition of degree with a natural exponent.

    a n =a a a a … a (n times)

    b k =b b b b a… b (k times) Justify the answer.

    II. Organization of self-assessment of the student’s degree of proficiency in current experience. (step 2)

    Self-test: (individual work in two versions.)

    A1) Present the product 7 7 7 7 x x x as a power:

    A2) Represent the power (-3) 3 x 2 as a product

    A3) Calculate: -2 3 2 + 4 5 3

    I select the number of tasks in the test in accordance with the preparation level of the class.

    I give you the key to the test for self-test. Criteria: pass - no pass.

    III. Educational and practical task (step 3) + step 4. (the students themselves will formulate the properties)

  • calculate: 2 2 2 3 = ? 3 3 3 2 3 =?
  • Simplify: a 2 a 20 = ? b 30 b 10 b 15 = ?
  • While solving problems 1) and 2), students propose a solution, and I, as a teacher, organize the class to find a way to simplify powers when multiplying with the same bases.

    Teacher: come up with a way to simplify powers when multiplying with the same bases.

    An entry appears on the cluster:

    The topic of the lesson is formulated. Multiplication of powers.

    Teacher: come up with a rule for dividing powers with the same bases.

    Reasoning: what action is used to check division? a 5: a 3 = ? that a 2 a 3 = a 5

    I return to the diagram - a cluster and add to the entry - .. when dividing, we subtract and add the topic of the lesson. ...and division of degrees.

    IV. Communicating to students the limits of knowledge (as a minimum and as a maximum).

    Teacher: the minimum task for today’s lesson is to learn to apply the properties of multiplication and division of powers with the same bases, and the maximum task is to apply multiplication and division together.

    We write on the board : a m a n = a m+n ; a m: a n = a m-n

    V. Organization of studying new material. (step 5)

    a) According to the textbook: No. 403 (a, c, e) tasks with different wordings

    No. 404 (a, d, f) independent work, then I organize a mutual check, give the keys.

    b) For what value of m is the equality true? a 16 a m = a 32; x h x 14 = x 28; x 8 (*) = x 14

    Assignment: come up with similar examples for division.

    c) No. 417 (a), No. 418 (a) Traps for students: x 3 x n = x 3n; 3 4 3 2 = 9 6 ; a 16: a 8 = a 2.

    VI. Summarizing what has been learned, conducting diagnostic work (which encourages students, not the teacher, to study this topic) (step 6)

    Diagnostic work.

    Test(place the keys on the back of the dough).

    Task options: represent the quotient x 15 as a power: x 3; represent as a power the product (-4) 2 (-4) 5 (-4) 7 ; for which m is the equality a 16 a m = a 32 valid? find the value of the expression h 0: h 2 at h = 0.2; calculate the value of the expression (5 2 5 0) : 5 2 .

    Lesson summary. Reflection. I divide the class into two groups.

    Find arguments in group I: in favor of knowing the properties of the degree, and group II - arguments that will say that you can do without properties. We listen to all the answers and draw conclusions. In subsequent lessons, you can offer statistical data and call the rubric “It’s crazy!”

  • The average person eats 32 10 2 kg of cucumbers during their lifetime.
  • The wasp is capable of making a non-stop flight of 3.2 10 2 km.
  • When glass cracks, the crack propagates at a speed of about 5 10 3 km/h.
  • A frog eats more than 3 tons of mosquitoes in its life. Using the degree, write in kg.
  • The most prolific is considered to be the ocean fish - the moon (Mola mola), which lays up to 300,000,000 eggs with a diameter of about 1.3 mm in one spawning. Write this number using a power.
  • VII. Homework.

    Historical information. What numbers are called Fermat numbers.

    P.19. No. 403, No. 408, No. 417

    Literature used:

  • Textbook "Algebra-7", authors Yu.N. Makarychev, N.G. Mindyuk et al.
  • Didactic material for 7th grade, L.V. Kuznetsova, L.I. Zvavich, S.B. Suvorov.
  • Encyclopedia of mathematics.
  • Magazine "Kvant".
  • Properties of degrees, formulations, proofs, examples.

    After the power of a number has been determined, it is logical to talk about degree properties. In this article we will give the basic properties of the power of a number, while touching on all possible exponents. Here we will provide proofs of all properties of degrees, and also show how these properties are used when solving examples.

    Page navigation.

    Properties of degrees with natural exponents

    By definition of a power with a natural exponent, the power a n is the product of n factors, each of which is equal to a. Based on this definition, and also using properties of multiplication of real numbers, we can obtain and justify the following properties of degree with natural exponent:

  • the main property of the degree a m ·a n =a m+n, its generalization a n 1 ·a n 2 ·…·a n k =a n 1 +n 2 +…+n k;
  • property of quotient powers with identical bases a m:a n =a m−n ;
  • property of the degree of a product (a·b) n =a n ·b n , its extension (a 1 ·a 2 ·…·a k) n =a 1 n ·a 2 n ·…·a k n ;
  • property of the quotient to the natural degree (a:b) n =a n:b n ;
  • raising a degree to a power (a m) n =a m·n, its generalization (((a n 1) n 2) …) n k =a n 1 ·n 2 ·…·n k;
  • comparison of degree with zero:
    • if a>0, then a n>0 for any natural number n;
    • if a=0, then a n =0;
    • if a 2·m >0 , if a 2·m−1 n ;
    • if m and n are natural numbers such that m>n, then for 0m n, and for a>0 the inequality a m >a n is true.
    • Let us immediately note that all written equalities are identical subject to the specified conditions, both their right and left parts can be swapped. For example, the main property of the fraction a m ·a n =a m+n with simplifying expressions often used in the form a m+n =a m ·a n .

      Now let's look at each of them in detail.

      Let's start with the property of the product of two powers with the same bases, which is called the main property of the degree: for any real number a and any natural numbers m and n, the equality a m ·a n =a m+n is true.

      Let us prove the main property of the degree. By the definition of a power with a natural exponent, the product of powers with identical bases of the form a m ·a n can be written as the product . Due to the properties of multiplication, the resulting expression can be written as , and this product is a power of the number a with a natural exponent m+n, that is, a m+n. This completes the proof.

      Let us give an example confirming the main property of the degree. Let's take degrees with the same bases 2 and natural powers 2 and 3, using the basic property of degrees we can write the equality 2 2 ·2 3 =2 2+3 =2 5. Let's check its validity by calculating the values ​​of the expressions 2 2 · 2 3 and 2 5 . Carrying out exponentiation, we have 2 2 2 3 =(2 2) (2 2 2) = 4 8 = 32 and 2 5 =2 2 2 2 2 = 32 , since we get equal values, then the equality 2 2 ·2 3 =2 5 is correct, and it confirms the main property of the degree.

      The basic property of a degree, based on the properties of multiplication, can be generalized to the product of three or more powers with the same bases and natural exponents. So for any number k of natural numbers n 1 , n 2 , …, n k the equality a n 1 ·a n 2 ·…·a n k =a n 1 +n 2 +…+n k is true.

      For example, (2,1) 3 ·(2,1) 3 ·(2,1) 4 ·(2,1) 7 = (2,1) 3+3+4+7 =(2,1) 17.

      We can move on to the next property of powers with a natural exponent – property of quotient powers with the same bases: for any non-zero real number a and arbitrary natural numbers m and n satisfying the condition m>n, the equality a m:a n =a m−n is true.

      Before presenting the proof of this property, let us discuss the meaning of the additional conditions in the formulation. The condition a≠0 is necessary in order to avoid division by zero, since 0 n =0, and when we got acquainted with division, we agreed that we cannot divide by zero. The condition m>n is introduced so that we do not go beyond the natural exponents. Indeed, for m>n the exponent a m−n is a natural number, otherwise it will be either zero (which happens for m−n) or a negative number (which happens for m m−n ·a n =a (m−n) +n =a m. From the resulting equality a m−n ·a n =a m and from the connection between multiplication and division it follows that a m−n is a quotient of powers a m and a n. This proves the property of quotients of powers with the same bases.

      Let's give an example. Let's take two degrees with the same bases π and natural exponents 5 and 2, the equality π 5:π 2 =π 5−3 =π 3 corresponds to the considered property of the degree.

      Now let's consider product power property: the natural power n of the product of any two real numbers a and b is equal to the product of the powers a n and b n , that is, (a·b) n =a n ·b n .

      Indeed, by the definition of a degree with a natural exponent we have . Based on the properties of multiplication, the last product can be rewritten as , which is equal to a n · b n .

      Here's an example: .

      This property extends to the power of the product of three or more factors. That is, the property of natural degree n of a product of k factors is written as (a 1 ·a 2 ·…·a k) n =a 1 n ·a 2 n ·…·a k n .

      For clarity, we will show this property with an example. For the product of three factors to the power of 7 we have .

      The following property is property of a quotient in kind: the quotient of real numbers a and b, b≠0 to the natural power n is equal to the quotient of powers a n and b n, that is, (a:b) n =a n:b n.

      The proof can be carried out using the previous property. So (a:b) n ·b n =((a:b)·b) n =a n , and from the equality (a:b) n ·b n =a n it follows that (a:b) n is the quotient of division a n on bn.

      Let's write this property using specific numbers as an example: .

      Now let's voice it property of raising a power to a power: for any real number a and any natural numbers m and n, the power of a m to the power of n is equal to the power of the number a with exponent m·n, that is, (a m) n =a m·n.

      For example, (5 2) 3 =5 2·3 =5 6.

      The proof of the power-to-degree property is the following chain of equalities: .

      The property considered can be extended to degree to degree to degree, etc. For example, for any natural numbers p, q, r and s, the equality . For greater clarity, let's give an example with specific numbers: (((5,2) 3) 2) 5 =(5,2) 3+2+5 =(5,2) 10.

      It remains to dwell on the properties of comparing degrees with a natural exponent.

      Let's start by proving the property of comparing zero and power with a natural exponent.

      First, let's prove that a n >0 for any a>0.

      The product of two positive numbers is a positive number, as follows from the definition of multiplication. This fact and the properties of multiplication suggest that the result of multiplying any number of positive numbers will also be a positive number. And the power of a number a with natural exponent n, by definition, is the product of n factors, each of which is equal to a. These arguments allow us to assert that for any positive base a, the degree a n is a positive number. Due to the proven property 3 5 >0, (0.00201) 2 >0 and .

      It is quite obvious that for any natural number n with a=0 the degree of a n is zero. Indeed, 0 n =0·0·…·0=0 . For example, 0 3 =0 and 0 762 =0.

      Let's move on to negative bases of degree.

      Let's start with the case when the exponent is an even number, let's denote it as 2·m, where m is a natural number. Then . According to the rule for multiplying negative numbers, each of the products of the form a·a is equal to the product of the absolute values ​​of the numbers a and a, which means that it is a positive number. Therefore, the product will also be positive and degree a 2·m. Let's give examples: (−6) 4 >0 , (−2,2) 12 >0 and .

      Finally, when the base a is a negative number and the exponent is an odd number 2 m−1, then . All products a·a are positive numbers, the product of these positive numbers is also positive, and its multiplication by the remaining negative number a results in a negative number. Due to this property (−5) 3 17 n n is the product of the left and right sides of n true inequalities a properties of inequalities, a provable inequality of the form a n n is also true. For example, due to this property, the inequalities 3 7 7 and .

      It remains to prove the last of the listed properties of powers with natural exponents. Let's formulate it. Of two powers with natural exponents and identical positive bases less than one, the one whose exponent is smaller is greater; and of two powers with natural exponents and identical bases greater than one, the one whose exponent is greater is greater. Let us proceed to the proof of this property.

      Let us prove that for m>n and 0m n . To do this, we write down the difference a m − a n and compare it with zero. The recorded difference, after taking a n out of brackets, will take the form a n ·(a m−n−1) . The resulting product is negative as the product of a positive number a n and a negative number a m−n −1 (a n is positive as the natural power of a positive number, and the difference a m−n −1 is negative, since m−n>0 due to the initial condition m>n, whence it follows that when 0m−n is less than unity). Therefore, a m −a n m n , which is what needed to be proven. As an example, we give the correct inequality.

      It remains to prove the second part of the property. Let us prove that for m>n and a>1 a m >a n is true. The difference a m −a n after taking a n out of brackets takes the form a n ·(a m−n −1) . This product is positive, since for a>1 the degree a n is a positive number, and the difference a m−n −1 is a positive number, since m−n>0 due to the initial condition, and for a>1 the degree a m−n is greater than one . Consequently, a m −a n >0 and a m >a n , which is what needed to be proven. This property is illustrated by the inequality 3 7 >3 2.

      Properties of powers with integer exponents

      Since positive integers are natural numbers, then all the properties of powers with positive integer exponents coincide exactly with the properties of powers with natural exponents listed and proven in the previous paragraph.

      We defined a degree with an integer negative exponent, as well as a degree with a zero exponent, in such a way that all properties of degrees with natural exponents, expressed by equalities, remained valid. Therefore, all these properties are valid for both zero exponents and negative exponents, while, of course, the bases of the powers are different from zero.

      So, for any real and non-zero numbers a and b, as well as any integers m and n, the following are true: properties of powers with integer exponents:

    • a m ·a n =a m+n ;
    • a m:a n =a m−n ;
    • (a·b) n =a n ·b n ;
    • (a:b) n =a n:b n ;
    • (a m) n =a m·n ;
    • if n is a positive integer, a and b are positive numbers, and a n n and a −n >b −n ;
    • if m and n are integers, and m>n, then for 0m n, and for a>1 the inequality a m >a n holds.
    • When a=0, the powers a m and a n make sense only when both m and n are positive integers, that is, natural numbers. Thus, the properties just written down are also valid for the cases when a=0 and the numbers m and n are positive integers.

      Proving each of these properties is not difficult; to do this, it is enough to use the definitions of degrees with natural and integer exponents, as well as the properties of operations with real numbers. As an example, let us prove that the power-to-power property holds for both positive integers and non-positive integers. To do this, you need to show that if p is zero or a natural number and q is zero or a natural number, then the equalities (a p) q =a p·q, (a −p) q =a (−p)·q, (a p ) −q =a p·(−q) and (a −p) −q =a (−p)·(−q) . Let's do this.

      For positive p and q, the equality (a p) q =a p·q was proven in the previous paragraph. If p=0, then we have (a 0) q =1 q =1 and a 0·q =a 0 =1, whence (a 0) q =a 0·q. Similarly, if q=0, then (a p) 0 =1 and a p·0 =a 0 =1, whence (a p) 0 =a p·0. If both p=0 and q=0, then (a 0) 0 =1 0 =1 and a 0·0 =a 0 =1, whence (a 0) 0 =a 0·0.

      Now we prove that (a −p) q =a (−p)·q . By definition of a power with a negative integer exponent, then . By the property of quotients to powers we have . Since 1 p =1·1·…·1=1 and , then . The last expression, by definition, is a power of the form a −(p·q), which, due to the rules of multiplication, can be written as a (−p)·q.

      Likewise .

      AND .

      Using the same principle, you can prove all other properties of a degree with an integer exponent, written in the form of equalities.

      In the penultimate of the recorded properties, it is worth dwelling on the proof of the inequality a −n >b −n, which is valid for any negative integer −n and any positive a and bfor which the condition a is satisfied . Let us write down and transform the difference between the left and right sides of this inequality: . Since by condition a n n , therefore, b n −a n >0 . The product a n · b n is also positive as the product of positive numbers a n and b n . Then the resulting fraction is positive as the quotient of positive numbers b n −a n and a n ·b n . Therefore, whence a −n >b −n , which is what needed to be proved.

      The last property of powers with integer exponents is proved in the same way as a similar property of powers with natural exponents.

      Properties of powers with rational exponents

      We defined a degree with a fractional exponent by extending the properties of a degree with an integer exponent to it. In other words, powers with fractional exponents have the same properties as powers with integer exponents. Namely:

    1. property of the product of powers with the same bases for a>0, and if and, then for a≥0;
    2. property of quotient powers with the same bases for a>0 ;
    3. property of a product to a fractional power for a>0 and b>0, and if and, then for a≥0 and (or) b≥0;
    4. property of a quotient to a fractional power for a>0 and b>0, and if , then for a≥0 and b>0;
    5. property of degree to degree for a>0, and if and, then for a≥0;
    6. property of comparing powers with equal rational exponents: for any positive numbers a and b, a 0 the inequality a p p is true, and for p p >b p ;
    7. the property of comparing powers with rational exponents and equal bases: for rational numbers p and q, p>q for 0p q, and for a>0 – inequality a p >a q.
    8. The proof of the properties of powers with fractional exponents is based on the definition of a power with a fractional exponent, on the properties of the arithmetic root of the nth degree and on the properties of a power with an integer exponent. Let us provide evidence.

      By definition of a power with a fractional exponent and , then . The properties of the arithmetic root allow us to write the following equalities. Further, using the property of a degree with an integer exponent, we obtain , from which, by the definition of a degree with a fractional exponent, we have , and the indicator of the degree obtained can be transformed as follows: . This completes the proof.

      The second property of powers with fractional exponents is proved in an absolutely similar way:

      The remaining equalities are proved using similar principles:

      Let's move on to proving the next property. Let us prove that for any positive a and b , a 0 the inequality a p p is true, and for p p >b p . Let's write the rational number p as m/n, where m is an integer and n is a natural number. The conditions p 0 in this case will be equivalent to the conditions m 0, respectively. For m>0 and am m . From this inequality, by the property of roots, we have, and since a and b are positive numbers, then, based on the definition of a degree with a fractional exponent, the resulting inequality can be rewritten as, that is, a p p .

      Similarly, for m m >b m , whence, that is, a p >b p .

      It remains to prove the last of the listed properties. Let us prove that for rational numbers p and q, p>q for 0p q, and for a>0 – the inequality a p >a q. We can always reduce rational numbers p and q to a common denominator, even if we get ordinary fractions and , where m 1 and m 2 are integers, and n is a natural number. In this case, the condition p>q will correspond to the condition m 1 >m 2, which follows from the rule for comparing ordinary fractions with the same denominators. Then, by the property of comparing degrees with the same bases and natural exponents, for 0m 1 m 2, and for a>1, the inequality a m 1 >a m 2. These inequalities in the properties of the roots can be rewritten accordingly as And . And the definition of a degree with a rational exponent allows us to move on to inequalities and, accordingly. From here we draw the final conclusion: for p>q and 0p q , and for a>0 – the inequality a p >a q .

      Properties of powers with irrational exponents

      From the way a degree with an irrational exponent is defined, we can conclude that it has all the properties of degrees with rational exponents. So for any a>0, b>0 and irrational numbers p and q the following are true properties of powers with irrational exponents:

      1. a p ·a q =a p+q ;
      2. a p:a q =a p−q ;
      3. (a·b) p =a p ·b p ;
      4. (a:b) p =a p:b p ;
      5. (a p) q =a p·q ;
      6. for any positive numbers a and b, a 0 the inequality a p p is true, and for p p >b p ;
      7. for irrational numbers p and q, p>q for 0p q, and for a>0 – the inequality a p >a q.
      8. From this we can conclude that powers with any real exponents p and q for a>0 have the same properties.

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  • Why are degrees needed?

    Where will you need them?

    Why should you take the time to study them?

    To find out EVERYTHING ABOUT DEGREES, read this article.

    And, of course, knowledge of degrees will bring you closer to successfully passing the Unified State Exam.

    And to admission to the university of your dreams!

    Let's go... (Let's go!)


    Exponentiation is a mathematical operation just like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

    Now I will explain everything in human language using very simple examples. Be careful. The examples are elementary, but explain important things.

    Let's start with addition.

    There is nothing to explain here. You already know everything: there are eight of us. Everyone has two bottles of cola. How much cola is there? That's right - 16 bottles.

    Now multiplication.

    The same example with cola can be written differently: . Mathematicians are cunning and lazy people. They first notice some patterns, and then figure out a way to “count” them faster. In our case, they noticed that each of the eight people had the same number of cola bottles and came up with a technique called multiplication. Agree, it is considered easier and faster than.

    So, to count faster, easier and without errors, you just need to remember multiplication table. Of course, you can do everything slower, more difficult and with mistakes! But…

    Here is the multiplication table. Repeat.

    And another, more beautiful one:

    What other clever counting tricks have lazy mathematicians come up with? Right - raising a number to a power.

    Raising a number to a power

    If you need to multiply a number by itself five times, then mathematicians say that you need to raise that number to the fifth power. For example, . Mathematicians remember that two to the fifth power is... And they solve such problems in their heads - faster, easier and without mistakes.

    All you need to do is remember what is highlighted in color in the table of powers of numbers. Believe me, this will make your life a lot easier.

    By the way, why is it called the second degree? square numbers, and the third - cube? What does it mean? Very good question. Now you will have both squares and cubes.

    Real life example #1

    Let's start with the square or the second power of the number.

    Imagine a square pool measuring one meter by one meter. The pool is at your dacha. It's hot and I really want to swim. But... the pool has no bottom! You need to cover the bottom of the pool with tiles. How many tiles do you need? In order to determine this, you need to know the bottom area of ​​the pool.

    You can simply calculate by pointing your finger that the bottom of the pool consists of meter by meter cubes. If you have tiles one meter by one meter, you will need pieces. It's easy... But where have you seen such tiles? The tile will most likely be cm by cm. And then you will be tortured by “counting with your finger.” Then you have to multiply. So, on one side of the bottom of the pool we will fit tiles (pieces) and on the other, too, tiles. Multiply by and you get tiles ().

    Did you notice that to determine the area of ​​the pool bottom we multiplied the same number by itself? What does it mean? Since we are multiplying the same number, we can use the “exponentiation” technique. (Of course, when you only have two numbers, you still need to multiply them or raise them to a power. But if you have a lot of them, then raising them to a power is much easier and there are also fewer errors in calculations. For the Unified State Exam, this is very important).
    So, thirty to the second power will be (). Or we can say that thirty squared will be. In other words, the second power of a number can always be represented as a square. And vice versa, if you see a square, it is ALWAYS the second power of some number. A square is an image of the second power of a number.

    Real life example #2

    Here's a task for you: count how many squares there are on the chessboard using the square of the number... On one side of the cells and on the other too. To calculate their number, you need to multiply eight by eight or... if you notice that a chessboard is a square with a side, then you can square eight. You will get cells. () So?

    Real life example #3

    Now the cube or the third power of a number. The same pool. But now you need to find out how much water will have to be poured into this pool. You need to calculate the volume. (Volumes and liquids, by the way, are measured in cubic meters. Unexpected, right?) Draw a pool: the bottom is a meter in size and a meter deep, and try to calculate how many cubes measuring a meter by a meter will fit into your pool.

    Just point your finger and count! One, two, three, four...twenty-two, twenty-three...How many did you get? Not lost? Is it difficult to count with your finger? That's it! Take an example from mathematicians. They are lazy, so they noticed that in order to calculate the volume of the pool, you need to multiply its length, width and height by each other. In our case, the volume of the pool will be equal to cubes... Easier, right?

    Now imagine how lazy and cunning mathematicians are if they simplified this too. We reduced everything to one action. They noticed that the length, width and height are equal and that the same number is multiplied by itself... What does this mean? This means you can take advantage of the degree. So, what you once counted with your finger, they do in one action: three cubed is equal. It is written like this: .

    All that remains is remember the table of degrees. Unless, of course, you are as lazy and cunning as mathematicians. If you like to work hard and make mistakes, you can continue to count with your finger.

    Well, to finally convince you that degrees were invented by quitters and cunning people to solve their life problems, and not to create problems for you, here are a couple more examples from life.

    Real life example #4

    You have a million rubles. At the beginning of each year, for every million you make, you make another million. That is, every million you have doubles at the beginning of each year. How much money will you have in years? If you are sitting now and “counting with your finger,” then you are a very hardworking person and... stupid. But most likely you will give an answer in a couple of seconds, because you are smart! So, in the first year - two multiplied by two... in the second year - what happened, by two more, in the third year... Stop! You noticed that the number is multiplied by itself times. So two to the fifth power is a million! Now imagine that you have a competition and the one who can count the fastest will get these millions... It’s worth remembering the powers of numbers, don’t you think?

    Real life example #5

    You have a million. At the beginning of each year, for every million you make, you earn two more. Great isn't it? Every million is tripled. How much money will you have in a year? Let's count. The first year - multiply by, then the result by another... It’s already boring, because you already understood everything: three is multiplied by itself times. So to the fourth power it is equal to a million. You just have to remember that three to the fourth power is or.

    Now you know that by raising a number to a power you will make your life a lot easier. Let's take a look further at what you can do with degrees and what you need to know about them.

    Terms and concepts... so as not to get confused

    So, first, let's define the concepts. Do you think what is an exponent? It's very simple - it's the number that is "at the top" of the power of the number. Not scientific, but clear and easy to remember...

    Well, at the same time, what such a degree basis? Even simpler - this is the number that is located below, at the base.

    Here's a drawing for good measure.

    Well, in general terms, in order to generalize and remember better... A degree with a base “ ” and an exponent “ ” is read as “to the degree” and is written as follows:

    Power of a number with natural exponent

    You probably already guessed: because the exponent is a natural number. Yes, but what is it natural number? Elementary! Natural numbers are those numbers that are used in counting when listing objects: one, two, three... When we count objects, we do not say: “minus five,” “minus six,” “minus seven.” We also do not say: “one third”, or “zero point five”. These are not natural numbers. What numbers do you think these are?

    Numbers like “minus five”, “minus six”, “minus seven” refer to whole numbers. In general, integers include all natural numbers, numbers opposite to natural numbers (that is, taken with a minus sign), and number. Zero is easy to understand - it is when there is nothing. What do negative (“minus”) numbers mean? But they were invented primarily to indicate debts: if you have a balance on your phone in rubles, this means that you owe the operator rubles.

    All fractions are rational numbers. How did they arise, do you think? Very simple. Several thousand years ago, our ancestors discovered that they lacked natural numbers to measure length, weight, area, etc. And they came up with rational numbers... Interesting, isn't it?

    There are also irrational numbers. What are these numbers? In short, it's an infinite decimal fraction. For example, if you divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter, you get an irrational number.


    Let us define the concept of a degree whose exponent is a natural number (i.e., integer and positive).

    1. Any number to the first power is equal to itself:
    2. To square a number means to multiply it by itself:
    3. To cube a number means to multiply it by itself three times:

    Definition. Raising a number to a natural power means multiplying the number by itself times:

    Properties of degrees

    Where did these properties come from? I'll show you now.

    Let's see: what is it And ?

    By definition:

    How many multipliers are there in total?

    It’s very simple: we added multipliers to the factors, and the result is multipliers.

    But by definition, this is a power of a number with an exponent, that is: , which is what needed to be proven.

    Example: Simplify the expression.


    Example: Simplify the expression.

    Solution: It is important to note that in our rule Necessarily there must be the same reasons!
    Therefore, we combine the powers with the base, but it remains a separate factor:

    only for the product of powers!

    Under no circumstances can you write that.

    2. that's it th power of a number

    Just as with the previous property, let us turn to the definition of degree:

    It turns out that the expression is multiplied by itself times, that is, according to the definition, this is the th power of the number:

    In essence, this can be called “taking the indicator out of brackets.” But you can never do this in total:

    Let's remember the abbreviated multiplication formulas: how many times did we want to write?

    But this is not true, after all.

    Power with negative base

    Up to this point, we have only discussed what the exponent should be.

    But what should be the basis?

    In powers of natural indicator the basis may be any number. Indeed, we can multiply any numbers by each other, be they positive, negative, or even.

    Let's think about which signs ("" or "") will have degrees of positive and negative numbers?

    For example, is the number positive or negative? A? ? With the first one, everything is clear: no matter how many positive numbers we multiply by each other, the result will be positive.

    But the negative ones are a little more interesting. We remember the simple rule from 6th grade: “minus for minus gives a plus.” That is, or. But if we multiply by, it works.

    Determine for yourself what sign the following expressions will have:

    1) 2) 3)
    4) 5) 6)

    Did you manage?

    Here are the answers: In the first four examples, I hope everything is clear? We simply look at the base and exponent and apply the appropriate rule.

    In example 5) everything is also not as scary as it seems: after all, it doesn’t matter what the base is equal to - the degree is even, which means the result will always be positive.

    Well, except when the base is zero. The base is not equal, is it? Obviously not, since (because).

    Example 6) is no longer so simple!

    6 examples to practice

    Analysis of the solution 6 examples

    Whole we call the natural numbers, their opposites (that is, taken with the " " sign) and the number.

    positive integer, and it is no different from natural, then everything looks exactly like in the previous section.

    Now let's look at new cases. Let's start with an indicator equal to.

    Any number to the zero power is equal to one:

    As always, let us ask ourselves: why is this so?

    Let's consider some degree with a base. Take, for example, and multiply by:

    So, we multiplied the number by, and we got the same thing as it was - . What number should you multiply by so that nothing changes? That's right, on. Means.

    We can do the same with an arbitrary number:

    Let's repeat the rule:

    Any number to the zero power is equal to one.

    But there are exceptions to many rules. And here it is also there - this is a number (as a base).

    On the one hand, it must be equal to any degree - no matter how much you multiply zero by itself, you will still get zero, this is clear. But on the other hand, like any number to the zero power, it must be equal. So how much of this is true? The mathematicians decided not to get involved and refused to raise zero to the zero power. That is, now we cannot not only divide by zero, but also raise it to the zero power.

    Let's move on. In addition to natural numbers and numbers, integers also include negative numbers. To understand what a negative power is, let’s do as last time: multiply some normal number by the same number to a negative power:

    From here it’s easy to express what you’re looking for:

    Now let’s extend the resulting rule to an arbitrary degree:

    So, let's formulate a rule:

    A number with a negative power is the reciprocal of the same number with a positive power. But at the same time The base cannot be null:(because you can’t divide by).

    Let's summarize:

    Tasks for independent solution:

    Well, as usual, examples for independent solutions:

    Analysis of problems for independent solution:

    I know, I know, the numbers are scary, but on the Unified State Exam you have to be prepared for anything! Solve these examples or analyze their solutions if you couldn’t solve them and you will learn to cope with them easily in the exam!

    Let's continue to expand the range of numbers “suitable” as an exponent.

    Now let's consider rational numbers. What numbers are called rational?

    Answer: everything that can be represented as a fraction, where and are integers, and.

    To understand what it is "fractional degree", consider the fraction:

    Let's raise both sides of the equation to a power:

    Now let's remember the rule about "degree to degree":

    What number must be raised to a power to get?

    This formulation is the definition of the root of the th degree.

    Let me remind you: the root of the th power of a number () is a number that, when raised to a power, is equal to.

    That is, the root of the th power is the inverse operation of raising to a power: .

    It turns out that. Obviously, this special case can be expanded: .

    Now we add the numerator: what is it? The answer is easy to obtain using the power-to-power rule:

    But can the base be any number? After all, the root cannot be extracted from all numbers.


    Let us remember the rule: any number raised to an even power is a positive number. That is, it is impossible to extract even roots from negative numbers!

    This means that such numbers cannot be raised to a fractional power with an even denominator, that is, the expression does not make sense.

    What about the expression?

    But here a problem arises.

    The number can be represented in the form of other, reducible fractions, for example, or.

    And it turns out that it exists, but does not exist, but these are just two different records of the same number.

    Or another example: once, then you can write it down. But if we write down the indicator differently, we will get into trouble again: (that is, we got a completely different result!).

    To avoid such paradoxes, we consider only positive base exponent with fractional exponent.

    So if:

    • — natural number;
    • - integer;


    Rational exponents are very useful for transforming expressions with roots, for example:

    5 examples to practice

    Analysis of 5 examples for training

    Well, now comes the hardest part. Now we'll figure it out degree with irrational exponent.

    All the rules and properties of degrees here are exactly the same as for a degree with a rational exponent, with the exception

    After all, by definition, irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be represented as a fraction, where and are integers (that is, irrational numbers are all real numbers except rational ones).

    When studying degrees with natural, integer and rational exponents, each time we created a certain “image”, “analogy”, or description in more familiar terms.

    For example, a degree with a natural exponent is a number multiplied by itself several times;

    ...number to the zeroth power- this is, as it were, a number multiplied by itself once, that is, they have not yet begun to multiply it, which means that the number itself has not even appeared yet - therefore the result is only a certain “blank number”, namely a number;

    ...negative integer degree- it’s as if some “reverse process” had occurred, that is, the number was not multiplied by itself, but divided.

    By the way, in science a degree with a complex exponent is often used, that is, the exponent is not even a real number.

    But at school we don’t think about such difficulties; you will have the opportunity to comprehend these new concepts at the institute.

    WHERE WE ARE SURE YOU WILL GO! (if you learn to solve such examples :))

    For example:

    Decide for yourself:

    Analysis of solutions:

    1. Let's start with the usual rule for raising a power to a power:


    Determination of degree

    A degree is an expression of the form: , where:

    • degree base;
    • - exponent.

    Degree with natural indicator (n = 1, 2, 3,...)

    Raising a number to the natural power n means multiplying the number by itself times:

    Degree with an integer exponent (0, ±1, ±2,...)

    If the exponent is positive integer number:

    Construction to the zero degree:

    The expression is indefinite, because, on the one hand, to any degree is this, and on the other hand, any number to the th degree is this.

    If the exponent is negative integer number:

    (because you can’t divide by).

    Once again about zeros: the expression is not defined in the case. If, then.


    Power with rational exponent

    • — natural number;
    • - integer;


    Properties of degrees

    To make it easier to solve problems, let’s try to understand: where did these properties come from? Let's prove them.

    Let's see: what is and?

    By definition:

    So, on the right side of this expression we get the following product:

    But by definition it is a power of a number with an exponent, that is:


    Example : Simplify the expression.

    Solution : .

    Example : Simplify the expression.

    Solution : It is important to note that in our rule Necessarily there must be the same reasons. Therefore, we combine the powers with the base, but it remains a separate factor:

    Another important note: this rule - only for product of powers!

    Under no circumstances can you write that.

    Just as with the previous property, let us turn to the definition of degree:

    Let's regroup this work like this:

    It turns out that the expression is multiplied by itself times, that is, according to the definition, this is the th power of the number:

    In essence, this can be called “taking the indicator out of brackets.” But you can never do this in total: !

    Let's remember the abbreviated multiplication formulas: how many times did we want to write? But this is not true, after all.

    Power with a negative base.

    Up to this point we have only discussed what it should be like indicator degrees. But what should be the basis? In powers of natural indicator the basis may be any number .

    Indeed, we can multiply any numbers by each other, be they positive, negative, or even. Let's think about which signs ("" or "") will have degrees of positive and negative numbers?

    For example, is the number positive or negative? A? ?

    With the first one, everything is clear: no matter how many positive numbers we multiply by each other, the result will be positive.

    But the negative ones are a little more interesting. We remember the simple rule from 6th grade: “minus for minus gives a plus.” That is, or. But if we multiply by (), we get - .

    And so on ad infinitum: with each subsequent multiplication the sign will change. The following simple rules can be formulated:

    1. even degree, - number positive.
    2. Negative number raised to odd degree, - number negative.
    3. A positive number to any degree is a positive number.
    4. Zero to any power is equal to zero.

    Determine for yourself what sign the following expressions will have:

    1. 2. 3.
    4. 5. 6.

    Did you manage? Here are the answers:

    1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) ; 6) .

    In the first four examples, I hope everything is clear? We simply look at the base and exponent and apply the appropriate rule.

    In example 5) everything is also not as scary as it seems: after all, it doesn’t matter what the base is equal to - the degree is even, which means the result will always be positive. Well, except when the base is zero. The base is not equal, is it? Obviously not, since (because).

    Example 6) is no longer so simple. Here you need to find out which is less: or? If we remember that, it becomes clear that, which means the base is less than zero. That is, we apply rule 2: the result will be negative.

    And again we use the definition of degree:

    Everything is as usual - we write down the definition of degrees and divide them by each other, divide them into pairs and get:

    Before we look at the last rule, let's solve a few examples.

    Calculate the expressions:

    Solutions :

    Let's go back to the example:

    And again the formula:

    So now the last rule:

    How will we prove it? Of course, as usual: let’s expand on the concept of degree and simplify it:

    Well, now let's open the brackets. How many letters are there in total? times by multipliers - what does this remind you of? This is nothing more than a definition of an operation multiplication: There were only multipliers there. That is, this, by definition, is a power of a number with an exponent:


    Degree with irrational exponent

    In addition to information about degrees for the average level, we will analyze the degree with an irrational exponent. All the rules and properties of degrees here are exactly the same as for a degree with a rational exponent, with the exception - after all, by definition, irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be represented as a fraction, where and are integers (that is, irrational numbers are all real numbers except rational numbers).

    When studying degrees with natural, integer and rational exponents, each time we created a certain “image”, “analogy”, or description in more familiar terms. For example, a degree with a natural exponent is a number multiplied by itself several times; a number to the zero power is, as it were, a number multiplied by itself times, that is, they have not yet begun to multiply it, which means that the number itself has not even appeared yet - therefore the result is only a certain “blank number”, namely a number; a degree with an integer negative exponent - it’s as if some “reverse process” had occurred, that is, the number was not multiplied by itself, but divided.

    It is extremely difficult to imagine a degree with an irrational exponent (just as it is difficult to imagine a 4-dimensional space). It is rather a purely mathematical object that mathematicians created to extend the concept of degree to the entire space of numbers.

    By the way, in science a degree with a complex exponent is often used, that is, the exponent is not even a real number. But at school we don’t think about such difficulties; you will have the opportunity to comprehend these new concepts at the institute.

    So what do we do if we see an irrational exponent? We are trying our best to get rid of it! :)

    For example:

    Decide for yourself:

    1) 2) 3)



    Degree called an expression of the form: , where:

    Degree with an integer exponent

    a degree whose exponent is a natural number (i.e., integer and positive).

    Power with rational exponent

    degree, the exponent of which is negative and fractional numbers.

    Degree with irrational exponent

    a degree whose exponent is an infinite decimal fraction or root.

    Properties of degrees

    Features of degrees.

    • Negative number raised to even degree, - number positive.
    • Negative number raised to odd degree, - number negative.
    • A positive number to any degree is a positive number.
    • Zero is equal to any power.
    • Any number to the zero power is equal.


    How do you like the article? Write below in the comments whether you liked it or not.

    Tell us about your experience using degree properties.

    Perhaps you have questions. Or suggestions.

    Write in the comments.

    And good luck on your exams!

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