Features of the OGE in foreign languages. OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking") For the speaking section of the exam

Reminder for students

for the SPEAKING section of the Unified State Exam

Resource used: my.webinar.ru/record/382540

The recording level can be adjusted. Coming
The time is counting down, and the screen constantly shows how many minutes and seconds remain for preparation or response.

How will the oral part of the exam be conducted?

The oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​will be conducted in a computerized form, without the participation of an examiner-interlocutor, with the constant presence in the audience of the organizer responsible for compliance with the procedure and the technical part.

While the examinee is answering (up to 15 minutes, including preparation time - 1.5 minutes for each of the four tasks), the answer is audio recorded.

During the exam, general instructions on the exam procedure and instructions for each task of the oral part are presented to the examinee on the computer screen, visual supports (photos and pictures) are given in color.

The recording level can be adjusted. The time is counting down, and the screen constantly shows how many minutes and seconds are left to prepare or answer

The key to success and how will speaking be assessed?

The assessment is carried out by two specially trained assessors based on criteria and assessment schemes.

How to complete task 1. 1 (Reading the text out loud)

Before reading the text out loud

read the instructions for the task;

review the text to understand its content;

remember that preparation time is limited to 1.5 minutes.

While reading text aloud

follow the rules of reading and pronunciation;

do not forget about logical stress, with the help of which you can highlight any word, even an unstressed one;

correctly place pauses in sentences;

read each semantic group and sentence with the correct intonation in accordance with its communicative type;

do not allow unreasonable and long pauses between words within a sentence and between sentences (text reading time is limited to 1.5 minutes), maintain an average reading pace.

TIP: The main thing when reading is not to make phonemic errors and unnecessary pauses.

Criteria for assessing the performance of oral part tasks

(maximum 20 points for the entire section)

Task 1 (Reading text aloud) – maximum 1 point

Phonetic side of speech

1 point Speech is easy to understand: unnecessary pauses

absent; phrasal stress and intonation contours, pronunciation of words without violations of the norm: no more than five phonetic errors are allowed, including one or two errors that distort the meaning

0 points Speech is difficult to perceive due to the large number of

unnatural pauses, hesitations, incorrect placement of accents

and errors in the pronunciation of words, OR more than five phonetic errors were made, OR three or more phonetic errors were made that distort the meaning.

Task 2 Requirements for task 2.

knowledge of words, understanding of what to ask

2. Correct grammatical form of a direct question

question type;

word order in the question;

form of the verb in the required tense form and voice;

3. Language means of formatting a question

a variety of vocabulary corresponding to the proposed situation;

intonation corresponding to the selected type of question.

4. Time allotted to complete the task

1.5 minutes to prepare

20 seconds to ask a question

In this task you need to ask 5 direct questions. To successfully complete this task, we recommend that you follow these guidelines.

While preparing a task

read the assignment instructions carefully;

make sure you understand what exactly is it about must be asked in every question;

decide what type of question(general or special) must be specified in each case;

formulate questions, observing the word order characteristic of each type of question;

remember that task preparation time is limited to 1.5 minutes.

During the task

formulate questions, paying attention to the word order of the interrogative sentence;

pronounce interrogative sentences with correct intonation;

use a variety of vocabulary appropriate to the proposed situation;

remember, you have 20 seconds to ask each question.

TIP: The main task is to rephrase the instruction into a question. The picture is of an accompanying and auxiliary nature and does NOT play any semantic role. A grammatical error in a question does not affect the final score unless it CRITICALLY distorts the understanding of the question itself. There is no need to say anything other than questions.

Task 2 (maximum – 5 points).

Each of the five questions asked is scored separately.

Questions 1-5

Tasks 3 and 4 (describing a photo and comparing two photos) – 7 points for one

task (maximum – 14 points). Evaluation criteria:







Language design



task completed

in full: contents

information is complete, accurate and

expanded reflection

touches all aspects

specified in the task

(12-15 phrases)


task completed

partially: one

aspect not disclosed


fully disclosed)

OR one or two

incompletely disclosed


logical and has


character; available

introductory and



topic. Means

logical connection

are used


Dictionary used

stock, grammar

structures, phonetic

formulation of the statement



(no more than two are allowed

non-coarse vocabulary

grammatical errors

AND/OR no more than two

minor phonetic errors


task not completed

completely: two

no aspect



fully disclosed)

OR all aspects

incompletely disclosed

Statement in

mostly logical

and has enough


character, BUT




phrase, AND/OR

logical means

connections are used

not enough

Dictionary used

stock, grammar

structures, phonetic

formulation of the statement

mostly consistent


(no more than

four lexical

grammatical errors

(of which no more than two

rude) OR/AND no more

four phonetic

errors (of which no more than

two rough ones)


task completed

less than 50%:

three or more aspects

disclosed (5 or less


illogical AND/OR

has no completion

of a different nature;

introductory and


there are no phrases;

logical means

communication practically

not used

Understanding the utterance

difficult due to the numerous


grammatical and

phonetic errors

(five or more lexical

grammatical errors

AND/OR five or more

phonetic errors)

OR more than two rough

TIP: The description plan is given after the pictures to choose from. You can get 7 points for this task. But remember that they can reduce points in addition to language errors and for the fact that there are no introductory and concluding phrases (So, here is a photo of ...; to sum it up, the photo is a good illustration of ...), for that the logic is violated and there are no connections (because, besides, that's why).

Requirements for completing task 3

1. Construct a monologue statement in a given volume (12-15 sentences) in the context of a communicative task in various standard situations of social, social, cultural and social and labor spheres of communication.

2. Use elements of narrative, description and reasoning.

3. A complete monologue statement must be logical, contain means of logical connection, and contain an introduction and conclusion.

4. Correctly use linguistic means (lexical units, grammatical structures, phonetic design).

5. Speak at an average pace for no more than 2 minutes.


In this task you need to describe one of the 3 proposed photographs in accordance with the task. To successfully complete this task, we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations.

While preparing a task

Read the assignment instructions carefully;

Choose to describe from the 3 proposed photographs the one that, when describing it, you can name who or what is shown in the photograph, what is happening, who is doing what, where the action is taking place;

Think about what you can say about each item in the task;

Remember that task preparation time is limited to 1.5 minutes.

During the task

Remember that you need to reveal the content of each item;

Keep in mind that the volume of the statement should be 12-15 phrases;

Start the description with an introductory phrase (I’ve chosen picture number...);

Remember that your statement should be logical and complete;

Please note that the task completion time is limited to 2 minutes.


1. Construct a monologue statement in a given volume (12-15 sentences) in the context of a communicative task in various standard situations of social, social, cultural and social and labor spheres of communication.

2. Use elements of reasoning, description, narration.

3. A complete monologue statement must be logical, contain means of logical connection, and contain an introduction and conclusion.

4. Correctly use linguistic means (lexical units, grammatical structures, phonetic design).

5. Speak at an average pace for no more than 2 minutes.

Learn to compare, find commonalities and differences between objects and phenomena. This task also requires you to express and argue your point of view on a given topic.

The task requires you to compare 2 photographs according to a given plan. To successfully complete this task, we recommend that you follow these guidelines.

During preparationassignments

    read the assignment instructions carefully;

    identify a common theme for both photographs;

    identify common and distinctive features of photographs; try to see 2 similarities and 2 differences;

    formulate your opinion;

    remember that task preparation time is limited to 1.5 minutes.

During the task

    follow the points of the task when constructing a statement;

    remember that the answer must contain an introductory and concluding phrase;

    keep in mind that the volume of the statement should be 12-15 phrases;

    use different grammatical structures and a variety of vocabulary that correspond to the plot of the pictures;

    Remember that the task completion time is limited to 2 minutes.

If the examinee receives 0 points on the criterion “Solving a communicative problem,” the entire task is scored 0 points.

Psychological aspect

During the exam, be prepared to work one-on-one with the computer. When preparing for the exam, you need to prepare yourself for this.

Away with fear, away with doubt!!! You will succeed!!!


(Continuation of the article “Results of the Unified State Examination in Foreign Languages ​​2008”. To the previous section)

Section "Speaking"

Number of participants (in percentage) who scored section "Speaking" this or that score is presented in Figure 11.10.

Figure 11.10. Distribution of test points for completing the “Speaking” section

In the distribution of the results of completing this section, it is noteworthy that a fairly large group of subjects (about 600 people) did not begin to complete the tasks. At the same time, the section did not present any particular difficulties for groups with a high level of training. In this case, the distribution mode (the most common result) is equal to 14 points.

The task of the 2008 examination test was in section "Speaking" was to check the level of development of the ability to use oral speech to solve communication-oriented problems. In order to complete the task, the examinees were offered two test tasks: “Thematic monologue statement” (C3) and “Dialogue for the purpose of exchanging evaluative information” (C4).

The level of complexity of the skills tested varied in the degree of independence of the statement, the complexity of the topic, the complexity of the language functions used, and the complexity of the language material used. Task C3 had requirements related to the basic level, while task C4 had requirements of a high level of complexity.

Table 11.16 provides information on the types of tasks, level of complexity, skills tested, duration of tasks of control measuring materials (CMM) in section "Speaking".

A mandatory component of the oral examination test is an introductory conversation (warm-up) between the examinee and the interlocutor in order to establish the necessary contact. This part is not graded; its duration is about 1 minute. Thus, the total duration of the oral section is up to 10 minutes.

Each oral task consisted of the following materials:
. Examination card for tasks C3, C4
. Card of the examiner-interlocutor for tasks C3, C4
. General scheme for assessing oral answers for tasks C3, C4
. Additional assessment scheme for tasks C3, C4.

In addition, this ensures equality in the requirements placed on examinees.

Table 11.16
Structure and content of the “Speaking” section

The examinees' responses were recorded on audio tape or digital media to allow for double scoring by different experts. The first assessment was carried out directly during the answer, and the second - at the end of the exam while listening to the recording on audio media.

In case of a significant discrepancy between the scores, the answer was assessed by a third expert.
Table 11.17 presents a list of criteria that were used to evaluate tasks C3-C4 in the 2008 KIM.

Table 11.17

Criteria K1-K4 from those indicated in the table were assessed on a scale from 0 to 3 points. Criterion K5 - on a scale of 0-2. At the same time, the performance of task C3 was assessed only according to criteria K1 and K2, and the performance of task C4 was assessed according to all five criteria. For completing the entire oral part, examinees could receive from 0 to 20 points.

The average result of task C3 was 61% (2007 - 66%) of the maximum score, and task C4 was 69%, almost the same as in 2007 (68%), of the maximum score.

Analysis of the oral responses of examinees on task C3 (Thematic monologue statement) showed that the majority of examinees are able to logically construct a monologue statement in accordance with the communicative task, they successfully demonstrated the ability to give a detailed answer to an additional question and touch on all the required aspects of the task. At the same time, the problem area remains the ability to give a detailed argumentation of one’s point of view, which was noted by only half of the subjects.

The greatest difficulty for examinees in task C4 (Dialogue for the purpose of exchanging evaluative information) was the use in oral speech of the ability to invite an interlocutor to express their proposals on the issue under discussion and provide adequate argumentation for their own point of view.

Based on an analysis of typical mistakes made by examinees, the following recommendations can be given to teachers on developing speaking skills:
. Pay more attention to completing tasks of an interactive nature, which helps students develop initiative, independence when making decisions, increases activity, and resourcefulness when answering.
. Encourage students to give reasonable answers and good reasoning.
. To develop in students the ability to clearly carry out the assigned task, since in real life language is used precisely for this purpose, that is, they should be taught to carefully read the text of the task, paying special attention to the highlighted elements of content.
. Teach students to actively support and direct the conversation, that is, to functionally use language when communicating with an interlocutor, namely:
− ask the right questions;
− actively discuss various options, speaking both for and against;
− do not be afraid to ask for an explanation if any words are not clear;
− request the interlocutor’s opinion on the issues under discussion;
− invite the interlocutor to make his own proposals.
. Explain to schoolchildren that in task C3 (Thematic monologue statement) they should not retell the topic they have studied. In this case, the task will be considered uncompleted.
. Teach examinees in task C4 (Dialogue for the purpose of exchanging evaluative information) to actually communicate with the interlocutor: respond to his/her remarks, ask clarifying questions, invite them to express their thoughts.
. Teach schoolchildren to give reasons for their statements. Draw students' attention to the fact that they can receive the highest score only if all the points listed in the task are disclosed.

Passing the OGE in foreign languages ​​requires the mandatory participation of students in completing written tasks, as well as tasks in the “Speaking” section.

The procedure does not provide for students’ refusal to participate in the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”).

In order to optimize the time spent in the PPE for participants in the OGE in foreign languages, the OIV decides to choose one of the schemes for organizing the exam for all participants in the OGE in foreign languages:

Conducting an exam in foreign languages ​​(simultaneously a written part and an oral part (section “Speaking”) on one of the days provided for by the schedule;

Conducting an exam in foreign languages ​​(simultaneously the written part and the oral part of the “Speaking” section) on two days as provided for in the schedule;

Conducting the written part of the exam on one day, and the oral part (section “Speaking”) on another day, provided for by the schedule.

Conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​in written form

When conducting the OGE in foreign languages, the exam includes a “Listening” section, all tasks for which are recorded on audio media.

The auditoriums allocated for the “Listening” section are equipped with means of playing audio media.

To complete the tasks in the “Listening” section, technical specialists or organizers set up an audio playback device so that all students can hear it. Students listen to the audio recording twice. Between the first and second playback of the text there is a pause, which is provided during recording. After completing the second reproduction of the text, OGE participants begin the examination work.

Organizers in the audience turn off the audio playback facility.

OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”)

When conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”), oral answers to tasks are recorded on audio media.

Conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”) includes completing 3 tasks:

reading aloud a short text (preparation time – 1.5 minutes, task completion time – 2 minutes);

participation in a conditional questioning dialogue (dialogue questions are recorded on audio media, response time to each question is no more than 40 seconds);

monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan (preparation time - 1.5 minutes, task completion time - 2 minutes).

The oral response time is 15 minutes per respondent. Each subsequent task is executed after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio recorded.

The use of drafts by participants in the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”) is prohibited by the Procedure.

Two types of classrooms are used to conduct the oral part of the exams:

a) a training room in which participants wait for their turn to take the exam. No additional equipment is required for training classrooms;

b) the auditorium in which participants are briefed are issued by the CMM. The auditorium must be equipped with audio recording and playback equipment.

Technical specialists or organizers in the audience set up digital audio recording tools to ensure high-quality recording of oral responses.

In the preparation and conducting classrooms there must be at least 2 organizers in each classroom. On the day of the oral part of the exam, a technical specialist must be present at the PPE.

No more than 25 students can be present in the training room at the same time (seating of two people per desk is allowed).

The responsible organizer in the preparation audience and the responsible organizer in the conducting audience receive examination forms for the exam participants and KIM, respectively, at the PPE Headquarters.

Examination forms are issued to participants in the preparation room no earlier than 10:00 on the day of the exam.

Students are invited to the classroom to receive the assignment for the oral part of the CMM and then record oral responses to the CMM assignments.

Exam participants are escorted from the preparation classroom to the conducting classroom by the organizer outside the classroom.

Each group of participants enters the classroom only after all participants from the previous group have completed the exam (it is recommended that a maximum of 4 OGE participants can pass through one workstation in the classroom per day).

In the audience, the participant takes a workplace.

The organizer gives instructions in this audience.

The organizer also warns the participant that when performing task 2 (conditional dialogue-questioning), it is necessary to answer the question immediately after listening to it, then listen to the next question and answer. The participant should be informed that there is no time to prepare for answering the questions in task 2. Before starting to answer questions, the participant speaks the unique identification number of his work into the audio recording device in Russian.

Before answering each task, the participant pronounces the number of each task in Russian.

After completing the 1st task, the exam participant begins the 2nd task - participation in a conditional questioning dialogue.

The participant listens sequentially and answers each question in the audio recording, and then proceeds to prepare and complete the 3rd task.

After 15 minutes, the organizers in the audience announce the end of the exam and turn off the audio recording of the answer.

The organizers (technical specialist) saves an audio recording of the participant’s response under a certain code - PPE number_audience number_unique identification number of the work.

The participant signs the exam sheet.

After all the participants in the group in the conducting audience have completed the work, a new group of participants is invited to the conducting audience from the waiting audience.

Organizers monitor the preparation time for tasks and control the time for completing tasks. If the time to prepare for a task or the time to respond to a task has expired, the organizer must inform the participant about this. The technical specialist or organizer allows the student to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures. If a technical failure occurs during recording, the student is given the right to take the “Speaking” section again.

If there is a technical failure of the equipment or a low quality audio recording of the OGE participant’s answer in foreign languages ​​is detected after he has completed the tasks in the “Speaking” section, retaking the oral part of the exam is possible on the same day (in this case, the participant is given a new set of EM) or at additional times established by the schedule.

Upon completion of the exam by all participants, audio recordings with answers are collected by a technical specialist into catalogs in class and sent to the RCIO for examination of the answers on removable electronic media.