Demolition of five-story buildings. The order of demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program. Reasons for large-scale transformations

On February 21 of this year, the president of the state officially sent an order to the mayor of the capital to intensify a new program for the demolition of five-story buildings. And within two months, the first regulations regulating this issue were prepared. But, given the speed of decision-making on the demolition of Khrushchev buildings in Moscow, Muscovites are left with more questions than answers. And while the final lists of houses to be demolished in Moscow in 2017 are being compiled and their addresses are being determined, the government is painstakingly working to eliminate contradictions in the papers and by-laws.

In the Soviet Union, every family that worked faithfully at state enterprises could fairly count on receiving personal housing. This is undoubtedly a good program, thanks to which Moscow is dotted with five-story buildings, among which Khrushchev buildings predominate. These houses became the lifeline of the city authorities, which made it possible to provide housing for thousands of Russian families. But time passes, houses fall into disrepair, they threaten to fall into disrepair, and hundreds of families dream of changing their impractical layout to a spacious new apartment in a modern high-rise. This is one of the main reasons that provoked the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017.

The renovation plan was launched back in 1998 and was expected to be completed by 2011. But, due to financial and other government difficulties, the plan to demolish five-story buildings in Moscow was extended for several more years. According to the most favorable forecasts, the demolition plan for Khrushchev buildings should be completed in 2019. But these deadlines are approximate, therefore they are not limited only to these dates, and can be extended.

The 2017 law on the demolition of five-story buildings became the basis for drawing up a preliminary list of applicants for dismantling. In particular, more than 4.5 houses were included in the demolition list, and the owners voted to save or dismantle them.


In practice, the renovation project received a more favorable name – the “Housing” program. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the work is not aimed at destroying the capital’s housing stock, but at improving the living conditions of Moscow families. According to theoretical principles, it was indicated that the demolition schedule for five-story buildings for 2017 will depend solely on the opinion of property owners in the applicant buildings. And the voting lines were already closed on June 15th.

Now, until July, votes will be counted and final lists of five-story buildings for demolition will be compiled. As we become familiar with the results and compile statistics, all the addresses of the five-story buildings that took part in the survey, as well as the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017, are put on public display on the Internet.

It should be noted that the final list will be published only in August, but in the meantime, the map of demolition of five-story buildings includes 115 buildings, among which there are not only Khrushchev buildings, but also other dilapidated or dilapidated buildings.

Practical stage

It will be possible to begin the practical stage only after a complete list of five-story buildings to be demolished has been compiled. It is estimated that at the end of August Muscovites will learn which houses will be dismantled. But in the meantime, you can follow the trend on the website in the “Active Citizen” section.

Attention! The counting of opinions will take place in two stages and requires that 70% of the vote threshold must be overcome in order for the house to be dismantled.

The rules for creating a list of five-story buildings, as well as drawing up the order of demolition, imply the following algorithm of actions:

  • taking into account the opinions of property owners/tenants in applicant houses separately for each apartment;
  • general calculation for each house separately.

In this case, a positive answer will be counted if:

  • all residents of the apartment voted for dismantling;
  • if the opinions of the residents of one apartment differ, but the majority views the resolution of the issue positively;
  • if no votes were received from the apartment

Thus, only a unanimous refusal will be counted in the group of "no" votes.

When determining the first list of houses that can be demolished, the period of construction and its condition were taken into account. Thus, the city's utility companies carried out inspections to establish the unsafe condition of housing.


The renovation project was launched in 2017 and it is during this period that the bulk of the work is planned. So, as has already been said, by the end of the summer the addresses of Moscow five-story buildings will be formed, which will be demolished. Next, it will take approximately two months to draw up notices to residents, provide enough vacant apartments in new buildings for the relocation of citizens, and also complete all the necessary paperwork.

If, having looked through the lists of houses for demolition in Moscow 2017, you have found your addresses, then you should contact the city’s housing stock. They will provide you with a form to familiarize yourself with the new housing. With this document, the family goes to the new apartment, inspects it and decides to accept the home in exchange. In this case, an exchange agreement is drawn up, according to which the state owns the Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, and the displaced people purchase housing in a new building. One and a half months were allotted for the preparation of all these papers. Another 30 calendar days are allocated to complete the move.

In addition, demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow is planned to begin by the end of 2017. City authorities hope that the renovation project will be successfully completed in 2018. But, as practice shows, the country may face exorbitant financial costs, which is why, perhaps, the demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings in Moscow, which began in 2017, may last until 2020 inclusive.

As for the queue, much depends on the availability of empty apartments for relocation and the dilapidation of the building. The most reliable buildings will be dismantled last. The list of demolished houses affected almost all districts of Moscow, including Kapotnya.

What should migrants expect?

Muscovites are warily awaiting the official presentation of the list of houses to be dismantled, which will soon be published in the media and on the pages of Internet resources. If the house is on the list of the 2017 Moscow demolition program for five-story buildings, then the owners will certainly have to move. And that's what scares me the most. And in vain, since the city administration guarantees the provision of all assistance related to the move.

As mentioned above, demolition of houses is possible only when there are enough empty square meters to accommodate displaced people. Therefore, active work is now underway on the construction of new buildings. The layout of the new housing will be similar to the usual dilapidated housing. And, if you look at the house on the map, the location promises to be advantageous. The availability of kindergartens and schools, as well as other citizen service centers will be taken into account.

Residents of the demolished five-story building can rest easy, since the municipal authorities are committed to providing free services for transporting things to their new location.

Legal self-defense

The procedure for implementing this reform has already been approved, as well as mechanisms for legal influence on citizens who do not want to move. In particular, this applies to judicial resolution of disputes. According to case studies, the courts side with the state because city authorities act on the basis of official law. Also, the owner will not be able to influence the order of dismantling houses for demolition in 2017.

The only court decision that can be made in favor of the owner is to provide the opportunity to choose a new home.

Program and list of houses to be demolished in Moscow until 2020

The list of houses to be demolished in Moscow until 2020 includes more than 350 thousand apartments, in which 1 million people live. The renovation program was approved by Moscow Mayor S. Sobyanin on August 1, 2017. What will the new apartments be like? Which houses are included in the list? How will the appearance of the city change? Let's consider these and other issues that concern Muscovites.

Time for a change

Active construction of Khrushchev apartments in Moscow continued from 1957 to 1969. The very first apartments were without balconies, tiny, with low ceilings, adjacent rooms and combined bathrooms. They were built at an accelerated pace to solve the housing problem for the next 25 years. In the early 1960s, house designs were improved; the service life of brick Khrushchev-era buildings was designed to last 100 years. But due to the unsatisfactory quality of construction, some of them fell into disrepair much earlier.

The time has come for change: the authorities decided to replace the panel five-story buildings of the 1-515 series, the block ones - 1-510 and the brick ones -1-511, as well as their modifications with modern comfortable houses with parking lots underneath, new utilities, and landscaped courtyards. In addition to Khrushchev buildings, the demolition list included houses of 2-3 floors, as well as about 100 nine-story panel buildings. Plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow 2020-2025. Affects most of all the Eastern administrative district (Bogorodskoye, Metrogorodok, Sokolinaya Gora, Preobrazhenskoye), Northwestern (Khoroshevo-Mnevniki and Shchukino) and Southwestern (Cheryomushki). In total, there are 560 blocks in Moscow with old five-story buildings.

More than 200 buildings were excluded from the list because, according to the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage, they are the architectural heritage of constructivism.

If residents are against it, there will be no resettlement

Until June 15, 2017, homeowners voted on the draft renovation program. The results of the door-to-door voting are available for verification. If 1/3 of the residents were against it, there would be no relocation or dismantling. There were 452 such houses. They were mostly built of brick. Conversely, residents of 297 houses not included in the preliminary plans voted in favor of demolition at a general meeting. Residents of blocks 79-81 Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, and dilapidated houses on Novozavodskaya Street applied for relocation. Houses located near highways under construction have priority for demolition.

The program is attractive because residents will be moved to new homes in the same or neighboring area. In total, 5,144 houses are planned for demolition in Moscow by 2020. People will receive turnkey apartments of equal size, at least 30% more expensive than before, or cash compensation. This also applies to businesses located on the first floors of Khrushchev buildings. Owners of rooms in communal apartments will also receive apartments. The Moscow authorities announced the cost of finishing: per 1 m² - 11 thousand rubles. It includes plastic windows with baskets for air conditioning, energy-efficient batteries, water and electricity meters, readings from which will be transmitted automatically, intercom, separate bathrooms, ceramic toilets and metal bathtubs. Each apartment will have a balcony or loggia. According to preliminary data, about 25 million m² of new housing will be built, which requires 1.5 trillion. rubles

Wave construction method

The mass relocation of residents from Khrushchev-era apartment buildings will begin no earlier than the second half of 2019. The first district will be Beskudnikovo. The wave construction method is already known to Muscovites. It consists of the following stages:

  1. Construction of a new house.
  2. Relocation of residents to it.
  3. Dismantling the old building and erecting a new one.
  4. Creation of infrastructure and strengthening of communications capabilities.

Khrushchev buildings will be replaced by houses built from new generation panels and as a monolith. The decoration of the facades will be bright and non-standard. The city authorities promise round-the-clock video surveillance in the houses, modern elevators, adapting entrances for disabled people and prams. If premium-class buildings are built on the site of Khrushchev, the number of apartments in the new houses will increase by more than 2 times, and their total area - by more than 5 once. For each site, the issue of construction will be decided individually. It is logical to build large blocks in place of a massive accumulation of five-story buildings. The best architectural bureaus of the capital will participate in the project. After 2020, it will be possible to make plans to resettle residents in the Moscow region.

He noted that these are houses that were included in the program of comprehensive reconstruction of five-story residential areas, approved back in the late 1990s.

The demolition schedule for 2017 can be found.

A preliminary list of five-story buildings for demolition as part of the renovation program has been published.

“Today, 65 five-story buildings remain to be demolished in Moscow. Of these, 11 houses were dismantled in the first quarter of this year: nine at the expense of the city budget and two under investment contracts,” said A. Bochkarev.

According to him, this year, at the expense of the city budget, builders will dismantle 49 houses, the rest will be demolished by investors.

The Department of Construction recalled that the program included 1,722 houses with a total area of ​​over 6.3 million square meters. m. In five capital districts, all the houses of the demolished series have already been dismantled.

“The plans for this year are to complete the demolition of five-story buildings in the Eastern, Southwestern and Northwestern districts. Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin set us the task of completing the program in 2018,” emphasized A. Bochkarev.

After the completion of the first five-story demolition program in 2018, the city will begin eliminating the remaining five-story residential stock of approximately 25 million square meters. m. The new housing renovation program will affect about 8 thousand houses, in which 1.6 million Muscovites live.

As previously stated by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin, the opinion of residents will be taken into account when implementing the program. Details - in

Today, a program for the demolition of such buildings is already underway in the capital. It covers 1,722 five-story buildings with an area of ​​6.3 million m². The previously adopted program included the oldest house models. Five-story buildings to be demolished are usually panel buildings, do not have balconies and contain gas water heaters. They were erected in the 50-60s of the last century.

The program for demolishing five-story buildings has been in effect in Moscow for over 20 years, but has not yet been fully completed. Seventy-five more buildings remained undismantled. The demolition of the Khrushchev buildings should be completed by 2018.

Which ones will be demolished?

The new parliamentary proposal is that other types of five-story buildings, with a total area of ​​twenty-five million m², be included in the existing demolition plan. We are talking not only about panel houses, but also about brick buildings. In their place, Moscow authorities plan to build new housing with a total area of ​​fifty million m². According to deputies, a new program for the demolition of five-story buildings should begin in 2018.

At the same time, many real estate experts note that in Moscow there are many five-story buildings that are quite suitable for living. They may have low ceilings, but they have thick walls that retain heat well. In addition, the capital already has sufficient experience in completing the construction of upper floors and thereby increasing the area of ​​apartments. Experts are confident that it is not advisable to demolish all five-story buildings, since this is quite comfortable and high-quality housing. As for replacing communications that have become unusable over time, this is a question for utility companies.

Demolition schedule for five-story buildings

The Housing program, which was adopted back in the nineties, provided for the demolition of five-story buildings and the relocation of residents to new houses built in the same area. The demolition plan was planned for twenty-five years. Khrushchev buildings for demolition included the following series:

  • 1MG-300;
  • II-35;
  • II-32;
  • 1605-AM.

As noted above, the demolition of the Khrushchev buildings was not completed for various reasons. In 2010, the Moscow Government returned to this issue and decided to finish the job. Today this program is ninety percent completed. Of the planned 1,722 Khrushchev buildings, 1,567 buildings have already been dismantled.

Five-story buildings for demolition in 2018

There are such houses in almost all districts of the capital, so here is a detailed list:

Districts Addresses
  1. st. Profsoyuznaya 98, buildings: 2-8
  1. Jan Rainis boulevard 2, building 2
  2. st. People's Militia, 13, buildings: 3-4
  3. M. Zhukova Avenue, 51, buildings: 2-4
  1. Prospekt Yasny 16, building 2
  2. st. Yablochkova 22, buildings 1-3
  3. st. Yablochkova 20, building 2
  4. st. Yablochkova 18, buildings 3-4
  5. st. Sheremetyevskaya 31, building: 1-2
  6. st. Fonvizina 11
  7. st. Polyarnaya 5 building 2
  8. st. Polyarnaya 3 building 2
  9. st. Molodtsova 33, building 1
  10. st. Molodtsova 25, building 1
  11. st. Molodtsova 17, building 1
  12. st. Milashenkova 7, building 3
  13. st. Dobrolyubova, 17
  14. Dezhneva Avenue, 8
  15. Dezhneva Avenue 26, building 3
  16. Dezhneva Avenue, 22, buildings 1-2
  17. Dezhneva Avenue 12, building 1
  18. st. Godovikova 10, buildings: 1-2
  19. st. Anenskaya 6
  1. st. Yartsevskaya 31, buildings: 2-3.6
  2. st. Yartsevskaya 27, building 5
  3. Slavyansky boulevard 9, buildings: 3-4
  4. st. M. Filevskaya 24, buildings: 1-3
  5. st. Lobachevskogo 84
  6. Leninsky prospect 110, buildings: 3-4
  7. st. Kremenchugskaya 5 building 1
  8. st. Koshtoyantsa houses 9,19,27,37
  9. st. Kastanaevskaya 63, building 1
  10. st. Kastanaevskaya 61, buildings: 1-2
  11. st. Davydkovskaya 4, buildings: 1-3
  12. st. Davydkovskaya 2, building 7
  13. st. Davydkovskaya 12, buildings: 1-2,4-5
  14. st. Davydkovskaya 10, buildings: 1-4
  15. st. Ak. Pavlova's house: 56 building 1, 54,40,38,36,34,32
  1. st. Plyushcheva 15, building 3
  2. st. Kirpichnaya 49

Back in June 2016, the Moscow City Planning Department developed a pilot project for the renovation of five-story buildings of the “unbearable” series in 2018 in the Kuzminki District. But to implement it, it will be necessary to adopt a special law on dilapidated housing. In February 2017, V. Putin instructed the Ministry of Construction and the Moscow authorities to develop a program for the resettlement of citizens, but clear deadlines for its creation have not yet been established. If the order is reviewed and adopted within a year, then in 2018 a wave of dismantling of residential buildings of the “unbearable” type will begin, not only in the South-Eastern Administrative District, but throughout the capital. There are more such five-story buildings than have already been dismantled in all time. The total area is about 25 million square meters. meters, and the total number of residents is more than 1.7 million.

Should I buy apartments in old five-story buildings?

Just a few years ago, buying an apartment in certain types of five-story buildings was very popular in Moscow. This was done in order to get an apartment in new buildings. Realtors believe that such a scenario is unlikely for the next 2017-18. The rate of provision of new housing under the previous program for the demolition of five-story buildings was approximately one hundred houses in one year. If this rate continues, then the second demolition program will have to wait sixty years. Moreover, the prospects for a second resettlement are very vague.

Will the demolition of Khrushchev buildings continue?

Experts have different opinions on this matter. Representatives of the companies “NDV-Real Estate” and “Cian” believe that the program of demolition of five-story buildings will continue. After all, houses age over the years and the likelihood of them falling into the emergency pool only grows. Specialist V. Zimokhin is convinced that despite the high costs, the city authorities will be forced to resettle people. This point of view was supported by his colleague A. Pypin, but he believes that the pace of the second company will not be so rapid.

The companies Inkom-Real Estate and IRN-Consulting do not believe in the continuation of the program at all, since significant funds are required for its implementation. Experienced realtor S. Shloma believes that the city leadership simply will not have the funds for demolition and resettlement of people in the coming years. He argues that when the 2008-9 crisis happened, demolition became unprofitable. Investors stopped investing money and simply ran away. The cost of constructing new housing grew, prices for all types of real estate decreased. There was no talk of any profit at all. Now the situation is very similar. The city budget is unlikely to be able to allocate significant amounts for the new program.

According to government officials, by the end of 2019 the main stages, timing and order of demolition of houses will be established under the Moscow housing stock renovation program. At the moment, houses to be dismantled have been identified. About 5,000 residential buildings, home to a million Muscovites, were subject to renovation.

For residents of houses subject to resettlement, the main question remains when the houses will be demolished under the renovation program. The order of dismantling the capital's Khrushchev buildings does not affect the interests of those on the waiting list. If the area of ​​residence is not suitable for a person or there are other circumstances, then he can purchase an equivalent replacement in a new home. At the same time, he continues to be registered.

In the fall of 2017, a list of sites for construction under the renovation program became known, which are located quite close to the houses to be dismantled. In the coming months, it is planned to select several dozen more sites so that the implementation of the initiative of the capital authorities is carried out simultaneously throughout Moscow.

59 residential buildings will be built at the selected launch sites in 2018. And by the beginning of 2021, several dozen more houses for relocation will be identified.

Important! The resettlement process itself will take 90 days, instead of the previously established 60. The question of extending this period by another 30 days remains open.

A schedule for relocation from five-story buildings under the renovation program was also established for 2018-2020.

The streamlined process of moving into new buildings is expected to begin in the second half of 2019. Such resettlement will be carried out using the so-called wave development method, which consists of separate stages:

  • construction of a new house;
  • moving residents into new buildings;
  • demolition of an old house;
  • erection of a new building in its place;
  • organizing infrastructure and improving communications.

This sequence is explained by the fact that the process of implementing the authorities’ initiative should take place with maximum comfort for the residents of the houses to be dismantled.

Plan for dismantling five-story buildings in Moscow for 2018-2020

First, the program will cover residential buildings that have been in disrepair for a long time. However, it must be taken into account that the program distinguishes the need for demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings from the program for the resettlement of dilapidated housing.

According to recent news, the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program will last 15 years and will be divided into several equal stages.

First of all, the most unreliable residential buildings, the technical condition of which is unsatisfactory, will be dismantled. Conversely, the most reliable buildings will be demolished much later.

Read also: Review of proposals in new buildings in Krasnogorsk from developers

Renovation of houses of unbearable series

In 2018, not only houses in disrepair will be demolished, but also so-called undemolishable five-story buildings. These include houses that can last up to 150 years when undergoing major repairs. This is due to higher heat-insulating properties of walls, structural strength and improved room layouts. Despite the fact that the physical wear and tear of such buildings remains relatively small, intra-house networks require complete re-equipment.

The city authorities plan to demolish such buildings of series 1-515 and 1-510.

The order of demolition of houses depending on the area

According to data published on the official website of the Moscow City Hall, in the period 2017-2019, in order to carry out a further wave of resettlement of local residents, it is planned to build starter homes in the following areas of Moscow:

  • Presnensky (TsAO);
  • Beskudnikovsky, Dmitrovsky, Koptevo, Timiryazevsky (SAO);
  • Babushkinsky, Northern Medvedkovo, Northern, Southern Medvedkovo (NEAD);
  • Northern Izmailovo (VAO);
  • Kuzminki, Nizhny Novgorod, Tekstilshchiki (South Eastern Administrative District);
  • Moskvorechye-Saburovo, Nagatinsky Zaton (Southern Administrative Okrug);
  • Academic, Konkovo, Kotlovka, Yuzhnoye Butovo (South-Western Administrative District);
  • Mozhaisky, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Vernadsky Avenue, Fili-Davydkovo (JSC);
  • Northern Tushino (SZAO).

Advice! On the official website of the Moscow City Hall, everyone can look at the Moscow renovation map for 2017-2020.

In 2020-2021, the list will be expanded to include other areas. The remaining territorial units of the districts were not included in this list due to objections from the owners.

In the Central District of the capital, not only five-story buildings will be demolished, but also houses built at the beginning of the last century.

In addition to the above-mentioned areas, the queue for dismantling will include houses built in all remaining administrative districts of Moscow. According to the capital authorities, the queue of houses for demolition is headed by residential buildings located in Beskudnikovo. Three new buildings have already been built in this area, which will become new homes for residents of Khrushchev.

The question of implementing the initiative of the capital's authorities to replace old housing with new worries many Muscovites. To exchange available information, as well as to clarify any questions, residents of demolished houses can use numerous forums where the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow is actively discussed.

What depends on the order of demolition

The first wave of replacing five-story buildings with new buildings began at the end of 2017. The resettlers will receive living space in monolithic houses. Subsequently, it is planned to design modern panel houses that would meet the latest construction standards.

Residents of the demolished five-story buildings are concerned about the quality of the premises provided. Moscow authorities assure that they will not feel any infringement of their rights or worsening conditions in the new place.

Firstly, the non-residential area in almost all new buildings will be increased. Small kitchens and combined bathrooms, characteristic of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, will remain a thing of the past. The living area will remain unchanged, but will not be reduced in any way.

Read also: Special offers and prices on the official website of the Tetris residential complex in Krasnogorsk

Owners of rooms in communal apartments will become full owners of individual apartments.

Secondly, the market value of new housing will over time significantly exceed prices for secondary housing. In addition, the terms of the mortgage will remain the same.

Thirdly, since the beginning of August 2017, owners of living space in five-story buildings are not required to pay for major repairs. Once the relocation process is completed, residents will be reimbursed for funds already paid.

The above also applies to commercial organizations located on the first floors of five-story buildings.

The owner of living space in a demolished building has every right not to move to the provided housing in a new building, but to receive monetary compensation instead of an apartment, which will be determined in accordance with the market price of the apartment.

Important! If the owner takes a principled position and decides to turn to the courts to protect his right to live in the old house, then, as practice shows, the judicial authorities will be on the side of the state, since its authorities are guided by official legislation.

What is proposed to replace old apartments

According to the authorities, the operation of the constructed houses is designed for a hundred years. A careful selection of developers is carried out, as well as control over compliance with established rules and regulations, so that the constructed housing is most suitable for comfortable living.

Khrushchev buildings will be replaced by modern houses made of panels and monoliths with creative facade decoration.

Elevators in new buildings will be located in such a way that new residents do not need to climb the stairs to reach them. Each entrance will be adapted for people with disabilities and will also be equipped with CCTV cameras.

The houses are planned to be built from panels, which will be laid out in three layers. It is possible to choose the desired layout inside the living space. Each will have plastic windows with noise protection, and will also have spacious balconies and loggias.

The resettlers will receive living quarters with full finishing, which includes:

  • laying laminate and ceramic tiles;
  • finishing walls with paintable wallpaper;
  • installation of a metal entrance door and interior doors made of timber;
  • equipping bathrooms with high-quality sanitary ware;
  • installation of sockets and switches.

It is planned to improve the internal infrastructure of the yard: children's and sports grounds, areas for walking and sports will be equipped.

First house to move into

Since the end of 2017, houses in Moscow at the address Konstantin Fedin Street have come under renovation. Residents of two five-story buildings have begun actively moving into an 18-story building on 5th Parkovaya Street. The building is located just a few hundred meters from the previous residential buildings. Already 112 families have prepared all the necessary documents, and the owners of 16 apartments have even managed to draw up contracts.

Future residents of the new building inspected the new housing and pointed out existing shortcomings, which were soon eliminated. It is noted that new housing is on average 30 percent larger in area than old apartments.

In the new house, residential premises have already been identified for subsequent sale, which will remain vacant after relocation under the renovation program. Several dozen apartments of different sizes are presented on the Stroykompleks website. First of all, these apartments will be available for purchase to new residents under the program for replacing old housing with new ones who would like to increase the size of their home. To date, about a hundred families have expressed such a desire. After this, the remaining residential premises will be available for purchase to everyone. However, such buyers will no longer have any benefits and discounts that immigrants may qualify for.

How can I purchase the necessary meters?

On the Stroykompleks website, homeowners in buildings for demolition can choose the apartment they like and inspect it, turning for help to the employees of a special information center in this building, who will also be able to report new information about the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow.

If the chosen housing meets the interests of the owners, then they need to write an application to a specialized Fund, the content of which should indicate the desire to purchase an apartment of a larger area in exchange for the one initially provided.

The application is accompanied by a certain package of documents and a receipt indicating that a payment has been made for security purposes in a fixed amount.

The Fund is obliged to consider the received application within five working days. If during these days there are no more candidates for this housing, then the only applicants draw up an agreement and pay for it within 10 days from the moment the Fund gives consent to the transaction.

If there are several applicants for one apartment, the Fund is obliged to hold an auction, based on the results of which the winning person also draws up a contract for the purchase of housing within 10 days from the end of the auction. When paying for the cost of living space, the auction winner will be given a 10% discount, which applies to the amount of the additional payment made.

The remaining auction participants have the right to receive back the payment they made for security purposes.

Those auction participants who were the owners will draw up exchange agreements with an additional payment. And apartment tenants will have to enter into a purchase and sale agreement.

If migrants, after completing all the documents for the original living space and moving into it, suddenly decide to purchase a larger living space in the same house, then this is possible within two years.