Scenario for the holiday “Journey into History. Defender of the Fatherland, Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. Open extracurricular event “Holy Defender of the Russian Land - Alexander Nevsky” Library scripts on Alexander Nevsky

Scenario of the event “Alexander Nevsky”
Presenter (chronicler).
“O bright and beautifully decorated Russian land. You are famous for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wondrous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars, many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land!”
Presenter (in Russian folk clothes).
This is what he wrote back in the 13th century. unknown author of “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land.”
1 presenter (in Russian folk costume).
But Rus' is rich not only in countless gifts of nature, but also in its faithful sons, who glorified our Motherland with valiant deeds and defended it with their breasts in times of great troubles and trials.
2 presenter (in princely attire).
And one of them was Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky - an outstanding Russian commander in the 13th century. with powerful blows he drove back the hordes of Western conquerors from the borders of Rus'.
3 presenter (in the clothes of a warrior).
Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, nicknamed Nevsky, lived only 43 years. He became the Prince of Novgorod at the age of 16, at 20 he defeated the Swedes on the Neva River, and at 22 he won the famous victory on the ice of Lake Peipsi.
2 presenter.
Alexander was born in the Pereyaslav Principality in 1220.
Presenter (chronicler).
“This prince Alexander was born from the great prince Yaroslav and from his mother Feodosia. I was brought up in God, comprehended book teaching, revered Russian shrines...”
2 presenter.
He learned to read and write early, and was fond of reading Russian chronicles and Byzantine chronicles describing the campaigns of Alexander the Great and other generals. At the age of 9 he was mounted on a horse and girded with a real sword, not a toy. From a young age he was with the army, which his father led on campaigns.
Presenter (chronicler).
“And God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, and the courage of the Roman king Vespasian, who captured the whole land of Judea. So Prince Alexander won, but was invincible...”
And truly, there was no more beautiful face in the world,
And there was also no daredevil anywhere
Opposite Alexander...
When he was born, he took off his shirt.
And when he grew up, he fought the bear alone.
And he didn’t saddle the horse: without saddle and bridle
He rushed with him like a whirlwind from star to star.
And the horse came out: through fire, through water
He will carry out the prince without asking the ford.
And at the meeting the prince’s voice is now strength, now passion, now prayer,
That is the trumpet of the terrible archangel of death...
2 presenter.
His reign came at a difficult time for Rus': the Mongol hordes devastated the country, an invasion of German, Scandinavian and Lithuanian feudal lords threatened from the west... The time of the Crusades had not yet passed, the knightly orders, beaten in Holy Palestine, were revived in the German north. In Pomerania, the ominous cry of the crusaders could already be heard with might and main: “Take, plunder, beat!” Now a crusade was proclaimed against the Finns, Karelians and Russians.
1 presenter.
The Swedes were the first to try their luck. In the summer of 1240, a Swedish fleet led by Birger, the son-in-law of the Swedish king, invaded the Novgorod land and anchored at the mouth of the Izhora River.
Presenter (chronicler).
“And the king of the midnight part of the Roman country heard about the courage of Prince Alexander and said: “I will go and capture the land of Alexander.” Alexander, having heard these words, burned in his heart...”
Russian messenger
The prince, whom you appointed as the eldest of the watchmen, Pelgusius, sent me to you with alarming news. In the morning, when the fog cleared, in the place where the Izhora River flows into the Neva, the patrol saw the masts of Swedish ships. They landed on the shore. The armor of the Swedish warriors sparkled in the sun, their spears stared into the sky, and the swords swayed menacingly on the warriors’ sides.
What else did Pelgusius convey?
Russian messenger
The Swedes set up a camp. Birger's tent, embroidered with gold, went up. The Swedes erected it in the center. Fires were lit, meat was fried, and barrels of wine were lowered from the ships. Then they sat down to feast.
Prince! There is another messenger for you - a Swedish one.
Swedish messenger.
Earl Birger sends you a message, Prince. (Unfolds the letter and reads). “Prince of Novgorod, if you can, resist! Know that I am already here and will take your land captive.”
What else did Birger convey?
Swedish messenger.
So that I don’t bend my head low in front of you. Jarl Birger expects that the gates of Novgorod are about to open wide before him.
Prince Alexander turns away from the messenger. He stands silently in thought, clenching his hands into fists.
Swedish messenger. (Laughing.)
So what should I tell my master?
Go. I will send the answer to Birger myself. (The Swedish messenger leaves)
Birger carries himself brazenly and confidently, and feels the strength behind him. Well, let's greet the uninvited guests properly. Go to the outpost and tell Pelgusius to keep a watchful eye on the Swedes. And I’ll think about how to defeat Birger.
2 presenter. Fragment of the cantata - Prokofiev S. “Rise up, Russian people”
“Get ready,” the prince said to the warriors, and went to say goodbye to the blessed princess...
The prince's warriors gathered - some on foot, some on horseback...
Alexander Yaroslavich spoke to them steadily:
“Friends and brothers, let us remember not flesh and blood,
And the words that the Lord is not in power, but in truth!”
And the warriors all protected themselves with a cross before the battle,
And for Prince Alexander Yaroslavich they moved into the field with prayer.
And it happened on the Neva River, on the Neva River, on high water. There we cut down the evil army, the evil army, the Swedish army. Wow, how we fought, how we fought! Wow, they were cutting down ships to planks. We did not spare our blood ore for the great Russian land.
3 presenter
Where the ax passed was a street, Where the spear flew was a side street. We laid down the Swedes, the Germans, like feather grass on dry ground. We will not give up Russian land. Whoever comes to Rus' will be beaten to death. Rus' rose up against the enemy; Glorious Novgorod has risen to battle!
2 presenter.
And the prince... Oh my God! How he ran over Birger, their commander, with his favorite horse,
Swung his shoulder and stamped a bloody damask spear
He put it between the eyebrows of the damned Swede boaster...
The horns sounded the victory of the blessed Prince Alexander,
And all the Swedes fled in fear, some by land and some by water,
But the Lord's punishment quickly overtook them everywhere...
1 presenter.
...And the Swedes fell, fragile dead wood, with mortal anxiety,
Fleeing from God's terrible thunderstorm neither by way nor by road:
Through the forests and ravines they lay in bones,
Where even the prince’s warriors did not chase them...
For this victory, the people nicknamed the prince Nevsky.
3 presenter.
But as soon as the Swedish danger subsided, new enemies appeared...
Russia is spread wide! Russia endured many troubles: the Tatars flew at it from the east with a fiery blizzard,
From the west, with shields, the sun, the Livonians marched towards her like a wall. Wait! - They scared her, - We will trample you with our boots! The dog will howl, Nettles will grow, Where the German foot has stepped!
1 presenter.
Such a shame should not happen, brothers!
Let's become breastfeeding! Let's fight to the death!
Let's destroy the enemy!.. Let's kill him with a dart!
Let's trample it into the ground! Let's bite it with our teeth,
Let us not be his slaves!!!
Presenter (chronicler).
“After Alexandrova’s victory, when he defeated the king, in the third year, in winter, he went with great strength to German land, so that they would not boast, saying: “Let us subdue the Slavic people.” And they had already taken the city of Pskov and imprisoned the German governors. He soon expelled them from Pskov and killed the Germans, and tied up others and liberated the city from the godless Germans, and fought and burned their land, and took countless prisoners, and killed others. The Germans, being daring, united and said: “Let’s go, defeat Alexander, and capture him.”
2 presenter.
The prince moved to the banks of the Narova, intending to establish a strong line and long-term protection there. Near the village of Mooste, his cavalry unexpectedly stumbled upon the iron fist of the order's forces. It was April 1242.
The days were sunny, with frost. The gilded snow lay like an amber dish on lakes Pskov and Chudskoye. They were connected by a water throat, nicknamed Uzmen for its narrowness.
The fishermen showed Alexander the places where the ice was strong and where it was loose. A plan was immediately hatched...
2 presenter.
It would be tempting to lower at least part of the German cavalry in heavy iron armor under the ice! But it’s not enough to lure the knights onto the ice and force them to huddle. The formation of the order’s forces in a wedge, that is, a “pig,” penetrated the strongest defenses. And if the wedge crushes the core of the Russian regiments - the strong “brow” - the battle will be lost. What if, in defiance of tradition, the side “wings” were made strong, led into an ambush behind the Crow Stone, and the “brow” was placed in deployed formation, like a trap?
Presenter (chronicler).
“When the Germans approached, the guards found out about them. Prince Alexander prepared for battle, and they went at each other...”
It happened on April 5, 1242...
Presenter (chronicler).
“It was then Saturday, and when the sun rose, the opponents met.
Fragment of the film “Alexander Nevsky”
And there was a cruel slaughter, and there was a crash from breaking spears and a ringing from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake was moving, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood...”
Simonov's poem
Rus' was coming out for a great battle; Rus' defeated the evil enemy. There is no enemy on our native soil. Whoever comes will be beaten to death. Rejoice, sing, dear mother Rus'! The enemy will not be in our native Rus', The enemy will not be able to see our Russian villages, Whoever comes to Rus' will be beaten to death. In dear Rus', in great Rus' There is no enemy!
Presenter (chronicler).
“And so he defeated the enemies with the help of God, and they fled, but Alexander cut them down, chasing them as if through the air, and they had nowhere to hide. Here God glorified Alexander in front of all the regiments. And there has never been an opponent worthy of him in battle. And Prince Alexander returned with a glorious victory, and there were many captives in his army, and they led barefoot next to the horses of those who call themselves “God’s knights.”
Alexander Nevsky not only defeated the invaders, but was also able to consolidate his victories, forcing many to reckon with himself.
There has never been a wiser venerable prince in the world -
In peace, and in war, and in council, And with the banner of God he overshadowed his princely rank;
And then Caesar, the Pope, and the Khan sent him ambassadors...
Presenter (chronicler).
“And his name became famous in all countries, from the Khonuzh Sea and to the Ararat Mountains, and on the other side of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome.”
1 presenter.
With his cautious, prudent policy towards the Horde, he saved Rus' from final plunder by the armies of nomads. By armed struggle, trade policy, and selective diplomacy, he avoided new wars in the north and west. He gained time, allowing Rus' to grow stronger and recover from the terrible devastation. He is the founder of the policy of revival of Rus'.
Alexander Nevsky died on November 14, 1263. The sun of the Russian land set...
Presenter (chronicler).
And there was screaming and screaming and anguish as never before. And the earth shook...
3 presenter.
The Russian people have never forgotten Alexander Nevsky. People's memory preserves the image of Alexander - a patriot, defender of Rus', honors his exploits for the glory of the Motherland. Streets, alleys, squares are named after Alexander Nevsky... Orthodox churches are dedicated to him, he is the heavenly patron of St. Petersburg.
2 Presenter.
Alexander Nevsky was initially buried in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were solemnly transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. The words of M.V. are engraved on the tomb of Alexander Nevsky. Lomonosov:
“...To Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, the zealous defender of Russia..., Who tamed barbarism in the east, Who overthrew envy in the west...”
117 years after his death, she elevated Alexander Nevsky to the rank of saint.
1 presenter.
His name is imprinted on military awards - and he is the only ruler and commander in whose honor awards were established in the Russian Empire, in the Soviet Union, and in modern Russia.

As part of the celebration of the Year of Russian History, we cannot ignore such a historical date as 775th anniversary of the victory on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice).
In 1240-42, German crusaders, Danish and Swedish feudal lords intensified their aggressive actions, taking advantage of the weakening of Rus', whose lands at that time were being ravaged by the Mongol-Tatars of Batu Khan.
In 1240, the Swedes were defeated at the mouth of the Neva, but the crusaders of the Livonian Order captured Izborsk, and then, with the help of traitor boyars, Pskov. Having taken the Koporye churchyard (1240), the crusaders built a fortress here. In 1241 they planned to seize Veliky Novgorod, Karelia and lands in the Neva region.
At the request of the Veche, Prince Alexander Nevsky arrived in Novgorod, leaving him in the winter of 1240 after a quarrel with part of the Novgorod boyars. Gathering an army from Novgorodians, Ladoga, Izhora and Karelians, he drove out the Teutonic knights from Koporye in 1241. The Novgorod army, joined by the Vladimir-Suzdal regiments, entered the land of the Estonians. But then, unexpectedly turning east, Alexander Nevsky besieged Pskov and soon liberated the city. After this, he again transferred military operations to the land of the Estonians in order to prevent the gathering of the main forces of the crusaders and force them to set out prematurely.
The knights gathered large forces and, confident of their victory, moved east. Almost all the crusading “servants of God” – heavily armed, armored mounted knights – went on a campaign against Alexander. At the head of the order's army were the master himself, the entire elite of the order, and many bishops. Near the village of Hammast, the Russian advanced detachment of Domash and Kerbet discovered a large knightly army; In the battle, the detachment was defeated, but the survivors reported the approach of the crusaders. The Russian army retreated to the east. Alexander Nevsky positioned the Russian army (15-17 thousand people) in the narrow southern part of Lake Peipsi southwest of the island of Voroniy Kamen and forced a battle on the enemy in the place he had chosen, which covered the routes to Veliky Novgorod and Pskov.
In the early morning of April 5, 1242, the famous Teutonic “pig” crawled out of the darkness onto the lake and moved towards the Russian army. The very first blow of the crusader wedge bent the Russian center. The archers shot the first ranks of knights, pulled them off their horses, finishing them off on the ground, but more and more horsemen rode behind them in a tight formation, crushing the Russians. Soon the center was broken through, the infantrymen scattered to the sides, but the German wedge buried itself, as Alexander had planned, in the high, forested and snow-covered eastern shore of the lake. The movement of the knights slowed down and became confused, and at this time the wings of the Russian army began to move, unleashing all their cavalry power on the flanks and rear of the wedge. It was already difficult for the knights to rebuild and turn around against the Russian squads that surrounded them. The Chud ran first, followed by the German infantrymen. The Russians skillfully pushed the enemy onto weak ice, and the knights began to fall under the ice and drown. Alexander's warriors began to finish off the enemy. The ice of the lake was covered with blood. According to the Novgorod Chronicle, “400 Germans died and 50 were captured” in the battle. The captured knights were marched in disgrace through the streets of Mister Veliky Novgorod.
The defeat of the Teutonic army was complete.

Monument to the squads of Alexander Nevsky on Sokolikha in Pskov

The victory on Lake Peipus was of great historical significance. She stopped the advance of the crusaders to the east, which had as its goal the conquest and colonization of Russian lands; in the same year a peace treaty was concluded between Novgorod and the Livonian Order. It was a historic victory. The Battle of the Ice also occupies an outstanding place in the history of Russian military art.
Of course, the main creator of the victory of the Novgorodians in the Battle of Lake Peipsi was Alexander Nevsky himself. His tactical ideas saved the lives of many vigilantes. Alexander Nevsky appears as one of the most remarkable heroes of Russian history - a brave warrior, a talented commander, a wise ruler of the country, caring for the welfare of the people and capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of the Fatherland.
M.V. Lomonosov noted the far-sightedness of Nevsky’s policy, emphasizing his services in pacifying the Golden Horde and suppressing aggression from the West. According to legend, the prince gave a speech to the Novgorodians, which he ended with the words: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”
For his military exploits, Alexander Nevsky received the highest award - he was canonized by the church and declared a Saint.

"Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword"

Target: to promote the formation of spiritual and moral values, patriotism, citizenship in students, to cultivate in the younger generation respect for their native country, its historical roots and national traditions.


  • expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the life and work of Alexander Nevsky - a bright personality, a talented commander, an outstanding politician; using his example to form in schoolchildren a sense of citizenship, respect for the historical past, and the heroic deeds of our ancestors; encourage children to be socially active and take part in the revival of the greatness and glory of Russia.
  • develop the personality of students on the basis of mastering historical knowledge, the ability to navigate the most important achievements of national culture (at the same time, intellectual abilities themselves can develop on the basis of mental operations of comparing and analyzing historical facts).

Resources for the event:

  1. Map dedicated to the key events of Rus' in the 13th century.
  2. Portrait of A. Nevsky.
  3. Poem by K. Simonov "Battle on the Ice".

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part. The organization has begun.

  1. Checking readiness for the event.
  2. Communicating the goals and objectives of the event.

II. Main part.

1. The teacher's word. Personality of Alexander Nevsky. Presentation. Slide 1.

Prince Alexander was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from 1222 he lived in Gorodishche near Veliky Novgorod, where his father, Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, reigned.

In 1225, Yaroslav gave his sons “princely tonsure,” after which the experienced governor, boyar Fyodor Danilovich, began to teach them military affairs. In 1228, together with his elder brother Fedor, they were “installed” by their father in Novgorod, but due to unrest, the princes were forced to go to their father that same year (according to other sources, in February 1229). In 1230, Grand Duke Yaroslav managed to leave Novgorod again to Fedor and Alexander, but three years later, at the age of fifteen, Fedor died.

In 1234, Alexander's first campaign (under his father's banner) against the Livonian Germans took place.

In 1236 Yaroslav left to reign in Kyiv and Alexander began to rule independently in Novgorod, which was proud of its prince. He acted as a defender of orphans and widows, and was an assistant to the hungry.

From a young age the prince revered the priesthood and monasticism, i.e. was a prince from God and obedient to God.

2. Student's story. The activities of Alexander Nevsky as a commander. Presentation. Slides 2-3.

The young prince faced the problem of the Tatars and another closer and more serious danger from the Swedes, Livonians and Lithuania. The struggle with the Livonians and the Swedes was, at the same time, a struggle between the Orthodox East and the Catholic West. In 1237, the scattered forces of the Livonians - the Teutonic Order and the Swordsmen - united against the Russians.

In 1238, Mongol hordes approached the Novgorod lands. With hope in the Wisdom of God, Prince Alexander prayed for protection in the temple of St. Sophia, strengthened the city and its borders, and the enemy did not invade.

In 1239, the prince married Princess Alexandra from Polotsk. But he did not have a quiet life. The prince began to strengthen the western border of his region along the Sheloni River. The following year, the Germans attacked the Pskov region, and the Swedes, encouraged by the pope, moved to Novgorod under the leadership of the ruler of the country himself, the royal son-in-law Birger. Confident of victory, Birger sent Alexander a declaration of war, proud and arrogant: “If you can, resist, know that I am already here and will take your land captive.” Novgorod was left to its own devices. Rus', defeated by the Tatars, could not provide him with any support.

The prince then prayed on his knees in the cathedral church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God, and turning to the soldiers, he said the words that are still popular today: “God is not in power, but in truth.”

3. The student performs excerpts from Konstantin Simonov’s “Battle on the Ice.” Presentation. Slides 4-5.

The prince in front of the Russian regiments
He turned his horse around,
Hands clad in steel
He poked angrily under the clouds.
"Let God judge us with the Germans
Without delay here on the ice,
We have swords with us, and come what may,
Let's help God's court!"

The first onslaught of the Germans was terrible.
To the Russian infantry at an angle,
Two rows of horse towers
They went straight ahead.

Like angry lambs in a storm,
Among the German bigwigs
White shirts flashed
Men's lamb hats.
In washed undershirts,
Throwing sheepskin coats on the ground,
They rushed into mortal combat,
Opening the gate wide.

They are with their eyes open
They walked towards the Germans bare-chested,
Cutting your fingers to the bone,
They bowed their spears to the ground.

On April 5, 1242, the Battle of Lake Peipsi took place. This battle is known as the Battle of the Ice. Before the battle, Prince Alexander ordered his warriors to take off their iron armor. By a cunning maneuver (the enemy was let through the Russian barrier), the enemy soldiers clad in iron were lured onto the ice. According to the Novgorod chronicle, the Russians drove the Germans across the ice for 7 miles, 400-500 knights fell and up to 50 were captured; according to the Livonian chronicle, the order's losses were 20 killed and 6 prisoners

4. Interactive part.

Determine the characteristic features of Alexander Nevsky.

The activities of Alexander Nevsky. Student messages. Presentation. Slides 6-8.

Discussion of controversial issues in his biography(collaboration with the Horde, struggle for power, pressure on Novgorod).

A re-enactment of Alexander Nevsky's trip to the Golden Horde.

Alexander pursued a different policy towards the Tatars. According to one point of view, given the small number and fragmentation of the Russian population in the eastern lands at that time, it was impossible to think about liberation from their power and it remained to rely on the generosity of the victors. Other historians believe that the fight against the Tatars could have been successful, but Alexander wanted to use their help to establish his strict power over the free cities. In any case, Alexander decided to get along with the Tatars, no matter what.

Historians' assessments of the personality of Alexander Nevsky for our time.

The prince was an Orthodox man and invincible in open battle; on the battlefield, the commander had to win the highest victory - over himself, to show the rarest and most difficult virtue: to humble himself with boundless humility, to drown out the voice of pride and at the cost of humiliation to protect and preserve the Motherland. He will bow to Batu solely in the interests of his beloved Motherland, and in this the author sees the highest feat of the noble prince Alexander Nevsky. Humility leads to comprehension of the truth, to an understanding of what needs to be done at a given moment for the good of the Motherland. (Based on materials from the book by M. Khitrov “The Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky”. M., 1991).

Filling out a table based on previously received assignments and student performances.

Presentation. Slide 9.

Canon version The view of historians of the 18th-19th centuries Critical version
According to the “canonical” version, Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history. In the 13th century, Rus' was attacked from two sides - the Catholic West and the Tatars from the East. Alexander Nevsky showed his talent as a commander and diplomat, making peace with the most powerful (and at the same time more tolerant) enemy - the Tatars - and repelling the attack of the Germans, while simultaneously protecting Orthodoxy from Catholic expansion. This interpretation was officially supported by the authorities both in pre-revolutionary and Soviet times (a striking example is the talented but historically unreliable film “Alexander Nevsky” by Sergei Eisenstein), as well as by the Russian Orthodox Church.
A number of historians do not attach so much importance to the personality of Alexander Nevsky. The largest Russian historians Sergei Solovyov and Vasily Klyuchevsky devoted a minimum of lines to the activities of the prince, but at the same time paid due respect to his activities.
Sergei Solovyov: “The preservation of the Russian land from misfortune in the east, famous exploits for faith and land in the west brought Alexander a glorious memory in Rus' and made him the most prominent historical figure in ancient history from Monomakh to Donskoy.”
The third group of historians, generally agreeing with the “pragmatic” nature of Alexander Nevsky’s actions, believes that objectively he played a negative role in the history of Rus' and Russia. This position is held, in particular, by Mikhail Sokolsky, Irina Karatsuba, Igor Kurukin, Nikita Sokolovyov, Igor Yakovenko, Georgy Fedotov, Igor Andreev and others. According to their interpretation, there was no serious threat from the German knights (and the Battle of the Ice was not a major battle ), and the example of Lithuania (to which a number of Russian princes moved with their lands) showed that a successful fight against the Tatars was quite possible. According to this version, Alexander Nevsky deliberately entered into an alliance with the Tatars in order to use them to strengthen his personal power. He was allegedly impressed by the Tatar-Mongol model of despotic power, which made it possible to place free cities under princely control. As a result, the prince contributed to the fact that the European path of development, based on commercial and industrial cities with their freedom and civil society, was not implemented on Russian lands.

Streets, alleys, squares, etc. are named after Alexander Nevsky. Orthodox churches are dedicated to him, he is the patron saint of St. Petersburg.

In ancient Russian literature Main article: Tale of the life of Alexander Nevsky.

A literary work written in the 13th century and known in many editions.

The last years of Alexander Yaroslavovich’s life, perpetuating his memory in Russian history.

The chronicle tale that has reached us about the exploits of Alexander Nevsky says that he was “born of God.” Victorious everywhere, he was not defeated by anyone. A knight who came from the West to see Nevsky said that he had passed through many countries and peoples, but nowhere had he seen anything like this “neither in kings nor in princes.” The Tatar Khan himself gave such a review of him, and Tatar women frightened children with his name.

Alexander Nevsky was initially buried in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were solemnly transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

III. Final part.

1. Summing up. Conclusions.

Historians have expressed both positive and negative assessments of the activities of Alexander Nevsky. Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history, during a dramatic period when Rus' was attacked from three sides: the Catholic West, the Mongol-Tatars and Lithuania. Alexander Nevsky, who had never lost a single battle in his entire life, showed the talent of a commander and diplomat, repelling the attack of the Germans and, submitting to the inevitable rule of the Horde, prevented the ruinous campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars against Rus'.

2. Reflection.

  • What did you like about the event?
  • What were the difficulties in preparing for the event?
  • What would you change during the event?

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Slide captions:


Scenario of the event dedicated to the day of memory of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

"Alexander Nevsky - Holy Defender of the Fatherland"

(slide 1)

Russia is famous for its saints...
Having tasted suffering for Christ,
Their stern face is with us everywhere
And with them is peace and beauty.
* * *

Russia is famous for its heroes...
In battle, crushing the enemy in blood,
They found peace in heaven
Carrying out your feat to the end.

* * *

(slide 2)

Defenders of the Fatherland all centuries
Holy Rus' was kept from the enemy
And if the enemy attacked from afar,
Then they chased him, beat him and smashed him.

* * *
Life without sparing, your homeland
They saved for our life
And all enemies, in an unequal battle,
They always, everywhere, beat mercilessly.

So that Rus' remains great even now
Stand guard over its borders,
Let the enemy of Russia remember every hour,
That you protect Russia from him.

If you are alive, then Rus' will be alive
And your children will live in Russia,
Love for Russia is not words,
We are all responsible for Rus' with that love.

I praise you, sons of the Fatherland,
You have earned fame with your life,
They gave their lives so that there would be no war
And so that your sons and grandchildren live.
* * *
Defenders of their Fatherland,
We will praise those who died for the Motherland,
We will not forget this feat of theirs
And we will not allow Rus' to kill and rob.

* * *

I don't know anything more beautiful on earth

Russian reserved side!

Holy Rus' has preserved a lot

Feats of distant antiquity.

(slide 3)

It is no coincidence that it is said: “By name and life.” Alexander means “protector of people” in Greek. Among the people who bore this name were priests, princes, and ordinary people. However, with special love the Russian people honor the memory of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky.

(slide 4)

Alexander was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was “a meek, merciful and philanthropic prince.” The mother of Saint Alexander, Theodosia, a Ryazan princess, had a kind and quiet disposition.

When little Alexander turned four years old, a ceremony took place to initiate him into a warrior. The prince was girded with a sword and put on a horse. They gave me a bow and arrows. From that day on, they began to teach him the art of war - the ability to wield a sword, shoot a bow, fight with a club and an ax.

Military science -

How to fight a battle


Beneficial princess

Alexander studied

From a young age.

Pretty face,

Moreover, broad-shouldered, tall,

He was spiritually different


But the young prince studied not only military affairs; he was also taught writing and counting. Hegumen Simon explained to him the Bible and the Gospel, read ancient Russian chronicles. And my father instructed me to defend the Russian land, rule people, and protect the Orthodox faith, because at that time any Russian prince remained a ruler and warrior until the end of his days.

(slide 5)

From a young age, the noble prince Alexander was appointed to reign in Novgorod. For his intelligence, good disposition, courage and prudence, he was liked by the residents of the city. The people admired him with pride and joy and listened to his speeches with respect. Gifted with courage, beauty and a sonorous voice that “roared like a trumpet,” according to the chronicler, Alexander was definitely created for victories.

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And already at a young age, Alexander faces serious challenges.


The prince found out

That our closest neighbor


The restless Swede

Suddenly appeared

At the Neva mouth:

We won't miss it!"

God is not in power, but in righteousness! -


The squad repeats

Princely call,

And everyone

Ready to meet the enemy.

The Izhora River flows in the town of Kolpino. It flows into the Neva. This place is called Ust-Izhora. It was here that the battle took place on July 15, 1240.

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According to legend, the Swedes entered the Neva on ships, and their commander-in-chief sent a message to Alexander: “If you can, resist, but know that I am already here and will capture your land.” Alexander did not wait for help from his father and set out on a campaign.

Swedish camp by the river

He disappeared behind the fog.

Alexander brought the shelves,

At night he hid.

In the morning, just dawned,

Arrows flew.

It’s a shame you, Swedes, got carried away

To Russian borders.

A hundred ships have arrived

And five thousand troops.

Only Russian is not stronger

Heroic valor.

(slide 8)

The battle ended in complete victory for the Russians. The Novgorod Chronicle reports huge losses on the part of the enemy. The Russians, according to the same chronicle, lost only 20 people. It is possible that the losses of the Swedes are exaggerated (it is significant that there is no mention of this battle in Swedish sources), and the Russians are underestimated.

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The good news spread throughout Rus'. It was the first victory over foreigners after the terrible Mongol invasion. For the victory on the Neva River, the people nicknamed Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.


The result of the daring undertaking

The Swedes are clear:

“The Prince of Holy Russia is smart

And dangerous..."

We hurried to return

Get back home.


He began to call Alexander Nevsky.

Alexander returned to Novgorod with great glory, but in the same year he quarreled with the Novgorodians and left for Pereslavl-Zalessky.

(slide 10)

And soon a threat from the west loomed over the city. The Livonian Order, having gathered the German crusaders of the Baltic states, the Danish knights, and also enlisting the support of the long-time rivals of the Novgorodians, the Pskovians, invaded the Novgorod lands. The Novgorodians were forced to turn to Alexander for help. The prince immediately went against the Germans, captured their fortress, brought the German garrison to Novgorod, released some of them, and tried the traitors.

(Slide 11)

Then he went to the Peipus land, into the possessions of the Order, whose troops completely defeated one of the Russian detachments. When Alexander found out about this, he retreated to Lake Pskov and began to wait for the enemy on the ice, which was still strong. On the morning of April 5, 1242, the famous battle began, known in our chronicles as the Battle of the Ice.

(slide 12)


On Lake Peipus

They will give battle

And a month

Now it's spring,

The troops have descended

On the April ice.

At the Teutonic Knight

There is a sword

So that he can in battle

And cut off the head.

And the horseman is all in armor,

And even the horse...

Like on Chudskoye

Resist the enemy's power?

The enemy is strong

You can't say anything.

But our warriors will be there

In battle

Stand for the Russian land


The prince said:

Not by number,

but let's do it!

And it began

Ice battle.

Like white blizzards over a lake,

Like the winds are violent over the lake.

Alexander the prince stands on the hill,

And on the other side there are hordes of enemies

As if crows are waiting for death -

Yes, forever and ever this will not happen.

And who will come to us with a sword,

He will taste it himself.

(slide 14)

The German knights were defeated. The Livonian Order was faced with the need to conclude a peace, according to which the crusaders renounced all claims to Russian land.

But no matter how high military feats for the glory of the Fatherland are, humility for the good of the Motherland is even higher. Placing fidelity to duty above all else, the holy Prince Alexander was able to suppress his pride and, at the cost of personal humiliation, preserve his Fatherland.

Diplomat's talents

Having discovered

Appeared before the world

A visionary husband.


He was extremely wise

Prince Nevsky

He defended Holy Rus'.

(Slide 15)

Life was not easy in Rus' under the yoke of the Golden Horde. But the Russian lands were not yet ready to rise victoriously against the Golden Horde khans. They had to pay a large tribute and fight off numerous raids by nomads. As the ruler of an appanage principality, Alexander Nevsky made a lot of efforts to maintain peace on his land

(Slide 16)

In 1247, Batu turned to Alexander: “Many nations have submitted to me, are you really the only one who doesn’t want to submit to my power? If you want to save your land, then come to worship me, and you will see the honor and glory of my kingdom.”

Realizing that he was not able to resist the Mongols, Alexander did not enter into conflict and went to Mongolia. Usually stern and arrogant towards the vanquished, Batu received Alexander and his brother Andrei very kindly. The chronicle says that the khan, having seen Alexander, said to his nobles: “Everything that they told me about him is all true: there is no one like this prince.”

(Slide 17)

Shortly before this, Pope Innocent IV invited him to convert to Catholicism in exchange for his help in the fight against the Mongols. Alexander rejected this proposal in the most categorical form. He was the only Orthodox secular ruler not only in Rus', but throughout Europe, who did not compromise with the Catholic Church in order to maintain power.

(slide 18)

The Grand Duke was returning from the Mongol Khan along the Volga River, already ill. There is an opinion that in the Golden Horde they added poison to his food. Instead of returning to his capital, Vladimir, he went to his brother Andrei in Gorodets, where he died. Before his death, Nevsky was tonsured with the name Alexy. Alexander Yaroslavich had 5 children: Vasily, Dmitry, Andrey, Daniil, Evdokia.

(slide 19)

On November 23, 1263, a funeral service was held in Vladimir. The people's grief was great: the crying and groaning of the people drowned out the church singing, “the sun of the Russian land has set,” they said then. His death was perceived as a national tragedy. During the funeral service, a miracle happened: when they began to place the prayer of permission into the coffin for the deceased, he himself extended his hand for it and again folded his hands on his chest. This event marked the beginning of the posthumous veneration of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

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In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were transferred from Vladimir to St. Petersburg, for the establishment of a new capital, founded on the banks of the Neva, where the holy knight glorified Rus' with his victories. The relics were installed in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Here they rest to this day, showing miracles through faith and prayers. Peter also decided to celebrate his memory on August 30, the day of the conclusion of a victorious peace with Sweden.

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In 1725, Empress Catherine I established the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky - one of the highest awards of the Russian Empire

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In the USSR during the war, in 1942, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was also established, which was awarded to Red Army officers for demonstrating personal courage and ensuring the successful actions of their units.

Russians remember the behests of Prince Alexander and honor him as the great defender of Rus'. In Pskov, where the Battle of the Ice took place, the largest bronze monument in Europe was erected - this is a monument to Alexander Nevsky and his squad.

(slide 23)

Monuments to Alexander Nevsky were erected not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Temples, churches, cathedrals were erected in his honor in different parts of the world...

(slide 24)

a motor ship was built,

films were made, paintings and musical works were written, streets, squares, avenues were named...

(slide 25)

For the 1000th anniversary in 1995, a commemorative gold 100-ruble coin was issued with the image of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

(slide 26)

Through me

Bearing a glorious name,

Honors Prince Nevsky

All of Russia.

Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky was recognized as the winner of the television competition "Name of Russia. Historical Choice 2008" Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky was recognized as the winner of the television competition "Name of Russia. Historical Choice 2008"

Biographical data Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir 1236 Religion: Orthodoxy Birth: May 30 (June 6), 1220 in Pereslavl-Zalessky Death: November 14 (November 21) 1263 Gorodets Buried: Nativity Monastery, reburied in 1724 Alexander Nevsky Lavra Dynasty: Rurikovich Father: Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Mother: Rostislava Mstislavna Smolenskaya Spouse: Alexandra Bryachislavovna Polotsk Children: sons Vasily, Dmitry, Andrey and Daniil

Alexander returned to Novgorod with great glory, but in the same year he left for Pereslavl-Zalessky. And soon a threat from the west loomed over the city. The Livonian Order, having gathered the German crusaders of the Baltic states, the Danish knights from Revel, and also enlisting the support of the papal curia and the long-time rivals of the Novgorodians of Pskov, invaded the Novgorod lands. Alexander returned to Novgorod with great glory, but in the same year he left for Pereslavl-Zalessky. And soon a threat from the west loomed over the city. The Livonian Order, having gathered the German crusaders of the Baltic states, the Danish knights from Revel, and also enlisting the support of the papal curia and the long-time rivals of the Novgorodians, the Pskovs, invaded the Novgorod lands. The Novgorodians were forced to turn to Alexander for help. The prince immediately went against the Germans, captured their fortress, brought the German garrison to Novgorod, released some of them, and executed the traitors. The Novgorodians were forced to turn to Alexander for help. The prince immediately went against the Germans, captured their fortress, brought the German garrison to Novgorod, released some of them, and executed the traitors.

The veneration of Alexander Nevsky as a saint began long before he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. The veneration of Alexander Nevsky as a saint began long before he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. Where people earnestly asked him miracle, it certainly happened. Where people earnestly asked him for a miracle, it certainly happened. Saint Alexander Nevsky proved himself as a warrior and diplomat

In 1725, Empress Catherine I established the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, one of the highest awards of the Russian Empire. It existed until 1917 and was second in importance after the Order of the Holy, All-Honorable Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

In 1942, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was also established, which was awarded to officers of the Red Army for demonstrating personal courage and ensuring successful actions of their units. In 1942, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was also established, which was awarded to officers of the Red Army for demonstrating personal courage and ensuring successful actions their parts.