How to become a vampire in real life at home. Is being a vampire cool or scary? Vampires and real life

Many people (and, I confess to you, I am one of them) love fantasy. Popular fantasy characters are vampires.

But it's one thing to watch science fiction films, and quite another to dream of becoming the hero of one of them.

It turns out that a lot of people think . Yes, yes, you heard right, there are people who sincerely believe that Google will tell them how to become an omnipotent bloodsucker.

Well, well, since there is a question, let's try to look for an answer to it.

Vampires and real life

Skeptics to the question "Is it possible to become a vampire in real life?" The answer will probably be unequivocal: “Of course not.”

But the romantics, of course, will not agree with them: “Well, how? And Buffy? And Edward's undying love for Bella? And the confrontation between vampires and werewolves in the "Other World"? And the exciting Stefan-Elena-Damon triangle? Such beautiful stories cannot remain just fiction!

Alas, they can! Until no one has proven otherwise, we can safely say that vampires do not exist in real life.

Vampires, unicorns, mermaids, werewolves, wizards, and even - Voldemort, most likely, exist only in books and films.

Yes, because if they existed, they would long ago have moved from the category of legends to the category of proven facts.

In order not to upset you at all, I will leave a ray of hope: if there are so many legends about vampires, if they are remembered in almost every culture, then there is a cro-o-o- willing hope that these creatures do exist and you will be able to become one of them.

RegionType of vampire
1 Ancient Greece
Lamia and Empusa
2 Ancient Rome
3 Japan
Nosferatu and Kappa
4 Philippines
5 Malaysia
Langsuyar and Pontianak
6 Australia
7 India
8 Armenia
9 Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
10 Africa
11 China
12 Arab countries
13 Central America

How to become a vampire in real life at 12 and why would anyone do it?

As a fantasy lover, I understand why some kids want to be a vampire.

They see themselves in the image of the beautiful and fearless Celine, or the fragile and charming Bella, who fell in love with the cute Edward, or in the role of Edward himself, breaking stereotypes, or in the image of the right dreamer Stefan, or the daring, but so sexy Damon, or ...

Oh, you never know writers and filmmakers have created charming book and screen types of vampires, which are played by Hollywood handsome men and beauties.

Well, how not to want to be Nina Dobrev, Kate Beckinsale, Brad Pitt, Robert Pattison, Ian Somerhalder or some other star?

People dream that turning into a vampire in real life, they will gain:

  • unearthly beauty;
  • superpower;
  • eternal life;
  • untold riches;
  • supernatural abilities;
  • invulnerability;
  • the opportunity to rule the world, etc.

Well, what do you say to that?

Most legends say that vampires are creepy, pale-skinned, fanged monsters and have nothing to do with Apollos and Venuses.

And judging by the films watched and the books read, the life of vampires is not so easy.

They constantly have to fight other bloodsuckers, fight for territory and power, cope with the thirst for blood, hide from people, etc.

And what kind of problems with love do vampires have - you won’t find such people in real life during the day with fire.

How to become a vampire in real life without dying: 5 good reasons not to do it

If I have not convinced you and you still want to become a vampire, then perhaps these reasons will seem good enough to you to change your dream to something more feasible.

5 reasons not to try to be a vampire in real life:

    Vampires are afraid of sunlight.

    Twilight is one of the few films where vampires in the sun just start to sparkle like diamonds. Most legends say that sunlight is deadly for them, which is why they are nocturnal.

    Remember how in the last part of the "Underworld" the werewolves easily dealt with the vampire clan, only shooting through the windows of the castle, where they were hiding from the sunlight?

    Just imagine: no beaches, beautiful tanned skin, gentle sun, the joys of good weather. Eternal night wandering.

    Ghouls cannot have offspring.

    Ah, as I remember the suffering of Dracula and his three wives about the fact that they give birth to dead offspring, tears well up in my eyes. Well, how many little bloodsuckers could not see this world?

    And the sadness of the beautiful Rosalie from "Twilight" about the fact that they will forever remain alone with Emmett, without cute baby vampires?

    Well, how, seeing all this, can you want to become a vampire in real life and deprive yourself of the happiness of motherhood or fatherhood?

    Ghouls should only drink blood.

    What food do you love the most? Cakes, meat, fish, fruits, sweets? Mmmm, yummy!

    Now imagine that you can’t eat any of this. Only blood, stinking, tasteless blood.

    Vampires must hide from everyone.

    With all the imaginary power of vampires, they must first of all hide from people. What film, what book do not take, everywhere they are illegal immigrants who are forced to hide from the police.

    The true kings of life are people.

    The living dead can also be killed.

    Yes, according to the legends, a vampire is immortal, but he can be killed by cutting off his head, driving a stake through his heart, or throwing him into a fire.

    And given the level of modern human weapons, the vampires against us have no chance.

Well, of course, the most obvious reason not to try to become a ghoul in real life is that vampires are more likely not there than they are, so finding an assistant who will allow you to turn will simply be impossible.

3 Ways to Become a Vampire in Real Life

Well, if I still couldn’t convince you of the impracticability of the idea in real life, and you still dream of becoming a vampire, I suggest three ways.

These methods, according to legends, modern films and Google, are extremely effective, but, alas, at least one living person is unlikely to be able to implement them.

1) You can become a vampire after being bitten by a vampire without dying

The algorithm of actions of this method to become a vampire before the age of 12 is as follows:

  1. We take one ghoul.
  2. We ask him to bite you and even kindly offer to drink some blood.
  3. We ask you not to drink all the blood, because without it you can only become a dead man.
  4. We are waiting (no longer than three days), burning with hellish pain, until the poison takes effect.
  5. Ooplya - you are also a vampire, and you can thank your new friend for the service rendered.

As you understand, the main difficulty is to find a vampire. Here I will not help you, because I have no acquaintances with ghouls.

Just throw money away!

No one knows exactly what kind of ritual is needed.

No, maybe, of course, which of the witches owns ancient knowledge, but where will you look for her?

A good option is to advertise: “I am looking for a hereditary sorceress who will help me become a ghoul in real life without dying.”

Just don't be surprised if your ad will be called either by merry fellows, or crazy people, or charlatans, or psychiatrists.

It is very dangerous.

With curses and games with the other world, jokes are generally bad. Even if you find a powerful witch, you won't know exactly what kind of curse she sends on you.

What if this is a deadly curse and it will work? Do you want to die in your prime because of a stupid dream?

If you are really looking for a way how to become a vampire in real life, I advise you to take a break from fantastic books and films. Look out the window, smile at the sun, understand how beautiful life is and.

Leave that unfortunate Edward to his boring Bella and pay attention to the pretty deskmate ...

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Vampire... This word for many centuries terrified representatives of various nations and nationalities, because terrible legends about murderous bloodsuckers who hate the human race and feed on its blood were associated with it. Today, this term has acquired a more romanticized meaning, because in literature and cinema such creatures are represented by noble, beautiful and successful long-livers, in combination - rich people and owners of castles, newspapers, steamboats. It is not surprising that this state of affairs causes a large number of people to ask how to become a vampire in real life at home?

The collective image of a vampire, which has its roots in the main mythologemes of various peoples, represents to us a creature that has been left behind by all of humanity due to the action of one of these root causes (in addition to the traditional bite): improper conception or birth (as modern scientists would say - mutations, gene failure ), an unrighteous life and the death that followed it with non-compliance with traditional anti-vampire rites (crucifixion in a coffin, sawdust in the hands of the deceased, nailing his clothes to the boards of the last refuge of the body, etc.). Such a creature rose from the grave shortly after his burial and went to the world of the living to kill, destroy, drink blood. If one could ask our Slavic ancestors if it is possible to become a vampire and what is necessary for this, they would almost certainly answer that for this one must commit suicide, be an evil sorcerer, and besides, poorly buried. However, times have changed, some legends have been supplemented by others, the world has sounded differently. As a result, young people today read the legends about Dracula and his less famous relatives, watch Twilight many times and dream about how to become a real vampire.

This video goes into more detail about vampires:

Techniques for Turning into a Mythological Vampire

Ways to turn into a creature with vampire features, which give a 100% guarantee of results, have now developed very diverse. In general, there are five types.

Becoming a native vampire

This is the simplest, least labor-intensive way, which, however, there is absolutely no way to influence the course. However, you can calculate how it can be applied specifically to you. When should you consider whether you are a born vampire or a dhampir (the son of a human and a vampire)?

  1. If you never knew your parents, you could not find them, but you came across strange facts from their biographies or biographies that could testify in favor of their non-human origin.
  2. If you live exclusively with one of the parents, while all relatives tend not to talk about the second, putting on a grimace of contempt or horror at the mere mention of his name.
  3. If you live with both parents, but they behave strangely - practically do not age, prefer to work in the dark, do not have many friends, lead a secluded lifestyle and clearly do not tend to vegetarianism.
  4. If, after watching movies about vampire everyday life, they didn’t push you away, but, on the contrary, gave rise to a bright and clear thought inside your mind: I want to become a vampire.
  5. If you have always had typical allergies that occur in a weaker, sluggish or, on the contrary, aggravated form. For example, allergies to light, garlic, frankincense, etc.
  6. If you have almost never been to church (at the insistence of atheist parents), have no desire to go there, and even experience some fear when you think about this place.
  7. If you have noticed taste oddities since childhood, such as an addiction to undercooked meat, bloody steaks and other blood-containing dishes.
  8. If you are a typical owl, your activity is many times higher at night, and during the day you feel apathy, drowsiness and despondency.

Transformation into an immortal bloodsucker through being bitten by a vampire

The most traditional method of replenishing the vampire ranks, described in manuals and reference books, not to mention fiction, is the bite method. It is very risky from the point of view that a vampire who bites the jugular vein will not necessarily give his victim the coveted pass to the vampire clan as a result of this event. There is a high probability that he may well not restrain himself and drink all the blood from an involuntary donor without a trace, leaving the body of the latter lifeless at the end of the action. That is why in such a situation, not just any vampire is needed, but a proven and reliable person. After all, on the one hand, there must be complete trust, and on the other, a strong desire to help, overpowering instinct.

Instructions for conducting this ritual may consist of a series of sequential actions.

  1. Acquaintance with a vampire (you can find him by placing an appropriate ad in narrow circles or on special forums).
  2. Discussing the possibility of performing a biting ritual with guarantees for the donor side.
  3. The involvement of third parties, additional means and tools that can somehow protect a person from death during the ceremony.
  4. Carrying out the procedure itself.

Infection with a vampire disease

People who know how to become a vampire say that in addition to the traditional vampire gift in the form of a bite, you can also catch this disease by contracting a strong vampire virus - a disease that makes you feed on blood, avoid the light of the sun and turn from an ordinary person to pale skin undead. Where and how you can get this virus, most often it is not specified at all. But this hypothesis provides food for medicine. From the standpoint of modern science, the vampire disease in question is likely to be either porphyria or clinical vampirism. True, neither the first nor the second is viral in nature. Porphyria is a genetic disease, clinical vampirism is a mental disorder. But the symptoms of each of these diseases are quite vampire - from the thinness of the skin and intolerance to the rays of the sun to drinking human blood.

Initiation into vampires as part of a special rite

Those who agree to take the risk, systematically looking for real vampire representatives, but at the same time are eager to learn how to become a vampire without a bite for real, can go through a special ritual of initiation, acceptance into a clan that does not involve kisses, biting veins and other barbaric actions . To accomplish it, you will need several full-fledged (not neophytes, with experience) vampires who will gather on the full moon in the agreed place (most often the crypt) to read conspiracies together and lead the human recruit through the ritual of vampire initiation. Usually, nothing is required for this rite from the future vampire, except for the voluntary donation of blood at the right time in the procedure. The main thing in this method is to find at least one experienced and active vampire.

Self-transition into the ranks of vampires through the use of a spell

For those who are especially eager to figure out how to become a vampire at home, the method of using incantations and incantation rituals will be ideal. Here is a description of the rite of this level:

  1. To conduct the ceremony, you should create a special ritual knife. It must be made of metal, which is personally processed and sharpened, inserted into a wooden handle. The name of the person who is going to turn into a vampire is written on the handle and metal. Then, for several weeks, the product must be charged daily with its energy, transferring its power to it. At the end of this period, the knife will be completely energetically sharpened for you.
  2. Now you need to choose an open area of ​​​​a rather large area remote from human settlements (such that you can sit on it lying down), after which it remains to wait for the designated time - you need to perform the ritual on a full moon, late at night.
  3. Arriving at the chosen place an hour before midnight, you need to draw on the site a symmetrical circle with a diameter of 3 steps, along the border of which pour white crushed chalk, and so that the line is not interrupted anywhere.
  4. Along the perimeter of the circle, on its outer side, candles are placed according to the number of years a person has lived, before midnight the candles are set on fire.
  5. When the clock shows 12.00, it follows to become a vampire: “I appeal to the Ancient Spirit of Eternal Life. Blood is life, and life is blood. I offer you a sacrifice, Great Darkness. Take my blood, give me your strength!” This conspiracy is read 3 times, after which a hand is cut with a charmed knife and blood is dripped outside the circle. After that, the transformation will begin.
  6. After the transformation, the hand must be bandaged and lie down in a circle facing the moon. Now, until morning, you need to draw on its cold light, filling yourself with it from the inside. But in no case can not sleep!
  7. In the morning, even before the first rays of the sun, you will feel with your being that the vampire ritual has come true!

It is important to remember that half an hour before dawn, you must definitely leave this place, otherwise the sunlight can disturb the magic and cause wounds.

Technology for creating energy vampires

In addition to the textbook vampire as such, recognized by the mythologies of different peoples and carefully described in fiction, in our time there is also a no less popular phenomenon called energy vampirism. You can read about it in the literature on psychology, neurolinguistic programming, in books on esotericism and magic. An entity of this kind is sometimes even more dangerous than individuals initiated into the genus of vampires, blood-drinking creatures, blood drinkers with rabies and mental illness, and other subjects that are somehow classified as vampires. Their danger lies in the clear awareness of actions and the systematic use of someone else's energy, the potential for their own nourishment, renewal of their forces.

Most often, an energy vampire is a domineering person, a woman (less often a man), with sharp facial features, having great willpower and a tenacious look, loving communication, often unpleasant as an interlocutor. Many of them are such by birth - they intuitively feel for weakness in an interlocutor or a person present nearby and begin to pump out all the positive, cheerfulness and good mood from him. As a result, their donor is exhausted and exhausted, as if he worked for ten hours in a row (even if the dialogue was only five minutes), and the consumer of vital energy himself is cheerful, cheerful and energetic as ever.

The problem of energy replenishment at the expense of other people in most situations is concerned about the representatives of the weaker sex, who want to compensate for their initial physical and mental weakness. Of course, manuals on how to become like a vampire are not published for them, since borrowing someone else's life force, to put it mildly, is not welcome in any modern society, however, small recommendations on this subject can always be found (as in practicing magicians, and in the literature of a scientific type - psychological and psychotherapeutic).

For example, to learn how to become a vampire in reality, depriving the joy of life of your victims and replenishing your energy supply on an almost limitless scale, it is enough to understand the principle of the movement of these substances. So, for example, to learn how to effectively vampire, you should do the following:

  1. Find a potential donor, a person with little will power, soft and supple, but cheerful, active, with potential.
  2. Communicate with him or get as close to him as possible so that he is at arm's length.
  3. Concentrate on visualizing its life potential, a positive energy field, presenting it as a shining clot of intangible matter.
  4. Imagine how sprouts with polyps or burdocks stretch from your field to its field. They get into an alien environment and quickly attract it, sucking it out and delivering it to the source - to your energy space.
  5. Clearly draw before the mind's eye the process of this forced drawing of life from a person.

If the procedure is successful, fatigue, intimidation, detachment will appear in the victim’s eyes (depending on the degree of energy pumping and its amount), while the taking party will experience an unprecedented surge of strength, enthusiasm, joy, etc.

However, the main thing to remember is that it is always easy to learn how to become an energy vampire, but it is much more difficult to carry this burden, because such people are undesirable in any team, even though in fact they have considerable power.

At all times, vampires have attracted and at the same time frightened people with mystery, danger, incredible superpowers and immortality. Therefore, it is not surprising that a certain part of the people passionately wanted to know how to become a vampire without a vampire and acquire the listed privileges.

And today there are many people who want to find the answer to this question.

A few words about vampires

After the release of the sensational vampire saga, a real boom began in the world. Everyone is literally obsessed with ghouls and the undead. And many dreamed of becoming bloodsuckers, especially girls who wanted to find the same incredible love and an immortal life full of adventure.

But in real life, the existence of vampires is strikingly different from the cinematic version.

But true ghouls have to constantly hide and fear for their immortality. And some of them can’t come to terms with those insane changes that have forever entered everyday life.

These are cruel creatures, ghouls, ready for any terrible deeds in order to satisfy the thirst for blood. And it is very rare that those who become a vampire of their own free will are satisfied with their lives.

Indeed, along with immortality and amazing abilities, vampires simultaneously acquire an incredible thirst for blood and longing for their former life. And they torment them almost constantly. It is a mistake to believe that you can become a vampire only for a while.

It will be a long immortal life, full of various dangers. As well as fear, loneliness, the search for peace and serenity.

It is the constant loneliness that pushes the true ghoul to go in search of a neophyte - a person who wants to gain immortality and turn into a vampire. But is it just that the life that was described above will suit the latter? Everyone finds the answer to this question for himself.

Effective ways to turn into a vampire

It is widely known that the only way to become a real vampire is through a bite. But in fact, there are several more popular ways to achieve what you want and without any bite:

Rite of Initiation

Requires the presence of representatives of the vampire clan, who are obliged not only to be present in the initiation ritual, but also to take part in bloodletting and casting spells. The neophyte himself must be fully aware of the seriousness of the rite and give himself and his own blood to Darkness voluntarily.

It must be understood that such a ritual does not require death in the literal sense. It only means a conditional transition from the former human life to the new, vampire one. In this case, blood is taken from the neophyte, usually from the veins in the arms.

It is through the ritual of initiation that the chosen neophytes become bitten by a vampire without being bitten and initiated into one of these mysterious beings.

At home

There is an opportunity to turn into a ghoul on your own. Initially, you will need to independently make a special ritual knife made of metal with a wooden handle. It is necessary to sharpen the knife carefully and write on the handle the name of a person who expresses a desire to turn into a true bloodsucker.

When the knife is ready, you must always keep it with you for several weeks in order to charge it with your own energy.

During this time, you need to find an open area in a deserted place. And exactly at midnight during the full moon to conduct a ceremony of initiation. It is necessary to draw in advance a circle of diameters in 3 steps in the center of the open area and outline it with a fine powder of ordinary chalk.

Black ritual candles should be placed along the outer side of the circle, the number of which should match the total number of years of the person initiated into vampires.

Exactly at midnight, lie down in a circle and read the spell out loud:

“I call to the most ancient Spirit of Eternal Life! I sacrifice myself, Great Darkness! All my blood is now yours! In return, give me your strength!”

After repeating the words three times, one should cut the left hand with a knife and go in a circle, dripping blood outside the circle. Then lie on your back and lie down until morning, looking at the moon. You can’t sleep, but go home before the first rays of the sun, so that they do no harm.

Bat)? Are these creatures born like this or do they choose the lifestyle of a bloodsucker at will? Or is it possible to become a vampire through some strange turn of events?

Modern culture romanticizes vampires, sometimes it seems to be completely redundant. Apparently there are a lot of people who think that vampires are super cool! So cool, in fact, that there are quite a few who want to find some way to approach the life of a vampire these days.

This desire may be due in part to trendy pop-fiction novels and related films. Many people think of vampires as mysterious, superpowered characters with vulnerable but invincible hearts of gold hidden in undead chests.

But most vampires throughout history have not been mysterious and sexy, with beautifully coiffed hair (as portrayed in movies). Real ghouls were pretty nasty characters, and turning into this bloodthirsty creature was once a very tragic life event.

Why are vampires today praised and not cursed?

Stephenie Meyer, the writer behind the popular Twilight novel, wasn't the first to put the effort into writing the character of a vampire. Bram Stoker's Dracula, first published in 1897, began the modern interpretation of vampires disguised as charming, if somewhat mysterious, gentlemen.

But it was the American writer Anne Rice who gave that incomprehensible “zest” to the ghouls, making them much sexier, cooler and more mysterious. Her acclaimed 1976 novel Interview with the Vampire is arguably the greatest vampire story ever published, spanning two centuries of immortal life. The film that followed, starring Tom Cruise and a young Brad Pitt, solidified the mystical image of the vampire.

Of course, the author's fiction can make the life of a ghoul interesting and unique, but, on the other hand, people do not dig up someone's coffins and do not pierce the heart of a corpse with an aspen stake without good reason. Long before Twilight was written, before Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, and even before Bram Stoker's Dracula, the legend of vampires struck fear into the hearts of people, regardless of their culture and nationality.

And, nevertheless, today many people (mostly young) want to get an answer to the question - how to become a vampire? Without thinking about it, what could be the consequences after their dream comes true and they grow sharp fangs?...

How to become a vampire at all, is it possible?

If ghouls really exist, where do they come from? Since we cannot investigate the reason why vampires appear in the culture of each people, let's look at the most popular Western definition of this phenomenon.

The widespread opinion of researchers is that in order to to become a vampire, you must somehow come into contact with someone who is already a blood sucker. Whatever the case, the point is that it must be an interaction with a real ghoul. You can't declare yourself a vampire or simply assume that you are him for no reason. You must be chosen by the dark entity.

Some mystics claim that you can be born as a vampire, which is theoretically an intriguing idea. This implies that ghouls are a different race of hominids, that they must have evolved along a very similar line to humans and have fed on human blood throughout the history of vampirism. Like vampire bats, they would have evolved to live on blood rather than solid food.

It's incredible, but interesting to explore! Of course, this excludes the magical charm and charm of vampires.

But, according to the majority, the transformation of a person into a ghoul is a mystical phenomenon. This creates several challenges, not the least of which is finding a real vampire who is able and willing to transform you.

Of course, today there are many people who claim to be real vampires, but look at it logically: if you really were a vampire, how would you live your life?

Would you announce it to everyone? Would you blog about it, or would you brag about it on social media? Would you tell your classmates or colleagues? Would you even tell anyone about this?

It would be wise to be suspicious of anyone who openly claims to be a vampire. The ghoul in the modern world must be one of the most cautious and secretive creatures. We're talking about the undead that could have been around for hundreds of years, a predator of humans that probably has to do some pretty terrible things to get what it wants.

Such an entity could only survive by keeping its true nature a strict secret, and tracking down such an entity would be next to impossible. And going out at night looking for vampires would be pointless. The only chance is a chance encounter with a vampire. In that case, the very notion of becoming a vampire seems unlikely.

What is the life of a vampire

Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of vampirism from a western cultural perspective. Of course, there are many different rules and beliefs that govern the life of a vampire. But you probably won't know what you're up to until it's too late. However, the following thoughts are based on traditional vampire stereotypes.

Lack of Diet Diversity. There is only one item on the menu: blood. There is no place for sandwiches, pizza and cakes! Where is all this blood coming from? It is unethical, not to mention illegal, to take this from living people these days. Go to the blood bank? No. The bank has the ability to supply hospitals, but it doesn't have the time or resources to worry about vampires. There are probably a few unscrupulous and nasty ways to get this product, but things get pretty troublesome after a while. Remember that blood is what you will have to seek for yourself until the end of time. By the way, about eternal life.

Immortality. Life always seems to be fun and joyful, but a vampire better be careful. We humans have enough capacity to keep our health intact for 80 years or so. Can you imagine how hard it would be to avoid injury and disease for a few hundred years? As a vampire, you will have superhuman strength, speed, and sharp reflexes, but eventually bad luck will catch up with you and you will still damage a body part that you will need for the next thousand years.

Well, let's hope super regenerative powers come to you (and grow a new arm or whatever you hurt). Also, being immortal means you have to stand by and watch everyone you love and cherish grow old and die, over and over again.

Aversion to sunlight. Say goodbye to the beach and solarium! As a vampire, you will never step out into the sun again. Never. Of course, there are mortals who don't like to spend much time in the sun because they have allergies. But as blood-sucking undead, sunlight will just kill you. Will you have to sleep in a coffin? There seems to be no practical reason for this if your bedroom is dark enough. The upside is that you will be much less likely to develop melanoma.

Change in body shape. This is one of the best reasons to become a vampire, because they can turn into animals! Traditionally, vampires transform into bats and quietly rustle their wings to spy on humans. But it's boring! We can assume that you use your vampire abilities to transform into all sorts of creatures. Have fun with it and try to think outside the box.

Public opinion. In the modern world, vampires have admirers, mostly female fans who are swooning with delight, looking at the beautiful hero of Twilight. However, the fashion for vampirism may pass, and then what will you do as a vampire? Recall that much earlier, ghouls were regaled with aspen stakes, fire and garlic clusters, stuffing the mouths of the dead undead with them. By the way, if you become a vampire, it is better to keep quiet about it - who knows when the hunt for ghouls will begin?

Truth and fiction about vampires

Many people know a real historical figure who became the prototype of the modern vampire legend. In the 15th century, in the country of Wallachia, there lived a nobleman with a particularly bad reputation and a habit of impaling his many enemies.

There is evidence that he even consumed their blood during his meal. This gentleman became famous, but while he lived, his name was Vlad the Third, Prince of Wallachia. His father, Vlad the Second, was known as Dracula, and as a result, his heir was named Vlad the Third Dracula.

So, in fact, there was a real Dracula, which Bram Stoker took for the prototype of his character. But Vlad the Impaler in life was much scarier than Stoker's Dracula.

The roots of the vampire legend go much deeper. In Eastern Europe, in particular, belief in the undead has taken a strong position. In 1726, a Serbian farmer named Arnold Paole died, whom the villagers noticed a few days later, wandering around the village. Sharp fangs protruded from his mouth, and a hungry fire danced in his red eyes. Of course, hysteria began in the village, and the inhabitants dug up the coffin with his body, but found that it had no signs of decomposition. People have come to the conclusion that the deceased farmer is a vampire and that he can be "cured" in the traditional way by driving a stake through his heart.

So it was with Peter Plogojovic, another Serb who was accused of posthumous vampirism. In both situations, the authorities documented testimonies and monitored excavations of the rebellious undead.

Much of the excitement and fear came from the fact that people at that time did not understand what a body looks like when it decomposes after death. When the graves were opened, they saw how the dead man swelled from gases, as a result of which his blood seeped through his nose and mouth. Such a transformation of the corpse made people think that his body looked full, especially if during life the person was distinguished by a thin physique.

Also, when body fluids begin to evaporate, it causes body parts such as hair, nails, and teeth to become more exposed. This can give the illusion that these parts have grown.

To the typical uninformed villager, all these signs pointed to one thing: it was time to sharpen the stakes, because this guy was a vampire, undead. And he should have been cured.

Real vampires in America and around the world

The vampire phenomenon has also spread to America. In 1892, the body of a New Zealand woman named Mercy Brown was exhumed after being buried for two months on charges of vampirism. When no signs of decomposition were found on her corpse, appropriate action was taken against the vampires.

History has preserved many documents on the exhumation of corpses accused of vampirism, with a detailed description of the condition of the bodies. Such documentation is kept in court archives around the world.

The Greeks and Romans had legends of vampire-like creatures, as did the Persians, Babylonians, and Jews. In some cases, these creatures are similar to vampire undead, such as the Vetala from Hindu folklore. Vetala is essentially a demon or demigod. But Vetala sometimes possesses a corpse and revives it. In other cases, they are demonic beings without earthly ties.

In ancient Serbian folklore, Kudlak is a blood-sucking vampire who entered into an eternal battle with Krishnik, a vampire shaman hunter. These two represent the conflict between and the evil snake of the underworld, Veles.

In Chinese mythology, Jiangshi is an animated corpse that jumps with outstretched arms to grab people and take their life energy Qi. During the day, this creature hides in caves and other dark places, and at night it roams the countryside in search of prey.

Even, which became known relatively recently, is also one of the essences of a vampire.

From Europe to Africa, from South America to the British Isles, to the Far East, tales of vampires go back centuries. Could this mean that the vampire phenomenon is more than a legend?

Still want to become a vampire?

As you can see, the chances of becoming a real vampire are astronomically small, and even if you do, there will be far more flaws in your dark life than virtues. But perhaps you're still wondering how to become a vampire, even if you don't feel like going through centuries of ordeal and suffering. And you might get lucky!

Today, centers of vampire culture are scattered throughout the world. People in these communities know that they are not truly undead, but they do want to exist in a way that they feel reflects the way a vampire lives. They hold a variety of beliefs, and are divided into different castes. Among these vampires, you can meet quite peaceful and deeply spiritual people, or those from whom you really should stay away.

There is nothing wrong with diving into an alternative lifestyle, as long as you do it safely for others and yourself, and never lose sight of the line between imagination and reality. Never do anything that seems unsafe or illegal, and never do anything that could harm another person (including you). If you come across people who seem to have gone too far in their vampirism, avoid them. So: think with your head, and if vampire people seem dangerous to you, then they most likely are.

Even if you manage to become a real vampire when you go outside one dark night, the odds are not in your favor. However, if this happens and you have a choice, think carefully first! This skinny guy from Twilight might look pretty cool with that brooding look of his and soulful romanticism, but the life of a real vampire is without a doubt a curse and endless nights of mourning.

These fantastic creatures are admired, they appear in books, films and computer games. How to become a vampire in real life at home without a bite - this question often arises among people who would like to gain beauty, magical powers and eternal life. In the legends of many nations, there are beliefs that you can turn into a vampire (ghoul, ghoul) in real life. It was these legends that formed the basis of the image of fantastic creatures that we see in popular culture. Some people believe that these legends have a real basis and are looking for a way to become a vampire at home.

How to become a vampire in real life at home - this question often arises among young girls and young people.

Is it possible to become a vampire in real life? Before deciding to take such a step, you need to find out who the vampires are. If after that you do not give up your idea and want to be like them, then you need to know the right ways by which you will join their ranks. Below are ways to become a vampire in real life.

  • You can ask another vampire to bite and taste your blood;
  • You can perform a ritual and exchange your blood with a ghoul;
  • Ask to be cursed;
  • Say special magic words and taste vampire blood.

But where do you get a person who is a vampire? It is quite difficult to do this, but nevertheless it is possible. It is best to look for such people on the cemetery land in the evening, closer to night. There they feed on the energy of dead people and are charged with strength to move on.

How can you understand that in front of you is a ghoul? Pay attention to his face, it should be pale, eyes of an unusual color and fangs stick out. In the daytime, they prefer to hide in secluded places, because they can die. At night, they feel relaxed and at ease.

The graveyard earth draws such people to itself, because they are neither alive nor dead. You should not count on the fact that representatives of this group will immediately bite you and you will turn into a vampire. It must be remembered that if the ghoul is full, then it is unlikely to bite and taste human blood.

And not every representative of the human race suits them, so they look closely for a long time, then track down their prey and then attack. They know how to endure hunger for a long time until they prepare a victim for themselves. Such representatives can be extremely cruel, often killing people, and not turning them into their own kind. They do not know how to keep their promises, they do something solely for their own benefit.

How to turn into a vampire through blood exchange

  • There is such a rite, which is called "blood exchange", you can meet it in black magic. It is often used by black witches or sorceresses when they initiate a new person into their ranks. This is done as follows: take a small amount of your blood and the blood of a ghoul.
  • The actions don't end there. When watching exciting films, you can see that these creatures can first bite, and only then taste the blood and mix it with their own. It turns out that you need to do exactly the same?
  • Below are some ways that can help you turn into this creature. Before taking this step, think carefully, because you will not be able to return to your usual state, no matter how hard you try.

Option one

When conducting this rite, you need to find a representative of the vampire dynasty and tell him about your desire to join their family. At night, meet with him, mentally start talking, look straight into his eyes and do not turn away, no matter how scary it is at that moment. You need to take a special knife with you, it will be needed during the ritual. Extend your left hand in front of you and begin to slowly cut in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm. Say the following words:

“I become your blood brother, join your family, now we are going with you in the same direction.”

If everything is done correctly, very soon you will join the ranks of the vampires. The cut should be deep, do not forget to lean against the palm of the ghoul during the ritual.

Everyone knows the way to become a vampire is to get bitten.

Second way

Such a ritual is the most complex and requires special preparation. Take the ritual bowl, fill it with red wine. Do not forget about a special knife with which you will cut your hand. The vampire performs these actions first and says the following:

"I give you my blood."

"I share with you part of my blood."

After that, substitute the cut hand over the bowl so that blood gets there and say:

"We are a family".

Take a sip of wine mixed with blood and give the cup to the ghoul. After they drink half of the contents, you must finish the rest. In some cases, the first part of the contents is drunk by a person, and then by a ghoul. A real vampire simply loves such a drink and cannot live long without it. Soon you will be addicted to it too.

Transformation into a ghoul through a curse

  • Numerous records have been preserved from our ancestors, from which it became clear that the sorceresses repeatedly cursed their victims. They became those who went against them, for example: a lover, a lovebird, unrequited love.
  • These women knew special spells with which they forced their opponents to wander between worlds. These people did not die and did not fall into a coma, they gradually became ghouls.
  • What did they eat? The witch accustomed them to human blood, without which they could not live in the future. At this stage, she abandoned the person, and then he had to look for food on his own. How to do it? Only by attacking others and biting them, there is no other way out.
  • A person cannot ask another to curse him. Many have tried to turn to black witches or magicians, but even they refuse to do so.
  • This option suits you. How can you become a vampire in real life? Find a black witch, make her very angry and the curse will not take long.
  • Such actions are very dangerous, because it is not known what will happen next. At best, a person can become a vampire and be between the worlds, otherwise he can die. This method is not recommended by experienced sorcerers and magicians.

Perform a ritual without a bite on your own

In black magic since ancient times there is a rite that helps in turning people into vampires. They do not perform special actions with a person, but gradually he becomes a vampire. Start with special preparation, for this, mentally think about what lies ahead when a new life begins. No one should talk about this action, except for initiates. Below is a list to help prepare for the ritual.

  • A few lumps of coal;
  • Wax candles, at least five pieces;
  • Special knife;
  • Wine poured into a ritual cup (should be red).

Find a suitable place for the ritual. We note right away that a room in the house will not work. You can go to an abandoned church or find an abandoned crypt. Such a place will give more confidence and strength, which will still be needed. After you arrive at the place, start preparing, draw a large circle and place a five-pointed star inside it. Now take candles and place them on each beam. How to become a vampire in real life, spells:

“I appeal to you, Lord of the dead world, take me into your ranks, ready to sacrifice my life for this. I will bow to you and do your will. I promise not to fail or disappoint, so that you will instruct me in the right direction. My brothers are ready to accept, the answer is only yours.”

Put the bowl on the floor, take the dagger prepared in advance and start cutting the left palm. Make it deep so that the colors of blood and wine are the same. Dip a small enough amount of blood into a cup and a couple of drops on the rays of the pattern. Almost done, all that's left to do is add:

“He filled half the cup with his own blood, and gave the other half to the star. I beg you, Lilith, taste the resulting drink and make me your eternal slave.

You can try to turn into a vampire without a bite, through a spell, but this method does not guarantee the result.

When you make a speech, you need to dip your fingers into a bowl in which blood and wine are mixed, draw a small cross on your forehead. After that, continue saying:

“I gave my blood, now I demand reciprocity from you. I am ready to serve you forever, share my blood and bring new ghouls to you. I will make a sacrifice and visit the cemetery ground, which I boldly step on. The whole earth is in blood, it will become even more, Higher powers will not be able to cope with this.

Now it's time for the toast that will be the conclusion of the dedication.

“The earth was corrupted and hurt all living things. My blood belongs to you, my lord, I swear to serve faithfully and not deviate from the intended path. God cannot harm me, for I am under your protection. I drink wine with blood, idolize you and say thank you.

You need to drink the contents of the cup and say the last words:

“My path is long and thorny, but I am ready to go through it in order to reunite with you and serve faithfully for a long time. Enemies will not be able to harm, you will punish them. I will drink the blood of youths and praise you, my mighty teacher.

Is it possible to be a ghoul from birth?

Our ancestors believed that born children can already be ghouls if they have fangs at birth. But this is not a reliable fact, how to become a vampire without a bite, we cannot verify it. There are signs by which you can tell if a child was born a vampire or not:

  • fangs;
  • Intact amniotic sac;
  • If all children are boys in the family and the same representative was born as the fifth boy.


Is it possible to become a vampire in real life. Perhaps such rituals are just fiction and real vampires do not exist, or perhaps they are among us, they are only well hidden, and we practically do not see them. Before you try to become a vampire, think carefully about whether you need it, because there will be no turning back.

Video "How to become a real vampire in real life"