Mantras for the petals of the manipura chakra. How to develop the manipura chakra and restore its functioning. Activation of manipura through active points

| Chakra Manipura

Chakra Manipura

Over it ( svadhisthana) at the base of the navel is a luminous ten-petalled lotus () the color of heavy rain clouds. Inside it are the letters from Yes to Pha, the color of a blue lotus, with a dot above them. Here contemplate a triangle-shaped area of ​​fire, shining like the rising sun. Outside this triangle are three swastika signs, and inside is the bija of fire (RAM).

Meditate on him (bija syllable RAM), sitting on a ram, four-armed, luminous like the rising sun. Rudra resides here permanently, in his ancient form and with three eyes. It is the color of cinnabar, but the ash with which it is smeared makes it appear white. His hands distribute gifts and ward off fear. He is the destroyer of creation.

By meditating on this lotus one gains the power to create and destroy. Vani (Saraswati) with all the wealth of knowledge always dwells in this lotus.Swami Purnananda “Shat-chakra-nirupana” (4 - 49)

« Contemplating the Self as a center full of jewels, shining like the rising sun, [the yogi] gazing [motionlessly] at the tip of the nose, shakes the world.”

Mahasiddh Gorakshanath "Goraksha paddhati" (66)

« Lotus manipura located near the navel. Its color is golden, ten petals: Dam, Dham, Nam, Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Nam, Pam, Pham.

Its lord is Rudra, the giver of all blessings, and its goddess is Lakini.

When a yogi meditates on manipura, he receives potala siddhi (permanent happiness). He becomes the lord of desires, destroys sorrows and illnesses, cheats death and can enter the body of another.

He can create gold, see initiates, discover cures for diseases, and find hidden treasures.”"Shiva Samhita" (5.79 - 82)

1. Localization of Manipura on the physical plane: solar plexus (nourishing part), navel (actually the center).
Anatomical correlate: solar plexus.
Sense organ controlled by chakra: eyes.
4. Controlled area and functions:
visual functions, motor control, liver, spleen, energy reserves of the body.
Properties of manifestation in psychophysiological terms: greed, jealousy, deceit, lack of conscience, fear, lies, stupidity, delusion, cruelty.
Desires and obstacles: immortality, power, name, glory.
Feeling: shine.
8. Sense organs:
9. Vital organs:
Number of petals: 10.
11. Energy Color:
Mantra: RAM.
Biji on petals : DAM, DHAM, US - front-lingual sounds, TAM, THAM, DAM, DHAM, US - dental, PAM, PHAM - labial.

13. Octave sound: mi.
14. Element:
15. Taste sensation:
16. Smell:
17. Symbol:
inverted triangle.
Breath: sunny.
Feeling on the palms: warm.
Paranormal abilities when activated: telepathy, psychic abilities, vision of the past and future (not always accurate), the ability to know the history of an object. Psychological abilities of benevolence and compassion. The desire to help without suppression. The ability to find things, to see with the inner eye, “X-ray” vision.

21. Peculiarities: This chakra expresses Compassion.
Physical sensations: gastric node
Influence of Kundalini: once having transcended the difficulties of the lower navel centers and reached the Solar Plexus, the Kundalini process with its Shakti energy can rise higher with greater ease. Here the personal soul becomes awakened, transformation begins, this is called “confirmed wakefulness.” Since the Kundalini process usually does not stop, it reaches this zone.
Influence of Kundalini: when the Kundalini process reaches this chakra, the individual gains the opportunity to become aware of his astral body and its interaction with the physical environment. This is expressed through the Deja Vu effect, when it seems that you are already familiar with some person or place.
25. p
represents: astral vibrations of emotions and desires.
Expresses: sensitivity.
Mentally: relates to the digestive system, liver, stomach, gall bladder, menstruation, breathing, vision.
Plexus: connected to the nerves of the solar plexus.
Glands: affects the pancreas and exocrine glands. Although the pancreas is connected to the manipura chakra, this does not prevent it from connecting to the solar plexus, since it is located in this area.
Aspects of Manipura: The solar plexus zone is the main receptor and means of feedback of instinctive perceptions of the body. This is where the positive and destructive feelings of the Sensual Body are perceived.
Emotionality: These centers express dynamics, assertiveness, and are associated with inspiration.
Function expression: the sensual aspect is expressed by expansiveness, openness, assertiveness in achieving self-satisfaction, in perception, sensation of one’s own feelings and the feelings of other people. In an unbridled desire to comprehend the basics of feelings. The front surface of Manipura is responsible for the transmission of psychic energy of lower, sinful Emotions.
Function expression: The volitional aspect reflects our perception of our own body, health, and desire for healing. It is associated with the instinctive powers of inner knowing what is good for us and what is not.
Dysfunctions: fear, excitement, lethargy, anger. This is a zone of psychosomatic illnesses.
Energy disturbances in Manipur: blockages of the biofield in this place can be felt manually, usually these are expressions of stress, anger, excitement, fear, nervousness.
Physical dysfunction with weak Manipura: ulcers, gastritis, liver disease, diabetes. Lumbar pain is reflected in the chakra. The gastric node shows its condition on the chakra. Overstimulation of the chakra poses a health risk.
Ruling Planet: Sun (Mars - according to other sources).
Effect of working with Manipura: understanding of the processes occurring in gross and subtle bodies; increasing vitality and getting rid of many diseases, acquiring longevity and good health; development of management and organizational abilities; control over speech and the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts and influence people with words improves.
39. Vayu: samana-vayu.

Loka: World of the gods (Svarga-loka).


Vritti on the petals of Manipura:

~ disgust (ghrina),

~ fear (bhaya),

~ shame (ladzha),

~ impermanence (pishunata),

~ jealousy (irsha),

~ desire (trishna),

~ laziness (sushupti),

~ sadness (visada),

~ dullness (kashaya),

~ ignorance (moha).

Description of Yantra for Manipura : in the middle of the lotus there is a bija of fire RAM and a triangular mandala of Agni, from its three sides there are three swastika signs. Inside it is the red four-armed devata Agni, sitting on a ram. In front of him is Rudra with his Shakti Bhadrakali. Rudra is scarlet in color and is like an old man, his body is covered with ash, he has three eyes and two hands. With one hand he blesses, with the other he dispels fear. Next to him is Lakini - Shakti the color of molten gold in yellow clothes and jewelry. Her mind is blinded by passion. Above the lotus is the abode of the Sun (Surya).

Siddhi: potala siddhi, victory over disease and death, knowledge of the subtle body, the ability to leave the physical body at will and enter the body of another, control of the element of fire, the ability to turn metals into gold by rubbing them with one's feces or urine.

With the cleansing of the chakra, the yogi is freed from greed and material attachments.

Physically, the third chakra Manipura located in the solar plexus area. And the navel is often called the point of projection of Manipura. In terms of energy, Manipura is the main energy accumulator for all our structures. This is the energy of activity, activity, will. A person with the active energy of the Manipura chakra strives to achieve success in society and in business. He has a strong will, the ability to persuade and influence people. Some Eastern systems of philosophy believe that the path of self-improvement truly begins when a person’s self-awareness reaches the level of the Manipura chakra.

Energy of will, power and cash flow

Manipura chakra is a very important center of energy. All our activity in the external world one way or another depends on the energy of Manipura. The health of the physical body improves greatly when the energy in this center is balanced.

Many sources associate Manipura with success in society - financial well-being, career success. In order to become a good director-manager, it would be nice to have a powerful Manipura chakra.

Manipura, “developed” by yoga techniques, also affects financial well-being. Some sources associate Manipura with the energy of cash flow.

In general, the energy of Manipura is the will of a human being. Wherever we apply it, we will get the result. In yoga, it is believed that we have unlimited willpower. We just need to learn how to use it. And “working through” the Manipura chakra directly helps with this.

There is also an opinion that the modern world lives to a greater extent precisely “at the level” of Manipura.

Methods of "awakening"

Many yoga exercises specifically target the Manipura chakra. In the physical body, it affects all the organs of the abdominal cavity, improving blood circulation in them and significantly strengthening their condition. In terms of energy, additional energy is actively supplied to this center, which has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

Asanas that affect Manipura are, first of all, Mayurasana (peacock pose - elbows rest on the stomach and the straight body is kept parallel to the floor), Paschimottanasana (from a lying position, lower your head onto the knees of straightened legs), Yoga Mudra (in a meditative pose lower your forehead to the floor). Generally speaking, all asanas affect the navel center to one degree or another.

Almost all pranayama energizes the Manipura chakra. Bhastrika (intense inhalation and exhalation) and Kapalbhati pranayama (sharp exhalation) have a particularly strong influence.


The Manipura Chakra is described as a yellow ten-petalled lotus with an inscribed red inverted triangle.

The bija mantra of this chakra is RAM.

For any of the practices described, you can use a yoga meditation pose (for example, Siddhasana or Vajrasana). This will allow you to be in a more conscious state. These poses themselves help to harmonize the flow of energy in our body.

Meditation can also be done while sitting in a chair or lying down. In this case, you need to make more efforts to maintain wakefulness.

Before starting any meditation technique, it is recommended to relax the muscles of the body. This can be achieved by taking several deep breaths.

Visualization. The visualization method involves using an image of a chakra (yantra).

To begin with, the image is viewed through the eyes. The gaze slides from detail to detail - along the petals, along the triangle. For some time, the image is examined as a whole, with motionless eyes. When the eyes get tired, they are closed, and the yantra is considered as a visualized picture in front of the closed eyes. Just like the external image, the internal mental image is now considered. To enhance the effect, it is best to place an imaginary yantra in the area of ​​the navel - solar plexus.

Repeating the bija mantra.

The projection point of the Manipura chakra is the navel. If, in preparation for meditation, we pay attention to this area, we will notice that the stomach moves synchronously with inhalation and exhalation. Repeating the bija mantra is a very powerful technique that vibrates the energy in the chakra. If this technique is combined with the natural rhythm of breathing, the effect of the practice will be significantly enhanced.

At the peak of inhalation, we mentally say RAM. At the peak of exhalation, we again mentally say RAM. Breathing is natural. We don't try to control it. We just contemplate the breath and do not forget about the bija mantra. We try to constantly be aware of the sensation in the navel area.

Integral meditation technique.

The best method of meditating on the energy in the Manipura chakra is a combination of visualization of the yantra, awareness of the chakra projection point (navel) and repetition of the bija mantra (RAM).

The minimum time for meditation practice is 10 minutes. The best effect will be if we meditate for 20 to 30 minutes.

Manipura chakra translated from Sanskrit means “diamond place” or “abundance of jewels.” It is located in the solar plexus area, located near the diaphragm, in the middle of the sternum and navel. Because of this placement it can also be called the solar plexus chakra.

Also a person with harmoniously working manipura able to clearly and clearly express her thoughts, she is characterized by the correct construction of her speech, a feeling of peace and inner harmony, relaxation, as well as the ability to enjoy her own harmony and the perfection of the world around her.

If there is low spiritual development of the third chakra, It becomes extremely important for a person to assert himself at the expense of those around him, he becomes angry, feels especially guilty, tries to curry favor with others, constantly feels like a victim, and feels helpless. Such people also suffer from jealousy, lack of conscience, fears, lies and cruelty.

If the solar plexus chakra is not harmonized, a person is also inclined to use the people around him in his own interests and abuses his powers. He strives to keep all power in his hands (this can be clearly seen in the example of many state leaders). There is increased ambition.

The person also feels offended by life, although in appearance he tries with all his might to show that everything is fine. But the feelings that tear him apart from the inside and do not come out provoke the appearance of depression and attacks of rage.

What emotions does Manipura control?

  • From fears you can call it a fear of financial success.
  • With normal functioning of the chakra a person can enjoy life, food, exercise, feels peaceful and quite confident in his abilities. Interacts harmoniously with the surrounding world.
  • If passions take control of the body, then a person succumbs to gluttony, greed, anger and Nazism.

Ways to develop the third chakra

Wanting to achieve success in business or entrepreneurial activity, It is simply vital for a person to start developing the 3rd chakra. There is one fairly simple diagnostic method that shows what state the manipura is in. To do this, you need to know whether a particular person follows a certain daily routine.

After all The main way to open the yellow chakra is to plan your day down to the smallest moments, successfully performed over a long period of time. Of course, you shouldn’t immediately count on stunning results, but if you try really hard, you can live your day with seventy to eighty percent completion of everything planned.

This method is not fast, but speed does not play a significant role in this case. After all, the main thing is to learn to enjoy doing work on yourself. If it is, you won’t even need to force yourself to do anything by force - the body itself will gladly begin to adapt to the new lifestyle.

Watch this video with pleasant and relaxing music, it will help cleanse the chakra of negativity and improve its functioning

When the chakra does not work harmoniously

Perhaps, The main task of the third chakra is to teach a person stick exclusively to your own opinion, without listening to the wishes of others regarding the vision of a specific problem. When the chakra is harmonized, the person does not need outside help, but focuses solely on the call of his Soul.

And the ability to quickly assimilate acquired knowledge allows people whose solar plexus chakra is active to quickly analyze the information received, while forming their own vision of the situation. The latter may differ radically from the opinions of other people.

How do you know if a given chakra is closed or not working well? In this case, it will be difficult for a person to maintain communication with people around him, make new acquaintances, and he becomes socially maladapted. There is also a lack of self-confidence, distrust of your inner self, a desire to adapt to the interests of others, even if they are contrary to your own.

Pathologies arising from poor performance

Disturbances in the work of manipura have an extremely negative impact on human health and the life processes of his body. When the chakra goes astray from the correct frequency, a person begins to suffer from increased acidity of the gastric mucosa and gastritis develops. And if a person regularly accepts someone else’s, unusual position imposed by others, then the situation may even end in the appearance of an ulcer.

When a person is unable to stand up for his own interests, a feeling of anger and malice arises, as a result of which liver pathologies appear and the gallbladder suffers. The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, diabetes mellitus develops, and it becomes impossible to conceive a child.

Features of 3 chakras in representatives of the stronger sex

In the male population, the solar plexus chakra is responsible for the amount of material resources, as well as for maintaining an active life position. A man, filled with the energy of pleasure from a woman, begins to transform it into various benefits of a material and social nature.

Therefore, if a woman wants her husband to earn enough and could provide for the family, she needs to take on the role of his muse and motivation. It is important for a man to feel that the benefits he has earned (obtained) are in demand. In a situation where a girl tries to pull the blanket over herself, competing with a man for the right to earn the same amount of money, the manipura of a representative of the stronger sex will either completely fade away, and he will turn into an inveterate parasite, or the man will get bored and break off this relationship, going to look for his inspiration.

Manipura for women

Representatives of the fair sex have a less active manipura. It is important for a woman to learn to accept benefits, and in return give comfort, coziness and give a man sexual pleasure.

If a girl does not accept this position, strives to earn as much in a relationship as her partner, independently defends the interests of their couple, and looks for solutions to various problems: ultimately, the chakra is blocked in both a very active lady and her lover. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to correctly distribute roles in relationships so that each partner harmoniously fills each other with the necessary energies.

A mantra that will help open the 3rd chakra

In the Hindu tradition, if you want to reveal or harmonize the state of manipura, you should regularly pronounce the mantra “RAM” many times. You can also listen to the recorded sound of the mantra. Then the person is filled with solar energy, which activates the chakra.

The mantra “LLC” also brings good results. If used correctly, the result will be filled with a lasting feeling of complete harmony with the world around you, with your inner voice. You will hear it as clearly and clearly as possible. Other people's advice will not lead you astray.

The yantra for the manipura chakra is a yellow lotus bordered by ten leaves. In its central part there is often a triangle with a swastika on it. If you regularly contemplate the yellow yantra, very soon you will tone your body and improve its ability to work. And by visualizing the yantra, you can improve your health and be filled with positive vital energy.

By developing the energy of the third chakra, you will become a more creative person, improve your thinking along with your sense of humor. You will become independent from other people’s opinions, you will be able to make the right decisions without fear and live an interesting and happy life.

Manipura chakra is responsible for a person’s Ego, his strength and ability for self-realization. This is where his desires and personal energy are concentrated. The third chakra gives us self-control and the willingness to realize our intentions. It is also associated with wealth. In this article I will tell you how to develop the Manipura chakra and restore its functioning.

This chakra is located in the solar plexus area, slightly above the navel. Improper functioning of the third chakra is indicated by imbalance, constant anxiety, neglect of feelings, and an obsessive desire to obtain money or power. I have already talked about this in more detail. If you haven't read this article yet, I recommend it.

Opening manipura is carried out in several ways, which together allow you to achieve good results. This includes meditation, chanting a mantra and working with active points on the hands and feet.

Activation of manipura through active points

The solar plexus chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs through which manipura is activated.

These points are marked in the figure - see photo.

Sit on a yoga mat or floor. It is advisable to sit with your back straight. Let's start working with the right foot.

Lightly press on the active point and massage it clockwise in a circular motion. Continue for half a minute.

Then press on the active point, but without making any movements, visualize a yellow color - such as daffodil petals. A beam of light passes along the big toe with which you press and enters the active point on the foot.

Continue the exercise for 2 minutes. Then do the same with your left foot. Then move on to the active points on the hands. The exercise is similar.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditating on manipura. Take any meditation pose. For example, you can sit on the edge of a chair or cross-legged. The main thing is that your back is straight.

  1. Breathe evenly and calmly. Concentrate your attention on the tip of your nose. This way you can prepare and relieve emotional fatigue.
  2. Visualize that you are now in nature, there is a clear blue sky above you, and the rays of the sun gently warm your body and give you energy.
  3. Bring your attention to your solar plexus chakra. Imagine that a stream of sunlight is entering you through this chakra.

The Sun represents the image of the Higher Power and we should try to connect with it. When a person achieves enlightenment, he merges with this Cosmic force.

Visualize a golden ball of solar energy in the area where your manipura is located. From this ball, rays spread out to both sides and fill your entire body with energy.

If you feel pain in any place, direct the healing energy of light there.

At the end of the meditation on the Manipura chakra, try to feel if your condition has changed.

Correspondence between chakra and element

The third chakra corresponds to the element of Fire. This element gives a person warmth and light. Fire has the ability to destroy anything, and this property is used in different areas of life.

Don't think that destruction is always a bad thing. “Baptism of Fire” burns away problems and restores inner purity. Fire symbolizes birth and resurrection.

Different religions have similar interpretations of the element of Fire:

  • in Buddhism it is wisdom that can burn away ignorance;
  • in Hinduism - this is knowledge and light that are associated with the god Shiva - this god is endowed with the powers of destruction, rebirth and liberation;
  • in Christianity, “tongues of fire” indicate the voice of the Lord or Divine revelation.


Assume any meditation pose with a straight spine. Visualize that you are sitting near a large fire in the forest, a clear moonlit night has descended on the Earth.

Listen to the silence of the night forest, to the crackling of logs in the fire, feel the warmth and light of the Fire.

The glare of the fire is reflected in a bizarre way on the trees, and they seem to be dancing in the night to the accompaniment of the flames.

Fire gives us the feeling of creating something new in life. It also helps to get rid of everything that can interfere with the path of spiritual development - this is purification by Fire.

Focus on your feelings. If you feel angry, hurt, or hurt, take an imaginary piece of paper and mentally write down on it the negative feelings that are holding you back.

Reflect on what you would like to change. Maybe a place to live or a job? Continue to write down on a piece of paper everything that is slowing you down in life.

When finished, re-read the list. Make sure you don't forget to write anything. Then throw this imaginary piece of paper into the fire. Let it burn to the ground. And your life will be cleansed of filth and negativity.

May your heart be filled with joy while all sorrows burn away. Working with the element of Fire will strengthen the manipura and restore its functioning.

Mantra for the third chakra

Before performing the exercise with the mantra, you should cleanse the manipura chakra from negative emotions, such as anger, hatred, jealousy, worry, fear, anxiety, envy, despondency, delusion.

In the process of spiritual work, it is important to remain honest with yourself. There is no need to repress emotions or hide them from yourself. Repressed into the subconscious, negative feelings can slowly destroy you from the inside.

Analyze the emotions that really exist in your soul, acknowledge them. This can be unpleasant. You may feel guilty about your feelings or have a hard time thinking about them.

However, negativity will definitely break through so that energy can flow through the chakra. Therefore, it is better to prevent an “explosion”.

Breathing practice

Take a cross-legged position or sitting on a chair. Straighten your back. Direct your attention to the solar plexus area.

We begin rhythmic breathing. Mentally count to 5 and then inhale, then mentally count to 5 again and exhale. Continue breathing for a count of 5.

In a couple of minutes we will begin the exercise of cleaning the manipura. As you inhale, say out loud to all negative emotions: “Go away!” Speak sincerely, firmly and convincingly. Visualize how, as you exhale, all these emotions fly away into the distance.

The exercise is repeated 10 times. After it, ask yourself, has all the negativity gone? If not, you can repeat the exercise. But don't overdo it. You may not achieve results on the first day of training.

Mantra Ram

The mantra of the manipura chakra sounds like “ram”. It is assumed that the utterance of this sound causes resonance in the solar plexus area. There is another sound for the third chakra - “oooh”. Maybe this is the one that suits you better.

While in a meditation position, begin the exercise.

Take a deep breath. Then slowly exhale the air and start chanting the “o-o-o” sound. Next, take another breath. With each inhalation, concentrate your attention on the area where the manipura is located. Chant the mantra 10-15 times.

Try singing the martra on the note "E". If you are not familiar with musical tones, then this is not necessary.

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your mouth slightly and begin to chant the first part of the mantra: “ra-a-a-aaa...”;
  3. close your lips and sing the ending through your nose: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. after you finish exhaling, take a new breath and repeat the mantra from the beginning.

It is important that you feel the vibrations around the solar plexus chakra area. Direct the sound to this area. If singing on "E" doesn't resonate at all, try other keys.

Mantras should be chanted for at least 5 minutes. This will help develop manipura. At the end of the exercise, listen to yourself - what has changed in your condition?

Yantra for manipura

Yantra is a unique mystical symbol used for meditation. The Manipura Chakra Yantra can be presented in two versions:

  1. swastika is a symbol of movement and life;
  2. red triangle pointing downwards.

For meditation we will use the second option. The triangle is associated with the number 3, which symbolizes balance.

The Trinity of gods is known in different religions:

  • in Christianity this is the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit;
  • in Hinduism - the creator god Brahma, the patron and protector of Vishnu and the destroyer Shiva.

Each person has also absorbed the trinity of Spirit, soul and body.

The triangle is a symbol of Fire. If it is directed upward, then it is identified with masculine energy and the Sun. If the top looks down, then this is a symbol of feminine energy and the Moon.

Fire is important for any person. He gives us warmth and light. There are two types of Fire:

  1. The fire of the earth and our mundane desires, which enslave a person and turn into ashes what he touches. This is also the Fire of passions, which brings suffering.
  2. Heavenly solar Fire, representing Divine love that purifies us.

Yantra Meditation

There are a variety of yantras and mandalas of the manipura chakra. We will work with the classic symbol - a red triangle pointing downwards.

Prepare a place for meditation in advance. Light a candle and place it in front of you - on the table or on the floor.

Place a yantra image not far from the candle. You can print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Looking at the flame, think about two types of Fire - earthly and Heavenly.

Earthly Fire is associated with the material world. It flares up when a person cognizes earthly reality and seeks the purpose of his existence on our planet. If it is associated with egoistic desires, then such fire should be transformed.

To do this, you will need to go through purification by Divine Fire. Negative qualities and selfishness will burn out in him. This is necessary to move on - to the opening of the next anahata chakra.

Look at the candle flame. Meditate on your inner Fire, which reflects your inner spiritual life. The strength of the flame shows how intense your spiritual growth is.

For each incarnation, a person is given opportunities for growth, as well as free will to accept or reject them.

Then move your gaze to the yantra. Imagine that you are standing on the outside of a circle. See how the triangle is surrounded by flames - this is a divine, cleansing flame.

Reeds of orange, yellow and red dance around the triangle. They call you to walk through them.

If you dare to do this, they will reveal the secret to you - what needs to be done and what needs to be changed in life in order to open the Manipura chakra and move forward in your development.

You may have a hard time accepting change, especially if it threatens your safety. Remind yourself that feeling safe can only come from within, not from without.

At the end of the meditation, mentally take one tongue of flame and attach it to your own inner Fire located in the solar plexus chakra. Strengthen this flame day by day.

Manipura activation video

So, I suggest you watch a video about activating the Manipura chakra or, as it is also called, the money chakra:

Temples of Egypt - human chakras

Chakras are the pulse in which the Kundalini energy works.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the great Nile River, which has passed through thousands of years and thousands of kilometers and survived great civilizations, corresponds to the human spine.

They built the temples of Egypt along the Nile so that their location corresponded to the main chakras of a person.

According to ancient Egyptian texts, the sacred places of Ancient Egypt where “star portals open” are: Heliopolis, Giza, Saqqara, Tel el-Amarna, Luxor, Karnak, Dendera, Kom Ombo, the temple of Isis on the island of Philae.

The Temple of Isis on the island of Philae near Aswan is considered the root chakra - the Muladhara chakra, which "opens the space of Kundalini energy."

This is the temple of the chakra of birth and survival. Here there is a change in the structure of human cells, its revival. People visiting Aswan seem to experience a “new birth”. The God of Aswan Khnum, the Creator God who creates man on a pottery disk made of clay, was the guardian of the Nile River.

Kom Ombo Temple (50 kilometers north of Aswan) - the sacral chakra - the Swadhisthana chakra, which “corrects the breathing of the body.”

The temple is dedicated to two gods: Sebek - the god of water and the flood of the Nile, worshiped in the guise of a crocodile, and the god Horur, the Elder Horus - “The Horus who dwells in heaven.”

Not far from the temple there is a complex system of canals and pools in which sacred crocodiles were kept, surrounded by

in Kom Ombo with special respect.

As the scientist and esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek writes in the book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” “initiations with crocodiles took place in the pools of Kom Ombo, neophytes swam with crocodiles to overcome fear, one of the negative emotions. Fear has been and remains the main force inhibiting man in his quest for the Light.”

Temple of Edfu, the creator of which is considered the first architect
and the scientist famous in world history - Imhotep, is also the sacral chakra.

The temple reliefs of Edfu tell of Horus, his father Osiris, his mother Isis and Hathor.
In the inscriptions of Edfu, Horus (Horus) - the god of the sky and the Sun, was also Horus - Ra, he was depicted in the form of a winged disk, a falcon or a man with the head of a falcon.

Thebes (Luxor) - solar plexus chakra - Manipura chakra, which “participates in the pulse
and reveals the movement of the body along the energy-informational ring.”

Thebes is the mystery of the proportions of the Golden Section, the name of the city begins with the sign Phi - the value of the calculation of proportions - 1.618.... - transcendental number.

Nile crossing Thebes (Luxor)
from south to north, and the Sun - Ra makes its way over the river
from east to west, forming with it a kind of cross. Thebes is one of the sacred places of Ancient Egypt, the city of the living and the city of the dead.

Tel El Amarna is the heart chakra - the Anahata chakra, which is involved in all processes of human life. Tel - El - Amarna - the capital of Ancient Egypt during the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten, a city of white stone, where Akhenaten moved the capital from ancient Thebes.

Akhenaten, who carried out religious reform
and who established monotheism in Egypt - the cult of God Aten, went down in history under the name of the heretic pharaoh. Tel El Amarna was subsequently destroyed to the ground and everything connected
with the name of Pharaoh Akhenaten, destroyed.

As Drunvalo Melchizedek writes, Akhenaten was not an earthling, he came from the Sirius star system. Akhenaten is the founder of the Egyptian mystery school - “The Right Eye of Horus”, where they taught sacred geometry, the principles of which were included
into the teaching “Flower of Life”.

Sakkara - throat chakra - Vishuddha chakra, which controls metabolism and heart function.

Saqqara is the oldest necropolis of the capital of the Ancient Kingdom - Memphis. The center of this necropolis is the step pyramid of Djoser.

The pyramid, called by scientists “the mother of pyramids”, is the world’s first grandiose structure made of stone, created by the outstanding architect Imhotep, the famous sage, whom the Egyptians considered the god of medicine, astronomy and art, identifying him with Thoth and Ptah.

Giza - third eye chakra - Ajna chakra, which adjusts the body to contact with the subconscious.

Giza is where the “Hall of Chronicles” is kept. In his prophetic revelations, the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce indicated that the documents and materials of the disappeared Atlantean civilization are kept in the “Hall of Chronicles,” located between the paws of the Great Sphinx in Giza.

In the “Emerald Tablets” of Hermes Trismegistus, whom the Egyptians associated with God Thoth, it is said that in the Great Pyramid (Pyramid of Cheops) the initiation process was carried out - the “initiation” of an adept into secret knowledge, and the “Pharaoh’s Chamber” was the initiation room of the school of the Right Eye of Horus.

After initiation in the "Pharaoh's chamber", the adepts "balanced their energies"
in the Queen's Chamber. Egyptian practices required twelve years of training
in the school of the Left Eye of Horus and twelve years in the school of the Right Eye of Horus to reach the stage of "initiation", and only after twenty-four years of training the adept was recognized as ready for initiation.

In the Great Pyramid, Egyptian priests conducted the mysteries of Osiris and Isis, the priests taught the “initiates” to predict
according to the stars the future and enter
in contact with cosmic forces.

In The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek described the initiation he took in all three chambers of the Great Pyramid: the Pharaoh's Chamber, the Queen's Chamber, and the lower chamber of the Well.

Heliopolis - the city of the Sun - crown chakra - Sahasrara chakra - longevity chakra,
the entire cycle of life is revealed in it, it controls the breathing of the body, participates in all metabolic processes of the subtle and dense world.

Heliopolis is one of the oldest and most important cities in Ancient Egypt, located northeast of modern Cairo. In Heliopolis there was the main center of worship of the supreme God of the Sun - Amon-Ra. The ancient Egyptians said: “God is everywhere. God is around you, God is within you.” The modern view of the concept of chakras was formed after the emergence of the theory of torsion fields.
According to scientists, which differs little from the ancient authors, man
with the help of chakras it exchanges energy with the subtle world.

Each chakra serves as a kind of antenna for receiving and transmitting back subtle energy of a certain vibration frequency.

Academician Gennady Shipov writes: “In humans, several levels of torsion fields correspond to energy bodies. In the human body, chakras are focal points of torsion fields. The higher the chakra is located, the higher the frequency of the field.”

Chakras are the “vision of time” in all spaces, the “pulses” in which life works.


Muladhara belongs to the element “Earth” and is located at the base of the spinal column, between the base of the reproductive organs and the anus. Yogis claim that the one who penetrated
into this chakra, acquires the ability to levitate and is not afraid of physical death. He also gains the ability to control the breath, mind and semen, comprehends the past, present
and the future and enjoys a natural state of bliss.

1 Muladhara.


Svadhisthana belongs to the element “Water” and is located at the base of the reproductive organs. Yogis claim that the one who owns this chakra is not afraid of water and has power over the element of water. He increases his psychic powers, develops knowledge and ability to control his senses, and becomes acquainted with astral entities. When mastering it, anger, greed, blind love, attachment, false knowledge, delusion, arrogance, pride, envy, jealousy, etc. are completely destroyed.

2 Svadhisthana.


Manipura , translated from Sanskrit means “diamond place” and symbolizes our sun - the center of our personal power. Through this chakra we absorb the life-giving and stimulating power of the sun, establishing an active connection with the rest of humanity and with the physical world.
It is responsible for the development of our personality, the transmission of our emotions to the world, and controls the ability to influence the environment with inner strength and intelligence in its practical aspect. Manipura is the center of our desires, ego and self-realization, the ability to enter into long-term harmonious relationships with other people. This chakra controls our desire to achieve recognition and position in society, the desire to stand out in the crowd
and to power, achieving goals and realizing our goals and hopes, as well as accepting the norms of behavior existing in society. To have the ability to judge life, we need to have the ability to independently form a personal opinion. Through the decisions we make in life, we can realize our full potential. Manipura gives us the opportunity to absorb knowledge and experience, shaping our personality. Through this chakra we pick up on the frequencies of other people and act accordingly. From a spiritual point of view, the work of this chakra is to help us realize our destiny in the material world, to fulfill our life mission to the best of our ability, using our talents and abilities, to walk along our personal path of destiny in the material world so as to achieve self-realization at all levels. Understanding feelings, desires, passions and hopes helps the third chakra to achieve balance and develop, because it strengthens our inner strength and clarifies situations and events occurring in life.

3 Manipura.


Anahata - chakra depicted as a green (or golden) lotus with twelve petals and the letters on them: Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Nam, Cham, Chham, Jam, Jham, Jnam, Tam, Tham.
In the middle of it are two crossed triangles. A triangle with an upward apex symbolizes the spiritual path of development or the masculine principle (Shiva), and a triangle with a downward apex symbolizes the path of material decline or internal strength and the feminine principle (Shakti). Crossed triangles symbolize the “midpoint” of spiritual development.
There is a shining banalingam in the center. Above him is Ishvara with the red Kakini Shakti "
in a garland of human bones, whose heart is softened by drinking nectar.” Bija - mantra
Anahachi - Pam or the letter Yam. In the drawings you can often see a white antelope, the symbol of the element of this chakra is air.

In the physical body it is responsible for the circulatory system.

Organs: heart, lungs, circulatory system.

Endocrine system: thymus.

Green color.

Crystals: aventurine, rose quartz.

Tone: note Fa.


4 Anahata.


Skt. विशुद्ध viśuddha IAST - cleansing - throat chakra of harmony.

The chakra is depicted as a sixteen-petalled lotus with the letters Am, Am (aspirated), Amkh, Aam, Im, Iim, Um, Uum, Rim, Riim, Lrim, Lriim, Em, Aim, Om, Aum.

In the center of the lotus is a drop of nectar, which flows into the vishuddhi from the bindu. The bija mantra Ham is written in the drop. Below her is Akasha in white robes on a white elephant. It is believed that divine nectar flows to Vishuddhi - chakra from a place slightly higher
and called Bindu (Sanskrit: बिन्द bindu IAST). This symbolic nectar represents truth, satchyananda, and is formed in the Sahasrara.

This is the center where Shiva absorbs nectar and poison. This means that all emotions, like good ones,
and bad ones are considered as manifestations of one whole.

Lalana chakra is a minor chakra, closely associated with Bindu and Vishuddhi - chakra
It is localized in the spine at the base of the tongue. After the nectar leaves Bindu and before reaching Vishuddhi, it is stored in the Lalana chakra. In this chakra
nectar either becomes poison or becomes bliss, depending on how awakened and active the Lalana and Vishuddha chakras are.

Vishuddha responsible for the truth, blocked by lies. It is also called the will chakra.

The more a person speaks the truth, the more the chakra develops.

According to other sources Vishuddha is the chakra of purity and communication, communication
and clairaudience.

In the physical body it is responsible for hearing and breathing.

Organs: larynx, thyroid gland, vocal cords, upper lungs.

Endocrine system: larynx, thyroid gland.

Blue color.

Tone: note Salt.

Crystals: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase.

5 Vishuddha.

Ajna (Third Eye)

Ajna - chakra

Skt. आज्ञा ājnā IAST - order, command - the eyebrow chakra of dispassion and supernatural abilities (clairvoyance, hypnosis) (in the Chinese tradition corresponds to the upper dantian, or shan dantian). IN Ajna - chakra the three main ones converge again

nadis - Sushumna, Ida and Pingala.

This chakra is depicted in the form of a two-petalled lotus, on one of the petals of which is the Sun, on the other - the Moon, as well as the letters ham and ksham, 49 and 50 in the total count of those depicted

on the petals of all 6 chakras combined, which makes up the complete Sanskrit alphabet.
The lotus contains a white triangle with the top down - a symbol of ion, and inside the triangle there is a black (according to other traditions white) lingam - itaralingam (“another, different, different”). Bija - the mantra of this chakra is Aum. Ajna is connected with the eyebrow center, which is traditionally called bhrumadhya (from bhru - eyebrows and madhya - center) with the help of a special nadi - mahanadi. These two centers are extremely important in meditative practices, and in principle they can be considered one whole - the “third eye”.

Awakening the "third eye" - Ajna- chakras - the motive is extremely popular in a huge number of religious and psychological traditions, and the corresponding techniques are widely reflected in the relevant literature. In particular, Buddha statues are often made
with a gemstone in the area between the eyebrows. This center is somehow designated
and many deities of Hinduism (and not only) and mythical heroes.

Ajna - chakra (and in general the “third eye”, regardless of any additional symbolism) is very often associated with the pineal gland (epiphysis, pineal gland) - a special gland the size of a pea (about 8 mm in humans), which is located between the cerebral hemispheres of the brain opposite the place of the brow center. The pineal gland has a ganglion connection with the retina. According to modern scientific ideas, it serves to produce the hormone melatonin, which is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Ajna responsible for insight, blocked by illusion. By destroying various illusions that surround him, a person develops the sixth chakra.

According to additional sources, the person opening Ajnu , becomes the owner of an ideal balance of intelligence and intuition.

According to other sources Ajn a- chakra radiates harmonizing energy along with Sahasrara, however, unlike the energy of Sahasrara, the energy Ajna - chakras quite “weighty”.

In the physical body it is responsible for the nervous system.

Organs: autonomic nervous system, eyes, nose, spine.

Endocrine system: pituitary gland.

Color: blue or indigo.

Crystals: fluorite, indigo tourmaline.

Tone: note A.

6 Ajna.


Skt. सहस्रार sahasrāra IAST - one thousand. She is depicted as a lotus with a thousand petals,
on which are all possible articulations of the Sanskrit alphabet of 50 letters (50 × 20), although this is probably only a metaphor for the actually infinite number
its petals. Inside the lotus the full moon is depicted, which encloses a triangle. Symbolically, here the complete fusion of Shiva and Shakti is achieved, the ultimate goal of the spiritual evolution of the Soul in the bodily shell; here Kundalini ends its path, passing through all six chakras.

There are also differences in interpretation Sahasrara. According to generally accepted

versions, Sahasrara is activated when the other six chakras reach their maximum. In this case, it most often appears as white, containing all the colors of the spectrum. Its main function is to unite the superconsciousness of the Soul with the Supreme Consciousness. The opinion that Sahasrara - chakra can reach maximum development independentlyfrom the rest, and its full disclosure enhances certain abilities for power and creation, contradicts the opinion about its highest spiritual function. Weak chakra activity Sahasrara more often manifests itself in the form of a violet glow, which changes the color of the Ajna chakra to blue, and the Vishuddha chakra to blue.

Sahasrara reflects the connection of the Soul with the higher mind, astral and spiritual consciousness, is blocked by lower spiritual entities that connect the Soul with earthly attachments, passions and desires.

According to other sources, the highest vibration chakra. When consciousness rises to this chakra, the human individual “I” merges with the general consciousness. The chakra radiates calm and grace.

In the physical body it controls the mind and higher mental functions.

Endocrine system: pineal gland.

Color: white or purple.

Crystals: clear diamond.

Tone: B note.

7 Sahasrara.

Fine tuning the 7 chakras

This meditation will bring you exceptional benefits. Especially if you
listen to it every morning before starting the work day. Within a few days you will receive positive results - lightness in the body, clearer consciousness, increased energy levels, improved self-esteem and ability to make decisions.

It is best to devote an hour of your time to this meditation in the early morning hours. You can listen to this meditation at any other time convenient for you (not necessarily in the morning), but the most favorable time for listening is early morning, dawn. When you listen to this program several times early in the morning, you will see for yourself.

You MUST listen to this program through headphones; you can also listen to it through speakers.

When listening, set the MINIMUM comfortable volume, it should be almost in the background, but not deafen you!

You can listen to this meditation as many times a day as you want.

Waking up in the morning, we do physical exercise, drink coffee or tea, sometimes take pills or dietary supplements without thinking at all that the most correct way to prepare for the day’s activity will be to tune or “calibrate” our energy body and meditation will do this much better than vitamins or freshly squeezed juice!

In other words, using nutritional supplements, vitamins, pills, we try to adjust our physical body, without thinking at all about how
that it is not the physical body that needs to be adjusted, but the consciousness, and it can adjust our physical body much better than aspirin or vitamin C!

Recently, by the way, this was confirmed by research by American scientists:
people who regularly meditate get sick less often than those who
who doesn't do them. This fact has been confirmed by many years of clinical research by American scientists.

Happy listening!

Meditation: Chakra Balancing and Tuning uses 3D sound, binaural beats, isochronic tones, and forest stream sounds. The frequencies are specially calibrated so that they can be used to balance and tune the chakras, clearing energy centers from the first chakra (base) to the seventh (crown).

If possible, use stones - pyramids of chakras (sold
in specialized stores). If not, meditate without them.

To get results, listen only with stereo headphones, without any effect
there will be no or it will be minimal.

During meditation, imagine the color of the corresponding chakra
and concentrate on it.

Each chakra has a special color.

Setting up each chakra takes 10 minutes (that is, the entire meditation will take you 70 minutes). This is a fairly long process, turn off your cell phone and make sure no one will disturb you. It is advisable to listen to the entire program, after which you will feel how the level of your vital energy has increased, your energy body has been adjusted.

Experiencing the chakras.
The experience of chakras (energy centers) is quite subjective, because it depends on the individual karma and perception of the person. Therefore, popular debates on the work and sensation of the chakras are meaningless. In general, for those who directly experience the work of consciousness, the topic of chakras is not so important, since with due vigilance, the opening of chakras is carried out spontaneously and systematically. Nevertheless, it will be useful for any person to at least briefly become familiar with this topic in order to be able to recognize the stages of their own path.

Chakras are plexuses of energy fibers, various channels (nadis) around which energy vortices swirl. Chakras are a projection of the evolutionary cycle of the entire universe. That is, a person is a kind of mini-universe,
in which all possible stages of development inherent in the universe are present
generally. There can be any number of chakras, but the main ones in all teachings are seven. To a certain extent, each person feels his chakras. We are so accustomed to these sensations that we no longer pay attention to them and take them for granted. And any talk about this among "normal" people,
are generally considered oddities. For example, about how and where myriads of thoughts appear in our head, why even thoughts about the same

things are always different in some way, how the endless worlds of our imagination fit into our small brain, what is the nature of desire, anger, delight
and joy that runs through the body, etc.

Kundalini is the energy of all our past karmas, resting coiled in three rings. It is impossible to say specifically where kundalini is located, but conditionally the muladhara chakra is its source, since it is through it that it begins to manifest itself. Rising higher, along the central energy channel, kundalini overcomes three energy nodes in the subtle bodies, opens higher chakras, straightens and straightens energy channels, feeding them with energy, and includes areas of perception previously inaccessible to our consciousness.

Sometimes the activity of kundalini is attributed to all manifestations of our human reality, and the opening of the chakras is interpreted as the full manifestation of its infinite potential. In essence, how and what we experience ourselves with is the very power of kundalini, continuously manifesting and recreating itself through different energy centers.

There are exercises for quickly awakening kundalini (with the goal of opening the chakras), but it is not safe to do these exercises on your own and the effects of kunda-lini yoga do not last long without corresponding changes in consciousness. As one-pointedness deepens in meditation, kundalini awakens spontaneously.

All activities of our worldview are determined by the work of the chakras. This is, in a way, another facet of human reality, reflecting its incredible depth. Since the term "chakras" itself came to us from the East, from Sanskrit,
then the names should also be mentioned

chakras, which, as a rule, are used by most practitioners.

The location of the chakras from bottom to top: muladhara (coccyx area), svadhisthana (genital organs), manipura (navel area), anahata (chest center), vishuddha (throat area), ajna (third eye, pituitary gland), sahasrara (crown).

The Muladhara chakra is responsible for the manifestation of consciousness on the physical level, for survival, safety, food and shelter. The mooladhara contains the Brahma knot, which is associated with gross desires. This chakra contains highly developed animals, small children and, unfortunately, many adults too. Among the most striking examples of a person known to us "on muladhara" is Sharikov, a character from Bulgakov's book "Heart of a Dog".

What does it mean to be on this chakra? This means that the world is perceived
and is assessed through the prism of the energies of this chakra. That is, the environment and its objects are a means of survival. Blocks on this chakra are, as a rule, various animal fears.

Developed, or even opened, muladhara awakens kundalini energy, gives strong health, siddhis (abilities), levitation, etc. Its opening begins
with a feeling of boiling, seething energy in the tailbone area, light tremors that develop into spontaneous bouncing. Experiences can be both pleasant and painful.

Svadhisthana - the chakra is responsible for pleasure and prosperity. This is still a rough, seemingly infantile knowledge of the world. In our time, the overwhelming majority of the human population of our planet is in svadhisthana, which is why the topic of sex is always

so relevant. Sexual pleasure is the energy of svadhisthana. During sexual intercourse in the subtle body, all energy is drawn into the area of ​​svadhisthana,
and during orgasm she burns. Therefore, the teachings recommend abstinence.
To rise to a level that is higher than svadhisthana, you need to conserve energy, then it will put pressure on the blockages in the channels of your subtle body,
which will manifest itself as desire. Having risen higher, this energy will feed higher chakras, sometimes causing irritation, anxiety,
as these chakras are cleansed, or, conversely, a feeling of confidence and strength, depending on the purity of the channels.

Blocks in svadhisthana manifest themselves as strong desires, lust and lust. Opened svadhisthana gives a person amazing charm, his desires come true, because he no longer depends on them.

Manipura chakra is responsible for will, power, control, submission. It's connected
both with the external and internal world. In Manipur there are big bosses, powerful and “strong” people.

Blocks on this chakra are usually various social fears, greed, self-doubt and weakness. The opened manipura gives a person special power,
he can influence things and events with his own will, put words into words
and actions the power of this energy.

Any social person, as a rule, has a level of consciousness corresponding to one of the three lower chakras.

The Anahata chakra is responsible for love. In anahata there is a node of Vishnu (Vishnu granthi), having overcome which, a person feels the unity of internal energies,
connection between lower and upper centers.

Anahata love is not what it is understood in the usual sense of affection, jealousy and possessiveness. After all, if you get rid of these painful experiences, then often there is nothing left at all. Love
anahata is something deeper, almost maternal. It is from the anahata chakra that real spiritual unfoldment begins. Anahata love does not require anything in return. This love is not for something specific, but a self-sufficient blissful experience, which manifests itself as a sincere desire to belong and help others. Starting from this stage, the awareness of the well-known Christian saying “God is love” comes. And as we progress further, the awareness of the meaning of this saying does not change, but deepens.

Anahata means a transition from the desire for power, suppression to acceptance, humility and love. The transition to anahata is truly a breakthrough, a transition to a new pole
from the manifestation of the ego to the gradual manifestation of the will of the Supreme. There are very few such people in the social environment. When they talk (sometimes it doesn't even matter what)
then you just want to listen to the speech, imbued with this warm energy.

Blocks on anahata are most often a feeling of guilt, shame for what was done in the past, on coarser planes of existence, depression, etc. If the energy rises to this chakra, sometimes it takes years to survive the accumulated, negative karma, but after this torment, consciousness will be rewarded with relative freedom and ease. Opened anahata gives a person amazing bliss inherent only in this center. In general, each opened chakra gives bliss.
It is of different kinds, but all from the freely flowing
energy, and on anahata
its experience is especially deep, although not as subtle as at higher centers.

Opened anahata gives intuition and, to a certain extent, expanded consciousness,
because you no longer cling so tightly to the particular manifestations of the ego, and your being becomes less "fixed." Meditation flows easily and even spontaneously.

Vishuddha chakra is responsible for creativity in its deepest aspects.
Beli kundalini rises completely to the level of Vishuddhi, it is already greater
never goes lower, it is a kind of flank. Full opening of the Vishuddha chakra relieves a person from the feeling of hunger, grants longevity and other siddhis. A person's perception of Vishuddha can be multifaceted. If a person is simply creatively developed, then this does not mean the level of Vishuddhi, even if this person is a genius in his environment. The level of consciousness of this chakra is the consciousness of a real magician, the creator of his own reality. Consciousness on this chakra
even more expanded than on anahata. If the energy rises to Vishuddhi, lucid dreams occur regularly.

Blocks on Vishuddha manifest themselves as a lack of flexibility, some kind of conservatism and even mediocrity in speech, mind, behavior and other manifestations. Ajna chakra is responsible for the energy aspect, the aspect of perception of reality as a field of activity of boundless facets of various types of energies. In the ajna chakra there is a Shiva node, which is responsible for the dual perception of reality.

At the level of this chakra, matter ceases to seem as solid and dense as it was at the level of the lower centers, and endless possibilities for one’s own realization open up. I feel the subtle world appears as more significant and even more “real” than the physical plane.

Full opening of this chakra frees a person from the illusion of individual existence. Reality is felt as a huge space vibrating with energies. Subtle, deep wisdom appears, addiction disappears
from any fixed ideas, the fact of unlimited knowledge becomes evident. The division of knowledge into a stream of private thoughts was due to the fact that a person
was not able to recognize and digest the level of knowledge of the higher centers.
Clairvoyance and omniscience appear on this chakra.

Blocks on ajna most often make themselves felt as various kinds of limitations of one’s own cognition, distortion of incoming information by one’s own interpretations, clinging to ideas, teachings, dogmas. Here we can again recall the term “doing” and its opposite “non-doing,” the essence of which is fully manifested with the opening of ajna.

It is worth recalling that understanding at the level of thoughts is always subjective (see the chapter “Projections of Consciousness”, a purely individual process. Any objectivity, or, in this case, accuracy of understanding, is always relative.
In this sense, every person attached to the perception and manifestation of reality through the prism of thoughts is lonely.

Sahasrara chakra is responsible for consciousness and perception as such, for the manifestation of the level of pure existence. Sahasrara, according to the texts, is a group of chakras, the main ones of which are the guru chakra and the nirvana chakra.
Taken together, the level of sahasrara corresponds to the level of manifestation of the Atman, the higher Self. In Hinduism, in addition to the corresponding deities, below
six chakras, the Supreme Deity Shiva stands out especially, whose abode is sahasrara. One of the hymns of the Upanishads says about him:

“There is nothing higher than him, there is nothing less than him, there is nothing greater than him.
He alone stands like a tree in the sky. This whole world is filled with Purusha.
That which is above this world has no form and is devoid of suffering. Those who know
they become immortal, while others only get grief. Contained
in all faces, in all heads, in all necks, dwelling within all beings, he is the all-pervading ruler, the omnipresent Shiva. This Purusha is truly a great ruler, the originator of existence. His acquisition is unblemished. He is the ruler, the light, the imperishable."

When kundalini reaches sahasrara, all the qualities inherent in the Deity Shiva are revealed in the consciousness. The names of the Lord are actually for the present practitioner
not that important. Access to this center in itself already marks enlightenment, the degree of implementation of which depends on the purity of the channels of this chakra.
Complete and final enlightenment comes when kundalini completely reaches this center, removing all blockages in the channels. The subject then recognizes himself in his absolute form of pure unconditioned being in which boundless reality spontaneously occurs.

It becomes obvious that this has always been the case, it’s just that the mind was not able to recognize such a subtle level of reality. The pure "I" is, as already noted, an absolute subject. If there is some sensation that is mistaken for "I", then it is an illusion. \"I\" perceives all sensations, itself
not being one. When you come to him, the ego retreats, you as an individual
(in its usual sense) no longer exists, there is simply being, existence in which
this personality is exactly the same as everyone else
the rest, without being more or less important than everything else. After all, importance and division came from the mind, and the mind itself has no basis; it occurs in us along with other spheres of reality.

The Atman is conventionally called an observer, a witness, although this cannot fully reflect its essence. Sometimes they talk about some kind of filled emptiness,
indescribable because the mind operates only with what is perceived.

Blocks on the sahasrara reduce the level of clarity and attentiveness. In general, one’s own level of disclosure of sahasrara can be determined by the degree of awareness in a dream. For a fully enlightened person, the “circle of day and night” closes, and he is always aware, even in dreamless sleep, at the level of the highest causal plane.

The chakras (provided they are clearly aware) are themselves suitable objects for meditation by the advanced practitioner. If you have problems associated with experiences in the area of ​​any chakra, meditation is recommended
on this chakra, or on the experience itself. For example, meditation on Vishuddha,
as already mentioned, it gives expanded consciousness.

Concentration on ajna, in turn, provides transcendence of duality, clairvoyance and the experience of experiencing a bright white light flowing from the area between the eyebrows.
or from the region of the heart, and in advanced stages the experience of golden light streaming from the sahasrara.

When the sahasrara opens, at a certain stage a vision of a bright golden ball may arise, this is how the causal body is experienced. You can "enter" this ball by meditating on it. At the same time, a state of even deeper freedom and emptiness is experienced. This practice brings back memories of past lives.

Chakras are also conveniently viewed as a kind of pyramid of human evolution. During muladhara, a person’s desire to survive prevails.
At Svadhisthana, he has already survived, as it were, and now he wants to live to his heart’s content, multiply, embellish and comfort his existence. In Manipura, a person, fed up with immaturity, begins to rebuild everything.
Now he is interested in power and control, having played enough of which, he goes
to anahata. At this chakra, a person learns to love everything that he previously tried to control. This is also pleasure, but more subtle, connected
with an altruistic tendency to share one's goods with one's neighbor, compassion.
At an even more subtle level of the Vishuddha chakra, we begin to engage in creativity, create, truly admiring the beauty in the most subtle and deep
its forms. The transition to the ajna chakra is marked by an even more subtle and deep perception of what is happening, as consisting of different levels of energy vibrations. And finally, the crown of evolution of sahasrara is the chakra, which gives a person awareness of reality in its primordial and deepest aspect in the aspect of existence as such.

The term "assemblage point" came into the esoteric environment from the books of Carlos Castaneda
and became quite popular and even "independent". Castaneda's books are usually
are not an authoritative source among fans of classical teachings.
However, they contain several useful ideas for the practice of developing consciousness, such as a sense of self-importance, stalking, not doing, petty tyrants, the assemblage point, etc.

The assemblage point is described as a rounded spot of particularly intense luminosity, about the size of a tennis ball. At this point the perception of every living being is collected and formed. The radiance of the assemblage point illuminates with the light of consciousness a certain spectrum of energy fibers that come into contact with it,
and as it moves, new spectra of energy fields become clearer, becoming cognizable. Then the person’s perception, self-awareness and
as a result, behavior. It is believed that during a dream the assemblage point moves smoothly and imperceptibly, by itself.

The "doing" of our reality is determined by the stable position of the assemblage point
in the spectrum of energy fibers through which the energy familiar to us flows. Consequently, a strong shift of the assemblage point into a spectrum outside of our reality allows us to co-tune our perception and interaction with others.
other worlds. In a small child, the assemblage point is still quite mobile,
but over time, in order to gain confidence in what is happening, he is forced to
co - tune in to the world around us that is familiar to everyone. Ordinary thinking
and attachment to our usual images and feelings of self hold us back
in our current state. This is good from the point of view of appropriate behavior,
but this same factor makes our thinking ossified, dogmatic and prevents us from moving forward. A moving assemblage point stimulates the development of flexibility of perception and behavior.

If we compare Castaneda's theory of fixation and size of the assemblage point with the theory of other teachings, then changing the shape and increasing the size of the assemblage point itself gives an expansion of consciousness when we gain the ability to simultaneously look and respond to an immeasurably wider range of sensations.

In other words, the assemblage point is an interweaving of energy fibers, channels,
to which our attention is directed. If such weaves are not enough,
then there is nothing to catch your attention. That is, if a person has stable programs connected with each other, say, on the ajna chakra, then the assemblage point can be fixed there. Most people have a stable fixation in one place (chakra), few people have an assemblage point that “walks.” As Carlos Castaneda wrote:
\"The essence of magic is the movement of the assemblage point\". In other words, what our attention is fixed on is what manifests itself. And here the change of fixation is important, according to its intention,
and not like those who have gone crazy. Reasonings are popular in esoteric circles
on the topic of which chakra is our assemblage point.

Spiritual development begins with anahata - chakra, although, in my subjective opinion, no matter how it is paradoxically, most \"spirituals\" hang up
somewhere between Manipura and Anahata and they wage their battles (games) in this area. It may turn out that a person has a constant position of the point
assemblies somewhere in manipura, but at the same time, during the long war (game) with the ego, a flank was prepared on ajna, or on another chakra higher than manipura.
Then the person from time to time begins to shift there, and from a new position everything becomes clear to him, he wonders how he could act just recently
so rude and careless. In such a situation, for more frequent and effective shifts to higher centers, one should try to contemplate the habitual fixation, meditate on these experiences, then the sensations in manipura become like
as outsiders, we become disidentified and smoothly move into a new fixation.

Any experiences, fixations are only observable, and a state without fixation (relative understanding) is freedom (absolute understanding). This is enlightenment. In other words, the assemblage point itself is only a temporary refuge, a new identification of the false self, and attention as such
(in its absolute aspect) is the very sought-after enlightenment.

From the book by Igor Satorin \"BEING AS A MOMENT OF TRUTH\"

Behavior and Practices in Daily Life

Chakras - complete healing

Chakras - complete healing ~ Spa music w/ binaural beats + Isochronic Melodies (ZEN, Reiki)


In order to always feel good, all chakras must be activated. As a rule, many people are not able to accurately formulate what worries or torments them, and why they should make efforts to improve their health.
Yogis are categorical: such problems stem from the fact that a person does not
knows how to open (clean) chakras. To achieve the optimal state of the chakra you are interested in, you need to activate the states of other chakras, sequentially cleaning each one, starting from lower to higher.
According to ancient philosophy, there are 7 energy clots, or chakras, in the human body. Each of them is in its place and answers
for certain organs and problems. It is necessary to learn how to control the chakras.
This audio has characteristic and relaxing
ambient with specific frequencies of binaural and isochronic tones,
heals and balances the main 7 chakras. Audio starts at root
chakra and plays for half an hour through each chakra and ending at the crown.

Frequency Information:

Audio begins at the root chakra where the binaural carrier frequency is 128 Hz.
and an isochronous carrier tone of 256 Hz. In isochronous and binaural impulses it is equal to 8 Hz. The Sanskrit name for the chakra is Muladhara.
at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the color red and deals
with survival and the right to exist. It is related to the material and physical words.

The next sound focuses on the sacral chakra. The binaural carrier frequency is 303 Hz. and the isochronous carrier frequency is 606 Hz. as the presence of pulses with a frequency of 9 Hz. This chakra is associated with the color orange and has the Sanskrit name Svadisthana. It is located below the navel in the lower abdomen. This chakra is associated with our sensing abilities and issues relating to feelings, ability to be social and personal problems.

The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra. With a binaural carrier frequency of 182 Hz. and isochronous to the carrier frequency of 364 Hz. both tones have a pulse of 10 Hz. The Sanskrit name is Manipura and is yellow in color. This chakra is located above the navel, in the stomach area. The chakra is associated with personal power and the right to think. It has to do with the balance of intelligence, self-confidence and ego power, as well as the ability to have self-control and humor.

The Throat Chakra is known in Sanskrit as Visuddha, associated with the color blue and located in the throat area. This chakra deals with relationships and the right to speak. Learning to express yourself and your beliefs (truthful expression), as well as the ability to trust and be faithful, are key for this chakra.
This chakra is known for organization and planning. Audio uses binaural beats of a 192 Hz carrier frequency. with an isochronous carrier tone of 384 Hz. The pulse repetition rate used is 12 Hz.

The next chakra in the audio is the 3rd eye chakra. The pulse repetition rate used is 13 Hz. with a binaural carrier frequency of 144 Hz. and an isochronous carrier frequency of 288 Hz. This chakra is known as Anya in Sanskrit and is located between the eyes on the forehead. Associated with the color Indigo. This chakra deals with intuition and the right to “see.” The main points of this chakra are trust in intuition and insight, the development of extrasensory abilities, self-realization
and releases hidden and suppressed negative thoughts.

The last chakra is the crown chakra, Sahasrara, known in Sanskrit, and located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated with the color purple and transactions
with omniscience and the right to strive. Dedication to divine consciousness and trust in the Universe; knowledge about your spirituality; attitude to the concept of “God” or higher mind; integration of consciousness and subconscious into the superconscious of all basic concepts associated with the main chakra. The carrier frequency for binaural beats is 216 Hz. and carrier frequency for an isochronous tone of 432 Hz. Pulse frequency 15 Hz.

We activate the Muladhara chakra.

Muladhara chakra (red color; coccyx) - opens the space of Kundalini energy...

How to open (clean) the first chakra

The first chakra is associated with the survival of man as a physical body.
When you have a feeling of recklessness, animal fear,
that you will not have enough food, that you will be offended or ruined - all these are clear signs of damage to the first chakra.
Its position on the human body is determined in the coccyx area. It is located at the base of the spine, between the anus
and genitals.
The color of the chakra is red.

Opening the first chakra.

Sit in lotus position (padmasana) with your right foot on your left thigh and your left foot on your right thigh. The back should be straight. This pose might be for you
not comfortable, so you can sit simply with your legs crossed. Now we stop our internal dialogue, stop thinking and thinking.

Having entered a state of meditation, we visualize the red ball at the base of the spine and concentrate on it as it fills with life-giving energy and vibrates in this area. You can (but not necessarily) recite the mantra “LAM.” You can also wear jewelry to enhance the effect.
with red stones (ruby, garnet, etc.). GOOD LUCK)

We activate the Swadhisthana chakra.

Chakra Svadhistana (chakra svadhistana, orange color; it is located in the area between the genitals and the navel.) - chakra is the energy of the emotional / astral body. This is where the inner unhealed child of man resides.

Svadhisthana chakra is the second chakra, which is colored orange.
and is located at the junction of the sacrum and the spine. She interacts
with the liver, kidneys, lymph nodes and female mammary glands. In addition, the Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for human emotions, influences the nervous system, is responsible for maintaining body temperature, as well as for the harmony of the body, consciousness and emotional state. If it does not function correctly, the result is hysteria, an obsessive desire for pleasure or, conversely, pain. his sensations and sense of pleasure.
By opening it, a person is able to cleanse himself of jealousy, lust, greed,

We activate the Manipura chakra.

Manipura chakra (yellow color; navel) - participates in the pulse and reveals body movement
along the energy information ring...

How to open (clean) the third chakra Activation of this chakra gives an increase in vitality and relief from many diseases, acquisition of longevity and good health; management development
and organizational skills; control over speech and the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts and influence people with words improves.

The third chakra is manipura.
It is located in the solar plexus area. Visualize a yellow ball and concentrate on it.

We activate the Anahata chakra.

Anahata chakra (green color, heart chakra (heart)) - is involved in all processes of human life.

How to open (clean) the fourth chakra

The fourth, heart chakra (Anahata), is responsible for feelings of compassion, love and altruism, as well as for conclusions and judgments. It has twelve petals. When all of them are active, vitality and brain function are stimulated, the glandular system is strengthened and internal secretion is activated.

Proper functioning of the heart chakra brings sacred wisdom, stability, perseverance, tolerance and inner balance, as well as a sense of pleasure. Due to a dysfunctional fourth chakra, imbalance, a feeling of inner emptiness and reprehensibility arise.

In this case, the person feels a subtle pain, deprivation of power in one
place or mismatch of centers in their coordinated work.

To properly protect centers, you need to know their functional structure and the technology for such protection.

According to Agni Yoga, the essence of all chakras is located in the central twelve-petalled center - anahata, or the heart chakra. Any energy blow or vampiric act “pierces” one or another center, primarily because the heart center does not work intensely, powerfully and comprehensively enough.

In other words, a person leads an insufficiently intense emotional and spiritual life associated with the desire for perfection, and his heart is not able to absorb
into yourself and use the psychoenergetic potential of all other centers to their full potential. At this moment, a “breakdown” of the weakest center occurs.

To prevent the protection of centers (chakras) it is necessary:


– constantly transfer your consciousness to the area of ​​​​the emotional heart
(in its central part);

– during the day, several times mentally examine the state of your spinal column as an energy core, to identify weakness or breakdown
or another center;

– to achieve coordinated work of the centers, which is possible when they are subordinated to the emotional will of the heart and overcoming conflicting desires and passions.

– if the blows hit the lower chakras, primarily the manipura, or you feel strong volitional pressure aimed at making you refuse
from your own decisions and impose someone else’s program on you, strengthen your heart by concentrating on the solar plexus center, or even bring the vertical line of defense to the tan tien center, which is located in the lower abdomen.
Remember that when making the sign of the cross the line of defense goes
from between the eyebrows to the center of the abdomen.

With special training of consciousness, individual human centers, for example, the solar plexus, acquire special energetic qualities that resemble a protective shell, as Agni Yoga says:

“The shell can be different. It often joins into a solar disk above the solar plexus. Among eastern weapons, this formation was especially common. It has sometimes been explained as the cult of Mithras, but it is much older.
The solar plexus shell gave the design to this armor. But the solar plexus puts on its armor during battle. Now there is a battle and, of course, the spirit is rushing to the front ranks” (Heart).

If the blows are directed to the head and represent a type of energetic and volitional pressure on the center of the eyebrows or another part of the aura
on your head, breathe through this place, fill it with light energy, and then imagine that your head is surrounded by a thin but powerful energy crown that easily reflects all types of blows and impacts. At the same time, try to fill your head with the energy of positive attention, so that your brain and consciousness work clearly.

If the blows are aimed at the throat center and are intended to paralyze your speech activity, flexibility of behavior and ability to adapt competently
to this situation (the Vishuddha center is responsible not only for speech functions,
but also for adaptation properties), inspect the entire breakdown zone without concentrating
on a given center in a point mode (vishuddha does not like point concentration).

True, if you gravitate toward Buddhism, you can use special Buddhist mantras aimed at developing the throat center, which personifies the speech power of the Buddha.

If you practice Raja Yoga, then there are special mantras that increase the strength and security of Vishuddhi. In ordinary cases, it is enough to focus on the heart center, tuning it to the emotions of joy, love and aspiration for perfection, and imagine that streams of healing light are rising from the heart to the throat. This method quickly brings Vishuddha into working condition.

You can also imagine how a powerful flow of energy passes through the spine, which, like a rod, permeates all seven chakras. At the same time, especially focus on the line connecting the ajna center and the anahata center, which passes through Vishuddha. If these energy centers are alive and filled with strength, then Vishuddha will inevitably have to be restored.

In cases where energy methods do not help, it is useful to approach the blow
from a purely physiological side - clear your throat, massage your throat and relax the muscle tension in this part of the body. At the same time, imagine
that you speak completely freely, beautifully, easily, and the sounds flow from your throat without any difficulties. This kind of mental representation of your own eloquence is very useful. If you are talking about something sublime - spiritual, try to express your thoughts clearly, emotionally richly and imagine,
that there is a flow of spiritual knowledge through your center.

If the energy blow is directed at the sexual center (svadhisthana),
then protection must be applied depending on the nature of this blow, which can be hard, aggressive, aimed at direct theft of sexual energy, or it can be softer, acting in the form of temptation and provoking you to expend energy in inappropriate circumstances
and at inappropriate times. The consequences of severe traumatic blows to svadhisthana are removed by the already described method of concentrating attention on a given chakra, mental breathing through the broken area and gradually filling the de-energized area with pure vitality.

If the blow is a variant of a soft, energetic temptation that provokes you into fruitless erotic fantasies without the ability to satisfy them normally and legally, then you need to act differently.
First of all, it is necessary to stop the game of the mind, which fruitlessly produces images of a sexual nature, and direct it to some other goals - urgent matters or solving life problems. You can also apply the method offered by Raja Yoga and associated with focusing attention and will on the single Divine Power that permeates the entire universe, including you and your desires. By tuning into merging with the Higher Power, a person puts under control the unbridled play of sensuality.

It is also useful to observe the emergence of sexual impulse,
without identifying with it and without allowing it to enter the realm of imagination. Pure prayer and striving for spiritual perfection help a lot.

It should be remembered that the sexual center is governed by seniority by the solar plexus center, which, in turn, is governed by the heart center. The heart center, provided it is connected with consciousness, is subject to a higher spiritual influence coming from the Teacher, the Hierarchy, and God. Therefore, protecting your sexual sphere from excessive waste of energy, loss of power and blows inflicted by people of the opposite sex, and the media that distribute products of an erotic nature, and invisible forces and entities of the astral plane, called succubi and incubi in the Middle Ages, is fully possible only when tuning a person's higher chakras for spiritual purposes.

To restore a broken or de-energized center (chakra), you must do the following:

– carefully examine all the astral-physical space around him
in order to understand the cause of an energy breakdown or blackout;

– concentrate your attention on it, doing this through the center of the heart, as if pulling this chakra into the orbit of the awakened heart, and imagine,
that a powerful light stream of psychic energy flows into him;

– apply the Indian yoga method based on mental inhalation of air
and energy through the diseased organ - in this case through the affected chakra;

– hold your hands at the site of the affected center for several minutes, mentally pouring cleansing and restoring light energy into it;

– massage the area of ​​the body at the site of the affected center counterclockwise for several minutes;

– always think about the affected center in a positive, affirmative way,
that is, with emotional faith that everything will soon be restored, and try to imagine his future healthy state in vivid images, not allowing even a shadow of negative thoughts and images;

– do not identify with the current state of energy deprivation
and not allow the energetic “breakdown” to develop into an emotional “breakdown”;

– direct your consciousness to the higher worlds, God and perfection, mentally opening all your problems to the spiritual world, including the broken center, and absorb the healing divine energies that come to the rescue throughout the affected area;