Autumn exhibition of decorative and fine arts. International competition of fine arts and decorative arts “Bright colors of autumn Decorative and applied arts autumn

Creative competitionfine arts and arts and crafts on the theme of autumn for preschoolers, schoolchildren and students of any educational institution is held by the official organizers.

Golden autumn is an amazing time when nature, generously endowing everything around with a bright palette of colors, creates a uniquely beautiful masterpiece in yellow and crimson tones.

Autumn has always inspired poets, writers, musicians and artists, because the abundance of colors gives the opportunity to convey your feelings in a huge number of shades.

Procedure for the Competition:


  • Students of institutions of any type and kind.
  • Pupils of any preschool institutions.
  • Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and any other educational institutions.

Categories of participants:

  • Category Preschoolers
  • Category 1-4 grades
  • Category 5-8 grades
  • Category 9-11 grades

Competition nominations:

  • Nomination "Drawing"
  • Nomination "Decorative and applied creativity"

Conditions of the competition:

One work per nomination is accepted for the competition from one participant. The work must have a title and a brief description. The format of the attached photos is jpg. The size of the work file should not exceed 10 MB.

The jury determines the Winners of the competition, who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and the Laureates of the competition.

The winners are awarded Diplomas of the Winner of the creative competition.

The laureates are awarded Diplomas of the Laureate of the creative competition.

Teachers who prepared the Winner or Laureate of the competition are awarded Teacher Diplomas.


Procedure for issuing thank you letters:

1. A letter of gratitude is issued for a teacher who trained 10 or more participants. The letter of thanks is available for downloading in your Personal Account in the ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS section immediately after applications for participation are accepted. You must download the thank you letter yourself (documents will not be sent by email!).

2. For the educational institution whose students took part in the event (more than 15 participants), a letter of gratitude is issued. A letter of thanks for the educational institution is available for downloading in the personal account of the teacher-supervisor in the ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS section immediately after accepting applications for participation. You must download the thank you letter yourself (documents will not be sent by email!).

Design of the exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Autumn Assortment".

Author: Tamara Mikhailovna Kirichenko, additional education teacher.
Place of work: MBOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity No. 1".

Exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Autumn Assortment".

Target: development of children's creative abilities through their own artistic activities, ensuring creative self-realization of students.
organizing conditions for presenting the best works of students;
demonstration of students’ achievements in the field of arts and crafts and fine arts for the 1st quarter of the academic year;
development of desire to master new knowledge and skills in the chosen field of activity, creative abilities and creative individuality.
The material is addressed to methodologists and teachers of additional education.

In our "House of Children's Creativity No. 1" there is a wonderful, spacious, cozy, friendly exhibition hall (responsible - methodologist Tatyana Anatolyevna Erovikova).

He has no time to be idle: personal exhibitions of teachers, final exhibitions of children's associations, regional stages of regional competitions, holding master classes, methodological associations - this is only part of the work. And also traditional thematic exhibitions of arts and crafts and fine arts of students. They are held once every quarter: “Autumn Assortment”, “Gift to Santa Claus”, “Spring Melodies”. At these exhibitions, each child can demonstrate their achievements in mastering a particular technique.
Today I invite you to the exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Autumn Assortment".

Let's visit her together with Dasha and Sonya. So many different works! Beautiful panels, small dolls on the “fireplace”, wonderful drawings with picturesque autumn landscapes - it’s impossible to see everything in one visit.

The exhibition hall pleases not only with the variety of genres of children's creativity, but also with an abundance of plants.

In this corner of the exhibition hall, a topiary made of paper flowers, bright as a light, attracted the attention of children.

All the works are in their places, you can come closer to each one and examine everything.

It is very convenient that there are display cases in the exhibition hall. They are filled with exhibits. There are a lot of children's works, everyone wants to demonstrate their skills in front of friends and parents.

It's so great to see your work at the exhibition!

Dasha and Sonya admire their works. Let us also look at the exhibits provided for the exhibition, using the example of the works of the children of the association “Magic Stitch” (group “Valyashki”).

This is how they are viewed among other works.

Let's come closer.
Composition "Time to Harvest". Felting.. Mastering the basics of felting from wool, the girls made these wonderful pumpkin pincushions and presented them at the exhibition.

Composition "Mushroom meadow". Felting.". First steps in wool felting

Boxes-boxes. Wet felting. The girls really liked the wet felting technique. Everyone is happy with the result and decided to show it off at the exhibition.

Sample plan for a lesson in floristry

Theme: “Golden Autumn” applique made from natural material.

Technique: application of dry leaves (floristry).

Children's age: from 7 to 10 years.

Goals and objectives:

Cognitive : introduce children to natural materials.

Educational : teach students how to work with dry leaves, proper layout, sense of rhythm, harmony, integrity.

Developmental : sense of composition, color, form, artistic and spatial thinking, imagination and creativity.

Educating : education of artistic and aesthetic taste, love and respect for nature, hard work, accuracy, perseverance.


for the teacher: books with color illustrations, own floristry samples, scissors, cutter, prepared dry leaves.

for students: dry leaves, birch bark, cardboard or thick paper, PVA glue, scissors, tweezers, cutter, bristle brush, pencil, cotton cloth.

Musical series: Antonio Vivaldi “Autumn”, P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”

Lesson Plan

1. Greeting. Organization of children

2. Post a new topic.

4. Sketching and composition manufacturing technology.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Hello guys! Calm down and listen carefully.

2. Post a new topic.

Today we will study a new topic, Landscape “Golden Autumn.” We will get acquainted with natural materials and learn how to work with them. Who knows this performance technique, what is it called? (Showing samples and illustrations)

Student answers. More precisely, this technique is called “floristry.” Floristry is made from dry leaves and flowers. Today we will create a landscape from dry leaves. "Gold autumn"

3. Application of floristry. Selection of prepared natural material.

There are different ways to make compositions from dry leaves. You can simply put them in a vase, make a picture out of them (by gluing leaves onto cardboard), decorate old photo frames, make cards or bookmarks and much more. Imagine how pleased your mother will be to receive from you a painting she made with her own hands, and it will last much longer than purchased in a store. Guys, look carefully at your prepared material, what colors and texture the leaves have on the front and back sides. Select uneven, broken leaves. Gently rub the leaves with your fingers to make fine crumbs.

4. Sketching and technology for making floristry.

Based on this, make a sketch of the composition, that is, show the horizon line, the outlines of a forest, mountains, river or lake. We will use cardboard as the basis for the appliqué. It can be anything in color and texture, depending on the intended color scheme of the plot. In this case, we need blue cardboard. The leaves that will be used to create tree crowns must be carefully “skeletonized.” Simple applique elements can be placed immediately, complex ones must first be compiled on a separate sheet of paper, and then transferred in parts and glued to the base. Maintain composition and do not overload your work with unnecessary details. Objects on the horizon will be much smaller than in the foreground. Using tweezers, start filling the background with leaves. Make sure that the lower leaves overlap some of the upper ones. Gently press the glued leaves onto the base with your palm through a sheet of paper. When you finish the background of the picture, start decorating the foreground with a pond. Willow leaves (back side) or long grasses are suitable here. To create water surfaces and clouds, use tinted birch bark.

5. Practical work of students.

You all listened to me carefully. Now let's get to work.

6. Lesson summary. Exhibition of works.

Joint viewing of student work. Answer to the question: which work did you like best and why? Identifying errors in floristry techniques. What did you learn? Whether you liked doing floristry or not. Summarizing.

We know well how much more fun and happier people live who know how to do a lot, who succeed and manage everything, and who will not get lost under any circumstances. And vice versa, those people who always become at a dead end before every trifle always evoke our pity.”

A.S. Makarenko.

Regulations on the exhibition of drawings and arts and crafts "Colors of Autumn"

Purpose of the exhibition:

The exhibition is held in order to increase interest in fine arts and arts and crafts among preschoolers, teachers, and parents.

Exhibition objectives:




Director of MBOU "Ermakovskaya"

Primary school - kindergarten"

G.A. Bocharova

"____" _____________ 201__


about holding an exhibition of drawings of arts and crafts

"Colors of Autumn"

Autumn is many people's favorite time of year. She delights us with her colorful palette. You go into the forest and find yourself in a fairy tale! Gold coins sparkle on the trees, little spiders weave cobwebs, little mushroom men beckon us deeper and deeper into the forest. And the air in the forest is extraordinary, you can’t breathe in it. You look at the autumn landscape and it seems that Autumn, using her talent as an artist, did a great job, transforming nature!

1. General Provisions:

1.1. This regulation regulates the procedure, requirements, and timing of the exhibition at the Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten.

1.2. The exhibition is held on the basis of the thematic principle of planning and organizing educational activities at the Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten.

2. The purpose and objectives of the exhibition:

2.1. The exhibition is held in order to increase interest in fine arts and arts and crafts among preschoolers, teachers, and parents.

2.2. Exhibition objectives:

Create conditions for creative self-realization of MBOU teachers, preschoolers and their parents;

Stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, and abilities for applied and artistic creativity;

To cultivate patriotism and love for the nature of the native land;

Identify and support capable children in this area;

Stimulate preschoolers, parents, and MBOU teachers.

3. Exhibition participants:

3.1. All age groups of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Ermakovskaya Elementary School – Kindergarten” take part in the exhibition.

3.2. Parents and pupils of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Ermakovskaya Elementary School – Kindergarten” can also take part in the exhibition.

4. Procedure for holding the exhibition:

4.1. The exhibition is organized by the teaching staff in the music hall of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten”.

4.2. From each age group, the most interesting works on the artistic and aesthetic development of children, completed by pupils of the Ermakovsky Primary School - Kindergarten, are provided.

4.3. The works submitted by parents wishing to take part in the exhibition should reflect the creativity of their children.

4.4. The use of non-traditional techniques is encouraged in the works.

5. Requirements for the design and content of work:

5.1. A pictorial drawing can be made in watercolor or gouache.

5.2. Decorative and applied arts. The work can be done in any technique, with any material at the discretion of the author(clay, wood, straw, fabric, colored paper, etc.).

5.3. All works must correspond to the theme of the exhibition and reflect it.

5.4. All work must have the following design and label:

Job title

Participant's full name (last name of participating family)

Age group name

6. Place and dates:

6.1. Exhibition materials are collected by teachers of age groups of the Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten.

6.2. The teaching staff is organizing an exhibition of the presented works from 10/13/17 to 10/27/17.

6.3. The results of the exhibition are summed up until October 31, 2017.

7. The composition of the exhibition jury:

The jury consists of:

Bogomaz O.N. - Deputy Director for Water Resources Management;

Zharkova N.V. - teacher;

Misyakova T.N. – educational psychologist.

8. Summing up the exhibition:

8.1. All exhibition participants receive a participant diploma.

8.2. At the discretion of the exhibition jury, the most interesting works may be awarded certificates.