Application of liquid glass for different types of surfaces. Liquid glass with cement: proportions for preparing the solution Liquid glass and its use in everyday life

Liquid glass is rightfully recognized as a unique material that is used in various fields. Liquid glass is also widely used in construction.

Material characteristics

What is liquid glass? In scientific terms, this is a solution of sodium silicate and potassium silicate, that is, the building material in question contains the same components as ordinary glass. Another name for this material is silicate glue, which makes its use immediately clear.

Liquid glass has very high adhesive properties and is characterized by thermal conductivity - this material is often used in thermal insulation work. The insulation, in the manufacturing process of which liquid glass was used, can withstand temperatures of up to 1200 degrees Celsius!

Application of liquid glass

Liquid glass has found application in various fields of human activity, so it is impossible to quickly and compactly list all the aspects of its application. But there are areas that definitely need to be mentioned:

  1. Liquid glass is used for waterproofing. Both the walls and the foundation are impregnated with this material - liquid glass turns such surfaces into ones that are not susceptible to moisture and changes in air temperature. It is advisable to use this material when insulating the walls of a house from the inside.
  2. Liquid glass is an excellent antiseptic. You can often see fungus and mold on the walls and ceilings of residential premises, and indeed on various surfaces in general - these are the consequences of exposure to moisture. To get rid of this unpleasant and harmful phenomenon to human health, you need to use various means to destroy fungal colonies. If you treat a surface already damaged by mold/fungus with liquid glass, they will simply disappear. For this purpose, liquid glass is used to prepare walls for wallpapering.
  3. Liquid glass has excellent adhesion. This means that it adheres perfectly to any surface. Using this material you can glue completely different materials - from cardboard to porcelain.
  4. Liquid glass significantly increases the moisture resistance and fire safety of wood, paper and ceramics - they are specially coated with this product.

If we consider liquid glass exclusively from the construction side, then many mixtures can be made with this material. The material has found application in the following processes:

  1. Primer with liquid glass. Used for surface treatment before painting or wallpapering. Naturally, the option under consideration cannot be used in its pure form - it is simply mixed with cement in the following proportion: the same amount of liquid glass is taken for 10 kg of cement. First you need to mix cement with water, and then the resulting solution is poured into liquid glass.
  2. Mortar for waterproofing work. It is necessary to mix cement, sand and the material in question in equal proportions. The resulting mixture can be used for waterproofing work of any complexity.
  3. Fireproof mortar. First, a cement-sand mixture is prepared - for 1 part of cement, take 3 parts of sifted sand. Then a little liquid glass is added to the resulting mixture (about 20% of the total volume of the dry mixture). They use fireproof mortar with liquid glass for laying fireplaces and stoves.
  4. Protective agent against fungus and mold. It is necessary to dilute the material in question in water (proportions 1:1). The resulting solution is used as an antiseptic for treating wooden, stone, plastered and other surfaces.
  5. Impregnation for processing materials during preparatory work. You will need to dilute 400 g of liquid glass in a liter of water and lubricate the surface two or three times. But keep in mind: each layer must be completely dry and only then can you begin to apply the next layer.

Liquid glass and concrete

Liquid glass for concrete is an improvement in the quality characteristics of the latter material. It is recommended to add this option to concrete for those structures that will be constantly exposed to moisture - this technique will extend the life of the concrete product and prevent its destruction. Do not forget that liquid glass has antiseptic properties and, when added to concrete, it makes the latter resistant to the harmful effects of fungus and mold.

Important: Liquid glass hardens very quickly (almost instantly), so experienced builders suggest not adding it to the concrete solution, but rather saturating ready-made structures.

If a concrete structure is intended for painting, then liquid glass cannot be used to improve the qualities of the base material. When dried, the material in question forms a thin protective film on the surface of any object/product - it will be impossible to apply the finishing material.

Application of liquid glass outside construction

Liquid glass is used for waterproofing, improving the quality characteristics of complex/heavy materials and is considered indispensable in the construction industry. But this unique material has found its application in other areas:

  • for laying linoleum, PVC tiles;
  • for the manufacture of putties intended for metal pipes;
  • for impregnation of fabrics and other materials in order to reduce fire hazard;
  • to carry out grafting on trees, the wound surface on the tree trunk is treated with liquid glass;
  • for polishing - liquid glass makes almost any surface absolutely smooth and shiny.

The use of liquid glass improves the quality characteristics of many materials, provides waterproofing, thermal insulation, and automatically carries out antiseptic work.

Liquid glass, the use of which is growing both in the industrial sphere and in everyday life, is one of the few materials that has retained its original composition to this day. This popular raw material has found its application in various spheres of human life, because it has a lot of advantages and useful properties.

Classification of material depending on components

Liquid glass was first created and used by a German mineralogist. Back in 1818, Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs first compiled the formula for a solution that included silicic acid and alkali. Since its creation, liquid glass has remained virtually unchanged. However, these days the popular material is produced using slightly different methods using high-tech units. They reduce human contact with chemicals and produce material in very large quantities.

Liquid glass is produced by autoclaving raw materials containing large amounts of silicon with a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide. There is another way to obtain material. It consists of fusing quartz sand and soda. In certain cases, the method of dissolving silicon in an alkaline solution is used. However, working according to this principle, it is possible to obtain a very small amount of material.

Regardless of the principle of production, the result is two types of material. The first of them is a sodium composition, characterized by a high level of adhesion and adhesiveness. At its core, it is liquid glass glue, which is absolutely not afraid of sudden temperature changes and other atmospheric influences. This type of material is used in foundation reinforcement, casting of various shapes, production of household chemicals, repair and restoration of porcelain and glass products, and fireproof processing of building materials. Another area of ​​use is gardening, as the glue is well suited for treating trees and damaged shrubs.

The second type of material is potassium glass. It has almost all the properties of the first composition. The only difference is the absence of glare after treating the coating with a potassium compound. Due to this, the material is widely used for painting outside the house. This type is often included in fire-resistant paints based on potassium silicate. This material is also used for the production of electrodes.

The first glass option is much cheaper, but the second has better characteristics. Thus, potassium material dries faster, has excellent adhesion and is highly resistant to extremely high temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid glass

The high demand for the material is by no means unexpected. It has a lot of excellent characteristics, thanks to which it is used in various spheres of human life. After processing the product, the material performs several important functions at once:

  • repels liquid, that is, plays the role of an effective water repellent;
  • destroys bacteria and prevents their further appearance, that is, serves as an antiseptic;
  • prevents the appearance of static electricity - in this case the material plays the role of an antistatic agent;
  • increases density by filling cracks in the treated surface;
  • suppresses the effects of acids and protects the product from the effects of fire.

All these properties are possessed by the thin film that forms after applying liquid glass. The material quickly penetrates into the smallest pores of a wall or partition, making its surface perfectly smooth. The presence of the film guarantees protection of the product from exposure to water and fire. Liquid glass has a relatively low price. One jar lasts for a very long time. After application, the film can last 5–7 years, and if you cover it with a thin layer of paint, the service life will increase to 10–12 years. Due to its high resistance to atmospheric conditions, the material is not afraid of moisture.

Liquid glass, due to its properties, has a wide range of applications. The areas of application of the material do not end with the renovation and construction of residential buildings. It is widely used in industry and communications construction. Craftsmen often use liquid glass for decoration; it is excellent for interior and exterior decoration of walls and floors.

At the same time, the material cannot be used in such areas as waterproofing brick surfaces - liquid glass can very quickly destroy the elements of the object. It is also worth noting that the resulting film is not highly durable, therefore, in order to guarantee reliable protection, the surface must be additionally treated with several types of waterproofing. Regardless of how much material was used for the solution, it can dry out quickly, so it will be quite difficult for beginners to work with it at first.

When purchasing liquid glass, it is very important to carefully read its components. The product made from sodium silicates has high adhesion and good adhesiveness. Potassium-based liquid glass is widely used in acidic environments, but does not have the same stickiness as the first type of material.

Areas of use of the material in construction

In the vast majority of cases, liquid glass is used in the construction industry. Here the material has practically no competitors when waterproofing various types of rooms. Firstly, it is well suited for work in attics and basements. Thanks to certain properties, liquid glass reliably protects concrete structures, making their surfaces fire-resistant and water-resistant. The material is also excellent for finishing and interior work.

Secondly, glass is often used in the treatment of wells. In such cases, the work is performed in two stages. First, clean material is applied to the walls, and after that they are covered with a solution of cement-sand mixture and liquid glass.

Thirdly, the material is used for internal treatment of pool walls. The film helps protect the structure from damage and leakage of the bowl. The material on the outside of the pool reliably protects it from the influence of groundwater. For both interior and exterior decoration, liquid glass should be applied in 2-3 thick layers. Performing waterproofing functions, the material can be used undiluted or as a component of various additives, mixtures and impregnations.

Liquid glass has found application in construction and as an antiseptic. It effectively protects the surface from the formation of mold and mildew, and also destroys huge colonies of dangerous microorganisms. That is why the material is very popular in the final processing of walls for wallpapering and applying paint. In any case, the material reliably protects ceramics, wood and paper film from moisture and fire.

Liquid glass in everyday life is a faithful assistant to every owner

Liquid sodium and potassium glass is widely used for household purposes. Due to its excellent adhesion to surfaces, this material is often used for laying PVC and linoleum. When it is necessary to lay metal pipes, the material is in demand in the production of putties for the purpose of sealing communications.

Another area of ​​application of the material in everyday life is the impregnation of various types of fabrics to protect them from fire. Liquid glass is also often used to treat tree trunks and branches to protect against pests. Many owners of private houses and apartments often use the material to polish various surfaces, as well as to repair damaged porcelain and glass.

Liquid glass often serves as a component in the manufacture of self-leveling floors with a 3D effect. It is also used by car mechanics to process car bodies. Other areas of application of the material are the design of suspended ceilings, mirrors, ceramic tiles, mosaic panels and stained glass windows. It is also worth noting that liquid glass has found its application among needlewomen - it is often used for creativity.

Preparation of the solution - how and with what to mix the material

To apply the material correctly, you must strictly follow the instructions for its use. It is not always possible to understand the rules for using liquid glass, especially if you purchased imported products. In such cases, you can only turn to Wikipedia for help.

In its pure form, liquid glass is used quite rarely. Most often it serves as a component of various mixtures. One of these solutions is a primer, which is widely used for treating various types of surfaces. To prepare it, you need to take the same amount of liquid glass and cement and pour them into a container with a sufficient amount of water. The result should be a mixture that is suitable for application by brush or roller.

To obtain a solution of optimal consistency, you first need to pour cement into the water, and then immediately mix the contents of the container. Next, liquid glass is added to the mixture. To stir the solution faster, you should use a special construction mixer. You need to be very careful and work quickly, as the mixture will completely harden within half an hour. If you don’t have time with the work, you can add a little water to the solution.

To prepare a waterproofing solution, you will need to take one part each of sand, liquid glass and Portland cement. All components are poured into a container with water and mixed. A solution with fire-resistant properties is prepared in two stages. First you need to prepare a mixture of three parts sifted sand and one part cement. Then liquid glass is added at the rate of 25% of the total amount of the mixture. This solution is often used for the manufacture of fireplaces and stoves.

An antiseptic solution is prepared for treating wooden surfaces. For this purpose, the material must be diluted with water at a ratio of 1:1. The mixture is optimal for concrete, plastered and stone structures. To strengthen the bases, you need to prepare a mixture of 1 liter of water and 300 g of liquid glass. For high-quality processing, you will need to apply at least three layers of the mixture, taking breaks to dry each of them.

Experts advise preparing the solution by first mixing the dry ingredients, and only then adding liquid to them. The result should be a homogeneous mobile mixture.

Algorithm for applying liquid glass - easy and quick for beginners

Everyone should know the sequence of working with the material for maximum waterproofing. In this way, you will be able to save a decent amount of money that you would have to pay for the services of specialists.

Before applying the prepared plaster, it is necessary to clean the working surface from dust and stains. After this, take a roller and apply the first layer of solution to the coating. We wait until the solution dries and apply the second layer. In this case, you need to ensure that there are no leaks or omissions.

Next, we prepare a protective solution from cement, liquid glass and sand. Mix the added components thoroughly and immediately apply the solution with a spatula to the dry surface. During the application process, you must use goggles, gloves and protective clothing.

Do not forget that at each stage of work you need to knead the amount of mixture that you will have time to use in 20–25 minutes of work.

When using liquid glass for construction purposes, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of mixing the material. Even a minor mistake can lead to cracks or complete collapse of the structure. If you make concrete at home, you will have to take into account some nuances. Since silicates shorten the period during which concrete sets, it is best to prepare the solution in small individual portions. Once you have finished working, you will need to thoroughly wash your hands and equipment that came into contact with the mixture.

Do not forget that exceeding the amount of liquid glass in the solution will lead to rapid drying of the hardened concrete. To prepare a solution with liquid glass, you need to fill a bucket with drinking water, pour 200 g of material into it and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be poured into a wide vessel. In the same container, we continue to mix the solution, gradually pouring cement into it. Then the mixture must be mixed with a construction mixer and poured into the pre-prepared formwork.

Liquid glass is a material whose composition is similar to ordinary glass. Most often it is used in construction when carrying out various types of work. Let's talk about what properties liquid glass has, how to choose it correctly and what kind of work it can be used for.

Liquid glass: what is it, scope of application

Liquid glass or, as it is otherwise called, silicate glue, is an aqueous-alkaline solution of potassium or sodium silicate salts. It is obtained in various ways. Typically, by exposing a solution of all of the above components to a material containing silica under constant temperature conditions. Another method is firing a mixture of quartz sand and soda. The result is a substance that is viscous in structure and has good water-repellent and adhesive properties.

Liquid glass is most often used to perform the following work:

  • waterproofing of various surfaces, in particular, walls, floors, ceilings, ceilings, foundations, plinths, as well as swimming pools, wells and other containers. To do this, liquid glass is mixed in equal proportions with cement, sand and water;
  • anti-corrosion treatment of metals in combination with cement;
  • fire protection and antiseptic treatment of wooden structures;
  • production of fire-resistant composition for chimneys, fireplaces, stoves, etc.;
  • gluing together paper, cardboard, wood, glass, porcelain, etc.;
  • as a component for the manufacture of paint for building facades.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid glass

Liquid glass, in addition to waterproofing properties, has many other advantages, namely:

  • absolute safety and environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • good penetrating ability;
  • high adhesion;
  • low level of thermal conductivity, which allows it to be used for thermal insulation;
  • antiseptic effect, therefore this material has found its use in gardening when processing trees, in finishing work to combat fungus and mold, etc.;
  • good elasticity when drying, so that when the house shrinks, the integrity of the waterproofing is not compromised;
  • relatively affordable cost;
  • Possibility of use even in conditions of excessive humidity.

It is also worth noting that this substance has a high drying rate, so working with it requires some experience.

Type and characteristics of liquid glass

Depending on its composition, liquid glass is divided into two types.

Sodium liquid glass— its basis is sodium silicate. This substance has good adhesive properties and interacts well with various minerals. This material can be used in any climatic conditions. It is used in the process of reinforcing foundations, in the production of household chemicals, glass products, paper, porcelain, as an antiseptic, etc.

Potassium liquid glass- produced on the basis of potassium nitrate. It has similar properties as the previous type, namely resistance to high moisture, acids, atmospheric conditions, etc. However, unlike sodium liquid glass, potassium glass does not form glare on the surface being treated. Due to this, it is used for outdoor painting, in the production of paint or silicate paints, etc.

Features of working with liquid glass

Liquid glass can be found on sale in ready-made mixtures that are designed to perform one or another type of work. This is the most convenient option, since nothing needs to be diluted. However, the cost of such compositions is quite high for the average person. Therefore, most often, individual components are used (cement, concrete, sand and other additives), which are mixed together in certain proportions depending on the type of work. Moreover, it is necessary to strictly follow them in order to achieve the desired result. The thickness of the consistency is adjusted with water. If the solution thickens during operation, it can be diluted with a small amount of water.

When working with a material such as liquid glass, experts recommend wearing protective clothing, hand gloves and eye protection to protect exposed areas of the body.

Splashes can, of course, be removed mechanically, but the largest contaminants are not so easy to get rid of. Therefore, it is better to be careful. Before starting to apply the composition, the surface to be treated must be properly prepared: cleaned of dust, dirt, grease, thoroughly dried and only then processed.

This is done with a brush or spray gun, depending on the type of work. Moreover, everything must happen quickly, since liquid glass tends to set quickly. An inexperienced craftsman can simply ruin the material. Apply liquid glass evenly over the entire surface. Its depth of impregnation should be more than two centimeters; the composition is applied in several layers, each of which should be allowed to dry thoroughly for half an hour. Experts recommend updating this coating every 3-5 years.

On the market, liquid glass can be found in most ready-made building mixtures. As for the correct choice of liquid glass in its pure form, no difficulties should arise in this matter, since expensive or cheaper compositions from different manufacturers are practically no different from each other. Therefore, you can give preference to any of them. The only thing worth paying attention to is the type of liquid glass and its purpose. As mentioned above, potassium liquid glass is more viscous in its structure, so it is best suited for impregnation and waterproofing of foundations. But it is better to choose sodium compounds for waterproofing all other objects, as well as painting building facades, etc.

Thus, liquid glass is an affordable means for performing a whole range of works, both in construction and other areas of the national economy. To obtain a high-quality result, you must have certain skills and experience.

Liquid glass is a unique material that has many properties and is used in various fields. Liquid glass is the most widely used in construction. Let's figure out what can be done with such a material as liquid glass.

The use of liquid glass is very common. It can be used to impregnate both walls and ceilings. In addition, we know that the foundations of buildings are often exposed to atmospheric influences: wastewater, temperature differences, and high humidity can greatly damage the foundation and base of the building. The use of liquid glass in the construction and finishing of foundations and plinths will significantly increase resistance to weathering.

Let's now imagine that you need to build a swimming pool in your dacha. If you simply dig a hole, line it and plaster it, the water will quickly find its way and the pool will leak: waterproofing is needed. Therefore, in this case, liquid glass is also useful; it has been and continues to be used quite often in the construction of swimming pools. The same can be said about wells: waterproofing using liquid glass will also not hurt there.

Our next point is the use of liquid glass as an antiseptic. Quite often we can observe mold and mildew on the walls of residential and non-residential premises. And it doesn’t matter what these walls are made of or how they are decorated, if you don’t take care of antiseptic treatment, the fungus will manifest itself somewhere. Liquid glass is a very good antiseptic.

Liquid glass has good adhesion, that is, it sticks well to the surface, which is why it is used for gluing and bonding various kinds of materials. It can be used to glue cardboard, porcelain, glass, etc.

In order to increase the density and fire resistance of products made from paper, wood or any fabric, they are impregnated with the same liquid glass.

Preparing construction mixtures

Let's approach the issue from a practical point of view and consider what useful things can be done using liquid glass.

Preparation of liquid glass primer. Naturally, no one primes with pure liquid glass; it needs to be diluted.

In order to prepare the primer, in addition to liquid glass, you will also need cement and clean water. For 10 kg of cement you will need approximately the same mass of liquid glass. First, the cement is mixed with water; this can be done using a drill with an attachment (mixer). After which the mixture of cement and water is added to the liquid glass and also stirred.

If the resulting primer hardens too quickly and does not work properly, you need to add a little water and stir.

Waterproofing solution for wells. Before preparing the solution, the sand must be thoroughly sifted. Mix one part sand, one part cement and one part liquid glass.

First, coat the walls of the well with liquid glass, then go over it again with a waterproofing solution.

Production of fireproof mortar. Can be used for laying various types of fireplaces and stoves. There is nothing complicated here: first, prepare a regular cement-sand mortar (1 part cement: 3 parts sand), after which a little liquid glass (15-20% by weight of cement) is added to the solution.

Such a solution should not be diluted in too large portions because it “cools” quickly.

If you want to protect wood from fungus or mold, then you can prepare an antiseptic from liquid glass. Liquid glass is diluted with water 1:1.

It is better not to smear walls made of concrete or plastered with cement-sand mortar with this product. They are covered with a kind of protective film, which is very slippery and further finishing in the form of putty and painting becomes almost impossible.

Preparation of impregnation for the surface of materials. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of water and liquid glass. To do this, you will need to dissolve approximately 400 g in one liter of water. liquid glass. The surface is treated with a brush a couple of times, and there is no need to start re-impregnation until the previous layer has completely dried.

Of course, today there are a lot of materials on the shelves of construction stores: these are primers, waterproofing materials, adhesives, and ready-made fireproof solutions. Therefore, liquid glass in its pure form is an amateur material; sometimes it is better to use a ready-made solution rather than mix something up, observing the proportions. Why reinvent the wheel, right? This liquid glass used to be used in its pure form by everyone and everywhere, but now it is used as a separate ingredient of one or another building mixture.

All this does not mean that liquid glass in its pure form has been completely written off. Some builders continue to actively use it because they have long established their proportions and prepare their own building mixtures, which have been proven over the years.

Liquid glass is a silicate solution that is used in construction work as a binder. The liquid is thick and grayish-yellow in color. The main advantage of this solution is that it is fire resistant and also has a high level of waterproofing.

Another advantage is that the liquid has adhesive properties. Thanks to liquid glass, concrete becomes acid-resistant. When exposed to liquid glass, concrete hardens faster and acquires heat-resistant properties.

A solution obtained from water mixed with glue and sodium is liquid glass.

There are two types of liquid glass:

  • potassium,
  • sodium

Sodium type liquid glass can be combined with other compositions. This type is also used for treating basement walls. This solution is also widely used for forming foundation waterproofing.

Potassium species Liquid glass is good because, due to its high level of crystallization, it is resistant to damage. Since this type of solution is well used for treating floors and walls. Therefore, this type is ideal for use in houses built of wood.

The process of preparing concrete with liquid glass has its own rules. You need to know that preparation is a very serious procedure and if you do not follow the rules, this will entail a decrease in the strength of the building.

It is important to know that in the process of preparing concrete with liquid glass, you need to use a certain dose of ingredients, as well as follow the mixing technology.

There is siliceous concrete, which is produced in finished form, that is, it can be used immediately. It is very difficult to prepare such material at home. Therefore, some builders impregnate concrete with liquid glass at home.

It is possible to prepare such a mixture in high quality, but this requires following certain rules:

  1. In order to obtain the quality of the manufactured product as in production, it is necessary to correctly distribute the amount of ingredients. In production, 72 liters of glass are used for 1 cubic meter of concrete. And in the process of preparing it yourself, you need to use 1 liter of the mixture for 10 liters of concrete.
  2. To prepare the solution you will need: liquid glass, water, dry concrete mixture, and glue. The first thing you need to do is mix liquid glass with water, then dilute the glue. After all this has been done, it needs to be mixed with the concrete mixture. The resulting mixture must be applied within 6 minutes and no more. After 6-7 minutes, the solution hardens, and if you did not have time to apply it, then it will no longer be useful.

Liquid glass is widely used for waterproofing. Liquid glass is applied in two layers, due to which a protective film is formed. Applying part of the solution to the surface into the smallest cracks and pores, filling them, creates protection. Due to the fact that the substance grows into cracks, this solution is used as waterproofing.

Waterproofing the foundation using liquid glass

There are many works in which liquid glass is used. Liquid glass is also used as foundation insulation. Liquid glass is mixed with cement and the resulting mixture is used for sealing purposes. This liquid is convenient for sealing foundation seams.

It is this mixture that is used because it tends to harden quickly and also eliminates possible leaks. There are many advantages of liquid glass as waterproofing. This mixture easily penetrates into the base and thereby ensures high water resistance. Another advantage is that there will be no hassle in using the material.

One of the most important advantages is that the material is not expensive and allows you to save on construction. It is important to know that this solution can not be used on all surfaces, but only on accessible surfaces. Experts advise insulating the barrier with other materials during the work process in order to make it stronger and also avoid damage.

It is important to know that if you decide to create waterproofing by applying liquid glass, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of application. In many cases, it happens that the solution hardens before it is applied to a specific location.

Before you start applying the solution to the surface, you need to clean it and cover it with film. In the process of applying the solution to the surface, you can use a brush or roller. You can also use a roller or brush to treat and clean the surface from contamination.

You need to apply the first layer of solution, then wait 30-40 minutes. After the first layer has hardened, the surface needs to be processed to apply the second.

Features of liquid glass

As we know, features and qualities are valued in any building material. Liquid glass has many special properties that are necessary and important in the use of construction work. As has already been noted, this material is widely used as waterproofing.

It is known that due to weather conditions, that is, their changes can negatively affect the foundation. Changes in temperature, and changes in humidity.

Liquid glass is a material that has the properties of preventing moisture from entering the foundation. Moisture ingress and impact on the foundation negatively affects the building.

Weather conditions can negatively affect the foundation and lead to damage.

In order to avoid this, it is recommended to use liquid glass since it is this material that gets into the smallest gaps and forms waterproofing. Liquid glass is widely popular in the construction of swimming pools.

Since the construction of a swimming pool has a very high level of humidity, liquid glass is used during construction to form a waterproofing layer that prevents the entry and influence of moisture.

Pros and cons of using liquid glass

Liquid glass as a material for construction has many advantages:

  • Experts advise using liquid glass on mineral surfaces. After all, liquid glass has a very high level of adhesion. This material is a leader in quality and grip.
  • Another advantage is that liquid glass tends to form a barrier, which does not allow moisture to enter the foundation. This is a very important feature, because moisture can cause damage to the building.
  • Also, unlike many other materials, there are no problems when working with liquid glass, because this material is easy to use. Moreover, the material is much more profitable compared to other materials. This material is used in small quantities, which saves on material costs.
  • Also compared to other similar solutions, the price for liquid glass is optimal and profitable.

There are probably no ideal materials.

Liquid glass, like other materials, has disadvantages:

  • The disadvantage of this solution is that it needs to be used only on a foundation whose surface allows this. Only surfaces that are accessible can be treated.
  • Another disadvantage is that liquid glass requires the use of other special materials to improve and protect layers that are waterproofing.
  • Another disadvantage of this solution is that not everyone is able to waterproof the foundation. The process of waterproofing a foundation is very complex, since the solution quickly crystallizes. Crystallization of the solution complicates the work; a person without special skills may make mistakes that will lead to damage to the entire building. Based on this, we understand that such work requires a professional.

Preparation of silicate solution - tools and consumables

Experts advise using mixtures that are added to liquid glass. These mixtures serve the purpose of hardening when exposed to air and providing high strength. These mixtures are expensive. Most often, repairmen buy the necessary ingredients to prepare such mixtures with their own hands. In order to do this you will need the necessary tools.

The tools you need to have are a bucket that will be used for work needs. You will also need a drill to mix the solution, so it should have a screw-type attachment. A brush may also be required.

You will also need cement, sand, which must be finely sifted, and a source of water, such as a well. Also, as far as we know, the solution hardens very quickly and firmly, so it is necessary to have special clothing.

To obtain the desired solution, you need to mix water and liquid glass. The proportions of water and liquid glass depend on what type of work the solution will be used for. It is recommended to use cold water during the mixing process as this will make it easier to control the quantity.

Proportions of components when using liquid glass

The silicate solution sold in stores has a small amount of water, which makes it too thick. Many builders prepare silicate mortar with their own hands at home. When preparing such a solution, builders mixed conventional and purchased components.

During the mixing process, builders adjust the dose of added water. For each type of work, a solution with certain doses of products is prepared. For example, to prepare a mortar that will be used in construction work, it must contain cement, sand, and other compounds.

The main thing for each type of work is to choose the right amount of water, because there are times when a thick solution is needed. But there are also cases in which it must be liquid, it all depends on the type of work.

Liquid glass and cement. Proportions

In order to mix, you need to know the exact proportions of the material. To prepare a solution for the surface from the soil, it is necessary to use cement and liquid glass. This requires water and cement, they must be mixed and liquid glass must be added regularly.

To prepare a solution that will be used for exterior work or fire protection, use 4 parts of sand. It is required that liquid glass occupies 1.5 parts. Cement should also occupy 1.5 parts. Add water in the same amount as for preparing a solution for the ground surface.

Also, to prepare a solution for waterproofing, you need to have 1 liter of liquid glass and 8 liters of cement mortar. In order to waterproof a basement or well, the same amount is required, but you also need to use sand. Experts advise spreading liquid glass on it before applying the solution to the surface.

In order to prepare a solution for filling cracks, you need to take 3 shares of sand, and 1 share of cement and sand. All this must be mixed with water in an amount of 25% by weight of sodium silicate. Then you need to pour liquid glass into the mixture, stirring evenly.

Proportions. Cement - sand - liquid glass

When using sand to add to liquid glass, you need to know the required proportions. For each type of work there are certain proportions. For example, to prepare the mixture that will be used, 1 kg of sand is required for fire protection.

If the solution is needed for work that involves waterproofing a well, then it is necessary to use liquid glass and sand in equal quantities. After the solution has been prepared, it must be applied to the walls of the well.

To prepare a solution that will be used to coat the outside and serve as fire protection, you will need sand. The amount of sand should occupy 1 part of the entire solution.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing solution preparation technology

Many builders and repairmen prepare waterproofing solutions with their own hands. The procedure for preparing this solution is simple and quite profitable.

To prepare the solution you must have:

  • liquid glass,
  • concrete mortar,
  • sand mortar,
  • quartz sand.

Each of the listed materials requires its own dose:

  • Quantity of liquid glass should be 1.5 kg per 1 liter.
  • Concrete mortar should be 2.5 kg per 1 liter.
  • Sand mortar should be 2.7 kg per 1 liter.
  • Quartz solution Suitable for compacted and loose sand.
  • The amount of such solution for compacted sand should be 1.7 kg per 1 liter.
  • For loose sand you will need a solution amount of 1.5 kg per 1 liter.

The resulting mixture is used both for insulating floors and walls. Experts advise that before applying the solution to the surface, it must be filled with a layer of liquid glass. Pouring an additional layer before application increases the strength of the waterproofing.

Painting works

Silicate paints can be purchased ready-made and used immediately. But you can also mix it yourself by purchasing the necessary components. If the surface has already been painted, it must be thoroughly cleaned of old paint.

Due to the fact that potassium silicate is used in the creation of such paints, the mixture itself and the paint form a durable structure. Due to the fact that the color range has a high level of alkalinity, many pigments are destroyed. Therefore, the color range is low.

Exterior works

It is known that exterior work includes plastering walls. Wall plaster is used to protect against moisture. Waterproof plaster is used for the walls.

Another advantage of this plaster is that it prevents cracks that appear during the winter period, because at this time the walls freeze and thaw.

You can also prepare this plaster with your own hands; for this you will need: sand, cement and liquid glass.

All these materials must be added in a ratio of 1:2:5. Before applying the plaster, you can apply one layer of silicate, as when creating waterproofing.


As a rule, priming is used for two types of work: for simple screed and for laying tiles. For simple priming of the screed, it is necessary to use liquid glass and cement in an even amount. If tiles will be laid on the screeds, then priming with a solution of liquid glass is required.

For such work, waterproof cement is required. Also, in addition to waterproof cement, silicate solutions can be used to waterproof joints.

Surface impregnation

Impregnation is necessary to protect the material. Impregnation of wooden elements with liquid glass is popular. Liquid glass can prevent the appearance of fungi and mold on wood. Also, impregnation of wood with liquid glass makes it fire resistant.

Wooden material can also be impregnated by completely immersing it in liquid glass, this gives strength. This procedure is only possible for small materials.

How to use liquid glass for repair work - filling cracks, crevices and voids?

Liquid glass is ideal for filling cracks and voids. After all, liquid glass is able to penetrate into the very depths of cracks, forming a dense waterproofing.

For mixing, you need to use cement, liquid glass and sand. The resulting solution is very thick, which prevents it from leaking. Also, due to the silicate, the solution hardens very quickly and sets firmly.