Zebrina is an unpretentious indoor flower. An unpretentious and fast-growing indoor plant - “Tradescantia Zebrina”: care at home Watering a houseplant


Zebrina. Family - Commelinaceae

A perennial herbaceous plant of the Commelinaceae family, which in some sources is described as a representative of the genus Zebrina, in others - as a subspecies of the genus Tradescantia. Under natural conditions, it is distributed in the southern United States, Mexico, Central America and the Antilles.

The leaves are shiny, green with stripes above, lilac-purple below. The name zebrin refers to the presence of silvery or white stripes on the leaves that run the entire length of the leaves. Hanging zebrina (Z. pendula) blooms in spring and summer with bright pink flowers.

They are used in indoor culture as hanging plants, in winter gardens and greenhouses - as ground cover plants. Perfect for decorating terraces and balconies.

Hanging zebrina (Zebrina pendula) - A perennial decorative deciduous plant with creeping erect stems forming clumps. The leaves are alternate, two-rowed, reddish-green above along the midrib and margin with two wide longitudinal silver-white stripes, purple below. The flowers are few, small, pink.

Zebrina purpusa (Zebrina purpusii) - It is distinguished by the reddish-olive color of the stem and leaves, slightly pubescent above, bare below, violet-red.

The brightness of the leaves is directly proportional to the light intensity.

Care is the same as for Tradescantia.

Zebrina purpurea

Zebrina hanging


A perennial herbaceous plant with climbing, cascading, watery shoots. The leaves are elongated, with a pointed straight tip and smooth edges. At the base of the scaphoid-shaped leaf enveloping the stem, ragged hairs grow. Small flowers are collected in dense bunches at the tops of the shoots. With age, the shoots become bare and break when touched sharply.

General information about netcreasia

setcreasea, family Commelineaceae. Place of origin: Southern USA, Mexico Usage: decorative deciduous hanging plant. Plant dimensions: several meters long. Height: fast. Bloom: April-August. For flowering 8-10 hours.

Varieties of netcreasia Green netcreasia

The leaves are lush green and tender. The edge of the leaf blade has many small light cilia. The flowers are white. The plant is unpretentious. Setcreasia green should be pruned in the spring or regrown from cuttings. In hot weather and dry air, the room must be ventilated. In winter the contents are drier.

Setcreasia striata

The underside of the leaves is pinkish-purple, the upper side is bronze-green, with white lines. The central vein is wide, on both sides of it there are 3-4 narrow white stripes. The flowers are lilac. Setcreasia striata grows more slowly than its other species. Therefore, you should pinch the apical shoots. Loves bright, sunny, warm rooms. Under these conditions, the color of the leaf blade becomes bright and striking. In winter, at a temperature of 12-14 ° C, during a period of relative rest, watering is reduced, and in the spring it is increased.

Setcreasia purpurea - s. Purpurea Boom.

The tops of the cascading stems are raised. They, like the leaves, are pubescent. The leaves are purple-green above, purple below. The flowers are light, pinkish-purple. The plant is light-loving. With a lack of light, it stretches, the leaves lose their characteristic color and turn green. Needs moist air at a temperature of 16-18 °C.

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Zinaida Petrova 08/10/2015 | 1715

This unusually beautiful and useful plant has been known to gardeners for a long time. With a thick mop of multi-colored shoots, it can decorate any apartment. How to grow zebrina?

Zebrina has been a favorite of flower growers since Soviet times. Due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness, it became widespread, but, unfortunately, was undeservedly forgotten due to the increased popularity of exotic plants.

The flower has unique properties: zebrina can purify indoor air and also treat many diseases. Since ancient times, this plant has been used as a “green healer” in Buddhist monasteries.

Features of the plant

Zebrina is a herbaceous plant with small oval leaves, pointed at the end. Its homeland is Mexico and Central America.

The culture received its name for its unusual colors. On a reddish-green surface leaves there are longitudinal stripes of varying widths and colors, the lower part of the leaves is purple.

Blooms zebrina is rare, usually in spring or summer. The flowers are small in size, white, purple or bright pink.

Hanging zebrina stems look great in hanging planters. It is also used as a ground cover companion to larger plants (, etc.).

Where to place the zebrafish?

Zebrina loves light, so she should be positioned in a place with good lighting, but protected from direct sunlight. The plant can tolerate short-term shading, but the color of the leaves loses its bright color.

In the summer, provided that it is regularly ventilated and sprayed, zebrina feels comfortable at room temperature. temperature. If possible, during this period it is better to take it outside in a pot or plant it in open ground. In winter, the temperature may drop to +13°C.

Watering and fertilizing

In summer, zebrina requires moderate watering water at room temperature, which should be kept to a minimum in winter. In this case, the plant needs daily spraying and periodic washing of the leaves in the shower.

In the spring and summer, zebrina feed twice a month with complex fertilizers for ornamental leaf plants. Moreover, with fertilizing, as with watering, it is important to be very careful: everything should be in moderation.

Reproduction and transplantation

Zebrina breeding apical cuttings, which grow well regardless of the rooting method. Can also be used for propagation shoots removed during spring pruning. The cuttings are left in a glass of water until the first roots appear or immediately planted in shallow wide pots with abundantly watered soil. For planting, use a mixture of leaf and turf soil with sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Zebrina can also be grown successfully hydroponically.

About transplants Zebrina opinions among flower growers vary. Some advise replanting the plant annually, gradually increasing the volume of the pot. Others suggest abandoning this procedure altogether, and after 3 years replacing the plant with a new one. This is explained by the fact that zebrina is prone to rapid aging. At the same time, the leaves become thinner and the lower part of the stem becomes bare. You can extend the life of the plant every year anti-aging pruning And pinching shoots.

Zebrina will appeal to gardeners who prefer decorative leafy plants to beautifully flowering specimens. In addition, this flower is not at all difficult to care for.

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Useful and medicinal properties of hanging zebrina.

Zebrina is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping shoots, related to Tradescantia. The leaves have an oblong-pointed shape, red below and green above, with two silver stripes. Small pink or purple flowers appear between May and October.

The doctor and biologist from Venezuela, Jonathan Pierro, seriously studied the zebrina. He found that the medicinal properties of zebrina are practically the same as those of aloe and Kalanchoe. In the 1930s Zebrina was included in the register of plants with antitumor activity. In Latin American countries, zebrina is used in folk medicine. Based on it, drugs are prepared that help with diabetes, diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, colds, tuberculosis, bruises and tumors.

Zebrina juice contains an insulin analogue, which helps diabetics lower blood sugar. Preparations based on zebrina have expectorant, antiviral, hypoglycemic and antimicrobial effects.

Zebrina has the property of absorbing electromagnetic radiation, so it is recommended to place it in front of a TV and computer monitor; After operating the devices, it is advisable to rinse the plant with warm water. Zebrina also helps to humidify the air, fill it with oxygen, and fight dust in the room.

In addition to dust, zebrina absorbs negative energy. In apartments and offices where emotional outbursts, scandals and quarrels constantly occur, it is recommended to keep a zebrafish, as it will absorb negative energy. However, from an overabundance of negative energy, zebrina can get sick and its leaves will begin to turn yellow. This zebrina cannot be used as a medicinal plant. It is recommended that if a plant becomes ill, place it in a room with calm energy.

Zebrina juice for dermatitis

Compound: 1 tsp each zebrina juice, vitamin A oil solution, valerian alcohol tincture, 1 tube of lanolin cream.

Cooking method: Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Mode of application: Apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin in the morning and evening.

Zebrina is an unpretentious indoor plant with beautiful leaves. Ask your friends for a tip cutting or shoot and grow this flower in your home.

The content of the article:

Zebrina is a houseplant loved by many. Using it, you can find out whether there are geopathogenic zones in your apartment. In such places it will look stunted, even if you take good care of it. This is a unique plant whose leaves contain phytoncides that have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, zebrina is used in folk medicine; it is used to treat tumors and wounds. Also used for colds, diabetes, gynecological diseases. The leaves are added to the food of domestic hamsters, cats, birds, and turtles, as they contain many vitamins that are beneficial for animals.

Description of the flower

Shows what a zebrafish looks like in a photo. This perennial plant is low-growing and belongs to the Commelinaceae family. Its leaves have an oblong shape with pointed ends, and the shoots are drooping or creeping. Zebrina, or as it is popularly called, golden mustache, is often planted in hanging pots and grown as a hanging plant. Under natural conditions, zebrina grows in Mexico and Central America. And it is called that way because its leaves are striped and can be:
  • pale green;
  • silver;
  • red;
  • green;
  • white.
When the plant is still young, its shoots are erect; with age they bend, and the flower turns into an ampelous one. Therefore, it is placed in hanging flowerpots, in which the golden mustache looks great. Flowering occurs infrequently, mainly in spring or summer. At this time, the buds open, which can be lilac, pink, or purple. Zebrina flowers are small and rather inconspicuous.

To make it look decorative, the tips of its branches are plucked off, since the stems quickly age and their lower part becomes bare due to the drying out of the foliage. Pinching helps the bush to be lush and look good.

The golden mustache performs a decorative function. Since its stems take root at the nodes, if zebrina grows in enough space, it turns into a beautiful carpet. Therefore, at home, in winter gardens, you can create interesting compositions, the main focus of which will be this particular plant.

Zebrina species

There are 4 of them, but in indoor floriculture, 3 of them are most often used, these are zebrina:

  • purpus;
  • flocculosis;
  • hanging.
The latter is often called drooping or Tradescantia zebrina. This variety has large leaves, each of which has 2 light stripes on a reddish background.

The leaves of Zebrina purpusa do not have clear stripes, they are green-reddish in color, purple on top, and pubescent below. The photo will tell you what this zebra looks like.

Zebrina flocculosa has fleecy, whitish, soft leaves.

Growing a golden mustache

A substrate for growing zebrina is perfect, consisting of the following taken in equal proportions:
  • sand;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus.
This plant loves good lighting, but this place should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If you place a zebrina in shade for a short time, it will tolerate this, but will become paler and lose its bright coloring.

If possible, it is better to let the zebrina grow in the fresh air in the summer. At this time of year, she will feel comfortable at home at room temperature. In winter, it needs cooler conditions, so lower the temperature to +13°C.

In summer, golden beetles are watered sparingly, in winter - only as needed. Spray the leaves of the plant, sometimes give it a shower, washing off the dust from the leaves.

From spring to autumn, zebrina is fertilized once every 2-3 weeks, using complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants.

Transplantation and propagation of zebrina

It is propagated by apical cuttings, they take root well. You can propagate the golden mustache and shoots that you have left after spring pruning. They are placed in water when the first roots appear, planted in spilled soil, deepening shallowly.

For this, not only the above soil composition is suitable, but also the following, consisting of one part sand, 2 parts each of turf and leaf soil. Zebrina is also successfully grown hydroponically.

Different gardeners have their own tips for replanting this plant. Some recommend doing this annually, transferring it to a larger pot. Others replace the old one with a new plant every 3 years. They do this because the flower ages quickly and loses its attractive appearance due to damage to the leaves. Pinching shoots and annual anti-aging pruning helps to get a more luxuriant bush.

Here is a zebra flower - decorative deciduous and not very demanding to care for.

Zebrina can heal

The medicinal properties of this plant are widely used in folk medicine. Zebrina can be used to treat warts. It has been proven that these skin growths are of viral origin. The juice of the striped plant can fight this type of virus. To get rid of a wart, you need to cut several leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice out of them through cheesecloth. Soak a cotton swab in it, and then smear the skin growth. This procedure must be performed twice a day - morning and evening.

The plant also helps against thrombophlebitis. You will learn more about this by watching the video. Briefly, you can tell that you need to cut 10-15 leaves of the plant, mash them into a paste with your hands until the juice appears. Then you need to put the resulting mass on the inflamed area, tie it loosely with a bandage and change the bandage 3 times a day.

Zebrina also helps against other diseases, but before using folk remedies, you need to consult with your doctor.

For more information about the treatment of thrombophlebitis using a golden mustache, see this video:

How to care for Zebrina at home. Zebrina: reproduction. Zebrina: transplant. Conditions necessary for growing zebrina.

ZEBRINA (Zebnna pendula)

Zebrina is an attractive plant that resembles the well-known Tradescantia, to which it belongs. However, zebrina leaves are larger and stronger. It grows luxuriantly in good light with bright purple or cream colored leaves. In a shady area or in winter when the days are short, the leaves may turn almost green. But with good lighting, the bright color is quickly restored. The most attractive zebrina growing in a hanging basket. It is advisable to place three or four pots in one basket so that many purple shoots hang from it. Check the soil in hanging baskets regularly as it dries out quickly. A layer of wet pebbles in the tray will help maintain the required humidity. From time to time, grow a new plant from cuttings.

Illumination: The plant needs intense lighting, including bright sunlight, with the exception of hot midday rays.

Temperature: in winter - not lower than 13 °C. In summer - normal room temperature, preferably no higher than 21 °C.

Zebrina watering: The soil should always be moist. In summer, water the plant 2 times a week, in winter - once a week.

Air humidity: Zebrina requires a humid atmosphere. The pot should always be in a tray with wet pebbles.

Zebrina feeding: In spring and summer, once every 2 weeks, add liquid fertilizers for indoor plants, diluted according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, to the water for irrigation.

Zebrina soil: fertile clay soil. Replanting: Since the appearance of the plant deteriorates with age, it is recommended not to replant it, but to grow new plants every 2-3 years. Root 4-5 cuttings in a small pot, after six months, transplant them into a permanent pot (13 cm) and do not transplant again.

Caring for the appearance of a zebra: Spray the plant with water to wash away dust. Do not use any other leaf care products.

Zebrina. Features of care

Zebrina breeding. When the plant's stems are bare at the base, cut cuttings 5-7 cm long with two pairs of leaves and a growing point (cut the stems directly under the leaves). Remove the lower pairs of leaves and plant the cuttings in small pots. Water your plantings regularly. After 2-3 weeks, signs of new growth will appear.

Tradescantia zebrina got its name because of its unusual colors. Its leaves are decorated with longitudinal stripes of different shades and a silvery sheen. The plant has an ampelous shape and is often planted in hanging pots. Read more about growing and caring for zebrina below.

Zebrina is often grown in hanging pots.

Tradescantia zebrina is a herbaceous plant of the Commelinaceae family. It is distinguished by its unusual leaf color. On the lower side they are painted purple, on the upper side they are two-tone. Along the central vein of the leaf there is a green-purple stripe, on the sides of it there are wide silver stripes. The center and edges of the leaf have a purple-green tint.

The shoots of young plants are erect, but with age they descend. They reach a length of 80 cm. The cylindrical stems also have a violet-purple hue. The alternate leaves are rounded at the base and oval in shape. They reach a length of 7 cm and a width of 3 cm. At home, zebrina rarely blooms, although it is valued mainly for its beautiful leaves.

Species features

There are several types of zebrina:

  • Zebrina drooping or drooping is most commonly found on home window sills. It has medicinal properties and is used along with aloe and Kalanchoe for colds. It has large, bare, ciliated leaves at the edges. On the underside they are purplish-red; along the upper surface there are two silver stripes on a red-green background.
  • Zebrina purpus does not have clear stripes on the leaf blade. The underside of the leaf is purple, the top is reddish-green, slightly pubescent.
  • Zebrina flocculosa has fleecy, whitish, soft leaves.

Now all these species belong to the hanging tradescantia.

Growing conditions

Zebrina is unpretentious, so even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation. The plant perfectly purifies the air, and its leaves have antibacterial properties.

Zebrina needs a place with good light to maintain its variegation.

Selecting a location

Zebrina will do well in a well-lit place. Ideal placement on eastern and western window sills. In bright, diffused light, the color of the leaves is best revealed. Direct sunlight is permissible in the morning and evening.

In the spring-summer period, the plant actively grows foliage, the stems begin to hang down. Because of this, the flower is often grown in hanging pots and cache-pots. In summer, the temperature should reach 17-25 degrees, but exceeding the range is not critical.

In winter, with the onset of short daylight hours, it is advisable to provide cooler conditions in order to inhibit the growth of young shoots. This way you can prevent them from stretching out and losing the decorative effect of the flower.

Humidity and watering

The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist, but not wet. To adjust the frequency of watering, you should focus on the condition of the top layer of soil. When it has dried 1-2 cm, you can water the Tradescantia. In summer, the plant is watered more abundantly, in winter - less often.

The root system of the plant is weak, so severe drying out leads to its damage. And excessive frequent watering can lead to rotting of the roots and stems. Air humidity is not important for zebrina, but you can periodically wash the leaves under a warm shower.

Zebrina leaves can be washed periodically.

Soil and replanting

For Tradescantia zebrina, the optimal soil is a mixture of leaf and turf soil, humus, and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. Store-bought soil for variegated plants is also suitable. To it you need to add about ¼ of the sand from the total volume of soil.

For planting, select a low but wide pot with drainage holes. A layer of expanded clay, foam plastic or small stones is placed at the bottom to prevent moisture stagnation. Young plants are replanted annually in the spring, adult Tradescantia - once every 2 years.

To minimize trauma to the root system, this is done by transshipment. With age, Tradescantia may lose its attractiveness, the shoots become bare. And then it is grown again, re-rooting the cuttings.

Top dressing

Zebrina begins to be fed in the spring and does this throughout the entire period of active growth. Complex fertilizers are applied to the soil once every 2 weeks. In autumn and winter, the flower does not need fertilizing. Also, do not fertilize sick and weakened plants that have recently undergone transplantation.

Trimming and pinching

In order for the zebrina to branch more, the tops of the shoots should be pinched periodically. This limits their growth and the bush looks compact. Old shoots that have lost their attractiveness are regularly pruned, thereby forming the desired shape of the bush.

Flowering period

Tradescantia zebrina produces small pink or purple flowers, although this is rare at home. They are radially symmetrical, with three petals. The calyx and corolla of Tradescantia are fused-leaved. Flowers open in spring and summer at the top of the stem and leaf axils. The flowering period does not provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Zebrina blossom.

Difficulties in growing

The plant is resistant to diseases and pests. Occasionally you can find spider mites, scale insects, and aphids. Affected leaves quickly turn pale; upon closer examination, pests can be found on both sides.

When infected with spider mites, cobwebs appear in the internodes. Aphids love to attack young shoots. To control pests, Tradescantia is washed with soapy water. If the damage is severe, appropriate insecticidal preparations are used.

Defeat of Tradescantia.

Other problems are associated with errors in care:

  • The shoots are bare, the lack of leaves is due to a lack of light, feeding, and water.
  • The leaves have lost their variegation - Tradescantia does not have enough light.
  • The leaves are drooping, turn yellow, and become covered with spots - lack of moisture.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out and turn brown – the air in the room is too dry.
  • The leaves have drooped, thinned, become translucent, watery - this is a sign of problems with the root system. The soil was either flooded or dried out. If the soil is dry, water the flower, this will help revive the Tradescantia. If the plant is not getting better, you can take the best cuttings and root them.


Zebrina propagates by cuttings, seeds or by dividing the mother plant.


For rooting, cut off the apical parts of the shoots with 3-4 pairs of leaves. To get a more lush bush, it is better to root several cuttings at once. They are rooted in soil or water. There is no need to build a greenhouse on top - Tradescantia cuttings take root in about a week to a week and a half. When they start to grow, you can transplant them into a separate pot.

Rooting cuttings in water with wet expanded clay.

Growing from seeds

The method is the most labor-intensive. Seeds are sown in spring in a container with soil, not too deep. After sowing, the soil is moistened and the container is covered with transparent film or glass. The container is kept in a warm, bright place with a temperature of about 20 degrees.

The greenhouse is periodically ventilated to prevent condensation from accumulating. When the shoots appear, the cover is removed completely. The seedlings are moistened as needed, and when they grow a little, they are transplanted into separate pots.

Dividing an adult plant

If the bush has grown too much, you can divide it into several smaller ones. This is best done when transplanting, carefully separating parts of the rhizome. Each part is planted in a separate pot. The first time after transplantation, the plant is shaded and watered moderately.

Tradescantia zebrina is unpretentious in care and attracts gardeners with its decorative leaves. In rare cases, it pleases with flowering at home. The plant propagates easily, and since it is widespread, you can borrow cuttings from friends.

Adult tradescantia or seeds for planting are sold in flower shops. The cost of a full-fledged plant with shoots 30 cm long is about 2,000 rubles. You can buy an unrooted varietal cutting for 200-300 rubles.

The bright colors and unusual shape make Tradescantia stand out from other indoor plants. Its foliage is silver and covered with longitudinal stripes of different colors. Tradescantia zebrina is grown as an hanging flower. It looks good in flowerpots and on balconies, on cabinets and window sills.

Unpretentious, rarely sick, resilient, she rightfully occupies an honorable place in the cohort of indoor flowers. Even a novice gardener can handle caring for it, but you still need to know some nuances.

Origin and description

The plant belongs to the Tradescantia genus and the Commelinaceae family, its closest relative is the golden mustache. Zebrina is an inhabitant of the humid tropics, with many medicinal properties and amazingly beautiful hanging shoots with dense and bright foliage. The ampel got its name precisely from the coloring of the leaf plates.

Tradescantia zebrina - external signs:

  • the stem is long, smooth and dense to the touch, has a cylindrical cross-section;
  • shoots are creeping, branched and cascading, stretching up to 1 meter in length;
  • leaves are oval-shaped, with a pointed end and alternate;
  • leaf color: the underside is bright purple, the outer side is divided by stripes of different shades - from dark green to rich crimson;
  • The root system is superficial and penetrates shallowly into the soil.

In the wild, zebrina produces small lilac or pink flower stalks in spring. But it rarely blooms indoors. After 5-7 years, the flower loses its external attractiveness and beauty; it is grown again with the help of stem cuttings.

Indoor tradescantia purifies the air and saturates it with phytoncides. Its foliage has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect. This flower creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. Pets always feast on this plant.

Varieties and features

The Tradescantia genus is numerous; about 100 species are known, differing in height, shape and foliage. Zebrina was originally a separate genus, which was divided into species, but later botanists added the striped ampel to Tradescantia. Therefore, now it is more correct to talk about the type of zebrin and its varieties. Among them, there are three most suitable for home floriculture:

  • Hanging zebrina, or trailing zebrina (Tradescantia zebrina pendula). Its peculiarity is large bare leaves, hanging stems and medicinal qualities. The bottom of the leaf blade is bright red, along the front side there are two wide silver-white stripes on a lush green background.

  • Zebrina purpusii. This variety has blurred color boundaries on the leaf, from red to green, the lower part is purple. There is a slight, barely noticeable pubescence along the leaf blade.

  • Zebrina flocculosa. It has soft and fleecy leaves of a whitish hue. The plant is characterized by a rapid growth rate.

Where to plant

Tradescantia zebrina grows happily at home. Caring for her will not take much time and effort. The plant loves light and moisture, but does not tolerate direct sunlight and excessive watering. Zebrina needs space and air, so pots with it are hung or placed higher. For the summer season, it would be a good idea to plant the flower in open ground - it will wonderfully decorate a flower bed and become a bright addition to any landscape design.

“Miss Clean” magazine draws attention: when planting in a pot, you need to take into account that the roots of Tradescantia do not penetrate deeply and are located close to the surface. Therefore, the container required is quite wide.

Location. The ideal place for Tradescantia zebrina is eastern and western windows, where there is a lot of diffused daylight and there is no intense heat. A lack of light negatively affects the appearance of the flower - it weakens and withers.

Ambient conditions. The comfortable temperature range for zebrina is from +20 to +25° C. In the autumn-winter period, it can withstand coolness, but not lower than 13 degrees. Tradescantia is a moisture-loving plant; it requires abundant watering and regular spraying. Drying out the soil is not acceptable for it.

Spring and summer are the period of Tradescantia activity; at this time it increases its green mass and grows. The winter season is characterized by dormancy; during this period the plant needs moderate temperatures and less watering. Zebrina willingly lives in open ground if the air temperature is acceptable for its growth and development.

How to care

Tradescantia zebrina is a valuable indoor plant. Its leaves are used for medicinal purposes - they treat wounds and burns, relieve pain, and make tinctures against gastrointestinal diseases. This plant is an air filter - it purifies and disinfects the air in the house. Experts say that this flower has a powerful energetic effect on people - it calms, improves mood and gives strength.

Basic care measures:

Watering. The soil in a pot of Tradescantia zebrina should always remain slightly moist, but not wet. Dry soil can cause leaves to wither, and stagnant moisture can cause roots to rot.

Feeding. Zebrina is fertilized only in the active growth stage - in spring and summer. A good feeding is complex fertilizers twice a week. Autumn and winter are a time of rest for the flower, so it is not fertilized and watered less.

Circumcision. To enhance branching, it is recommended to pinch the tops of side shoots. After pinching, the bushes look well-groomed - lush and compact. Old and dry branches are cut off regularly.

Transplantation and planting of Tradescantia.
At a young age, zebrina is replanted annually; adult plants are replanted every 2-3 years. The plant requires loose soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The soil must contain humus and sand. The pot for Tradescantia should be shallow and of sufficient width with a good drainage layer at the bottom. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, which quickly take root in the ground.

The plant loves air, so it needs regular loosening and ventilation of the room. The flower does not grow well near smokers; nicotine has a detrimental effect on it.

Problems of growing tradescantia

Tradescantia is distinguished by its high viability and resistance to diseases. It is rarely affected by pests and spoils. If a plant is attacked by a spider mite, the leaves and stem should be washed with soapy water and dried in the open air. Plaque is removed in the same way.

Negative changes in appearance are most often associated with errors in caring for the zebra.

Flower shops usually sell small Tradescantia bushes that bloom intensely. At home, it is not recommended to feed the plant for the first time so that it adapts to new conditions. After 1-2 weeks, the flower can be transplanted into another pot.

Difficulties and solutions when growing Tradescantia:

  • leaves fall off when there is a lack of moisture and excessive fertilization of the plant;
  • color brightness is lost as a result of poor lighting;
  • spots on the leaves occur due to lack of moisture;
  • dryness at the tips of the leaves occurs due to insufficient air humidity in the room;
  • the stems have become thinner and elongated - the reason lies in the incorrect location or weakness of the root system;
  • An aged Tradescantia can be rejuvenated by cutting off the shoots to the very base near the soil surface.

Tradescantia zebrina can be revived and improved only by dividing the mother plant. The prepared part is immediately rooted in a new pot, providing moderate illumination and systematic watering. Tradescantia cuttings are kept in water for only a couple of days, after which they are rooted in suitable soil.

Tradescantia zebrina will fit well into any interior of an apartment, home or office. It is also good outdoors - on a flower bed, lawn, alpine hill or near a pond. Anyone, even a beginner in this business, can raise an unpretentious and life-loving zebrafish. Experienced flower growers distinguish Tradescantia from other indoor plants due to its variegated foliage, 100% survival rate and excellent adaptation, medicinal qualities and easy care.

Back in the seventeenth century, John Tradescan served as head gardener to King Charles the First of England., part-time researcher and traveler. At that time, the newly discovered continent of America was being actively studied, and a huge number of plants unknown in Europe required classification and naming.

Among this diversity, John's attention was drawn to an inconspicuous, creeping plant from the tropical forests. It did not have beautiful flowers, but was distinguished by its unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

Tradescan realized that this plant had wonderful prospects and took a serious approach to its cultivation and cultivation.

Among the many indoor plants, few people do not recognize this plant and call it by name, remembering it - gardener Tradescana.

Description of the plant

Anyone who sees this plant will immediately understand why it was called that and what it has in common with this elegant animal.

These are light stripes on a dark background.

The elongated ovate leaf is decorated with silver stripes that go around the central vein and leave a dark edge.

The color of the leaf is unusual, from dark green with a purple tint to violet, through purple. The bottom of the sheet is necessarily colored; green shades appear only on the outside when there is insufficient lighting. Zebrina flowers are lilac or purple, small, axillary, but look very cute.

Stems are colored, without pubescence, up to 80 centimeters long, cascading. This is its beauty. Among the hanging plants, there are no equals to “Zebrina”. Only popular plants are given folk names, “Tradescantia” also has them, they call it “Woman’s Gossip” and “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue,” and there is nothing wrong with these names, they accurately reflect the size of the cascade.

The video provides a detailed description of the Tradescantia Zebrina vine:


Home care

Actions after purchase

In the store we buy a young bush, usually actively flowering. In preparation for sale, it was fed with the addition of stimulants to cause abundant flowering.

Important! Overstimulation weakens the plant.

At first, do not feed your Tradescantia. Let her rest and adapt to new conditions.


"Zebrina" tolerates pruning well.

The plant needs it if the shoots are too elongated. Pruning encourages branching.

You can rejuvenate the plant by removing the shoots; the young ones will grow back quickly and can bloom profusely.

Cut parts of the plant are excellent planting material.


Often a plant from a store “sits” in an inconspicuous and small container. A few weeks after purchase, it can be transplanted into a more suitable container. It should be 2 or 3 centimeters freer than before, wide and shallow.

You can buy soil in the store or prepare from 1 part humus, 2 parts turf or garden soil and 1 part sand. Don't forget about the hole in the bottom of the pot and the drainage layer at the bottom.

Important! Stagnation of water in the pot leads to the death of the plant due to rotting of the roots.

"Zebrina" grows very quickly and ages quickly. At 3 or 4 years the plant begins to lose its appearance, “going bald” at the base of the shoot. It needs to be rejuvenated by cutting it down to the soil level or simply replaced with young ones.


For planting, select a medium-sized pot, wide and shallow - the roots of “Tradescantia” grow close to the surface. Ceramic pots are the best for plants; they conduct air and water well. Plastic pots do not have these useful qualities and the soil in them must be loosened more often.

"Tradescantia" is not particularly demanding on soil quality, but prefers light, fertile soils.

Soil can be bought at the store.

To prepare a soil mixture at home, you will need 1 part humus, 2 parts garden or turf soil and 1 part sand.

Do not exceed the amount of organic matter, it’s very nice to see “Zebrina” in excellent condition, but if it is overfed with humus, it may become raging and lose color and turn green.

"Tradescantia" is extremely adaptable, cuttings and tops take root in a few days. They can be planted immediately in a permanent place, 6 or 8 cuttings and tops in one pot. After watering, you can cover the plants with a plastic bag, creating a greenhouse effect, rooting will be easier, but for “Tradescantia” shading is enough.

The video provides recommendations for planting the plant “Tradescantia Zebrina”:



"Zebrina" reproduces well by seeds. You can sow them in pots of 8-10 pieces at once. The pots can be covered with film or glass until shoots emerge. Young plants do not need to be exposed to direct sunlight - let them get stronger first.


Cuttings and tops of “Tradescantia” take root well. You can plant parts of the plant immediately in a permanent place. After a few days, roots grow from the internodes and the plant begins to actively develop.

Watering and fertilizing

"Tradescantia" tolerates drought well, but the leaves become smaller, it is better to water it in a timely manner, as the top layer of soil in the pot dries.

She doesn't like excess. Watering can be alternated with spraying and loosening.

"Zebrina" is responsive to feeding, the shoots grow strong and the leaves become larger.

Every 2 weeks, from March to September, “Tradescantia” needs to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants.

When wintering in a cool room, fertilizing is not done; you have to water Tradescantia less often, as evaporation is reduced.


“Tradescantia Zebrina” tolerates bright light well, it is not afraid of direct sunlight, the leaves become a little smaller, but become much brighter. The plant tolerates shading well; more green shades appear in the leaf color, which does not spoil the appearance.


Everyone knows the unpretentiousness of "Zebrina", she does not need a period of rest. If your house is warm in winter, it is good not only for you, but also for your plant.

Find out more nuances about home care and beneficial properties of the Tradescantia indoor plant.

Diseases and pests

No diseases were noted in Tradescantia. Unpleasant changes in appearance are associated with errors in content.

Thrips, aphids or scale insects can settle on Zebrina. When watering, inspect the leaves and if pests are found, treat the plants with pesticides for indoor plants, following the instructions for the drug.

Harm and benefit

Tradescantia Zebrina can't cause any trouble, the plant is not poisonous and does not have thorns or thorns.

Thanks to its decorative effect, “Zebrina” is able to elevate any interior.

Not every indoor plant will fit so well into landscape design.

In winter the street dies, but it reproduces very easily and grows so quickly that already in May you can see its lush lashes in flower beds and various figured design incarnations.

Separately, it is necessary to note the healing properties of Tradescantia Zebrin. Traditional healers of America widely use this plant along with the legendary aloe. They share most of their medicinal properties, but aloe does not contain insulin-substituting substances, and Zebrina has enough of them to treat diabetes.

“Tradescantia Zebrina” has long been known everywhere. It has become so firmly established in homes and loved by flower growers that it is no longer possible to imagine houses and parks without it.

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