Archeology of weapons. From the Bronze Age to the Renaissance. G.V.Nosovsky, A.T.Fomenko Empire What was written on swords


Supposedly unreadable inscriptions have been found not only on Russian coins. They are also present on numerous medieval blades (swords) found in Europe, and especially on the territory of the USSR and neighboring states.

A well-known expert on the history of medieval weapons A.N. Kirpichnikov writes: “In the 70s of the last century, the curator of the Bergen Museum (Norway) A.L. Lorange became interested in Viking swords and, to his surprise, discovered previously invisible signs and inscriptions on them.. By 1957, in Finland, an employee of the National Museum of Helsinki, I. Leppäaho, cleared 250 early medieval swords and encountered dozens of inscriptions and signs... In 1963, the historian and metallurgist from Riga, A.K. Antein, began cleaning swords... In museums in Latvia and Estonia the scientist discovered over 80 blades with inscriptions, signs and ornaments... (A.N. Kirpichnikov - Author) 99 swords were cleared, found... on the territory of Ancient Rus', in Latvia and in the Kazan Volga region...

Previously unknown designs were revealed on 76 blades... The amazing abundance of inscriptions and signs that suddenly appeared on things that had long been well known is explained by the production features of branding... the inscriptions and signs on products of the 9th-13th centuries... were inlaid in a HOT CONDITION iron or damascus wire. Even on a strip cleaned of corrosion, the marks are almost indistinguishable. Only after using a special etchant - Hein’s fast-acting reagent (copper, ammonium chloride) - did the outlines emerge before the surprised eyes of those present, as if from oblivion”, p.149.

It is believed that “the names of masters or workshops were written on the blades. The names belonged to Western European Carolingian gunsmiths, who probably worked in the Rhine and Danube regions... Some of the given names are EITHER RARE OR ENCOUNTERED FOR THE FIRST TIME. Thus, THE RUSSIAN LAND PRESERVED WORKS OF SOME WESTERN SMITHS, STILL UNKNOWN IN THEIR HOMELAND", p.50.

Let us ask ourselves: how is it known that these swords were made in Western Europe, if, as we are told, the names of the craftsmen read on them are UNKNOWN IN WESTERN EUROPE? Let us give a striking example from the article, illustrating exactly how archaeologists “recognize” the homeland of the sword. A.N. Kirpichnikov gives a photograph of the hilt of one of the swords and writes: “This BEAUTIFUL sword hilt in the form of entwined monsters HAS BEEN THE BASIS FOR THE CLAIM THAT THE SWORD WAS MADE IN SCANDINAVIA,” p.51.

Thus, the homeland of a sword is determined, for example, by the beauty of the hilt. If it’s beautiful, it means Western or Northern Europe. If it’s ugly, then maybe Rus'.

But on one of these “typically Scandinavian” swords, A.N. Kirpichnikov discovered the inscription: “LUDOTA KOVAL”, p.54, that is, simply, THE SMITH OF LUDOTA. KOVAL is a well-known Slavic word. Regarding this sword, A.N. Kirpichnikov writes: “The beautiful bronze hilt with a relief ornament in the form of intertwined monsters was similar to Scandinavian jewelry of the 11th century. IN ALL RESEARCH IT WAS MEANED AS A SCANDINAVIAN SWORD FOUND IN Rus',” p.54.

A.N. Kirpichnikov continues: “In the 12th century, the technique of marking changed. Figures laid out in BRASS, SILVER and GOLD appeared. The content of the marks also changed: instead of the names of the masters... LONG ROWS OF LETTERS appeared... THE OVERWHELMING MOST OF THIS KIND OF INSTRUCTIONS, including those discovered by us, NOT YET READ”, p.50.

Where are the most inscribed swords like this found? We did not specifically investigate this issue. But the following selection of swords with special, so-called abbreviated inscriptions can give some idea of ​​the distribution of sword finds. Here is the data from the book, p.17.

"A COMPLETE COUNT OF SWORDS WITH ABRIDGED INSTRUCTIONS gives the figure 165... If we take into account the places where blades were discovered or, when they are unknown, places of storage, then the swords are distributed by country as follows:

USSR - 45 (including: Latvian SSR - 22, Estonian SSR - 7, Ukrainian SSR - 6, Lithuanian SSR - 5, RSFSR - 5), GDR - 30, Finland - 19, Switzerland - 12, Germany - 12, Poland - 11, Czechoslovakia - 9, France - 8, England - 6, Denmark - 5, Norway - 4, Spain - 2, Sweden - 1, Italy - 1", p.17.

From this it is clear that the USSR and neighboring countries are in first place, and not Scandinavia.

There are many swords - THEIR NUMBER IS IN THE THOUSANDS - that have not yet been cleared, p.55. In addition, “of the four thousand swords of the 8th-13th centuries located in various collections in Europe, barely a tenth has been studied,” p.55.

What is written on the swords? As has already been said, historians today generally cannot confidently read this material. And it's clear why. The inscriptions are made in the form of a string of icons, where Russian, Latin letters and other characters are intricately mixed. In the book, for example, there are only two more or less meaningful readings of the names: Konstantin and Zvenislav. The first name is international, the other is clearly Slavic.

They try to read the rest of the incomprehensible letter combinations, basically, this way. It is proposed to consider that EACH LETTER is only the FIRST LETTER of some LATIN word. That is, the entire inscription is supposedly an abbreviation - it consists only of the first letters of some words. But taking this point of view, it is not so difficult to read almost ANY SEQUENCE OF SYMBOLS, in any predetermined language.

At the same time, researchers for some reason believe that most swords come from Western Europe. Hence the focus on attempts to interpret icons and letter combinations precisely in terms of the LATIN language. By interpreting the icons (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) as Latin letters, researchers begin to “read” long texts of religious content.

Let's give typical example from book . This is the inscription on a sword found near the village of Monastyrische in the Voronezh region. It is shown in Fig. 3.1. Photo taken from an article by A.N. Kirpichnikov. This is how Dbroglav suggests reading it. First, he translates the inscription characters into Latin letters. And it turns out the following: NRED-[C]DLT. Then the following Latin reading of this supposed abbreviation is proposed: N(omine) RE(demptoris) D(omini), D(omini) L(igni). T(rinitas). , table VIII (group "nr").

Finally, a Russian translation is offered: "In the name of the Redeemer - the Lord and the Cross of the Lord Christ. Trinity", table VIII.

Here in parentheses are letters added by Dbroglav. We have already expressed our skeptical opinion about this “method of reading” obscure inscriptions on swords, proposed by historians. It seems to us that the task of reading incomprehensible inscriptions on swords and coins is an extremely interesting and possibly difficult task that must be strictly formulated and solved. In fact, this is a well-known decryption problem. Such problems are successfully solved by specialists in this field, including using mathematical methods.

We did not deal with this problem ourselves. Nevertheless, we will make one observation that may prove useful in the future. The so-called "secret writing", that is, writing using letters that are unusual today, was apparently quite common until the 17th century. Including in Rus'. There are known examples of the indisputable reading of some of these inscriptions. These include an inscription on a Russian book of the 17th century, deciphered by N. Konstantinov. We have already talked about it in the book “The Mystery of Russian History,” chapter 1:6. This Russian inscription, by the way, was also considered by historians for many years to be completely indecipherable. We once again present here the inscription itself, and a table of deciphering its symbols, proposed by N. Konstantinov.



Let's try to apply the SAME TABLE OF N. KONSTANTINOV to the inscription on the sword that we just talked about. You get the following: SIKER or SIKERA, and then there is a separating symbol, after which, apparently, the word VOPE or NOVE. The second half of the inscription is not very clear. But the first one is well known Russian word AXE, that is, just a special type of sword. And it seems to be a RUSSIAN, not a Latin inscription. And the sword was found in the Voronezh region.

Let's apply the same method TO ALL DRAWINGS of inscriptions on swords given by A.N. Kirpichnikov in his article. There are four of them. THE FIRST OF THEM is the same inscription that we just discussed, Fig. 3.1, . A.N. Kirpichnikov cites the reverse side of the sword, which depicts TAMGA, a “Tatar” symbol already well known to us. We talked about it in detail above.

Three others contain supposedly Latin names of mysterious Western European masters. Let us remind you that for some reason they are unknown in their homeland, see above.


At the ROM Historical Museum in Toronto (Canada), in July 1999, about a dozen Italian and German swords of the 13th-14th centuries were presented. We present two of them at and. Noteworthy is the fact that ARABIC inscriptions are applied to ITALIAN AND GERMAN swords. But for some reason there are no Italian and German inscriptions on them. In any case, we did not find them.

Historians, of course, have long paid attention to this strange, within the Scaligerian version, circumstance. After some thought, we came up with an “explanation”. Which is stated authoritatively in the museum plaque located next to these swords. We are asked to believe that the Arabic inscriptions "indicate that the sword was placed in the arsenal of the city of Alexandria, in Egypt." That is, Italian and German swords somehow ended up in Egyptian Alexandria, where they were taken to the Arsenal and Arabic inscriptions were allegedly applied here. Let's doubt this. Most likely, the inscriptions were written DURING THE MANUFACTURE of swords, on steel that had not yet cooled down. Most likely, the Arabic inscriptions on Italian and German weapons mean the same thing as the Arabic inscriptions on old Russian weapons, as we discussed in the book “The Secret of Russian History,” chapter 1:1. Namely, that in the XIV-XVI centuries, throughout the entire territory of the “Mongol” Empire, of which both Italy and Germany were parts, one of the generally accepted languages ​​was the language considered today to be Arabic.


Historians are trying to somehow “explain” this fact, which is surprising to them. This is how they do it. And quite clumsily. “As the ARABIC inscription on its edge says, it was made in 528 Gejra (1133 AD) (allegedly - Author) in the “happy city of Palermo” for the Norman king Roger I; it was PROBABLY , taken by Frederick II from the Norman booty of Henry VI, after part of the imperial regalia was lost during the storming of Vittoria, and was placed in the royal treasury ", vol. 6, pp. 122-123.

That is, we are asked to believe that the emperors began to solemnly wear this “foreign Arab Mantle” instead of their own “lost German regalia.” Somehow they didn’t think of making the German Mantle again. Or the emperors of the Holy Empire did not have the money to make a new Coronation Robe to replace the burned one. They preferred to take a worn “foreign” one.

In our opinion, the picture is completely clear. We are faced here with the same effect as in the case of numerous “Arabic inscriptions” on old Russian weapons, as we described above. Most likely, the coronation Mantle of the Holy Empire of the German nation was worn by the governors of the Great Empire, who ruled the territory of medieval Germany on behalf of the main Russian-Horde Tsar Khan. Naturally, the Mantle, as a symbol of the “Mongol” Empire, was covered with “Mongol” inscriptions. Declared today by historians to be “exclusively Arab”. However, at that time in the Great Empire the most important documents and inscriptions were written both in Slavic and “Arabic”.

By the way, historians also report that among the precious regalia of the Holy Roman Empire there is “the so-called saber of Charlemagne, an ancient EASTERN work,” vol. 6, pp. 122-123. Although her image is not given in the work, a natural thought now arises. Isn't this SABER of Charlemagne covered with ARABIC inscriptions? Like Russian weapons of the Middle Ages?

Let's now look at the luxurious ceremonial robe of Charlemagne. Today it is kept in the treasury of the Aachen House, in Germany. Believed to have been made around 1200, p.19. Although, let us recall, according to the Scaligerian chronology, Charlemagne allegedly lived several centuries earlier. Therefore, historians evasively say that the mantle “has been venerated since the 17th century in the Metz-Cathedral as the Mantle of Charlemagne”, p.19. It is very interesting that Charlemagne’s mantle is decorated with OTTOMAN = ATAMAN CRESCENTS AND CROSSES. At the same time, large crescents are placed, among other things, directly on the chest of the imperial eagle.

The Ottoman = Ataman crescent with a star-cross is found on many coats of arms and ancient objects, including in Western Europe. On, we present three ancient coats of arms from the museum of the Swiss city of Lausanne. On them we see Ottoman = Ataman crescents with stars. Please note that on two coats of arms the dates begin with the Latin letter J, and on one coat of arms - with the Latin letter I. Let us recall that these letters were the initial letters of the name Jesus or Isus and indicated how many years had passed since the Birth of Christ. Therefore, the true dating of these coats of arms may be approximately 150 years closer to us, that is, they relate to 19th century, and not to the XVIII, as is believed today. Let us recall that, according to our results, Andronicus-Christ was born around 1152.

Unreadable inscriptions were found not only on Russian coins. They are also present on numerous medieval blades (swords) found in Europe, and especially on the territory of the USSR and neighboring states.

A well-known specialist in the history of medieval weapons, A. N. Kirpichnikov, writes:

In the 70s of the last century, the curator of the Bergen Museum (Norway) A.L. Lorang became interested in Viking swords and, to his surprise, discovered previously invisible signs and inscriptions on them... By 1957, in Finland, an employee of the National Museum of Helsinki I. Leppäaho cleared 250 early medieval swords and met dozens of inscriptions and signs... In 1963, the historian and metallurgist from Riga A.K. Antein began cleaning swords... In museums in Latvia and Estonia, the scientist discovered over 80 blades with inscriptions, signs and ornaments... (Kirpichnikov - author) was cleared 99 swords found... on the territory of Ancient Rus', in Latvia and in the Kazan Volga region... Previously unknown designs were discovered on 76 blades... The amazing abundance of inscriptions and signs that suddenly appeared on things that had long been well known is explained by the production features of branding... inscriptions and signs on products of the 9th-13th centuries... were inlaid in hot iron or damascus wire. Even on a strip cleaned of corrosion, the marks are almost indistinguishable. Only after using a special etchant - Hein's fast-acting reagent (copper, ammonium chloride) - did the outlines emerge before the surprised eyes of those present, as if from oblivion. , p.149.

It is believed that “the names of craftsmen or workshops were written on the blades. The names belonged to Western European Carolingian gunsmiths, who probably worked in the Rhine and Danube regions... Some of the names given either rare or encountered for the first time. Thus, The Russian land has preserved the works of some Western blacksmiths, still unknown in their homeland", p.50.

Let us ask ourselves: how is it known that these swords were made in Western Europe if, as we are told, the names of the masters read on them unknown in Western Europe? Let us give a striking example from the article, illustrating exactly how archaeologists “recognize” the homeland of the sword.

A. N. Kirpichnikov gives a photograph of the hilt of one of the swords and writes:

This beautiful sword hilt in the form of entwined monsters served as the basis for the claim that the sword was made in Scandinavia., p.51.

Thus, the homeland of a sword is determined, for example, by the beauty of the hilt. But on one of these “typically Scandinavian” swords, A. N. Kirpichnikov discovered the inscription: “ Ludota Koval", p.54, that is, simply - Blacksmith Ludot. Koval- a well-known Slavic word. Regarding this sword, A. N. Kirpichnikov writes:

The beautiful bronze handle with a relief ornament in the form of intertwined monsters was similar to Scandinavian jewelry of the 11th century. In all studies it was listed as a Scandinavian sword found in Rus'., p.54.

Kirpichnikov continues:

In the 12th century, the technique of marking changed. Figures appeared, laid out brass, silver and gold. The content of the marks also changed: instead of the names of the masters... appeared long strings of letters... the vast majority of these types of inscriptions, including those we discovered, not read yet., p.50.

Where are the most inscribed swords like this found? We did not specifically investigate this issue. But the following selection of swords with special, so-called abbreviated inscriptions can give some idea of ​​the distribution of sword finds. Here is the data from the book, p.17. " complete count of swords with abbreviated inscriptions gives the figure 165... If we take into account the places of discovery of blades or, when they are unknown, places of storage, then the swords are distributed by country as follows:

USSR – 45 (including: Latvian SSR – 22,

Estonian SSR – 7,

Ukrainian SSR – 6,

Lithuanian SSR – 5,

RSFSR – 5,

Finland – 19,

Switzerland – 12,

Poland – 11,

Czechoslovakia – 9,

France – 8,

England – 6,

Denmark – 5,

Norway – 4,

Spain – 2,

Sweden – 1,

Italy – 1”, p.17.

From this it is clear that the USSR and neighboring countries (and not Scandinavia) are in first place.

There are many swords (their number is in the thousands) that have not yet been cleared, p.55. In addition, “of the four thousand swords of the 8th-13th centuries located in various collections in Europe, barely a tenth has been studied,” p.55.

What is written on the swords? As has already been said, historians today generally cannot confidently read this material. And it’s clear why. The inscriptions are made in the form of a string of icons, in which Russian, Latin letters and other icons are intricately mixed. In the book, for example, it is given only two more or less meaningful readings of the names: Konstantin and Zvenislav. The first name is international, the other is clearly Slavic. They try to read the rest of the incomprehensible letter combinations, basically, this way. It is proposed to consider that every letter- that's just first letter some Latin words. That is, the entire inscription is supposedly an abbreviation - it consists only of the first letters of some words. But taking this point of view it is not so difficult to read practically any sequence of characters, in any pre-specified language.

At the same time, researchers believe that most swords come from Western Europe. Hence the focus on attempts to interpret icons and letter combinations precisely in terms Latin language. By interpreting the icons (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) as Latin letters, researchers begin to “read” long texts of religious content.

Let's give a typical example from the book. This is the inscription on a sword found near the village of Monastyrische in the Voronezh region. It is shown in Fig. A (photo taken from Kirpichnikov’s article). This is how Dbroglav suggests reading it. First, he translates the inscription characters into Latin letters. And it turns out the following: NRED-[C]DLT. Then the following Latin reading of this supposed abbreviation is proposed: N(omine) RE(demptoris) D(omini) – D(omini) L(igni). T(rinitas). , table VIII (group “nr”).


And here is its Russian translation: “In the name of the Redeemer - the Lord and the Cross of the Lord Christ. Trinity”, see ibid.

Here in parentheses are the letters added by Dbroglav. We have already expressed our skeptical opinion about this method of reading obscure inscriptions on swords, proposed by historians. It seems to us that the task of reading obscure inscriptions on swords and coins is an extremely interesting and possibly difficult task that must be strictly formulated and solved. In fact, this is a well-known decryption problem. Such problems are successfully solved by specialists in this field (including using mathematical methods).

We did not undertake this task ourselves. Nevertheless, we will make one observation that may be useful in the future. The so-called “secret writing”, i.e. writing using letters unusual today was apparently quite common until the 17th century. Including in Rus'. There are known examples of the indisputable reading of some of these inscriptions. These include an inscription on a Russian book of the 17th century, deciphered by N. Konstantinov. This Russian inscription, by the way, was also considered by historians for many years to be completely indecipherable. We present here in Fig. 1.3.19 this inscription itself and a table for deciphering its symbols, proposed by N. Konstantinov.


Let's try to apply the same Konstantinov table to the inscription on the sword that we just talked about.

You will get the following: Seeker or Smkera, and then there is a separating symbol, after which - apparently, the word Vope or Nova. The second half of the inscription is not very clear. But the first one is a well-known Russian word ax, that is, just a sword (of a special type). And it turns out, it seems, Russian, not the Latin inscription. And the sword was found in the Voronezh region.

Let's use the same method to all the drawings inscriptions on swords given by Kirpichnikov in his article. There are four of them.

Inscription 1 is the same inscription that we just discussed. Kirpichnikov cites the reverse side of the sword, which depicts tamga(see Fig. 1.3.20) is a “Tatar” symbol that is already well known to us. We talked about it in detail above.


The other three allegedly contain Latin names of mysterious Western European masters (remember, for some reason unknown in their homeland, see above).

Inscription 2. See Fig. 1.3.21 Kirpichnikov suggests reading it in Latin. Then the word CEROLT is obtained. There is no such word in the Latin dictionary. Therefore, it is proposed to consider it the name of a certain master. (Note that any incomprehensible sound combination can be successfully called an old, forgotten name). If you read this letter combination according to Konstantinov’s table, you get the word sordce. (Here C, which is missing in Konstantinov’s table, we have restored in meaning. This does not contradict Konstantinov’s table). But the word heart, which was previously written sometimes precisely in the form heart, i.e. sordce(since Kommersant was read as O) is a well-known Russian word. Quite suitable as a mark on a sword.

And on the reverse side of the sword the Russian-Tatar tamga .


Inscription 3. See Fig. 1.3.22 Kirpichnikov again suggests reading it in Latin. Suggested reading ULEN. There is no such Latin word. Cm. . If this is a name, then most likely it is Slavic - Ulyan. But if you read from Konstantinov’s table, it turns out And dream or Jason, or Clear. Also suitable for a sword.


Caption 4. See Fig. 1.3.23. Kirpichnikov offers to read Latin and receives LEITPRIT. There is no such Latin word. Cm. . Applying Konstantinov’s table, we obtain Cestaria or Cessing. Looks like an old Russian word Cluck, i.e. Clean. See M. Vasmer's Dictionary. It turns out that on the sword it is written: Clean, i.e., perhaps Clean steel or Clean weapons, or something like that.

And on the back of the blade there is a symbol that, according to Konstantinov’s table, means the letter B.


Of course, we in no way insist that our reading is correct. Four short inscriptions are clearly not enough to draw any conclusions. Moreover, we had to guess the meaning of several not very clear icons. We only want to draw attention to this problem and point out the possible unity of the so-called “secret writing” used on coins, books, swords, etc. Most likely, this is not a secret writing at all. It’s just an old alphabet, forgotten today, that was used in Rus', and possibly in other countries. For example, in Western Europe. See Part 5 below.

Let's finish with a quote from Kirpichnikov's article. “In Russian science, swords... served as a reason for the rebellion of scientific thought. Most of all, they argued about the origin of swords: some considered them as weapons with which the Normans broke into the vastness of Eastern Europe and colonized the Slavs. Others rightly objected to them, pointing out that blades were a pan-European weapon, used by both the Slavs and the Normans (which, as we learn below, see Part 5, is the same thing - author). Over time, the dispute escalated: based on the finds of swords of the so-called Varangian type, some scientists put forward the thesis that the first state Eastern Slavs– Kievan Rus – was created by the Normans”, p.51.

Were Varangian-Norman swords forged in Tula? Or in Zlatoust in the Urals.

UDC 903.227
The meaning of the mark VLFBERHT on Viking swords and
EXACT place where they were made
C.A. Tukembaev

In Scandinavian history, North (Norweg) and East (Austrverg) paths, Eastern State (Austrríki) -. The word Norweg, meaning the Northern Route, after the Crusades was made an ethnonym for the Norwegians, who were Vikings fromIX century. With the Vikings came their swords +VLFBERHT+, + VLFBERH+ T. For two centuries they sowed death in Europe, but then the swords disappeared, but the Vikings remained. The distribution of Viking swords across Europe, the various inscriptions on them, the place of manufacture and a review of the literature are discussed in -. It has been established that the legendary Asgard is located in the Tien Shan, where the direct descendants of the Dinlins now live, as in Scandinavia, so the view of the problem is radically changing. It became necessary to study the Scandinavian sagas in conjunction with the progress of metallurgy, since it was revealed that the iron in Viking blades was crystallized into steel using a unique technology.
A. Kirpichnikov pointed out that the swordVLFBERHTonly appearance resembles a Carolingian sword, the blade is based on Central Asian damascus technology, it was not damask steel ingots that were transported, but blades, the handles were fitted to the blade in Norway. Opponents resisted because they believed that the inscription praised the owner, or that it was the mark of an illiterate blacksmith, or a weapons company, but only from Solingen. Understand the essence of inscriptions, badges and intertwined ribbons, images of a person on a blade (Fig. 1,I , II ) and did not want to reveal the place of their manufacture. At first they thought that it was stamped on the bladeULFBERHT. Then they found out that the best bladesIX centuries have a stigmaVLFBERHT(Fig. 1,I ) -, and the blades of later times contain the inscriptionULFBERHT. Norway's burial sites contain the largest number of branded swordsVLFBERHT, since it was a bridgehead for the Vikings, where they arrived along the Northern Route (Fig. 2), and in other countries the number of swords is small.
The blade found in Gnezdovo depicts a man (Fig. 1,II ) , . The value of this blade, according to Biruni, is comparable to the cost of the best elephant, as evidenced by the seven-meter column weighing 6.5 tons made of pure iron erected in Delhi in 415, therefore not rusting for 1600 years. The Viking sword has been reconstructed (Fig. 1,III ) according to the results . The blade, like butter, pierced a row of chain mail rings. The legends are right: the Vikings cut down the swords of the Franks, which was due to the structure of the damask steel, and not brute force. The sword is kept in the British Museum next to the originalIX century and called the "Smoke of Sutton Hoo", according to the burialVII century in England, where the original was found.

Rice. 1. InscriptionsI , II on Viking swords,III - reconstruction of the swordVLFBERHT.
IV - jug andV - matrix-intaglioVIII- IX centuries,Au=81,7 %.

To locate a place blade makingVLFBERHTyou need to understand the essence of this word, find the region whereVIII- IX centuries, the metallurgy of smelting damask steel from iron was established, and to establish the reason for the disappearance of Viking swords in Europe inXI century.
I . Damask steel, weapons and Viking expansion . In the 2000s, opponents realized the essence of damask steel technology. Common sense prevailed: the stage of Damascus forging is preceded by the stage of obtaining damask steel. Damascus blades are not forged from any steel, but from damask steel. B, X-ray diffraction and physico-chemical analysis of bladesVLFBERHT The microstructure of damask steel, unknown in Europe before 1795, was revealed, and it is not found in the blades from Solingen. They realized that they were right that damask steel was melted in Central Asia in crucibles. He was famous in Asia fromIXcenturies, like Indian steel -phaulad, foolad, damascus. In 1795, they learned to cook steel in England, calling it Indian wootz. However, the Yenisei KyrgyzVIcenturies they extracted iron from magnetic iron ore and forged double edged swords, daggers, spears, armor plates, arrowheads, ploughshares, sickles, hoes. "Hudud al-Alam" notes the trade in iron of rare perfection in the state of Halluh (756-940).

Rice. 2. The northern route of the Vikings along the Ob, Irtysh and the Arctic.

B - it was revealed that in Akhsikent they established metallurgy and trade in blades of rare perfection in Damascus. But metallurgy is the path of the Yenisei Kyrgyz. The Khazar chronicle in 750 recorded the alliance of the Swedes, Rus and Ases, which supported the Arabs in the Battle of Talas in 751. On the way from the Urals and Yenisei, tribes of Turks joined Talas: the Chigils and others. The Abbasids (750-1258) who rose to their feet returned the original Kyrgyz lands to the green-eyed owners who returned from the Urals and Yenisei, i.e. Yenisei Kyrgyz. They took these lands from the Turgesh in 740, including the Fergana Valley with Akhsikent. The Chinese chronicle confirms this fact and knows of no other green-eyed people in Asia except the Kyrgyz. The Arabs called them Hallukh, and the Asian peoples called them Karluk. Thus, in 756, the Christian state of the Karluks appeared in the center of Asia, enriched by the arms trade and giving rise to Viking raids on England from 789.
The Viking expansion was caused by climate warming in Eurasia, which began at the end ofVIII and reached its peak inIX century. Drought led to decline and drove the nomads of Asia westward. The ice of the Arctic moved away from the shores of Scandinavia and Russia, so Viking ships rushed to the Kara Sea from Central Asia along the Irtysh and Ob (Fig. 2). This Northern route was found by N. Fedorova, who discovered in the polar regions of the Urals and the Gulf of Ob artifacts of Central Asian origin, lost by the Vikings in the first halfIX century. Blades, not damask steel ingots, were transported without intermediaries to Norway along the Ob and Volga. The Baltic and North Seas were infested with pirates. In the Baltic, the tribes of Ugrians and Finns lived in the Stone Age, untilXIII for centuries they did not know iron and lived by robbery at sea. Therefore, the Vikings used the safe, but difficult and harsh Northern Route along the Ob.
II . Kyrgyzstan is the center of cultures and religions . Asgard on the territory of the Tien Shan was identified in, according to its description in the saga,. The saga says that the Country of the Turks is not far from Asgard in the south, and this is Kashgar (Fig. 2). In the south of Asgard in Gimla (Himalayas) live dark Alvas - Hindus, in the north - white Alvas, i.e. Dinlins - Yenisei Kyrgyz. Since ancient times, the Assians lived here, i.e. aces. They and the Getae formed the Massagetae confederation against Alexander the Great. Queen Tomiris is the daughter of the Getae.
"The Saga of the Ynglings" became a third-party source of what until the middleIX century Kashgar was the Country of the Turks. In the southwest, the Kyrgyz border with Tajiks and Iranians. Before the invasion of the Karakhanids from Kashgar, Suyab and Ak-Beshim were inhabited by Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, and Hindus, which contributed to the arrival of Indian technology, progress and civilization. The invasion caused stagnation, a division between the main tribes of the Turks: Chigil and Yagma, and a split into the south and north. As a result, the Karakhanids split into two khanates and expelled the Christian Karluks in 1040 to the Yenisei and the Urals, which led to decline.
From time immemorial, China has known the Kyrgyz people asDingling - 丁零 from 201 BC. Under Bichurin the letter “g” fell out and it turned out to be dinlin. Yingling- Yngling is identicalDingling, becausethe fathers of the Ynglings are aces from Asgard (old Scandinavians), where they are fromIII- IV century, driving out the Huns, they moved to Sweden. However, the main events of the saga develop after Odin's departure from Asia in 840, which is confirmed by the Chinese chronicle about the Dinlins, the Yenisei Kyrgyz.Tthe urks called dinlins withVI century Kyrgyz; the Vikings originated from them in the 9th century. Then the Eastern Road is the Great Silk Road, and the Tang Empire is the Eastern State, since ríki in Austriaki - this is Reich.
Having created metallurgy inVI century, the Kyrgyz became the most prosperous people of Asia on the basis of irrigated agriculture and settled cattle breeding, and kept rich cultural heritage ancestors, as Biruni and Arab geographers assure. However, inIX century they left to conquer the vastness of the Great Steppe due to drought. During the Karluk period, Kyrgyzstan became the most comfortable state in Asia. Unlike Asian peoples, he is close to civilized peoples, his disposition is pleasant and sociable, but warlike. According to al-Masudi (896-956) and Mahmud Kashgari (XI- XIIcenturies): the Karluks are the most beautiful of all, tall, pleasant in appearance and the most cultured among the Turks. On the Persian side, Ferdowsi (935-1020) glorified the perfection of Karluk beauties in the Shahnameh, and then Nizami (1141-1209).
One part of the KyrgyzR1 a1 M17/ M198 has the Andronovo gene (Aces are ancient Kyrgyz), the other has the Norwegian Viking type (young Scandinavians). Therefore, the Norwegians and Kyrgyz are the descendants of the sons of Odin, since they come from the Dinlins, Caucasians, i.e. blue-eyed, tall, blond devils. This is what the Dinlins were called in Ancient China, who a thousand years later in Europe began to be called Vikings.
In 820-840, Odin began a great march from Asgard to the west, as stated in the Saga due to the heat, i.e. due to drought. An army of one hundred thousand rushed from Central Asia along the Irtysh, Ob, Northern Ocean to Norway and, led by Ragnar, along the Great Silk Road. After the defeat of the Turkic Khaganate in 820-840, the battle-hardened Dinlin army attacked the Frankish Empire along the Eastern and Northern route. There, out of fear, they began to be called Vikings, because they arrived in Europe with swords, spears and battle axes of rare perfection. The reflection of damask blades plunged Europe into horror, chilling the soul with the smoke of Sutton Hoo. Genetics confirms this fact, since among Kyrgyz 63%R1 a1 M17/ M198. Since Odin left Ve and Vili in Asgard, their descendants - young Scandinavians - Karluks, now live both in Scandinavia and in Kyrgyzstan, i.e. carriersY-DNA of the Norwegian type, like Choro Choryev (see.FTDNA). In addition, the genes of the Danish VikingsR1 b1 b2, introduced by Ragnar in England, go back to the ancestors of the great Queen Tomiris and are found among the Kyrgyz and the Volga region.
III . Archeology of Ak-Beshim studied since 1953. The area of ​​its shakhristan with the citadel is 35 hectares. Christian church foundVIII centuries, a vast cemetery along the walls, equal-ended crosses (Fig. 1,IV ) Karluk period 756-940. The burial contains the skeletons of 9 adults and 9 children; all Caucasians, on the chest of one of the adults there is a Christian cross. Ak-Beshim is the white times: occurs when the sun crosses the tunduk at noon. This corresponds to the “Sign of Victory” of Emperor Constantine, which rose at noon on October 28, 312 with an equal-ended, catacomb cross. Archaeologists from Moscow State University have established that life in Ak-Beshim dates back toVcentury; at the endX centuries, Christians left the city and dark times came. INX- XI For centuries, the city lies in ruins, where 75 Karakhanid coins from the 50s and 60s are foundXI centuries with images of animals, birds, fish. This means a rollback to Tengrism and shamanism. Means, the reason for the disappearance of swords VLFBERHTin Europe there was a decline and split of the Karakhanid Khaganate in 1040-42 into the Western Khanate, which went to the Chigils, with its capital in Samarkand, and the Eastern Khanate with its center in Kashgar.
In 1998, archaeologists from the Hermitage and Kyrgyzstan excavated the siteVIII in Ak-Beshim. Many weapons made of steel have been found. They, according to A. Kirpichnikov and A. Medvedev, are common in Eastern Europe. Found inUyuk-Tarlyk (Tuva), burial 51, 975-1050; Kamenka (Middle Dnieper), mound 433, 12th century; Székesfehérvár on the site of the radiotelevision tower (Hungary), X-XI centuries; Gnezdovo (Russia), mound 14 and burial ground Sarkel - Belaya Vezha (Russia), mound 21, 9th-11th centuries.Armor-piercing arrowheads are present, but there are no Kyrgyz three-blade arrowheads.
Armor-piercing tips certify that they are intended to defeat an enemy wearing armor. Weapons were delivered to Norway via the Northern route from Lake Zaisan along the Irtysh and Ob (Fig. 2). With a drakkar speed of 10 km/h, you will cover 9000 km to Bergen in 6 weeks. Perhaps the Vikings took a shortcut along the tributaries of the Tobol, through the Ural ridge to the Northern Dvina and Pechora. They walked the harsh Northern route. Where it leads, the Arabs were unable to find out from the Yenisei Kyrgyz. As they noticed, the Kyrgyz cut off intermediaries, reloaded and transported eastern goods to the north themselves. The Vikings had a rich experience of sailing in the Arctic Circle, and they knew the route from Vaygach Island to Bergen and to America. The supply of weapons from Asgard to Sarkel (arrow to the Volga) along the Eastern route, then by boat to Staraya Ladoga reached its peak after the defeat of the Turkic Kaganate in 840. Along this route, Ragnar Lothbrok led the Danish Vikings from Asgard to Europe.
The victory in the Battle of Talas ensured the progress of metallurgy and a new culture over the nomads of Asia from 751, so the language of the Swedes was left on the markVLFBERHT. According to the records in the “Saga of the Ynglings”, it was revealed that the main element of world culture was born in the Tien Shan - classical European music, vocals, diatonics, which the Vikings and Rossomonians brought to the West and made it the property of Europe, expressing there with their music and singing nostalgia for Asgard. The flourishing of the Ak-Beshim culture is evidenced by the mint at the siteX, a foundry with a stock of ore, defective coins, a buckle, an iron knife and other metalworking tools. An unusual gold solidus became a unique findVIII- IX centuries. It is 10 times thinner than solid, diameter - 17 mm, weight - 0.45 g. Mass spectrometry data (%):Au=81,7; Cu=10; Ag=5; Fe=3; APb, Zn, Sn 0.1 each. Since on the front side there is a bas-relief, but on the back there is an intaglio of the same image (Fig. 1,V ), then the find is a matrix for making coins. Such a discovery of a matrix means that an attribute of the Karluk state has been found.
The matrix was found at a depth of 160 cm between the forge stones and was probably hidden during the assault. It shows a picture of a man and a woman. The man wears a headdress with an Egyptian cross. On the woman’s headdress there is an equal-pointed cross, exactly like on the cap of Monomakh and the crowned heads of Byzantium. It is very likely that from here the crown passed to Vladimir Monomakh in 1056 with the arrival of Askold with the Dinlins in Kyiv, since in 1054 there was a split in Christianity into Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and Monomakh was a child. This means that the equal-pointed crosses in Fig. 1,I , II , V , indicate that inIXcentury damask steel and bladesVLFBERHTmanufactured in Ak-Beshim, more precisely, in the center of metallurgy - Akhsikent,. Then, this is the first Christian kingdomVIII century, founded by the Vikings in the center of Asia before the beginning of their era in Europe withIXcentury.
The Karluks rejected the religion of the Sogdians - Manichaeism, since they were Christians, therefore they wrote in the Khorezmian version of the Aramaic script, and the Manichaeans wrote in Sogdian. This means that faith came directly from Byzantium through Khorezm (Scythia) and the tunduk on the flag of Kyrgyzstan was preserved for centuries, as a symbol of ancestors - an equal-pointed cross, but inIX century the color of the flag was different. As the Chinese chronicle says, with the recognition of the state in 756, red was added to the blue flag below.
2016 will mark the 1260th anniversary of the creation of the Karluk state and the wedding of Manas in 756. In contrast, it became known that the Arabic toponym "اڡراقر » means Asgard or Akhsikent. IN“Hudud al-Alam” is a toponym written in another language, in Arabic, so we get« Aq. raq. r», “Ak-ra-kyr”, “Akra-kyz”,those. Asgard, since the people of the north were designated “ak”, “as”. Any permutations of syllables lead to Kyrgyz. “Akra-kyz” is of interest because it points to the city of the divine bride - Kanykey, nee Sanira, where san means saint, but in Arabic, akra means generosity. Since Manas, according to Karalaev, was born 100 years after the death of Muhammad, then, taking into account the Islamic calendar, he turned 26/27 years old in 756. Therefore, the monarch was supposed to marry a high-born bride. Then he had to go to Fergana, where he received Akhsikent as a dowry from the bride, which means that Akhsikent became the inherited property of the dynasty. 200 years later, Karluk beauties inspired Ferdowsi’s immortal poem “Shahnameh”. For the history of Kyrgyzstan, this fact of the unity of the people and the first flag of the Kyrgyz people is of significant significance.
IV . Ragnar Lothbrok , according to Saxo Grammar's treatise "The Acts of the Danes", owned Scythia and represented the Ynglings. Before Rubruk's trip to the Mongols in 1254, Western Europe considered the Black and Caspian Seas to be one whole, as established by al-Masudi (896-956). Scythia up to the Caspian Sea and the Urals was subject to Asgard, and therefore treasures of Kufic coins, Viking swords and new weapons appeared in Kyiv at the turnIX- Xcenturies from Asgard. Ragnar means noble, divine and is read as rah-nar, reich-nar, where nar is a sacred, white camel revered in Asia.
Ragnar began a war against the Turkic Khaganate in 820-840 in western Scythia. In contrast, the analysis revealed that the Daix River, according to Ptolemy (Ural, Yaik), is responsible for the legend of Daxo. From there, Ragnar with an army from Asgard (along the arrow in Fig. 2) went to Sarkel and Samkertz (Taman, Tmutarakan) and drove the Daxo brothers with the Hungarians to the Dnieper, razed Sarkel to the ground. The Daxo brothers are the sons of Obadiah from the Bulanid dynasty, and they were under the care of Obadiah's brother Chanukah. At the Battle of Helesspont, Ragnar took Samkertz by storm. In the “Acts of the Danes,” the Helesspont refers to the water line dividing Europe and Asia along the Don, the Kerch Strait, and the Bosphorus. There are also hints: the Gelesspont line separates the Khazars from the descendants of the Gauls -SemigalliansVCrimea; Ragnar moved from the Bulanid horses to rooks. Thus, Ragnar and the Rossomonians entered the Bertin Annals in 839, registering a victory in Constantinople, where, having circumnavigated Europe, he came again in 860.
Having dispersed the Khazars throughout the world, Ragnar went north on boats. In 840 he destroyed the Sembians and burned Staraya Ladoga, which is dated by layers of ash. The Curonians somehow managed to buy themselves off from Ragnar’s wrath, which is why they are still alive. Thanks to Ragnar Lothbrok, Christianity and damask steel - haralung in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” came to the Russian Plain from Asgard, i.e. from its northern and southern capitals Ak-Beshim and Aksikent. A place in the sun is won with arms in hand and faith in the truth.
In Fig. 2 shows the path of Ragnar with his son Ivar from Gardariki to the south to the Land of the Saxons. As stated in the saga, he went to the Saxons some time after the capture of Paris in 845 along the one of the three rivers flowing into the North Sea, which is in the middle, and this is the Rhine. The campaign lasted 5 years. In 860 two Greek cities were visited; Constantinople and Korsun in Crimea. This means that the campaign began with the fact that in 855 the Vikings visited Louis the German in Ulm, the summer residence of the Carolingians.
INIX century of Gardarik in the “Saga of the Ynglings” this is England, since in the south of it is the Country of the Saxons. Since the population of England was subjected to the violence of the Danish Vikings, men today have Danish-type genes, which is confirmed by genetic analysis of the atrocities of Ragnar. Then Ragnar reached the upper reaches of the Rhine and across the watershed came to Ulm, where he left an equal-pointed cross for all times (Fig. 1,IV ) symbol of Germany. The mountain of white stone on the Danube in Regensburg, and it is mentioned in, became a place of worship and inspired the Germans to build Valhalla in memory of the exploits of the Vikings (Ahnenerbe).
From Ulm the Vikings sailed along the Danube to the Black Sea. In 855-860 they lost inSzekesfehervarePflat arrowhead, buckle andViking sword, exactly the same as in the Sarkela burial ground and Ak-Beshim. At that time Avars and Slavs lived in Hungary, but did not reach the heights of metallurgy. The Hungarians with Arpad in the cradle (855-907) fought somewhere near the Dnieper (arpa - barley, beer) in the extraction of barley, where Ragnar drove them out in 839. Tribes are not tied to the sourceweapons from Ak-Beshim. These weapons, discovered in Sarkel, Gnezdovo and Székesfehérvár, were lost by the Vikings, i.e. Rossomons, since Ragnar left them in Samkertz in 839. Let us supplement metallurgy with the fact that there are many deposits of magnetic iron ore in the Tien Shan. In Lower Kemin, and it is from Ak-Beshim on the other side of the Chu River, contentFe=51.8%. Deposits of magnetic iron ore are highly magnetic, therefore they are detected by a compass, and the Yenisei Kyrgyz knew how to mine magnetic iron ore withVI century.
The Byzantine chronicle recorded a Viking attack in 860 by land and sea. Some of the Vikings landed on the Danube and fought through Bulgaria to Constantinople, while the other half sailed on boats. Then Ragnar's squadron came through the Black Sea to Samkertz, where the Rossomons had a foothold in 839, and knocked out the Khazars from the Byzantine city of Korsun - Chersonese Tauride in the Crimea. Finally, the Vikings marched north along the Dnieper and founded the city of Kyiv on the site of the Ugric settlement in 860. The conquered lands were named Russia in honor of its founders, the Rossomons, and their governor began to be called Askold. On the Dnieper, the tribes spiritually depended on sorcerers, Jews, Bulgars, and Muslims who fled from the Turkic Kaganate. From Byzantium, the Rossomons brought slaves, including Bulgarians, to Korsun, where they taught them to write and read in Russian. The best students Cyril and Methodius in 862 taught Russian literacy to the tribes of the Slavs, Ugrians, Bulgars, Turks, etc., in order to give people new thinking and true faith.