A person inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. What exactly does a person exhale from the lungs? Why is hemoglobin so important?

The meaning of breathing

Breathing is a vital process of constant exchange of gases between the body and its surrounding environment. In the process of breathing, a person absorbs oxygen from the environment and releases carbon dioxide.

Almost all complex reactions of transformation of substances in the body require the participation of oxygen. Without oxygen, metabolism is impossible, and a constant supply of oxygen is necessary to preserve life. In cells and tissues, as a result of metabolism, carbon dioxide is formed, which must be removed from the body. The accumulation of significant amounts of carbon dioxide inside the body is dangerous. Carbon dioxide is carried by the blood to the respiratory organs and exhaled. Oxygen entering the respiratory organs during inhalation diffuses into the blood and is delivered to organs and tissues by the blood.

There are no reserves of oxygen in the human and animal bodies, and therefore its continuous supply into the body is a vital necessity. If a person, in necessary cases, can live without food for more than a month, without water for up to 10 days, then in the absence of oxygen, irreversible changes occur within 5-7 minutes.

Composition of inhaled, exhaled and alveolar air

By alternately inhaling and exhaling, a person ventilates the lungs, maintaining a relatively constant gas composition in the pulmonary vesicles (alveoli). A person breathes atmospheric air with a high content of oxygen (20.9%) and a low content of carbon dioxide (0.03%), and exhales air in which there is 16.3% oxygen and 4% carbon dioxide (Table 8).

The composition of alveolar air differs significantly from the composition of atmospheric, inhaled air. It contains less oxygen (14.2%) and a large amount of carbon dioxide (5.2%).

Nitrogen and inert gases that make up the air do not take part in respiration, and their content in inhaled, exhaled and alveolar air is almost the same.

Why does exhaled air contain more oxygen than alveolar air? This is explained by the fact that when you exhale, air that is in the respiratory organs, in the airways, is mixed with the alveolar air.

Partial pressure and tension of gases

In the lungs, oxygen from the alveolar air passes into the blood, and carbon dioxide from the blood enters the lungs. The transition of gases from air to liquid and from liquid to air occurs due to the difference in the partial pressure of these gases in air and liquid. Partial pressure is the part of the total pressure that accounts for the share of a given gas in a gas mixture. The higher the percentage of gas in the mixture, the correspondingly higher its partial pressure. Atmospheric air, as is known, is a mixture of gases. Atmospheric air pressure 760 mm Hg. Art. The partial pressure of oxygen in atmospheric air is 20.94% of 760 mm, i.e. 159 mm; nitrogen - 79.03% of 760 mm, i.e. about 600 mm; There is little carbon dioxide in the atmospheric air - 0.03%, therefore its partial pressure is 0.03% of 760 mm - 0.2 mm Hg. Art.

For gases dissolved in a liquid, the term “voltage” is used, corresponding to the term “partial pressure” used for free gases. Gas tension is expressed in the same units as pressure (mmHg). If the partial pressure of gas in environment higher than the voltage of this gas in the liquid, then the gas dissolves in the liquid.

The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is 100-105 mm Hg. Art., and in the blood flowing to the lungs the oxygen tension is on average 60 mm Hg. Art., therefore, in the lungs, oxygen from the alveolar air passes into the blood.

The movement of gases occurs according to the laws of diffusion, according to which gas spreads from a medium with high partial pressure to a medium with lower pressure.

Gas exchange in the lungs

The transition of oxygen from the alveolar air into the blood in the lungs and the flow of carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs obey the laws described above.

Thanks to the work of the great Russian physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, it became possible to study the gas composition of the blood and the conditions of gas exchange in the lungs and tissues.

Gas exchange in the lungs occurs between alveolar air and blood by diffusion. The alveoli of the lungs are intertwined with a dense network of capillaries. The walls of the alveoli and capillaries are very thin, which facilitates the penetration of gases from the lungs into the blood and vice versa. Gas exchange depends on the size of the surface through which gases diffuse and the difference in partial pressure (tension) of the diffusing gases. With a deep breath, the alveoli stretch, and their surface reaches 100-105 m2. The surface area of ​​the capillaries in the lungs is also large. There is, and a sufficient, difference between the partial pressure of gases in the alveolar air and the tension of these gases in the venous blood (Table 9).

From Table 9 it follows that the difference between the tension of gases in the venous blood and their partial pressure in the alveolar air is 110 - 40 = 70 mm Hg for oxygen. Art., and for carbon dioxide 47 - 40 = 7 mm Hg. Art.

Experimentally, it was possible to establish that with a difference in oxygen tension of 1 mm Hg. Art. in an adult at rest, 25-60 ml of oxygen can enter the blood in 1 minute. A person at rest needs approximately 25-30 ml of oxygen per minute. Therefore, an oxygen pressure difference of 70 mmHg. Art. is sufficient to provide the body with oxygen under different conditions of its activity: during physical work, sports exercises, etc.

The rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide from the blood is 25 times greater than that of oxygen, therefore, with a pressure difference of 7 mm Hg. Art., carbon dioxide has time to be released from the blood.

Transfer of gases by blood

Blood carries oxygen and carbon dioxide. In blood, as in any liquid, gases can be in two states: physically dissolved and chemically bound. Both oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolve in very small quantities in the blood plasma. Most oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in chemically bound form.

The main carrier of oxygen is hemoglobin in the blood. 1 g of hemoglobin binds 1.34 ml of oxygen. Hemoglobin has the ability to combine with oxygen, forming oxyhemoglobin. The higher the partial pressure of oxygen, the more oxyhemoglobin is formed. In the alveolar air, the partial pressure of oxygen is 100-110 mm Hg. Art. Under such conditions, 97% of blood hemoglobin binds to oxygen. Blood brings oxygen to tissues in the form of oxyhemoglobin. Here the partial pressure of oxygen is low, and oxyhemoglobin - a fragile compound - releases oxygen, which is used by the tissues. The binding of oxygen by hemoglobin is also influenced by carbon dioxide tension. Carbon dioxide reduces the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen and promotes the dissociation of oxyhemoglobin. Increasing temperature also reduces the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen. It is known that the temperature in the tissues is higher than in the lungs. All these conditions help dissociate oxyhemoglobin, as a result of which the blood releases the oxygen released from the chemical compound into the tissue fluid.

The property of hemoglobin to bind oxygen is vital for the body. Sometimes people die from lack of oxygen in the body, surrounded by the cleanest air. This can happen to a person who finds himself in low pressure conditions (at high altitudes), where the thin atmosphere has a very low partial pressure of oxygen. April 15, 1875 balloon The Zenit, which had three balloonists on board, reached an altitude of 8000 m. When the balloon landed, only one person remained alive. The cause of death was a sharp decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude. At high altitudes (7-8 km), arterial blood in its own way gas composition approaches the venous; all tissues of the body begin to experience an acute lack of oxygen, which leads to serious consequences. Climbing to altitudes above 5000 m usually requires the use of special oxygen devices.

With special training, the body can adapt to the low oxygen content in the atmospheric air. A trained person’s breathing deepens, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases due to their increased formation in the hematopoietic organs and their supply from the blood depot. In addition, heart contractions increase, which leads to an increase in minute blood volume.

Pressure chambers are widely used for training.

Carbon dioxide is carried by the blood in the form of chemical compounds - sodium and potassium bicarbonates. The binding of carbon dioxide and its release into the blood depend on its tension in the tissues and blood.

In addition, blood hemoglobin is involved in the transfer of carbon dioxide. In tissue capillaries, hemoglobin enters into a chemical combination with carbon dioxide. In the lungs, this compound breaks down to release carbon dioxide. About 25-30% of the carbon dioxide released in the lungs is carried by hemoglobin.

The respiratory system is a set of organs and anatomical structures that ensure the movement of air from the atmosphere into the lungs and back (breathing cycles inhalation - exhalation), as well as gas exchange between the air entering the lungs and the blood.

Respiratory organs are the upper and lower respiratory tract and lungs, consisting of bronchioles and alveolar sacs, as well as arteries, capillaries and veins of the pulmonary circulation.

The respiratory system also includes the chest and respiratory muscles (the activity of which ensures stretching of the lungs with the formation of inhalation and exhalation phases and changes in pressure in the pleural cavity), as well as the respiratory center located in the brain, peripheral nerves and receptors involved in the regulation of breathing .

The main function of the respiratory organs is to ensure gas exchange between air and blood by diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the walls of the pulmonary alveoli into the blood capillaries.

Diffusion- a process as a result of which gas tends from an area of ​​higher concentration to an area where its concentration is low.

A characteristic feature of the structure of the respiratory tract is the presence of a cartilaginous base in their walls, as a result of which they do not collapse

In addition, the respiratory organs are involved in sound production, smell detection, the production of certain hormone-like substances, lipid and water-salt metabolism, and maintaining the body's immunity. In the airways, the inhaled air is cleansed, moistened, warmed, as well as the perception of temperature and mechanical stimuli.


The airways of the respiratory system begin with the external nose and nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is divided by the osteochondral septum into two parts: right and left. The inner surface of the cavity, lined with mucous membrane, equipped with cilia and penetrated by blood vessels, is covered with mucus, which retains (and partially neutralizes) microbes and dust. Thus, the air in the nasal cavity is purified, neutralized, warmed and moistened. This is why you need to breathe through your nose.

Over the course of a lifetime, the nasal cavity retains up to 5 kg of dust

Having passed pharyngeal part airways, air enters the next organ larynx, having the shape of a funnel and formed by several cartilages: the thyroid cartilage protects the larynx in front, the cartilaginous epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx when swallowing food. If you try to speak while swallowing food, it can get into your airways and cause suffocation.

When swallowing, the cartilage moves upward and then returns to its original place. With this movement, the epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx, saliva or food goes into the esophagus. What else is there in the larynx? Vocal cords. When a person is silent, the vocal cords diverge; when he speaks loudly, the vocal cords are closed; if he is forced to whisper, the vocal cords are slightly open.

  1. Trachea;
  2. Aorta;
  3. Main left bronchus;
  4. Right main bronchus;
  5. Alveolar ducts.

The length of the human trachea is about 10 cm, the diameter is about 2.5 cm

From the larynx, air enters the lungs through the trachea and bronchi. The trachea is formed by numerous cartilaginous semirings located one above the other and connected by muscle and connective tissue. The open ends of the semirings are adjacent to the esophagus. In the chest, the trachea divides into two main bronchi, from which secondary bronchi branch, which continue to branch further to the bronchioles (thin tubes with a diameter of about 1 mm). The branching of the bronchi is a rather complex network called the bronchial tree.

The bronchioles are divided into even thinner tubes - alveolar ducts, which end in small thin-walled (the thickness of the walls is one cell) sacs - alveoli, collected in clusters like grapes.

Mouth breathing causes deformation chest, hearing impairment, disruption of the normal position of the nasal septum and the shape of the lower jaw

The lungs are the main organ of the respiratory system

The most important functions of the lungs are gas exchange, supplying oxygen to hemoglobin, and removing carbon dioxide, or carbon dioxide, which is the end product of metabolism. However, the functions of the lungs are not limited to this alone.

The lungs are involved in maintaining a constant concentration of ions in the body; they can remove other substances from it, except toxins ( essential oils, aromatic substances, “alcohol trail”, acetone, etc.). When you breathe, water evaporates from the surface of the lungs, which cools the blood and the entire body. In addition, the lungs create air currents that vibrate the vocal cords of the larynx.

Conventionally, the lung can be divided into 3 sections:

  1. pneumatic (bronchial tree), through which air, like a system of canals, reaches the alveoli;
  2. the alveolar system in which gas exchange occurs;
  3. circulatory system of the lung.

The volume of inhaled air in an adult is about 0 4-0.5 liters, and the vital capacity of the lungs, that is, the maximum volume, is approximately 7-8 times greater - usually 3-4 liters (in women less than in men), although in athletes it can exceed 6 liters

  1. Trachea;
  2. Bronchi;
  3. Apex of the lung;
  4. Upper lobe;
  5. Horizontal slot;
  6. Average share;
  7. Oblique slot;
  8. Lower lobe;
  9. Heart tenderloin.

The lungs (right and left) lie in the chest cavity on either side of the heart. The surface of the lungs is covered with a thin, moist, shiny membrane, the pleura (from the Greek pleura - rib, side), consisting of two layers: the inner (pulmonary) covers the surface of the lung, and the outer (parietal) covers the inner surface of the chest. Between the sheets, which are almost in contact with each other, there is a hermetically closed slit-like space called the pleural cavity.

In some diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis), the parietal layer of the pleura can grow together with the pulmonary layer, forming so-called adhesions. In inflammatory diseases accompanied by excessive accumulation of fluid or air in the pleural fissure, it expands sharply and turns into a cavity

The spindle of the lung protrudes 2-3 cm above the collarbone, extending into the lower region of the neck. The surface adjacent to the ribs is convex and has the greatest extent. The inner surface is concave, adjacent to the heart and other organs, convex and has the greatest extent. The inner surface is concave, adjacent to the heart and other organs located between the pleural sacs. On it there is the gate of the lung, a place through which the main bronchus and pulmonary artery enter the lung and two pulmonary veins exit.

Each lung is divided into lobes by pleural grooves: the left into two (upper and lower), the right into three (upper, middle and lower).

Lung tissue is formed by bronchioles and many tiny pulmonary vesicles of the alveoli, which look like hemispherical protrusions of the bronchioles. The thinnest walls of the alveoli are a biologically permeable membrane (consisting of a single layer of epithelial cells surrounded by a dense network of blood capillaries), through which gas exchange occurs between the blood in the capillaries and the air filling the alveoli. The inside of the alveoli is coated with a liquid surfactant (surfactant), which weakens the forces of surface tension and prevents the complete collapse of the alveoli during exit.

Compared to the lung volume of a newborn, by the age of 12 the lung volume increases 10 times, by the end of puberty - 20 times

The total thickness of the walls of the alveoli and capillary is only a few micrometers. Thanks to this, oxygen easily penetrates from the alveolar air into the blood, and carbon dioxide easily penetrates from the blood into the alveoli.

Respiratory process

Breathing is a complex process of gas exchange between the external environment and the body. The inhaled air differs significantly in composition from the exhaled air: oxygen, a necessary element for metabolism, enters the body from the external environment, and carbon dioxide is released out.

Stages of the respiratory process

  • filling the lungs with atmospheric air (pulmonary ventilation)
  • the transition of oxygen from the pulmonary alveoli into the blood flowing through the capillaries of the lungs, and the release of carbon dioxide from the blood into the alveoli, and then into the atmosphere
  • delivery of oxygen by blood to tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs
  • oxygen consumption by cells

The processes of air entering the lungs and gas exchange in the lungs are called pulmonary (external) respiration. Blood brings oxygen to cells and tissues, and carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs. Constantly circulating between the lungs and tissues, blood thus ensures a continuous process of supplying cells and tissues with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. In the tissues, oxygen leaves the blood to the cells, and carbon dioxide is transferred from the tissues to the blood. This process of tissue respiration occurs with the participation of special respiratory enzymes.

Biological meanings of respiration

  • providing the body with oxygen
  • removal of carbon dioxide
  • oxidation of organic compounds with the release of energy necessary for human life
  • removal of metabolic end products (water vapor, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.)

Mechanism of inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation and exhalation occur through movements of the chest (thoracic breathing) and the diaphragm (abdominal breathing). The ribs of the relaxed chest fall down, thereby reducing its internal volume. Air is forced out of the lungs, similar to air being forced out of an air pillow or mattress under pressure. By contracting, the respiratory intercostal muscles raise the ribs. The chest expands. Located between the chest and abdominal cavity the diaphragm contracts, its tubercles are smoothed out, and the volume of the chest increases. Both pleural layers (pulmonary and costal pleura), between which there is no air, transmit this movement to the lungs. A vacuum occurs in the lung tissue, similar to that which appears when an accordion is stretched. Air enters the lungs.

The respiratory rate of an adult is normally 14-20 breaths per 1 minute, but with significant physical activity it can reach up to 80 breaths per 1 minute

When the respiratory muscles relax, the ribs return to their original position and the diaphragm loses tension. The lungs compress, releasing exhaled air. In this case, only a partial exchange occurs, because it is impossible to exhale all the air from the lungs.

During quiet breathing, a person inhales and exhales about 500 cm 3 of air. This amount of air constitutes the tidal volume of the lungs. If you take an additional deep breath, about 1500 cm 3 of air will enter the lungs, called the inspiratory reserve volume. After a calm exhalation, a person can exhale about 1500 cm 3 of air - the reserve volume of exhalation. The amount of air (3500 cm 3), which consists of the tidal volume (500 cm 3), the inspiratory reserve volume (1500 cm 3), and the exhalation reserve volume (1500 cm 3), is called the vital capacity of the lungs.

Out of 500 cm 3 of inhaled air, only 360 cm 3 passes into the alveoli and releases oxygen into the blood. The remaining 140 cm 3 remains in the airways and does not participate in gas exchange. Therefore, the airways are called “dead space”.

After a person exhales a tidal volume of 500 cm3) and then exhales deeply (1500 cm3), there is still approximately 1200 cm3 of residual air volume left in his lungs, which is almost impossible to remove. Therefore, lung tissue does not sink in water.

Within 1 minute, a person inhales and exhales 5-8 liters of air. This is the minute volume of breathing, which during intensive physical activity can reach 80-120 liters per minute.

In trained, physically developed people, the vital capacity of the lungs can be significantly greater and reach 7000-7500 cm 3 . Women have a smaller lung capacity than men

Gas exchange in the lungs and transport of gases by blood

The blood that flows from the heart into the capillaries that encircle the pulmonary alveoli contains a lot of carbon dioxide. And in the pulmonary alveoli there is little of it, therefore, thanks to diffusion, it leaves the bloodstream and passes into the alveoli. This is also facilitated by the internally moist walls of the alveoli and capillaries, consisting of only one layer of cells.

Oxygen also enters the blood due to diffusion. There is little free oxygen in the blood, because it is continuously bound by hemoglobin found in red blood cells, turning into oxyhemoglobin. The blood that has become arterial leaves the alveoli and travels through the pulmonary vein to the heart.

In order for gas exchange to take place continuously, it is necessary that the composition of gases in the pulmonary alveoli be constant, which is maintained by pulmonary respiration: excess carbon dioxide is removed outside, and oxygen absorbed by the blood is replaced with oxygen from a fresh portion of the outside air

Tissue respiration occurs in the capillaries of the systemic circulation, where the blood gives off oxygen and receives carbon dioxide. There is little oxygen in the tissues, and therefore oxyhemoglobin breaks down into hemoglobin and oxygen, which passes into the tissue fluid and is used there by cells for the biological oxidation of organic substances. The energy released in this case is intended for the vital processes of cells and tissues.

A lot of carbon dioxide accumulates in tissues. It enters the tissue fluid, and from it into the blood. Here, carbon dioxide is partially captured by hemoglobin, and partially dissolved or chemically bound by salts of the blood plasma. Venous blood carries it into the right atrium, from there it enters the right ventricle, which pushes the venous circle through the pulmonary artery and closes. In the lungs, the blood again becomes arterial and, returning to the left atrium, enters the left ventricle, and from it into the systemic circulation.

The more oxygen is consumed in the tissues, the more oxygen is required from the air to compensate for the costs. That is why during physical work both cardiac activity and pulmonary respiration simultaneously increase.

Thanks to amazing property hemoglobin combines with oxygen and carbon dioxide; the blood is able to absorb these gases in significant quantities

100 ml of arterial blood contains up to 20 ml of oxygen and 52 ml of carbon dioxide

Effect of carbon monoxide on the body. Hemoglobin in red blood cells can combine with other gases. Thus, hemoglobin combines with carbon monoxide (CO), carbon monoxide formed during incomplete combustion of fuel, 150 - 300 times faster and stronger than with oxygen. Therefore, even with a small content of carbon monoxide in the air, hemoglobin combines not with oxygen, but with carbon monoxide. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to the body stops, and the person begins to suffocate.

If there is carbon monoxide in the room, a person suffocates because oxygen does not enter the body tissues

Oxygen starvation - hypoxia- can also occur when the hemoglobin content in the blood decreases (with significant blood loss), or when there is a lack of oxygen in the air (high in the mountains).

If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, with swelling vocal cords Due to the disease, respiratory arrest may occur. Choking develops - asphyxia. When breathing stops, artificial respiration is performed using special devices, and in their absence, using the “mouth to mouth”, “mouth to nose” method or special techniques.

Breathing regulation. The rhythmic, automatic alternation of inhalations and exhalations is regulated from the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata. From this center, impulses: travel to the motor neurons of the vagus and intercostal nerves, which innervate the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles. The work of the respiratory center is coordinated higher departments brain. Therefore, a person can a short time hold or intensify your breathing, as happens, for example, when talking.

The depth and frequency of breathing is affected by the content of CO 2 and O 2 in the blood. These substances irritate chemoreceptors in the walls of large blood vessels, nerve impulses from them enter the respiratory center. With an increase in CO2 content in the blood, breathing deepens; with a decrease in CO2, breathing becomes more frequent.

Breathing is an important physiological process, without which human life is impossible. Thanks to the established mechanism, cells are supplied with oxygen and can participate in metabolism. Types of breathing are distinguished depending on which muscles and organs are involved in the process.

Physiology of breathing

Breathing is accompanied by alternating inhalation (oxygen consumption) and exhalation (excretion). Many processes occur between them in a short time. They can be divided into the following main stages of breathing:

  • external (ventilation and diffusion of gases in the lungs);
  • oxygen transportation;
  • tissue breathing.

Provides the following processes:

  1. Ventilation of the lungs - the air passes through is humidified, becomes warmer and cleaner.
  2. Gas exchange occurs in a short period of cessation of breathing (between exhalation and new inhalation). Alveoli and pulmonary capillaries participate in the exchange. Blood flows through the alveoli into the capillaries, where it is saturated with oxygen and distributed throughout the body. Carbon dioxide is transported from the capillaries back to the alveoli and expelled from the body during exhalation.

The initial stage of breathing promotes the transfer of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the pulmonary vesicles for further removal from the body.

Transportation and the final result of the exchange

Transportation of gases in the blood occurs thanks to red blood cells. They carry oxygen to organ tissues, where further metabolic processes begin.

Diffusion in tissues characterizes the process of tissue respiration. What does it mean? Red blood cells bound with oxygen enter the tissues and then into the tissue fluid. At the same time, dissolved carbon dioxide moves back to the alveoli of the lungs.

Blood enters the cells through tissue fluid. Chemical processes of breakdown of nutrients are launched. The final oxidation product, carbon dioxide, again enters the blood in the form of a solution and is transported to the alveoli of the lungs.

Regardless of what type of respiration is used by an individual organism, the metabolic processes that occur are the same. The work of the muscles allows you to change, i.e., inhale or exhale.

The importance of muscles in breathing processes

Types of breathing arose as a result of contraction of the muscles of different parts of the spine. The respiratory muscles provide a rhythmic change in the volume of the chest cavity. Depending on the functions performed, they are divided into inspiratory and expiratory.

The former are involved in the process of inhaling air. The main muscles of this group include: diaphragm, external intercostal, internal intercartilaginous. The accessory inspiratory muscles are the scalenes, pectoralis (major and minor), and sternoclavicular (mastoid). The internal intercostal muscles also participate in the process of exhalation.

Only thanks to the muscles is it possible to inhale and exhale air: the lungs repeat their movements. There are two possible mechanisms for changing the volume of the chest through muscle contraction: movements of the ribs or the diaphragm, which constitute the main types of breathing in humans.

Chest breathing

With this type, only the upper part of the lungs is actively involved in the process. The ribs or collarbones are involved, as a result of which the thoracic type of breathing is divided into costal and clavicular. This is the most common, but far from optimal method.

Costal breathing is carried out using the intercostal muscles, which allow the chest to expand to the required volume. As you exhale, the internal intercostal muscles contract and the air escapes. The process also occurs due to the fact that the ribs are mobile and can move. This kind of breathing is usually characteristic of the female sex.

Clavicular breathing is common among older people due to decreased lung capacity, and also occurs in children of primary school age. When you inhale, the collarbones rise together with the chest, and when you exhale, they lower. Breathing with the help of the sternoclavicular muscles is very superficial, more designed for calm and measured inhalation-exhalation cycles.

Abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing

The diaphragmatic type of breathing is considered more complete than chest breathing due to a better oxygen supply. Most of the lung volume is involved in the process.

The diaphragm promotes breathing movements. This is a partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities, consisting of muscle tissue and capable of contracting quite strongly. During inhalation, it moves down, putting pressure on the peritoneum. When you exhale, on the contrary, it rises up, relaxing the abdominal muscles.

Diaphragmatic breathing is common among men, athletes, singers and children. Abdominal breathing is not difficult to learn, and there are many exercises to develop the necessary skills. Whether this is worth learning is up to everyone to decide, but it is abdominal breathing that allows you to qualitatively supply the body with the necessary oxygen in a minimum number of movements.

It happens that in one breathing cycle a person uses both the thoracic and abdominal regions. The ribs expand, and at the same time the diaphragm works. This is called mixed (full) breathing.

Types of breathing depending on the nature of respiratory movements

Breathing depends not only on the muscle group involved, but also on indicators such as depth, frequency, and the pause time between exhalation and new inhalation. With frequent, intermittent and shallow breathing, the lungs are not fully ventilated. This creates favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses.

Full breathing engages the lower, middle and upper parts of the lungs, allowing them to be fully ventilated. The entire useful volume of the chest is used, and the air in the lungs is updated in a timely manner, preventing harmful microorganisms from multiplying. A person practicing full breathing takes about 14 breaths per minute. For good ventilation, it is recommended to take no more than 16 breaths per minute.

The effect of breathing on health

Breathing is the main source of oxygen, which the body constantly needs for normal functioning. High-quality ventilation of the lungs provides the blood with a sufficient amount of oxygen, stimulating the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the lungs themselves.

It is worth noting the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing: being the deepest and most complete, it naturally massages the internal organs of the peritoneum and chest. Digestion processes improve, the pressure of the diaphragm during exhalation stimulates the pericardium.

Lead to deterioration of metabolic processes at the cellular level. Toxins are not eliminated on time, creating a favorable environment for the development of diseases. Some of the gas exchange functions are transferred to the skin, which leads to its withering and the development of dermatological diseases.

Pathological types of breathing

There are several that are divided into groups depending on the cause of pulmonary ventilation disorders. Dysregulation can cause:

  • bradypnea - depression of respiratory functions, the patient performs less than 12 respiratory cycles per minute;
  • tachypnea - too frequent and shallow breathing (more than 24 respiratory cycles per minute);
  • hypernoea - frequent and deep breathing associated with intense reflex and humoral stimulation in various diseases;
  • apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing, associated with a decrease in the excitability of the respiratory center due to brain damage or as a result of anesthesia; reflex cessation of breathing is also possible.

Periodic breathing is a process in which breathing alternates with apnea. Two types of such oxygen supply to the body have been identified, which are named: Cheyne-Stokes respiration and Biot respiration.

The first is characterized by increasing deep movements, gradually decreasing until apnea lasting 5-10 seconds. The second consists of normal respiratory cycles alternating with short-term apnea. The development of periodic breathing provokes primarily disturbances of the respiratory center due to injuries or diseases of the brain.

Terminal types of breathing

Irreversible disturbances in the respiratory process eventually lead to complete cessation of breathing. There are several types of fatal activity:

  • Kussmaul breathing is deep and noisy, characteristic of toxin poisoning, hypoxia, diabetic and uremic coma;
  • apneustic - long inhalation and short exhalation, characteristic of brain injuries, severe toxic effects;
  • Gasping breathing is a sign of deep hypoxia, hypercapnia, rare inhalations 10-20 seconds before exhalation (common in serious pathological conditions).

It is worth noting that with successful resuscitation of the patient, it is possible to restore respiratory function to normal.

Ordinary atmospheric air, suitable for breathing by people and other living beings, is a multicomponent mixture of gases. The main part of its volume is nitrogen, the share of which reaches approximately 78%. In second place in terms of this indicator is oxygen, which accounts for about 21% of air volume. Thus, in total these two gases make up about 99% of the volume of air.

The remaining 1-1.5% of volume for the most part account for argon and carbon dioxide, as well as a small amount of other gases - neon, helium, xenon and others. At the same time, the share of carbon dioxide in ordinary atmospheric air that is not subject to any influence is most often about 0.3% by volume.

Exhaled air

At the same time, the composition of air, which is obtained as a result of the human respiratory process, differs significantly from the original one in the content of a number of elements. Thus, it is known that in the process of breathing the human body consumes oxygen, so it is natural that its amount in the exhaled air is significantly less than in the inhaled air. If the initial composition of the air contained about 21% oxygen, then the exhaled air will contain only about 15.4%.

Another significant change that occurs in the air during breathing concerns the carbon dioxide content. So, if in the air entering the human body its content usually does not exceed 0.3% of the volume, then in the air leaving the body the volume of carbon dioxide reaches 4%. This is due to the fact that during operation human body its organs and tissues emit carbon dioxide, which is eliminated during respiration. But the content of other gases in the exhaled air practically does not change relative to the original. This is due to the fact that for the human body they are inert, that is, they do not interact with it in any way - they are not absorbed or excreted.

It is worth keeping in mind that the air exhaled by a person changes not only its composition, but also some physical characteristics. Its temperature approaches the temperature of the human body, which is normally 36.6°C. Thus, if a person inhales cold air, his temperature will increase, and if he inhales hot air, his temperature will decrease. In addition, exhaled air is usually characterized by more high level humidity compared to inhaled.

Every day we take about 20 thousand breaths. It is enough to stop the flow of oxygen into the blood for 7–8 minutes for irreversible changes to occur in the cerebral cortex. Air supports many biochemical reactions in our body. And our health largely depends on its quality.

Atmospheric air at the Earth's surface normally consists of nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.95%), and carbon dioxide (0.03–0.04%). The remaining gases together occupy less than 1% by volume, these include argon, xenon, neon, helium, hydrogen, radon and others. However, emissions industrial enterprises and transport violate this ratio of components. In Moscow alone, from 1 to 1.2 million tons of harmful chemicals per year are released into the air, that is, 100–150 kg for each of the 12 million residents of Moscow. It’s worth thinking about what we breathe and what can help us resist this “gas attack.”

Shortest way

The human lungs have a surface area of ​​up to 100 m2, which is 50 times greater than the area of ​​the skin. In them, the air is in direct contact with the blood, in which almost all of the substances contained in it dissolve. From the lungs, bypassing the detoxification organ - the liver, they act on the body 80-100 times stronger than through the gastrointestinal tract when swallowed.

The air we breathe is polluted by about 280 toxic compounds. These are salts of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, Ni, Zn), oxides of nitrogen and carbon, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, etc. In calm weather, all these harmful compounds settle and create a dense layer near the ground - smog. Influenced ultraviolet rays During the hot period, harmful gas mixtures are converted into more harmful substances - photooxidants. Every day a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air. And in a month in a large city it can accumulate a toxic dose. As a result, immunity decreases and respiratory and neurological diseases occur. Children especially suffer from this.

We are taking action

1. Tea made from calendula, chamomile, sea buckthorn and rose hips will help protect the body from the penetration of heavy metals into cells.

2. Some plants, for example, coriander (cilantro), are successfully used to remove toxic substances. According to experts, you need to eat at least 5 g of this plant per day (about 1 tsp).

3. Garlic, sesame seeds, ginseng and many other products also have the ability to bind and remove heavy metals plant origin. Apple juice, which contains a lot of pectins - natural adsorbents, is also effective.

City without oxygen

Residents of the metropolis constantly experience a lack of oxygen due to industrial emissions and pollution. Thus, when burning 1 kg of coal or firewood, more than 2 kg of oxygen is consumed. One car absorbs as much oxygen in 2 hours of operation as a tree releases in 2 years.

The oxygen concentration in the air is often only 15–18%, while the norm is about 20%. At first glance, this is a small difference - only 3-5%, but for our body it is quite noticeable. Oxygen levels in the air of 10% or below are lethal to humans. Unfortunately, there is not enough oxygen in natural conditions exists only in city parks (20.8%), suburban forests (21.6%) and on the shores of seas and oceans (21.9%). The situation is aggravated by the fact that every 10 years the area of ​​the lungs decreases by 5%.

Oxygen increases mental capacity, the body’s resistance to stress, stimulates the coordinated functioning of internal organs, improves immunity, promotes weight loss, and normalizes sleep. Scientists have calculated that if there were 2 times more oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere, we could run hundreds of kilometers without getting tired.

Oxygen makes up 90% of the mass of a water molecule. The body contains 65–75% water. The brain makes up 2% of the total body weight and consumes 20% of the oxygen entering the body. Without oxygen, cells do not grow and die.

We are taking action

1. To adequately saturate the body with oxygen, you need to walk in the forest for at least one hour every day. Over the course of one year, a typical tree produces the amount of oxygen required for a family of 4 people over the same period.

2. To replenish the oxygen deficiency in the body, doctors recommend drinking salted and mineral alkaline water, lactic acid drinks (skim milk, whey), and juices.

3. Oxygen cocktails help get rid of hypoxia. In terms of its effect on the body, a small portion of a cocktail is equivalent to a full-fledged walk in the forest.

4. Oxygen therapy is a breathing-based treatment technique gas mixture with increased (relative to the oxygen content in the air) oxygen concentration.

Home trap

According to WHO experts, city dwellers spend about 80% of their time indoors. Scientists have found that indoor air is 4–6 times dirtier than outside air and 8–10 times more toxic. This is formaldehyde and phenol from furniture, some types of synthetic fabrics, carpets, harmful substances from building materials(for example, carbamide from cement can release ammonia), dust, pet hair, etc. At the same time, in urban areas there is much less oxygen, which leads to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) in people.

A gas stove can also negatively affect the atmosphere in the house. The air in gasified buildings, compared to outside air, contains 2.5 times more harmful nitrogen oxides, 50 times more sulfur-containing substances, 30–40% more phenol, and 50–60% more carbon oxides.

But the main scourge of indoor spaces is carbon dioxide, the main source of which is humans. We exhale from 18 to 25 liters of this gas per hour. Recent studies by foreign scientists have shown that carbon dioxide negatively affects the human body even in low concentrations. In residential premises, carbon dioxide should not exceed 0.1%. In a room with a carbon dioxide concentration of 3–4%, a person suffocates, and headache, tinnitus, slow pulse. However, in small quantities (0.03–0.04%) carbon dioxide is necessary to maintain physiological processes.

We are taking action

1. It is very important that the air in the room is “light”, i.e. ionized. With a decrease in the number of air ions, oxygen is less absorbed by red blood cells, and hypoxia is possible. The air of cities contains only 50–100 light ions per 1 cm³, and tens of thousands of heavy (uncharged) ions. In the mountains the highest air ionization is 800–1000 per 1 cm³ or more.

2. According to a study conducted by the US space agency, some houseplants act as effective biofilters. Chlorophytum and nephrolepis fern help in the fight against formaldehyde. Xylene and toluene, which are released, for example, by varnishes, are neutralized by Ficus Benjamin. Azalea can cope with ammonia compounds. Sansevieria, philodendron, ivy, and dieffenbachia produce a lot of oxygen and absorb harmful substances.

3. Don’t forget about regular ventilation. This is especially important in the bedroom, where people spend a third of their lives.

Dangers on the road

Motor transport supplies the lion's share of air pollutants: for Moscow it is about 93%, for St. Petersburg - 71%. There are almost 4 million cars in Moscow, and their number is growing every year. By 2015, experts believe that Moscow's vehicle fleet will amount to more than 5 million vehicles. In a month, the average passenger car burns as much oxygen as 1 hectare of forest produces in a year, while annually releasing approximately 800 kg of carbon monoxide, about 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and about 200 kg of various hydrocarbons.

The most serious danger for those who frequently use cars is carbon monoxide. It binds to blood hemoglobin 200 times faster than oxygen. Experiments conducted in the USA showed that due to the influence of carbon monoxide, people who spend a lot of time driving have impaired reaction. At a carbon monoxide concentration of 6 mg/m3 for 20 minutes, the color and light sensitivity of the eyes decreases. Under the influence of large amounts of carbon monoxide, fainting, coma, and even death can occur.

We are taking action

1. Lactic enzymes and acids remove carbon monoxide breakdown products. With normal tolerance, you can drink up to a liter of milk per day.

2. To neutralize the effects of carbon monoxide, it is recommended to eat as many fruits as possible: green apples, grapefruits, as well as honey and walnuts.

Kind with healthy

German scientists have found that sexual arousal activates the cardiovascular system and increases blood flow. As a result, tissues are better saturated with oxygen and the risk of heart attack or stroke is reduced by 50%.

What does the metro breathe?

Scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have concluded that more than 5 thousand Swedes die every year from inhaling microscopic particles of coal, asphalt, iron and other pollutants in the air of the Stockholm metro. These particles have a stronger destructive effect on human DNA than particles contained in car exhaust and formed as a result of burning wood fuel.

Sky over Moscow

According to Roshydromet observations, in 2011, the degree of air pollution in the cities of the Moscow region was assessed as: very high - in Moscow, high - in Serpukhov, increased - in Voskresensk, Klin, Kolomna, Mytishchi, Podolsk and Elektrostal, low - in Dzerzhinsky, Shchelkovo and Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve.