Deepak chopra eats by intuition. Deepak Chopra - Eating according to intuition without rules and diets. Chopra's revolutionary method. This book opened my eyes to myself.

Deepak Chopra

Eating according to intuition without rules or diets. Chopra's revolutionary method

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

WHAT ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with the publishing house Harmony Books (Crown Publishing Group, Random House LLC) with the assistance of the literary agency Synopsis (Russia).

© Deepak Chopra, 2013

© Dementienko Yu., translation, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Every chapter is a discovery!

A book that is not like all other books about diet and weight loss! After reading it, you will instantly get rid of the guilt about overeating. You will stop punishing yourself with food and finally begin to love your body! Each chapter is simply a discovery! And most importantly, Deepak Chopra’s method fits perfectly with any lifestyle and any daily routine! I read the book in 2 days and I became a different person! Now the motto of my life is PURITY and ENLIGHTENMENT. Thank you, Deepak Chopra!

Norma Adams, Los Angeles

This book opened my eyes to myself!

There are books that promise you quick results, but in reality you will have to work long and hard to lose even half a kilo. But this book promises something more! She promises you new life– and she really gives it! This book opened my eyes to myself. A person consists of 90% of his habits. Why does a fat person overeat? Yes, because he is bored, irritated or upset, tired or depressed. Deepak Chopra advises first to deal with your emotions. He tells us: giving up food is not an option. When you're feeling down, just take a deep breath and ask yourself, "What do I really want from life?" Deepak is not discouraging you from eating, he is just asking you to think about how you live. This book made me reconsider my entire life.

A. J. Kush, Ansonia

This book is a gift of the Spirit!

I have a rule: every year I choose a book that will inspire me. This book is my Inspiration 2014! I firmly believe that the Spirit gives us exactly what we need in this moment. This book is a gift of the Spirit, nothing more and nothing less.

Laurie A. Rieger, San Francisco

It gives exactly the motivation that a person needs!

Every time I pick up a book by Deepak Chopra, I feel pleasure! He writes so easily and clearly! And most importantly, it provides exactly the motivation that a person needs. Everyone wants to be slim and healthy. But such a desire cannot be a strong enough motivation. After all, each person is individual, each of us has our own “buttons” that include determination and will. Only when you are aware of every minute of your life, when you are not scattered about a thousand different things and thoughts, do you understand what can become such a “button” for you. And then everything happens on its own!

Sophia Jackson, Washington

I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks!

Thanks to Deepak Chopra's advice, I got rid of not only overeating, but also many other bad habits. I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks! Isn’t it happiness to fit into the tight old jeans that I wore as a girl?

Francesca Sin, New Orleans

Brief Review: Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Why will this help you?

Today we are seeing new health phenomena that have big influence on society.

Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States, faced the threat of a heart attack and switched to a vegan diet. As proof of the benefits of his new eating style, Mr. Clinton shared how great he now feels—and how great he looks.

An extensive study in Spain showed that people eating a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, nuts and olive oil cut their risk of having a heart attack by a third. These are the most important results in the field of diet research in many years. Now anyone who gives up red meat can consider their decision to be scientifically based. People are increasingly less willing to accept the presence of toxins in industrially processed foods. The words “organic food” can be heard everywhere. Never before have so many people become vegetarians, joining a lifestyle whose benefits have long been known. (In one survey, half of English women called themselves for the most part vegetarians.) In a world that cares about the environment and long-term sustainable development, there is no place for the polluting influence of pesticides and herbicides. People are waking up to the new reality, and very quickly a new style of eating is emerging.

I was caught up in this wave five years ago. By that time I was already eating “healthy”. I ate little red meat and curbed my cravings for obvious toxins like alcohol and tobacco. I enjoyed what I ate and ate what I enjoyed. But looking through

Current page: 1 (book has 22 pages total) [available reading passage: 15 pages]

Deepak Chopra
Eating according to intuition without rules or diets. Chopra's revolutionary method

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

WHAT ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with the publishing house Harmony Books (Crown Publishing Group, Random House LLC) with the assistance of the literary agency Synopsis (Russia).

© Deepak Chopra, 2013

© Dementienko Yu., translation, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Every chapter is a discovery!

A book that is not like all other books about diet and weight loss! After reading it, you will instantly get rid of the guilt about overeating. You will stop punishing yourself with food and finally begin to love your body! Each chapter is simply a discovery! And most importantly, Deepak Chopra’s method fits perfectly with any lifestyle and any daily routine! I read the book in 2 days and I became a different person! Now the motto of my life is PURITY and ENLIGHTENMENT. Thank you, Deepak Chopra!

Norma Adams, Los Angeles

This book opened my eyes to myself!

There are books that promise you quick results, but in reality you will have to work long and hard to lose even half a kilo. But this book promises something more! She promises you a new life - and she really gives it! This book opened my eyes to myself. A person consists of 90% of his habits. Why does a fat person overeat? Yes, because he is bored, irritated or upset, tired or depressed. Deepak Chopra advises first to deal with your emotions. He tells us: giving up food is not an option. When you're feeling down, just take a deep breath and ask yourself, "What do I really want from life?" Deepak is not discouraging you from eating, he is just asking you to think about how you live. This book made me reconsider my entire life.

A. J. Kush, Ansonia

This book is a gift of the Spirit!

I have a rule: every year I choose a book that will inspire me. This book is my Inspiration 2014! I firmly believe that the Spirit gives us exactly what we need at the moment. This book is a gift of the Spirit, nothing more and nothing less.

Laurie A. Rieger, San Francisco

It gives exactly the motivation that a person needs!

Every time I pick up a book by Deepak Chopra, I feel pleasure! He writes so easily and clearly! And most importantly, it provides exactly the motivation that a person needs. Everyone wants to be slim and healthy. But such a desire cannot be a strong enough motivation. After all, each person is individual, each of us has our own “buttons” that include determination and will. Only when you are aware of every minute of your life, when you are not scattered about a thousand different things and thoughts, do you understand what can become such a “button” for you. And then everything happens on its own!

Sophia Jackson, Washington

I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks!

Thanks to Deepak Chopra's advice, I got rid of not only overeating, but also many other bad habits. I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks! Isn’t it happiness to fit into the tight old jeans that I wore as a girl?

Francesca Sin, New Orleans

Brief Review: Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Why will this help you?

Today we are seeing new health phenomena that are having a major impact on society.

Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States, faced the threat of a heart attack and switched to a vegan diet. As proof of the benefits of his new eating style, Mr. Clinton shared how great he now feels—and how great he looks.

An extensive study in Spain showed that people eating a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, nuts and olive oil cut their risk of having a heart attack by a third. These are the most important results in the field of diet research in many years. Now anyone who gives up red meat can consider their decision to be scientifically based. People are increasingly less willing to accept the presence of toxins in industrially processed foods. The words “organic food” can be heard everywhere. Never before have so many people become vegetarians, joining a lifestyle whose benefits have long been known. (In one survey, half of English women described themselves as mostly vegetarian.) In a world that cares about the environment and long-term sustainability, there is no place for the polluting influence of pesticides and herbicides. People are waking up to the new reality, and very quickly a new style of eating is emerging.

I was caught up in this wave five years ago. By that time I was already eating “healthy”. I ate little red meat and curbed my cravings for obvious toxins like alcohol and tobacco. I enjoyed what I ate and ate what I enjoyed. But looking through medical literature, I have seen new data appear every day. New research suggests that sugar consumption and obesity are closely linked, and that alcohol intake and sleep disturbances, eating simple carbohydrates and diabetes are also linked. Many of these discoveries related to the problem of excess weight.

Data about why the body gains weight was accumulating, and it all pointed in the same direction. Even then, I could easily deduce a formula for how to prevent extra pounds from appearing. Only habit and carelessness kept me from making the most of the connection that exists between food, body and mind.

Meanwhile, I weighed nine kilograms more than normal.

Despite his " proper nutrition", I joined the sad statistic, joining the two-thirds of Americans who are overweight or obese. I was included in this number despite my medical education, motivation, good habits and the absence of many toxins in my diet. In addition, I had the opportunity to choose any food I wanted.

I also knew that going on a diet was futile  -  looking at the many studies that have proven time and time again that diets have the opposite effect, causing you to not only regain all the pounds you lost when you stop, but also gain 2-4 kilogram on top. The extra pounds are your body's way of telling you, “You tried to deprive me of food. Don't do that again."

● I decided to follow a research-based eating plan and got the hang of it almost instantly. I had so much medical knowledge that it would be a sin for me not to do this.

● I eliminated all processed foods.

● I ate the cleanest food, always natural, as organic as possible.

● I completely gave up alcohol, as well as fermented foods such as cheese.

● I stopped eating refined white sugar.

● I have significantly reduced the amount of salt in my diet.

● I gave up red meat, mostly including chicken and fish, and planned to become a vegetarian in the future.

● Drank clean water.

●Make sure you get enough sleep.

Since everything in the body is interconnected, getting a good night's sleep also became part of my new eating style. Lack of sleep disrupts the balance of hormones (leptin and ghrelin) responsible for feelings of hunger and satiety. People who don't get enough sleep gain weight easily excess weight, because their body stops sending the correct hormonal messages to the brain. Fat accumulating in the abdominal area also disrupts the proper regulation of these hormones. And this leads to an ever-repeating vicious circle that is not only unhealthy, but also potentially dangerous.

It didn't bother me that I was becoming a clean food junkie. My choice was not forced on me. I was free from worry or fear. It’s just that the “normal” American style of eating, in my eyes, has reached the point of absurdity. The average American eats 68 kilograms of sugar per year — an incredible amount of empty calories that completely disrupt normal insulin and blood sugar levels. As for our habit of eating processed foods, which make up 70 % of the American diet, just look at your local supermarket. Cookies, crackers and other similar foods fill entire aisles, along with sodas, frozen pizza boxes and ice cream. Economic laws dictate their will, and if these goods were not so in demand, they would not take up so much space on store shelves.

So I don't think it's fanaticism to eat naturally and take into account existing medical knowledge. This is what is now receiving widespread public support. We need to pay attention to this, because for a long time society was not sufficiently interested in the fact that our diet is incorrect.

I started “eating mindfully.”

The steps I took made me feel great. There was a great lightness in my body, and this happened even before I lost eight and a half kilograms, which melted away completely unnoticed. I stopped being distracted while eating, such as talking on the phone, and instead completely enjoyed the taste of what I was eating. I also did not deny myself food. Every meal filled me up because my nutrition was now in harmony with my body, and this in turn improved my mood. I've always been a pretty energetic person, but now I was full of strength and energy like never before.

And what pleased me most was the reaction of other people. When I told them about mindful eating, they nodded in agreement. Most of them have already walked the same path as me. A lot of people supported me. Looking back, I see that the collective consciousness was ready to move to a new level of awareness many years ago.

When I started writing the book, I was sure that even more people would want to join this new movement. They don't need to be converted because they already want their diet to be healthy. However, something may prevent them from realizing their intentions:

● bad habits and previous conditioning;

● fear of change and family reluctance to face change;

● stubborn belief that the next diet will help;

● discouraged by your excess weight;

● previous unsuccessful attempts to lose weight;

● attachment to certain foods, especially salty, sweet and fatty foods.

● lack of time, which encourages consumption of processed, unhealthy food and quick snacks at McDonald's.

This is an ominous list. In the lives of millions of people, the things listed in it turn out to be huge obstacles. In fact, it's amazing that this new style of eating has become so popular  - just look at the massive TV ads that lavishly use fashionable adjectives like "natural", "light" and "nutritious" in order to sell nothing more than industrially processed food , while advertising for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and organic foods is almost non-existent.

To overcome the obstacles that lead to excess weight, I will not recommend what has been repeated for decades. All these tips are good. The only thing they lack is an answer to the question: how to achieve the desired changes? The key here is awareness, because we have all been taught to harm our health by:

● we use food to achieve emotional comfort and relieve tension Everyday life;

● we eat automatically, without thinking about what is on our plate;

● we lose control over our appetite;

● we take larger and larger portions;

● we reach for the most quickly available food that can satiate our hunger.

These obstacles to a healthy eating style have a common root -  and it is in the mind. The body is a physical reflection of the choices we make throughout life. Knowledge is important, but a few more good tips will not solve the problem. The solution lies in changing the degree of our awareness.

I decided to show people how life-changing mindfulness works, how you can achieve it, and why it is important. In other words, the most best tips, even if they lead to better nutrition, still leave us limited by our ideas about the body. Always strictly adhering to “proper nutrition” and following a constant set of rules, among other things, is not very pleasant. But greater awareness will easily change all your deeply ingrained, self-destructive habits. We can't control what we don't even know. If a pebble gets into your shoe, you will immediately shake it out. The pain you feel will immediately let you know that something is wrong. With food the situation is different. Most often, the body does not send signals about errors in nutrition, and the harm it causes spreads quietly, imperceptibly and gradually. You need to reach a new level of self-awareness in order to notice that something wrong is happening inside. Only then can we begin to change this.

If you are overweight, or you feel lethargic and lack energy, or you don’t like the way you look, and you used to be happier with how you felt and looked than you –  this book is for you. It will bring many surprises and discoveries, the main one of which is that ideal weight is the most natural state of your body. Your body can be your ally in discovering a better lifestyle, and not just when it comes to losing weight. Mindfulness contains many unexpected discoveries; I call it “applied wisdom.”

Let's start!

This journey is amazing and you too can join the new wave of craze healthy eating with genuine enthusiasm, knowing how much better you will look and how great you will feel.

Food, body weight and hunger

If you want to get back to your ideal weight, you have two options to choose from. You can go on a diet or do something else. This book is precisely about the fact that diet is not a cause, but a consequence. I'll try to explain. Food restrictions are based on dubious motivations, due to which the diet rarely leads to the achievement of desired goals. You choose the path of deprivation and denial of your needs. Every day of the diet turns into a struggle with hunger and efforts to maintain self-control. Is it possible to live a more joyless life?

To part with extra pounds was successful, it should be enjoyable -  this is what will help you when you realize that dieting will lead to nothing. When you stop fighting the hunger signals your body sends, these impulses will turn from enemies to allies. If you trust your body to decide what it needs, it will in turn take care of you rather than strike back. It is important to clarify and clarify the messages exchanged between the body and mind.

In my medical training, I was taught to think about hunger in terms of the rise and fall of certain hormones. Hunger is one of the most powerful chemical messages the body sends to the brain. Normally, it should not be so that an individual can feel hungry immediately after eating or that, having had a snack in the afternoon, a person then has a second and third snack. But this has happened to me  –  as well as to millions of other people  –  which means that hunger can be felt even when there is no need for food.

It is the feeling of hunger that needs to be changed if you see that you are overeating. Food cravings and false hunger are different from fueling your body with the fuel it needs. The body is not a gas-guzzling machine. It is the physical expression of thousands of messages sent to the brain that shape its responses. The way you eat is influenced by your self-image, habits and memories. The key to maintaining a healthy weight is the mind, and when the mind is satisfied, the body stops craving excess food.

The mind-body approach is effective because it requires only one thing: finding something that brings satisfaction. Food alone cannot satisfy us. You must nourish:

● body  –  healthy food;

● heart  –  joy, compassion, love;

● reason  –  knowledge and understanding;

● spirit  –  spiritual balance and self-awareness.

Mindfulness makes all this possible. But if you neglect to take care of these aspects of life, satisfaction becomes increasingly less achievable.

It seems like a paradox, but to lose weight, you must feel full. If you are satisfied with pleasures of a different kind, food will cease to be a problem. She was never supposed to be a problem. Food is a very natural way to feel satisfied. Overeating  –  not at all. For centuries in honor important events people held feasts, and some of these celebrations, such as a wedding banquet or a retirement dinner, can be remembered for a lifetime. What child doesn't light up with joy when the birthday cake arrives? But the delight that food brings makes overeating a specific, and in many ways unique, problem. A feeling of happiness that is good for us turns into something that is very harmful to us.

You too are currently somewhere on this scale, which demonstrates the connection between nutrition and well-being:

Normal foodBinge eatingFood addictionFood addiction.

Normal food brings excellent well-being.

Binge eating brings pleasure at the moment of eating, but leads to adverse consequences in the long term.

● In concession food cravings there is nothing good  –  almost immediately it causes regret, guilt and dissatisfaction with oneself.

● Condition food addiction causes suffering, leads to deterioration of health and deprives self-esteem.

The slide into overeating and gaining excess weight begins with what is truly good: the natural pleasure and benefits of food. (The same cannot be said about drugs and alcohol, which poison the body even when you are not addicted to them.) Food nourishes us, but when we eat poorly, we oscillate between short-term pleasure (such as delicious chocolate ice cream) and long-term suffering (from numerous disadvantages that are present every minute in life due to excess weight).

So why is normal eating starting to become problematic? The answer is simple: due to lack of satisfaction. You start eating more than you need to compensate for the lack of something else. Looking back on my medical internship in my younger years, I see that poor eating habits develop gradually. I usually returned home tired, after a difficult shift in the hospital. I kept going over a dozen work situations in my head. I worried about critically ill patients. And at home a loving wife and home-cooked food were waiting for me.

In terms of getting enough calories, dinner fit the bill. You need to look at the situation from the point of view of the human personality in order to notice hidden problems. At work, I drank coffee from the machine and snacked on the go. Due to lack of sleep, I didn't even notice what I ate. The minute I walked in the door, I was usually drinking something, and there was always a half-empty pack of cigarettes somewhere nearby.

In the seventies, I was an ordinary working man, and I had the same habits as all the young doctors I knew. I considered myself infinitely happy because a loving wife and two beautiful kids were waiting for me at home. But the greed with which I fell for a delicious home-cooked dinner, along with other signs of stress eating, set a completely wrong eating pattern. Ironically, I considered myself pretty self-aware back then.

It was only by achieving a much greater level of awareness that I was able to turn the page — and that is the solution I offer you in this book. No matter how much harm poor nutrition has already caused your body  –  the body can always restore balance.

First of all, you need to stop interfering with Nature. In its natural state, the brain controls hunger automatically. When blood sugar levels drop below a certain level, a message is sent to an amygdala-sized area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating hunger. When the hypothalamus receives a message that your blood sugar levels are falling, it releases hormones that make you feel hungry, and after you eat enough, the hormone levels in your blood change again so that you no longer feel hungry. This mechanism feedback between the blood and the brain has been working on its own for millions of years. Every animal that has a spinal cord (vertebrate) also has a hypothalamus, which makes sense since hunger is a very primary impulse.

But in humans, hunger regulation is easily disrupted. Our emotional state can provoke gluttony or completely block the desire to eat. We may become distracted and forget about food, or we may become obsessed with food and think about it all day. However, we are always in search of satisfaction. Many things in life can satisfy us besides food. Desires stem from our needs, starting with the most basic:

● Everyone needs a feeling of safety and security.

● Everyone needs to feel full.

● Everyone needs to feel loved and accepted.

● Everyone needs to feel that their life is important and meaningful.

If these desires are satisfied, food will be just one pleasure among many. However, countless people turn to food to fill the gap of what they actually want. Replacing one thing with another becomes habitual, and often people don’t even notice what’s happening. Are you in exactly this situation? Here are some typical signs that this may be the case.

● You don't feel safe until you overwhelm your senses with too much food. Dullness brings a kind of calm that lasts for some time.

● You don't feel full until your taste buds are overstimulated by sweet, salty, or fatty foods.

● You don't feel loved or appreciated and you eat to "give yourself some love."

● Your life lacks meaning, but at least while you are eating, the inner emptiness can be ignored at least a little.

If we stop being so obsessed with dieting and calorie counting, the story of excess weight in America will be a story of dissatisfaction. The best food in the world is at our disposal, but we eat the worst. We have every opportunity to grow and develop, but instead we feel empty. My goal is to help you achieve a state of contentment. Once this starts happening, you will no longer eat for the wrong reasons. The path to this is simple, but has a deep meaning: every step towards normalizing weight should bring satisfaction. You don't have to psychoanalyze yourself; you can simply let go of your preoccupation with your body and stop living in a state of frustration and dissatisfaction. There is only one principle to apply: the essence of life –  is to achieve satisfaction. If your life doesn't bring you joy, your stomach will never be able to make up for what it lost.

Deepak Chopra

Eating according to intuition without rules or diets. Chopra's revolutionary method

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

WHAT ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with the publishing house Harmony Books (Crown Publishing Group, Random House LLC) with the assistance of the literary agency Synopsis (Russia).

© Deepak Chopra, 2013

© Dementienko Yu., translation, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Every chapter is a discovery!

A book that is not like all other books about diet and weight loss! After reading it, you will instantly get rid of the guilt about overeating. You will stop punishing yourself with food and finally begin to love your body! Each chapter is simply a discovery! And most importantly, Deepak Chopra’s method fits perfectly with any lifestyle and any daily routine! I read the book in 2 days and I became a different person! Now the motto of my life is PURITY and ENLIGHTENMENT. Thank you, Deepak Chopra!

Norma Adams, Los Angeles

This book opened my eyes to myself!

There are books that promise you quick results, but in reality you will have to work long and hard to lose even half a kilo. But this book promises something more! She promises you a new life - and she really gives it! This book opened my eyes to myself. A person consists of 90% of his habits. Why does a fat person overeat? Yes, because he is bored, irritated or upset, tired or depressed. Deepak Chopra advises first to deal with your emotions. He tells us: giving up food is not an option. When you're feeling down, just take a deep breath and ask yourself, "What do I really want from life?" Deepak is not discouraging you from eating, he is just asking you to think about how you live. This book made me reconsider my entire life.

A. J. Kush, Ansonia

This book is a gift of the Spirit!

I have a rule: every year I choose a book that will inspire me. This book is my Inspiration 2014! I firmly believe that the Spirit gives us exactly what we need at the moment. This book is a gift of the Spirit, nothing more and nothing less.

Laurie A. Rieger, San Francisco

It gives exactly the motivation that a person needs!

Every time I pick up a book by Deepak Chopra, I feel pleasure! He writes so easily and clearly! And most importantly, it provides exactly the motivation that a person needs. Everyone wants to be slim and healthy. But such a desire cannot be a strong enough motivation. After all, each person is individual, each of us has our own “buttons” that include determination and will. Only when you are aware of every minute of your life, when you are not scattered about a thousand different things and thoughts, do you understand what can become such a “button” for you. And then everything happens on its own!

Sophia Jackson, Washington

I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks!

Thanks to Deepak Chopra's advice, I got rid of not only overeating, but also many other bad habits. I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks! Isn’t it happiness to fit into the tight old jeans that I wore as a girl?

Francesca Sin, New Orleans

Brief Review: Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Why will this help you?

Today we are seeing new health phenomena that are having a major impact on society.

Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States, faced the threat of a heart attack and switched to a vegan diet. As proof of the benefits of his new eating style, Mr. Clinton shared how great he now feels—and how great he looks.

An extensive study in Spain showed that people eating a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, nuts and olive oil cut their risk of having a heart attack by a third. These are the most important results in the field of diet research in many years. Now anyone who gives up red meat can consider their decision to be scientifically based. People are increasingly less willing to accept the presence of toxins in industrially processed foods. The words “organic food” can be heard everywhere. Never before have so many people become vegetarians, joining a lifestyle whose benefits have long been known. (In one survey, half of English women described themselves as mostly vegetarian.) In a world that cares about the environment and long-term sustainability, there is no place for the polluting influence of pesticides and herbicides. People are waking up to the new reality, and very quickly a new style of eating is emerging.

I was caught up in this wave five years ago. By that time I was already eating “healthy”. I ate little red meat and curbed my cravings for obvious toxins like alcohol and tobacco. I enjoyed what I ate and ate what I enjoyed. But looking through the medical literature, I saw that new data appeared every day. New research suggests that sugar consumption and obesity are closely linked, and that alcohol intake and sleep disturbances, eating simple carbohydrates and diabetes are also linked. Many of these discoveries related to the problem of excess weight.

Data about why the body gains weight was accumulating, and it all pointed in the same direction. Even then, I could easily deduce a formula for how to prevent extra pounds from appearing. Only habit and carelessness kept me from making the most of the connection that exists between food, body and mind.

Meanwhile, I weighed nine kilograms more than normal.

Despite my “healthy diet,” I joined the sad statistic, joining the two-thirds of Americans who are overweight or obese. I was included in this number despite my medical education, motivation, good habits and the absence of many toxins in my diet. In addition, I had the opportunity to choose any food I wanted.

I also knew that going on a diet was futile  -  looking at the many studies that have proven time and time again that diets have the opposite effect, causing you to not only regain all the pounds you lost when you stop, but also gain 2-4 kilogram on top. The extra pounds are your body's way of telling you, “You tried to deprive me of food. Don't do that again."

● I decided to follow a research-based eating plan and got the hang of it almost instantly. I had so much medical knowledge that it would be a sin for me not to do this.

● I eliminated all processed foods.

● I ate the cleanest food, always natural, as organic as possible.

● I completely gave up alcohol, as well as fermented foods such as cheese.

● I stopped eating refined white sugar.

● I have significantly reduced the amount of salt in my diet.

● I gave up red meat, mostly including chicken and fish, and planned to become a vegetarian in the future.

● Drank clean water.

●Make sure you get enough sleep.

Since everything in the body is interconnected, getting a good night's sleep also became part of my new eating style. Lack of sleep disrupts the balance of hormones (leptin and ghrelin) responsible for feelings of hunger and satiety. People who don't get enough sleep easily gain weight because their body stops sending the right hormonal messages to the brain. Fat accumulating in the abdominal area also disrupts the proper regulation of these hormones. And this leads to an ever-repeating vicious circle that is not only unhealthy, but also potentially dangerous.

It didn't bother me that I was becoming a clean food junkie. My choice was not forced on me. I was free from worry or fear. It’s just that the “normal” American style of eating, in my eyes, has reached the point of absurdity. The average American eats 68 kilograms of sugar per year — an incredible amount of empty calories that completely disrupt normal insulin and blood sugar levels. As for our habit of eating processed foods, which make up 70 % of the American diet, just look at your local supermarket. Cookies, crackers and other similar foods fill entire aisles, along with sodas, frozen pizza boxes and ice cream. Economic laws dictate their will, and if these goods were not so in demand, they would not take up so much space on store shelves.

Deepak Chopra

Eating according to intuition without rules or diets. Chopra's revolutionary method

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

WHAT ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with the publishing house Harmony Books (Crown Publishing Group, Random House LLC) with the assistance of the literary agency Synopsis (Russia).

© Deepak Chopra, 2013

© Dementienko Yu., translation, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Every chapter is a discovery!

A book that is not like all other books about diet and weight loss! After reading it, you will instantly get rid of the guilt about overeating. You will stop punishing yourself with food and finally begin to love your body! Each chapter is simply a discovery! And most importantly, Deepak Chopra’s method fits perfectly with any lifestyle and any daily routine! I read the book in 2 days and I became a different person! Now the motto of my life is PURITY and ENLIGHTENMENT. Thank you, Deepak Chopra!

Norma Adams, Los Angeles

This book opened my eyes to myself!

There are books that promise you quick results, but in reality you will have to work long and hard to lose even half a kilo. But this book promises something more! She promises you a new life - and she really gives it! This book opened my eyes to myself. A person consists of 90% of his habits. Why does a fat person overeat? Yes, because he is bored, irritated or upset, tired or depressed. Deepak Chopra advises first to deal with your emotions. He tells us: giving up food is not an option. When you're feeling down, just take a deep breath and ask yourself, "What do I really want from life?" Deepak is not discouraging you from eating, he is just asking you to think about how you live. This book made me reconsider my entire life.

A. J. Kush, Ansonia

This book is a gift of the Spirit!

I have a rule: every year I choose a book that will inspire me. This book is my Inspiration 2014! I firmly believe that the Spirit gives us exactly what we need at the moment. This book is a gift of the Spirit, nothing more and nothing less.

Laurie A. Rieger, San Francisco

It gives exactly the motivation that a person needs!

Every time I pick up a book by Deepak Chopra, I feel pleasure! He writes so easily and clearly! And most importantly, it provides exactly the motivation that a person needs. Everyone wants to be slim and healthy. But such a desire cannot be a strong enough motivation. After all, each person is individual, each of us has our own “buttons” that include determination and will. Only when you are aware of every minute of your life, when you are not scattered about a thousand different things and thoughts, do you understand what can become such a “button” for you. And then everything happens on its own!

Sophia Jackson, Washington

I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks!

Thanks to Deepak Chopra's advice, I got rid of not only overeating, but also many other bad habits. I lost 8 pounds in just two weeks! Isn’t it happiness to fit into the tight old jeans that I wore as a girl?

Francesca Sin, New Orleans

Brief Review: Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Why will this help you?

Today we are seeing new health phenomena that are having a major impact on society.

Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States, faced the threat of a heart attack and switched to a vegan diet. As proof of the benefits of his new eating style, Mr. Clinton shared how great he now feels—and how great he looks.

An extensive study in Spain showed that people eating a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, nuts and olive oil cut their risk of having a heart attack by a third. These are the most important results in the field of diet research in many years. Now anyone who gives up red meat can consider their decision to be scientifically based. People are increasingly less willing to accept the presence of toxins in industrially processed foods. The words “organic food” can be heard everywhere. Never before have so many people become vegetarians, joining a lifestyle whose benefits have long been known. (In one survey, half of English women described themselves as mostly vegetarian.) In a world that cares about the environment and long-term sustainability, there is no place for the polluting influence of pesticides and herbicides. People are waking up to the new reality, and very quickly a new style of eating is emerging.