Fine and expressive means of the Russian language. Visual and expressive means of language II. Figures of speech

TRAILS- words and expressions used by the author of the text in a figurative meaning.

EPITHET- this is a figurative definition that answers the question what? which? which? which? and usually expressed by an adjective. The epithet differs from the usual definition in its artistic expressiveness; it conveys the author’s feeling for the depicted object, creating a living, vivid idea of ​​it.

Throughwavy the moon creeps through the fogs,sad the glade sheds a sad light. (A.S. Pushkin)

PERSONALIZATION- attribution of human qualities, actions, emotions to objects, nature, abstract concepts.

Storm the sky is covered with darkness, snow whirlwinds are spinning: then like a beast, she will howl, thenwill cry like a child (A.S. Pushkin)

The earth sleeps in a blue glow (M.Yu. Lermontov)

COMPARISON- comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other, to identify new important properties in the object of comparison. Most often, comparisons are introduced into a sentence with the help of conjunctions AS, EXACTLY, AS WELL, AS IF.

The ice is fragile on the icy river,like melting sugar lies (N.A. Nekrasov)

METAPHOR- transfer of properties from one object to another based on their similarity

The basis of a metaphor is a comparison, but it is not formalized using comparative conjunctions, which is why the metaphor is called a hidden comparison.

A metaphor can easily be converted into a comparison using the words AS, LIKE, SIMILAR.

Empty skies transparent glass;

The Crimson Fire of Sunset (I.A. Bunin)

(The skies are clear as glass = transparent glass of heaven; Sunset is like a crimson bonfire = crimson bonfire of sunset)

METONYMY- allegorical designation of the subject of speech, “renaming”, replacement of one concept with another that has a causal connection with it

A) the name of the vessel is used to mean what is contained in this vessel;

C) the name of the place of action replaces the name of the people who are in this place;

D) a detail of appearance or clothing is used instead of a person’s name.

All flags will visit us (A.S. Pushkin) (that is, the port city will receive ships with flags of all countries of the world.)

I ate three plates (I.A. Krylov)

I drank the whole bottle.

I read Apuleius willingly, but did not read Cicero (A.S. Pushkin).

I read all of Turgenev.

Violent Rome rejoices (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Gray helmets with a red star shouted to the white crowd: “Stop!”

(V.V. Mayakovsky) SYNECDOCHE

- a type of metonymy when the name of a part is used instead of the name of the whole or vice versa

A) the singular is used instead of the plural;

B) the plural is used instead of the singular;

C) a generic concept instead of a specific one;

D) a specific concept instead of a generic one.And you could hear it until dawn, right?

forged by a Frenchman. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

We all look at Napoleons. (A.S. Pushkin)

Well, sit down, it was shining (i.e. the sun). (V. Mayakovsky)

Most of all, save a penny (i.e. money). (N.V. Gogol) HYPERBOLA

- excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted objectA yawn tears wider than Mexi's mouth

Kansky Bay (V.V. Mayakovsky)

The sunset glowed with a hundred thousand suns (V.V. Mayakovsky). LITOTES

- excessive understatement of the properties of the depicted object or phenomenon

Your Pomeranian, your lovely Pomeranian, is no bigger than a thimble! (A.S. Griboedov) IRONY

- hidden ridicule; using a word or expression in a contrary sense to its literal meaning

How come, smart one, are you delirious, head? (address to the donkey in I. Krylov’s fable). PERIPHRASE

- Descriptive speech, replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of its distinctive features or an indication of its characteristic features. Used to avoid speech repetition. King of beasts (instead of lion) Our little brothers (instead of

animals) Techniques - special syntactic constructions that give expressiveness to speech (often):

figures of speech ANTITHESIS (CONTRASTITION) - a sharp contrast of concepts, thoughts, images. Antithesis is often created using


You are also poor, You are also abundant, You are also powerful, You are also powerless, Mother Russia! (N. Nekrasov) INVERSION

- arrangement of the members of a sentence in a special order, violating the usual, direct order, in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech, reverse word order.

It was a shame, they were waiting for a fight (M.Yu. Lermontov) GRADATION

- sequential arrangement of words or expressions in order of their increasing (less often decreasing) meaning (semantic or emotional). A chain of concepts or definitions with a gradual increase or decrease in importance. Glowed, burned, shone

huge blue eyes.

All facets of feelings, all facets of truthErased in worlds, in years, in hours.


- a contrasting combination of words that have opposite meanings.

Dead souls, living corpse, sad joy, sweet bitterness of memories- an artistic technique consisting of dividing a sentence into separate fragments that represent incomplete sentences, a deliberate violation of the boundaries of the sentence; dividing one sentence using periods into several parts - two or more.

And all the Kuznetsky Bridge and the eternal French... Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When the creator will deliver usFrom their hats! Cheptsov! And stilettos! And pins! (A. S. Griboyedov)

This happened a long time ago. A long time ago. Anna was in trouble. Big.

ANAPHORA- unity of beginning, repetition of words at the beginning of lines or at the beginning of sentences.

Wait me and I'll be back.

Just wait a lot.

Wait, when they make you sad

Yellow rains,

Wait, when the snow is swept away,

Wait, when it's hot,

Wait, when others are not expected,

Forgetting yesterday. (K. Simonov)

EPIPHORA- repetition of words at the end of lines or at the end of sentences.

I don't know,where is the border

Between North and South

I don't know,where is the border

Between comrade and friend! (M. Svetlov)

I would like to know why Ititular advisor? Why exactlytitular advisor? ELLIPSIS- omission of the predicate, giving dynamism to speech.

We sat down in ashes, hailstones in dust. (V. Zhukovsky)

LEXICAL REPEAT- deliberate repetition of the same word or phrase to enhance the emotionality and expressiveness of the statement.

It seemed that everything in nature was asleep:sleeping grass,slept trees,slept clouds!

QUESTION AND ANSWER FORM OF PRESENTATION- a form of presentation in which questions and answers alternate. What to do? Don't know. Who to ask for advice? Unknown.

SYNTACTIC PARALLELISM- identical syntactic construction of neighboring sentences. People learn Knowledge. People learn Memory. People learn Conscience. (According to Yu. Lotman)

CITATION- use of quotes in the text.

There is such a beautiful saying: “Patience is beautiful” (According to N. Gorlanova)

Syntactic means of expression:

RANKS OF HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF A SENTENCE - one or more rows of homogeneous members in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence “And the years passed quickly and silently and took these memories with them,” there are two rows of homogeneous members: 1) predicates: "they went and carried away" 2) circumstances: "quickly and silently"

INTRODUCTORY WORDS - words (phrases) that are not grammatically related to the sentence.

For example, in the sentence “So, “honor is the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience”” the introductory word is So - indicates the connection of thoughts in the text.

APPEAL - a word or combination of words that names a person (sometimes an object) to whom speech is directed.

For example, in the sentence “Guys, isn’t Moscow behind us?” (M.Yu. Lermontov) the address is the word "Guys".

RHETORICAL APPEAL - not only names the person to whom speech is addressed, but at the same time can convey expressive and emotional relationships.

For example, in the sentence “Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness” (A.S. Pushkin) the rhetorical appeal is - Dreams Dreams(inanimate noun)

or in the sentence “What’s wrong, martin, to the window, what, freestyle, are you singing?" (A. Delvig) appeals " swallow", "free", they name the one who does not respond to an appeal to him.

EXCLAMATIVE SENTENCES - sentences that are pronounced with a special exclamatory intonation.

For example, "Duel!"

INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES - sentences that are interrogative for the purpose of the statement, pronounced with a special interrogative intonation.

For example, “What about Pushkin?”

A RHETORICAL QUESTION - a question that does not require an answer, a statement or denial expressed in the form of an interrogative sentence.

For example, “Wealth is good to have; But should anyone dare to be proud of it?” (A. Sumarokov)

COMPARATIVE TURNOVER - one of the brightest expressive means of the Russian language. It is used to compare an object or characteristic with another object or characteristic.

For example, “Shadows as black as pitch lay on the grass” (A.N. Tolstoy)

CONVERSATIONAL SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTIONS characteristic of colloquial speech, more often these are incomplete sentences or constructed in violation of syntactic norms.

For example, “Grish, oh Grish! Look, a little pig... Laughing... Yes. And in his mouth!.. Look, look... a blade of grass in his mouth, by God, a blade of grass!.. What a thing!” (A.I. Kuprin)

NAME OFFERS - one-part sentences, in the grammatical basis of which there is only one main member of the sentence - the subject.

For example, “And I kept looking at the cement cone, re-reading the names again. Pravednikov G.A., private. Proskurin S.M., private. Pyzhov A.S., lieutenant. Rogachev M.V., junior sergeant. Rodionov N.I., private... "(E. Nosov)

Phonetic means of expression.

Sound recording- playing with sounds to enhance expressiveness.

ASSONANCE- repetition of the same vowel sounds in poetic speech.

I fly quickly along cast iron rails. I think my thoughts. (N. NotKrasov)

ALLITERATION- repetition of identical consonant sounds in poetic speech.

The frost-drunk puddles are crunchy and fragile, like crystal. (AND.Northerner)

Lexical means of expression:

SYNONYMS- words that are close in meaning.

Mysweet and tender beast.

CONTEXT SYNONYMS- words that are similar in meaning only in a given text (outside the text they have no similarity in lexical meaning).

His heavy body is filledflexible, animalistic grace (M. Sholokhov).

ANTONYMS- words with opposite meanings.

You Andmighty , You andpowerless , Mother-Rus! (N. A. Nekrasov)

CONTEXT ANTONYMS- words that are opposed in meaning only to the given text.

Millions - you. Us- darkness, and darkness, and darkness (A. Blok).

For you -centuries, for us -one hour. (A. Blok).

PHRASEOLOGISTS- stable combinations of words, understood not literally, but figuratively.

Far away, work carelessly.

DIALECTISM- words used only by residents of a particular area (dialect translated from Greek means “local dialect”): in some Russian villages towel they call it differently towel, squirrel - vekshey, hare - uskan, wolf - Biryuk.

Found in the ravinesroe . (= snakes) (According to I.S. Turgenev)

TERMS - words or combinations of words denoting a concept used in science, technology, or art. In fiction, terms are used more often as a means of creating speech characteristics of characters.

One day, when winter ended andantifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I opened the tap, and all the liquid came outradiator spilled onto the ground, onto the lawn under the windows of our village house. (V. Soloukhin)

INDIVIDUAL-AUTHOR'S WORDS (OCCASIONALISM) - words that are the word creation of a writer or poet. They are created with a specific stylistic purpose and constitute the writer’s vocabulary. They should be distinguished from neologisms proper.

They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the levelhighest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk with them. (D. Granin)COLLABILITIES - words characteristic of a colloquial style of speech, often rude words that do not correspond to standardized literary speech.

Why should I shout: "Hey, let's go to the buffet,let's eat , or something!" (S. Lvov)

BOOK VOCABULARY – words of high style. Arise, prophet, and see, and heed... Selflessness, duty...

Materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language (task 25 - determining the means of artistic expression) and literature can be used both for test work and as reference materials.





Option 1. Determine what means of linguistic expression are used in the following sentences:

1. At one hundred and forty suns, the sunset glowed.

2. He was so small in stature that he could not contain the laws.

3. The blue screen has replaced communication between people.

4. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine...

5. I myself, like an animal, was alien to people / And I crawled and hid like a snake.

6. He spoke harshly to me.

7. The earth sleeps in a blue glow.

8. I drank a whole glass.

9. Moscow reached an agreement with Beijing.

10. Black evening. White snow.

11. I am a king - I am a slave, I am God - I am a worm.

12. When horses die, they breathe, / When grasses die, they dry up.

13. On Earth is mercilessly small / Once upon a time there was a small man.

14. Praise from others is like ash, / From you and blasphemy is praise.

15. Entering through the windows, through the doors, through the cracks, / a mass of sun fell.

16. She considered her uncle very stupid and simple. But good.

17. My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to beautiful impulses!

18. How long will the authorities abuse our patience?

19. Generations do not pass through the earth without leaving a trace.

20. Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts.

21. The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded, and glowed, and went somewhere into infinity.

Option 2. Determine what means of linguistic expression are used in the following sentences:

1. A yawn is wider than the Gulf of Mexico.

2. And star speaks to star.

3. Deep secrets have been entrusted to me...

4. Below a thin piece of grass / You have to bow your head...

5. We read Pushkin.

6. The fire of desire burns in the blood.

7. People in white coats helped him.

8. He is my sworn friend.

9. White collar workers are the main visitors to this cafe.

10. And slender reapers have short hems, / Like flags on a holiday, they fly in the wind.

11. I’m stupid, and you’re smart, alive, and I’m dumbfounded...

12. Your mind is as deep as the sea. / Your spirit is as high as the mountains.

13. Blessed is he who was young from his youth, / Blessed is he who matured in time...

14. And the waves crowd and rush back, / And they come again and hit the shore...

15. Night, street, lantern, pharmacy, / Meaningless and dim light.

16. Baby, we are all a little horse, /Each of us is a horse in our own way...

17. All facets of feelings, all facets of truth are erased / In worlds, in years, in hours.

18. Listen... Far away, on Lake Chad, / An exquisite giraffe wanders.

19. In everything I want to get to the very essence. / At work, in search of a path, in turmoil of the heart.

20. And you, arrogant descendants / Of the famous meanness of the illustrious fathers,

With the heel of a slave trampling the wreckage / The play of happiness of the offended births!

21. And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?


Option 1.


2. Litota

3. Periphrase

4. Epithet


6. Metaphor

7. Personification

8. Metonymy

9. Synecdoche

10. Antithesis.

11. Oxymoron

12. Anaphora

13. Epiphora

14. Syntactic parallelism

15. Gradation

16. Parcellation

17. Rhetorical address

18. Rhetorical question

19. Inversion

20. Asyndeton

21. Polysyndeton

Option 2.

1. Hyperbole

2. Personification

3. Epithet

4. Litota

5. Metonymy

6. Metaphor

7. Paraphrase

8. Oxymoron

9. Synecdoche

10. Comparison

11. Antithesis

12. Anaphora

13. Syntax parallelism

14. Polysindeton

15. Asyndeton

16. Epiphora

17. Gradation

18. Inversion

19. Parcellation

20. Rhetorical address

21. Rhetorical question

Option 1. Determine what means of linguistic expression are used in the following sentences:

1. At one hundred and forty suns, the sunset glowed.

2. He was so small in stature that he could not contain the laws.

3. The blue screen has replaced communication between people.

4. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine...

5. I myself, like an animal, was alien to people / And I crawled and hid like a snake.

6. He spoke harshly to me.

7. The earth sleeps in a blue glow.

8. I drank a whole glass.

9. Moscow reached an agreement with Beijing.

10. Black evening. White snow.

11. I am a king - I am a slave, I am God - I am a worm.

12. When horses die, they breathe, / When grasses die, they dry up.

13. On Earth is mercilessly small / Once upon a time there was a small man.

14. Praise from others is like ash, / From you and blasphemy is praise.

15. Entering through the windows, through the doors, through the cracks, / a mass of sun fell.

16. She considered her uncle very stupid and simple. But good.

17. My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to beautiful impulses!

18. How long will the authorities abuse our patience?

19. Generations do not pass through the earth without leaving a trace.

20. Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts.

21. The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded, and glowed, and went somewhere into infinity.

Option 2. Determine what means of linguistic expression are used in the following sentences:

1. A yawn is wider than the Gulf of Mexico.

2. And star speaks to star.

3. Deep secrets have been entrusted to me...

4. Below a thin piece of grass / You have to bow your head...

5. We read Pushkin.

6. The fire of desire burns in the blood.

7. People in white coats helped him.

8. He is my sworn friend.

9. White collar workers are the main visitors to this cafe.

10. And slender reapers have short hems, / Like flags on a holiday, they fly in the wind.

11. I’m stupid, and you’re smart, alive, and I’m dumbfounded...

12. Your mind is as deep as the sea. / Your spirit is as high as the mountains.

13. Blessed is he who was young from his youth, / Blessed is he who matured in time...

14. And the waves crowd and rush back, / And they come again and hit the shore...

15. Night, street, lantern, pharmacy, / Meaningless and dim light.

16. Baby, we are all a little horse, /Each of us is a horse in our own way...

17. All facets of feelings, all facets of truth are erased / In worlds, in years, in hours.

18. Listen... Far away, on Lake Chad, / An exquisite giraffe wanders.

19. In everything I want to get to the very essence. / At work, in search of a path, in turmoil of the heart.

20. And you, arrogant descendants / Of the famous meanness of the illustrious fathers,

With the heel of a slave trampling the wreckage / The play of happiness of the offended births!

21. And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?


Option 1.


2. Litota

3. Periphrase

4. Epithet


6. Metaphor

7. Personification

8. Metonymy

9. Synecdoche

10. Antithesis.

11. Oxymoron

12. Anaphora

13. Epiphora

14. Syntactic parallelism

15. Gradation

16. Parcellation

17. Rhetorical address

18. Rhetorical question

19. Inversion

20. Asyndeton

21. Polysyndeton

Option 2.

1. Hyperbole

2. Personification

3. Epithet

4. Litota

5. Metonymy

6. Metaphor

7. Paraphrase

8. Oxymoron

9. Synecdoche

10. Comparison

11. Antithesis

12. Anaphora

13. Syntax parallelism

14. Polysindeton

15. Asyndeton

16. Epiphora

17. Gradation

18. Inversion

19. Parcellation

20. Rhetorical address

21. Rhetorical question

Option #1

    What are you howling about, night wind, why are you complaining so madly?

    The sunset lay like a crimson fire.

    Leontyev looked with fear and at the same time with some incomprehensible delight at the wall of living fire hitting the sky with a crash and roar.

    ...Most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable.

    The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays.

    What is he looking for in a distant country?

What did he throw in his native land?

    Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary, has trousers with such wide folds that if they were inflated, the entire yard with barns and buildings could be placed in them.

    It was bright, fiery, red-hot on the paths from the maple and ash leaves.

That sad joy that I was alive?

    Play Brahms for me.

    Blue fog. Snow expanse.

Subtle lemon moonlight.

    He waited. Him and Petrovich.

    I love you, Petra's creation!

    Your Pomeranian, your lovely Pomeranian, is no bigger than a thimble.

Option No. 2

Specify the means of speech expression:

    The red sun does not shine in the sky,
    The blue clouds don’t admire him...

    Plunging into the cold boiling water of Narzan, I felt my physical and mental strength returning.

    He rules me. Prompts. Corrects.

    This rough-looking woman had a warm and calm voice.

    The night rushed past the windows, now opening with swift white fire, now shrinking into impenetrable darkness.

    From here we will threaten the Swede.

    The berries did not bear fruit this year.

    Land of the rising sun.

    The tongue is long, the thoughts are short.

    Venus lights up like blue crystal at dawn.

    A person's life is one moment.

    I told you a million times.

    She was admired, she was extolled, she was worshiped, she was idolized.

    I danced, cried in the spring rain, and the thunderstorm died down.

Option No. 3

Specify the means of speech expression:

1. The whole city came running.

2. The blizzard is angry, the blizzard is crying...

3. Are you getting old, dear friend?

No problem. Will there be something like this?

Others have a young old age.

4. Everything fell asleep. Window. And snow on the window.

5. There is not a crumb of bread in the house.

6. A red rowan fire is burning in the garden...

7. The fragile ice lies on the cold river, as if it were melting sugar.

8. A yawn is wider than the Gulf of Mexico.

9. Our smaller brothers.

10. Huge blue eyes glowed, burned, shone.

11. The stars shine in the blue sky, The waves lash in the blue sea.

13. Well, sit down, it’s shining.

14. They got together. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

Option No. 4

Specify the means of speech expression:

    I read all of Turgenev.

2. All facets of feelings, all facets of truth are erased in worlds, in years, in hours.

3. We worked for a long time. A very long time. Until morning.

4. I did my homework in five minutes.

5. The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often.

6. The sun of Russian poetry.

7. They probably called a hundred times!

8. In autumn, a yellow leaf falls.

9. The maple leaf reminds us of amber.

10. Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven.

11. The powerful are always to blame for the powerless.

12. Resonant silence

13. The earth sleeps in a blue radiance.

14. Foggy morning, gray morning.

Option No. 5

Specify the means of speech expression:

    The stubble of roadside horsetail sticks out all over the dust.

    The buyer chooses quality products.

    The fire destroyed the village.

    Her love for her son was like madness.

    Her tears flowed freely.

    Such a small mouth that it can’t miss more than two pieces.

    I will submit it to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.

    Conquerors of mountain peaks.

    Your mind is as deep as the sea.

Your spirit is as high as the mountains.

    He soon quarreled with the girl. And here's why.

    The earth sleeps in a blue glow.

    There is a vast field in front of us.

    The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.

    I'm sad because you're having fun.


Option #1

Option No. 2

Option #3

Option No. 4

Option #5


Syntactic parallelism



















Syntactic parallelism


Syntactic parallelism


















Syntactic parallelism










Syntactic parallelism









Visual expressive means of TRAILS (A3) Prepared by: Popova G.N., teacher of Russian language and literature TRAILS are words and expressions used by the author in a figurative meaning EPITHET - a figurative definition that answers the question what? which? which? which? And usually expressed by the adjective The moon makes its way through the wavy fogs, it pours a sad light onto the sad glades PERSONIFICATION Animating inanimate objects, likening them to a person; endowing inanimate objects with actions characteristic of humans  A storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds: now it will howl like an animal, now it will cry like a child. (A.S. Pushkin)  The earth sleeps in a blue radiance. (M.Yu. Lermontov) COMPARISON Comparison of two objects or phenomena in the text. Most often they are introduced with the help of conjunctions AS, AS, AS, EXACTLY, LIKE Freak ice on a cold river, as if like melting sugar lies METAPHOR Transfer of a property from one object to another based on similarity. Hidden comparison Empty skies are transparent glass; Crimson bonfire of sunset (I.A. Bunin" (The skies are transparent like glass = heaven is transparent glass) METONYMY Allegorical designation of the subject of speech "renaming", replacing one concept with another that has a causal connection with it All flags will visit us (A. S. Pushkin) I ate three plates. (I.A. Krylov) I drank the whole bottle METONYMY I read Apuleius willingly, but did not read Cicero (A.S. Pushkin) I read all of Turgenev The exuberant Rome rejoices. (M.Yu. Lermontov) Gray helmets with a red star shouted to the white crowd: “Stop!” (V. Mayakovsky) HYPERBOLE Excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object A mouth-tearing yawn wider than the Gulf of Mexico Sunset of a hundred thousand suns. blazed. ANTITHESIS A sharp contrast of concepts, thoughts, images. You and the poor, You and the abundant, You and the mighty, Mother - Rus'! Unity of principles, repetition of similar words at the beginning of the stanzas Wait for me, and I will return only very much. wait. Wait when yellow rains bring sadness Lexical repetition Intentional repetition of the same word or phrase to enhance emotionality It seemed that everything in nature was asleep: the grass was sleeping, the trees were sleeping, the clouds were sleeping! ASSONANCE Repetition of identical vowel sounds in poetic speech I am flying quickly along cast iron rails. I think my thoughts. ALLITERATION Repetition of identical consonants in poetic speech Puddles drunk with frost crunch and are as fragile as crystal PHRASEOLOGISM A stable combination of words, understood not literally, but figuratively. Far away, hack yourself to death Algorithm for completing A3 1. Remember what the linguistic term specified in the task means; 2. Carefully read each sentence contained in the sample of answers 3. Determine which of them uses the means of linguistic expressiveness named in the task 4. Choose the correct answer TESTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Task No. 1. In which sentence the means of expressiveness is inversion Because who will immediately bravely come out to meet the dinosaurs?.. It turned out that he had already picked up a stray kitten in the entrance. He brought him home and is now raising him. “Korzhikov is new to our class,” Tanya explained. In the evening, when Tanya had already fallen asleep, I went out to walk our dog. Task No. 2. indicate the sentence that contains hyperbole 1. The women rushed to look for the hidden change and jumped out, overtaking one another. 2. The seller asked simply because he had nothing better to do, but the boy answered seriously and respectfully: “Nothing, uncle, there is no money.” 3. - Assalamualaikum, great merchant! - he said, narrowing his sly eyes. 4. - Now study, and if you don’t master reading and writing, you will stay with your grandfather forever in the mountains. Task No. 3. Please provide an offer. In which the means of expressiveness of speech is an epithet. 1. “We have one like this,” sighed the owner of the cap, Sanka. 2. Peering diligently, I saw a barely noticeable star. 3. At a small station, of which passengers meet hundreds on their way, the train stopped, I went out onto the platform, took out the cigarettes and, taking out the last match from the box, lit a cigarette. 4. Without hesitation, I answered that there were seven stars in the Ursa’s bucket, and from the triumphant faces of the boys I realized that I had made some kind of mistake. LITERATURE S.V. Drabkina, D.I. Subbotin. State final certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form. Russian language, 2012 – M., “Intelligence – Center, 2012. Presentation template taken from one of the sites