Abandoning the pegasus tour. Pegasus tourist money refund. To Coral Travel

  • When are the actual costs incurred if the tour is booked with Early Booking?
  • I have a refusal for the hotel. How can you rebook to a new hotel - online or by letter?
  • Payment
  • Access to ONLINE - booking.
    Answer: Do you want to get access to online booking? All information
  • How to use our SPO (special offers)?
    Answer: Please note that our Special Offers (SPOs) are available on specific departure dates and specific hotels. If the prices for the same hotels and the same departure dates are in previous SPOs, the reservation will be made at the last valid SPO, regardless of whether the price increases or decreases. Please pay attention to the effective date of the SPO (it is indicated next to the SPO number). Rebooking of previously submitted applications for a new SPO is not possible, because we book hotels online and settle with them at the prices valid at the time of booking.
  • Flight Schedule / Flight Availability
    Answer: On the first page of our website, when you hover the mouse over the name of any country, a menu appears, where you should select the item "Availability of seats on flights". This section contains the current flight schedule and availability of seats in the country of your choice. Also, for each flight, additional information is displayed here: the name of the airline, the type of aircraft, the airport of departure and arrival, etc.
  • What is STOP SALE?
    Answer: STOP SALE - stop sales at the hotel for certain dates. Also, the stop sale can be set for the type of room, accommodation, type of food, etc. You can see the page with information about the availability of places in the hotel by clicking on the menu item "Stop sale" in the menu of any country. Information here is updated online. In the tour search results, offers that include a hotel stopover are highlighted in red. Accordingly, booking of such offers is not possible.
  • How to print a printed application form?
    Answer: The printed application form becomes available for printing in the Personal Account after full payment for the tour.
  • What is the "Available for payment" status?
    Answer: The status "Available for payment" means that the tour operator has the ability to provide the services requested by the application. After full payment of the application, the status automatically changes to "Confirmed", which means that the tour operator has undertaken to provide services upon the application.
    After changing the status to "Confirmed", a confirmation letter is sent to your email address and a confirmation sheet in the Application Directory becomes available for printing.
  • How can I find out the actual costs incurred when canceling a tour?
    Answer: Actual costs incurred for canceling the tour can be viewed on the website in the section: For agencies Cooperation Actual costs incurred.
  • When are the actual costs incurred if the tour is booked with Early Booking?
    Answer: For tours booked under the Early Booking promotion, the standard cancellation policy is subject to the terms of the contract.
    You can see them in the section For agencies Cooperation Actual expenses incurred.
  • I have a refusal for the hotel. How can you rebook to a new hotel - online or by letter?
    Answer: In order to rebook the hotel, you must send an application for rebooking to the address of the regional office of the tour operator operating under the TK PEGAS Touristik in your city. Contacts can be specified by following the link "All contacts" in the header of the website.
  • How to pay for the tour?
    Answer: Pay for applications in the most convenient way for you, including Bonus points. Payment for tours is carried out in rubles at the internal rate of the tour operator on the day of payment. Detailed information can be found in the section "For agents" "Invoice, payment", also in your reference book, in the menu on the left in the tab "payment for the application".
  • When do I need to pay for the application?
    Answer: According to the terms of the agreement, the AGENT is obliged to pay for the tourist product within 40 hours from the moment of booking.
  • Where can I see exchange rates for previous dates?
    Answer: Currency rates for previous dates can be viewed on the website in the "Rates archive" section.
  • Where can I see the list of visa documents?
    Answer: The list of documents for a visa can be found in the Visa section. In this case, it is necessary to select from the list exactly the city from which the tourists will fly out, because list required documents may differ from region to region.
  • Where can I find the deadlines for submitting documents for a visa?
    Answer: Now the deadlines for submitting documents for a visa for a booked application can be viewed in your personal account:

    Same this information can be found on the website in the Visa section. In this case, it is necessary to select from the list exactly the city from which the tourists will fly, because Deadlines for submission of documents may vary by region.

  • Do I need a power of attorney to submit documents for a visa?
    Answer: When submitting documents for a visa, a power of attorney is not required. It is enough to have a printed application form with you. To obtain passports of tourists with visas, a power of attorney is required.
  • When booking visa directions, add 10 or 8 euros per person. Why?
    Answer: Dear colleagues, we draw your attention to the fact that when booking visa directions, the service "Visa risk" is automatically added - travel cancellation insurance as a result of refusal to issue a visa, delays in issuing a visa, issuing a visa at other times.

    The "Visa Risk" service is mandatory and is added automatically at the time of booking.

  • What is PEGAS Touristik Roulette?
    Answer: Roulette (Roulette) - a system in which several hotels of the same category and cost are offered in a certain price offer without specifying its name. For example, when booking Roulette 5 * AI hotels, we GUARANTEE the accommodation of your tourists in one of the 5 * hotels with “AI” food type. For the Roulette system, we have selected hotels with the same level of service and prices. Unlike roulette gambling, our system is a win-win. You just have to choose the category of hotels: HV 1/5 * / 4 * / 3 * / 2 * ... and the roulette wheel will bring you and your tourists good luck in any case! Successful sales, dear colleagues!
  • How can I see the description and picture of a hotel?
    Answer: Click on the blue "Hotels" button at the top of our website. On the new page, in the "Name" field, enter the full or partial name of the hotel you need and click the "Find" button. Below you will see a list of one or more hotels, the name of which contains the word you entered. If necessary, you can use additional search parameters (country, resort / region, city, category, hotel type, hotel location on the first line from the sea, etc.). Clicking on the hotel name will open detailed information about the hotel itself, including the location on the map, photos, videos (if available), etc. The tab “Agents” on the hotel description page only repeats the structure of the information on the hotel description page of our old site (agent.site).
  • Which hotels in Turkey do not accommodate single men or two men in the same room?
    Answer: The list of hotels in Turkey that do not accommodate single men, you can see on our website in the section
  • Primorye residents going on vacation will not be able to refuse the tour and not lose money. Such changes are associated with a change in the system of penalties at the Pegas Tourist company, a large (and often uncontested) tour operator. From now on, any changes in the travel conditions will be paid - for them you will have to pay at least 10% of the tour cost.

    In mid-April, several Russian tour operators at once tightened the rules for cancellation and rebooking of tours. One of these tour operators is the Pegas Turistik company, with which almost all tour operators in the region cooperate. Pegasus is the only operator in the region offering charter flights for small participants in the tourism market to the Asia-Pacific region. The main change in the company's policy is that it is no longer possible to make changes to the tour application for free.

    “Previously, we had a grace period - 21 days before the trip it was possible to cancel the tour without paying fines,” Elena Fokina, senior manager of the regional network of travel agencies Pegasus Turistik, told Primorskaya Gazeta. - Nowadays, you cannot cancel a tour or make changes to it for free. The minimum fine is 10% of the cost of the tour.

    In this case, the amount of the forfeit increases depending on how many days are left before the vacation. If there are less than 29 days left before the start of services, the tourist will have to pay 25% of the tour amount. But if less than two days, then everything is 100%. Another change that did not go unnoticed: now for canceling an application with the subsequent booking of a similar tour, the same tourists will have to pay a fine - 25-50% of the package price.

    According to Primorsky travel agents (we are talking about companies that purchase vouchers from tour operators and resell them to citizens - "PG"), in this situation there is nothing unusual - fines involve almost all contracts for the sale of vouchers.

    “It’s completely normal when, when a voucher is canceled, a penalty is taken from the client,” Natalya Pekarskaya, deputy director of the Berkut travel agency, told Primorskaya Gazeta. - Each market participant sets its own size of "sanctions". In my opinion, for a minimum fine of 10% is too much.

    However, lawyers note, the travel company can only demand from the client reimbursement of the money that was actually spent on the provision of the service.

    “The“ fine ”for refusing a voucher, in principle, does not fit into the legislation on consumer rights protection, - Andrey Semyonov, lawyer of the Russian Consumer Rights Protection Society, told Primorskaya Gazeta. - Article 32 of the relevant law allows the consumer to refuse any service before receiving it without paying any predetermined fines, but with the obligation to reimburse the contractor for the actual costs incurred for the provision of the service.

    Thus, the organization specified, the tour operator must first justify the amount of actual costs incurred, and only after that collect money from the client. If the company refuses to do this, the tourist needs to go to court.

    Note, according to tour operators, residents of Primorye rarely refuse tours or make changes to the trip program. As Elena Fokina specified, even before the rules were tightened, tourists were stopped by penalties.

    Have you ever had any force majeure, because of which you had to cancel a prepaid trip to the host country for a long-awaited vacation? This article, written from my own experience, is intended for those who are faced with this for the first time and do not want to lose extra money when tour cancellation... It will be especially relevant at this time in connection with the mass canceled tours to Turkey and Egypt, because of which travel agencies hardly want to get your money back! I will not refer to certain articles from the laws, I will try to explain in general terms, and you can get more comprehensive information directly from a lawyer.

    Tour operator and travel agency are not the same!

    First, let's see how a tour operator differs from a travel agency:

    • Tour operator is a company that forms a tourist product (book flights and a hotel, organizes transfers, provides Russian guides, etc.), and then sells it.
    • Travel agency is an ordinary intermediary store to which the tour operator provides its tours to increase its sales, for which the former takes a certain commission.

    In fact, travel agencies work simultaneously with several tour operators. So, if you entered into an agreement with a travel agency, you need to write an application for the cancellation of a tour with a refund for it (for example, “Travel Shop”), and not for a tour operator (for example, “Coral Travel”). Further in the text we will use the term - travel agency.

    A brief history of my experience

    I somehow decided to buy a tour to Thailand () under and at the travel agency "Terra Europe", I booked it with the tour operator Coral Travel. But in 2 weeks, I realized that I would not be able to relax in and wrote an application for cancellation of the tour with a refund... Since I was not legally prepared until this moment, the travel agency accepted the application not according to the rules of the current legislation, because of this, after the cancellation of the voucher, I could be left without money (at first I was threatened that the money would not be returned due to the New Year season, then they agreed to 10% penalty with a month of waiting for the return).

    Had to visit a couple of law firms specializing in consumer protection and about the basics of tourism, in which I was clearly instructed in the sequence of correct actions after the cancellation of the tour with a refund, which I will describe below.

    Fortunately, the case did not go to court, since “filled to the top” with legal information, I went to argue with the managers of the travel agency, who realized that they could not deceive me and returned 90% of the money I paid within 7 days after writing tour cancellation applications!

    Attention! If you live in St. Petersburg, bypass the law firm n1company.ru, in which lawyers go to the ears of clients. So I signed up for a free consultation, at which, first of all, they promised me that I would be able to sue 2-3 times more money after canceling the voucher due to moral damage, which is not the case in my case. Secondly, the lawyer offered me to draw up a contract for drawing up a claim and a lawsuit in court for 18,000 rubles. and invest the minimum amount of 500 rubles, which I can easily collect in case of its termination, since the consultation was free. However, in the end, upon termination, this amount was withheld, guess what? For a free consultation!

    General information about cancellation of a tour with a refund

    But this certificate does not mean that the travel agency will willingly return the money to you, it will in any case want to sell you cancellation fees and extra interest for the penalty. Remember, any penalties for the cancellation of a tourist voucher, even though they are spelled out in the contract, are illegal (travel agencies often draw up contracts in violation of current legislation). You are obliged to return the money, taking into account the real costs, regardless of how many days you applied for, the exception may be less than a week.

    If you are worried about a small amount of refund or even 100% of the money was deducted from you, feel free to file a lawsuit against the travel agency, which, in 90% of cases, you will win for sure. In this case, she will be obliged to collect and present documents confirming her actual expenses for booking a tourist product. Good luck in getting almost all the money back, and you may also smile if you take out cancellation insurance.

    For those who do not trust travel agencies and, accordingly, do not want to use their services, they can plan their trip on their own. If you are flying to the Land of Smiles, then first you need to book in both directions and, and only then deal with the issue of obtaining a visa to Thailand.

    Travel cancellation insurance - what is it?

    When signing an agreement with a travel agency, it is desirable take out cancellation insurance... In this case, the chance to get your money back if the tour is canceled increases significantly (almost 100%), even if it is canceled the day before departure. However, this insurance does not apply due to just a change of mind about the rest, it will be valid only upon documentary presentation good reason impossibility of departure. It can be like a sudden tax debt, due to which you will not be able to cross the border. (more than 10 thousand rubles)and a serious illness.

    In any case, before signing a contract for travel cancellation insurance, read it carefully, suddenly it says that it applies only in the event of a revolution in the country of rest :) Also, you may not receive an insurance payment after the cancellation of a tourist product if you are injured in intoxicated. There are many nuances that I cannot describe in this article, let's take a closer look at how to properly fill out an application for termination of the contract from scratch.

    How to properly cancel a tour and get your money back

    Visit to a lawyer

    Before writing an application for cancellation of a tourist voucher with a refund, if you are not legally savvy, I recommend signing up for a free legal consultation. In this case, you will already know what to expect and demand from the travel agency. A lawyer will give you advice specifically for your situation. However, he may ask to pre-execute a contract for the provision of legal services and make an advance payment. To issue or not is your business, but I do not advise you to rush, for a start (if time does not press) you need to try to figure it out yourself.

    Filling in an application for cancellation of the tour

    After you have visited a lawyer, you can go to the travel agency and start filling out an application for cancellation and refund. In the content, we indicate the reason for refusing a tourist product, if you have a valid one, it is advisable to attach some kind of certificate. We write a statement necessarily in duplicatein which the manager should put stamp, date and signature of acceptance for consideration... One application remains with you, the other with the travel company.

    It is possible that the manager will begin to assure you that tour cancellation application it is not written in duplicate and no acceptance marks are put (this was the case in my case) and does not want to accept it, feel free to insist on your own! And if nothing worked out for you, the application (together with the claim) can be sent to the legal address of the travel agency (must be specified in the contract) with and with a receipt acknowledgment. After you receive a notification, count down 10 days from the date indicated on the piece of paper. In the application, please send a response to the return address or to the travel agency's office.

    After receiving a response from the travel company about canceling the tour abroad, we decide what to do next. If:

    • the answer is yes and you are satisfied with the refund amount, we are waiting for our money for about the same time.
    • the answer is negative, you are not satisfied with the refund amount or you are waiting for money more than 10 days after a positive decision, we proceed to draw up a claim.

    Drawing up a claim for cancellation of a tour abroad

    At all, pre-trial claim to the travel agency for the cancellation of the tour and the return of money it is recommended to draw up an application even before writing and hand it over to the manager with him (or no later than 20 days). So you have a better chance of getting your money back without litigation... For those who are interested in the question “How to write a claim to a travel agency?”, I will say that, unlike a lawsuit in court, there is nothing complicated about this, so you can write it yourself, as I did (download a sample of my claim for a refund money can be on).

    A pre-trial claim for the cancellation of a tourist product and a refund is also drawn up in duplicate, in which a mark of acceptance for consideration is affixed. The content of the claim must indicate:

    1. Contact information - yours and travel agencies.
    2. A detailed description of the situation due to which you canceled the trip.
    3. Links to certain articles from the consumer protection law and on tourism activities that you believe it violates.
    4. Offers for a refund in the required amount, compensation for moral damage and legal advice.
    5. A warning that you can demand from the travel agency a penalty equal to 3% for each day of the total tour price from the date of the application for a refund. If the contract does not specify the interest for the forfeit, then it is calculated at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (for the total amount and the period of retention of funds).

    After filing a pre-trial claim for cancellation of the tour with a refund, we are waiting no more than 10 days of response from the travel agency... A claim does not provide such money-back guarantees as a lawsuit, however, if you are lucky with a positive answer, congratulations, otherwise you will have to write a lawsuit in court.

    Drawing up a claim in court against a travel agency

    File a lawsuit against the travel agency after the cancellation of a tourist voucher abroad, it is a little more difficult, since the judicial system requires you to approach this legally competently, therefore, it is better to order this service from lawyers, all the same, this money will be returned to you. A claim to the court must be written in 3 copies: to you, the defendant and the judge, and if there are third parties in the court, then they also need a copy. You can defend your rights in court as:

    • with a lawyer - in this case, in addition to a lawsuit in court, it is necessary to spend money on his services and, believe me, it is better to solve judicial matters with him;
    • without a lawyer - in this case, you will have to prepare thoroughly: first of all, you just need to go for a consultation with a lawyer, study the articles needed in court, and also prepare mentally and be ready for pressure from the defendant's defense.

    If the amount of damage is less than 50 thousand rubles, then the case is considered world judgeif more - district... You can download a sample lawsuit in court at.

    Compensation for non-pecuniary damage and legal services

    Any compensation from the defendant, including for non-pecuniary damage and legal services will depend on the judge's decision... If you filed a lawsuit against a travel agency for a refund simply because you changed your mind about going, you can not really count on moral damage. If you receive 5,000 rubles in compensation, that's good, but you may not get anything.

    It's another matter if you wrote an application and a claim to cancel the tour, for example, due to illness or tax arrears, and the travel agency refused to return your money on time. And they, in turn, were needed for urgent treatment or debt repayment at the set time, then you can safely claim moral damage because of your worries in the amount of at least 30% of the cost of the tourist product.

    As for compensation for the services of a lawyer, if the judge finds that the cost of legal services was adequate, then 100% of the costs will be covered, if not (for example, you spent more than 100 thousand rubles on drawing up a claim, claim and defense in court), then you can count only on a certain percentage of compensation.

    In addition to compensation for moral damage and for legal services, you have the right to demand compensation from the travel agency for a penalty in the amount of 3% for each day of the total cost of the tour from the date of writing an application for cancellation of the tour with a refund. In this case, the amount may accumulate equal to the original cost of the tour.

    Summing up, we can say with confidence that after winning a case in court, in the best case, you will refund almost the full cost of the tour. Good luck in the difficult struggle to defend your rights and, preferably, in the pre-trial order! Remember, firstly, before signing the contract, carefully study its contents, and secondly, it is better for travel agencies to spoil their relationship with a tourist than with an airline or hotel.

    On April 14, the Pegas Turistik website published an announcement about a new procedure for calculating and deducting costs if a tourist refuses the tour .. Travel agents were puzzled by two circumstances. The fact is that now the tour operator wants to withhold a certain amount of money spent on the trip in any case, even if the tourist refused the trip he paid for six months before departure. In the past, full refunds were allowed in some countries if canceled at least 21 days prior to departure, and in others two weeks in advance. However, the tour operator has lowered the minimum bar for "actual" costs: from 15 to 10 percent. We have also canceled the ranking by country: now there are uniform rules for all directions. At the same time, canceling one reservation and making another for the same tourists is now also paid. The operator will keep from 25 to 50 percent of the difference in prices.
    The Permintur-F agency is asking the question, what could be the reason for such changes? Their colleagues are also trying to sort out legal terminology, noting that the actual costs incurred are difficult to determine in advance. Especially if the tour is canceled six months in advance.
    In response to criticism from the agencies, Pegas Turistik emphasizes that each situation is dealt with individually. This is also stated on the operator's website: "The costs are indicative and are finally determined in each specific case." Pegasus CEO Anna Podgornaya noted that the company is ready to confirm the costs incurred at any time. “We incur significant losses, some of which we offer to reimburse the tourist, the rest we take upon ourselves,” says Anna Albertovna. She draws attention to the fact that if a tour is canceled and a new one is bought in Pegasus itself, a tourist, even having paid compensation for the costs incurred, can still win if the cost of the newly purchased tour is significantly lower than the price of the previous transaction. According to Podgornaya, upon termination of the contract, the operator is forced to spend money on paying commissions for converting rubles into foreign currency, which is used to pay with hotels, and vice versa. In addition, some hotels impose strict requirements on the partner, refusing to return the money in full for the paid order.
    This objective situation, however, has not been sufficiently worked out legally, experts say. The fact is that travel agents cannot automatically transfer the same conditions to their agreement with tourists. So, Elena Barinova is sure that the performer can demand from the tourist to compensate only the costs actually incurred - this is indicated by Part 1 of Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In a situation where the tour operator fixes in advance the costs that have not yet been incurred, he, in fact, penalizes the client for canceling the transaction, which is prohibited by the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights." When a similar clause is included in the agreement with a tourist, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to impose fines - under clause 2 of Art. 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
    “It turns out that the agreement between the agent and the tourist is actually an agreement of joining the agency agreement with the operator,” says Ms. Barinova. "This means that the agency must completely transfer the conditions from one document to another, automatically violating the law." Elena Barinova advises agencies, when discussing work with their partner tour operators, to insist on the exclusion of fixed amounts of expenses incurred from the contract.