Presentation of Zabolotsky's statement about Crimea. Presentation on the topic “Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. These lines were written by a terminally ill man

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky


from Kazan - on a farm

Kazan Provincial


Mother Lydia Andreevna (nee Dyakonova) (1882(?)-1926)

Father Alexey Agafonovich Zabolotsky (1864-1929)

Nikolai Zabolotsky was born

  • April 24, 1903
  • April 24, 1903
  • was a village teacher
  • was a village teacher
  • agronomist - worked as a manager
  • agronomist - worked as a manager

Photos of Zabolotsky as a child

In the third grade of a rural school

“Published” his own handwritten journal

Posted my own poems there

1920 - graduated from college (Urzhum)

1920 – in Moscow he enters the medical and historical-philological faculties

Very soon he finds himself in Petrograd, where he studies at the department of language and literature at the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, which he graduates in 1925, having, by his own admission, “a voluminous notebook of bad poetry.”

1926-1927 – service in the army, then work in the children's book department of the State Publishing House, where two children's magazines were published - "Chizh" and "Hedgehog"

1929 – collection of poems “Columns”, which caused a storm of indignation in literary criticism.

His children's books in poetry and prose "Snake's Milk", "Rubber Heads" and others are published

In 1930, Zabolotsky married Ekaterina Vasilievna Klykova.

Nikolai Zabolotsky with his wife Ekaterina.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

with daughter Natasha (born 1937)

several biographical

works about father

With wife and son

Sestroretsk, 1935

  • In 1938 he was illegally repressed
  • sentenced to 5 years of camp imprisonment
  • From 1944 to 1946 he served exile, working as a builder in the Far East, Altai Territory and Karaganda.

Nikolai Zabolotsky.

Moscow. Photo from 1946

Postcard inscribed by N. A. Zabolotsky.


From 1946 to 1948, the Zabolotsky family

lived near Moscow, in Peredelkino.

Zabolotsky edited

brought from Karaganda

translations of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, etc.,

Nikolai Zabolotsky.

Photo - summer 1948


poetry classes

A third created by Zabolotsky

associated with reflection

about nature. The poet has no

purely landscape poems.


in 1957, the most complete collection of Zabolotsky’s lifetime works was published in Moscow

During N. Zabolotsky’s lifetime, only

4 slim collections of his poems

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote...For me there is no doubt that the author of "Cranes", "Swan", "Give me a corner, starling", "Loser", .. - is genuine great poet, whose work, sooner or later, Soviet culture ... will have to be proud of ... (June 5, 1957)

In the last decade of his life, Zabolotsky

  • actively translated old and modern foreign poets, poets of the peoples of the USSR
  • Zabolotsky’s contribution to introducing the Russian reader to the riches of Georgian poetry is especially significant.

Zabolotsky was a great worker: “Nikolai Alekseevich worked from morning to evening, from dawn to dusk” (B. Slutsky).

Don't let your soul be lazy! So as not to pound water in a mortar, The soul must work And day and night, and day and night!

These lines were written by a terminally ill man.

I won't die, my friend. Breath of flowers I will find myself in this world.

N. A. Zabolotsky at the Novodevichy cemetery

The poetry of Nikolai Zabolotsky is one of the most obscure phenomena in the history of Russian literature of the 20th century.

K.I. Chukovsky's prediction is coming true.

  • The poetry of N. A. Zabolotsky is widely published
  • it has been translated into many foreign languages
  • seriously studied by literary scholars
  • Dissertations and monographs are written about it.

In Kirov, a memorial plaque was erected to Nikolai Zabolotsky.

Oh, it was not for nothing that I lived in this world! And it’s sweet for me to strive from the darkness, So that, taking me in your palm, you, my distant descendant, Finished what I didn't finish.

N. Zabolotsky

Life and work of N.A. Zabolotsky.


E. A. Bukurova – teacher of additional education, MAUDO “House of Children’s Creativity”

village of Staromisnskaya, Krasnodar region


Goals and objectives of the work:

  • analyze creativity

N.A. Zabolotsky;

  • consider the ideological and artistic sound of N.A. Zabolotsky’s lyrics;
  • study critical literature, as well as materials from Internet sites on the chosen topic.

N.A. Zabolotsky

  • Zabolotsky is one of the most underrated authors of that time - the poet N. Zabolotsky. Everyone knows that Akhmatova is a genius, but not everyone can quote her poems. The same applies to Blok or Tsvetaeva. But almost everyone knows Zabolotsky’s work - but many have no idea that it is Zabolotsky. “Kissed, bewitched, with the wind in the field...”, “The soul must work...” and even “Kitten, kitten, cat...”. All this is Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. The poems belong to his pen. They went among the people, became songs and children's lullabies, the name of the author turned into an unnecessary formality. On the one hand, the most sincere declaration of love of all possible. On the other hand, it is a blatant injustice towards the author.

  • Confession Kissed, bewitched, Once married to the wind in the field, It's like you're all in chains, My precious woman! Not happy, not sad, As if descended from the dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my star is crazy. I'll bend over your knees I will hug them with fierce strength, And tears and poems I will burn you, bitter, dear. Open my midnight face, Let me enter those heavy eyes, In these black oriental eyebrows, These hands are yours, half naked. What is added will not be diminished, What doesn't come true will be forgotten... Why are you crying, beauty? Or is it just me imagining it? ?

  • The curse of underestimation affected not only the poet’s poems, but also his life itself. She was always “out of character.” Didn't live up to standards, expectations, or expectations. He was too much of a poet for a scientist, too much of a philistine for a poet, too much of a dreamer for a philistine. His spirit did not match his body. Blond of average height, chubby and inclined to be overweight, Zabolotsky gave the impression of a solid and sedate man. A respectable young man of a very prosaic appearance in no way corresponded to the idea of ​​a true poet - sensitive, vulnerable and restless. And only people who knew Zabolotsky closely understood that under this external fake importance was hidden an amazingly sensitive, sincere and cheerful person.

  • Zabolotsky Even the literary circle in which Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky found himself was “wrong”. Oberiuts
  • shameless, funny, paradoxical, seemed the most unsuitable company for a serious young man. Meanwhile, Zabolotsky was very friendly with Kharms, and with Oleinikov, and with Vvedensky.
  • Another paradox of inconsistency is Zabolotsky’s literary preferences. Famous Soviet poets left him indifferent. He also did not like Akhmatova, who was highly valued by the literary community. But the restless, restless, ghostly and surreal Khlebnikov seemed to Zabolotsky to be a great and profound poet. This man's worldview contrasted painfully with his appearance, his lifestyle and even his origin.

Life and art

N.A. Zabolotsky was born in Kazan into the family of an agronomist. Nikolai's childhood years were spent in the village of Sernur, Vyatka province.

The future poet Nikolai Zabolotsky was baptized here.

In 1921, Nikolai Zabolotsky entered the Pedagogical Institute named after. Herzen in Leningrad. Over the years of study, I became close to a group of young authors, “Oberiuts”

(“Unification of real art”).

The collision with the “turned inside out” world of the barracks played the role of a kind of creative catalyst in Zabolotsky’s fate: it was in 1926-1927 that he wrote his first real poetic works .

  • In addition, Zabolotsky began translating. “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger” is still familiar to readers in Zabolotsky’s translation. In addition, he translated and arranged for children's editions "Gargantua and Pantagruel", "Till Eulenspiegel" and one section of "Gulliver's Travels". Marshak, the country's No. 1 translator, spoke highly of Zabolotsky's work. At the same time, the poet began working on a translation from Old Church Slavonic of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” It was a huge job, done with extraordinary talent and care. Zabolotsky also translated Alberto Saba, a little-known Italian poet in the USSR.

  • Marriage In 1930, Zabolotsky married Ekaterina Klykova. Oberiut friends spoke extremely warmly about her. Even the sarcastic Kharms and Oleinikov were fascinated by the fragile, silent girl. Zabolotsky's life and work were closely connected with this amazing woman. Zabolotsky was never rich. Moreover, he was poor, sometimes simply destitute. The translator's meager earnings barely allowed him to support his family. And all these years, Ekaterina Klykova did not just support the poet. She completely handed over the reins of the family to him, never arguing with him or reproaching him for anything. Even family friends were amazed at the woman’s devotion, noting that there was something not entirely natural in such dedication. The way of the house, the slightest economic decisions - all this was determined only by Zabolotsky.

In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow; he was reinstated in the Writers' Union. He worked on translations of Georgian poets and visited Georgia. In the 1950s, the poems “Ugly Girl”, “Old Actress”, etc. were published, which made his name widely known. However, the poet's health was greatly undermined by exile. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his heart stopped forever.


  • They rocked across the ceilings Bedlam with flowers in half. One is crying, fat belly, Another shouts: "I am Jesus, Pray to me, I'm on the cross There are nails in the palms and everywhere!” The siren approached him, And so, having saddled the plates, Glasses frantic conclave It lit up like an alarm. My eyes fell like weights, The glass was broken, night came, And fat cars Grabbing Piccadilly under the arms, They rolled away easily. And outside the window in the wilderness of time A lamp shone on the mast. There is Nevsky in splendor and melancholy, Changed colors in the night, I was within a hair's breadth of a fairy tale, Blowing the winds without fear. And as if overcome with rage, Through fog, melancholy, gasoline, A winged ball burst over the tower And he raised the name "Singer".

In the wilderness of bottle paradise, Where the palm trees have dried up long ago, Playing under electricity There was a window floating in the glass. It shone like gold, Then it sat down, it became heavy, Beer smoke hung above him... But this cannot be said. Ringing silver chain, People are falling down the stairs Crackling with a cardboard shirt, He dances around with a bottle. Siren pale behind the counter Treat guests with tincture, He squints his eyes, leaves, comes, Then take off with a guitar She sings, sings about sweethearts, How dearly she loved How, gentle to the body and cruel, The silk lace was digging in, Like whiskey hanging from glasses, Like, from a broken temple Having splashed the exhausted chest, He suddenly fell. There was melancholy And everything she sang about It fell into the glass, whiter than chalk.

  • The men kept shouting too, They were swinging on the tables


The lyrics of N. A. Zabolotsky are of a philosophical nature. His poems are imbued with thoughts about nature, about the place of man in it, about the struggle between the forces of chaos and the forces of reason and harmony.

When dying, a person is reincarnated and gains new life in nature. The world of nature and the human world in the works of N. A. Zabolotsky are amazing. Recreated with remarkable poetic skill, they call the reader to deep thoughts about the meaning of life, about the essence of the universe.


N. A. Zabolotsky belongs to the first generation of Russian writers who entered literature after the revolution. His whole life is a feat for the sake of poetry. Whenever a conversation comes up about poetic skill, Zabolotsky is always remembered. But the main quality and dignity of his poetry is still its philosophical nature.

K.I. Chukovsky wrote: “To some of today’s people, these lines of mine will seem like a reckless and gross mistake, but I answer for them with all my seventy years of reading experience.” Thus Chukovsky reinforced his opinion about Zabolotsky, which he expressed in three words - a truly great poet.


1. Nikolai Zabolotsky. Spring days laboratory: Poems and poems - M.: Young Guard, 1987.

2. Zabolotsky N. N. Life of N. A. Zabolotsky. M., 1998

3. Zabolotsky N.A. Izb. Op. M., 1991

4. Zabolotsky N. A. In a birch grove. Columns and poems. M., 2004

5. . Nikolai Zabolotsky: biography, creativity.

6.Slide template

  • I've done the work
  • 11th grade student
  • MBOU Biokombinatovskaya Secondary School
  • Shchelkovsky municipal district
  • Moscow region
  • Alexander Ilyukhin
  • Teacher L.N. Belaya
N.A. Zabolotsky
  • Goals and objectives of the work:
  • analyze creativity
  • N.A. Zabolotsky;
  • consider the ideological and artistic sound of N.A. Zabolotsky’s lyrics;
  • study critical literature, as well as materials from Internet sites on the chosen topic.
  • April 24 (May 7) 1903 – October 14, 1958
Life and art
  • N.A. Zabolotsky was born in Kazan into the family of an agronomist. Nikolai's childhood years were spent in the village of Sernur, Vyatka province.
  • The future poet Nikolai Zabolotsky was baptized here.
Life and art
  • After graduating from a real school in Urzhum in 1920, Zabolotsky entered Moscow University in two faculties at once - philological and medical.
  • The literary life of Moscow captured the poet. He was fond of imitating either Blok or Yesenin.
  • In 1921, Nikolai Zabolotsky entered the Pedagogical Institute named after. Herzen in Leningrad. Over the years of study, I became close to a group of young authors, “Oberiuts”
  • (“Unification of real art”).
  • The collision with the “turned inside out” world of the barracks played the role of a kind of creative catalyst in Zabolotsky’s fate: it was in 1926-1927 that he wrote his first real poetic works.
  • His first book of poems, Columns, was published in 1929. This book was a scandalous success. His livelihood came from working in children's literature - in the 30s he collaborated in the magazines "Hedgehog" and "Chizh"
  • In 1938 he was repressed false accusation for anti-Soviet propaganda and was sent to work as a builder in the Far East, in the Altai Territory, Karaganda. In these difficult conditions, Zabolotsky completed the transcription of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (begun in 1937)
  • In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow; he was reinstated in the Writers' Union. He worked on translations of Georgian poets and visited Georgia. In the 1950s, the poems “Ugly Girl”, “Old Actress”, etc. were published, which made his name widely known.
However, the poet's health was greatly undermined by exile. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his heart stopped forever.
  • Analysis of the poem "Movement"
  • The driver sits as if on a throne,
  • Armor is made of cotton wool,
  • And a beard, like on an icon,
  • Lying there, jingling coins.
  • And the poor horse waves his arms,
  • It will stretch out like a burbot,
  • Then again the eight legs sparkle
  • 1927
In his shiny belly.
  • In the wilderness of bottle paradise, Where the palm trees dried up long ago, Playing under electricity, A window floated in a glass. It shone like gold, Then it sat down, became heavy, Beer smoke curled over it... But this cannot be told. Ringing a silver chain, people fall down the stairs, cracking their cardboard shirts, and dance in a circle with a bottle. The pale siren behind the counter treats the guests with a tincture, squints her eyes, leaves, comes, then takes off with a guitar. She sings, sings about the sweetheart, how dear she loved, how, tender to the body and cruel, the silk cord dug in, like whiskey hanging from glasses, How, having splashed his exhausted chest from his broken temple, He suddenly fell. There was melancholy, And everything she sang about fell into a glass whiter than chalk.
  • The men kept screaming too, they were swinging on the tables,
  • The lyrics of N. A. Zabolotsky are of a philosophical nature. His poems are imbued with thoughts about nature, about the place of man in it, about the struggle between the forces of chaos and the forces of reason and harmony.
  • On the ceilings they rocked Bedlam with flowers in half. One is sobbing, a fat belly, The other is shouting: “I am Jesus, Pray to me, I am on the cross, There are nails in my palms and everywhere!” The siren approached him, And now, having saddled the plates, the frenzied conclave of glasses lit up like a chandelier. The eyes fell like weights, the glass was broken, night came out, and the fat cars, grabbing Piccadilly under the armpits, easily rolled away. And outside the window, in the wilderness of time, a lamp shone on the mast. There Nevsky in splendor and melancholy, changing colors in the night, was within a hair's breadth of a fairy tale, blowing through the winds without fear. And, as if overwhelmed by rage, Through the fog, melancholy, gasoline, A winged ball burst above the tower And raised the name “Singer”.
  • N. A. Zabolotsky belongs to the first generation of Russian writers who entered literature after the revolution. His whole life is a feat for the sake of poetry. Whenever a conversation comes up about poetic skill, Zabolotsky is always remembered. But the main quality and dignity of his poetry is still its philosophical nature.
  • The basis of his philosophy is the idea of ​​the universe as a single whole, in which nothing rises above anything. With his idea, Zabolotsky seeks to unite inanimate and living forms of matter.
The fate of the poet-philosopher was bitter. He was repressed in 1938 and cut off from literature for a long time. But there were always honest people in Russia who appreciated his poetry.
  • K.I. Chukovsky wrote: “To some of today’s people, these lines of mine will seem like a reckless and gross mistake, but I answer for them with all my seventy years of reading experience.” So Chukovsky reinforced his opinion about Zabolotsky, which he expressed in three words - a truly great poet.
  • 1. Nikolai Zabolotsky. Spring days laboratory: Poems and poems - M.: Young Guard, 1987.
  • 2.Internet.
  • 3.Slide template http//

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He was born on April 24, 1903, eight kilometers from Kazan, where his father served as an agronomist and his mother as a rural teacher. In the third grade of a rural school, he already “published” his own handwritten journal and published his own poems there. From 1913 to 1920, he studied at a real school in the village of Sernur, near the small provincial town of Urzhum, Vyatka province, and was interested in history, chemistry, drawing...

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In 1920, after graduating from a real school in Urzhum, he went to Moscow and entered the medical department of the university there. Very soon, however, he ends up in Petrograd, where he studies at the department of language and literature at the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, which he graduates in 1925, having, by his own admission, “a voluminous notebook of bad poetry.” Next year he is called up for military service.

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In 1926-1927 Zabolotsky served in the army, then received a position in the children's book department of the State Publishing House. The department published not only books, but also two children's magazines - "Chizh" and "Hedgehog". Like-minded poets of Zabolotsky, D. Kharms and A. Vvedensky, were involved in the work, and a poetry group was formed. At the end of 1927 it began to be called the Association of Real Art (first OBERIO, then OBERIU), they called themselves Oberiuts. The Oberiut manifesto appeared at the beginning of 1928 in the Posters of the House of Press, the section “Poetry of the Oberiuts” was written by Zabolotsky. The Oberiuts declared: “We are the creators of not only new poetic language, but also creators of a new sense of life and its objects.

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After the publication of the collection “Columns” and the poem “The Triumph of Agriculture”, he was subjected to severe criticism and political accusations. In 1938 he was arrested by the NKVD and sent to camps in the Far East and Altai Territory. In 1944 he was released, and soon moved to Karaganda with his family who came to him. From 1946 to 1948, the Zabolotsky family lived near Moscow, in Peredelkino.

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Here Zabolotsky edited translations of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and others brought from Karaganda, and resumed his poetry studies. Since 1948, Zabolotsky lived in Moscow. In 1951, during a period of new political repressions, the poet received an order to leave the capital within ten days, and remained in Moscow thanks to the intervention of Fadeev and Tikhonov. In 1956-1958 - the time of the “thaw” - he created about half of all works of the Moscow period; in 1957, the most complete collection of Zabolotsky’s lifetime works was published in Moscow.

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After reading this book, an authoritative connoisseur of poetry, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, wrote enthusiastic words to Nikolai Alekseevich: “I am writing to you with the same respectful timidity with which I would write to Tyutchev or Derzhavin. For me there is no doubt that the author of “Cranes”, “Swan”, “Give in” me, starling, corner", "Loser", "Actresses", " Human faces", "Morning", "Forest Lake", "Blind", "At the Movies", "Walkers", "Ugly Girl", "I am not looking for harmony in nature" - a truly great poet, whose work sooner or later contributed to Soviet culture ( maybe even against my will) I will have to be proud of it as one of my highest achievements. To some of the present, these lines of mine will seem like a reckless and gross mistake, but I answer for them with all my seventy years of reading experience" (June 5, 1957).