Making cappuccino at home without a coffee machine. Cappuccino coffee at home. Composition of cappuccino coffee. The best cooking recipes. Making cappuccino without turk and cream

Cappuccino - a world-famous drink consisting of coffee and frothed milk, was invented in Italy. Its name translated from Italian means "hood". It is said to be named after the Capuchin monks, who wear light brown robes with hoods and white trim.

According to the legend cappuccino was invented by these monks. They really loved coffee with milk and noticed that if you froth the milk, you get a beautiful airy foam, and drinking coffee with it is very pleasant. And then, in the 17th century, Capuchin monk Marco D'Aviano discovered a method for producing milk foam using steam.
But there is no evidence that this was exactly the case in any documentary source.

There is another cute one the legend of cappuccino which I really like...
It says that cappuccino was invented... goats! Yes, yes, the most ordinary goats!
It has long been known that it was these animals that introduced coffee to people, since they loved to eat its leaves, twigs and fruits, and their owners noticed that after such a “lunch” the goats were always “in high spirits.”
In the evening they had to be milked, and if the goats ate coffee all day, then it is quite appropriate to assume that after that they were milked not with milk, but CAPPUCCINO!

A close relative of cappuccino - latte macchiato, differs from it in the ratio of coffee and milk in the drink and the method of preparation.

Italians usually drink cappuccino in the morning. for breakfast with a bun or cornetto(a cornetto is the same croissant in the Italian style). And they do it right: this drink is not only very tasty, but also nutritious and energizes and good mood for all day!

Of course, not everyone at home has a special device, the so-called “coffee machine,” for making Italian coffee and frothing milk...
But cappuccino can be prepared without this machine,
you just need to know a few secrets...

Сappuccino - Secrets of making cappuccino

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Classic Italian cappuccino served in a white ceramic cup. Select a cup that will hold 3 coffee cups of liquid.
A cappuccino will consist of 1 cup of strong coffee and 2 cups of milk. If you don’t have a coffee cup, then simply measure how much liquid goes into your tea cup and divide it into 3 parts. For example, if a cup contains 150 ml, then for a cappuccino we will take 50 ml of coffee and 50 + 50 = 100 ml of milk

A must for cappuccino need to good milk - fresh, whole, low-fat and, preferably, with short term storage This type of milk will froth better.
(skim milk can also be whipped, but there will be less foam and it is unstable, i.e. it settles faster)
Measure 2 parts of milk and pour them into the saucepan.

Now you need make coffee.
As you know, coffee that needs to be boiled is much tastier than instant coffee, but if you don’t have time, you can use instant coffee. Prepare it the way you like, but the coffee must be strong enough, because... we will dilute it with milk. For 1 serving of cappuccino - 1 coffee cup. Pour it into a hot cup, immediately add sugar, stir and leave. I usually cover it with something to keep it warm.

Now about the most important thing - about the technique of frothing milk.

For whipping you need a regular immersion blender and a tall container or glass.
First the milk needs to be heated, but under no circumstances not to a boil. Milk foam begins to whip from +35 to +60 degrees, if the milk is overheated, the milk proteins are destroyed and it will not whip!

You can check the heating temperature with your fingertip; if you feel that the milk is getting hot and you can no longer put your finger in it, you need to remove it from the heat.
Pour the heated milk into a tall container or whisking glass and beat with a blender, using up and down movements, being careful not to let the milk swirl too much into the funnel or form too large bubbles.
How long does it take to beat it?
Yes, how much patience do you have? But not for too long, otherwise the milk and coffee will get cold. 2 minutes will be enough.

This is how the foam turned out. In the photo, I frothed milk for 2 servings of cappuccino, I got 1/3 of the foam. If you only froth one cup's worth of milk, you might end up with 1/2 of it. From this we conclude: it is better not to prepare several cups of cappuccino simultaneously.

Let the finished foam stand for a minute.
Pour coffee into a cup and then milk with foam.

To check if your cappuccino is successful, try sprinkling a little cinnamon or cocoa powder on the foam. If it stays on the surface and doesn't sink, you've got some pretty good foam!

Test two: sprinkle a little sugar on the foam (brown sugar in the photo), if it doesn’t drown - bravo! Your cappuccino is close to the original!

Well, if you put a piece of sugar on the foam and it doesn’t sink either...
...Perhaps you have already “whipped the meringue”?

The cappuccino is ready. You can sprinkle cocoa or cinnamon on top (not for testing, but for taste) and...enjoy a delicate creamy drink...

Let's talk a little about "Latte Art" or the art of decorating cappuccino, which also first appeared in Italy, and has now gained great popularity throughout the world.
With the help of delicate milk foam, you can create various designs and inscriptions on your cappuccino and thus serve it beautifully and elegantly!

Search online for videos for "latte art" and you will see that professional bartenders create real miracles with cappuccino!

I always wanted to repeat something similar at home,
Let's learn how to decorate cappuccino together!
It should be noted that the foam obtained using a blender at home is much more airy and loose than that obtained in a coffee machine. Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely repeat all the tricks of Italian bartenders.
Now I'll reveal it a few secrets of "latte art"...

First secret is how you pour milk foam into a cup. It is best to whisk and then pour the milk using a tall container or jug ​​or milk jug (I use a tall measuring cup) with a spout.

First, holding this container in your hand, lightly mix the foam with the milk in a circular motion.
If you pour the foam quickly and keep the container close to the cup, all the foam will appear on top with a white head.

If you hold the container high above the cup and pour carefully, you get a light brown surface.

If you start pouring high and at the very end bring the container closer to the cup, you get a white spot of foam on the coffee background.

Knowing this, we pour it the way we need it and decorate it!

1. Decorate with cocoa or cinnamon.
This is the easiest way. Pour the foam into a cup, cut out a hole of any shape in a sheet of thick paper (for me it’s a heart), hold the paper close above the cup, and sprinkle with cocoa or cinnamon. The result is a drawing...

2. To make inscriptions and patterns on foam, you can use leftover coffee, which remain in the cup (especially if you made instant coffee). Use a stick to write or draw whatever you want on top.

These drawings are also made using the same technique.

For the same purpose you can prepare chocolate sauce and use it for decoration in the same way. To do this, grate a little chocolate into a cup, place the cup in hot water until the chocolate dissolves and dilute it with water. The sauce should be liquid. You need to use it for decoration while it is still warm.

Let's continue talking about latte art...

3. Heart pattern
Pour in the milk foam slowly, keeping the container away from the cup so that the surface of the cappuccino remains brown.
Use the remaining foam in the container to apply a few spots on the surface using a spoon.
Use a stick to draw a circle through all the white spots.

I don’t know about you, but I consider myself a coffee lover, so I drink several mugs a day. I know that there is nothing good in this, but I can’t cope with such addiction. Of course, I try to reduce my consumption.

The drink gets boring over time and you want a new taste, so I wondered how to make cappuccino without a coffee machine. I have selected several recipes that may be useful to you. At the same time, we do not need special and expensive equipment.

Just 15-20 years ago, this drink could only be ordered in bars and catering establishments, but today we can successfully make it at home from available ingredients.

So let's get started with the review. simple ways preparations.

Instant coffee cappuccino

If you don’t have a cappuccino maker, then the drink can be made from simple products and improvised means. There is nothing complicated about this. A device for inflatable balls is suitable as a broom. You can also beat the mixture using an immersion blender.

We perform the following actions:

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of your favorite instant coffee into a glass, sugar to taste and a couple of spoons cold water;
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and beat the mushy mass in any convenient way;
  3. In another mug, pour boiling water over the coffee, stir and spread the resulting foam on top.

Just 2-3 minutes and you have a real cappuccino ready.

How to make a cinnamon drink without a coffee machine

For the next recipe we will need a Turk. To add flavor, add a small amount of cinnamon to it. We will also prepare ground grains.

Pour 1/3 cup of fresh milk into a Turkish cup and add 1 tsp granulated sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil, pour into a convenient container and whisk with a kitchen broom.

Now add 1 tsp of coffee and 2/3 cup of water to the Turk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, remove from the burner.

Pour the hot drink into a cup, add the foamy mixture and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Instead of spices, you can add a small amount of cocoa powder.

Just 5 minutes and you are guaranteed a great start to the day.

Making cappuccino without turk and cream

There is another simple way. For this we need granulated instant coffee. To maintain the correct proportions, we will use small cups.

Prepare equal amounts of coffee, sugar and ice water.

Add the prepared products, a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon to a deep container. Beat with a mixer until a stable creamy foam forms, as shown in the photo below. This will take 5-7 minutes.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of coffee mixture to a cup, pour hot milk and stir before drinking.

The foam can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Therefore, you should spend a little time once and provide yourself with delicious cappuccino for several days.

How to make coffee at home in the microwave

Don't have a Turkish coffee machine or a coffee machine? It doesn’t matter, a delicious drink with foam can be easily prepared at home without special equipment.

To begin, pour 100-150 ml of 2.5% milk into a cup and heat in the microwave at maximum power for 30-40 seconds.

In any container, cook the ground grains in water. Beat the hot milk with a French press (a device for brewing tea) for half a minute. Now all that remains is to pour the milk foam into a cup, pour the prepared coffee in a thin stream and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

If you don't have a French press, beat the milk with a kitchen broom or immersion blender.

Vanilla cappuccino with cream

This dessert drink is one of the most popular in cafes and bars. If you have ever tried it, you will definitely want to cook it yourself at home. Nothing could be easier!

The drink is prepared in several stages:

  1. Add 2 tsp of ground grains to the Turk, pour 150 ml of clean water. Bring to a boil and strain;
  2. Bring 150 ml of cream to almost a boil, then add a small amount of vanilla. Stir, and when the foam begins to rise, reduce the heat to low, and whip the cream directly on the stove with a mixer or blender.
  3. Spread the resulting foam on top of the coffee.

As you can see, there are no cooking secrets. You only need to allocate 5 minutes of your time.

How to make drawings on coffee

You might have seen a barista serving a drink with different patterns. I found a video showing how to decorate a cappuccino. I tried it a couple of times, but to be honest, nothing good has come of it yet. A little experience is needed. See how the professionals do it:

I think if you practice a little, you will definitely succeed.

If you love coffee, then now you know how to make your own cappuccino at home without special equipment. I hope that my review will help you with this.

Coffee drinks are a combination of three main components: espresso coffee, milk and sugar in different proportions, temperature conditions and consistencies. Cappuccino is one of the most favorite drinks with a distinct creamy note, which can be prepared both in a coffee machine and at home. What are the most popular recipes for preparing it?

What is cappuccino

According to one legend, the recipe for cappuccino coffee at home was invented in Italy back in the 16th century. In those days, coffee beans were not available to everyone due to the high price. Another reason to use it in limited quantities was the opinion of the devilish power of the drink, which invigorated too much. It was for these reasons that the Capuchin monks began to add milk or cream to the cup. This component softened the bitterness of the drink and its stimulating properties, and also made it possible to save on coffee beans.

Capuchin monks in those days wore black robes with white hoods, which gave the name to the world's favorite drink, which acquired official status only in 1855, when the first coffee machine for making cappuccino was presented at a specialized exhibition in Paris.

If a few decades ago real cappuccino could only be tasted in bars and cafes, today it can be successfully prepared at home, even without a coffee machine.

Classic cappuccino is 180 ml of true pleasure

Classic cappuccino recipe

How to make a classic cappuccino at home? To do this, you will need natural ground coffee, milk or cream, and sugar if desired. The tools you need are a Turk and a whisk or mixer.

For a standard 100 ml of espresso, take 80-100 ml of milk or cream and sugar to taste. First, strong coffee is brewed in a Turkish coffee pot. To do this, pour 1.5 tsp into it. ground coffee, pour in 100 ml of cold water and bring to a boil, repeating the procedure up to 5-7 times. When the coffee is ready, the Turk is set aside and the preparation of milk begins. 50 ml of natural milk is heated in a high container; during the heating process, they begin to gently beat it with a whisk or mixer at medium power. When the milk increases in volume and thick foam appears, turn off the heat and begin to combine the ingredients.

  1. Pour boiling water over or heat in the microwave a small porcelain cup with thick walls and wipe dry.
  2. Pour the Turkish coffee out and add sugar to taste.
  3. Carefully pour in the milk.
  4. Spread milk foam on top with a spoon.

Milk or cream must be natural, not powdered, otherwise such a product will not be able to be whipped to the desired foam. Milk should be of maximum fat content, and the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. A drink prepared in this way can be called a classic cappuccino.

Properly frothed milk is the key to a classic Italian drink

Cappuccino with additives

To prepare an unusual cappuccino at home without a coffee machine, you can use the following recipes.

Thick vanilla cappuccino

To prepare it, you will need to brew strong coffee in a Turk from 120 ml of water and 2 tsp. ground grains. Separately prepare the egg-vanilla-cream component. To do this, separate the yolk from the white and gently beat it with 2 tsp. powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin. Heat 50 ml of cream with 30% fat, add the egg-sugar mixture to it and beat it until foamy. Next, the liquid part is poured into a cup of coffee, and foam is placed on top. The drink is ready.

Cappuccino with syrup

To make the drink richer in taste and give it an unusual aftertaste, you can add a little syrup to the cup. Vanilla, chocolate, nut or caramel syrup are considered the most suitable for cappuccino. For a standard 180 ml cup you will need 1 tsp of the sweet ingredient.

Coffee is prepared according to classic recipe: Brew in a Turk and whip the milk. Next, pour the coffee into a cup, add milk and liqueur, and only after that add milk foam. Sugar is not added to this drink, since the syrup is always prepared with sugar or its substitute.

Cappuccino with egg foam

To make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine with beautiful foam, similar to whipped cream, you can use one secret. Its essence is the use of egg white. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Brew 150 ml of strong coffee in a Turk.
  2. Heat 30 ml of milk to 60 degrees.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk and beat it with 1-2 tsp. powdered sugar.
  4. Pour coffee into a warm cup, warm milk and add egg foam.

This cappuccino is more like a dessert than a drink, so it is often decorated with chocolate chips or cinnamon.

Not everyone succeeds in frothing milk for cappuccino correctly the first time. It is important to choose a product with a fat content of at least 3% and without additives. After slightly warming it up in the container, they begin to slowly beat it to catch up the pace. First, large bubbles should appear on the surface, then small ones, forming the very foam that covers the cappuccino. The milk is whipped until the foam forms a layer of a few millimeters, in which case it will not disappear when the milk is poured into the cup.

To make cappuccino with thick foam, you can use a French press or blender. To do this, heat the milk to 60-70 degrees, pour it into containers and begin whipping. In skillful hands, the milk will be ready in 2-3 minutes.

Cappuccino is one of the most favorite drinks in Italy, the homeland of Europe's main coffee lovers. It is no less popular in Russia, and many housewives, using the recipes presented, will be able to prepare a delicious drink in just 5 minutes.

Good day, site readers! Many goods that are sold in our grocery stores cost a lot of money, and in addition there is a steady tendency for them to become more expensive. That’s why people who want to save money often have the idea of ​​preparing individual dishes on their own - it turns out, firstly, cheaper, and secondly, with a 100% guarantee of health safety. Avid, and most importantly, not lazy coffee lovers, know how to make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine. Let us also join this difficult but noble art.


According to statistics for several recent years Coffee consumption in the Russian Federation is growing or remaining stable high level, and one of the most popular drinks is cappuccino! A third of Russians use it on a regular basis. Wherein most of gourmets order these products in specialized coffee shops, restaurants and similar catering establishments.

Despite the fact that the cost of cappuccino in most establishments is quite affordable, it seems that a considerable percentage of consumers would like to try to prepare a delicacy in their kitchen in order to preserve the “non-rubber” family budget.

Cappuccino - very popular among coffee gourmets

The intention is understandable, but not everything can be realized with just one ardent desire. In cafes, cappuccino is made using expensive equipment. You can, of course, buy some advanced model of a household coffee machine for your home. However, there are ways that are less expensive and at the same time attractive in their simplicity.

Basic technique for making cappuccino at home

So what is the drink we are reviewing:

  1. A cappuccino is a reduced portion of espresso to which milk is added and milk foam is built on top. The traditional proportion is one third of everything – coffee, milk, and topping. It makes sense to decorate this amazing potion with grated chocolate; some prefer cinnamon or some other spices.
  2. The generally accepted volume of the drink is 150-180 milliliters. True fans drink the drink from thick-walled ceramic dishes, and always without sugar, although no one forbids introducing it at any stage of preparation.
  3. Getting a cappuccino at home without using technology can take ten minutes, and if you’re unaccustomed to it, even more.

So, what products and devices will we need to implement our planned event - to create cappuccino at home without a coffee machine:

  • cezva (Turk);
  • gas or electric stove;
  • whisk;
  • water;
  • milk;
  • and, of course, coffee.

To speed up the process, you can use a coffee grinder, mixer, French press, and use sugar and seasonings at your discretion as pleasant additions.

The first stage of preparing cappuccino - brewing delicious aromatic coffee in a Turk

Any one will do, but ideally one made of copper. The type of stove also makes no difference, but the water should be spring or filtered. - always of high quality and in grains, although the use of ground is not prohibited. The grains need to be ground as finely as possible so that the product is completely boiled, dissolved in water and reveals all the flavor shades.

Step-by-step history of making cappuccino at home:

  1. Boil the coffee over low heat until appropriate foam appears on the surface of the liquid. Do not bring to a boil.
  2. Heat the milk on the next burner. Likewise, there is no need to boil it. It will be great if you can bring the temperature of the product to 70 degrees until foam appears.
  3. Directly during the heating process, the milk must be whipped manually or with a mixer. Stop whipping until fine foam appears. With a mixer, milk is whipped in half a minute, with a whisk – in two or three minutes.
  4. Pour the brew into a cup, top with whipped milk and garnish with something tasty. Instead of “decorations”, you can add a little alcohol, but be sure to do so before adding the milk-foam mixture.

And although the art of applying an image on milky cappuccino lace is not an easy task, for especially special occasions you can work up a sweat. The easiest way to learn how to perform primitive elements such as a heart. To complete the task, the pitching technique is used: the pattern is drawn with a stream of milk poured from a vessel with a spout - a pitcher.

The second stage - beat the heated milk until a thick foam forms.

To facilitate manipulations like how to make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine, you should know that raw milk with a high percentage of fat content serves best as a “watercolor-on-coffee.” And whipping the milk base to a foamy state transforms its structure into a delicate consistency, pliable for applying patterns.

Other cooking details

To ensure that you, your family, and potential guests enjoy your homemade cappuccino, it is important to remember the following nuances:

  • use only high quality coffee for brewing;
  • if we miss the moment and bring the preparation to a boil, the drink will be excessively bitter;
  • Ideally, the coffee base should be cooled and put on the fire again 5-7 times, then the drink will come out suitable in strength;
  • it is possible to make foam from a milk-cream mixture, but it is better if it is made from natural fat milk;
  • To successfully froth the milk, you must first warm it up and then beat it; large bubbles are not suitable for this purpose - only small ones;
  • before pouring coffee into a container, be sure to rinse it with boiling water, only then pour espresso into it, and place an air-milk “cap” on top with a spoon (and under no circumstances stir it!);
  • You can draw on the foam either with a pitcher or with the help of stencils. In coffee shops, the art of latte art is mastered by specialists called baristas, but it’s not the gods who burn the pots, right, why are we worse? In principle, learning to depict the three main symbols - an apple, a heart and a flower - is not so difficult. Master the basic shapes, you can try something more elaborate. Don't be afraid to imagine;
  • Sugar can be put into coffee before pouring in the milk components, whisk it together with milk, and pour it onto the foamy top. In general, it is more correct to sow it from above at the very end;
  • at the moment of connection, all three components of the cappuccino should be hot;
  • alcoholic fillers (rum, liqueur) are added before the foam is laid out, and crumbs of chopped nuts and chocolate are dumped onto it.

Mini collection of recipes

Cappuccino with cinnamon

How to make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine with a spice like cinnamon? For this we need:

  • 150 milliliters of filtered water;
  • 2 teaspoons of coffee;
  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • sugar and cinnamon.

Let's move on to the cooking process:

  1. We brew coffee using water using the classic method in a Turk.
  2. At the same time, heat the milk to approximately 70 degrees.
  3. Whipping the foam.
  4. Pour coffee from Turkish coffee into a cup.
  5. Place foam on top of the drink.
  6. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top.

Cappuccino with chocolate

To create this masterpiece of culinary art, we cannot do without:

  • 120 milliliters of water;
  • 2 small spoons of coffee;
  • 200 grams of cream;
  • sugar and chocolate sawdust.

This is how delicious it turns out

  1. First of all, brew coffee in a cezve, bring the contents to a boil several times, and after the last round remove from the stove.
  2. Heat the cream for a minute, and then beat with a hand whisk or mixer until foam appears.
  3. Pour the coffee into a heated cup and place a dollop of cream on top.
  4. Sprinkle the product with sugar and chocolate chips.

Vanilla cappuccino.

We are “armed” with such products as:

  • 2 small spoons of coffee;
  • raw egg yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • 2 large spoons of cream.

Prepare as follows:

  1. We brew coffee in the usual way.
  2. Mix the yolk with powder, add cream and vanilla, then beat this mixture.
  3. Fill the heated cup halfway with the coffee drink and create foam on top.

Cappuccino made from instant coffee

A cappuccino made from instant coffee is technically possible, the option itself is cheap, but you will have to forget about the exquisite taste and elegant aroma. Ersatz natural coffee cannot be replaced.

But if you still decide to experiment with how to make cappuccino without a coffee machine using the most affordable method, then:

  1. Boil water and brew instant coffee in a cup at the rate of a teaspoon per 50 milliliters of liquid.
  2. Beat the milk with a cappuccino maker or manually using a blender until foam forms.
  3. Pour coffee into a cup.
  4. Add milk and top with cocoa or cinnamon topping.

Is it possible to make cappuccino at home?

Unfortunately, there is always not enough time in the morning, and therefore preparing cappuccino at home without a coffee machine is problematic. This means one thing: to make milk-coffee masterpieces, it is wiser to purchase a mechanical assistant. Even the most primitive coffee maker with a manual cappuccino maker makes it possible to prepare cappuccino instantly, right before your eyes.

Well, if you buy a capsule coffee machine with automatic preparation modes, then all physical effort is reduced to zero - just a couple of button presses! Just remember to put the capsule in the compartment intended for this.

However, you shouldn’t run to the nearest hardware store and buy the first coffee machine you see. There are few models in the world that allow you to get a cappuccino exactly the same as in a coffee shop.

Good coffee equipment is expensive, but once you own it, you can enjoy your favorite drink any time you are at home.

And, by the way, the above-mentioned coffee maker and coffee machine have certain similarities. The only difference is that the coffee machine operates according to full program coffee ceremony, from grinding beans to making milk foam, while the functions of a coffee maker are usually limited to brewing alone, and also (in some models) frothing.

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  • Cappuccino coffee is deservedly popular. Aromatic, rich coffee with a creamy taste and delicate milk foam will leave few people indifferent. Usually, when we want to drink a cup of cappuccino, we go to a coffee shop, where the barista will quickly and professionally prepare this delicious drink. But what to do if you want to drink cappuccino, but there is no opportunity to visit a coffee shop? Many people mistakenly believe that such a drink is difficult to prepare at home, but this is not the case. If you follow the recipe and preparation technology, you can get cappuccino at home.

    Cappuccino coffee at home

    The preparation of the drink occurs sequentially in three stages. First of all, it is black coffee, then it is obtaining milk foam, and lastly, it is the combination of coffee and foam.

    Ingredients for one cup of cappuccino

    • ground coffee – 1 full teaspoon;
    • 200 ml milk;
    • 150 ml water.

    Making cappuccino

    1. Making black coffee. or coffee maker. must be high quality, from brands that have proven themselves in the market. Only in this case will the drink be obtained with a rich aroma and deep taste.
    2. Getting milk froth. The whole secret of cappuccino lies in the airy and at the same time persistent foam, so this is the most important stage in preparing the drink. The milk should be whole, with a fat content of 3-3.5% and without any milk powder content. The fat content can be chosen according to taste; the fattier the milk, the more pronounced the creamy taste of the milk foam will be. If you have a coffee maker with a cappuccino maker at home, then everything is simple, you just need to pour the milk into a container and whisk it. If you do not have such a device, use a mixer or blender. To make the foam homogeneous, the milk must be heated to 50-60 degrees. During the process of whipping the foam, large bubbles appear first, then very small ones. As soon as a fine-bubbly airy substance is obtained, the process is considered complete.
    3. Combination of coffee and milk foam. Pre-rinse a porcelain or ceramic cup with boiling water to heat it. Pour 1/3 of the coffee into it and use a spoon to put foam on top, which can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or cinnamon. The proportions of coffee and foam should be 1:1.

    Cappuccino at home is ready. Try experimenting with it. You can add syrup or a little alcohol to it - liqueur, rum, cognac... And use ground nuts or spices as a powder.