The use of essential oils in the bath. Essential oils for baths and saunas. Essential oils in the bath

Using essential oil in a bath or sauna. Using essential oils in the sauna. Essential oils for a bath. Rules for using essential oil in the bath. The benefits of essential oils in the bath. How many drops to drip in the bath? Essential oil in the steam room. Bath oil.

Pure Rus'– we tenderly call our Fatherland. It was in Europe that people in the old days did not wash themselves, but used rubdowns and other means incomprehensible to Russian people. Although, there was some benefit from this - they learned how to make perfume to mask the smell of sewage. 😳

Russian people respect the bathhouse and for many it is a sacred ritual. Some people prefer a Russian bath, others prefer a sauna. For some, it is a way of communication and relaxation, for others it is a path to healing from illnesses - a sacred ritual.

People have long used decoctions of herbs, flowers and pine cones to rinse their hair; brooms for the whole winter were prepared from juniper and oak, birch and St. John's wort. We can say that the Russian Bath is our domestic method of aromatherapy.

It is in the bathhouse that there is everything for the rapid penetration of essential oils into the human body. The heat opens the skin pores wide, allowing essential oils to penetrate quickly. Every cell of the body literally swallows aromas. Through the respiratory tract, molecules enter the lymphatic and bloodstream, thereby making the effect of essential oil even more effective. The very atmosphere in the bathhouse is conducive to rest and relaxation of the body, which is useful in itself.

You cannot put water with essential oil on the heater! The oil will burn... Combustion products are harmful to breathe.

Good to know, What Russian bath contains humidity of about 100% and affects the human body at a temperature of 50-60ºС. The heat source is a stove-stove. Essential oils are ideal for taking a bath, imbuing this procedure with additional healing qualities.

Sauna – The Finnish sauna has become very popular with us. It does not contain active humidity (10-15%). The air in the sauna is dry and hot. The temperature reaches 80ºС. Many Russian people are adherents of this particular type of bathhouse.

Indications for the bath procedure: Hypertension, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma (sauna), rheumatism (without exacerbations), polyarthritis, gout, circulatory disorders, neurasthenia, radiculitis.

Contraindications: Acute inflammatory processes of internal organs, high blood pressure (200 and above), epilepsy, ischemic disease heart disease, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma in acute form, infectious diseases in the acute period, pregnancy.

Directions for use:

1. Container with water and oil. Place 5-7 drops of essential oil in a bowl of water and place it on the floor next to a heat source. The aroma will gradually spread and will not be too strong. You can use a vessel with a narrow neck. This is for those cases when you prefer an unobtrusive light scent.

2. Oil on wood. Place 3-4 drops of essential oil on a bench or bath wall next to you. The oil will be absorbed into the warm wood, and the room will immediately be filled with a thick aroma.

3. Masks for the body and face. They can be prepared in advance. The base can be homemade unflavored yogurt, sour cream, honey, egg yolk or fine-textured fatty oil. Essential oil is selected individually or at the request of your group of friends and fellow bathhouse guests. There are many recipes and there is one for everyone.

4. Bath Soap self made with essential oil. Both beautiful and useful. And so that your friends don’t envy you, give them a piece of soap with essential and fatty oils as a gift.

5. Aromatherapy massage. Many people like to combine a bath with a massage procedure. Make essential oils suitable for you based on carrier oil. Massage with essential oils is very... very! effective.

6. Bath brooms soak in water before using them. You can enhance their effect if you add 2-3 drops of essential oil directly into the soaking water.


How many drops of essential oil are needed for a 5 sq. m steam room?

  • In the steam room, essential oil is added every hour in the amount of 5 drops per 500 ml of water.

Procedures in the dressing room - masks, massages, compresses...

  • For application to the body - 3 drops per 1 teaspoon of fatty oil.

Recommendations and warnings.

— If you are not alone in the bathhouse, then you should ask your neighbors in the steam room if they want a foreign smell in the bathhouse. Who knows? What if someone has an allergy or just doesn’t like the smell. Aromatherapy methods are based on personal liking for aromas, otherwise it does not work.

— Also, it should be remembered that essential oils volatile and flammable, which means they evaporate easily at high temperatures. Oil You can’t put steam on the heater. It will burn instantly, and as a result you will get a combustion product in the steam room instead of aroma.

- Only 100% natural essential oil should be used. can only be added to masks.

*Aromatic - fatty oil with the addition of essential oil in small quantitiesPlease, take care of yourself! Some characters, without understanding, buy synthetic oils. They are cheaper and practically do not differ in smell. It is better not to use anything in the bath than synthetics. A bathhouse, first of all, is needed for health, cleansing and pleasure, and cheap oils can greatly spoil the procedure with headaches or anaphylactic shock!

— Don’t sit in the steam room for a long time, go out more often and cool down, and most importantly! — drink more clean, living water or herbal tea. Since a lot of useful substances come out with sweat, it would be a good idea to take vitamins A, group B, C, minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sea salt (vitamins should not be taken on an empty stomach; you can wash them down with yogurt in a bathhouse). You will feel that sitting in the steam room will be easier.

Oils are divided into

If you need to warm up the body, then take hot oils, such as pine or fir, for a bath. If you need to reduce the heat in the bathhouse and make it easier to stay in the steam room, then use mint, lemon or tea tree, etc.

it could be anything. The main thing is that it is not food grade. It is very difficult to penetrate into pores, as it has large molecules. It is more useful to use cosmetic vegetable oils.

You should not add essential oil to the finished industrial cream. The cream already contains a ready-made formula and is often prepared on a mineral basis, which does not have penetrating (carrying into the skin) abilities.

...and most importantly!... lastly. Introduce aromatherapy procedures gradually, follow the dosage. Too intensive use can lead to unpleasant consequences. You need to be especially careful in the bathhouse, since severe overheating of the body is already stressful!

List of essential oils suitable for use in the bath:uh

For example, you can also use essential oils for:

Removal of toxins:

To tone up the body:

To restore strength: pine, myrtle, orange.

Preventative: hyssop, lemongrass, lemon balm, citronella

For cellulite:lavender, fennel, lemon, juniper, tangerine, pine, spruce.

To improve immunity:ev calyptus, spruce, mint, pink tree, Birch tar.

For skin regeneration and rejuvenation:R ose, lemon, lavender.

Take care of your health. Have fun!

Aromatologist Sharova Olga... with care and love

In ancient times, the baths used not ordinary steam, but steam made with the help of medicinal herbs. Now they have been replaced by a variety of essential oils, which are much more convenient both in production and in use. This article will discuss how to properly use essential oils in a bath.

History of the creation of essential oils

The first samples of essential oils were made more than 5 thousand years ago by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. Also, similar compositions were talked about in India, China and Egypt, and a little later the Greeks and Romans learned about essential oils. Initially, such products were used in embalming and healing techniques, but over time they began to be used in cooking and in everyday life.

The popularity of essential oils and the demand for them led to an obvious phenomenon - in the 6th century BC, such substances entered international circulation at the suggestion of Babylonian merchants. It is not surprising that already at that time there were their own experts in the production of various oils, and the Romans stood out clearly against their background.

It was the Romans who made the lion's share of interesting discoveries in this area. In particular, they were able to combine various oils and successfully used them for cosmetic purposes. In addition, the Romans developed a classification of essential oils that is still used today.

However, not everything went so smoothly. The Romans lost their main recipes for making oils, and they had to wait until the 10th century AD, in which the famous Arab scientist Avicenna lived. He developed the hydrodistillation method, with which oils are created even today.

In Rus', the situation with oils was not the best - such products could only be obtained in the royal pharmacy, where they were made according to secret recipes. Over time, essential oils were replaced by tablets and pills, so natural substances were simply forgotten.

Relatively recently, essential oils have been remembered, largely thanks to a scientist named Rene-Maurice Gatefoss. While working in the laboratory, he received a burn on his hand and immediately dipped it into a nearby container. Inside the container there was lavender oil, which completely eliminated both pain and burn marks. As a result, Gatefoss wrote a book that became a reference book for people involved in aromatherapy.

Benefits of essential oils

The purpose of essential oils sounds quite simple - they improve relaxation and have healing properties. In winter, compositions are used to treat colds, and in summer - anti-stress and refreshing.

The use of essential oils for baths and saunas is due to the fact that when they enter heated steam, aromatic agents act more actively and can penetrate into all organs human body. Using aromatic substances in this way serves several purposes and allows you to solve many problems.

In addition to spraying in the air, bath oils are also used for massage procedures, and even as a substance for lubricating shelves. An example is ordinary flax oil, when applied to boards the latter become bright, acquire a pleasant smell and are much easier to clean.

Choosing bath oil

When figuring out which oil is best for a bath, it is worth considering the effect it has, depending on which the following groups of products can be distinguished:

  1. Exciting. This category includes lavender, grapefruit, fir and jasmine oils. Using them in a bath lifts your mood, improves your tone and strengthens your immune system.
  2. Calming. Similar essential oils are made from tangerine, ylang-ylang and lemon. The name says it all - soothing essential oils bring calm and relaxation.
  3. Disinfectants. They are made from eucalyptus, chamomile, mint, cedar, green tea and juniper. With the help of disinfectant oils, the treatment of wounds and skin diseases is significantly accelerated.

In addition, you can find other types of oils on the market that can solve a wide range of problems - from preserving skin and hair to cosmetic procedures. The properties of essential oils for baths are quite extensive, so you need to carefully select a specific product.

There are several good combinations of oils used in the bath for specific tasks:

  • To get rid of cellulite, a composition of 5 drops of juniper, 7 drops of lemon and 5 drops of tangerine is suitable (you can also use grape seed oil in its pure form);
  • To smooth the skin, you can use almond oil;
  • You can restore damaged skin with 4 drops of lavender mixed with 3 drops of lemon and rose;
  • To remove toxins: 4 drops each of lemon and juniper, plus 2 drops of sandalwood;
  • To strengthen nervous system, a mixture is used that includes 5 drops of bergamot and 3 drops each of ylang-ylang and orange;
  • For hardening, 3 drops of mint and 5 drops of spruce and eucalyptus are suitable;
  • To treat chronic cough, you can choose dill, juniper, ginger or anise oil.

By understanding which oils are used in the bath, you can achieve maximum efficiency and get the maximum benefit from bath procedures.

Safety rules when using essential oils

Before using essential oils in a bath, it is worth checking them for quality, which directly depends on chemical composition chosen remedy. Not every product is well suited for use in a bathhouse, and you need to make sure of this in advance. The test is very simple - just drop a small amount of oil onto a new napkin. In the case of a natural product, all traces will disappear within a few minutes.

It’s another matter if the oil contains some impurities - the napkin will immediately acquire greasy spots and streaks. It is strongly not recommended to take such essential oils into a bath - if they dissolve in hot steam, the product may behave inappropriately and harm the health of people in the steam room. In addition, you need to understand that any essential oils affect the skin, organs of vision, smell and have a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect.

To know exactly how to use essential oils in a bath, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. If the smell of the chosen oil seems repulsive for some reason, it is clearly not worth using. By continuing to use this oil, best case scenario headaches will occur, and at worst - serious problems with the body. This problem can be solved very simply - just select a substance with a similar effect.
  2. When using oil for the first time, you should be careful - the body may react to an unfamiliar substance with an allergic reaction. To avoid this, it is worth carrying out a simple test: a couple of drops of essential oil are mixed with a vegetable oil in a teaspoon, after which the mixture is applied to the crook of the elbow. The absence of skin irritation after 24 hours indicates the safety of using the selected oil.
  3. To decide which essential oil is best for a bath, you should pay attention to the reputation and fame of the manufacturer. Also an important parameter when choosing is the price - essential oils are produced using complex technology, so a low cost will clearly indicate a violation of production processes.
  4. Essential oils are classified as flammable substances, so when using them in a bath you need to be careful and strictly follow the instructions for use.
  5. If oil gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately, using fatty oil first and then running water.
  6. Essential oils should not be placed or stored in plastic containers - polymers may become unusable due to exposure to solvents.
  7. Internal use of essential oils is prohibited.

In any case, you need to use oils in the bath with caution so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. You also need to take into account the compatibility of different products and not mix those for which this is unacceptable.

Before using essential oils in a bath for the first time, it is worth reducing the dosage to a couple of drops, as well as the time spent in the steam room. Subsequently, both indicators can be gradually increased to normal - usually 10 drops of oil are used per 15 square meters of steam room.

You can also place a heat-resistant container near the oven, pour water into it and add 10 drops of oil. What you should not do is pour essential oil directly into the oven - first the oil is diluted in hot water, and only then poured onto the stones. The same composition can be used to treat the walls of the room and shelves.


Essential oils for baths have many benefits and are suitable for various situations. If you figure out how to properly use oils in a bath, then bath procedures will turn into a most pleasant pastime that brings a lot of benefits.

Dear readers! What Russian person doesn’t love a bathhouse! Regular visits to the bathhouse are not only a hygienic procedure. It's much more than that. In the bathhouse we relax and rest our body and soul, especially if we go to the bathhouse with a group. After a bath you always feel as if you were born again. And the bathhouse also heals! Today we will take fir oil with us and use it to treat ourselves properly in the bathhouse.

With the help of essential oils, the effect of visiting a bathhouse increases significantly: mood improves, resistance to disease increases, performance improves, and fatigue disappears. The fact is that oils are volatile concentrated substances that, when evaporated, are able to penetrate the body and act through cell walls. And the hot air and humidity of a bath or sauna are ideal for using essential oils.

During bath procedures, the body relaxes, skin breathing is activated, it becomes uniform and deep. The skin pores open, waste and toxins are removed from the body through sweat, and then all the beneficial substances from the air are absorbed with redoubled force and after about 30 minutes they begin their therapeutic effect on the body.

The healing properties of fir and its oils have been valued since ancient times; it was one of the first plants used for aromatherapy. To this day, fir essential oils have not lost their relevance and uniqueness. Dropping a few drops into a ladle of water and pouring it onto hot stones or hot wooden boards in the bathhouse, your mood immediately improves, and irritation, anxiety and fatigue immediately disappear.

This natural medicine is recommended for use during the cold season. In winter, the immune system weakens, so the body is more susceptible to various infections and colds. When going to the bathhouse, stock up on fir oil and a fir broom in advance.

To improve your health in the bathhouse, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  • inhalation
  • fir broom massage
  • rubbing
  • foot baths

Fir inhalations

Inhalations are very effective method treatment of colds, sore throats and bronchitis. You can read about how to make them correctly at home. And today we do inhalations in the bathhouse. Perhaps holding them in a bathhouse is more effective. In addition to treating colds, inhaling fir vapors will also help you calm down and relieve insomnia.

For inhalation into a ladle with hot water add 2-3 drops of the product and spray on the hot stones. Inhale the aroma deeply through your nose. If you are performing such inhalation for the first time, then start with 1 drop; if there is no allergy, then the dosage of oil can be increased later.

Inhalation can be done in another way. Take a fir broom and brew it with boiling water in a separate basin. Wait a few minutes. As soon as the broom is ready, you will feel the pine aroma throughout the sauna. To enhance the effect, bring the broom to your face and deeply inhale the aroma of the broom for several minutes.

Massage with a fir broom

For a broom, fir branches no longer than 50-70 cm are collected, preferably with the growth of young needles. You can collect at any time of the year, but it is better to harvest brooms starting from March - April, when there is an intensive movement of sap in the tree. Usually, from this time until autumn, the needles of the tree are soft and fragrant. There is no point in repeating that you need to collect branches in environmentally friendly places.

The tradition of steaming with a fir broom is long-standing and it originated in Siberia and Altai, where coniferous trees have always been held in high esteem. Well-steamed young needles do not prick; they lie pleasantly to the body. Massage with a fir broom and its aroma have a disinfectant, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and

  • strengthen the immune system,
  • rejuvenate and strengthen the skin,
  • relieve pain in a number of diseases,
  • calms stress, nervous exhaustion and relaxes,
  • stimulate brain activity,
  • relieve fatigue after hard physical work.

Massage with a broom helps well with neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis, and many skin diseases. It should be noted that there are people with sensitive skin, they should be careful in the steam room. You also need to remember safety in the steam room - a broom that is too hot can cause a burn.


The effect of use will improve if fir oil is rubbed into the skin. It is better to rub when the sore spots are warmed up. The bathhouse, as you understand, is an ideal place to warm up.

This method is very helpful for arthritis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, myalgia, pain in the hip and knee joints. Rub fir oil onto clean skin; you can pre-wipe with sea salt. About the benefits of sea salt, or.

Foot baths

This is another simple procedure that can be done in a bathhouse. Pour water into a basin at a comfortable temperature for you and add 2-3 drops of fir oil to it. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10-15 minutes.

This procedure can be used to treat diseases such as fungal infections skin and nails, diaper rash, increased sweating of the feet, to relieve fatigue, with polyarthritis of the foot joints.

Precautionary measures

Don't forget about contraindications. If this is your first time using such a drug, first do a tolerance test, as allergic reactions are possible.

Pregnant women and people suffering from heart disease should not undergo such procedures. It is especially dangerous for heart patients to stay in a hot bath for a long time; it is better for them to carry out procedures using fir oil at home.

More details about healing properties and the use of fir oil, read the article “”. With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

Depending on the type and method of use, essential oils for baths have a tonic, healing and calming effect. Currently, so many different essential oils are produced for use in the bath that sometimes it becomes quite difficult to choose exactly the oil that is best suited for preventive or health purposes. We will try to figure this out so that in the future there will be no problems with the selection and use of essential oils when visiting the steam room.

Any essential oil is an aromatic mixture of volatile substances isolated from plants, which is subsequently used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Like those obtained in the form of infusions or decoctions, they are also widely used in aromatherapy in bath procedures. Together with hot steam, aromatic oils increase the already healing effect of a bath or sauna. Let's consider what properties the most famous types of essential oils have.

Therapeutic effect on the human body

It is known that the hot steam of a Russian or Finnish bath primarily has an effective effect on the respiratory system. It is not without reason that the bathhouse has been used since ancient times as a means for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

  1. To enhance the healing effects of hot steam, various essential oils with a pronounced effect on the respiratory system are used in the bath. For example, essential oils of juniper, anise or dill have an expectorant effect on severe coughs, clearing the upper respiratory tract. Eucalyptus or mint oils, in addition, also have a strong antiseptic effect, which is especially important when hiking.
  2. For headaches that occur due to changes in blood pressure or vascular spasms, aromatic oil of geranium or lemon verbena is good.
  3. And to calm and restore the nervous system, you can try the same geranium oil, as well as the essential aroma of wormwood or Chinese lemongrass. And vice versa, if you feel a loss of strength, then help will come oily aroma of rosemary.
  4. Skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema respond well to the combined use of hot steam and aromatic oils of pine, sea buckthorn, yarrow, sage, chamomile, celandine and valerian. Even without these diseases, the listed oil esters will help tone and renew the skin, making it velvety and elastic.
  5. Essential oils of coniferous trees have high antibacterial properties. These are spruce, pine, fir, and cedar. If you use these oils when visiting a steam room, they will help speed up the healing process of wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin.
  6. That the Russian bathhouse is the best remedy for removing toxins from the human body has been known for a long time and is no secret to anyone. Where else can you use a bath broom so well, stimulating the process of sweating, and with it the removal of unnecessary and harmful substances from the body!? Aromatic oils of lemon, sandalwood or juniper will undoubtedly make sweating more effective and beneficial.

Depending on the types of essential oils, they can increase the effectiveness of treatment for many diseases. For example, rheumatism and arthritis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis, bronchitis and tracheitis, indigestion and intestinal colic, cystitis and urethritis, increased activity of endocrine (metabolism) and immune systems, and many others. However, in order not to harm your health, before using aromatic oil for treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor about this.

The use of aromatic oils for cosmetic and preventive purposes

  1. In addition to medicinal properties, many essential oils also have a high disinfectant effect. Over time, wooden walls, shelves and other steam room structures absorb unpleasant odors that inevitably arise during the steaming process. Therefore, before you go to steam, you can use the oils of eucalyptus, chamomile, cedar needles, mint, and oregano while the steam room is heating.
  2. For those who want or struggle with cellulite, we can recommend oil aromas of lemon, orange, rosemary or juniper, which are used both during steaming and during massage procedures after leaving the steam room.
  3. Natural oils extracted from tea tree, eucalyptus and lemon balm are used to eliminate dandruff. You can strengthen your hair roots and prevent them from premature loss, as well as accelerate their growth with the help of essential oils of rosemary, Santal, patchouli and the same eucalyptus.
  4. Eucalyptus, lemon balm and eucalyptus esters will help cope with swelling and itching from insect bites.
  5. Bruises, muscle pain, tendon sprains, relieving fatigue - all this is eliminated by eucalyptus, lemon balm, fir, juniper, rosemary and basil.
  6. And aromatic oils of jasmine, rosemary, vanilla, sandalwood, bergamot and spruce are at the same time erotic remedies that help fight impotence and frigidity.
  7. For breastfeeding mothers, either jasmine or basil essential oil will benefit.

How to choose essential oils for baths and saunas

Many essential oils have the same beneficial properties, as well as recommended areas of use. For example, eucalyptus can be used to treat the respiratory system and to disinfect the air in a steam room. At the same time, mint is also suitable for these purposes. This is understandable, because any essential oil can contain up to 500 important components that are present in many plants. Therefore, when choosing oil for a bath, you should take these features into account and not buy oil with the same beneficial properties, but to give preference to those species that most correspond to the goals set.

To others important factor when choosing an oil is the method of its production. Only natural essential oil for bath, not him artificial substitute, will benefit your health. It is not permissible to save on your health, because it is not without reason that they say that “the miser pays twice.”

One should not neglect tolerance to volatile substances, which, if inhaled or come into contact with the skin, can cause an allergic reaction in the body. To quickly check whether the oil is right for you or not, you can apply a small amount to your wrist or elbow. If there is no redness or discomfort, it is highly likely that it is suitable for use. However, for some diseases there are direct contraindications to the use of essential oils. These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • diseases caused by infection or viruses.

How to choose quality essential oil. Advice from an aromatherapist:

Rules for using essential oils in the bath

No matter how beneficial aromatic oil may be for health, improper use can ruin the whole thing. It is important to adhere to the following simple rules on its use in the bath:

  • Since oil is a concentrated liquid extract from medicinal plants, then it should only be used diluted in water.
  • You should not be overzealous and pour more oil than the prescribed amount. For the first time, one or two drops per ladle is enough. hot water. Only after you are completely confident that the selected oil is safe (no allergic reaction, discomfort, etc.) can you use it, gradually increasing the dosage to the recommended amount.
  • If the oil is used for the first time and its effect on the body is not known, then the time spent in the steam room must be dosed: you should start with 2-4 minutes, and if the results are positive, gradually increase to 15-20 minutes.
  • In a Russian bath, it is not recommended to pour diluted oil on the stones, since high temperatures can, at best, burn it, and, at worst, catch fire.
  • If you still want to splash diluted oil on the hot stones, you must first pour plain water over them to lower the heating temperature, and only after that pour a ladle of water with diluted aromatic ether on them.
  • Both in a Russian bath and sauna the best place for wide dishes with essential oil - near where the steam temperature is highest. This arrangement will contribute to the best saturation of the steam with aromatic substances.
  • To speed up the process of saturating the air with aromatic vapors, you can wipe the shelves and walls with diluted oil.
  • To obtain the greatest healing and preventive effect from aromatherapy in a bathhouse, you should visit the steam room regularly, but not more than once a week.
  • Considering that the oil is insoluble in water, it is possible to use special solvents (emulsifiers), which can be purchased at retailers. And at home, the role of emulsifiers can be played by honey or sea salt. For example, to prepare 1 liter of flavored water, you need to dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of natural honey or sea ​​salt and add 5-10 drops of essential oil there, depending on its type and purpose.
  • If you use a broom when steaming, then for greater effect it is good to moisten it with diluted oil. On the one hand, the beneficial effect of the broom itself will increase, and on the other hand, the steam itself will be enriched faster useful substances both from the broom and from the essential oil.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for preparing and using essential oil in the bath, diluting it exactly as indicated there.

Examples of essential oils and oil blend recipes

In the bath, mixtures of various essential oils are often used, which enhance the effect of certain aromatic components on the body for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases. Here are some examples of mixtures in essential oil drops:

  1. For colds and coughs:
    • eucalyptus – 4-5;
    • peppermint – 4-5;
    • ate – 3.
  • To calm the nervous system (for anxiety, insomnia, mental fatigue):
    • orange – 3;
    • bergamot – 4-5;
    • ylang-ylang – 3.
  • For the respiratory system during colds (facilitates breathing, improves immunity):
    • eucalyptus – 5;
    • bergamot – 10;
    • peppermint – 5;
    • myrtles – 5.
  • For prevention and cleansing of the skin:
    • lavender – 4;
    • lemon – 3;
    • roses – 3.
  • To increase sweating and remove toxins from the body:
    • lemon – 4;
    • juniper – 4;
    • sandalwood – 2.
  • For cellulite:
    • lemon – 7;
    • tangerine – 5:
    • juniper – 5.
  • All mixtures are thoroughly mixed until they have a homogeneous structure. Dilute 3-5 drops in one ladle of hot water.

    This table presents the main and popular essential oils for baths and saunas:

    Oil name

    Application and healing actions

    Orange Calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, eliminates anxiety and fear, and is used as an antiseptic. 10 drops per ladle of water.
    Bergamot Stabilizes blood pressure, is used as a tonic, antiviral and antibacterial agent, and is used to eliminate cellulite. 5-10 drops per ladle of water.
    Oregano A strong antiviral agent, used for healing wounds and bruises, effective for arthrosis and arthritis, used for delayed menstruation. 4-6 drops per ladle of hot water.
    Ate To prevent colds and improve immunity, quickly restores tissue in case of bruises, scratches, hematomas and abrasions, promotes muscle recovery after severe physical activity.5-7 drops per ladle of water.
    Ylang-Ylang Normalizes blood pressure, eliminates headaches, improves blood circulation and reduces pulse rate, with impotence and frigidity it is used as an erotic stimulant, facilitates menopause. 2-3 drops per ladle of hot water.
    Cedar Accelerates tissue restoration, is used as an anti-inflammatory remedy for osteochondrosis and arthritis, has high antiviral protection. 5-10 drops per bucket of water.
    Lavender Reduces headaches in joints and muscles. Heals wounds. Increases immunity to infectious diseases. 10 drops per scoop of water.
    lemon Reduces headaches due to fatigue and changes in atmosphere, has a protective function against varicose veins. Antiviral and antibacterial agent. 4-6 drops per ladle of hot water.
    Mandarin Strengthens the immune system, promotes the body's absorption of vitamins, increases the body's resistance and protective functions. 2-4 drops per scoop.
    Melissa It has antiviral protection during flu epidemics, restores strength after heavy physical exertion, and is used for dizziness. 2-4 drops per scoop of hot water.
    Myrta Used for influenza and colds, has high degree antibacterial and antiviral protection. Strengthens and makes elastic the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins. 3-5 drops per bucket of water.
    Juniper Anti-infective, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates weakness, dizziness and darkening of the eyes. 3-5 drops per scoop.
    Mint Used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, strengthens blood vessels and reduces muscle tension. 2-4 drops per scoop of water.
    Fir Increases immunity, kills germs, and is an anti-cold remedy. Increases visual acuity after mental fatigue. Excellent effect on the body during hypothermia. 10 drops per ladle of hot water.
    rosemary Eliminates severe headaches, is used for dizziness and restoration of visual acuity during fatigue, stimulates the body to quickly recover from colds. 3-5 drops per ladle of water.
    Pines An effective remedy for a cold. Relieves muscle fatigue, providing relaxation and calm. Heals wounds, cuts and abrasions. 3-5 drops per scoop of water.
    Thyme Increases immunity. It is an antiseptic and disinfectant. Used for healing wounds and strengthening the nervous system. 3-5 drops of oil per one ladle of water.
    tea tree A powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for healing wounds, abrasions and other tissue damage. Stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system. 3-5 drops of the product per ladle of water.
    Clary sage It is an excellent general strengthening agent. Repels insects and eliminates itching from their bites. Used to ease and restore monthly menstrual cycles. 3-5 drops per ladle of water.
    Eucalyptus An excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for the upper respiratory tract. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, and also relieves fatigue after playing sports or after heavy physical exertion. 5 drops per ladle of hot water.
    Set of essential oils “Aromas of the forest” Composition: spruce, cedar, juniper, fir, rosemary, pine, eucalyptus.
    Set “Healing aromas” Ingredients: orange, cedar, juniper, fir, rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus.
    Set “Tropical Flavors” Ingredients: orange, bergamot, grapefruit, lemongrass, lemon, tangerine, citronella.

    Of course, all of the above essential oils for baths and mixtures are excellent aromas that will add a pleasant and healthy spirit to the air in the steam room, and throughout the entire bath. Along with aromatic bath decoctions, they will turn an ordinary visit to the bathhouse into an unforgettable event.

    For a long time, visiting a bathhouse in Rus' was not only a hygienic procedure, but also one of the universal methods for restoring mental and physical strength.

    Ancient healers prescribed paired procedures for a variety of ailments, including those of a nervous nature, and also as an excellent way to relax the body, cleanse, relieve tension, lose weight and recharge with vital energy.

    The tradition of paired cleansing procedures is widespread not only in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Turkish hammam, Finnish sauna, Japanese sento, Roman baths, Swedish basto, Russian steam room - these are just a small part of the establishments for cleansing the body through exposure to steam.

    Natural concentrated extracts from plants - essential oils - help to greatly enhance the therapeutic effect of the steam room.

    The sauna brings tangible health benefits, since the combination of healing components of plants and hot air allows you to easily influence every cell of the body through heat, phytoncides and other biologically active phytonutrients. Regardless of whether it is wet or dry, hot steam is beneficial for the body in all respects.

    Firstly, it opens the pores, promotes intense sweating, and accumulated toxins and toxic substances are removed along with the liquid.

    Secondly, it cleanses the skin, activates metabolism and triggers natural fat burning mechanisms.

    Thirdly, steam enriched with medicinal aromatic components affects the body through the respiratory system, normalizing all ongoing processes in the body. There are also fourths, fifths, and so on.

    It is difficult to fit all the useful results of systematic steaming even into a scientific treatise. The use of essential oils for baths has its roots in antiquity. In a good steam room, properly selected ether is an indispensable healing and restorative bath product.

    The only thing that different essential oils have in common is their ability to influence the human energy field, restoring the aura and further maintaining its integrity. Otherwise, each broadcast has its own unique characteristics.

    Which is better to prefer in a given situation? The answer to these questions lies in the therapeutic properties of various esters. The health benefits of plant extracts are truly amazing.

    Some of them have a calming effect on the nervous system, others tonify and energize, and others effectively and safely cleanse the bronchopulmonary system. There are bath oils that activate metabolism and trigger weight loss mechanisms.

    Classification of properties and use of essential oils for baths:

    1. Air disinfection in the steam room: tea tree, oregano, cedar, juniper, cypress.
    2. Boosting immunity: geranium, cedar, rosemary, maritime pine, fir, rosewood.
    3. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: ginger, valerian, bergamot, vanilla, cloves, dill.
    4. Migraine, headache, mental stress: lemon, tangerine, rosemary, ylang-ylang, basil, sage, nutmeg, mint, lemon balm, bergamot.
    5. Insomnia, stress, neurosis, syndrome chronic fatigue: lavender, mint, orange, jasmine, cinnamon.
    6. Anxiety, apathy, melancholy, blues: orange, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, palmarosa, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, lavender.
    7. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary, basil, tea tree, spruce, cypress, fir, lemon.
    8. Cough accompanying respiratory diseases: dill, fennel, marjoram, juniper, cypress, pine, spruce, cedar, anise, marjoram, eucalyptus.
    9. Diseases of the genitourinary system, including frigidity and impotence: jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, neroli, patchouli, rose, cardamom, nutmeg.
    10. Cleansing problematic skin: tea tree, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, fir, clary sage, cloves, myrrh, Tauride wormwood.
    11. Cellulite and stretch marks (stretch marks): all citrus fruits, rosemary, juniper, oregano, incense.
    12. Bruises, sprains, sports injuries: lemon balm, myrtle, juniper, rosemary, basil, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, spruce.

    The best way to use esters in a steam room is to prepare flavored water: add 10 drops of the selected oil to 1.5 liters warm water, which is subsequently used for soaking brooms, wiping wooden shelves, watering the heater (no more than 30 ml at a time).

    • Do not exceed recommended dosages and proportions. Remember that pure esters are highly concentrated extracts for which the principle of “more is better” is absolutely not suitable.
    • Never use oils to which you are allergic in a bath. If you do not know the effects of any oil, then it is better not to use it.
    • When using the oil for the first time, when you do not yet know your body’s reaction, it is better to reduce the recommended dosage by three, and the time spent in the steam room to 2 minutes.
    • Start bath aromatherapy small: the first visits should be in the steam room for no longer than 3 minutes.
    • According to reviews from fans of bath procedures, it is not advisable to steam more than 1-2 times a week, since there is increased stress on the heart muscle.

    The spectrum of effects on the body of esters used to normalize body weight is quite wide.

    1. Relief from stress caused by voluntarily giving up certain foods or following a strict diet. The following essential oils are used: lavender, orange, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot.
    2. Decreased appetite and increased metabolism. Work best in this direction: ginger, grapefruit, cardamom, geranium, cinnamon.
    3. Getting rid of edema by removing excess water from the intercellular space of tissues. Use: sweet dill, fennel, juniper, tangerine, cypress, oregano.
    4. Tightening sagging skin during weight loss and getting rid of cosmetic defects. The following essential oils have a lifting effect: incense, patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, neroli, lemon, cinnamon, vetiver, jasmine, anise.

    Bath procedures thoroughly relax and warm up the body, so after steaming it is much more effective and leads to intensive weight loss. According to reviews from experienced massage therapists, it is best to use vegetable extracts of grape seeds, almonds, jojoba, peach and apricot as massage oil.

    Esters with anti-cellulite effects are added in an amount of 5-8 drops per 20 ml of base. After bath procedures, self-massage with oils that promote weight loss is also recommended, as well as wraps and applications to problem areas of the body.

    If you have never visited a steam room, then before starting wellness procedures using aromatherapy, it is advisable to consult with the doctor who is observing you.

    If available chronic diseases It is better to refrain from steaming the heart and blood vessels. To get the most out of your bath, use only high-quality essential oils.

    Have fun and always be healthy!