Statistical reporting. Statistical reporting Instructions for filling out statistical report form 1

The official statistical reporting form for April 2017 is Form No. 1 “Information on the distribution of the number of employees by wages.” Also see “Who submits Form No. 1.” Not yet uploaded In this material you can familiarize yourself with the structure of the new reporting and download the form in Excel format.

Who can be included in the Rosstat sample?

No later than May 19, 2017, a statistical report in Form No. 1 “Information on the distribution of the number of employees by wages” must be submitted to Rosstat. The report must show information for April 2017. Take the form from Rosstat Order No. 29 dated January 20, 2017. The report is submitted to companies of Rosstat’s choice (clause 1 of the Instructions approved by Rosstat Order No. 20 dated January 20, 2017).

Information on the distribution of the number of employees by salary in Form No. 1 is provided by legal entities (except for small businesses) of all types of economic activity and forms of ownership, determined as a result of a scientifically based sample. Any organization (except for small businesses) can be included in this sample, regardless of its form of ownership and taxation system. Individual entrepreneurs do not submit these reports.

Composition of the new report

The new form No. 1 consists of two sections:

  • in the first - the organization enters its data;
  • in the second, the company lists information of interest to Rosstat.

In the address part of the new report, you need to fill in the full name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents (or a separate division), and then a short name in brackets. In the line “Postal address” enter the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and the legal address of the company with a postal code.

Statistical form No. 1 in Excel format.

The report on form No. 1 or statistical observation form No. 1 personnel “Information on advanced training and professional training of employees of organizations,” as well as recommendations for filling it out are contained in Rosstat order No. 554 dated September 28, 2016. In the article we offer instructions and a ready-made example of filling out form 1 frames.

This document is required for submission by legal entities of all types of activities and forms of ownership, as well as their separate structural divisions, except for small businesses, government bodies, military security and social insurance, as well as religious associations, households and extraterritorial organizations. The full list is specified in the order.

Download report form 1 frames

Download statistical form 1 frames, completed sample

How to fill out form 1 frames for statistics

We offer step-by-step instructions for filling out Form 1 HR. The report consists of three parts:

  • the title page contains information about the organization;
  • data on employee training is entered into the table;
  • the certificate contains information on the number of personnel for certain categories of employees.

Title page of form No. 1 frames

We indicate the following information:

  1. Name of the organization (full and abbreviated name with mandatory indication of the organizational and legal form).
  2. Postal address (legal and actual addresses, if they do not match, a separate division that does not have its own legal address indicates only the actual address with a postal code);
  3. The code part, which consists of:
  • OKUD code for information about professional training of employees;
  • code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO);
  • the column that is filled in if the report is submitted by departments, indicating identification numbers.

Tabular part of form No. 1 frames

In line 01 we indicate the number of employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded (determined in accordance with clause 79 of the instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms No. P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5 (m) , posted on the official website of Rosstat). This does not include external workers, part-time workers and those with whom a civil contract has been concluded.

In line 02 we indicate the number of persons (from line 01) who received education in various programs and types of training in the reporting year. This line must be less than or equal to the sum of lines 03, 09, 14 and 18. Newly hired employees in the reporting period who have provided relevant documents on training and education for the reporting year at their previous place of work are also subject to inclusion in line 02. Not included only employees dismissed at the end of the reporting period.

In lines 03-18 we indicate information about training by programs and types of education. At the same time, in line 03 we indicate the number of persons trained in additional professional programs (vocational retraining, advanced training) in the direction of the employer or conducted by the employer himself. From 04 to 08 - data about an employee who was trained in several types of additional programs for each training program.

In line 09 we indicate the number of persons who have completed vocational training in the direction of the organization or carried out by the organization itself.

In lines 10-12 - data on vocational training according to the programs: vocational training for blue-collar professions, white-collar positions; retraining; advanced training.

In 13 we indicate the number of persons (from line 09) who completed professional training directly in the organization.

In lines 14-17, we take into account persons who have received vocational education in basic educational programs in the direction of the organization, as well as independently (without attracting funds from the organization), and who have submitted a document on education to the personnel.

In line 18 we take into account persons who have completed training in the direction of the organization or carried out by the organization itself in the form of short-term courses, vocational training, in the form of mentoring (in the amount of at least 8 academic hours, where an hour is 60 minutes). We include information only on training confirmed by relevant documents.

In line 19 we indicate persons who participated in national, regional, industry, and corporate championships using the WorldSkills Russia method.

If an employee underwent training several times during the year, information about him is indicated once. Accounting includes only specialized education relevant to the company's activities, or training provided by the company itself. If the same employee was trained in different programs, then data about him is indicated in each line corresponding to the type of training.

Help form No. 1 personnel

In columns 2-5, the number of persons is distributed by personnel category. The belonging of employees to one or another category (manager, specialist) is established based on the all-Russian classifier (OKPDTR), which has been in force since 01/01/1996. In accordance with it, the professions of workers and positions of employees are distinguished. The latter include managers, specialists and employees.

Managers (column 2) - employees in positions of heads of organizations, structural divisions and their deputies (directors, chiefs and managers of all titles, managers, chairmen, etc.).

Specialists (column 3) - workers where work requires higher/secondary vocational education: engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, accountants, geologists, inspectors, proofreaders, mathematicians, technicians, etc.

Other employees (column 4) - employees who prepare and execute documents, carry out accounting and control, and housekeeping services (agents, archivists, attendants, clerks, cashiers and controllers (except for workers), etc.).

Workers (column 5) - persons engaged in the creation of material assets, repairs, movement of goods, transportation, provision of material services, etc. These are sellers, cashiers of the trading floor, controllers (except for transport and communication center controllers), postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, etc. .

In columns 6-12, the number of persons is distributed by age (up to 25 years; 25-29 years; 30-39 years; 40-49 years; 50-59 years; 60-64 years; 65 years and older).

In the Certificate, lines 20-24 indicate women; women with children under 3 years of age; disabled people; persons at risk of dismissal; trained in the reporting year using distance learning technologies.

Line 23, Column 2 indicates employees who were at risk of dismissal and who underwent training in order to acquire new professional skills to continue working with this employer.

We certify HR reports

So, we have compiled a sample of filling out form 1 personnel in statistics, the last stage remains - to certify it.

The document is certified by the manager with the obligatory indication of the position and full name. He also enters the date of compilation, telephone number and email. address.

Who to submit and when?

Rosstat has determined that an employer can submit a completed form (you could download Form 1 Personnel in Statistics at the beginning of the article) once every 3-4 years before February 3 to the territorial department of Rosstat:

  • personally to an employee of the territorial office of Rosstat;
  • person by proxy;
  • by registered mail;
  • by email using a digital electronic signature.

Each employer determines the method of submitting the document independently.


The administrative legislation of the Russian Federation provides for liability for untimely submission of statistical reports on personnel, as well as for the reflection of inaccurate information in it.

An organization faces an administrative fine in the amount of 20,000 to 70,000 rubles, and an official - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form(from the Order of Rosstat dated 17.01.2019 № 7 )

1. Information in the form of federal statistical observation No. 1 “Information on the distribution of the number of employees by wages” (hereinafter referred to as the form) is provided by legal entities (except for small businesses) of all types of economic activity and forms of ownership, determined as a result of a scientifically based sample of reporting units.

2. A legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location. If a legal entity has separate divisions<1>- this form is filled out both for each separate division included in the sample, and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.

The completed forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where they actually carry out activities.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide primary statistical data on behalf of the legal entity.

The form is also provided by branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner established for legal entities.

3. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. The form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, the legal address of the organization with a postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual location of the respondent (postal address) is indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

In the code part of the form on the title page of the form, based on the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code (identification number), posted on the Rosstat Internet portal at:!/gs/statistic-codes the reporting organization puts down:

code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) - for a legal entity that does not have territorially separate divisions,

identification number - for a territorially separate division of a legal entity and for the head division of a legal entity.

The head unit of a legal entity is a separate unit where the administration of the enterprise is located or whose location corresponds to the registered legal address.

In the case of delegation of authority to provide statistical reporting on behalf of a legal entity to a separate division, a separate division in the code part of the form indicates the OKPO code (for a branch) or identification number (for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch), which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location separate division.

4. Information is provided for April 2019. Information is filled in in the units of measurement specified in the form.

5. Columns 3 and 4 show data on payroll employees hired for permanent, temporary, seasonal work (including employees who worked part-time in accordance with an employment contract), to whom wages were accrued for April, with the exception of the following groups of employees :

5.2. who had certificates of temporary incapacity for work in April;

5.3. who were on maternity leave or parental leave;

5.4. those who worked part-time (in accordance with the employment contract), if it was less than half of the normal working time;

5.5. were on leave without pay at the written request of the employee for more than 5 working days in April;

5.6. those who did not work due to downtime due to the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee (payment for which is carried out in accordance with Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), more than 5 working days in April;

5.7. those who worked part-time at the initiative of the employer, if the unworked time was more than 40 hours in April;

5.8. those who worked on an external part-time basis;

5.9. who performed work under civil contracts.

6. When filling out column 3, the number of employees is distributed according to wages, based on the amounts accrued to each employee (including personal income tax), only for the days of April in monetary and non-monetary forms, regardless of the sources of their payment, budget items, provided tax benefits and regardless of the period of their actual payment.

The composition of payments included in wages accrued to employees is determined in accordance with paragraph 84 of the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms N N P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services”, P-2 “Information on investments in non-financial assets” , P-3 “Information on the financial condition of the organization”, P-4 “Information on the number and wages of employees”, P-5 (m) “Basic information on the activities of the organization”, approved by Rosstat order dated November 22, 2017 N 722, s taking into account the following features:

6.1. The employee’s salary does not include: remuneration based on the results of work for the year, one-time remuneration for length of service, paid once a year, one-time bonuses and incentives, including the cost of gifts, financial assistance for vacation, as well as other payments of a one-time nature, regardless whether they were provided to individual or all employees;

6.2. when awarding bonuses based on monthly work results, the amounts provided for in the April payroll for work in April or for work in March are included (if bonuses were accrued in April);

6.3. if the accrual of wages or part thereof (bonuses, other payments) was made based on the results of work for the quarter, then the employee’s earnings for April, subject to reflection in the form, include one third of the quarterly amount accrued based on the results of work for the first quarter (regardless of in what month it was accrued);

6.4. if wages are accrued to an employee for a period exceeding one month (for example, with a rotational method of organizing work), then the data for such an employee is given for one month. To do this, the salary of one hour worked is calculated (the total amount of wages accrued to the employee is divided by the number of hours worked), which is then multiplied by the established number of working hours in April;

6.5. premiums for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects are included in the report if they are accrued for payment in April;

Starting from the report for January 2016, commercial and non-profit organizations identified by the territorial body of Rosstat that produce goods and services for sale to other legal entities and individuals submit statistical reporting in Form P-1. We will provide instructions for using the form and an example of how to fill it out in our consultation.

Instructions for filling out form P-1 for statistics

Please note that starting from the report for January 2017, a new form No. P-1 is used, approved by Rosstat Order No. 414 dated August 11, 2016.

The address part of the form contains the full name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents, and then its short name in brackets.

Form No. P-1 provides the following information:

  • for sections 1 (except for lines 03, 04, 05), 2, 3, 4 for the reporting month, the previous month and the corresponding month of the previous year;
  • for section 5 - for the reporting month;
  • on lines 03, 04, 05 of section 1 - quarterly as of the end of the last quarter and the corresponding period of the previous year.

This means that in the report for December 2016, all lines of section 1 must be completed, if there is relevant information for this.

On line 01 of Section 1 “General Economic Indicators” it is necessary to show the volume of goods shipped or released by way of sale, as well as direct exchange (under an exchange agreement), trade credit, all goods of own production, work performed and services rendered on one’s own in actual vacation pay (sales ) prices (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments), including amounts of compensation from budgets of all levels to cover benefits provided to certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This section provides information, in particular, on the following indicators:

  • balances of finished products of own production at the end of the month;
  • balances of goods for resale at the end of the month;
  • manufactured industrial products included in fixed assets in the reporting period;
  • cost of processed customer-supplied raw materials and materials.

In section 2 “Shipped goods of own production, performed works and services by own forces by type of activity”, the distribution of data by divisions of the organization that carry out certain types of activities in accordance with OKVED-2 is given on free lines. Column A indicates the name of the type of activity, and column B its code.

Section 3 “Wholesale and retail sale of goods, public catering turnover, paid services to the population” provides information on the turnover of retail trade, wholesale trade, public catering, as well as the volume of paid services to the population.

Section 4 “Cargo transportation and cargo turnover of road transport”, organizations provide information on cargo transportation (in tons) and cargo turnover (in ton-kilometers), incl. on a commercial basis.

Section 5 “Production and shipment by types of products and services” is filled in according to the names of specific types of products produced and their units of measurement in accordance with the nomenclature determined by the territorial statistics body.

Form P-1: sample filling

Let us present the statistical form P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services.”

Forms of statistical monitoring of construction, investments in non-financial assets and housing and communal services have been approved. Among these forms, Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures in form No. C-1 was approved. This form has been used since the January 2018 report. We will tell you who needs to submit this form and within what time frame in our material.

Who submits form No. S-1

Form No. C-1 is compiled by developer organizations that have been issued permission to put capital construction projects into operation, as well as organizations that have unfinished construction projects on their balance sheets.

The form is submitted at the location of the organization and its separate divisions. In this case, if there is no information, Form No. C-1 is not submitted.

You can find out whether you need to submit Form No. S-1 by contacting the Rosstat service.

Deadlines for submitting the form

The monthly form for 2018 is due no later than the 3rd day of the next month, and the final form for 2018 is due no later than 02/01/2019.

Download form No. S-1

You can download form No. C-1 in Excel.

Contents of the form and procedure for filling it out

Form No. C-1 consists of a title page and 5 sections:

  • Section 1 “Commissioning of buildings by customers”;
  • Section 2 “Capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures”;
  • Section 3 “Residential units in commissioned residential and non-residential buildings”;
  • Section 4 “Distribution of commissioned residential buildings by wall materials and number of storeys”;
  • Section 5 “Information on buildings and structures under construction as of the end of the year.”

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 of Form No. C-1 for the month in which permission to put the facilities into operation was issued, as well as the annual report, provides information on residential and non-residential buildings, residential premises, residential units in residential and non-residential buildings, according to the capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures.

Section 5 is completed only in the report for 2018. It contains information on buildings and structures:

  • or which are under construction;
  • or their construction is temporarily suspended or mothballed (financing for which was not provided in the reporting year or funds were allocated only for mothballing).

Brief instructions for filling out form No. S-1, as well as monitoring the form’s indicators, are given in Appendix No. 8 to Rosstat Order No. 562 dated August 30, 2017. And detailed instructions are approved by Rosstat Order No. 5 dated January 12, 2018 and are posted on the Rosstat website in the appropriate