Thursday salt - preparation and use according to traditional recipes. The amazing properties of black Thursday salt Thursday salt in the apartment

Many have heard about what Thursday salt is, but how to cook in modern conditions, not everyone knows. In Rus' there were many rituals for the preparation of this product for the year. It is important to take into account the fact that preparation is carried out only once during the year: on the night from Maundy Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. This year Maundy Thursday will be on April 28, so it is important not to miss this event and prepare Thursday salt to protect yourself and your family.

In the old days, it was believed that Thursday salt must be black. It is this that is considered an environmentally friendly product, which relates directly to Orthodox culture, as well as to Russian ritual cuisine. You can prepare such salt only before Great Easter. But the process of preparing salt, which has healing and magical effects, occurs on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

Interesting! With the help of Thursday salt, people have long protected themselves and their home from evil forces. Apparently, the protection was strong, since the ritual of preparing salt has survived to this day. Scientists believe that the Slavs began to prepare salt in this way back in the 12-13th century.

Why is salt black?

Thursday salt, how to prepare it in modern conditions, we will talk in the final part of this material. Now I would like to note why ordinary salt eventually turns black. All this is due to special processing. Fire is known to have a strong cleansing effect. So, to enhance the effect of Thursday salt, in many villages in Rus' it was necessarily baked on birch firewood.

Black salt was mixed with dough when preparing Easter cakes, because this product contained great healing power in which our ancestors believed. True, this force has little to do with the history of Christianity, however, the tradition and ritual were passed on from generation to generation, regardless of faith. As a result, it found its application and permanent place precisely when it comes to Maundy Thursday of Lent before Easter. Ways to paint beautifully.

About the benefits of Thursday salt

So, as noted above, salt was baked for a reason, and it was believed that it acquired magical properties. Scientists have found out after analyzing such a ritual product that black salt contains several times less heavy metals. The same applies to the chlorine content, due to which the body often feels thirsty and has swelling when consuming large amounts of regular salt. It turns out that during processing all the substances leave the salt, which allows doctors to call the ordinary salt “white death”.

Concerning useful microelements in Thursday salt, then, oddly enough, after processing the product, on the contrary, there are more of them. This applies to iodine, calcium and potassium, selenium, copper and even zinc and magnesium. The presence of fine porous carbon in such salt allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Fact! Consuming black salt is especially beneficial for people who have heart and kidney disease, osteochondrosis or hypertension. Black salt can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regulate digestion; it helps to lose weight properly.

How to use Thursday salt

In the video you can carefully study Thursday salt and how to cook it in modern conditions. But when the product is already prepared, it is important to be able to apply it correctly. It is this salt that is placed in the Easter basket, with which they are sent to the temple for the blessing of food. You need to break your fast after Lent with black salt.

Also, such salt should be stored in a fabric bag next to the icons and taken out as needed throughout the year. What necessity are we talking about here? Let's say that this salt gets rid of the evil eye, helps to cope with various diseases and ailments (you need to rub it on sore spots). You can simply add a pinch of salt to the patient's food, using it as a natural medicine. How to cook .

Advice! For gastrointestinal diseases and other problems associated with digestion, Thursday salt can be eaten in the morning after meals, scooping it onto the tip of a knife. Then put it in your mouth and keep it under your tongue until the salt itself completely dissolves. The course of treatment is 60 days.

In Rus', Thursday salt was used to treat not only people, but also livestock. To protect it from disease, a little salt was added to the water or the animals were simply given a piece of salted bread. When the cattle were driven out to pasture for the first time in the spring, a little salt was wrapped in a bundle, put in the bosom and taken with them to the field as a strong amulet.

Cooking at home

We’ll look at how to prepare quaternary salt in modern conditions in this final part of this material. If taken old recipe, then you will need 5 kg of Borodino bread. It needs to be soaked and then mixed with a kilogram of rock salt. If desired, you can add other spices. Place all this on a dry frying pan and put it in the oven, which should be preheated to 250 degrees. Keep the salt there until the bread turns black. Then cool everything and grind the ingredients into powder, then rub it through a sieve.

You can simply take coarse rock salt and burn it, it will become fine and crumbly. It will be similar in consistency to chalk or lime. This salt is great for culinary purposes because it is much more convenient to use when preparing various dishes. Many housewives believe that adding such salt makes food tastier.

In Siberia to obtain black salt regular product mixed with ash. This mixture was poured
beds to get good harvest vegetables this year. Travelers and soldiers put Thursday salt in an amulet, which they wore next to the pectoral cross. It was a talisman before a long journey or in war. As you can see, Thursday salt, how to prepare it in modern working conditions will not work. It is important to understand why exactly this salt is needed and how it will be used throughout the year.

Since the times of Rus', Orthodox people have performed Christian rituals before the onset of Easter: they prepared Thursday salt. According to reviews, it has miraculous properties, is capable of healing and bringing good luck. Not all believers know what it is and how to use the preparation correctly. Old-timers will tell you about centuries-old traditions, the most popular cooking methods and the peculiarities of using a medicinal product.

#What is Thursday salt and when is it prepared?

The tradition of making a workpiece out of salt appeared a long time ago, since the times of Rus'. It was made in every home and hung as a talisman to protect the home. It was believed that all adversities would bypass the monastery, and illnesses and illnesses would never bother them. A pinch of powder was added when bathing and baptizing babies so that they grew up healthy. If the child screamed or was capricious, they put a couple of sacred crystals on his tongue, it helped.

Another Russian tradition is to keep the Thursday preparation in the center of the table, then there will always be money in the house. A piece of small crystals was poured into a bag, pinned on a pin in the bosom and worn against the evil eye and damage, and the girls added salt to the water before washing in order to preserve their beauty as long as possible. Harvesting helped both from family discord and from the mass death of livestock. Because of its amazing properties, the amulet was kept on the same shelf with icons and was revered as an amulet of great holiness.

The very name “Thursday” means that the product is prepared on Thursday, but not on any Thursday, but only on Clean. It happens once a year, during Holy Week, before Easter. In 2019 it will be on April 25. The product needed to be prepared in the morning; housewives went to the kitchen and, before preparing regular food, first made a medicinal preparation. Then they collected it in a canvas festive bag and went to church for service. Blessed Thursday salt was and is valued most of all; it is magical and can work real miracles.

#How to prepare Thursday salt

Nowadays, preparation is done less often than in the old days, but this does not reduce its importance. If you are interested in the product and want to experience the miraculous powers on yourself and your family, make it at home. It's easy and won't take much time.

#The cooking process consists of several stages:

*mixing the powder with other ingredients (herbs, bread, wort, flour, etc.);
*calcination in the oven, oven, frying pan;
*packing in bags, jars;
*blessing in the temple.

The product has an unlimited shelf life, so a 1 kg piece will last you for many years.

You need to prepare Thursday salt with bright thoughts, saying prayers and kind words as a reminder.

There are several ways to make a blank. Each housewife has her own tricks, but in the end, Thursday salt should turn out black or gray. Its taste is specific, but it can be improved by adding other products, so bread, flour, young cabbage, herbs, and spices are used in preparation. The most popular recipes are presented below.

The classic recipe is Thursday salt mixed with bread. In the old days, it was replaced with kvass wort, which gave the product an appetizing aroma.

You will need a pack of coarse salt weighing 0.5 kg and 2 loaves of black bread. First cut one loaf of bread into cubes, then the second. Place the pieces together with the remaining crumbs in a cup, fill with water to soak the bread. Wait a few minutes, add coarse salt to the cup, stir well.

Take a baking sheet; you don’t need to grease it in advance. Place the resulting mass on it and give it a flat shape. You should now have a crust. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees, place a baking sheet in it and bake until the cake changes color - it should turn black. This is a long process, it may take 1-1.5 hours.

Be sure to open the windows at home, as the smell is specific. When the cake is baked, wait for it to cool, break it into pieces, and put it in a mortar. Now grind the contents until the salt crystals become fine. When preparing, read the prayers you know. Believers say that you need to read “Our Father” exactly 33 times, then the preparation will be very effective.

If desired, add aromatic herbs to the Thursday salt when cooking. Basil, rosemary, parsley, and cilantro are suitable.

^With rye flour

The method is suitable for those who do not have an oven, since the healing mass will need to be fried in a frying pan.

Mix 500 g of table salt in one cup, add 2 tablespoons of flour to it. Stir the mass with a wooden spatula strictly clockwise and say prayers at this time. Pour the contents of the cup into a dry, clean frying pan and place it on the heat. Stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from burning, continue to fry for at least 1 hour until the color turns brown. There is no need to grind the product; its structure is already crumbly. Pour the Thursday salt into a bag and take it with you to church services.

^With cabbage leaves

If you have a head of cabbage at home, remove it from upper leaves, chop them finely with a knife and mix with table salt. Fry the mixture in a frying pan without adding oil until it darkens. For homogeneity, place the cooled salt with cabbage leaves in a cup and pound until smooth. The product is ready, consecrate and store in a dry place in an airtight container.

^With oat flakes

If in kitchen cabinet you don't have any flour, but you have cereals, they are also suitable for preparing the product. The proportion should be 1:1, that is, take the same amount of flakes as salt. Soak oatmeal in warm water for swelling, leave for half an hour to an hour. When the flakes absorb water, add salt to them, stir and place the mixture in a frying pan on the stove. Turn on the heat and fry the contents for at least 30 minutes until blackened. After cooling, put the food in a bag and bless it in the church.

On a note!
If you have the opportunity to cook Thursday salt over an open fire, be sure to use it. Place the workpiece on sheets of foil, roll it up and throw it into the fire for a few minutes.

^With herbs and flour

For those who like to try something unusual, there is one recipe based on adding a herbal decoction. The finished product is healthy and has a pleasant, subtle aroma.

The ingredients you will need:
250 g fine table salt;
tsp buckwheat flour;
tsp flaxseed flour;
3-4 tbsp. rye flour;
½ cup of any herbal decoction.

How to cook:
Pour all the flour indicated in the recipe into a bowl, add salt to it and gradually pour in the herbal infusion while constantly stirring. You will have a sticky but smooth dough.

Form it into balls; if you bake the product in the oven, give them a flattened shape.

Place the cakes on a baking sheet and bake until completely hardened.

When the cakes darken, turn off the heat and leave them to cool.

Then crush with a masher and place in a jar with an airtight lid.

How to use:

The Orthodox do not have a clear distinction when to use Thursday salt; everyone determines for themselves. If you encounter any difficulties in life or health problems, you can resort to the help of an amulet, and it will help you.

Here are some clear examples of when Thursday salt is used:

*if there are troubles or quarrels at home, then pour a little prepared powder in different corners and leave for a while;

*if you had a fight with a loved one, put a bag with the preparation under his pillow;

*to return your spouse or loved one, throw a handful of salt into the fire, asking for a quick return to the Lord;

*when bathing a child, add 1 tbsp to the bath. salt;

*pour a little product into a salt shaker, place it in the center of the table, then your house will always have a full bowl;

*if you suddenly get sick, add one pinch to your food.

The opportunity to prepare a home amulet occurs only once a year. Don’t miss the opportunity and be sure to take care of protecting your home and your family. Thursday salt will last you a long time, and it will help you out of any life situation more than once. The strongest Orthodox amulet is still used by many Old Believers and are convinced of its effectiveness.

Quarter salt can be prepared only once a year, so it is better to find out in advance how to do it correctly in modern conditions. In 2018, Easter will come on April 8, which means Maundy Thursday will be celebrated on April 5. It is on this day that an unusual product is prepared.

First, it’s worth understanding what Thursday salt is, where you can get it, and how to prepare it at home. It is clear that salt is called that because it is prepared on Thursday (Wednesday night). And not on every Thursday, but on Clean Thursday. This year - on the night of April 5, 2018 (and Easter will take place on April 8).

According to folk legends, this salt has very beneficial properties:

  • protects a person from the evil eye, negative thoughts and views of envious people;
  • protects health;
  • helps to save your household;
  • helps to avoid unpleasant events;
  • charges with strength for a whole year.

Interestingly, the tradition of preparing the product has existed for several centuries. The first mentions of it that have reached us date back to the 16th century. Initially, salt was prepared in the Moscow region and the Volga region, from where the custom spread throughout the country, right up to Siberia.

The beneficial properties of the powder are explained by the special energy of Maundy Thursday. The fact is that this particular day was the last in Christ’s earthly life - on Friday he would be betrayed and crucified on the cross. In the evening, the Savior arranged a meal with the disciples, where they ate bread and drank wine. Jesus also washed the feet of each apostle, which is why it is believed that on this day you need to bathe thoroughly and put your house in perfect order.

That is why it is at such moments that salt can acquire a special beneficial charge. And thanks to its pure energy, it will protect its owner from damage and the evil eye. And the year will turn out to be successful - the main thing is just to tune in to a positive wave. It’s also useful to know how to prepare and use Thursday salt.

Modern recipes

The classic recipe for Thursday salt involves calcining the salt in a Russian oven. First, the salt is mixed with the crumb of rye bread or with kvass grounds. Moreover, they heat it for several hours until the powder darkens and turns into a stick.

Of course, today almost no one has Russian stoves, but Thursday salt is quite possible to prepare in modern conditions. The technology is very simple - several interesting recipes are discussed below.

Thursday salt with aromatic herbs

Regardless of the specific recipe, you need to immediately remember general rule: Only coarse salt is taken, without any additives. Extra, iodized, sea and other types of salt are not used.

We proceed this way:

  1. Coarse rock salt is crushed in a mortar - you need to ensure that you get a homogeneous powder.
  2. Add lemon balm, oregano, thyme, mint and any other herbs you like to the mortar.
  3. Now we put this whole mixture on a very hot, perfectly dry frying pan (or pour it into a baking sheet) and put it in the oven (oven temperature +220 o C).
  4. The salt is heated until the crystals acquire a distinct black tint.

By the way, seasoning soup or other dishes with this salt is a pleasure. The pleasant aroma of herbs will give the food delicate flavor tones. But you shouldn’t be afraid of blackness: the salt itself is sodium chloride, which even after heat treatment does not decompose. That is why overheated salt does not lose its taste. The impurities simply burn, and the herbs (in this recipe), of course, become charred and turn into pure carbon - soot.

Classic Old Russian recipe

The classic version uses rye bread (crumb only) or grounds from homemade kvass. They work like this:

  1. Salt is ground in a mortar.
  2. The crumb or grounds are taken in the same quantity and mixed with salt (the crumb is pre-soaked).
  3. Then the mixture is heated in a frying pan in the same way. True, this time it will take a little more time - after all, the moisture will first evaporate, and then the mixture will heat up.

Thursday salt with cabbage leaves

Another recipe for preparing Thursday salt in modern conditions is based on cabbage leaves. The technology is like this:

  1. Take a regular head of cabbage white cabbage, dirty top leaves are removed.
  2. Clean large leaves, tightly adjacent to each other, are separated from the head of cabbage.
  3. Now they need to be finely chopped with a knife and mixed with approximately the same amount of salt.
  4. Next, reheat according to the described scheme.


Regardless of the recipe you choose, you also need to know when to prepare Thursday salt in 2018. All work must be done on the night of Thursday (April 5), since the treasured powder should already be completely ready by sunrise.

In fact, to prepare Thursday salt in modern conditions, you can use any recipe: in any case, such a product has special energy properties, as many psychics, for example, Alla Kurilova, claim.

One thing is clear today: the most important thing is a person’s sincere faith in good changes. Every person has the ability to have a positive outlook on life and believe in miracles. And if Thursday salt helps in this noble cause, then it must be prepared on the most cherished day of the year.

IN Maundy Thursday, the day before Great Easter holiday, in Rus' they always prepared “black salt” or, as it was also called “Thursday salt”. Black salt was blessed in the church along with Thursday bread, Easter cakes and eggs. This unique medicinal salt differs from ordinary salt even in its appearance- she's black. Such salt was prepared in the oven - from coarse rock salt, leaven grounds, herbs and cabbage leaves. Quaternary salt is tasty and healthy, because after burning it contains such useful substances as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, magnesium, in addition, black salt gives the products a special aroma.

Beneficial properties of black salt

Black salt is useful for people with kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, hypotension. Because it is enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium ions, and selenium elements. Moreover, this salt is of great benefit as an adsorbent. The carbon contained in it in the form of finely porous coal removes toxins from the body, that is, black salt is a “sink” of all toxins. Its therapeutic effect is completely similar to the effect of activated carbon.

Thursday salt ( quarter salt) – salt, “made” on the night of Wednesday to Thursday of Holy Week or on the morning of Maundy Thursday, endowed with special magical powers. The custom of the ritual use of salt is very ancient, dating back to pre-Slavic times, when any salt was recognized as having the ability to repel harmful forces and protect people.

Thursday salt(black salt) - a product used in Russian Orthodox culture; salt, prepared in a special way on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week.

In addition to its taste benefits and the presence of a large number of elements beneficial to the body, Thursday salt was considered magical and healers and sorcerers resorted to its healing and magical properties. First of all, Thursday salt can cope with any black energy, cleanse not only a thing or room, but also a person’s aura. Magic salt was used in ancient rituals to scare away dark forces and protect a person from damage from the evil eye, etc. Unfortunately, many recipes for making Thursday salt have been lost, but several proven cooking methods have survived to this day. Despite the fact that black salt was prepared in ovens, it can be prepared in the oven or over an open fire.

Thursday salt based on kvass grounds
Mix the kvass grounds (after fermenting the wort) with coarse rock salt. Instead of leaven grounds, you can use rye or Borodino bread (5 kg of bread per 1 kg of salt), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 ° C, and cook until the bread turns black.

Grind the resulting mixture and pass through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of regular salt.

Thursday salt with cabbage leaves.
Chop the top green leaves taken from the cabbage head and mix with rock salt. Then burn it in a stove or oven. With herbs Mix herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (kvass grounds) and burn in the oven or oven.

In Kostroma, this tasty and healing salt is still prepared and is called Kostroma black salt.

Here's a short description of how you can make this salt at home:

Hard-boiled eggs lightly seasoned with black salt, bread with lean or butter, all kinds of green salads become very appetizing. Black salt is tasty and healthy; after combustion, a number of minerals remain in it (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium).

Studies have shown that as a result of roasting in black salt, compared to ordinary table salt, the following decreases tenfold:

  • * amount of heavy metals,
  • * chlorine content decreases
  • * these are precisely the impurities that cause ordinary salt to be called “white death.”
  • * When roasted, black salt produces carbons that, when consumed, remove toxins from the body.
  • * Black salt is much richer in microelements than regular salt.

According to Christian beliefs, Thursday salt has healing and magical properties, helps to attract luck and prosperity.

How to make Thursday salt at home

You will need:

  • Cast iron frying pan
  • Kvass grounds (or rye flour)
  • Coarse salt
  • Wooden spoon
  • A linen bag or glass jar for storing prepared salt

1. In order for the Thursday salt to be tasty and not burn during cooking, you need to use a cast iron frying pan. If such utensils are not available, you can calcinate the salt in any other thick-walled utensil, but if possible, do not use aluminum. So that salt does not absorb harmful heavy metals during long cooking at high temperatures.

2. Pour salt and rye flour into a preheated frying pan. Gradually increasing the temperature, stir the salt and flour clockwise throughout the cooking time. It is better to use a wooden spoon or spatula for mixing. Calcination lasts quite a long time until the salt and flour darken.

3. As soon as the salt changes color, turn off the stove and leave the finished salt on the stove until midnight. After midnight, the salt should be poured into a thick canvas bag or into a glass jar, which will also need to be tightly sealed. Thursday salt is ready and can be used for food.

4. If you don’t have kvass grounds, then instead you can use soaked rye or Borodino bread in the proportion of 1 kg of coarse salt - 5 kg of bread. These ingredients are mixed, then the prepared mixture is placed in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and baked until the bread turns black. After this, the mixture must be crushed and sifted through a sieve.

Each village had its own recipe for such black salt. For example, in Kostroma, when preparing Thursday salt, spicy herbs were also added to the usual ingredients: oregano and mint. Hence the name of this salt - Kostroma black salt.

It is advisable to cook it in the oven on Maundy Thursday, such a day will come soon - before Easter, and if it ended, then they still cooked it on Thursday, and not on another day of the week, they believed and still believe that this day strengthens healing properties salt.

There are no Russian ovens, we will cook in the oven:
The proportions are as follows: 1 kilogram of salt + 5 kilograms of bread, soak rye bread, Borodino bread, squeeze out excess water and combine with simple coarse rock salt, mix everything well. Spread the mixture evenly on the baking sheet and hot oven, temperature 250 "C and bake until blackened. Remove, let cool, chop and sift through a sieve, fine to the side, we need the coarse burnt salt remaining in the sieve. In other recipes, the resulting mixture is simply ground, crushed, not sift.

Why is the frying pan cast iron?

Because energy will not flow through cast iron, it has this property. So if you don’t have a cast iron frying pan at home, take one made of any metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Just don’t take aluminum cookware. Aluminum is a good conductor, which means everything flows through it easily and quickly. And the power of Thursday Salt in such a vessel will not linger, it will flow away.

And here are recipes from the arsenal of healers and sorcerers, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article

Spell salt

*** Black salt can be made from herbs, leaven grounds, and cabbage leaves. You need to prepare salt on Thursday between sunrise and sunset. Oregano and mint are mixed with rock salt and soaked Borodino bread, then this mixture is burned in the oven. If you want to use kvass grounds as a base, then mix it with rock salt and also bake in the oven until the mixture turns black. The ratio of salt to bread or leaven grounds is 1:5. You can also use cabbage leaves, for this you use the top green leaves from a head of cabbage, chop them finely and mix with rock salt, then roast in the oven until the mixture turns black.

*** After you have prepared the salt, you need to speak it. Pour the prepared salt into new dishes and place this dish on a clean scarf. Then light a church candle and read the prayer: “God our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and so through salt, making harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and we We send glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The salt is ready, now it can be eaten.

Blessed salt

*** This salt is prepared from ordinary table salt, performing a special ceremony using gold and silver jewelry. It is believed that such salt has stronger cleansing properties than salt that was spoken through prayer. Gold jewelry that is needed to perform the ritual must be without stones; it can be a bracelet, chain, ring, earrings, or brooch. The most suitable decoration for the ceremony is a cast bracelet, a wedding ring, or massive chains. Magical actions must be performed for three days in the morning.

The first day

Table salt needs to be heated over the fire in a frying pan for half an hour, without letting it cool, pour the salt into glassware with a lid, it can be a jar, the salt will be stored in this jar. Place a gold decoration on top of the salt, close the jar tightly and place it in a dark place for a day.

Second day

Remove the gold jewelry from the jar and heat the salt again over the fire for 20 minutes, then pour it back into the jar, and put the silver item on top, close the jar and hide it in a dark place for a day.

Day three

On the third day, the salt must again be calcined over an open fire for 10 minutes, after removing the silver item from it. After this, while the salt is still hot, you need to place the frying pan in front of you and, stretching your arms over the salt, charge it with your energy for 10 minutes. To do this, just relax and feel the warmth coming from the salt. After this, pour the salt into a jar, now it can be used to cleanse a person and his home from dark energy.

Magic salt against damage and love spells

The use of black salt is one of the most effective methods to rid a person of bad influences. You will need a liter of spring water and a teaspoon of magic salt. Dissolve the salt in water and give it to the person you think has been jinxed or damaged to drink. You need to drink 1 liter in 30 minutes. If a person begins to vomit or has an upset stomach, this indicates that the cleansing process is working. Every day a person should drink 1 liter of water with salt until vomiting or diarrhea stops after drinking water with Thursday salt.

Gift - lining

Many have encountered at least once in their lives things that brought illness, quarrels, and a streak of bad luck into the house. Usually such things either appear in the house from nowhere, they are found completely by accident, or they are brought as a gift. Popularly, such a thing is called a lining; the magical technique of a lining is to bring into the house a thing that has destructive energy. If a thing is planted, then having found an object that appeared from nowhere, it immediately becomes clear that it is evil, but what happens when the thing is donated? How to identify among the many gifts the item that is ruining your life?

It is in such a situation that Thursday salt will come in handy. Objects that cause suspicion should be dipped into the magic salt one by one and left there for several days. If this item is a lining, then within just a few days the troubles should stop, because the salt neutralizes negative energy. If you make a mistake with an item, then nothing will change in the coming days. If the object is too large and it is impossible to lower it into salt, then it is outlined with Thursday salt counterclockwise, and this “salt circle” is left for several days until you notice improvements; if no positive changes occur, then you have chosen the wrong thing

Usually, you need to wait about a week for the effect of salt to appear. When you find the source of your troubles, try to burn it, and throw the ashes and those parts that are not burned into running water. If the item cannot be burned, then the item should be thrown into running water - a stream or river; if this is not possible, then it should be given to a church or donated to someone.

What is Thursday salt

Thursday salt is mostly prepared (baked) in monasteries. A monk carrying out obedience (carrying out kitchen work) during Holy Week prepares a preparation for making Thursday salt (black salt) on Maundy Thursday by mixing the salt with the remaining leaven grounds from kvass. The presence of kvass in the Lenten menu is mandatory. There are many varieties of kvass - bread, beet, carrot... Therefore, the grounds from kvass accumulate in a lot of different ways. She is rich in such important and useful substances, like phosphorus, iodine, potassium, chromium, magnesium.

Kvas residue can be replaced rye bread, similar to "Borodinsky".

0.5 kg coarse rock salt

2.5 loaves of bread, Borodino

Soak the bread, squeeze it out, roll it into small balls the size of tennis balls. Bake in the oven, placing it on coals, at a temperature of approximately 500 degrees until the balls turn black.

Before sending the salt into the oven for baking, they say a prayer over it!

Prayer over salt:

God our Savior, who came to Jericho under Elisha the prophet, healing from harmful waters with salt: bless this salt yourself, and offer it as a sacrifice of joy.
For you are our God, and to you we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Ready-made salt will turn black and may become compressed. You need to wrap it in cloth and break it into small pieces with a hammer. There is no need to throw away the remains of burnt bread - this is a natural carbon sorbent that perfectly replaces activated carbon and is capable of removing toxins from your body. When used, mix 1/2 teaspoon with water and use for preventive cleansing. Burnt bread is sifted out with a sieve.

According to Easter tradition, black Thursday salt should be blessed in church along with Easter cake, krashenki (pysanka) and prepared Easter cottage cheese.

On the day of the Great Resurrection, colored eggs are sprinkled with Thursday salt. But you can't dip eggs in salt. Crumbs from the product should not defile it. Take a pinch of black salt and gently sprinkle it over the eggs. This also applies to other products. From the custom arose a rule of etiquette that prohibits dipping anything in salt!

According to established modern church canons, black Thursday salt is prepared once on Maundy Thursday for the whole year.

Black salt (Kostroma, Thursday). Maundy Thursday. Video

In Russia there was a tradition of burning salt during Lent. Unfortunately, today the old foundations have come to naught, and few contemporaries know the recipe for Kostroma salt. My grandmother shared her knowledge and skills.

Recipe. How to prepare black Thursday salt at home?

This procedure for preparing Thursday salt can be done at home. Prada, the conditions for preparing it are not entirely suitable, but it is possible. Buy salt and roast it with herbs or black bread. But at home it is better to prepare salt without additives, otherwise the whole kitchen will smoke!

The simplest way to prepare Thursday salt at home is to take it and heat it in a frying pan, preferably cast iron. Again, you will need to use coarse salt without any additives! True, after calcination it will remain light. Don't forget to say a prayer before you start cooking.

Calcination of salt, in addition to its ritual meaning, has a very important practical meaning. At high temperatures: 250 – 280 degrees, salt destroys some of the most harmful chlorine compounds associated with sodium in the body, which, even with a slight overdose in the body, disrupt the potassium-sodium balance. After all, potassium deficiency significantly affects the functioning of the human cardiovascular system. Here, in Thursday salt, the amount of potassium increases, as well as selenium, calcium and other microelements that increase its nutritional, dietary and health value. Black salt is much less able to retain water in the body, therefore increasing the weight loss effect. The harmful effects on hypertensive patients and people suffering from kidney disease are reduced. Also, this salt does not harm people suffering chronic diseases. And it’s simply delicious!

The benefits of black Thursday salt

Black salt is no longer “white death”. Use it like regular store-bought table salt.

In principle, black Thursday salt can be prepared not necessarily on Maundy Thursday. Why? I'll figure it out and write soon.

Have a nice holiday! MASTERS RU

On the eve of Easter, you can hear about the preparation of Thursday salt. It is done on the night from Wednesday to Thursday or on Thursday early in the morning. According to popular belief, this product has magical properties. We’ll talk further about the benefits and harms of Thursday salt and its use in everyday life.

  • Number of servings: 10
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

How to prepare Thursday salt in modern conditions

People have always considered salt a special product. But, in addition to improving the taste of food, it has been used in healing since ancient times and was endowed with sacred power. However, such “strong” salt could be prepared only once a year - before Easter. To prepare it, they took coarse salt and burned it in the oven until it turned black.

How to prepare healing black salt in modern conditions? There are several recipes.

1. Take 5 kg of black bread, soak it and mix with 1 kg of coarse salt. Place this mixture in a well-heated oven and keep until the bread turns black. Afterwards, cool everything well, chop and sift through a sieve.

Aromatic Thursday salt is prepared in the same way, which is added to all dishes. It significantly improves the taste of food and gives it special notes. To prepare, in addition to salt and bread, you need to stock up on herbs and spices, which are added before placing in the oven. It can be mint, oregano, coriander, dill, cumin.

2. You can prepare black salt with cabbage. To do this, remove the top leaves from the cabbage, cut them and mix with coarse salt. Place in an oven heated to 250 °C and keep until the mixture turns black.

3. Coarse salt often also calcined in a cast-iron frying pan, adding flour there. Take 12 tablespoons of rye flour per pack of salt. During the heating process, the salt may begin to crack. When the flour turns black, it must be left to cool and then placed in a linen bag.

These are the most common recipes for Thursday salt, which are still used today. There will be no harm from its use if you use this product in moderation. It is advisable to use a small pinch daily, adding it at the end of cooking as a finishing touch.

How to use Thursday salt

Let us now understand the benefits of black salt and where it can be used. This salt is prepared primarily for adding to food. Dishes with this additive become tastier and benefit the body. Thanks to this product, digestion and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract improves.

However, it is also used in peculiar rituals, for example:

They pour it into every corner so that troubles will leave the house;

To reconcile, the spouses are placed in a bag and hidden under the pillow;

Added to bathing water to help children grow strong and healthy.

These are the miraculous powers attributed to black Thursday salt. It’s up to you to believe in its power or not, but there will definitely be no harm from using it.