Interesting facts about human parasites. Myths and facts about worms Can tumors form in the heart?

  • Classification and structural features
    • Digestive system
    • Respiratory system
    • Nervous system
    • Reproductive system
  • Interesting Facts about white planaria
  • Is white planaria dangerous for humans?

Classification and structural features

Respiratory system

Flat, free-living organisms have the ability to breathe through their skin. Oxygen penetrates at the cellular level, saturating the body. It enters directly through the skin. Extraction to the outside is carried out in the same way. carbon dioxide. The larger the animal, the better gas exchange occurs in its body. Such worms are more mobile and hardy than others.

Nervous system

Structure nervous system also peculiar. It is a cluster of nerve cells (numerous holes, paired nodes). From nerve trunks ligaments extend to all internal organs.

Reproductive system

In male representatives, testes are located in the parenchyma area, which look like small, peculiar vesicles. Tubular-type vas deferens depart from them, which supply the copulatory organs.

The reproductive system of females is characterized by the presence of ovaries, which are a paired reproductive organ. Tubes extend from them, which serve as oviducts. Thanks to these organs, the zygote moves to the copulatory bursa. The structure of the reproductive system in females is simple.

The process of fertilization occurs internally. The structure of the bodies of worms is such that the act of copulation is carried out when the ventral sides touch each other. The eggs are fertilized by sperm and move downwards through tubes specially designed for this purpose. The structure of the reproductive system and the functions of female individuals are such that the zygote first accumulates the reserve necessary for further development nutrients, after which it becomes overgrown with a dense shell. The zygote gradually becomes an egg, which has a brown color and is packed into a so-called cocoon, reaching the size of a pinhead.

Fully formed cocoons are attached to the leaves of underwater plants using a special stalk. Newborn planarians develop from them after just a few weeks.

Is white planaria dangerous for humans?

White planaria is not dangerous to humans. The only harm is the destruction of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

An effective remedy against planaria particles and eggs is Flubenol powder. It is enough to make a 5% solution and pour it into the aquarium in an amount of 100 ml for 2-3 days. Next, it is recommended to update 50% of the water. After 7-10 days, the treatment must be repeated. To increase the effectiveness of the disinfection performed, it is recommended to siphon the soil.

Treatment of toxocariasis in children

It turns out that stray dogs and stray cats can cause the development of toxocorosis in children of different ages. It’s not for nothing that caring parents strive to teach their child hygiene.

Some rules of behavior should be repeated and repeated. Under no circumstances should you dig in the sand or soil where stray dogs have been walking! It is forbidden to pet cats without a specific place of residence!

Neglect of these rules can lead to infection with helminth larvae and their development in the child’s body. How to treat the disease in children will be discussed in the article.

Characteristics of the disease

Worm larvae and helminths are found in animal fur, feces, and in the soil where a dog has walked or a stray cat has been “basking in the sun.”

Moreover, dogs are more to blame for the spread of infection than “mustachioed and striped” dogs.

Reference. Adult toxocaras measure from 15 to 18 cm in length. Worm eggs can mature in the ground within 20 days. In a home environment, they can be preserved year-round.

Toxocors are transferred into a cozy home through shoes. Then the larvae and eggs enter children's bodies through “dirty hands.” Those at greatest risk are teenagers from 10 to 14 years old, those boys and girls who live “in nature” during the summer holidays.

These patients are characterized by a weak immune system, poor hygiene, and increased activity. Toxocara can exist in their bodies for several months and years. At the same time, their larvae are protected by “impenetrable”, drug-resistant “armor”.

Reference. Long white toxocores look like thick surgical thread. They can be seen in animal feces. But it is not possible to identify this helminth by analyzing human feces.

The only reliable means of detecting helminths is an enzyme immunoassay for toxocorosis (through blood).

Why is it important to treat toxocorosis in time?

Even if a child has been ill once and was successfully cured, a relapse is possible!

Horrible picture! Especially if you learn that damage to the heart and central nervous system causes death.

Symptoms of the disease in a child

Toxocorosis develops quickly. Its manifestations are directly related to the places where the larvae end up.

General clinical picture: malaise, temperature from 37 to 39 degrees, accompanied by chills. In children, symptoms are accompanied by excitability and sleep disturbances.

  • Ophthalmic;
  • Skin;
  • Neurological;
  • Vicarious.

The viscous form of the disease is observed when internal organs are damaged. The patient's liver is enlarged. Fever and chills begin.

Swelling of the lymph nodes is clearly visible on the palms. In the evening, cough and shortness of breath intensify. Some people experience wheezing in the lungs. If the disease is not treated in time, pneumonia develops.

The eyes “suffer” only when there are insignificant concentrations of helminths in children’s bodies.

An ophthalmologist observes floating larvae directly in the patient’s pupil. Subsequently, these larvae cause the development of optic neuritis, keratitis, and strabismus.

Additionally, toxocors cause allergic reactions. Local redness is visible on the skin. Rashes such as urticaria and eczema crusts occur very often. All these symptoms of cutaneous toxocorosis are accompanied by severe itching.

The neurological form of the disease is observed when toxocora penetrates into areas of the central nervous system. This fact immediately affects the psychosomatic behavior of the patient. He becomes capricious, lethargic, unbalanced.

There is noticeable deterioration in memory and attention. Difficulties in reading and listening comprehension are diagnosed.

Treatment methods

When toxocora is detected, treatment in children is initially prescribed with anthelmintic drugs.

Among them, the most effective is vermox. It is taken in a dose of 100 mg twice a day. The doctor then “intensifies the attack” by increasing the dose to 300 mg. The course lasts 2-4 days.

Unfortunately, many medications cannot act on granules with capsules where the larvae hide.

Therefore, antibiotics such as metronidazole must be added to treatment. Duration of therapy is 10 days.

To avoid stool upset and maintain normal intestinal microflora, additionally use Linex.

In turn, Dr. Komarovsky advises using thiabendazole if toxicosis develops. But only in severe cases of the disease!

Corticosteroids are used exclusively for eye damage. If the disease takes a cutaneous form, then thiabendazole is used for two weeks.


Attention parents! Interesting and scary facts:

  • A wandering child who loves to play in the sandbox risks losing his sight.
  • 80 percent of sandboxes are infected with toxicosis.

The life cycle of Toxocara is as follows: host – soil – reservoir host.

Rodents, sheep, birds, earthworms, and humans themselves act as reservoir hosts. The host becomes infected from another host or by eating a reservoir host. But the disease is not transmitted from person to person.

Based on these facts, it is necessary to limit the time children spend in the sandbox and not allow them to “communicate” with unknown animals.

If a child has been outside for a long time without adult supervision, then they need to thoroughly wash their hands with soap or other disinfectants.

It must be remembered that toxocorosis is transmitted through soil filled with eggs, and through the fur of animals, which in turn became infected from “brothers” of their species.

As for pets, you should limit their walks (cats). Dogs are prohibited from walking in areas where children play. Owners with pets should visit a veterinarian regularly.

When visiting clinics, their health is monitored and treated with anthelmintic drugs. Cats and dogs with signs of toxocorosis are temporarily removed from “communication” with the child.

So, if you study the methods and treatment of toxocorosis in children, Dr. Komarovsky claims that the disease can go away on its own, without treatment. Others insist on using antibiotics. Practice will show who is right.

But medical researchers agree on the following questions:

Be optimistic and teach your children basic hygiene rules!

Toxoplasma development cycle

People's behavior also changes under the influence of the microbe. There is an opinion that mass infection with Toxoplasma even affects the formation of values ​​in the population (money, work, law, etc.). The most commonly observed behavior characteristics are:

  • A person's propensity to take risks increases.
  • Reactions to what is happening slow down.
  • Anxiety and suspiciousness increases.
  • Men lose interest in everything new.
  • Women are becoming more open and sincere.

There are medical studies that confirm the relationship between infection with a microbe and manifestations of paranoia and schizophrenia.


Based on their genotype, there are three types of Toxoplasma. The first is found only in animals, the second and third - in humans (and the third only in HIV-infected people).


According to statistics, about 1.5 billion people on the planet are infected with toxoplasma. Infection can occur:

The last method is the most dangerous. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the consequences of infection may be different. In the early stages, toxoplasma causes miscarriages and the development of defects incompatible with life. For more later The child develops developmental anomalies, such as hydrocele and others.

When infected in the third trimester of pregnancy, a latent course of toxoplasmosis is possible, which can appear years later or immediately after birth.



The remaining organelles are similar to those of other protozoa.

Once in the external environment, endozoites quickly die. Only when in liquids (for example, saliva, milk, urine) can Toxoplasma live for several hours. Drying, ultraviolet radiation and heating are destructive for them.



Since the life cycle of Toxoplasma was clarified only in the 70s of the last century, and many of its features still require clarification, there is confusion in terminology. This primarily concerns the tissue phase. At the moment, the following formulations are most commonly used:

  • Endozoite - located inside the vacuoles of the host cell or in the cytoplasm, observed during an acute infectious process.
  • Cystozoite – located inside cysts and occurs during chronic infection.

The microbe that causes toxoplasmosis goes through four stages in its life cycle: schizogony, gametogony, sporogony and endodyogeny. The first three (sometimes all) are found only in cats. The latter can take place in the body of mammals and birds (according to some sources, even reptiles).

Intestinal part of the cycle

It begins when either oocysts containing sporozoites or vegetative forms (endozoites and cystozoites) enter the cat’s stomach. The latter invade epithelial cells and begin to divide in two (endodiogeny) or into a large number of new cells (schizogony).

Under the influence of digestive enzymes, the oocyst loses its membrane. The released sporozoites invade the intestinal epithelial cells and begin to reproduce in the same way through schizogony. About 30 merozoites are formed. This special type cells that further develop into gametogonium (the sexual part of the Toxoplasma development cycle).

Already two weeks after infection, immature germ cells – gametocytes – can be found in the cat’s intestines. Some of them give rise to micro-gametocytes, the other part to macrogametocytes. The development of microgametocytes consists of successive divisions leading to the formation of 20-30 gametes. They have an elongated shape with pointed ends. For movement they use 2 flagella. The macrogametocyte does not divide. It actively accumulates nutrients, reaching sizes of 10-15 microns.

The process of fusion of macro- and microgametocytes (fertilization) occurs inside the intestinal cell. The zygote forms a membrane around itself and continues to remain inside the epithelium for some time. It develops first into an ookinete, then into an oocyst. The latter leaves the host's body with feces and enters the external environment.

Thanks to its dense shell, the oocyst can wait for suitable conditions for years. When the air and soil temperature, humidity and amount of oxygen become optimal, two sporocysts are formed, each containing four sporozoites. The oocyst is invasive to both cats and other animal species.

Tissue (extraintestinal) part of the cycle

In the epithelium of the cat's gastrointestinal tract, both sexual and asexual reproduction is possible. In the tissues of intermediate hosts, Toxoplasma increases in number only asexually - by dividing in two (endodiogeny) or dividing into a large number of microbes (endopolygeny).

Infection occurs when oocysts, cystozoites or endozoites enter the animal's body. All of them are freed from the membranes (if there were any) and begin to actively penetrate the intestinal epithelium or other tissues. After 3-10 hours, the membranes of the affected cells are destroyed and 10-30 endozoites emerge from them, ready for invasion.

Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, psoriasis, hypertension, peptic ulcer, cancer, heart attack, diabetes, stroke, impotence, fibroids, erosion, infertility, chronic prostatitis, vasiculitis, epidedemitis caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella, genital herpes virus - these diseases, like an inevitable disaster, have entered every home.

The average life expectancy of our men has decreased, according to official data, to 57.8 years, but in fact to 52 years. The mortality rate is 1.6 times higher than the birth rate, many children are not healthy.

Medicine has succeeded in the fight against rapid infections - diseases that occur soon after infection and to which the body of the sick person actively reacts: high fever, pain, vomiting, sneezing, etc. In this case, it is worth helping the person medicines, stimulating the body's defenses, and it recovers. But medicine turned out to be powerless in the fight against slow infections, because, like the patient himself, she misses the moment of infection of a person by its carriers and does not notice initial stages diseases. And when the disease manifests itself with numerous symptoms, it becomes practically incurable.

But it is these protozoa: Trichomonas, Giardia, Chlamydia, as well as fungi, roundworms, worms of the brain, genital area, pinworms, worms of the gastrointestinal tract, Trichina (muscle) - are slow infections.

Today their leading role in the occurrence of cancer has been proven.

As a rule, damage to the host body is caused under the guise of general disorders and ailments.

Mycoses- a fungal infection caused by infection with the fungus Candida albicans. Typically, fungi are harmless creatures living in the intestines, genitourinary tract, oral cavity and larynx. The growth of candida is inhibited by other bacteria and the action immune system. If anything disrupts the balance of the body (for example, overuse of antibiotics, a diet high in sugar, toxins from the outside), yeast-like fungi begin to multiply actively, creating a health threat. Factors contributing to the growth of candida are also allergies, intake oral contraceptives and steroids. During pregnancy, due to the increased pH in the vagina, the risk of candidiasis increases 20 times.

Candidiasis (candidiasis) is an infectious disease of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

The development of candidiasis is facilitated by immunodeficiency conditions, endocrinopathies, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus), severe debilitating diseases, irrational use of certain medicines(antibiotics, corticosteroids, etc.), leading to dysbiosis, as well as injuries (for example, constant injury to the mucous membrane when wearing dentures), reducing the body’s resistance.

Carriers of Candida and patients with candidiasis can be sources of infection to others. Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient (kissing, sexual contact, infection of newborns during passage through the birth canal). It is also possible through contact with contaminated fruits and vegetables, which is observed, for example, in fruit pickers and sorters (occupational candidiasis). The development of candidiasis is facilitated by damage to the skin and mucous membranes, unfavorable working conditions, and violations of hygiene rules, for example, in maternity hospitals and nurseries.

The disease may be caused by the activation of yeast-like fungi found in the body in microbial associations (development of secondary candidiasis in pneumonia, tuberculosis, dysbiosis, etc.)

The most common form of candidiasis of the mucous membranes is candidomycosis stomatitis (thrush). Dotted white deposits appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, palate, tongue, and gums; merging, they form films resembling curdled milk. The pathological process often spreads to the tongue (yeast glossitis), tonsils (candidal tonsillitis), the red border of the lips (candidal cheilitis), and the corners of the mouth (jams). In women, a course of antibiotics can destroy beneficial bacteria in the vaginal tract, allowing yeast to grow, which causes white discharge and vaginal itching.

Regulation of bacterial-fungal balance in digestive system and the genitourinary tract - one of the conditions for the normal functioning of the body.

As the great scientist V.I. said. Vernadsky: “Not a single species can exist in the waste it creates.” And first of all, these impurities affect our nervous system, the cells of which are sensitive to all toxins. All signs of apathy, depression, neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, pure allergies, obesity are nothing more than slagging in the body.

With increased slagging, a process of autointoxication occurs—self-poisoning with toxins, the increased release of which is caused by accelerated exchange substances.

The issue of detoxification is a serious issue that can be solved through the use of enterosorbents.

Bioresonance therapy devices also provide assistance in removing toxins, waste, nitrates, nitrites, and heavy metals.

Can tumors form in the heart?

Of course not! How could such a thing come to mind, any doctor will say.

But in last years Many cardiologists note the growth of tumor-like formations in the heart, which confuses even experienced surgeons. Apparently, De Seignac’s statement sunk too deeply into my soul:

“The heart is too noble an organ to allow such diseases as primary tumors to develop in it” (1783). I would like to hope that our vital organ - the heart - “has a unique ability to protect itself from the then still inexplicable factors in the emergence and development of tumor formations” (Fabius, 883).

For two centuries, unknown cardiac tumors were described only by pathologists as autopsy findings. L.V. Shkhvatsabaya in his scientific works noted the presence of tumor formations - cold abscesses, granulomas, calcified conglomerates - in the presence of helminthic lesions and echinococcal cysts in the membranes and cavities of the heart. Moreover, patients, as a rule, complain about completely different areas: the liver (enlargement, heaviness, pain), lungs (cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, weight loss, general weakness). Helminths are also localized in these organs, while the heart is “silent.” Why is this happening? But because the heart is the last place to send distress signals. Cardiac symptoms develop gradually and are characterized by the following indicators: severe shortness of breath, especially when moving, pronounced weakness, fever (high temperature) for no apparent reason, persistent anemia, increased ESR, swelling of the arms and legs, “search for a comfortable position,” short-term loss of consciousness.

"Cells of the Living Universe"

Ten years ago, when conducting courses of health improvement and restoration of the body in many regions of Russia and the Commonwealth countries, it was found that up to 60% of the children examined were infected with helminths. We (writes doctor Eliseeva O.I.) offered school directors, collective and state farm chairmen to organize free of charge at least the distribution of herbs for preparing decoctions for treating children. But, apparently, the leaders themselves were concerned with other problems, and the doctors indignantly said: “Where did you diagnose worms when the tests for “worm eggs” are negative?.. And Trichomonas in a child - “Are you crazy?! " Parents came to us with eczematous children and told how they submitted feces with moving worms to the laboratory for analysis, and received an answer - no worm eggs were found.” Why? Why is this happening?

People of the older generation remember very well the times of the 60s, when the USSR adopted a political policy - “Catch up and overtake America!” All Soviet people joined the race-competition. This race for records “at any cost” had disastrous consequences: forest and water resources were barbarously destroyed; In the struggle to increase productivity, our Earth-nurse became chemically damaged. Mining open method led to the expenditure of funds equal to the cost of production of the machines that extract them, etc. Unfortunately, medicine was also drawn into this movement...

According to WHO, the causes of death worldwide in 2000 were: become:

On 78.9% of the territory of Siberia, opisthorchiasis is registered in people. The unfavorable demographic situation in Siberia does not allow us to hope for an improvement in the epidemic situation regarding opisthorchiasis in the country.

Elimination of physiology schools Pavlova, biologist Vavilova, oncologist Neviadomsky, genetics Dubinina and many other outstanding Russian scientists and other “transformations” have led to what we have: out of several tens of thousands of diseases, the vast majority of them are considered incurable. And they are incurable because the true causative agents of these diseases have not been identified.

If the patient does not have an injury or burn, then his illness was caused by one or another biological pathogen: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa or worms. It is the nature of these pathogens that must be identified individually in each patient. And, having identified them, free the patient from them while simultaneously strengthening the body’s defenses. This is the only way that can lead to complete recovery.

Anthelmintics for every home!

If helminths are simply not detected in you, although certain symptoms have long existed - loss of strength, colicky pain in the umbilical region and along the colon, itching in the anal area or allergic manifestations, persistent urticaria and roughness of the skin on the arms and legs, as well as grinding teeth while sleeping, then be sure to cleanse from helminths.

You can do this with the help of special complex non-chemical preparations, as well as with the help of BRT devices, the spectrum of action of which is even wider.

Pharmacopoeia and historical folk experience claim that bitter herbs have an anthelmintic effect.

It is obvious that responsibility for the level of health, first of all, must be borne by the person himself. A person’s illness is a burden to others at home and at work (parents, wife, children, colleagues at work). A person should know what kind of health he has, how to maintain it, strengthen it, how to prolong the remission phase between the stages of exacerbation of his disease. For this purpose, within the framework of the state industry program, networks of health offices have been created, where simple, tested, well-proven non-invasive methods of functional diagnostics are used (there is no need to donate blood, take a spinal cord puncture, or conduct other studies), which are highly informative and do not require a long time for their implementation.

You can get complete information about your health by undergoing a diagnostic test using the ART method. You will learn about the very initial manifestations of diseases (when there is no clinic yet), and you will learn the functional state of all physiological systems of the body.

  • Classification and structural features
    • Digestive system
    • Respiratory system
    • Nervous system
    • Reproductive system
  • Interesting facts about white planaria
  • Is white planaria dangerous for humans?

Classification and structural features

Respiratory system

Flat, free-living organisms have the ability to breathe through their skin. Oxygen penetrates at the cellular level, saturating the body. It enters directly through the skin. Carbon dioxide is released in the same way. The larger the animal, the better gas exchange occurs in its body. Such worms are more mobile and hardy than others.

Nervous system

The structure of the nervous system is also unique. It is a cluster of nerve cells (numerous holes, paired nodes). Ligaments extend from the nerve trunks to all internal organs.

Reproductive system

In male representatives, testes are located in the parenchyma area, which look like small, peculiar vesicles. Tubular-type vas deferens depart from them, which supply the copulatory organs.

The reproductive system of females is characterized by the presence of ovaries, which are a paired reproductive organ. Tubes extend from them, which serve as oviducts. Thanks to these organs, the zygote moves to the copulatory bursa. The structure of the reproductive system in females is simple.

The process of fertilization occurs internally. The structure of the bodies of worms is such that the act of copulation is carried out when the ventral sides touch each other. The eggs are fertilized by sperm and move downwards through tubes specially designed for this purpose. The structure of the reproductive system and the functions of female individuals are such that the zygote first accumulates a supply of nutrients necessary for further development, after which it becomes overgrown with a dense shell. The zygote gradually becomes an egg, which has a brown color and is packed into a so-called cocoon, reaching the size of a pinhead.

Fully formed cocoons are attached to the leaves of underwater plants using a special stalk. Newborn planarians develop from them after just a few weeks.

Interesting facts about white planaria

White planaria is not dangerous to humans. The only harm is the destruction of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

An effective remedy against planaria particles and eggs is Flubenol powder. It is enough to make a 5% solution and pour it into the aquarium in an amount of 100 ml for 2-3 days. Next, it is recommended to update 50% of the water. After 7-10 days, the treatment must be repeated. To increase the effectiveness of the disinfection performed, it is recommended to siphon the soil.

Toxoplasma causes many deformities, congenital diseases in children, and mental retardation.

Giardia attacks the liver and causes a host of liver diseases.

Roundworms cause pulmonary, biliary and intestinal diseases.

Pinworms - an abundance of intestinal diseases.

Fascioliasis causes allergies, biliary dyskinesia, and chronic hepatitis.

Asciolopsidosis is involved in the formation and development of various oncological diseases.

Chlamydia causes infertility, digestive disorders, various lesions of the pancreas (including diabetes), liver and leads to heart attacks. Chlamydial infection is dangerous because it does not always lead to clearly defined inflammation. There may not be an obvious disease, but there may be a lot of chlamydia in the blood. Chlamydia often occurs with almost no symptoms. And at 40–50 years old - a heart attack! This happens because chlamydia is too tenacious, and in addition, it knows how to “hide” in white blood cells. That is why the body itself almost does not fight chlamydia, it simply does not notice them.

Trichomonas is called the number one biological enemy for humans. By forming colonies on the walls of blood vessels, Trichomonas lead to the development of atherosclerosis with all its consequences. In 1989, the ability of Trichomonas to transform ordinary cells into malignant ones was discovered. Trichomonas cause diseases of the genitourinary system, intestines, mouth, blood, and blood vessels. Diseases: diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, stroke, heart attack, cancer.

A huge number of patients with worms suffer from anemia, asthma, arthritis, allergosis, autoimmune disease, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia, hepatocholecystitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, dysentery, bedwetting, Crohn's disease, immune dysfunction, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatism, various inflammations of the mouth and gums, ulcerative colitis.

Once worms have been identified in the body, treatment should begin immediately. But in what way - you choose.

Is there some more good way. In the evening, put a glass of milk on the fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil. When it boils, throw in 2 heads of peeled and coarsely chopped garlic. Immediately remove from heat, cover tightly, wrap warmly (to retain heat longer, like in a thermos). Get up in the morning and drink on an empty stomach. The worms will begin to come out in 30 minutes to an hour. After 2 hours you can eat. Do this 3 times in a row. Also good prevention and treatment.

Hydrogen peroxide effectively helps fight worms, especially those that have settled in the intestines. The combination of the remedies recommended above with the intake of peroxide (10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in half a glass of water 3 times a day) helps especially well.

It is extremely useful to “cleanse” the body when restoring the acid-base balance of the body. “Cleansing” procedures should begin with cleansing the intestines using enemas.

This text is an introductory fragment.