Outdoor radish care. The best ways to plant radish outdoors. Measures against pests and diseases

Everyone knows that green radish is a very useful root vegetable. It is rich in vitamins and has a number of beneficial properties. Even in ancient times, radish was used as a medicinal plant. Therefore, the culture is often grown to create folk remedies against various diseases. However, the most useful for the body is a vegetable grown by oneself. Therefore, the cultivation of radish in the open field must be carried out especially carefully and in accordance with all the rules.

Radish is an unpretentious plant that does not require special personal care. Therefore, growing a radish in your own garden does not require much work and physical costs from you. It will be necessary to water the individuals, thin out their thickets, loosen the soil and eliminate all weeds, and also fertilize the plants with special dressings.

Radish care also includes thinning. For the first time, it is carried out after the formation of a pair of leaves in young shoots. At the same time, a distance of 0.06–0.07 meters should be left between the root crops. The next time, thickening is warned after a month.

How does outdoor care work? When growing a root crop in unprotected soil, weeding between rows is carried out three or four times per season. For the first time, they are loosened to a depth of 0.04 meters, the second time - by 0.08 meters, the subsequent ones - by 0.1–0.12 meters.

How to grow properly

How to grow a radish? Before cultivating and caring for crops in the open field, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance for this. In the spring, the soil is dug to the depth of the layer with humus. After that, fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers, urea, superphosphate and potassium chloride.

The technology of sowing seeds of the summer variety provides for the procedure in early May, and the winter one - in June.

The seed is placed in holes 0.02 meters deep, maintaining a row spacing of 0.3–0.4 meters. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, then after planting it is necessary to water the soil abundantly.


Watering the root crop is carried out regularly, but not more often than once a week. The winter variety is moistened only three or four times during the entire development cycle. A radish needs a lot of water: about a bucket per unit area. The main thing is the regularity of the procedure. After all, watering after a dry hot period will lead to cracking of root crops. With a moisture deficit, the root becomes woody, after which it cannot be eaten. Mulching will help keep the liquid in the ground and reduce the number of procedures.

Top dressing

How many times does a radish need to be fertilized and how to do it correctly? During the entire development cycle of the plant, fertilizing is carried out twice. For the first time - after the formation and disclosure of cotyledon leaves. The second time feeding is carried out 7 days after the first.

Due to the fact that the ripening period of early varieties is short, it is necessary to feed the crop only with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. For example, 0.2% sodium or calcium ammonium nitrate.

Late-ripening varieties are fertilized once a week with solutions of mineral fertilizers (0.06 kilograms of superphosphate, 0.02 kilograms of urea and 0.015 kilograms of calcium chloride). In this case, a bucket of water is consumed for 20 m of the row. The plant needs nitrogen in large doses, so complex fertilizers must be alternated with nitrogen ones. All top dressing should be stopped three weeks before harvest.

Manure is not used as a top dressing for radish, as it stimulates the "division" of the root crop.

Pests and diseases

Often the plant is infected with keel, cabbage mosaic, felt disease, powdery mildew, peronosporosis, white rot, black leg and linen.

Keela is a fungal ailment that provokes the appearance of fusiform or spherical outgrowths on the roots. They gradually turn brown, and then begin to rot. Affected individuals slow down growth and may even die.

As a result of infection with mosaics, the veins on the leaves of the vegetable are pulled together, and the organs themselves are deformed and change shape. Further, a dark green edging appears on the veins, and dead areas of white are formed.

Felt disease has the appearance of brown or purple spots that appear on fruits. After that, colonies of fungi appear in place of the spots. The most comfortable environment for the development of the disease is warm and high humidity.

Powdery mildew appears on the ground parts of the culture with a grayish bloom, which gradually turns brown. The affected leaves curl and dry out, the individual itself slows down growth or completely stops it.

Peronosporosis (downy mildew) looks like chlorine spots on the top of the leaf, which become oily and yellowish. Over time, they turn brown, and a purple bloom appears on the bottom of the organ.

The black leg is manifested by a thinning of the leaf rosette and the top of the fruit.

White rot provokes the removal of colored pigment from the affected parts of the plant, then the affected areas are covered with fungus and become like cotton wool.

Belle seems to cover the organs of culture with oil paint, after which the tissues become brown and dry. Leaves with fungal spores become swollen and deformed.

The most dangerous insects for the radish are cruciferous flea beetles, scoops (garden and cabbage), cabbage flies, moths and whites, wireworms and stem nematodes.

The cruciferous flea beetle is a beetle with hopping hind legs that feeds on crop leaves. The pest can easily feed on young plant shoots.

The caterpillar of the scoop or cabbage whitefly feeds on leafy pulp, and the larvae of the cabbage fly damage the roots, provoking their rotting.

Nematode larvae feed on the sap of crops, as a result of which they lose their usual shape.

Wireworms consume both the leaves and the fruits of the radish.


Diseases of a fungal nature are usually defeated by treating cultures with solutions that contain copper. Usually it is copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, copper chloride. The technology for processing plants is described in detail in the instructions for the preparations.

It is not so easy to defeat the mosaic. There is no drug against it. Affected plants are simply removed and burned, preventing the spread of the disease to neighboring individuals.

Insects are usually eliminated with insecticides, which are readily available from specialized retail outlets.

However, prevention helps best of all - pre-sowing treatment of soil and seeds, as well as compliance with the rules for growing radish.

So, it is worth planting radish on your own site because of the wide range of its uses. Culture care is not difficult. It is enough to cultivate the soil and carry out regular watering with top dressing. It should be noted that a significant advantage of the plant is its ability to survive frost.

Black radish is traditionally very popular in our country. This vegetable is grown throughout Russia - from the most distant northern regions to the south. This demand for a root crop is not surprising - black radish is surprisingly useful.


Strictly speaking, black radish is not a separate variety. This is one of the main varieties of culture, which itself has several additional subspecies-varieties. Outwardly, the radish is a dense root vegetable with a black skin and extremely sharp, tart pulp.

In the photo - black radish:

Black radish

Note that in our country this vegetable has been cultivated for a very long time - the first mentions of the root crop are found already in the chronicles of the 12th century. Black radish was used then and now as a source of valuable vitamins, as food and medicine at the same time.

Deserves special attention unpretentiousness and productivity of this culture. Black radish can be successfully grown even in cool climates, so northerners and Siberians also have the opportunity to get a valuable source of vitamins from their gardens.

Terms and rules of landing

Today, the most popular varieties are black radish with medium, as well as late dates ripening. As you know, all vegetables and roots of late varieties have much more nutrients in their composition than early ones.

Video - information about black radish:

  • Small-fruited early-maturing varieties are planted in March.
  • Large and medium-fruited early maturing - late April-early May.
  • Mid-season varieties are planted in the ground in June.
  • The late black radish is planted in mid-July.

Although the seeds germinate well at low temperatures, it is still recommended to plant black radish with, albeit a small, but stable and stable plus. If after planting cold and frost breaks out, this can lead to early release of arrows by the plant, which is undesirable.

As a rule, manufacturers always write on seed bags at what time it is recommended to plant the latter. Follow these recommendations, amateur performance is undesirable here.

Note in addition that all varieties of black radish yield crops only in the second year after planting: the plant is a biennial.

Planting site and soil

Choose a bright and well-warmed place for the culture. It is recommended to plant black radish in a garden bed where salads or onion crops have grown before. Before planting, it is imperative to thoroughly dig up the bed and fertilize it properly. It is recommended to choose the following crops as neighbors in the garden for the plant: tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and onions.

Gardeners, who have extensive experience in growing radish, argue that it is better to prepare a garden bed for cultivation using only mineral fertilizers, without organic matter. According to the reviews of farmers, it becomes clear that the root crop grown in this way has more juiciness. Among other things, the soil for planting black radish must be loose.

In order to make the soil fertile, it is recommended to add the following fertilizers to 1 m2 of the garden:

  • a glass of ash; But how bone ash is used as fertilizer, this
  • superphosphate - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • potassium chloride - 1 tbsp;
  • urea - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


It is necessary to dig a bed to a depth of 35 cm - this is approximately the length of the roots of black radish. The soil is carefully loosened in the garden: it is important to break all the lumps so that the seeds do not encounter obstacles during germination.

After digging, you need to prepare holes for seeds - the distance between them should be 15 cm, and leave a distance of 30 cm between the rows. You should not plant the root crop too tightly, as this will lead to strong shooting of the plant, and the fruits themselves will turn out to be small.

The seeds deepen by 3 cm, and several seeds must be placed in one hole at once: this measure will ensure the best germination. When the seedlings then appear, they are thinned out, leaving the most powerful specimens.

The video shows the landing process:

Water the seeds after planting, and always keep the soil in the garden slightly damp afterwards. In addition, it is important to periodically sprinkle ash on the bed with young sprouts to protect them from the cruciferous flea. But how the processing of cabbage from a flea with ammonia is carried out, this will help to understand

How to care

Let's consider the main features of caring for black radish growing in the open field.


As mentioned above, for black radish it is important that the soil in the garden is slightly moistened at all times. Do not allow the soil to dry out - the plant can hardly tolerate thirst. Lack of moisture in the soil leads to a decrease in the taste of black radish and to hollow fruit.


Since several seeds are planted in one hole at once during planting, further thinning is a necessary procedure. Moreover, several thinning will have to be carried out: from two to three.


In order for the radish to grow strong, strong and healthy, the soil in the garden must be light and loose. The loosening procedure is recommended to be carried out immediately after each watering. Among other things, when loosening, weeds in the garden are also destroyed, and simultaneous prophylaxis against pests is carried out.

Top dressing

Early ripe varieties are fed twice: the first time after the formation of the second leaf, and then a week after the first feeding. Nitrogen-containing compositions are used as additional nutrition.

All feeding should be stopped 20-25 days before harvesting root crops.


To remove the lateral roots of the plant, and force the radish to feed through one main taproot, experienced gardeners periodically swing the root crop slightly. As a result, the radish grows large and juicy when it gets enough nutrition from its powerful central root.


It is strongly not recommended to plant a culture after cruciferous plants. And this prohibition is explained by the belonging of this culture to the same family. And as you know, representatives of the same species have common pests and diseases.

But in general, black radish is resistant to diseases and pests. Most often, the plant infects an insect such as a cruciferous flea. And if your seedlings have been hit by this pest, it is best to fight it by spraying with insecticides: Iskra Zolotaya, Confidor are suitable. It will also be useful to learn about how and when it happens.


In addition to fleas, sometimes the following pests can affect black radish: carrot fly, aphid, slugs, cabbage leaf beetle, rape flower beetle. It is recommended to use more natural insect control products, and safe biologics can also be used. For example, agents such as Fitoferm or Lipocid quite effectively destroy insects, and at the same time do not harm environment, are not deposited in fruits, soil.

Harvesting and storage

Summer black radish is harvested in June and before early July. By this time, the roots should have reached 3-4 cm in diameter. Do not delay harvesting, as this leads to flabbiness of root crops, a decrease in their taste. The exact timing of harvesting depends on the variety - firstly, and on the climate of the region.

The radish should be removed from the ground, separated from the roots, dried if the soil is wet. After that, the crop is distributed in containers, boxes or bags, and placed in the cellar or in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. If the crop is stored in a warm room, then no more than 6-7 days, then the radish will soften.

If you know that a pest such as a wireworm is found in the garden, it is recommended to harvest the black radish immediately after the potatoes. Otherwise, the wireworm can significantly spoil the root crop.

The video shows the cleaning process:

If the radish is of a late variety, it is recommended to keep it in the ground for as long as possible, but only until the onset of frost. Note that if the root crop freezes in the ground, this will significantly reduce its shelf life, and also make the taste less pleasant.

For winter storage, it is advisable to place black radish in wooden containers (boxes) with holes for ventilation. In a cellar or basement, the root crop can lie safely until spring. Most varieties of black radish without signs of decay or spoilage can last up to 200 days - of course, under suitable conditions.

Growing in Siberia

In the regions of the Urals and Siberia, it is quite possible to grow black radish - as has been said many times, the root crop easily tolerates low temperatures. However, the timing of planting in this case should be chosen more carefully. So, when growing early root crops, plant seeds in early May, and mid-season and late varieties - until mid-June. If you do not follow this recommendation, the radish may simply not have time to ripen - after all, summer in these regions does not differ in duration.

It may also be useful for you to learn about how broccoli is grown in Siberia and what

Since the 12th century, for Russia, radish, along with turnips and horseradish, has been one of the most popular crops present on the table every day. This attachment to radish is understandable: it is loved not only as food, but also as a powerful medicine, thanks to the presence of mineral salts, vitamins and trace elements. And now a juicy and tasty vegetable can be bought without any problems in any supermarket. However, it is much more interesting and not difficult to grow it yourself in the country. To help you get on with this activity, check out our tips and tricks for proper planting and proper outdoor care of your radish.

Growing radish (white, pink, green, black): sowing rules, tips for care

In general, the rules for growing any radish are very similar, there are no fundamental differences in planting and caring for black, white or green (Margelan), except perhaps, except for the timing of their sowing, taste and useful properties.

Types and varieties

Video: planting a Margelan radish

Planting dates: according to the lunar calendar, depending on the variety and region

The timing of sowing radish in open ground is largely determined by the vegetable variety:

  • early small-fruited varieties can be sown already in March-April (if, of course, the weather permits. But in the Central lane, more precisely, even in the Moscow region, this will most likely not be possible), or in August, their ripening period is about 40-50 days;
  • early ripening (summer) - at the end of April - beginning of May, ripening period - 50-65 days;
  • late (or they are also called autumn or winter, black) - in early or mid-July, ripening period - 90-110 days.

However, it is equally important to take into account both the climatic conditions of the region and the current weather conditions. The optimal temperature conditions for seed germination are + 20-25 degrees, but planting is also allowed at + 15-20.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you want to choose a specific date for planting a root crop, then the lunar calendar will always come to your aid.

So, the most favorable days for sowing radish for seedlings or in open ground according to the lunar calendar in 2019 are:

  • in March - 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April - 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

If we turn to the lunar calendar, then it is worth knowing that it is even more important not to plant a vegetable on unfavorable days, and this is in 2019:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

Video: radish - varieties, sowing dates and care

How to properly plant a radish in open ground

There are quite a lot of varieties of this useful root crop at the moment, but black radish, thanks to its useful and medicinal properties, is of particular value.

Useful properties of the root crop

Black radish is both delicious and healing vegetable. If you have sand in your kidneys or liver, then with the help of a radish you can significantly improve your condition. It also helps if you have a cold (such as a prolonged wet cough), high cholesterol, and it also improves performance and stress tolerance during busy work schedules.

Note! You should not use radish (any) if you have peptic ulcer disease, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as heart disease.

Another advantage of planting black radish is its suitability for long-term storage.

Sowing dates

The planting dates for black radish are in the middle of summer, namely, it is desirable to plant it from the 3rd decade of June to the 3rd decade of July.

If you plant it too early, then with a long daylight hours, it can go into flowers (it will start shooting and throwing flower-bearing shoots) and subsequently not give root crops. Therefore, in order to precisely wait for the ripening of the vegetable, observe the timing of its sowing.

Garden bed preparation: site selection and suitable soil

A good harvest of radish can only grow in the right spot. It is optimal to find a place that most the day is illuminated by the sun.

As for the land, the radish grows best on fertile loamy soil, in other words, light humus soils with an acidity of 6-7 pH are suitable for it.

Preparing a garden bed for a radish is quite simple: you need to thoroughly dig up the earth (to a depth of 30-35 centimeters), add a couple of buckets of excellent compost, wood ash, and then mix everything again and level the garden bed.

Next, you need to make rows for sowing radish seeds. The sowing depth of seeds should be 1.5-2 centimeters. The distance between the rows should be maintained at 20-40 centimeters. It is optimal to sow the seeds themselves at a distance of 10-15 centimeters, but if you want to get an even higher yield, then sow them closer in order to subsequently thin out and get rid of weak plants, leaving only the healthiest ones.

Many summer residents practice joint sowing of radish with,,, and even.

As a rule, they try to plant the radish after harvesting. The following cultures are also good predecessors:,,, and.

Sowing seeds

Step-by-step instruction sowing radish in open ground:

Video: sowing black radish

Outdoor radish care

Despite the fact that this vegetable is considered to be quite unpretentious, but in order to obtain a rich and tasty harvest, the radish needs some care.

So, in first time after sowing desirable maintain high humidity in the gardenso that the seedlings appear together. As a rule, this takes about 3-5 days, but after germination for 1-2 weeks, the garden should be kept moist. There are two ways - either constant watering, or you can cover the bed with a film that will retain moisture.

A week later, through the emergence of seedlings, the bed follows first time thin outleaving only the strongest seedlings.

Further care of the radish is quite standard: on time to water(if you forget about watering, then the roots will grow small and bitter and will not be edible), preventing the soil from drying out, at least once a week, loosen and weed.

By the way! To reduce the number of watering, loosening, and weeding, you can mulch the beds with peat or humus.

Also, during the summer, you need to make sure that the seedlings do not hinder each other's development. If you notice that the plantings are thickened, then you should perform one more thinning, otherwise the root vegetables simply will not be able to ripen normally and will turn out to be small.

As for the dressing of the radish, during the season it should be fertilized at least 2 times. The first time when 3-4 leaves appear (nitrogen feeding), the second time - a month after the first, when the root crop begins to grow actively.

As a fertilizer, it is optimal to use herbal infusions, birch tar (protection against pests), ammonia (nitric). Also, ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) is suitable for nitrogen fertilization.

Advice! It is very good to combine top dressing with watering.

Diseases and pests

Black (cruciferous) fleas are very fond of young shoots of radish, therefore, as measures to combat these pests, crops should be treated, more precisely, powdered with tobacco dust or wood ash.

Harvesting radish for storage

If you want to store black radish for a long time, then you need to harvest and prepare it for storage according to certain rules. So, it must be collected on time in most cases before the end of October and always before the onset of frost. You need to pull out the vegetable, slightly digging in with a shovel. Further, you should get rid of the tops, but if you are determined to store the radish for a long time (for example, all winter), then you should leave 1-2 centimeters of the tops.

Important! If you put this root crop for long winter storage, then you cannot wash it, just shake it off of the dirt and that's it, otherwise it will rot.

Optimally put dry root vegetables in boxes with wet sand and remove to the basement or cellar for long-term storage.

You can also store the radish in refrigerator.In this case, the tops must be cut off completely, rinsed thoroughly, and then also shortened the tail, leaving 4-5 centimeters. Next, the roots should be processed in a slightly green solution of brilliant green, immersed in it for 1-2 minutes. When the vegetables are dry, they must be put in bags and put in the refrigerator.

Video: black radish - from sowing to harvest

Thus, even a novice gardener can grow a radish (no matter what kind, white, Margelan or black). You just need to choose the optimal time, properly prepare the soil and sow the seeds, and then provide high-quality care for the root crop until it is fully ripe.

Video: everything about planting radish seeds, care, cultivation and its proper storage

In contact with

Radish is one of a number of unique vegetables. It is rich in vitamins (A, B9, K, C), microelements, organic acids, essential oils, amino acids, vegetable fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Radish contains phytoncides - substances that inhibit the growth or kill bacteria, making it a natural antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, enhances immunity, improves metabolism, digestion, and removes fluid from the body. A number of useful qualities of a vegetable can be continued, but this is enough to make you want to plant and grow a root crop in your personal plot or summer cottage.

It is for this vegetable that planting dates are of great importance. First you need to decide for what purpose you are going to plant and grow the radish - for long-term storage and use in winter or for eating in spring and summer.

Early small-fruited varieties are sown in March. Fruits ripen in 40-45 days, slightly spicy, juicy - a rich source of early vitamins.

Summer varieties are early ripening, ripen in 55-60 days, so the optimal planting time is late April, early May. The radish is not afraid of low temperatures, gives amicable shoots even at t +3 - 5 degrees.

Winter mid-season varieties intended for long-term storage ripen in 100-110 days. In order to have time to harvest the crop in time, middle lane In Russia, the Moscow region, in Siberia, it is necessary to plant radish in late June - early July (the most extreme dates are the first decade of July).

Winter early ripening varieties of root crops are sown in late July - early August.

Radish is sown in open ground with seeds: in the middle of summer it sprouts rather quickly, in early spring it is not afraid of frost, therefore there is no need to grow seedlings.

In addition, some gardeners on the forums express the opinion that when transplanting seedlings, the root can be damaged and the root crop will bloom.

The most important condition for proper growth is short daylight hours... With a long daylight hours, the vegetable gives off arrows, blooms, becomes unfit for food. That is why radish is sown in early spring or in the second half of summer, when daylight hours become shorter.

The most popular varieties for sowing

In order to enjoy the taste of a healthy, juicy root crop all year round, several varieties are sown with different ripening periods.

The most useful and rich in vitamins and minerals is black radish... On the palate, it is more spicy and in all respects it is significantly ahead of the "colored relatives". Let's consider some of the most popular and high-quality representatives.

  1. ... The variety is mid-season, ripening time - 80 days, has the best taste and medicinal qualities, high-yielding - 7.5 kg / sq. m, suitable for long-term storage. The root vegetable is rounded, weight - from 250 to 500 g, the peel is black, the flesh is white, juicy, the taste is bright, spicy.
  2. ... The fruits are elongated, black. The pulp is white, crispy, juicy. Even after long-term storage, it does not lose its useful properties.
  3. Margelan (Chinese)... Fruits are green with light green pulp. This radish is not as healthy as black, but you can eat much more of it - it tastes very juicy, slightly spicy, without bitterness. Sown in summer, until July 5-10, as the variety is late-ripening, high-yielding, has excellent keeping quality, right up to spring.
  4. ... An early-ripening summer variety with juicy, tender pulp, semi-spicy to the taste, does not darken for a long time.
  5. ... Medium spicy taste, dense tasty pulp, high-yielding, retains its presentation for a long time.

In addition to these, there are many more popular varieties: Odessa 5, Daikon, Summer round white, Olive, Elephant Tusk, etc.

Root predecessors

The vegetable belongs to the cruciferous family and should not be grown after cabbage, radish, turnip.

The rest of the horticultural crops are good predecessors: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beans. Winter radish varieties can be planted in the garden after harvesting green onions, lettuce, green peas, beans.

Preparing the soil and planting seeds in open ground

Loves well-lit, sunny places, moist and loose, deeply dug soil... For spring planting, the beds must be prepared in the fall: add humus, mineral fertilizers, and ash in acidic soils.

Seed preparation

If you want to get a high-quality harvest, root crops the same size, seeds are a must calibrate - small grains, irregular, empty or half-sized, remove, leaving only large healthy grains of the same size.

To obtain friendly shoots, you can (but not necessarily) process the seeds humate or growth stimulant before planting. Treated seeds go less into the arrow, bloom.

How to sow

Before planting, the earth is dug to a depth of 30-35 cm, the surface is leveled, grooves are made deep 2 cm, between the rows - 30 cm... Seeds are introduced into the grooves, they are covered with earth and the bed is well watered.

Before seed germination, the soil must be kept moist. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are thinned out, leaving the strongest ones. Next time it is necessary to thin out the shoots no later than a month later to avoid thickening. The distance between the remaining radish sprouts should be 15 cm.

Further care consists in the constant maintenance of moisture and loosening of row spacings - the radish loves oxygenated soils.

To avoid common mistakes, to get tasty, juicy root vegetables with dense pulp, you need to follow some rules:

  • thickening must not be allowed, thin out 2-3 leaves in the phase, then after 15-20 days;
  • watering should be frequent, the soil should not dry out in any case;
  • there is never enough ash for a radish - she loves ash, it can be applied before planting, at the stage of 3-4 leaves, and during the appearance of cruciferous fleas, it can be scattered over the entire surface of the bed, even on the leaves;
  • the quality of fruits will be well affected by feeding with boron, magnesium, table salt - they will increase the sugar content, improve the growth of plants.

Radish is unique and the most useful productmust be included in the diet healthy eating... A good harvest from the garden will help protect you from colds and other diseases throughout the winter. Cultivation is possible in almost all regions, even beyond the Urals, the main thing is to correctly sow and follow the rules of care.

We grow black and margelan radish in the garden

Black radish or sowing radish (Latin Raphanus sativus niger) is a two-year vegetable crop belonging to the Cabbage family (Latin Brassicaceae). Despite its bitter taste, it has the most valuable medicinal qualities among other representatives of the genus Radish (Raphanus). It is not difficult to grow a radish on your own, the main thing is to properly prepare the soil and sow, as well as provide high-quality and timely care.

Planting black radish in open ground

When growing black radish, it is very important to observe the timing of sowing seeds, as well as the basic methods of planting and care in accordance with the characteristics of the selected variety. This will help to avoid shooing or cracking of the fruit later.

Sowing dates for black radish

Radish is a fairly cold-resistant culture, the seeds begin to hatch at a temperature of about plus 5 grams. Celsius. Sowing black radish, the timing of which may differ depending on the growing season of the variety, is carried out in early spring and in the middle of summer.

In late April - early May, early ripening varieties such as Maiskaya, Ladushka, Sultan are sown for consumption in summer. The best time for sowing late radish intended for long-term storage is the period from the second half of June to July. These include: Doctor, Chernavka, Negritanka, Winter round black.

For successful sowing and good germination, it is important to take into account the location of the moon. It is favorable to plant radish with the Growing Moon in the sign of Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn. Then the root crops will grow more juicy and can be stored for a long time without losing their beneficial qualities.

Soil preparation

To give a good harvest, planting black radish, the terms indicated above must be observed exactly, and therefore the soil should be prepared in advance. The crop prefers fertile, organic-rich areas with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (4.5-5.5 pH). If the soil is acidic, it is deoxidized with lime (200 g per 1 sq. M).

The best precursors for radish are legumes and pumpkin crops, as well as onions, garlic, cucumbers and eggplants. It is not advisable to sow it in the beds where other root crops or cabbage previously grew.

The ridges are dug to a shallow depth, while simultaneously introducing a complex mineral fertilizer. For every sq.m. soils use 60-65 g of superphosphate, 20 g of urea and 15 g of potassium chloride. If the soil is depleted or poor, add 10 kg of compost. It is not recommended to introduce manure - the fruits will be large, but with low taste. If sowing is carried out in the summer, the soil is immediately loosened.

Planting radishes in open ground

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 l of water) and calibrated by size and weight, passing through a sieve with holes of at least 2 mm. After that, they are washed with running water and etched for a day in a solution of 2% potassium permanganate or 1% iodine.

In the bed, grooves are made up to 2 cm deep.In row spacings they maintain a width of 30-35 cm.Seeds are sown into the ground, observing a distance for early ripening varieties of 8-9 cm, and for late varieties - 12-15 cm. then watered abundantly.

After the planting of the radish is completed, the bed must be sprinkled with ash to protect the seedlings from red fleas, aphids and molluscs. To retain moisture, the soil is covered with non-woven material: spunbond or lutrasil.

Caring for black radish after germination

When sown in a well-heated and moist soil, seedlings begin to appear after 3-5 days. Further cultivation of black radish in the open field consists in watering, timely thinning of seedlings, regular loosening of the soil, weeding and good nutrition.


To form large and juicy fruits, a radish needs a lot of moisture. Watering plants planted in spring is carried out once a week. Late-ripening or winter varieties require less moisture, they are watered 1-2 times a month, in the morning or evening. For each square. m. planting use 10-12 liters of water.

Loosening and thinning

To prevent the soil from crusting after watering or rain, regular loosening is carried out. They also monitor the cleanliness of the beds, removing weeds as they grow. After the second leaflet appears at the seedlings, the plants are thinned out, leaving a distance of 6-7 cm between them.

The thinning procedure is performed again after a month. As a preventive measure against cabbage flies, whiteflies and other pests, the beds are pollinated with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust, mixed in equal parts.

Top dressing

Radish, planting and care, planting dates, and periodic watering of which are carried out according to the rules of cultivation, requires fertilization only 2-3 times per season. Early ripening varieties with a ripening period of 50-60 days, fed twice - during the appearance of cotyledon leaves and a week after that. During this period, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied under the plants, for example, ash or sodium nitrate.

Late radish is additionally fed every 2 weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer. For its preparation, 60 g of superphosphate, 20 g of urea and the same amount of potassium chloride are diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is enough for 18-20 sq. m. landing. For 20-25 days before harvesting, feeding is stopped.

Radish margelan planting and care

Margelan radish (Latin Raphanus sativus L. convar lobo) has many useful qualities. But its main advantage is its pleasant taste and harmonious combination with other vegetables in salads, due to the minimum content of mustard oil. Popularly, this type of radish has several names - Chinese, green, lobo.

All varieties of Margelan radish, the fruits of which can be of a wide variety of shapes and colors, are early ripening. Their growing season is on average 60 to 90 days. Seeds are sown in open ground in mid to late July. But if the climate permits, you can sow in May, then you will be able to get two crops. The optimum temperature for the normal development of plants: from plus 18 to plus 25 grams. Celsius.

The Lobo radish is not demanding on the quality of the soil. Soil preparation, planting and crop care is carried out in the same way as for black radish early term ripening. Ripe roots are dug out of the ground as they grow and eaten fresh. The main thing is not to delay harvesting, otherwise the fruits will become hollow. The crop is stored in the same conditions as carrots and beets.


Black radish can become one of the most useful vegetables in your garden, growing and caring for it does not cause any particular difficulties, and even a novice gardener can handle it. Using tips and tricks for growing root crops, you can get a great, vitamin-rich harvest.