Lesson notes on paper construction. Synopsis of GCD for design in the second group of early age. Poultry dining room. Feeder Designing a paper bird feeder

Summary of organizing and conducting classes on cognitive development in the second junior group. Topic: “Bird feeder”
Program content:
-Introduce children to natural phenomena.
-Develop an interest in birds, recognize them by their appearance.
-Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “one”.
-Exercise children in constructing from Cuisenaire sticks.
-Develop observation and attention.
-Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to feed them in winter.
Preliminary work:
-daily bird watching at the feeder while walking
- pictures of birds
-paper snowflake
- a drop of water
- Cuisenaire rods
You're winter-winter,
You came with the frost.
White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air.
And the ground is quiet
Falls to lie down.
- Guys, snowflakes have come to visit us. They greet the children.
Children look at snowflakes.
-How many rays does it have? (a lot of)
-How many snowflakes? (three)
-I wonder why they came to us? (winter came)
Snowflake tells her story: “I live high in the sky. It's cold and lonely there, I often look at the ground, at the people. They are so kind and friendly and I wanted to be with them at least for one moment. A cold wind blew and I flew to you.”
Children with a teacher pretend to be snowflakes: spinning, “flying.”
-Guys. Snowflakes covered the whole earth with snow, it became so beautiful and white, but the birds became cold and hungry, it was difficult for them to find food under the snow.
Remember what birds we saw at our feeders?
-Look at this bird - I’m showing a sparrow
-What does a sparrow have? (head, beak, eyes, wings, tail, legs).
-What color are his feathers?
-What is the sparrow doing? - He pecks at grains and crumbs.
-How does he behave at the feeder?
The sparrow is brave, nimble, quickly flies up and flies away.
-Listen, I’ll read a poem about him.
I am a cheerful sparrow
Gray little thief.
I'm careless, and talkative, and timid, chief, chief.
Midges serve as food for me,
Crumbs serve as food for me,
I am cunning and playful, fussy. Chiv, chiv!
My days are hard in winter,
-There is neither a crumb nor a bug,
That's when I'm silent, barely alive, chiv, chiv.
-How does the little sparrow scream? (chiv, chiv)
-That’s why we feed the sparrows in winter, we feel sorry for them. This is how the sparrow complains: “My days in winter are hard, there is not a crumb or a bug.”
The teacher shows a tit. The review goes the same way. Reads A. Barto's poem "Tit".
The nimble tit is jumping,
She can't sit still
Jump - jump, jump - jump,
Spun around like a cricket
I sat down for a minute,
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the path to the fence,
Tiri - tiri, shadow - shadow - shadow.
The teacher shows the bullfinch. The review goes the same way. Reads a poem.
In the garden where the finches sang
Today look-
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
-Well done! They remembered all the birds and told about them. Let's play. You will all be birds. I will say the words, and when you say “ay” you will fly away to the houses. The birds sit, peck and fly away.
A bird sat on the window:
Stay with us for a while.
Sit down, don't fly away.
The bird flew away - ah!
-What good birds! And now you guys again, sit down, calm down. Look what's in your envelopes? You need to put together a whole bird from the parts and say what kind of bird you have.
Reads R. Bukharev’s poem “Feeder”
Slowly, slowly the snow is falling.
A man walks quietly through the snow
In a hat and a fur coat,
He carries a red sled behind him.
The bird feeder in the sled turns yellow:
For kinglets, bullfinches and tits.
The snow is falling, falling, falling
Good luck to you, man!
So now you and I will go for a walk and feed the birds with crumbs and grains of seeds.

BDOU kindergarten "Kolobok"

Oryol Region


Summary of GCD in the senior group

"Making bird feeders"

Compiled by: Anisimova Valentina Petrovna



Target: Creating conditions for children to become familiar with wintering birds and making bird feeders from waste material.
To form children's understanding of wintering birds: their appearance, nutrition, and habitat features in winter conditions.
Promote the development of interest in the animal world. Expand and activate children's speech reserve.
Cultivate responsiveness, encourage the desire to care for birds.
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Preliminary work:
Bird watching on a walk;
Conversations: “Small titmouses”, “Our feathered friends”;
Reading fiction: M. Gorky “Sparrow”, S. Marshak “Where did the sparrow have dinner?”, G. Skrebitsky “Titmouses have appeared”, V. Bianki “It’s cold, there’s hunger in the forest”, A. Yashina “Feed the birds in winter”.
Modeling on the theme: “Our feathered friends.”
Learning proverbs about birds.
Material and equipment:audio recording of A. Vivaldi’s album “Winter”, presentation “Winter Forest”, presentation “Wintering Birds”, hoops of three colors, pictures - diagrams for differentiation into migratory, wintering, and nomadic birds, pencils, scissors, waste material (boxes of under juice, kefir), threads.
GCD move:
1. Organizational point:
An audio recording of a titmouse's stump sounds.

Educator: Determine what sounds you hear? What did the titmouse tell you?
2. Conversation on the topic:
1) posing a problem situation: “Why can’t you hear birds singing in winter?”
Educator: -Guys, today I invite you to go to the winter forest.

View the presentation “Winter Forest”.

Look at the trees around: white caps of snow lie on the green paws of spruce and pine trees, and there is silence all around. I can't hear anything. Why so quiet?
-Tell me, please, what birds live in the forest in winter?
- What birds live next to people in the city?
-What birds come to us with the onset of winter?
3. Didactic game “Make no mistake”
(Hoops of three colors are laid out on the table)
Educator: Birds are migratory, nomadic, and wintering.
Arrange the birds: in a blue hoop - wintering birds, in a yellow hoop - migratory birds, in a green hoop - nomadic birds.
4. Didactic game “Guess who?”
Educator: -Who can you tell about?
-Cunning, dexterous, resourceful...(crow)
-Yellow-breasted, dexterous...(tit)
-Brave, resilient... (sparrow)
- Stubborn, motley... (woodpecker)
-Predatory, big-headed, silent...(owl)
-Red-breasted, lively...(bullfinch)
-Bright, cheerful, friendly...(waxwings)
Educator: - Guess my riddles:
1) Black-winged, red-breasted will find shelter in winter. He is not afraid of a cold, with the first snow right there! (Bullfinch)
2) What kind of bird is not afraid of frost, even though there is snow everywhere in its nest? (Crossbill)
3) I eat bugs and worms, I don’t fly away for the winter. Under the eaves, in a gray feather coat and in the cold, I am a hero. (Sparrow)
4) Who is wearing a bright red beret and a black satin jacket? He doesn’t look at me, he keeps knocking, knocking, knocking! (Woodpecker)
5) Northern guests peck rowan bunches, are the tufts on their heads so elegant and bright? (Waxwings).
6) Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares birds in the forest? (Owl)
-Why are birds afraid of an owl?
-What helps an owl hunt at night?
6. Game "Fourth wheel":
Educator: - Name what is superfluous here:
tit, starling, magpie, pigeon;
woodpecker, tit, sparrow, rooster;
magpie, tit, bullfinch, sparrow;
sparrow, tit, crow, owl.
7. Proverbs:
Educator: -What proverbs about birds do you know?
“The nightingale and the crow live in the forest, but they sing their songs differently,”
“Wherever a bird flies, it knows its nest”
"A big bird needs a big nest"
"Every swallow praises its nest"
“Every bird flies to its flock.”
8. Physical education minute:Outdoor game “Owl” (2 times).

9. Teacher’s story on the topic: “Who eats what”
Educator: -Guys, how can we help our feathered friends?
-Tell me, what do birds eat in the summer? (insects)
-And in winter?
-Is it difficult for them?
- Of course, it’s hard for birds in winter. It is especially difficult to find food during snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts. In such weather, birds often go hungry and even die from starvation, and therefore approach people's homes. You and I must help our feathered friends survive the winter.
Seeds of various plants are suitable for feeding birds: hemp, sunflower, melon. pumpkin, watermelon, many weeds. But only sparrows and buntings peck at oats and millet. Tits are very fond of pieces of unsalted lard.

10. Construction from waste material(juice boxes, kefir boxes)

Children consider and suggest ways to make feeders.

-There are boxes on your table. We will use them to make feeders.
-What are threads for? (to tie a loop).
-Why do you need to cut a hole? (so that the birds get inside the feeder).

11.Repetition of safety precautions when working with scissors.

12. Making feeders.

13. Finger gymnastics:
Educator: -Guys, we need to stretch our fingers.
I decided to count the crows: (Children alternately hit fist against fist and
One two three four five. palm on palm)
Six-crow on a post
Seven is a crow on a trumpet,
Eight sat on the poster,
Nine feeds the crows...
Well, ten is a daw.
That's the end of the counting! (Clench and unclench fingers) 14.Result:
Educator: -Well done! Everyone did it. Look how many feeders there are. Now we will go for a walk and hang our feeders.
During a walk, a child reads T. Kulakova’s poem “Feeding Trough”
Birds flew into our yard in winter,
The birds started talking to us.
The sparrow chirped, looked for grains,
The crow croaked, the dove cooed,
The tit tinkled and the bullfinch whistled,
The waxwing on the branch also sang a song.
Our poor birds are hungry in winter,
There are few grains, crumbs, it is difficult to feed. We made a feeder. They attached it to a birch tree.

Educator. We will make a bird feeder. For this we will need the following items (shows): empty milk cartons, 5 liter plastic bottle. We need to make windows in them that the birds will look into to peck the grains. You also need to make holes in the bags through which the ropes needed to hang the feeders on trees will be threaded.

The teacher makes feeders from available materials. Children help the teacher: draw circles with a pencil, marking the windows, bend the cut parts, hold the strings, thread them through the holes, throw out the garbage.

Physical education minute

Educator. Guys, today we will play like this. You will be little sparrows, and I will be your mother sparrow. (The teacher puts on a sparrow mask.)

Mother Sparrow We start today

Calls his children: We are learning to fly.

“Come to me, my little sparrows, quickly stand in a circle

Fly quickly! And we will begin."

Formation in a circle. Walking in a circle with characteristic hand movements- "flapping wings" “Mother Sparrow” shows movement, and then moves away to “look after the children.” While the “sparrow” is watching, the children walk in a circle.

Educator. The sparrow fell asleep, and that’s all the sparrows need. They spread their wings and flew off in all directions. Sparrows fly all over the hall. (Running in all directions.)

"Sparrow" wakes up:

“Chick-chirp, chick-tweet, What’s that noise? What kind of scream? Hurry up and stand in a circle and learn to fly again!” Children stand in a circle and the game is repeated. The teacher again pretends to fall asleep, the children scatter in all directions, then the “sparrow” wakes up.

“I dozed off just for a minute,

The sparrows got really naughty.

I will strictly monitor you from now on,

So that you grow up to be obedient sparrows.”

Comparison of grains.

Educator. Now our feeders are ready. Now you need to pour grains into them. Let's see what kind of grain birds like to peck most. I have different grains in the boxes: millet (or millet), peas, sunflower seeds, buckwheat. (Invites the children to touch the grains.) Which grains are the smallest? Which are the biggest? Show. (Children complete the task.) In our kindergarten on the site we can meet these birds. (Attaches the figures of a sparrow, tit, crow, magpie to the flannelgraph.) Show and name the big birds. (Children complete the task.) Show and name the small birds. (Children complete the task.) What kind of grains do you think sparrows and tits will be happy to peck? (Little ones.) And who will get the peas and seeds? (Magpie and crow.)

4. Didactic game “What’s in the bag?”

Millet is poured into one bag, peas are poured into the second.

The teacher invites the children to determine by touch what kind of grain is poured into the bag: peas or millet.


Educator. Now let's pour grains into our feeders. (Children complete the task.) And now the feeders need to be hung on the trees so that the birds can have a tasty lunch. This is how, with our help, they will be able to survive the winter.

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.


Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction.

Goals: clarify ideas about winter games, teach how to look at a plot picture, answer questions about the image, reproduce specific actions with movements, accompanying them with speech; develop auditory perception, skills of correlating visual images with auditory ones; activate the dictionary on the topic “Winter”.

Planned results: listens with interest to the teacher’s story about winter, is active when performing simple dance movements to the music of T. Lomova “Snowflakes”, takes part in the didactic game “Show and Name”, can, at the request of an adult, talk about what is depicted in the plot picture “Winter Fun”.

Materials and equipment: subject picture “Winter Fun”, small pieces of cotton wool, pictures of a snowflake, snowman, sleigh, winter hat, scarf.

Organizing time.

The teacher takes the children to the window and reads a poem.

Educator. A snowball is quietly falling on a clearing, on a meadow; The snowflakes settled down - white fluffs.

Tatyana Shagaeva
Summary of the lesson on designing a “Bird Feeder”

Goals: encourage design, cultivate a desire to take care of birds; learn to distinguish objects by size, learn to form in a circle, follow the teacher’s movements.

Materials and equipment: different types of grain (millet, seeds, etc.) in boxes, 5 liter bottle, empty milk cartons, pencil, scissors, awl, 2 bags, bird figurines (sparrow, tit, crow, magpie).

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment.

Children watch birds from the window.

The teacher talks about the life of birds in winter - It is necessary to take care of the birds in winter: feed them, do not offend them.

Main part. Construction.

Educator: We will make a feeder from a milk carton and a bottle. We will make windows in them so that birds can fly in and peck the grains.

The teacher and the children make a feeder.


Educator: Now we’ll play. You will be sparrows and I will be your sparrow mother.

Mother sparrow calls her children

Fly to me quickly

We start today

We learn to fly

Hurry up and stand in a circle

Let's start

Walking in a circle - children “flapping their wings”, mother shows movement and moves away. While mom is watching, the children walk in a circle. Mom fell asleep and the sparrows scattered in all directions. Mom wakes up:

Chick tweet what a noise what a scream

Get into the circle quickly

And learn to fly again

Children stand in a circle and the game is repeated. Then mom bursts out again:

Dozed off for a minute

The sparrows got really naughty

I will strictly monitor you from now on

So that you grow up obedient sparrows

Educator: So our feeders are ready. Now let's pour the grains there. Which ones? Big and small. Now you will need to hang the feeder on a tree so that the birds can have a tasty lunch.

Publications on the topic:

The coming winter cold not only delights children with snow and adults with a festive mood, but also makes life more difficult for those birds who...

Goal: formation of environmental culture; fostering a caring attitude and love for nature. Objectives: - Clarify and expand knowledge about winterers.

In our kindergarten “Kalinka” in the Khimki urban district, along with traditional forms of interaction with parents (meetings, conversations,...

Wherever birds live: in forests and gardens, in meadows and fields, near water - their amazing voices are heard everywhere. But when winter comes...

For work we need: 1 package of any juice, a pencil, a glue stick, colored paper, colored cardboard, a paper knife and of course.

So the summer has flown by, pleased with the bright colors of the “Indian Summer”, and the time has come for late autumn. The sun rarely appears, it is cold.

Design notes on the topic: “Bird feeder”

Goals: To teach children to create a building that meets certain requirements. To form generalized ideas and knowledge in children. Strengthen the ability to make floors. Develop the ability to work together without interfering with each other. Learn to maintain correct posture during class.

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations; reading books and stories; asking riddles; observations; conversations; bird drawing, applique, modeling.

Equipment for the lesson: presentation “Bird feeders”, construction set.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, we have a very interesting lesson today.

Today we will talk about birds.

Please tell me the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter (children's answers)

Well done, winterers. What wintering birds do you know? (Children’s answers)


What do you guys think, what is worse for birds: cold or hunger? (Children’s answers)

Of course, hunger. Who can help the birds in winter? (Children's answers)

That's right, man. You and I can help our little friends. How can we help them? (Children's answers)

We will make feeders. And I have this feeder.

(The teacher shows the children a feeder made from scrap material.)

Now I will tell you and show you what kind of feeders you can make with your own hands from boxes and plastic bottles.

Show presentation.

Physical education minute. Finger gymnastics.

We made a feeder.

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

This will be your winter lunch!

Visit on the first day of the week

Two tits have flown in,

And on Tuesday - bullfinches,

Brighter than the morning dawn!

Three crows were on Wednesday

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

Ten greedy sparrows

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was enjoying porridge.

And on Saturday for pie

Seven forty arrived.

And now I invite you to guess riddles about wintering birds, and we will attach pictures with the answers to the feeder.

I catch bugs all day

I eat bugs and worms.

I’m not leaving for the winter,

I live under the eaves.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!

I'm experienced...(sparrow)

Guess what kind of bird

He is afraid of white light.

Crochet beak,

Piglet eyes,

Eared head. This is (owl)

Been chattering since the morning:

Let's go! Let's go!

What time is it? such a hassle for everyone,

When it cracks...(magpie)

The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (tit)

The color is greyish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person.

Who is she?.. (crow)

Who is wearing a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking. (woodpecker)

Who's jumping and rustling there?

“Cool! Cool! Cool!” sings with a whistle. (crossbill)



And in winter it will find shelter:

He is not afraid of colds -

The first snow is here! (bullfinch)

Northern guests

The rowan berries are pecking,

So elegant and bright.

There are tufts on the heads. (waxwings)

Educator: Well done. Look how many birds flocked to our feeder. Which of these birds come to us from the north and love to peck rowan trees in our areas? (Children's answers)

That's right, bullfinches and waxwings.

I want to remind you that food from our table is not suitable for birds. You can offer a titmouse a piece of unsalted lard, sparrows bread crumbs, cereals, seeds, crows are omnivorous birds, bullfinches love the seeds of watermelon, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, barberry, waxwings love rowan, pigeons love cereals and bread. The crossbill is very fond of spruce and pine cones; its strong beak deftly peels the cones with a cross. The crossbill is also amazing because it hatches chicks in the bitter cold.

To feed birds, you must follow some rules:

During feeding, do not litter, do not leave plastic bags, cans, boxes on the street;

Birds must be fed in the same place, preferably at the same time, the birds themselves will fly by this time;

Birds must be fed regularly, every day, you cannot feed them from time to time; it is in frosty weather that birds need food every day in order for them to survive;

Put in a little food, just to feed and support in difficult times.

If your feeder is empty for several days, the bird will fly away and will not come again.

Do you remember? Let's repeat some rules. (Children's answers)

Today we will also make feeders. And we will do this in the evening. Since you can’t do it alone, I will help you. And we'll hang them on the site.

Invite your parents to also make feeders together at home, which you will hang in your yard.

Sliding merrily across the sky,

Feathered friends are flying

And they will sing and tweet:

“Thank you very much!”