Is it possible to wash the screen? How to wipe your monitor screen: the best cleaners that don't leave streaks. What not to do with an LCD monitor

Not every owner has the time and money to carry out professional cleaning of the device in organizations that provide such a service. But the daily accumulation of various types of dirt on the display leads to the following problems:

  • reducing image sharpness. A person has to strain his eyes to look at the necessary information, as a result of which his vision decreases;
  • dust on the surface of the screen can damage the circuit boards and cause a fire, causing static electricity;
  • frequent occurrence of pathologies of the respiratory system due to the constant inhalation of dust from the display.

To avoid device breakdowns and the development of various diseases, it is recommended to periodically clean the LCD. You need to wipe your computer monitor at home according to the following standards:

  • dry cleaning – 1 rub. at 7 days;
  • wet cleansing – 1 rub. at 30 days.


If children point their fingers at the monitor, and you like to drink hot drinks or eat food in front of it, then remove dirt immediately and wet clean 1 rub. in Week.

It is not recommended to carry out this procedure every day to avoid erasing the anti-reflective coating. Wipe the screen promptly, as the larger the layer of dust or grease, the more difficult it is to remove.

To avoid damaging the LCD of your device, follow the rules of the procedure and perform all actions carefully (without strong pressure).

You can wipe your laptop screen at home to remove various contaminants with special wipes or sprays that are sold in stores. In their absence, it is permissible to use folk remedies that do not damage the surface of the monitor.

To avoid causing damage to the device, you must follow the following steps of the procedure:

  • Turn off the power to the device, and then remove the wires from the connector. This will prevent a short circuit from occurring if water gets on the housing;
  • Wait until the computer has cooled down completely. On a hot surface, products quickly evaporate or act aggressively, which will negatively affect cleaning;
  • take a dry, lint-free cloth and clean the screen from dust;
  • If there are greasy or other stains, wipe the monitor with a damp cloth (moisten it in the selected product and wring it out well), paying special attention to problem areas. When removing dirt, do not scratch or press on the monitor with your fingernails or other sharp objects. If the stains do not go away immediately, repeat the procedure. Clean corners with cotton swabs;
  • Carefully clean the display with a dry cloth so that no moisture remains on its surface.


Hold the monitor with your other hand while cleaning. This will keep him from falling.

Move the rag from one edge to the other in a vertical or horizontal direction. Turn on the power only after the screen is completely dry.

  • soap solution;
  • wet wipes;
  • cleaning spray.

Gently wipe the problem area with a damp cloth or lint-free cloth. Pre-moisten the latter in a soapy solution or spray it with a spray. At the end of the procedure, be sure to wipe the screen dry.

The main reasons for this problem are:

  • water entered the case and damaged the video card;
  • the power cable is not plugged into the outlet, is not tightly connected to the device body, or is inserted into the wrong connector;
  • cable damage;
  • a button is pressed on the keyboard that switches the laptop to external screen mode.

It is not always possible to determine the cause of the current situation on your own, so it is recommended to contact a repair company or store where the device was purchased if the warranty period has not expired.

Cleaning your computer screen is a standard procedure for keeping your equipment in good condition.

That is, powder, soda, nail polish remover, medical alcohol, etc. are not suitable for cleaning. Using such products and others like them may cause cracks and scratches on your computer screen.

This is due to the fact that most modern displays have a special antibacterial coating that is resistant to aggressive agents. What then should you use to wipe the screen? At home, you can clean the screen using two flannel cloths.

In this case, one cloth should be slightly damp. You can replace cloths with a microfiber cloth. These are sold in hardware stores, and you probably have them at home.

When choosing a product for wiping your computer monitor from dirt and dust, you should pay attention to delicate compounds that cannot damage the surface of the screen

The cleaning itself should proceed as follows:

  1. Wipe the screen from dust with a dry cloth (or napkin).
  2. Dampen one of the cloths with a solution of water and white vinegar (1:1 ratio).
  3. Clean the screen from grease and stains using a damp cloth (or napkin).
  4. Wipe the screen dry.

It is strictly prohibited to use chemical cleaning agents with microfiber cloths. Microfiber cloths and flannel cloths must be washed when they become dirty.

When cleaning your computer screen from dirt, grease stains and stains, it is very important to work extremely carefully, because it is quite easy to damage the screen. To ensure that the display of your computer or laptop does not become scratched over time and continues to delight you with a bright image, you must follow certain rules when cleaning it.

This will lead to streaks appearing on the screen, which will be more difficult to eliminate than to wipe off dust. At the same time, alcohol-containing wipes can thin out and in some places corrode the top, antibacterial coating on the display, which will lead to the formation of microcracks on the display.

Cleaning should only be done with the monitor turned off, this way you will protect the equipment from pixel damage and short circuits

In addition, when cleaning your computer monitor, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not spray a special product directly onto the monitor body. Liquid may seep into the screen through cracks in the housing. At the same time, irreversible processes that are destructive to the display will occur inside.
  2. Do not use paper towels, napkins, or toilet paper to clean the screen: they can scratch the screen.
  3. When cleaning, do not press on the screen, do not scrape off grease or deposits using foreign objects. This way you can not only degrade the color rendition of the monitor, but also damage individual pixels.
  4. Do not use soapy solutions for cleaning: they may leave streaks on the screen.
  5. After wet cleaning, be sure to wipe the screen dry.

Also, if you have a computer with a matte screen (anti-glare), before cleaning it, find information on how to properly care for this type of surface. This will allow you to choose the most delicate cleaning agent, thereby maintaining the quality of color rendering and the anti-glare property of the screen.

To clean the TV display, it is better to use special care. Thus, the household chemicals market today can offer a wide selection of cleaning products for every taste.

Using a set of dry and wet wipes, you can effectively and safely clean your plasma screen.

The most popular means by which you can wash the LCD TV screen are:

  1. Special lint-free wet wipes. Such cleaning wipes are most often sold complete with cleaning aerosols. They are great for cleaning LED screens, as they not only clean, but also remove static electricity. They can also be used to wipe off plasma.
  2. A set of wet and dry wipes. This option has an antiseptic effect and is most suitable for cleaning LSD screens.
  3. Cleaning aerosols, gels, foams. When choosing products, you need to look at their composition: screen cleaners should not contain alcohol or ammonia. At the same time, it is worth noting that cleaning foams are inferior in effectiveness to other products.

The above products can also be used to clean computer monitors, laptops, and tablets from various contaminants.

Cleaning your computer screens and home appliances is an important step in keeping your equipment in proper working order. In order to carry out high-quality cleaning of your computer and TV screen, you must follow the above instructions, the advice of specialists and the recommendations of experienced users.

Before cleaning your monitor, be sure to turn off your computer or laptop. A black screen makes it easier to see small particles and plaque. You can also damage your monitor if it is turned on.

In stores, purchase a special liquid or wipes for monitors and all screens in general. So to speak, a universal option. Any spray is suitable for cleaning the monitor, although once I encountered low-quality wipes that left behind a white residue.

With this liquid you can wipe both the monitor itself and the frame around the screen. Do not splash too much so that liquid does not get through the cracks into the monitor.

If you notice a spot on the screen that is difficult to remove, concentrate on it and rub the area vigorously but lightly.

Take a napkin or any microfiber cloth and moisten it with water. To prevent water from harming the monitor, you need to turn it off and wait a couple of minutes. Pull out all the wires.

We do not wet the fabric too much, but only slightly. Now we move very lightly across the screen and get rid of dust. We try to wipe the corner areas where a lot of dust and dirt collects. We need to try to get her out of there.

After cleaning the monitor, wait for it to dry and only then turn it on.

It happens: monthly, depending on contamination, and annual, preventive.

“Monthly, when dirty” means periodic cleaning, but at least once a month. Its frequency depends on the cleanliness of the owner of the monitor. The purpose of this cleaning is to remove dust, dirty and greasy stains, and perhaps even traces of food. It can be produced in two ways.

Folk remedies for cleaning the screen

Cleaning your LCD TV screen is a lot like cleaning your computer display. So, before cleaning, you need to turn off the screen and disconnect the TV from the power supply. This way, you will protect both yourself and your equipment from dangerous situations.

When cleaning an LCD TV, you need to work carefully without pressing on the screen

In addition, to ensure that cleaning does not harm the delicate surface of the equipment, you should:

  • Do not spray the liquid directly onto the screen, but transfer it first to the wiping material.
  • For two-level cleaning, use a damp, but not wet, cloth.
  • Choose only lint-free materials for cleaning the screen. At the same time, you can wipe the screen body with cotton pads with a special product applied to them.
  • Refrain from turning on the screen until its surface is completely dry.

Each time you clean, use clean wipes. At the same time, it is not necessary to open a new set: most napkins can be washed at home.

There is a list of actions that should never be done when cleaning a dirty LCD screen:

  • clean a working monitor - you don’t have to turn it off from the network (and if it’s a computer monitor, then don’t turn off the power to the entire computer), but the screen itself must be turned off;
  • turn on the screen immediately after wiping, without waiting for it to dry;
  • spray the cleanser directly onto the screen;
  • press on the screen while cleaning, try to scrape off dirt.

Never spray a cleaning agent onto the screen - liquid can get inside and break the device.

In order to remove contaminants, the following materials should not be used:

  • wet sanitary napkins - they leave streaks;
  • paper napkins, towels, newspapers - they can easily scratch the screen;
  • any hard materials.

In addition, there is a list of products that should never be used when cleaning the LCD screen if you want it to continue to work just as well after cleaning:

  • alcohol-containing products - they can very easily ruin the monitor matrix;
  • household chemicals - they are too aggressive to be used for such delicate equipment;
  • solvents - acetone, white spirit and other aggressive agents will damage the screen;
  • abrasive powders - they will scratch the screen;
  • tap water - it may contain various impurities and pollutants.

In electronics stores you can find special wipes for cleaning LCD screens. They have an antistatic effect (that is, after their use, the screen stops attracting dust), and do not contain substances hazardous to the screen - alcohol and solvents. The wipes do not scratch the monitor and do not leave streaks or streaks on the screen.

Dry, lint-free wipes can remove dust from the screen and remove light stains. They are usually made of microfiber, known for its property of not leaving behind streaks.

If wipes, dry or impregnated with a special composition, cannot cope with the dirt, then you can use professional products for cleaning the LCD screen. They are available in various form factors - gel, foam, aerosol.

These products allow you to remove contaminants of various origins, of any age and of any size. In addition to cleaning properties, they also have antistatic properties, which allows you to keep the screen clean for a long time.

It is important to remember that all cleaning products are not applied directly to the screen, but to a cloth used to further clean the screen.

Even if there are no antistatic wipes or special cleaning products in the house, it is not at all necessary to leave the screen dirty. Cleaning cloths and household products, which are usually easy to find in the house, will come to the rescue.

If the contamination is too large and cannot be removed using conventional methods, then you should contact a certified service center. The center’s specialists face various problems, including the problem of dirty screens, and have at their disposal professional tools and extensive experience in putting equipment in order.

In order not to have to deal with daily cleaning of the LCD screen from dirt, you should adhere to the following simple rules:

  • do not touch the screen with your fingers (unless, of course, it is a touch screen) - even if there is no dirt on your fingers, they leave sweat marks that look unsightly and accumulate dust;
  • do not eat food near the screen - there is always a risk of accidental splashes of liquid or food particles; this not only stains the screen, but can also cause it to break;
  • regularly use antistatic wipes - they prevent the appearance of a layer of dust on the screen;
  • Clean not only the screen, but also the body of the device from dust, since otherwise dust from the body will very quickly move to the screen.

For quite a long time I did not pay attention to the dirt on the monitor, I just wiped it with a microfiber cloth from time to time, about once every month or two. And then one day I looked at it from the side and was horrified at how dusty and dirty it turned out to be.

After that, I made it a rule to use antistatic wipes once a week, and once a month to do a general cleaning using special cleaning products. The result was amazing - firstly, dust no longer accumulates on the monitor and stains no longer appear, and secondly, the picture has become much brighter and clearer. It turns out that before, behind a layer of dirt, I simply did not see all the colors and shades of color rendering.

Dust particles, grease stains, and dirt significantly complicate the perception of the image and, accordingly, have a negative effect on vision. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the displays periodically. Next, we will analyze the known methods of implementation.

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Manufacturers sell a variety of products that allow you to clean your monicas yourself.

Most Popular:

  • cleaning wet wipes;
  • specialized sets of dry and wet wipes (superclean);
  • microfiber cloths;
  • spray (usually microfiber is included).

Wet wipes are the easiest, most convenient way to clean up your display. Most often they are universal, suitable for different types of monitors.

The kits are mainly used for cleaning LCD displays. First, the surface is wiped with a damp cloth, and then the remaining moisture is removed with a dry one. This method allows you to remove dirt from the display without leaving streaks.

Together with microfiber, special liquids are used to wipe displays. They are usually sold in spray form. Do not spray it on the surface of the display. The substance is applied to a lint-free cloth, which is used to wipe the surfaces.

Many manufacturers advise purchasing ready-made kits for cleaning displays, which include the following products:

  • liquid in spray form;
  • a microfiber cloth or molded cleaner (such as a triangular one);
  • antistatic brush.

Using such kits is very convenient. A brush can be used for daily dust removal, and a liquid with microfiber can be used for better surface cleaning. Now let's move on to cleaning.

If you don’t have specialized display cleaning products on hand, you can use soap and water. There are two ways to wash the display using them.

Due to its poor quality, tap water should not be used. For the procedure, you should take distilled water or water from a filter.

In the first case, you will need a soft, lint-free cloth. Microfiber, cotton, flannel are suitable. The material is moistened with water and then wrung out well. You need to wipe the display carefully so that water does not get into the corners of the display.

Before washing, the equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.

For the procedure you will need:

  • soft lint-free cloth;
  • soap without additives (for example, baby or laundry soap);
  • water.

The display is initially carefully wiped with a cloth soaked in soapy water, and then wiped well with a dry cloth.

To clean a laptop screen with improvised means, you can use the same methods as for displays. The main thing is to ensure that liquid does not get on the surface of the keyboard or other elements.

During the procedure, it is better to position the laptop so that the display is parallel to the floor. Don't press too hard - the equipment is fragile and the screens are quite expensive.

Monicas come in glossy and matte finishes. Since different technologies are used for their production, there are some differences in the methods of cleaning this equipment. To create a matte effect, a special coating is applied that prevents the surface from reflecting light and sunlight.

For cleaning, buy special kits that are designed for a specific type of equipment.

Any type of monitor is “afraid” of water falling on the surface. For cleaning, you can use a damp cloth or special wipes. Even liquid intended for cleaning monitors cannot be sprayed onto their surface. This will quickly render the equipment unusable.

If serious stains appear, for example from a ballpoint pen or glue, then there are several effective ways to get rid of them.

  • ordinary dust;
  • dirt;
  • greasy marks;
  • insect stains.
  • Cleaning wet wipes for monitors.
  • A set of wet and dry wipes.
  • Microfiber cloths.
  • A special spray complete with a cloth.
  • Special dry wipes for cleaning monitors.

How to clean or wash a computer LCD monitor?

The protective covering of a monitor cannot last forever, so you shouldn’t wipe your computer monitor too often at home either. This can only reduce its functionality. Clean your computer display as it becomes dirty, and “two or three specks of dust” can be removed with any dry microfiber cloth.

How to care for your monitor? To the contrary, reduce the number of wipes and learn how to use the device carefully, follow these simple rules:

  1. Do not place glasses of drinks or plates of food close to the screen.
  2. Do not wipe any splashes on the display with your hands.
  3. Do not touch the monitor with your fingers.
  4. Use a special protective film for devices with touch screens.
  5. Keep children away from touching the display.
  6. Remove fresh drops immediately, as hardened dirt is more difficult to remove.
  7. Regularly clean the device of dust, as it is not only harmful to the user’s health, but also tends to accumulate a static charge. And this, under certain conditions, can lead to damage to the device.

Many consumers ask the question, is it possible to wipe or wash the monitor with wet wipes or alcohol?

To avoid damaging your monitor or damaging the matte anti-glare coating, follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not use alcohol during cleaning, as the anti-reflective film dissolves easily upon contact with alcohol.
  2. No window or dishwashing detergent.
  3. Do not use paper napkins, toilet paper, etc., as they contain hard wood particles that may scratch the screen.
  4. Do not use wet wipes for personal hygiene, as their composition is not suitable for cleaning monitors. In addition, stains will remain on the display, which are very difficult to remove, even with special monitor care products.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive products to wipe your computer monitor at home, as they will scratch the screen.
  6. Do not use anything soapy to avoid leaving streaks on the screen.

Before cleaning any device, be sure to ensure that the device is unplugged. This will protect you from unexpected situations, and even on a dark screen, dirt and dust become more visible.

To properly remove dust and clean your computer monitor at home, follow these recommendations and tips:

  1. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dust from the screen.
  2. Wipe the monitor using circular or vertical and horizontal movements using soft, smooth movements. When wiping, do not press too hard on the surface.
  3. Do not spray cleaner directly onto the monitor screen or body as liquid may seep through the cracks into the device.
  4. Apply the cleaning agent to the cleaning material, and then begin cleaning the monitor.
  5. Do not try to scrape off dirt with a sharp object or fingernail. If the dirt is not cleared the first time, try again.
  6. First treat a difficult stain with a product applied to a napkin, and after a few minutes remove it with gentle movements.
  7. During operation, be sure to hold the monitor with your free hand to prevent the device from falling.
  8. The material used for wiping should always be clean and slightly damp, but not wet.
  9. If the screen is too dirty, replace the cleaning material or rinse between approaches.
  10. After cleaning the monitor base, remove dust from the back of the screens and buttons.
  11. If there are cords attached to the monitor leading to the computer, then disconnect them and wipe them too.
  12. If dust and dirt have accumulated in the corners of the screen, remove dirt using cotton swabs.
  13. Clean hard-to-reach places and crevices with a toothpick wrapped in a napkin.
  14. Plug in the monitor only after it has completely dried.

Why does the display not work after cleaning?

To clean matte and glossy monitors, do not use products that contain alcohol. They will cause spots and streaks to appear on the screen surface. The problem will not arise if you use kits with antistatic dry wipes.

They can be used to wipe the laptop monitor well after the procedure and no streaks will appear on it, and the resulting protective film will repel dust particles. When cleaning glossy screens, you need to be more careful and cover the maximum area at a time. It is preferable to clean them with dry wipes.

  1. The display can be cleaned simply with water if there is no major contamination. Use drinking or distilled water, only a lint-free cloth and slightly damp.
  2. After wet cleaning, go over the screen with a dry microfiber or flannel cloth.
  3. When purchasing specialty cleaning products, read reviews and product instructions to make sure the liquid is suitable for your display type.
  4. To prepare a matrix cleaning liquid, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Moisten the cloth with the solution and wipe the display.
  5. Never use products containing ammonia or acetone, as they can permanently damage your device's screen, especially if it has a matte anti-glare coating.

To avoid damage to the LCD when cleaning, repair technicians for standard and personal computers advise owners to adhere to certain rules during the procedure:

  • Apply the cleaning spray only to a cloth or napkin, and not to the monitor;
  • make sure that liquid does not flow into the corners of the matrix and onto the keyboard;
  • To avoid streaks, do not use a large amount of cleaning agent and do not make chaotic movements with your hands;
  • do not consume food or drinks while sitting in front of a screen;
  • read the instructions for the device, which describe the nuances of caring for it;
  • do not point your fingers at the monitor;
  • stick a special protective film on the display;
  • Remove stains from food, felt-tip pens, ballpoint pens and glue immediately. This will be more difficult to do later;
  • Carry out dry and wet cleaning of the screen in a timely manner. At the same time, do not forget about the case, because dust can move from it to the monitor;
  • Clean recesses and corners with cotton swabs;
  • Do not use your fingernails or sharp objects to scratch the display. Before cleaning, remove all jewelry from your hands so that they do not leave scratches;
  • if water gets deep into the case, take the device to a workshop, where it will be disassembled and dried;
  • Do not use rags with lint, paper napkins or alcohol-based liquids. They will not only damage the anti-glare coating, but also leave cracks on the display.

To help your computer last longer, try to learn how to care for your LCD after purchase. This will save you from unnecessary costs for equipment repairs. You can purchase monitor cleaning products in specialized stores or use traditional methods.

Every computer user sooner or later becomes interested in how to get rid of dirt on the monitor. Often, particles of dust settle on its surface, but there are also more significant problems, for example, traces of flies, dirt, grease stains, etc. Therefore, it will be very useful to know how to wipe the monitor screen and how to care for it.

Clearing accumulated dust

A computer monitor is a place that is very susceptible to dust settling, so it will be useful to know how to wipe a computer monitor at home. In order to remove its particles from the surface, you can use the following recommendations:

Cleaning products and wipes

Some PC owners are trying to find out how to wipe their laptop monitor at home.

Acceptable use regular wet wipes. However, they should not contain alcohol. To prevent streaks from appearing after drying, you can additionally wipe the monitor with a lint-free cloth.

Popular manufacturing companies today offer entire sets of wet and dry wipes with which you can wash your laptop. Such products do an excellent job of removing a variety of stains on the monitor. In addition, you can find a special spray on sale that needs to be applied to the surface and then wiped with a cloth.

Remember that window glass cleaners are completely unsuitable for cleaning your monitor, as they contain aggressive substances that can harm the LCD screen. And when using a “computer” composition, it should not be sprayed directly onto the surface of the monitor. First, you need to apply it to a napkin or cloth, and then begin processing.

Buy a special laptop wipe intended for office equipment. The best option is microfiber cloth. If it is not available, then you can use flannel material.

In addition, it is better to purchase napkins at a special computer store. If you still decide to use ordinary water, then you need to wring out the napkin thoroughly.

Traditional methods

If you do not have the opportunity to buy professional products and you do not know how to clean your laptop monitor at home, then you can use ordinary soap solution and cosmetic discs.

Wet the swab, carefully wring it out and wipe the monitor in different directions. There is no need to be alarmed if soap stains remain on it at first. You can get rid of them after repeated treatment with cotton wool.

The procedure must be carried out until the stains completely disappear. The computer monitor matrix dries very quickly, so the procedure does not require much time.

Table vinegar has the same properties. To remove contaminants, you need to mix 10 milliliters of a concentrated solution with 100 milliliters of water, soak cotton wool in the mixture and clean it. After the procedure, the surface must be wiped with a cloth.

What is better not to do

There are a number of materials, which are completely unsuitable for cleaning a PC monitor. These include:

  • toilet paper;
  • terry towels;
  • abrasive fabrics;
  • sponges for washing dishes;
  • regular napkins, etc.

If you use these materials, fluff will remain on the screen that can scratch the surface. Sponges leave behind unpleasant stains. Don't skimp and buy products designed to care for LCD monitors.

Also, do not scrape off dirt with your fingernails, otherwise you may damage the anti-reflective coating.

If you follow the rules, then there will be no problems with cleaning your computer display. Buy special medications or use traditional recipes.

Attention, TODAY only!

Do you still think that it doesn’t matter how and what to clean your laptop screen with? To clean a monitor, do you breathe on it first and then buff it with your sleeve? Or do you wash the screen with baby soap? Then don’t be surprised that your equipment quickly becomes unusable. And we know how to properly clean screens, and today we will tell you about it.

How to clean the screen of a laptop, computer, TV?

To care for your monitor, you will need two things: a cloth (preferably two or three) and cleaning fluid. You may think that it doesn't matter what material you use to wipe your LCD monitor. In fact, an incorrectly selected screen wipe can leave scratches on the monitor’s surface. So what should you use to clean your laptop screen? Which cloth is suitable for cleaning screens and which is not? Let's look at the most common materials for cleaning monitors.

Paper and paper napkins. The paper is not suitable for cleaning LCD monitors, but it does an excellent job of cleaning phone and tablet screens, although only if they are made of Gorilla Glass. If the screen has a plastic coating, then the paper may leave scratches.

Cotton wool and cotton pads. Like paper, it is only suitable for cleaning glass screens of tablets and phones. May leave micro scratches on the plastic.

Wet wipes for screen care. Not the cheapest, but the easiest option. Such napkins do not scratch the surface, and their impregnation does not leave streaks. However, be careful when choosing wet wipes and do not buy cheap ones, as they contain alcohol, which can corrode the plastic covering of the screen. Remember that wet wipes for equipment dry out quickly, so give preference to those in which each wipe is separately packaged in an airtight sachet.

Dish sponge or foam sponge. You should absolutely not use it to clean your screen, especially the same one you’ve already used to wash the dishes! The sponge absorbs dust and scratches the screen, especially the rough side. Never use a melamine sponge to wipe the monitor - this will leave deep scratches on the plastic!

Synthetic napkin. Not suitable for cleaning plastic screen covers as it leaves scratches. In addition, it attracts dust very strongly.

Microfiber. The best material for screen care. Microfiber cleans both glass and plastic well without scratching them. But microfiber is different from microfiber: microfiber cloths intended for cleaning are not suitable for cleaning your monitor. But microfiber for glasses and optics is also suitable for cleaning LCD screens.

Cotton napkin. Oddly enough, not the best choice. Cotton fibers are quite coarse in structure, which is why the screen coating will be scratched and will look worn over time. In addition, the lint of a cotton napkin will stick to the screen, and completely removing it is not an easy task. But if you still decide to use a napkin made of natural material to wipe the monitor, then always moisten it before the procedure in a special detergent or in distilled water.

In addition to the material, you will also need liquid to clean the monitor. You can buy it at the store (make sure it doesn't contain alcohol) or make it yourself.

How to make monitor care liquid at home?

First, you will need a base for the solution - water. You will have to use distilled water that does not contain salts or minerals that can scratch the screen. No other water - neither mineral nor tap - will work.

Secondly, you will need to add a cleaning component to the water. Optimally, this is grape vinegar, which is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. However, even if you add more vinegar, you will not ruin the monitor.

If you don't have grape vinegar, add isopropyl alcohol or vodka in the same proportions. But remember that this product cannot be used constantly, since alcohol will corrode the monitor’s coating.

You can also find on the Internet that instead of a cleaning component, you can take shavings of baby soap and dissolve it in water, but this composition is ineffective for cleaning screens, since it leaves soap stains.

And under no circumstances add ammonia-containing substances, such as window cleaning liquid, to your homemade liquid as a cleaning component! Ammonia may react with the screen coating, causing whitish spots to appear on the screen.

Proper care of the monitor: instructions

So, you have a cloth and a monitor cleaner. What to do next? Just follow our instructions.

1. Turn off the power to the monitor. Do not wipe the monitor while it is on: this will not only make it difficult for you to see dust and dirt, but also risk getting an electric shock.

2. Wipe the entire monitor except the screen with a separate cloth.

3. Wipe the monitor screen with a dry cloth, applying little pressure. If you have a cotton napkin, dampen it a little in distilled water.

4. If dust has accumulated in the corners of the screen, do not try to remove it with your fingernail or a needle, as this will damage the coating. To remove dust from the corners of the screen, use a syringe and blow out all the dust.

5. Apply the cleaning solution to a cloth (not the monitor!). If you have applied a lot of solution, wring out the cloth.

6. Using a light circular motion, wipe the screen with a cloth. Do not scrub the stains, but rather allow the cleaner to dissolve them, and then wipe the heavily soiled areas again.

7. Wipe the screen with a dry cloth.

How to wipe a glossy screen?

Cleaning a glossy screen in the sequence of actions is no different from cleaning a matte one, but there are several subtleties that it is advisable to take into account.

Firstly, it is not advisable to wipe a glossy screen with a dry cloth, even if it is a high-quality microfiber cloth, because such a coating is very easy to scratch.

Secondly, do not forget to wash the napkin every time after use, since dust accumulates in it during cleaning. If you simply shake off the napkin, some of this dust will remain in the fibers and scratch the screen.

Thirdly, wipe the glossy screen not with circular movements, but with movements in one direction horizontally or vertically.

And fourthly, after cleaning the glossy screen does not need to be wiped with a dry cloth. Just wait for it to dry.

How to clean your tablet and phone screen?

The touch screen can be cleaned in the same way as an LCD monitor screen, but only without using any household chemicals (except those specifically designed), especially those containing alcohol or bleach. The fact is that most touch screens have an oleophobic coating, that is, it repels fats. Therefore, fingerprints can be easily wiped off with a regular microfiber cloth.

If there are splashes, smudges, or other old stains on the touch screen, you can wipe them off with a microfiber cloth soaked in distilled water. Just don't wet the napkin too much: if moisture gets inside your gadget, it may break.

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Using a monitor whose screen has unsightly scratches, accumulated dirt and dust, and greasy fingerprints is simply unpleasant. But when cleaning your monitor, it is very important to use a gentle and gentle method, because monitors are made of a material that can be easily scratched if you clean it with too abrasive means. In this article, we'll show you how to clean your computer monitor without damaging it, and you'll also learn how to remove light scratches from your monitor.


Part 1

Safely clean your computer

Turn off your computer and monitor and unplug them. When the monitor is turned off, it is much easier to see dust and traces of dirt, and it will also be safer for you and your computer.

  • Before cleaning your monitor or plasma TV, make sure it has cooled down.
  • If you start cleaning your monitor while it has not yet cooled down, there is a chance that you will ruin it.
  • If you clean the monitor while it is on, you may get an electric shock. The risk of this is not great, but it is better to avoid problems than to face them.

Clean the monitor frame. Spray glass surface cleaner Windex (Windex) or a similar product onto a cloth and wipe the monitor frame, wiping off any dust or dirt (NEVER CAN IT GET ON THE SCREEN ITSELF, otherwise it may damage the anti-glare coating).

  • Monitor cases are usually made of durable plastic, so a little friction is unlikely to damage it.
  • Do not spray the cleaner directly onto the case because you may accidentally get it on the monitor screen and some of the cleaner may leak through the cracks and damage the monitor.
  • Wipe down the monitor stand, buttons, and back of the monitor. Wrap the corner of a rag around your finger or a toothpick to clean hard-to-reach places and crevices.
  • If there are any wires running from the monitor to an outlet or power supply, disconnect them and clean them too.
  • Wipe the monitor with a clean, soft cloth. A microfiber cloth is best. This fabric has antistatic properties and does not leave streaks on the screen; in addition, it is soft enough so it will not leave scratches on the coating. Use this dry cloth to wipe away dust, dirt and stains.

    • Do not use towels, paper products or other hard materials for this purpose. They leave streaks and can even scratch the screen.
    • Disposable cloths (for example, Swiffer brand) are perfect.
    • Do not press on the screen or try to rub off dirt or scratches. Otherwise, you may damage the screen, and then the color reproduction of the monitor may be disrupted.
    • If your monitor screen is very dirty, wipe part of the screen, then rinse the cloth or get a new one. Wipe the screen very carefully and do not press.
  • Do not use ammonia, alcohol or acetone based cleaners. These products can easily damage the microstructure of the screen, especially if the screen has a matte anti-glare coating.

  • Try cleaning the screen with monitor wipes. They are made specifically for cleaning the monitor and are convenient to use.

    • If you have an anti-glare screen, make sure these wipes are made from a material that is gentle enough to be suitable for your screen.
    • Read reviews of cleaning wipes or ask a store consultant to help you choose the right brand.
  • If you come across old stains, try wiping them with sweeping movements from right to left or from top to bottom across the screen. It is best not to use circular motions as this may cause damaged "polished" areas on the monitor.

    • Do not press too hard on the screen when trying to remove the stain.
    • Be patient. It will likely take some time for the solution to soak into the old stain before you can gently remove it.
    • To help the cleaner absorb faster, hold the cloth over the stained area for a while.
    • Never spray cleaner directly onto the area of ​​the stain, even if it is an old stain!
    • After removing the stain, gently wipe the screen dry with a clean section of the cloth.
  • Do not turn on the monitor until it is completely dry. This way, any moisture that may have entered the monitor while cleaning it will not damage the monitor, and you will be able to avoid electric shock.

    Part 2

    How to get rid of scratches
    1. Check the warranty card. If your monitor has a scratch, it may still be possible to replace it.

      • Read the terms and conditions listed on the warranty card to understand your options.
      • Once you try to repair the scratches yourself, the warranty will not cover any further possible damage.
    2. Buy a scratch removal kit. Your local computer and hardware stores may sell kits to remove scratches from LCD monitors. However, such products are often not found in such stores. There are two professional scratch removal kits: "Displex Display Polish" and "Novus Plastic Polish". You can order them on ebay or amazon. Perhaps someone in your city sells similar sets, check by entering the corresponding search query in a search engine.

      • After choosing a scratch removal kit, read reviews about it.
      • To repair scratches, follow the instructions in the instructions for use of this product.
    3. To temporarily get rid of a scratch, try Vaseline. Take a cotton swab and apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the scratches.

      • If the scratch is small, applying a small amount of Vaseline is a completely safe and effective option.
      • This method will not remove the scratch, but will make it less noticeable.
    4. To polish the scratch and make it less noticeable, use toothpaste. But not gel based because it won't work!

      • Apply a little paste to a rag or microfiber cloth and rub it into the scratches.
      • Wait until the paste dries a little, then wipe with a clean, slightly damp cloth.
    5. You can also hide a scratch using baking soda. Make a paste by mixing some water and baking soda - this will help remove minor scratches.

      • Mix soda with water (2:1 ratio). To make the paste thicker, add a little more baking soda.
      • Apply a little paste to a cloth or microfiber cloth and work on the scratches.
      • Wait for the paste to dry, then wipe the area with a clean, barely damp cloth.
  • At home, keeping your LCD TV display in order is very easy, the main thing is to do it regularly. But there are certain factors that provoke the appearance of pollution:

    • dust;
    • water splashes;
    • frequent touching of the monitor.

    How to clean the screen from dirt?

    That is why it is important to understand how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home and not damage it, but at the same time get rid of all stains. This is quite easy to do, just follow the recommendations below.

    How to clean an LCD TV screen

    Having noticed dirt on the monitor, owners try to remove it with a rag. This is not always correct. First you need to figure out what cleaning products can be used for liquid crystal displays. These can be professional formulations and folk recipes. In both cases, you must strictly follow the instructions.

    Be sure to use wipes that won't damage your screen

    As a rule, modern screens are multilayered - each layer is made of artificial materials that do not withstand the effects of aggressive substances. Therefore, it is better to choose specialized products. It can be:

    1. All kinds of cleaning products.
    2. Homemade compositions.

    Specialized napkins

    They can be purchased at any hardware store. Such products allow you to easily and quickly remove stains that appear on the LCD screen. Professionals recommend cleaning the display using the following means:

    Type of napkin Peculiarities Application
    Wet These are specialized wipes that are impregnated with a special composition. You can only buy them in computer stores or where you purchased your TV. The cleaning composition does not contain alcohol or abrasive particles, so it easily removes all dirt. At the same time, it has a gentle effect The cleaning procedure is carried out twice: wipe the display to remove dirt. Then remove the second napkin, dry it slightly and go over the entire surface again. This way you can prevent the formation of divorces
    Lint-free Wipes quickly remove dust from the display, but are unable to cope with serious stains Remove the cloth from the packaging and gently wipe the screen
    Microfiber Perfectly removes dust, fingerprints, greasy stains and unsightly stains. At the same time, the napkin absorbs all the moisture, so you can wet it to wash the most difficult stains. Use a cloth to wipe the display, paying particular attention to problem areas

    Store-bought cleaning products

    Another option on how to clean your TV. Cleaning products include foams, aerosols and gels that contain special components. As a rule, such products indicate the possibility of their use for LCD screens. The composition can only be used in combination with a lint-free cloth and cotton pads. Ordinary rags will not work, as they do not absorb moisture well and can leave scratches and lint.

    All products intended for the care of LCD TVs are presented in a wide price range. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

    If you urgently need to wipe the screen, but there are no specialized compounds in the house, prepare the following solution. Mix distilled water and isopropyl alcohol or regular alcohol. The temperature of the liquid should be room temperature. This home remedy can achieve the same effect as professional cleaners.

    Prepare a composition using available materials

    Many people believe that you can clean the screen with any means, regardless of its type. This is one of the most common mistakes. Some displays are made of glass, while others are made up of many crystals. Therefore, each option has its own care recommendations.

    Special cloth for removing dirt

    You can use both traditional and ready-made compositions, which are best applied with a fleece cloth, flannel, or cotton rag. These materials are ideal for removing dirt from your TV screen.

    To remove dust, use professional products. The napkins are great for wiping away dust without damaging surfaces. Another option is a cloth designed for cleaning glasses. It is advisable to wipe the display with dry materials to prevent short circuits.

    Use wet wipes

    If there is a lot of dirt and it is quite serious, use wet wipes to remove it. After all procedures, walk over the surface with a clean, dry cloth.

    For such models, it is recommended to use microfiber and spray. With their help you can clean even a heavily soiled display. The main advantage of this method is that the aerosol does not contain alcohol, and after its application a protective layer is formed on the screen.

    For such TVs, use microfiber and spray

    Another option is a lint-free cloth. You can apply foam to it, which can easily cope with any dirt.

    How to remove stains

    Various stains often appear on the display of LCD TVs that cannot be removed using conventional methods. But the problem is completely solvable. Specialized dry wipes without alcohol and lint will come to the rescue.

    Lint-free wipes required

    To eliminate stubborn stains, use foam. In this case, the cleaning agent must be applied first to the napkin and then to the monitor. After treatment, be sure to wipe it with a dry cloth. Among the folk recipes, one can highlight a vinegar solution. Soak a cotton rag in it, wring it out well and wipe the TV.

    If there are scratches on your TV screen, a soft eraser will help remove them. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    1. Wipe the scratch with a lint-free cloth, after moistening it with a specialized liquid.
    2. Dry the screen.
    3. Wipe the damaged areas with an eraser - it should be new, white and soft.
    4. Wipe off any remaining marks with a damp cloth, then go over the display with a dry cloth.

    An eraser will help get rid of scratches

    If everything is done carefully and correctly, the scratches will disappear without a trace. But this method is only suitable for minor damage.

    It is much easier to prevent the appearance of dirt than to think about wiping an LCD TV at home.

    Do not touch the screen with your fingers; it will be difficult to remove traces later.

    Insects instantly stain TVs, so try to prevent them from entering your apartment. If you notice a fly or mosquito, destroy it as quickly as possible. To return the screen to its former shine, buy wet wipes produced for cleaning monitors. It is enough to treat the TV just once and it will shine again.

    If you want to clean the LCD screen, remember that you cannot use aggressive liquids for this - acetone, ammonia, gasoline, dyes, solvents.

    Do not use powders or soda, they may damage your monitor.

    Also prohibited:

    1. Alcohol and all preparations based on it - they can dissolve a thin anti-reflective coating, resulting in cracks.
    2. Washing powder and soda - they scratch the fragile surface of the display.
    3. Products intended for windows, glass and dishes - they contain acetone, which negatively affects the screen.
    4. Paper napkins and towels - they contain rough particles that damage the monitor.
    5. Wet cosmetic wipes - they leave streaks.

    Safety precautions for cleaning

    When removing smudges and dirt from your LCD screen, be sure to use caution to avoid serious trouble. If there is no special coating, the screen should not be wiped with detergents or chemicals. Otherwise the TV will stop working.

    Before starting work, unplug the equipment from the outlet. For processing, use only soft, lint-free materials so that no fibers remain when cleaning.

    Do not apply cleaning gel or water to surfaces. If you do this, unsightly streaks will remain on the display. Also, do not spray aerosols directly on the monitor - moisture can penetrate into the case, causing the equipment to malfunction.

    When wiping the screen, remove all dirt with gentle movements, without pressing on it. This must be done carefully, as one wrong gesture can damage your LCD TV. When cleaning, pay attention to the body - it may also contain various contaminants. It is advisable to wipe the display every three weeks to avoid dust accumulation. Do not turn on the device until it is completely dry.

    Cleaning the screens of household appliances is a necessary measure that allows you to maintain the equipment in working condition. To perform high-quality cleaning, you must follow the above instructions and recommendations from a specialist, as well as follow simple precautions. Only in this case will the LCD TV delight you with a bright and rich image for many years.