What does morphological mean? Morphology of the Russian language and what it studies. How to do morphological analysis of a verb

Represents a complete grammatical characteristic of a given word. In this case, words are considered in the context of the sentence, their original structure is restored and analyzed. To carry out a correct morphological analysis of parts of speech, you must be able to determine the initial form of words, know their constants and inflections, and understand the words in a sentence.

Schemes for parsing words in a sentence differ significantly from each other, since they depend on the characteristics of this part of speech and the form in which the word appears in a given sentence. The plan for morphological analysis itself may vary depending on the age of the students. Therefore, below we provide plans for analyzing individual parts of speech for students in grades 4-5.

Morphological analysis noun:

1. Determine and find the general meaning of what question this word answers.

2. Determine the initial form (put the word in the singular nominative case).

3. Indicate the characteristics: proper noun or common noun, animate - inanimate.

4. Determine gender (feminine - masculine - neuter), declension, case, number (singular - plural).

5. Indicate which part of the sentence this noun is.

Word parsing example "little foxes" in a sentence "The little foxes ran after the butterfly".

Oral analysis: Foxes is a noun. It means a living creature (who?) - a fox cub. The initial form is a little fox. It is a common noun, animate, masculine, 2nd declension. In this case, the word was used in the nominative case, in the plural. The word “little foxes” is the subject of the sentence.

Written analysis:

Fox cubs - noun

(Who?) - fox cubs;

N. f. (initial form) - little fox;

Narit., soul., husband. genus;

2nd slope;

in name down., plural. number;

are playing (who?) - fox cubs - subject.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

2. Put it in the initial form (singular nominative case, masculine).

3. Determine the gender of the adjective, its case and number.

4. Indicate which part of the sentence this adjective is.

Word parsing example "hardworking" in a sentence “The hardworking squirrel stores nuts for the winter.”

Oral analysis: Hardworking (squirrel) - adjective. The squirrel (which one?) is hardworking. Indicates an attribute of an object. The initial form is hardworking. The word was used in the feminine gender, singular, nominative case. In this sentence, the word “hardworking” is a definition.

Written analysis:

Hardworking (squirrel) - adj.;

N.f. - hardworking;

Women's genus, unity number, name case;

Which? - hardworking - definition.

Morphological analysis of the numeral:

1. Determine the part of speech, find the general meaning, what question this word answers.

2. Put the numeral in the initial form - in the nominative case.

3. Identify the signs: simple - compound numeral, cardinal - ordinal, in what case it is.

4. What part of the sentence is this numeral?

Word parsing example "five" in a sentence “Five little jackdaws want to eat.”

Oral analysis:"Five" is a numeral. The word means the number of jackdaws (how many?) - five. The initial form is five. Simple, quantitative. The word was used in the nominative case. In this sentence, the word “five” is part of the subject.

Written analysis:

Five - number: jackdaw (how many?) - five;

N.f. - five;

Simple, quantitative, nominative. case;

(Who?) - five jackdaws are part of the subject.

Morphological analysis of the pronoun:

1. Determine the part of speech, find the general meaning, what question this word answers.

2. Put in the initial form (i.e. in the nominative case singular).

3. Determine the characteristics: person, then (if any) gender and number, determine case.

4. What part of the sentence is this pronoun.

An example of parsing the word “me” in the sentence “The whole summer was not enough for me.”

Oral analysis:“Me” is a pronoun. Points to an object (to whom?) - to me. The initial form is “I”. Personal pronoun, 1st person. The word was used in dative case singular. In this sentence, the word “me” is an object.

Written analysis:

To me - pronoun:

(To whom?) - to me;

N.f. - I;


Dative case, singular number;

To whom? - for me - an addition.

Morphological analysis of the verb

1. Determine the part of speech, find the general meaning, what question this word answers.

2. Put in an indefinite (initial) form.

3. Determine the characteristics: conjugation, number, if any - tense, person, gender;

4. What part of the sentence is this verb.

Word parsing example "flashed" in a sentence “The first ray of dawn flashed.”

Oral analysis:“Flashed” is a verb. Indicates an action (what did you do?) - flashed.

The initial form is to flare up, 1st conjugation. The word was used in the singular, in the 3rd person. In this sentence, the word “flashed” is the predicate.

Written analysis:

Flashed - verb;

(what did you do?) - flared up;

N.f. - flare up;

1 conjugation, singular number, 3rd person.

What did you do? - flashed - predicate.

Morphological analysis of the adverb:

1. Part of speech, general meaning.

2. The unchangeable word.

3. Member of the sentence.

Word parsing example "fast" in a sentence “Dark clouds quickly ran across the sky.”

Oral analysis:“Quickly” is an adverb. Indicates a sign of action: ran (how?) - quickly. An unchangeable word. In a sentence it is a circumstance.

Written analysis:

Quickly - adverb;

We ran (how?) quickly;

sign of action, unchangeable;

How? - quickly - circumstance.

The concept of "morphology" comes from the Greek language. This word contains two Greek roots: morphe, which means “form” + logos, which is translated as “mind, concept, thought, speech and word.” This is a science related to the study of the grammatical features of a word.

What is morphology in Russian? The definition of the subject of morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies words as parts of speech, as well as the rules of the Russian language.

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What is morphology and what does it study in Russian?

Basic concepts of morphology

In today's Russian language, the basic parts of speech are distinguished:

  • independent
  • official

Independent parts of speech in Russian are sections of morphology, concepts and rules:

Noun: definition is the basis of independent, denoting an object, answering the questions who? what?, as well as questions related to indirect cases, part of speech.

  1. Class: proper (written with a capital letter), common noun (with a small letter).
  2. Animated (sees the object), inanimate (does not see).
  3. Gender: masculine (he), feminine (she), neuter (it), general (final -a, -ya; sleepyhead, crybaby, sneak).
  4. Declension (1 cl., 2 cl., 3 cl.).
  5. Number (singular, plural).
  6. Case (I. p., R. p., D. p., V. p., T. p., P. p.).

Adjective- this is an independent part of speech, denoting the characteristics of any objects, and it also answers the questions: what? what? whose? (juicy watermelon, winter day, grandma's pie).

  1. Initial form - m.r., I.p., units. h.
  2. Categories by meaning: qualitative, relative, possessive.
  3. Form: full and short.
  4. Degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative.
  5. Gender (masculine, feminine, neuter).
  6. Number (singular and plural).
  7. Case.

Numeral- this is a significant word, and is also part of independent parts of speech, existing to express the number of objects, the number or order of objects when counting and answering questions such as how many? which?: twenty pages; seventh row.

N. f. - I. p.

Pronoun- this is an independent part of speech, indicating objects, signs and quantity, but does not name them. Pronouns can be used instead of nouns - answer questions about nouns, adjectives - answer questions about adjectives, numerals - answer questions about numerals.

  1. Class: personal, reflexive, interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative, possessive, demonstrative, attributive.

Verb- this is an independent part of speech that expresses the action of an object or its state and answers the questions what to do? do? (read, listen, draw, be silent, laugh, jump).

N. f. - undefined form (what to do? do?).

Constant signs:

  1. Type: perfect (what to do?), imperfect (what to do?).
  2. Refundability/non-refundability.
  3. Transitivity/intransitivity.
  4. Conjugation (I reference, II reference).

Variable signs:

Adverb- this is an independent part of speech that does not change, denoting a sign of an action, object or other sign and answering the questions where? Where? where? For what? Why? in what degree? for what purpose? Part of speech. In a sentence, an adverb can be adjacent to a verb (walk quickly), a noun (walking) and an adjective (very responsible), or another adverb (very ambiguous).

  1. Categories by meaning: mode of action, measure and degree, place, time, reason, purpose.
  2. Degrees of comparison: comparative (simple and compound forms), compound superlative form.
  3. Nominal and pronominal.

In the Russian language there are service parts, which are:

pretext- this is a part of speech that relates to service and indicates the dependence of independent parts of speech in a phrase and sentence and some relationships between them (temporal, spatial, goals, reasons, etc.).

Non-derivatives (simple) and derivatives (verbal, denominal, adverbial).

Example: walk on asphalt, see behind a tree, act according to plan.

union- this is a part of speech related to service, which unites homogeneous secondary members in the composition simple sentence, some parts complex sentence and at the same time it is a means of expressing any relationship between them in meaning.

  1. By origin: derivatives/non-derivatives.
  2. Composition: simple, compound.
  3. By location: single, repeating.
  4. By meaning: coordinating, subordinating.

Example: behind the rain you can’t see the sea or the storm.

  1. Categories by meaning: negative, affirmative, interrogative, demonstrative, intensifying, exclusive-restrictive, comparative, exclamatory, expressing doubt, clarifying.

Example: so that you can have an evening with a good dinner at your place today!; What a delight these tales are!

It is noteworthy that particles are unchangeable parts of speech that do not have independent meaning, including lexical meaning, and are not independent members of a sentence, but they can be contained within members of a sentence.

Example: how nice it is to be in the forest and pick berries!

It is also considered a part of speech interjection- a part of speech that does not change and expresses various feelings and expressions of will, but does not name them.

  1. Derivatives/non-derivatives.

Example: Oops! Wow! Hey! Fathers!

Interjections do not relate to any parts of speech: neither independent nor auxiliary. They are not part of a sentence (except when they are other parts of speech: a resounding “ay” was heard through the forest).

Morphological norms

The definition of a morphological norm is: morphological norm establishes the correct use of words, the formation of grammatical forms of various parts of speech.

Morphology in the Russian language is associated with the following branches of science:

  • Phonetics- a section of the science of language and speech that expresses the sounds of the language, stress, intonation, syllable, syllable division.

Sound is the smallest unit of speech. All sounds are divided into vowels and consonants

The Russian language has 42 basic sounds, 6 vowels and 36 consonants.

Consonant sounds are voiced and unvoiced, hard and soft. Most of consonants form pairs according to the specified characteristics.

  • Vocabulary- studies the complex of absolutely all words of the Russian language, that is, the vocabulary structure of the language.

Lexicology- this is a branch of linguistics that studies the lexical composition and meaning of language, features of use, from the point of view of ways of designating objects and phenomena of reality, origin, its active and passive stock, sphere of use.

The lexical meaning of a word is the designation in a word of one or another phenomenon of reality (objects, events, actions, signs, etc.). Based on the number of meanings that take place in a word, they distinguish such a concept as single-valued and polysemantic words.

  • Word formation- branch of language science that studies morphemic composition and the structure of words, as well as methods of their formation. Morphemes help words.

A morpheme is the minimally significant part of a word. According to the meaning and function in a word, there are root morphemes and affixes (prefix, suffix, postfix, connecting morpheme, ending).

  • Spelling- this is the basis of the branch of science about language, a system of generally accepted rules for writing words and their significant parts in a language.

Spelling is a spelling that meets an established rule.

  • Syntax is a branch of the science of language that studies phrases and sentences: their structure, meaning, role in speech.
  • Collocation- a unit of syntaxconsisting of two or more independent words united by a subordinating relationship: sunny day, build a house, walk through the forest.
  • Punctuation- This:
  1. the basis of the branch of language science that studies punctuation marks and their correct use in writing,
  2. punctuation system.

Morphology is a section of grammar that studies the word as a part of speech. In the Russian language there are ten parts of speech, which are usually divided into independent, auxiliary and interjections.

Morphological analysis of words is carried out according to a certain scheme in a strict order. In order to parse a word into parts of speech, you need to determine:

  1. general grammatical meaning;
  2. morphological features (or grammatical meanings);
  3. syntactic role.

Analysis of a word as a part of speech is both capacious and full description a separate word form, taking into account the grammatical features of its use. Each part of speech has constant and variable characteristics. When parsing, you need to be able to determine which part of speech a word belongs to, find its initial form, and identify morphological features.

Morphological analysis, an example of which is presented on our website, will help improve analysis skills.

In order to correctly perform morphological analysis of a word, you should remember the sequence and principle of analysis. So, first you should highlight the general features of parts of speech, and then find the specific features of a given word form.

General scheme for parsing parts of speech

The plan for morphological analysis of the word is as follows:

  1. Indicate the part of speech and its meaning, what question the word answers.
  2. Put the word in the initial form: Im.p., singular. - for nouns, noun, singular, m.r. - for adjectives, indefinite form - for verbs (what (to) do?).
  3. Determine constant features: common noun or proper noun, animate or inanimate, gender and declension of nouns; aspect, reflexivity, transitivity and conjugation of the verb; rank by meaning, degree of comparison, full or short form of adjectives.
  4. Characterize the form in which the word is used: for nouns, determine the number and case, for adjectives - the degree of comparison, short or full form, number, case and gender; for verbs - mood, tense, number, gender or person, if any.
  5. The role in the sentence is to show which member the word is in the sentence: secondary or main. Sometimes it is necessary to write out a phrase and show its syntactic role graphically.

Sample morphological analysis of a noun:

There was a jug of milk on the table.

  1. With milk - noun, with what?; subject
  2. The initial form is milk.
  3. Common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension
  4. In the singular, in the instrumental case
  5. Addition.

Our service uses the most modern technologies analysis of morphology and will be useful to those who want to learn how to do morphological analysis correctly.

Basic rules of morphological analysis

It is important to remember that the inconstant characteristics of an adjective are determined by the word to which it obeys. It should also be taken into account that the gender of verbs can only be determined in the past tense of the singular, and the person - in the present and future tense.

To determine the syntactic role, it is necessary to know the context related to the word. Thus, a noun can act as a subject, object or circumstance. An adjective attached to a noun is a modifier, and in short form it can be a predicate. The verb is always predicate. The letter е can change the meaning of the word, and the morphological analysis will be different. For example, glass (noun, plural) and glass (verb, pr.v.).

Morphological analysis of a word online will help not only to correctly analyze the word form, but also to prepare for the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam in the Russian language.


Morphological I adj.
II adj.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova.

T. F. Efremova.

    2000. See what “Morphological” is in other dictionaries:

    MORPHOLOGICAL, morphological, morphological (scientific). adj., by meaning related to morphology. Morphological observations. Morphological composition of the Russian language. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    MORPHOLOGY, and, g. (specialist.). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Morphological- concerning appearance and buildings; morphological approach is a description of the external manifestation of a thing without attempting to penetrate into its essence. Associative block. The morphological approach is necessary, but, in most cases, insufficient... ... Theoretical aspects and fundamentals environmental problem: interpreter of words and ideomatic expressions

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    I adj. 1. ratio with noun morphology I, associated with it 2. Characteristic of morphology [morphology I], characteristic of it. II adj. 1. ratio with noun morphology II, associated with it 2. Characteristic of morphology [morphology II], characteristic of it.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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    morphological- (morphology) Relating to morphology, relating to appearance and structure; relating to the expression of grammatical meanings within a single word... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


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