Tesla experiments and experiments with teleportation. The last riddle of Nikola Tesla. Ends in the water

Behind the legends about the brilliant scientist Nikola Tesla are many theories that convey his amazing abilities in taming electricity. History has given us countless discoveries of scientists of the past, to which we owe much in the world modern technologies. Among all the magic of technology, the most surprising is the discovery of Nikola Tesla, associated with his obsession with time travel.

the space-time portal exists, it was discovered by Nikola Tesla

Some researchers of Tesla's work, admiring his genius, believe that he opened a space-time portal in order to travel to different eras. A lot indicates that the inventor worked on the creation of a time machine, devoting part of his life to this. According to a number of historians, he managed to make his old dream come true.

Among the numerous archive of Nikola Tesla with works, historians find strange references in which he mentions the scenes he saw from the past, present and future thanks to his time machine. Most likely, this is with the involvement of the name of an authoritative scientist. However, who else but the genius of electricity and the conqueror of lightning Nikola Tesla could build an amazing time travel machine?

The fascination with time travel has fascinated mankind for many years. Today, thousands of fantastic stories based on time travel have been written. But we must understand that not everything lies within the framework of fantasy novels. There are many old texts that can serve as evidence for the theory that a person could actually jump in time.

The remarkable idea is attributed to the Croatian inventor Nikola Tesla, who may have done time travel long before science seriously thought about this theory.

Tesla reportedly discovered in 1895 that time and space can be significantly affected by magnetic fields, changing the spatial structure. Later, this idea became the basis of a project that was realized in what is still considered false.

According to historians, Tesla worked on the concept of time travel before getting results. Using magnetic fields, he discovered a sort of space-time barrier, and was able to access it with the appropriate equipment, leading to another point in time.

Time travel, expected future technologies and risks

After Tesla's death, it was claimed that he witnessed something like the opening of a "window" into a completely different space. There, the inventor observed three time periods at the same time; past, present and future. All this was revealed thanks to the magnetic field, which can be created artificially.

Time travel scared the scientist.

We may never achieve the technology of time travel, or by creating this device we may abandon it. They say that Tesla, having built the car, considered it a huge madness.

The problem is that people who own this technology will not only be able to control history, but also completely break the universe. For example, some will help Napoleon conquer Russia, others will destroy the insane Hitler in some trench of the First World War. But this is already an established story, under the influence of which even more people will suffer.

The paradoxes that can result from such dramatic changes in such important historical events, are not calculable.

In fact, it may happen that an unthinkable chain of events from endless moments of correction will develop, which will eventually lead to the death of civilization. Perhaps the inventor Tesla saw this, and destroyed his time machine.

We may think that we can provide useful knowledge of history. However, users can go further and change the story for their own purposes, which will break the story of other people. In fact, some discoveries are so dangerous that they simply shouldn't be made, because their application is too tempting in terms of risks.

What is teleportation?

Teleportation- the general name of the processes in which an object moves from one place to another, in a very short period of time (almost instantly), without existing at intermediate points between them, using technological methods or paranormal phenomena ...

Technological methods of teleportation

Technological methods involve, for example, the procedure for creating information about the internal structure and properties of a material object located at one point in space, transferring such information and recreating it in a very short period of time (canonically - instantly) to another point in space of a material object with an internal structure and properties, identical to the first one, while the object at the first point disappears during the transmission of information, and the material of the body or substance is used as a carrier of information, from which the body or substance, identical to the previous one, is then recreated.

Instant relocation and quantum teleportation

In fantastic works - the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another. Although several methods of teleportation have been theoretically discovered (the theory of wormholes, hole teleportation), experimentally, in laboratory conditions, only quantum teleportation has been confirmed. In 2004, it was possible to teleport the quantum states of single elementary particles.

Top-secret Philadelphia experiment.
Official version: ensuring the protection of warships from magnetic mines.
The real purpose of the experiment is to test the authenticity of Nikola Tesla's hypothesis about the possibility of teleportation.

Philadelphia raid

During the Second World War, US Navy scientists were working on the so-called Rainbow Project, the purpose of which was to make the ship as invisible to the enemy as possible. As part of this project, in the harbor of the Philadelphia Naval Yard and a little later on the high seas in the summer and autumn of 1943, experiments were carried out to disguise the small destroyer Eldridge. The essence of the experiments was to generate an extremely powerful electromagnetic field around the ship, as a result of which a strong refraction or bending of light waves and radar radiation was assumed, by analogy with how heated air generates optical mirages over roads and in deserts on a hot day ...

destroyer "Eldridge"

It can be said that attempts to make the Eldridge invisible during the Philadelphia experiment ended in complete success, but one very significant problem arose - for some time the ship not only disappeared from the view of the observers, but also physically disappeared altogether, and then reappeared. In other words, the experimenters only wanted to hide the ship from view, but instead received dematerialization and teleportation.

According to observers, after turning on the generators on the destroyer, the ship in Philadelphia Harbor was gradually enveloped in a cloud of greenish fog that hid the Eldridge from sight, after which the fog suddenly disappeared, but at the same time the ship completely disappeared not only from the radar screen, but also from the field of view shocked observers. A few minutes later, the command was given to turn off the generators, the greenish mist reappeared from which the Eldridge emerged, but it quickly became clear that something had gone wrong. The people on the ship turned out to be completely insane, many vomited, no one had an explanation for what happened ...

The composition of the team was completely changed, the parameters of the equipment were somewhat adjusted, wanting to achieve only invisibility for radars, and in October of the same year they conducted a second Philadelphia experiment. At first everything went well, after turning on the generators, the Eldridge became translucent, but then a bright blue flash followed and the destroyer completely disappeared from sight. Then, for several minutes, the ship that appeared out of nowhere was observed on the roadstead of Norfolk, five hundred kilometers from Philadelphia, and then the ship materialized again in its original place.

US Naval Base Norfolk

But things turned out to be much worse for the team this time - someone obviously went crazy, someone disappeared without a trace and was never seen again, and five people were found sticking out of the metal structures of the ship ...

After such a tragically ended experiment, it was decided to stop further work on the Rainbow project in the Navy.

Of the 181 crew members, only 21 survived.
27 people literally fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns and radiation, the rest were missing, but the possibility of teleportation was proven ...

crew members of the destroyer Eldridge

The experiment was carried out under the direct supervision of the scientist Nikola Tesla, who, according to the official version, “died” on January 7, 1943.
For security reasons, his death was an FBI hoax, and the great scientist himself led a top-secret laboratory for the study of teleportation.

Nikola Tesla

The US government, shocked by the results of the experiment with the destroyer Eldridge, decides to continue research and more extensive experiments.

So, in December 1943, the Arizona project was launched at a remote desert training ground.

desert arizona

Powerful energy generators were built, which looked like huge towers about 60 meters high, with metal balls crowning them.

The masts were evenly spaced around the perimeter of an imaginary circle with a diameter of about a mile, in the center of which a powerful electromagnetic field was to be pumped.

This is how an eyewitness described the course of the experiment: “Let's start,” Tesla commanded. There was something resembling an artillery cannonade. The laboratory lit up with a bluish light, all the equipment emitted fiery needles, there was a smell of ozone ... First large blue sparks jumped out of the ball on the mast, then they turned into blue threads. Now these are no longer threads, but fiery rods as thick as a hand. Finally, lightning flashed, thunder boomed, which was heard at a distance of 15 miles.

In the center of the circle, a kind of foggy sphere was formed, glowing with a greenish light, into which two volunteer experimenters entered. They were absent for a short time, but what they told, returning back, shocked all the participants in the experiment.

Once inside the sphere, the scientists found themselves in a strange and unknown area. The researchers reported vegetation similar to that of the mid-latitudes and lack of any signs of civilization. No one could tell where they ended up: a remote and desolate corner of the Earth, a parallel world or another planet.

In conditions of strict secrecy, the government decided to send a long-term research expedition inside the sphere. And in order to ensure its autonomy, they supplied a large support detachment, which was supposed to build the necessary infrastructure in the zone, which allowed the group not to depend on supplies from the outside world.

The experiment continued for several years, as long as Nikola Tesla was alive. Several settlements were built for researchers who could provide the inhabitants of the zone with everything necessary.

With the real death of Tesla, thunderclouds hung over the experiment, since the project manager kept all the key technical decisions only in his head. There were problems initializing the portal. Scientists were faced with the fact that during one of the scheduled sessions, the “entrance to the zone” stopped opening.

Only after countless unsuccessful attempts and spending colossal amounts of energy, the portal again let people into the zone, but only in order to ask them another terrible riddle.

Not a single living soul could be found inside the zone. The buildings in all the settlements were intact, things remained in their places, but all the scientists and workers disappeared, leaving no traces or messages ...

The project management, frightened by such a mass disappearance of people, took measures to erase any information about this already secret experiment. The military base, on the territory of which the portal was located, was mothballed, and the energy towers were dismantled. From the experiment, only scattered eyewitness accounts and several geological samples brought from the zone, buried for many years in the safes of the Ministry of Defense, remained.


The statute of limitations has expired, and the classification of secrecy has been removed from the archival file on the Arizona experiment. Artifacts removed from the zone 65 years ago have again fallen into the hands of scientists.

After numerous experiments and analyses, the experts came to the conclusion that the samples found in the archive consist of a substance unknown to terrestrial science. As it turned out, the “Blue Crystal” (this is the name scientists gave to an unknown substance) has a number of extraordinary properties and in its parameters is many times superior to the notorious Helium-3, for the sake of which in 2013 humanity launched a large-scale lunar program.

The main difference of the new super-substance is that its production turned out to be very easy. Now in one place, then in another place earth's crust gaseous mixture is emitted. The gas collected in special containers interacts with an inert substance and crystallizes. The very “blue crystals” are formed, which are very easy to transport. The only problem was that you can only get the "blue crystal" in the "zone" ...

The air smelled of multibillion-dollar profits, and for the implementation of the project for the extraction of a super-substance, a group of investors created the Spectra crystals corporation.

She bought the results of the research, as well as the land plot on which the old abandoned military base. Corporation engineers restored Tesla's disassembled energy towers. The portal is up and running again.

Volunteers, tools and weapons were sent to the zone. From the zone - priceless "crystals". To implement the Blue Crystal mining program, adventurers and adventurers were recruited around the world, driven by a thirst for profit and thrills.

Having got inside the zone with the help of a teleportation session, practically naked and barefoot, the mercenaries found themselves cut off from all the rules and conventions of modern civilization. In order to survive in these conditions, they will have to go from a simple prospector to the leader of a squad of thugs who control the extraction and sale of an invaluable resource.

In this unknown world, among terrible secrets, in an atmosphere of fierce competition and complete impunity, among treachery and ruthlessness, only one law rules the ball: "The strongest wins!"

And the historical facts about the Philadelphia experiment of Nikola Tesla were kept in the strictest confidence, but since so many years there are people who simply simply cannot be silent anymore. Nikola Tesla is generally a very interesting person, about whom there are many legends and myths, but his experiment with the destroyer Eldridge is something beyond fantasy.

This Man was born on July 10, 1856 in the village of Smilyan on the territory of modern Croatia. In those days, this area was part of Austria-Hungary, in which he grew up. Tesla is known throughout the world as an inventor, physicist, electrical engineer, mechanic. In 1873, Nikola received a matriculation certificate or, as it is now customary to say, a certificate of secondary education. In those years, an epidemic of cholera raged, which at that time was incurable, but Tesla miraculously survived it. Some mystics believe that otherworldly forces were involved here. The first fact was that Nikola Tesla was born in the family of a priest, and the second was that he was cured by some woman who gave him tinctures of herbs and beans to drink.

Nicola has worked in France on lighting for railroads in Paris. For the performance of this work, he was promised a bonus of 25 thousand dollars, which he did not wait for. As the saying goes: "Three years await the promised." Tesla did not wait so long and quit the company, and wanted to move to work in St. Petersburg (Russia), but at the last moment he was lured to the USA. In America, he worked for the Thomas Edison Company as an engineer repairing electric motors and generators. direct current. After some time, Edison offered Tesla $50,000 if he would improve the technique he invented. Soon, Nikola Tesla provided the boss with 24 improved projects, and all of them were approved, but, like in Paris, he did not receive his award. The scientist also decided to quit.

After that, Tesla had a difficult time in his life - there was a time that there was no food and a roof over his head. After some time, he sold some of his patents ($25,000 each) and the Niagara Falls Company provided significant assistance in the amount of $100,000. In 1895, Nikola Tesla opened his laboratory, where he conducted his further developments. He was even nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics, but due to the fact that this prize was offered to be shared with Thomas Edison, they both refused it. Tesla achieved some success in radio electronics: in 1917 he came up with a device that could detect submarines using a radio signal. In particular, he closely studied the phenomena electromagnetic induction with which the most mystical myth called the "Philadelphia experiment" is connected.

As you know, Tesla studied magnetic fields all his free time. Philadelphia experiment is the most mystical experiment in the history of magnetism. The fact that the invention of a device for detecting submarines speaks of the close cooperation of the scientist with the US Army. After the discovery of the detection device, Tesla set to work on the opposite model. Now this technology is called Stealth, based on the demagnetization of metals. For reference, this is a device that helps to remain invisible to radar. Basically, this device is used on submarines and relatively recently on combat aircraft. The Philadelphia experiment is known as moving the destroyer Eldridge through space for at least 400 km. This experiment was carried out by the US Navy in 1943. It is known that Tesla was against the trial of this device, because he wanted to improve it. But as you know, at that time there was a second World War, and this technology would give just a huge advantage over the enemy. Accordingly, the decision was made to carry it out.

Historical facts

There is practically no historical data about the Philadelphia experiment. Because even now the US authorities deny this fact. As stated earlier, mystics believe that Nikola Tesla was against the experiment. He believed that the installation was unfinished and in every possible way interfered with its implementation so as not to kill innocent people. And to prevent this, he removed and hid an important element of the installation. As the facts say, the death of Nikola Tesla overtook on the night of January 7-8, 1943 in a hotel room. They found his body only 2 days later, i.e. On January 10, and on the 12th, his body was cremated. Fast isn't it?

The experiment itself was carried out on October 28 of the same year, i.e. 10 months after the scientist's death. Perhaps during this time a group of his colleagues made the missing element of the device. The experiment was carried out under the supervision of all high-ranking officials of the US Navy. The destroyer "Eldridge" with its crew on board, which was 181 people, sailed from the coast at a distance of about 10 km. After receiving the command, the generator was launched and at the same moment the ship was enveloped in a green cloud. After that, the ship at the same moment disappeared from the radar of the Philadelphia test center and as it turned out in principle. And he appeared at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay near the city of Norfolk. The distance along the shortest route is 450 km. Of the entire crew, only 21 people survived, 27 people became part of the ship's structure and 13 died on the spot.


In general, there is no evidence of this experiment, but the number of deaths in strange circumstances exceeds half a hundred people. The government denies all these facts. Based on this story, films of the same name were made:

  • Philadelphia Experiment 1984;

If you have any suggestions or comments, write comments in the chapter!

00:09 — REGNUM Inventor Nikola Tesla remained in world history as an outstanding scientist, ahead of his time and whose genius was compared with Leonardo da Vinci. The scientist himself declared that he was working not “for the present”, but “for the future”. Only patented inventions that changed the engineering world, he had more than 300, in total there are more than a thousand. For example, his inventions formed the basis of modern energy supply, he discovered the principles of robotics and solar-powered engines, he is considered the creator of the compressor, industrial fan, water pump, electric meter, frequency meter, x-ray machine, car speedometer, fluorescent lamps, electric clocks, electrotherapy devices, he improved steam turbines, developed a locomotive, an aircraft, a car on electric motor. Tesla also predicted the emergence of the Internet and modern gadgets, conducted dangerous scientific experiments on the verge of science and fiction, which shocked even scientists. He argued and competed with Thomas Edison.

At the same time, his personality is shrouded in mystery and mysticism: they say that Tesla slept no more than four hours a day, he had visions and aliens, he foresaw the future. The scientist is also credited with experiments with teleportation, "death rays", his name is associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in Siberia and the "Philadelphia experiment", which allegedly made the whole ship invisible. Like it or not, it still remains a mystery, since he burned his archive, stating that " humanity is not yet ready for the greatness of my inventions».

Let us recall some of the most famous inventions of the genius and the experiments that are attributed to him.

War of currents, or War with Edison

Tesla's name is associated with the study alternating current, which the scientist's contemporaries considered "trash and nonsense", unsuitable for widespread use. Thomas Edison himself, who advocated the use of direct current, became his opponent then. Recall that direct current moves only in one direction, it is difficult to transport it over long distances (more than 3 km). That is, during the transmission of electricity that occurs through wires, the resistance increases with an increase in the length of the wire, which entails losses due to heating and, as a result, can lead to dangerous discharges on the switch. Therefore, it was possible to transfer more power by increasing, for example, the thickness of the wires (and this is expensive in terms of costs) or by increasing the voltage. While alternating current is capable of changing direction several tens of times per second, reaching high voltages (it can be converted through transformer stations), and with minimal losses it can be transmitted over long distances.

The scientific dispute about how electricity should be conducted and distributed has been called the "war of the currents."

Alternating current was known at that time, but it could not be used due to its single-phase nature. Tesla proved in practice that alternating current can be multi-phase. And he created an engine and an alternator that no one had been able to invent before him. Tesla's alternator patent ceded by agreement for $1 million to millionaire George Westinghouse, who used it in the construction of the largest power plant at that time - the hydroelectric power station at Niagara Falls.

Thomas Edison, who built a business empire on direct current, to discredit a competitor, staged demonstrations of the dangers of alternating current, killing animals in public. After Edison learned from a doctor about the idea of ​​using alternating current to kill people, the electric chair was invented. The first to be executed on it was a man who killed his mistress. In response, Tesla staged legendary AC safety demonstrations by passing it through his body to light lamps, shocking even the scientists of the time.

The war of currents went on for more than 100 years, continuing after the death of scientists. Formally, it ended after New York switched from direct current in power supply to alternating current. Today, Tesla's invention is used everywhere to generate and power homes.

"Tesla Coil"

One of the most spectacular inventions is the "Tesla Coil", which is still a success at various shows and which can be seen in specialized museums, cinema, and show business. It is a kind of resonant transformer circuit and is used to generate a high frequency voltage. Tesla created it for experiments with high-voltage charges; in action, the “coil” looks dangerous and at the same time captivates with its beauty: it produces electric multi-meter discharges that look like lightning.

Speaking of lightning, one can recall an episode from the scientist's childhood that stuck in his memory for the rest of his life. Once, while stroking a fluffy cat, he noticed sparks appearing between the fur and his hands. Explaining this phenomenon, Tesla's father spoke about the relationship of sparks to lightning and noted that electricity, like a cat, can be tamed. But you should always remember about the other side - that it can be dangerous, like a natural element. Subsequently, many years of experiments with electricity led to the fact that Tesla began to shun sunlight, and popular rumor attributed to him a relationship with Dracula. In fact, due to regular exposure to electromagnetic fields, he began to see better in the dark, and in the light there was pain in his eyes - this is a rather rare disease. Another phobia that has become his companion for life is the fear of getting an infection. It got to the point that the scientist did not greet people, constantly washed his hands and refused to eat food if a fly landed on it.

Tesla predicted the advent of the Internet and modern gadgets. The prototype can be considered the Wardenclyffe Tower or Tesla Tower project, the essence of which is the use of natural frequencies for energy transmission and data array, saying modern language, - wireless communication and wireless power transmission. Ideally, the project could give access to the supply of electricity "from the air" or from the "ether", which could bankrupt the power engineers.

Speaking of wireless transmission, Tesla stated that

“When the project is completed, the businessman in New York will be able to dictate directions and they will immediately appear in his office in London or anywhere else. He will be able to call any subscriber on the planet from his workplace without changing the existing equipment. A cheap device, no larger than a watch, will allow its owner to listen to music, songs, speeches of politicians, scientists, sermons of priests delivered over long distances on water and land. In the same way, any image, symbol, drawing, text can be transferred from one place to another. Millions of such devices can be controlled by a single station. But more important than all this will be wireless power transmission.”

Today, wireless data transmission is commonplace. And then Tesla's work was suspended. Researchers are still arguing at what stage these works were closed and what Tesla could achieve. Some believe that these studies may have triggered the appearance of the Tunguska meteorite over Russia in 1908.


The scientist was engaged in the development of an electric automobile engine. In 1931, he demonstrated an AC motor car, claiming that it could accelerate to 150 km/h and travel for a week without charging. His invention was greeted with ridicule by his contemporaries, the drawings of the engine were not preserved.

Shortly before his death, Tesla stated that he had created a kind of “death ray”, which concentrated energy in itself that could destroy 10,000 aircraft. They also say that he was developing a time machine, a camera for thoughts, teleportation.

One of the most mysterious is the so-called "Philadelphia experiment", which has taken a special place in science fiction literature and cinema. According to rumors, Tesla collaborated with the military, one of the projects concerned teleportation and technology to protect ships from radar. But these developments were allegedly not completed - the scientist died of heart failure. Also, according to rumors, after the death of Tesla, the military decided to experiment on its development. But the electromagnetic field allegedly created around the destroyer Eldridge made it invisible not only to radars, but also to human eye. The destroyer simply disappeared. They also say that the ship, along with the crew, teleported - allegedly it was seen 200 kilometers from the place of the experiment. As a result of the experiment, the team members lost their orientation in time and space, having received mental disorders.

The secrets of the scientist and invention still disturb the minds of scientists. Tesla himself said:

"The great mysteries of our existence have yet to be unraveled, even death may not be the end."