Types and tasks of engineering surveys for construction. Types of engineering surveys Types of construction surveys

Man has been building since ancient times: pyramids, archipelagos, temples and much more. It is worth noting that all these structures have been preserved for many centuries and hardly change or are destroyed. Why this happens, we can only guess. Today, technology has reached the point where modern construction can achieve almost similar results, although only posterity will have to judge this. In order for a building to serve for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right terrain and place for construction before construction. It is for these purposes that engineering survey before the construction of a building or structure.

Engineering surveys include several types of work:

  • engineering-geological;
  • engineering and geodetic;
  • engineering and environmental;
  • geotechnical engineering;
  • geophysical engineering.

Engineering-geological surveys involve the study of the natural environment of a given area. At the same time, the history of the formation of the territory, geological processes and much more are studied.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are a mandatory type of site engineering research work. They include topographic survey, building subsidence process and others geodetic work. Topographic survey helps to collect data about the terrain. It can be of various types:

  • general or special purpose;
  • tree shooting;
  • shooting of underground and above-ground structures;
  • large scale shooting;
  • executive shooting;
  • photography for landscape design projects.

Each type of topographic survey is designed to produce specific results. For example, to draw up various plans, to identify deviations from the project, but the main thing is that without this type of research it is impossible to draw up a correct general construction plan for a specific area.

Engineering and environmental surveys are carried out in order to assess the state of the natural environment, as well as to make forecasts for the ecology of a given area.

Engineering and geotechnical surveys are carried out on the basis of a complete analysis of the soil of a specific area. Soils are analyzed to create a specific foundation plan, to study the possibility of deformation, to control the construction of buildings and surrounding areas, and to study other processes.

Engineering and geophysical surveys are both part of the previous four types of research and an independent type of work. They are carried out to identify the conditions of work and the specifics of the tasks being solved.

All types of surveys, carried out efficiently and responsibly, will give you a complete picture of the area on which you intend to build a residential or public building. Having studied the area thoroughly and received a preliminary forecast for many years in advance, you can build with confidence or, conversely, confidently change the place for construction.

Perhaps this is how they used to identify where and what should be built. Perhaps this method was significantly different from the modern one, which in principle is not so important. The most important thing is to get the right result.

Engineering survey- a set of works carried out to obtain information necessary to select an economically feasible and technically sound location for a structure, to resolve basic issues related to the design, construction and operation of structures.

Research is divided into: preliminary at the stage of feasibility study (TES) or technical and economic calculation (TEC); at the project stage; at the stage of working documentation.

In addition, research is divided into economic and technical.

Economic research precedes technical research; it determines the economic feasibility of building a structure in a given location, taking into account the provision of raw materials, building materials, transport, energy, labor, etc. Technical surveys are carried out to obtain information about the natural conditions of the site in order to best take them into account and use them in design and construction. They include topographic-geodetic, engineering-geological, hydrological, soil and other works. In two-stage design, technical research is divided into preliminary (for drawing up a technical design and estimate documentation) and final (for drawing up working drawings).

Engineering surveys are carried out separately for each design stage. For complex objects, additional surveys are carried out necessary to finalize and clarify the project. For individual simple objects, surveys can be carried out in 1 stage.

Engineer. Research is carried out in 3 periods: preparation, field and office. In preparation. collection period and study the necessary data on the survey object and outline organizational measures for the production of survey work. During the field period, in addition to field work, some office work and laboratory work necessary to ensure a continuous field survey process and control the completeness and accuracy of field work. During the office period, all field materials are processed.

Engineering survey tasks- a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (region, district, site, site, route) of construction projects, making forecasts for the interaction of these objects with the environment, justifying their engineering protection and safe living conditions for the population.

Based on engineering survey materials for construction, pre-project documentation is developed, including urban planning documentation and justifications for investments in construction, projects and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, including expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, operation and liquidation of facilities, maintaining state cadastres And information systems settlements, as well as recommendations for making economically, technically, socially and environmentally sound design decisions.

Engineering surveys - main types: engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys; engineering and geodetic surveys; engineering and environmental surveys; engineering and hydrometeorological surveys.

Engineering-geological surveys include the study of soils as an environment and the foundation of structures, features of the hydrogeological regime of the construction area associated with the activity of groundwater, physical and geological processes and phenomena, prominent representatives of which are mudflows, landslides and landslides, as well as karst-suffosion processes and flooding of the territory .

Typically, during geotechnical surveys the following types of work are performed:

1. Engineering-geological reconnaissance:

· inspection of the site of survey work;

· description of existing outcrops, including quarries, construction workings, etc.;

· description of water manifestations;

· description of geobotanical indicators of hydrogeological and environmental conditions;

· description of external manifestations of geodynamic processes.

2. Drilling wells and sinking pits are carried out for the purpose of:

Determination of the geological structure of the site, conditions of soil and groundwater;

Selection of soil samples to determine their composition, condition and properties, as well as groundwater samples for their chemical analysis;

Conducting field studies of soil properties, determining hydrogeological parameters of aquifers and conducting geophysical research.

3. Field studies Strength and deformation properties of soils are carried out using static or dynamic probing methods, as well as stamps or pressuremeters.

4. Hydrogeological studies during engineering-geological surveys are carried out in cases where in the area of ​​interaction of the designed object with the geological environment there are widespread The groundwater, the process of flooding is predicted or groundwater has a significant impact on changes in soil properties, as well as on the intensity of development of geological and engineering-geological processes (karst, suffusion, landslides, heaving, etc.).

Engineering and geodetic surveys reflect the surface features of the territory intended for construction, the position of underground and surface communications.

Engineering and geodetic work is divided into:

· topographic and geodetic surveys;

· marking works;

· alignment of structures;

· monitoring the deformations of structures.

Topographic and geodetic works include:

· construction of a state geodetic network;

· creation of a plan-height survey justification;

· topographic survey;

· construction of large-scale plans for the filmed area.

Hydrometeorological surveys study the climate of the territory and the characteristics of existing open watercourses.

Increasing attention in Lately is devoted to engineering and environmental surveys, the purpose of which is to assess radiological, sanitary-chemical, sanitary-epidemiological and biological safety. During the survey, information necessary for the environmental justification of project documentation is obtained.

Environmental engineering survey materials are used to develop:

· section "Assessing the impact on environment"(EIA) in investment justification;

· section "Environmental protection" in the construction project;

· petitions of intent and urban planning documentation.

Scope of work:

· geoecological testing and assessment of contamination of ground and surface waters, soils, soils and atmospheric air;

· research and assessment of the radiation situation;

· gas geochemical studies;

· research and assessment of physical impacts (level of noise, vibration, electromagnetic field);

· sanitary-epidemiological and medical-biological research;

· desk processing of materials and preparation of reporting technical documentation with graphic and text applications.

Linear surveys have a number of features and in some cases are very complex. Therefore, research in the design and construction of iron and highways, channels, pipelines, power lines, telecommunication lines, etc., are allocated separately.

One of the most difficult tasks of constructing new structures within urban development is preserving the integrity of previously built structures and, in particular, historical buildings: in accordance with current regulatory documents, the deformation (settlement, shear) of these buildings during the construction and operation of a new structure should not exceed first millimeters. Such deformations are possible when opening a pit, a building under construction, a change in the level of groundwater associated with pumping water from this pit during the construction process, or backwater of the underground flow as a result of its blocking by anti-filtration structures in the pit, etc. The forecast of all these phenomena and, as a consequence, possible deformations of the existing building and the justification of design solutions that ensure trouble-free coexistence of old and new structures is also a task of engineering surveys.

Engineering surveys are carried out on the basis of an engineering survey program, which must fully comply with the Customer’s technical specifications.

If difficult natural and man-made conditions are identified during the engineering survey that may have an adverse impact on the construction and operation of structures and the habitat, the engineering survey performer must inform the customer of the need for additional study and amendments and additions to the engineering survey program and agreement (contract) regarding increasing the duration and (or) cost of engineering surveys.

Survey products must be transferred to the customer in the form of a technical report on the completed engineering surveys, drawn up in accordance with the requirements regulatory documents And state standards Ministry of Construction of Russia, consisting of text and graphic parts and applications (in text, graphic, digital and other forms of information presentation).

The text part of the technical report must contain information about the tasks of engineering surveys, the location of the area (site, route), the nature of the designed construction projects, types, volumes and methods of work, timing of their implementation and performers of the work, compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the contract, materials and data of the results comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the construction site.

The graphic part of the technical report on the completed engineering surveys contains: maps, plans, sections, profiles, graphs, tables of parameters (characteristics, indicators), data catalogs containing the main results of the study, assessment and forecast of possible changes in the natural and man-made conditions of the construction site.

The technical report must be submitted to the customer, and also transferred in the prescribed manner in accordance with the contract with retention of authorship to the territorial funds of engineering survey materials of the authorities executive power subjects Russian Federation or local government and other funds.

The materials of the completed field work are not included in the technical report, are not transferred to the customer and must be stored together with the original technical report in the archives of the engineering survey performer.

Engineering survey materials are subject to mandatory state examination in terms of completeness, quality and reliability of data for the design of buildings and structures, ensuring environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

When carrying out engineering surveys, they are used modern methods such as the aerospace method. To speed up the timing of survey work and improve their quality, aerial methods are used, which are especially effective in areas that are difficult to access on the ground (swampy lowlands, deserts, etc.). Widespread in modern conditions received methods of space photography, for which special equipment was developed, methods for interpreting images, allowing one to obtain highly accurate and reliable information.

The emergence of new aviation technologies for collecting geospatial data, primarily laser locators and digital aerial cameras, provides significant advantages in both technological and economic aspects, significantly reduces the time for obtaining the final result (the productivity of area surveys when carrying out aerial surveys for the production of large-scale cartographic products is 1000 sq. km in less than 12 hours of flight, and the processing time of aerial survey data is comparable to the time of data collection). A number of public and private domestic companies have accumulated significant experience in this area, achieving some success. Thus, the application of aviation methods remote sensing is reasonable and economically feasible

The construction of new buildings for any purpose requires a mandatory preparatory stage. It includes comprehensive measures that help you make an informed decision about starting work. From this article you will learn everything about engineering surveys in construction: what it is, why it is carried out, what is included in it. We will also talk about software that makes creating projects easier.

Research is divided into two main categories: economic and technical. Together, they make it possible to formulate a forecast of the facility’s efficiency, its cost, and safety for people and the environment. At the first stage, specialists collect information about the area, its infrastructure, prospects economic development, identify the area that best suits the customer’s requirements. The obtained data is given to the investor and he makes a decision on the rationality of further actions.

The second part of planning identifies dangerous and unsuitable natural factors for construction. It consists of practical exploration of the area. Design organizations act in accordance with SNiP standards established in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

Types of engineering survey work in construction

To begin to act, the performer must receive technical specifications. This legal document, which is drawn up by the customer himself or with the help of lawyers. It specifies all the wishes for the future building and information about the selected location. The range of activities may vary depending on the type and purpose. For residential and small industrial facilities, two tests are carried out, for large and planned settlements - the entire list.

According to the terms of the legislation, the complete list includes several basic field studies.


They are produced in the early stages of planning. The main task is to analyze soil layers for suitability for construction. The goal is to comply with the quality requirements of the future building and careful use of resources.

The project includes the following services:

  • Drilling of exploration wells.
  • Taking samples of materials for the laboratory.
  • Study of soil and groundwater, their chemical and physicochemical properties.
  • Identification of unfavorable conditions that may affect the quality of the structure.
  • Summarizing information and writing a report based on it.
  • Modeling of engineering-geological section.

Without providing the results of this survey, permission to construct a building cannot be obtained.


The work is aimed at studying the relief and character of the local landscape, natural and man-made objects. The task is to create topographic maps and drawings of the territory that will help to fully evaluate the site and identify its shortcomings.

What's included:

  • Collection of information about previous research, analysis of applied visual materials: aerial photography, plans and other data.
  • Reconnaissance (preliminary survey) of the area to select the location of control points for geodetic work.
  • Formation and development of selected points.
  • Surveying of relief, structures and communications below and above the ground.
  • Delineation of the boundaries of the area in which the activity will be carried out.
  • Making updates to old versions of topographic and cadastral maps and drawings.
  • Hydrological checks.
  • Transferring the project to reality.
  • Constant monitoring of deformations of the foundations of objects, the surface of the earth with problematic natural and man-made processes.
  • Creation and replication of results in different formats: graphic, digital.
  • GIS provision settlements, enterprises and cadastres.
  • Processing all indicators and information, writing a technical report.

At the final, desk stage of geodetic and geological research, engineering is used software. It helps automate statistical operations, data analysis, and drawing. The ZVSOFT company offers several such utilities.

  • GEODirect processes and interprets laboratory soil surveys, calculates standard characteristics of the physical and chemical properties of soil layers and makes other necessary calculations.
  • ProGeo simplifies the generation of documentation for land surveying, the process of analytics and the integration of geodetic indicators.
  • Geonium creates topographic plans, geomodels, general plans, networks, routes, sections, drawings of industrial facilities and utilities.
  • INZHKAD allows you to design external network engineering water supply, sewerage, storm sewerage, gas supply, heat supply using BIM technology.
  • ZWCAD as a graphical drawing platform for the solutions listed above. This software is for those who are looking for an analogue of AutoCAD. The universal use of ZWCAD, both separately and with applications, makes the work of design department specialists easier.

All reports received through these utilities comply with current SNiP.

What other studies are included in the research program?

We talked about preparatory work, which are mandatory for any type of construction. In the case of large buildings, it is necessary to carry out some work to study the site.


They are produced for the purpose of a comprehensive survey of the state of the environment and the possibility of its transformation. Experts collect materials about the territory from various sources in order to predict the results of the impact on it. The content of the events depends on current moment planning and purpose of the future project: residential, industrial premises. The main task is to identify man-made and natural factors that are unsuitable for the customer’s requests.

What is included in the list of mandatory actions:

  • Preliminary collection, integration and analysis of available information about the environmental situation.
  • Laboratory testing of soil, groundwater and surface water for the presence of contaminants.
  • Monitoring similar areas in order to think through a development scenario.
  • Decryption of aerial photographs obtained during research.
  • Route work with a general and component-by-component description of the landscape, water and land objects.
  • Stationary observations.
  • Survey of radiation factors.
  • Sanitary-epidemiological, socio-economic analysis.
  • Study of flora and fauna.
  • Taking soil samples and checking it for the degree of danger (the ability to accumulate flammable and toxic biogas).
  • Drilling wells to determine the composition of underground gases and waters, conditions for the spread of pollution.
  • Cameral stage.
  • Writing a technical report.


Aimed at obtaining an idea of ​​the current state natural waters and the processes occurring with them, as well as climate manifestations in the location chosen for the construction of the building. This is necessary to substantiate or refute the request to transform the area.

What work is being carried out:

  • Finding, combining and then analyzing data collected over the past years.
  • Preliminary study of the intended location.
  • Monitoring and assessment of weather patterns and all water bodies.
  • Finding processes potentially dangerous to the structure.
  • Study of the degree and time of soil freezing, depth of snow cover.
  • Analysis of materials, calculation of hydrometeorological indicators.
  • Writing reports.

As in other cases, the content of such surveys depends on the technical specifications, SNiP, purpose of the structure, design stage, and the complexity of development of the selected area.

Objectives of hydrological work:

  • Determining the possibility of using water without damaging the environment and existing buildings.
  • Selecting a location for the site equipment and thinking through methods for protecting it from natural factors.
  • Creation of a general plan of the area.
  • Selection of structures for work and assessment of their impact on the environment.
  • Implementation of environmental activities.

What does a technical report include?

TO is a document that the customer receives after the end of cooperation with the design organization. It contains a comprehensive analysis of all surveys carried out on the territory. The information is presented in text, graphic form and applications. The first part contains general information about the assigned tasks, the geographical location of the object, the number and methods of research performed, and the terms of the contract.

Responsible persons and their details should also be listed:

  • Name.
  • Confirmation of the presence of a state license to operate.
  • The name of the institution that issued it.

The design organization also indicates in the report:

  • Forecast of the most likely transformations of the area during and after its industrial development.
  • Engineer's recommendations regarding the specifics of the territory.
  • Risk assessment associated with anthropogenic and natural phenomena.

The visual section consists of topographic maps, drawings, plans, graphs, tables with calculations of indicators, catalogs. The documents must be accompanied by copies of the statement of work from the developer and the contractor’s license.

What does the terms of reference include?

This document is written by the customer; the design organization and lawyers may participate in the process. It can be issued both for the entire range of services and for individual surveys.

The act contains the following information:

  • Name of the object, its type, characteristics in accordance with GOST.
  • Sequence of work.
  • The deadlines allotted for preparatory stage and construction.
  • Engineering tasks set by the investor.
  • A list of regulations that regulate the activities of the performing company.
  • Location of the site and boundaries of the proposed site.
  • Information about inspections already performed on the territory.
  • The customer's wishes regarding the structure and content of the report.
  • Name and registration details of the performer.

The terms of reference must also indicate the requirements for:

  • The accuracy of the information collected during the site survey.
  • Reliability of risk assessment from man-made and natural phenomena.
  • Composition, deadlines, paperwork.

We have covered engineering research in detail. All of the above work is carried out in accordance with the standards approved at the legislative level. This means that without construction surveys it is impossible to obtain permission to use the site for the construction of an object. The project created as a result of all activities must undergo state examination.

Requirements for the organization and procedure for conducting engineering surveys are set out in SNiP 11-02-96 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions".

Research - a set of economic, engineering and technical studies of the area, site or construction route, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of construction and operation of the future facility, justifying the economic feasibility, technical feasibility and volume of new enterprises, buildings and structures being built or reconstruction of existing enterprises, and the preparation of initial data for design.

In particular, engineering surveys for construction are a type of construction activity that provides a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (region, district, site, site, route) of construction projects, making forecasts for the interaction of these objects with the environment, justifying their engineering protection and safe conditions life of the population. Based on engineering survey materials for construction, pre-project documentation is developed, including urban planning documentation and justifications for investments in construction, projects and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, including expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, operation and liquidation of facilities, maintaining state cadastres and settlement information systems, as well as recommendations for making economically, technically, socially and environmentally sound design decisions.

Economic research are necessary to identify and justify options for providing construction with raw materials, local materials, fuel, electricity, water, gas, heat, transport links, labor, housing, cultural and community institutions. These surveys are carried out by the general design organization after receiving an approved design assignment from the customer. The collection of source materials for economic research is carried out on the basis of development schemes for industrial sectors, feasibility studies for the design of territorial-industrial complexes and industrial units, technical and economic calculations of transport schemes, technical and economic calculations for environmental protection, etc. Part of the necessary data for economic research can be obtained from data banks and passports of reserve sites. Economic studies include:

    economic development of the construction area,

    balances of cash and required resources are compiled,

    proposal to cover resource shortages,

    population, dynamics of its growth with the development of construction

    dynamics of housing and social construction.

Economic survey data is the initial basis for justifying investments in construction and subsequent stages of project design and working documentation for it.

Engineering and technical surveys - are carried out in order to study the natural and geographical conditions of the area and construction site at all stages of design. They include the following types of work:

    topographic and geodetic;





    sanitary and hygienic, etc.

The composition of engineering and technical surveys is as follows:

    Engineering and geodetic surveys They give an idea of ​​the nature and topography of the area and, based on special surveys, make it possible to draw up maps and topographic plans. Filming can be done using ground, space and aerial photo methods. For ground surveys, levels, theodolites, as well as light and radio range finders, various optical and laser devices, etc. are used.

Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction include:

    collection and processing of materials from engineering surveys of previous years, topographic-geodetic, cartographic, aerial photography and other materials and data;

    reconnaissance survey of the territory;

    creation (development) of geodetic support networks, including special-purpose geodetic networks for construction;

    creation of plan-height surveying geodetic networks;

    topographical (ground, aerial phototopographic, stereophotogrammetric, etc.) surveying, including surveying of underground and above-ground structures;

    updating topographical (engineering-topographical) and cadastral plans in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms;

    engineering and hydrographic work;

    geodetic work related to the transfer to nature and alignment of mine workings, geophysical and other engineering survey points;

    geodetic stationary observations of deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures, the earth's surface and thickness rocks in areas of development of hazardous natural and techno-natural processes;

    engineering and geodetic support of information systems of settlements and state cadastres (urban planning, etc.);

    creation (drawing) and publication (reproduction) of engineering topographic plans, cadastral and thematic maps and plans, special-purpose atlases (in graphic, digital and other forms);

    laboratory processing of materials;

    preparation of a technical report.

    Geological and hydrogeological surveys identify bearing capacity, structure, condition, construction properties of soils, groundwater levels, amplitude of their fluctuations, water aggressiveness, etc. The results of this type of research can have a significant impact not only on the design solutions of the foundations of buildings and structures, but also on the organization of construction.

    Hydrometeorological surveys study river basins, lakes, reservoirs, temperature and air humidity, the amount of precipitation, snow cover, wind rose, etc. This data is necessary for the design of not only buildings, structures and their complexes, but also for organizing construction work.

    Soil and geobotanical surveys identify the condition of soils and vegetation to design subsequent landscaping, and during the construction process - to design work on removing vegetation, cutting down trees and shrubs, uprooting stumps, removing and storing for subsequent return of the soil layer, etc.

    Sanitary and hygienic surveys determine the state of the environment and the impact of future construction on it to design environmental and treatment facilities, conditions for the removal and neutralization of industrial and domestic fecal waters, the degree of air pollution, etc.

The quality of surveys largely determines the efficiency of construction and operation of future facilities. There are cases when insufficiently complete surveys or mistakes made led to significant damage associated with the elimination of subsidence of foundations and foundations, landslides, flooding of the territory with flood waters, etc.

Performers of survey work

Engineering surveys for construction must be carried out in the presence of a decision of the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments on preliminary approval of the location of the facility or the provision of a land plot for survey work, a concluded agreement with the land owner, land owner, land user or tenant, and registration of the production of engineering research.

Engineering surveys for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of increased economic, social and environmental risk (1st level of responsibility - unique buildings and structures, main pipelines, communication structures, etc.) must be carried out by specialized design and survey organizations (by type of construction), having licenses to carry out complex engineering surveys on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the involvement, if necessary, of other performers of engineering surveys.

In most cases, survey work is carried out by the general designer, who carries it out either independently or with the involvement of specialized survey organizations. To carry out survey work, there is a network of territorial survey organizations (for example, State Unitary Enterprise "Trest GRII" in St. Petersburg) and design and survey organizations (for example, JSC "Lengiprotrans" in St. Petersburg.) The general design organization concludes an agreement with the survey organization and issues her technical specification, which contains a set of necessary characteristics of the designed object.

Technical task.

The terms of reference for performing engineering surveys for construction, as a rule, should contain the following data and information:

    Object name;

    Type of construction ( New construction, reconstruction, expansion, etc.);

    Information about staging (stage of work), design and construction timeframes;

    Characteristics of designed and reconstructed enterprises (geotechnical categories of objects), levels of responsibility of buildings and structures;

    Characteristics of the expected impacts of construction projects on the natural environment, indicating the limits of these impacts in space and time and environmental impacts on the facility in accordance with the requirements of the standard “Geophysics of hazardous natural impacts”;

    Necessary initial data to substantiate measures for rational use of natural resources and protection of the natural environment, ensuring the sustainability of designed buildings and structures and safe living conditions for the population;

    Information and data on the designed objects, measures for engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures in accordance with regulatory requirements, on the necessary remediation of the territory;

    Goals and types of engineering surveys;

    List of regulatory documents, in accordance with the requirements of which it is necessary to carry out engineering surveys;

    Data on the location and boundaries of the construction site or route;

    Information on previously completed engineering surveys and studies, data on complications observed in the area of ​​the construction site (on site, route) during the construction and operation of structures (deformations and emergency situations);

    Additional requirements for the performance of certain types of engineering surveys, including the industry specifics of the structure being designed;

    Requirements for accuracy, reliability, reliability and availability of necessary data and characteristics during engineering surveys for construction;

    Requirements for the preparation and content of a forecast of changes in natural and man-made conditions;

    Information about the need to carry out research in the process of engineering surveys;

    Requirements for assessing hazards and risks from natural and techno-natural processes;

    Requirements for the composition, timing, procedure and form of presenting survey products to the customer;

    Requirements for the preparation and presentation of an engineering survey program as part of the contractual documentation for approval by the customer;

    Name and location of the customer’s organization, surname, initials and telephone (fax) number of its responsible representative.

Organization of surveys.

Survey work is carried out by expeditions, parties, detachments, teams, which can be complex or specialized. Performers of engineering surveys have the right to establish geodetic points, carry out mining excavations, take samples of soil, air, runoff, emissions, precipitation and industrial waste, perform preparatory and related work on clearing and leveling sites, construction of temporary drainage systems and drains, construction of roads and other engineering structures provided for in the contract with the customer of the survey.

The work is carried out in three periods:


  • desk.

During the preparatory period, the necessary data on the survey object is collected and studied from archives, reference books, reports and other materials, and organizational measures for survey work are outlined; at the same time, the task issued to the survey party is clarified.

During the field period, work is carried out directly at the future construction site. In the process of field work, all fundamental technical solutions for designing the master plan of the enterprise should be outlined. The survey party that carries them out acts on the basis of an assignment issued to it, which clearly states the assigned tasks, lists all the field work to be performed and a list of materials that must be presented as a result of the party’s work. Work at the survey site begins with obtaining from local organizations all materials that can be used to supplement and clarify previously collected information. Measuring instruments used for engineering surveys in construction are subject to state metrological control and supervision carried out by accredited metrological services of the Russian Federation.

During the office period, field materials are processed and a summary report on the research conducted is compiled. Office processing at the last stage is usually carried out at the permanent location of the survey team, where all the necessary conditions and tools are available for this.

Technical report.

Survey products must be transferred to the customer in the form of a technical report on the completed engineering surveys, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and state standards, consisting of text and graphic parts and applications.

In the text part of the technical report, it is necessary to provide information about the objectives of engineering surveys, the location of the area (site, route), the nature of the designed construction projects, types, volumes and methods of work, timing of their implementation and performers of the work, compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the agreement (contract), materials and data from the results of a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory of the construction site (region, district, site, section, route). When presenting information about the performer of engineering surveys, it is necessary to provide information about the state registration of the organization and the name of the body that registered it, the presence of a license for the relevant types of engineering surveys (number, validity period, name of the body that issued the license), and a list of performers. Information on the completeness and quality of the completed engineering surveys must be provided that meets the requirements of regulatory documents on engineering surveys for construction.

The graphic part of the technical report on the completed engineering surveys (comprehensive or certain species engineering surveys) should contain maps, plans, sections, profiles, graphs, tables of parameters (characteristics, indicators), data catalogs containing the main results of the study, assessment and forecast of possible changes in the natural and man-made conditions of the construction site.

The structure and content of a technical report on completed engineering surveys for construction (composition and content of sections, graphic and test documents) must be established in accordance with the requirements of building codes, technical specifications of the customer, nature (type) of construction, industry specifics and level of responsibility of the designed structures, complexity natural conditions and the size of the territory of the construction site, stage (stage) of pre-design and design work.

The appendices to the technical report must include copies of the customer’s technical specifications and registration documents for survey work.

To study the natural conditions of the area, engineering surveys are carried out. They are aimed at helping a person in his economic activity– development of new spaces, construction, search for minerals.

Types of surveys in construction

Depending on the goals, there are main types of engineering surveys:







Geodetic types of survey work are aimed at studying earth and building surfaces, adjusting and leveling them. Geological views are used to determine the rock section earth's crust. Hydrology studies surface and ground water. Geophysical types of engineering surveys are intended to study the structure of natural and artificial materials using certain instruments - seismographs. They detect waves emitted by rocks and diagnose cavities in soils, landslide processes, and the condition of foundations. Ecological species protect the environment. Cadastral surveys are needed to prepare documents and enter plots into the land cadastre.

There are special types of engineering surveys. They are divided into geotechnical, when the deformation characteristics of soils are studied, prospecting for water supply and exploration of mineral deposits for construction work. To design objects for various purposes, such types of engineering surveys as geodesy and site geology are effectively used, which you can order from our company GeoGIS LLC. We have all necessary equipment for high-quality research. There are also permits for the work.

Engineering survey methods

To study soils, groundwater and surface waters use:

    land-based methods include drilling pits and wells, dynamic and static sounding, seismic exploration;

    Aerospace methods are the most reliable and popular when studying instantaneous images from space and drones.

Composition of engineering surveys

Most often, engineering surveys are carried out comprehensively. Geologists can effectively explore the site, the customer will save significant money on this, since all reputable companies will provide him with discounts. The work includes geodesy and geology. If necessary, cadastral works and environmentalists' opinions are ordered. The latter is mandatory when commissioning large residential and industrial facilities.

The types of survey work in construction depend on the goals and wishes of the customer. Usually, this is the compilation of a geo-base with drawing on it the boundaries of the site, significant objects, benchmarks, landscape on a certain scale, allowing you to display and accommodate everything you need. Next comes drilling work. Which method to drill depends on the soils to be examined. If these are loose, weak rocks, which include sands, clays and their derivatives, it is effective to use auger drilling. The rock is collected into a belt on a steel pole. It's easy to learn.

For hard and rocky soils Core drilling is used. The drill is presented in the form of a crown made of hard alloys or diamond, which allows you to drill a well to the desired depth. If access to an object is poor, dynamic or static probing is used. They are carried out with a probe with a cone-shaped tip. A special sensor measures resistivity soils at the end of the drill and on its side surface. This makes it possible to study soil and groundwater levels cheaply and quickly, although not always sufficiently. If you need to know the degree of soil compaction, which is especially important during the construction of structures with complex configurations, the stamp method is relevant.

Engineering research continues in the laboratory. Water and soil samples taken during drilling are examined for composition and properties. They are subjected to various tests. The main thing is to find out what density the soils have, what load they can withstand, how high the groundwater rises during floods and rains.

The results of engineering surveys are documented in technical specifications, a sample of which contains a list of works, the conditions under which they were carried out, conclusions, recommendations and calculations. Technical task is a document that guarantees the quality of all types of engineering survey work. The customer who receives it will be confident that the foundation of the structure will be sufficient, but not overly strong, and groundwater will not flood the basement of the cottage in the spring. In addition, geologists will select a waterproofing material. If soil moisture is high, drainage or drainage will be developed. When building on weak or waterlogged soils, a pile foundation will be designed.

All engineering surveys are carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in GOSTs and SNiPs.

How to calculate the cost of engineering surveys?

Before starting work or designing an object, the customer needs to determine the costs. The Directory of Basic Prices for Engineering Surveys will help you navigate this issue. Do not think that there are prices for all services corresponding to a given time. Experienced developers understand that the cost of work is constantly changing towards growth, therefore they monitor the pricing policy of engineering services on the Internet, and the directory helps to familiarize themselves with the formation of prices according to the category of complexity of the site, applying the appropriate coefficient.