What nightshade looks like. Is black nightshade poisonous or not? Infusion to eliminate pain of various etiologies

The main benefit of black nightshade is its hepatoprotective properties. The plant also has anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and sedative properties.

Characteristics of the crow

An interesting fact about nightshade is that only green berries are considered poisonous. They are rich in the compound solanine, which has a toxic effect on human body. When fully ripe, solanine is destroyed, and ripe fruits are used as a medicinal remedy, as well as for making jam and pie fillings.

Where does it grow

Nightshade is mistakenly considered a weed due to its unpretentiousness. The plant is found in ravines and gullies, on roadsides, field edges, and grows among garden plants and in vegetable gardens. The plant's low requirements for soil allow it to grow on pastures and in weedy places.

The black type of nightshade is widespread in Russia. It grows everywhere, excluding the northern regions. Even in the southern part of Siberia, nightshade is common. It is considered a Eurasian plant artificially introduced into the territory North America. It adapts well to moderate climatic conditions and grows in France, Germany, and Ukraine.

What does it look like

Black nightshade is classified as an annual herb. Unlike other species of this plant, black nightshade does not have particularly beautiful flowers, and therefore is rarely grown on estates or cultivated for subsequent harvesting. As a rule, the need for a plant is satisfied by the number of nightshades growing in natural conditions. The main characteristics are as follows.

  • Stems. Nightshade has erect, massive stems that branch upward. Having a cylindrical shape, the stems may be slightly pubescent.
  • Leaves . Nightshade leaves are simple, do not have stipules, are placed alternately on the stem, with a petiole. The leaf blade has an elongated ovoid shape. The length of large leaves reaches 13 cm, and the width is 8 cm. The leaves have pronounced venation, the surface of the plate is matte, rich green. The edge is usually smooth, but can also be angular-notched.
  • Flowers. The plant has bisexual white flowers with a double perianth and a five-pointed star-shaped corolla. The diameter of one flower can reach a centimeter. Nightshade flowers form umbrella inflorescences, which, due to their specific “drooping”, are called curls. Flowering of the plant begins in May, at favorable conditions may continue until September.
  • Fruits. Fruit ripening begins in August and continues until October. The black, spherical berries reach a centimeter in diameter and have a smooth, almost matte surface.

The use of ripe nightshade fruits for food limits the specific and unpleasant smell. To get rid of it, they practice scalding the berries with just boiled water.

What does the plant contain?

The chemical composition of nightshade is rich and varied, which determines its diverse effects on the human body. The main useful components are as follows.

  • Carotene. It has antioxidant and antitumor properties, reduces the body's susceptibility to aging at the cellular level. Helps normalize protein metabolism, strengthens bone tissue, and regenerates cartilage. Improves tissue respiration processes and regulates metabolism.
  • Glycosides and alkaloids. Represented by dulcamarin, solanine, solacein. The toxic glycoside solanine is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation during the ripening process of berries. Alkaloids have analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative, antihypertensive, and vasodilating properties.
  • Complex of organic acids. Improves metabolism and normalizes digestive processes. Stimulates the synthesis and discharge of bile, exhibiting a hypocholesterolemic effect. Shows vasoprotective and antianemic effects. The antitoxic effect of acids promotes comprehensive cleansing of the body.
  • Tannins. They have astringent, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal properties. Promotes healing of wounds and ulcers. Absorb toxins.
  • Sugar compounds. They are a source of easily digestible carbohydrates and are actively used by the body to accelerate metabolic processes.
  • Ascorbic acid. A natural and powerful antioxidant that can strengthen the immune system and activate energy reactions in cells. Binds and removes toxic products formed as a result of metabolic reactions, slowing down the processes of aging and wear and tear of the body.
  • Rutin. Increases the strength and elasticity of the vascular wall, activates peripheral blood flow. Stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. Normalizes blood and intraocular pressure.
  • Magnesium salts. Necessary for hematopoiesis, strengthening bone tissue, proper functioning of all muscle structures, including the myocardium. Actively participates in the processes of transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Manganese. It is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, the processes of processing fats entering the body, namely: it participates in the synthesis of enzymes necessary for converting lipids into energy.
  • Calcium. The most important electrolyte for the human body, participating in most metabolic processes. Necessary for insulin synthesis and normalization of muscle contractile function.

The composition of nightshade has not been studied thoroughly, however, in folk medicine note its complex beneficial effects on the human body.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, you can use both young shoots of the plant along with inflorescences and leaves, as well as fully mature fruits. Harvesting black nightshade involves two stages.

During active flowering, nightshade grass is collected - its young shoots. They are prepared in three stages.

  1. Cut off the top of the grass, retreating 20 cm from the soil.
  2. They sort through the nightshade shoots for damaged leaves and rotten shoots.
  3. Occurs in a shaded, well-ventilated place. Nightshade is turned regularly until completely dry.

Starting in August, nightshade fruits are harvested. This requires five steps.

  1. Black berries are picked along with the stalks.
  2. The fruits are washed cold water, completely dry from moisture in the open air. Separate the berries from the stalks.
  3. The prepared nightshade fruits are laid out in one layer on a tray lined with paper or cotton cloth. Dry in the shade, turning regularly.
  4. Fresh prepared berries are laid out in one layer on a wide baking sheet. Place in the freezer for two hours, after which the nightshade is poured into a container or bag.
  5. The fruits are covered with sugar, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. After a few hours, crush with a masher into puree or grind through a sieve.

You can prepare black nightshade by making jam from the berries. To do this, boil the berries whole in sugar syrup or boil the prepared puree. If you freeze black nightshade for the winter, you can preserve it beneficial features with minimal losses.

You can store frozen berries until the next harvest. Dried fruits and nightshade grass are stored entirely in boxes, the bottom of which is covered with paper. Shelf life if well ventilated and protected from sunlight, reach eight years of age.

Benefits of black nightshade

Medicinal properties Black nightshade is used to eliminate many ailments. For healers and healers, everything is valuable. aboveground part herbs that are used in the treatment of diseases in various ways. Interesting fact is the selectivity of the action of the plant when preparing its preparations using the same methods. Thus, the infusion can be useful for both internal and external use.

Black nightshade herb has the following effects:

  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • decongestant;
  • painkillers;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antiallergic;
  • sedative.

Application of the herb

The properties of preparations from the nightshade herb are used in the following cases:

  • antispasmodic effect is useful- for diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, therefore, among the indications for use are cholecystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • sedative properties are appropriate- for neuroses, epilepsy;
  • anti-inflammatory effect appears- for skin diseases, including those of autoimmune origin.

Nightshade grass has anthelmintic and antibacterial properties. An aqueous extract from the herb cleanses the blood in cases of furunculosis, lichen, and allergies of unknown origin. Strong herbal infusions are added to medicinal baths. They relieve pain from:

  • rheumatism;
  • sciatica;
  • gout;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis.

Nightshade herb also has bronchodilator and expectorant effects, and therefore is used for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, colds, and tuberculosis.

Application of fruits

Nightshade fruits are used to treat many diseases.

  • Fresh berries. Used internally for hypertension, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, for the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, inflammatory skin diseases, and improvement of the functioning of the visual apparatus.
  • Alcohol extract. It has active sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant properties. Used in the treatment of neurosis, mild forms of neurasthenia.
  • Juice from ripe berries. It has astringent, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, healing properties. It is bred and used to treat eczema, psoriasis, and lichen. This nightshade remedy is suitable for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, sore throat, periodontal disease. Lotions from the solution help fight conjunctivitis. The drug is dripped into the nose for treatment chronic form rhinitis

Nightshade is popularly credited with the ability to heal malignant tumors, including blood cancer. For oncology, extracts from fruits or flowering herbs are often taken. It is believed that the plant cures cirrhosis, as well as hepatitis of any origin, including alcoholic and medicinal. The hypoglycemic effect of nightshade has a positive effect on blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus.

Healers often use nightshade to prepare medications for prostatitis, sexual impotence in men, and nocturnal emissions. The use of black nightshade for ladies occurs with cycle disorders and frigidity. In ancient times, dried fruits were steamed and used as lotions for headaches and brain tumors.

Drug recipes

At home, you can prepare effective medicines from nightshade if you follow the following recipes.

Nightshade ointment

Peculiarities . Nightshade is used to treat any skin damage: mechanical, infectious, trophic, allergic, autoimmune nature. For the best effect, the ointment is applied under a bandage, the exposure time is two to four hours.

Preparation and use

  1. Dried nightshade herb is ground into powder using a mortar or coffee grinder.
  2. A teaspoon of the resulting powder is mixed with four teaspoons vegetable oil. It is better to use olive or chamomile oil.
  3. The resulting product is applied to damaged areas of the skin twice or thrice a day.

Berry juice

Peculiarities . Used for ascites, edema, hypertension, as well as for external use for runny nose, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Preparation and use

  1. A glass of nightshade berries is crushed with a blender or ground through a sieve.
  2. The resulting puree is squeezed through gauze folded in several layers.
  3. A quarter glass of pure juice is diluted with water, adding it to a whole glass.
  4. Gargle with the resulting solution, oral cavity, wash the wounds.
  5. For rhinitis, two or three drops of the solution are instilled into each nasal passage.
  6. For hypertension, cystitis, dropsy, take 30 drops of pure juice daily, washed down with milk or a glass of clean water.

Herbal decoction

Peculiarities . It is used as an antitussive, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic agent.

Preparation and use

  1. A teaspoon of chopped nightshade herb is poured into a cup of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. After complete cooling, strain.
  4. Take a teaspoon of decoction twice a day.
  5. A new portion should be prepared every 48 hours.

Alcohol extract

Peculiarities . Taken orally as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic.

Preparation and use

  1. Keeping the proportion 1:6, dried nightshade fruits are poured with 60% alcohol.
  2. To infuse, the mixture is placed in a cool, dark place for a week.
  3. Every day you need to shake the container.
  4. After the infusion period has expired, the product is filtered.
  5. Take 15 drops orally once or twice a day.


Peculiarities . Nightshade infusion is used to treat headaches, joint pain, stomach pain, as well as for work disorders nervous system. External lotions are made from the warm extract for wounds, ulcers, and boils.

Preparation and use

  1. 5 g of nightshade herb is steamed with a glass of boiling water.
  2. The infusion time is three hours.
  3. After this, filter and apply externally.
  4. The infusion is taken orally up to four times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Late bath

Peculiarities . Increases the body's resistance during the cold season, relieves muscle and joint pain. Eliminates extensive allergic rashes, helps fight psoriasis and eczema.

Preparation and use

  1. Three tablespoons of nightshade herb are poured with two liters of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the herb until it cools completely.
  3. Strain and squeeze out the cake.
  4. The resulting infusion is poured into a bath filled with water.

Treatment of diseases with black nightshade, if preparations from it are taken orally, should be discussed with a doctor. This rule is especially relevant for people suffering from chronic illnesses.

Safety regulations

Contraindications for black nightshade include pregnancy, childhood, and individual intolerance to the plant. It cannot be used when breastfeeding. Even external use can cause adverse effects. TO side effects nightshade includes:

  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • increased diuresis.

According to reviews, the negative effects of the plant appear extremely rarely and only if the recommended dosages are exceeded. Failure to comply with doses is fraught with intoxication of the body, which in the absence of qualified assistance can result in death, since the harm of black nightshade is due to the content of potent substances in it. There is a popular belief that it quickly and effectively eliminates side effects nightshade common bee honey.

The beneficial properties of black nightshade are so extensive that their persistent non-recognition by official medicine is simply surprising. Evidence of the medical value of the plant can be the inclusion of nightshade in the pharmacopoeias of France, Portugal, Holland, England, Turkey, as well as the centuries-old experience of using the herb by the famous ancient healers Avicenna and Hippocrates.

Nightshade black - annual plant genus Paslenov. It is unpretentious and grows in almost any terrain. The culture is widespread throughout Eurasia and North America. Widely used in folk medicine and cooking, it has medicinal properties. It is particularly dangerous - it contains a toxic substance. It should be used with caution. Has a healing effect on the human body. In some countries it is used in cooking.

Description of black nightshade

Black nightshade is an annual herbaceous plant. Judging by the description, it has branched stems of a purple hue and elongated dark green leaves ovoid in shape with denticles along the edges. The flowers are white, umbrella-shaped, small in size. The fruits are round black berries. Usually the plant reaches a height of 10-70 cm. The plant blooms in July-August, and the fruits ripen in August-September.

The berries contain sugar and vitamin C. Green fruits contain solanine, a dangerous substance, an overdose of which can lead to severe poisoning. This poison is destroyed only when the plant is fully mature.

There is in the grass ascorbic acid, carotene and tannins. In addition, the plant contains glycosides and alkaloids.

Australia is considered the birthplace of black nightshade. The plant is widespread in Eurasia and America. The culture is unpretentious and grows well on the banks of rivers and lakes, roadsides, wastelands and ravines. Due to this, it is considered a weed with beneficial properties.

Scope of use and methods of application

Black nightshade is widely used as a medicinal plant in many countries. Both the fruits of the plant and its leafy part are used. The berries should be consumed with extreme caution, as they are poisonous. Initially, the poison is contained in unripe fruits, but is destroyed when fully ripe.

The leaves of the plant are harvested in summer, and the fruits in late autumn. The grass is dried on fresh air, and the berries are placed in special dryers.

In some countries, jam and jelly are prepared from nightshade berries. They are used as a filling in baked goods. In the Caucasus, the leaves of the plant are boiled and eaten. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, berries are doused with boiling water before use.

Healing properties

Since ancient times, the benefits of this culture have been widely known in many countries. It was used for anesthesia during operations and as a sleeping pill. In folk medicine, berries and leaves are widely used due to their wide range of beneficial properties:

  • painkiller – infusion of the herb is used for headaches; plant juice is instilled into the ears (for ear pain), nose (for sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • wound healing – nightshade infusion is used to treat festering wounds, skin rashes, lichen, boils, hemorrhoids;
  • anti-inflammatory for inflammatory processes, use a decoction of the black nightshade herb;
  • expectorant – herbal decoction is used for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, sore throat;
  • diuretic an infusion of nightshade flowers is used;
  • calming – used for neuroses, hysteria, epilepsy to calm the nervous system;
  • anthelmintic – For stomach upsets and against worms, use the berries of the plant.

Precautionary measures

When using black nightshade, it should be taken into account that immature plants contain a toxic substance - solanine. It does not collapse when heat treatment and can cause severe poisoning. If signs of poisoning occur, the victim must be hospitalized immediately.

Nightshade poisoning can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • rapid pulse;
  • stomach pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness.

The plant is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, nursing women and children, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The content of the article:

Black nightshade (lat. Solanum nigrum) is an annual plant from the large Solanaceae family, which includes tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and other crops, a total of 2600 representatives. It has not yet been established exactly which continent is the homeland of nightshade - Eurasia or Australia. Currently, the distribution area is Asia, America and all of Europe. Can reach 1 m in height, stems are solitary and erect. The branches are numerous, spreading, bluish-violet. The leaves are oval, dark green, with serrated edges. The flowers are white, arranged in semi-umbrellas. Ripe berries are black, shiny, with a thin skin, quite juicy, and can reach 1 cm in diameter. Not everyone likes the original taste of the fruit, with a slight bitterness. Common names: bzdnika, voronyazhka, pozdnika, pozdnyaka, witch berry. In Australia, the berries reach a size of 2 cm and are called kangaroo apple. In Russia, black nightshade is found wild everywhere in humid places and is grown in garden plots.

Composition and calorie content of black nightshade

The berry is considered unique in nutritional value. Its calorie content is zero, it contains no proteins or fats, and a minimum of carbohydrates. No matter how much you eat, you won’t gain weight.

But the fruit contains many useful substances:

  • Vitamin P, rutin. Eliminates vascular spasms, reduces arterial and intracranial pressure, stabilizes heart rate, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and stops the production of histamine.
  • Carotene. Slows down age-related changes, prevents malignancy and accelerates the formation of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid. Its content is 180 mg per 100 g, increases the body's defenses, accelerates recovery during the epidemic season, and participates in all oxidative and reduction processes.
  • Calcium. It is the main component of bone tissue, stabilizes impulse conductivity, normalizes contractions of muscle fibers.
  • Magnesium. Promotes stable functioning of the urinary and digestive systems and in combination with calcium strengthens bone tissue.
  • Manganese. Stabilizes lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
There are other substances in the fruit pulp that can be used to judge the benefits and harms of black nightshade for the body. They give the plant beneficial medicinal properties:
  1. Sahara. They increase the body's energy reserve, but can also cause an increase in glucose levels.
  2. Glycoalkaloids. They have an anesthetic and sedative effect, increase blood clotting, but there is a possibility of causing intoxication. One of the dangerous glycoalkaloids - solanine - is poisonous. After the fruit ripens, solanine is completely destroyed.
  3. Organic acids. They help normalize hematopoiesis, increase the strength of vascular walls, dissolve bad cholesterol, remove toxins, but when accumulated in the body they can cause nausea and dizziness.
  4. Tannins. They have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the rate of peristalsis. Ripe fruits of black nightshade contain up to 10% tannin.
  5. Glycosides. They dilate blood vessels, stimulate the production of sputum, improve expectoration, and inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Per 100 g of ripened nightshade - 1630 mg of saponins.
The most dangerous substance that is part of the glycosides is dulcamarin. Its positive properties include increasing the body's defenses, and its negative properties include the possible development of respiratory failure.

Beneficial properties of black nightshade

The fruits can be eaten only after full ripening. But for medicinal purposes, ripe and unripe berries, leaves and roots of the plant are used.

Benefits of black nightshade:

  • Normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, has a sedative effect;
  • Eliminates tachycardia, normalizes heart rhythm;
  • Has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, destroys bacteria and viruses, stops the vital activity of some types of fungal flora;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Reduces temperature by increasing sweating;
  • Accelerates the regenerative properties of the body, healing of wounds and erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and internal organs;
  • Stimulates the production of sputum, facilitates expectoration, relieves spasms of the respiratory tract;
  • Stops the development of inflammatory processes, prevents malignant degeneration of cells;
  • Reduces blood pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Reduces the manifestation of painful symptoms in rheumatism and arthritis;
  • Helps get rid of vasomotor rhinitis and chronic sinusitis;
  • It has a choleretic effect and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes.
Traditional healers use black nightshade to treat almost all diseases - from chronic to infectious. Traditional medicine even tries to stop the growth of metastases with the help of fruits.

Contraindications and harms of black nightshade

The main contraindication to consuming black edible nightshade is the immaturity of the berries. The greener the fruits, the more toxic compounds they contain.

In case of mild poisoning, the pressure decreases, a slight sore throat is felt, as at the onset of a sore throat, salivation increases, and diarrhea appears.

Severe intoxication is dangerous for the body. Symptoms of poisoning: diarrhea intensifies and becomes uncontrollable, vomiting begins, nervous excitement gives way to drowsiness, the breathing rhythm is disrupted, the pulse quickens, and cyanosis occurs.

If help is not provided in time, tachycardia gives way to bradycardia, the sphincters relax, and the victim falls into a coma.

Even very ripe crowberry fruits should not be consumed:

  1. At chronic diseases and dysfunction of the liver and pancreas;
  2. With increased flatulence and a tendency to diarrhea;
  3. For chronic hypotension;
  4. For polyvalent allergies, since the product has high allergenic properties.
Berries should not be added to the diet of children under 3 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

It is very important to observe moderation when consuming black nightshade. Even if you overeat ripe fruits, you can get poisoned.

How to eat black nightshade

Nightshade berries are very easy to pick as they grow in clusters. Collection begins at the end of July and continues almost until the end of November.

Let's look at how black nightshade is eaten. Make sure that the berry is absolutely ripe, the skin has turned black and shines in the light, remove the stalks, which contain toxic compounds, wash and enjoy the taste.

If the harvest is plentiful, the berries can be prepared for future use: dried, made into jam or compote. Dried fruits retain their beneficial properties when stored in a dry, dark place for 8 years.

Black nightshade recipes

The taste of desserts made from these fruits is original; at the same time, bitterness, sourness and juicy sweetness are felt. In Russia, the berries are more often used as an independent product, but Canadians prefer to combine it in dishes with lemon or ginger.

Recipes with black nightshade:

  • Pie. Typically, baking pies begins with making the dough, but in the case of black nightshade, it is recommended to make the filling first. Ripe berries are mixed with sugar in an enamel pan, in equal proportions by weight, stirred and wait 15 minutes for the juice to appear. Then cook over low heat, stirring constantly so as not to burn. The finished filling turns purple and tastes like blueberry jam. While the filling is being prepared, knead the dough. For kneading you need: 3 or a little more glasses of flour, a glass of kefir, 1/5 of a glass of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of salt and sugar, a packet of quick baker's yeast. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, put it in a warm place to rise. Knead the dough once after the bubbles appear, and the second time it is rolled out into a layer. The oven is heated to 200°C, the pan is greased with sunflower oil - it is better to place oiled parchment under the cake. Place on an oiled baking sheet most dough, stuff the filling on top, fold the edges. Then a lattice is formed from the remaining dough, the ends are secured with the edges of the pie. Grease the lattice and edges of the pie with beaten yolk. Bake for 20-30 minutes.
  • Canadian black nightshade jam. Syrup is made from 2 kg of sugar; the juice of one lemon is used instead of water. When the sugar is completely dissolved, 2 kg of washed and dried berries are dipped into it. Bring to a boil, set aside, and allow to cool completely. Bring to a boil and set aside another 4-5 times. During the last cooking, pour the juice of 2 more lemons into the pan, let it boil so that the liquid evaporates, and just before turning it off, add a few mint leaves.
  • Simple jam. Berries, 600 g, are poured with syrup made from 600 g of sugar, diluted with a glass of water. Leave the pan overnight until the berries release their juice. In the morning, place the container on the fire and cook until the berries become soft. Then they are ground and boiled again. It should boil down by at least 1/3.
  • Quince jam. For 1 kg of ripe black nightshade berries you need to take 13-15 quince fruits. The quince is washed, poured with boiling water as a whole, left for 8-9 hours, changing the water 2-3 times. Then the fruit is cut into small slices and mixed with nightshade. Bring the fruit mixture to a boil over low heat, adding 2 cups of water. Boil for 1-2 minutes, leave to stand until the juice is released. After 6-8 hours, add 1.5-1.6 kg of sugar and cook as usual jam. If there is no quince, it can be replaced with winter apples. Only in this case should the cooking process be controlled so that the apples do not become overcooked.
  • Caviar with nightshade. Ripe berries, 0.5 kg, lightly crushed, fried on a tablespoon sunflower oil. Vegetables - chopped onion and 2 carrots - are fried separately. Then the whole roast is mixed, peppered and salted to taste, a tablespoon of sugar is added and passed through a meat grinder with parsley. The caviar is brought to a boil, preferably in a frying pan, so that it is convenient to stir. No need to add oil. Eat cold as a snack.
Jam made from ripe berries can be consumed without restrictions.

Various drinks can be prepared from the fruits:

  1. Wine. Soft but not spoiled apples are mixed with nightshade berries in a 1:1 ratio and blended in a blender. Add sugar - a little more than half a teaspoon per 0.5 kg, pour everything into a glass jar. Leave for 4 days, covering the neck with two layers of gauze. After this time, pour 50 g of sugar into the jar and fill it with water - the ratio of water to berry puree is 1:10. Leave to ferment for 3 months. The finished wine has a very beautiful purple hue.
  2. Liquor. Cover 1 kg of berries with sugar - 1.2 kg. When they give juice, put the container on the fire and cook until the liquid evaporates and the contents of the pan are reduced by 1/4. Remove from heat, let cool until room temperature, mixed with an equal amount of vodka by volume. Then the berries are crushed and the mixture is poured into bottles, wearing a rubber glove on each one. One finger is pierced. When fermentation is over, the liquid is filtered, bottled, and left for a month. dark place, to “finish the game.” For taste you can add cinnamon, ginger, citrus juice.
If you infuse fresh berries into vodka without boiling them, the drink can only be used for medicinal purposes, no more than 60 drops per day. Alcohol tincture black nightshade improves immunity, normalizes blood pressure, but also speeds up the heart rate.

Black nightshade is rarely consumed. Few people know that ripe berries are not only safe, but also healthy.

The healing properties of the plant have been known since ancient times. Hippocrates recommended eating berries to eliminate nocturnal emissions, Dioscorides used them to treat erosive damage to the esophagus and eliminate intoxication, and Avicenna made sedatives and eliminated migraines. Avicenna gave preference to unripe fruits.

In England, it was believed that eating black nightshade could make you go crazy, and the bushes surrounding the villages were mercilessly destroyed. But in Germany, ripe fruits with branches were placed in children's cradles to protect babies from evil spirits.

The French believed that nightshade was useful for light- and red-haired women of asthenic build - it increased their vitality. It was in this country that the pronounced warming effect of ripe fruits and drinks made from them was noticed.

Rootstock is made for wild-growing black nightshade bell pepper. The fruits obtained from such a bush have a pronounced tart taste, and their seeds are more viable.

Dyes for natural fabrics are made from berries of different ripeness: blue, green and dark blue. Such materials are valued by fashion designers from fashion houses.

Nightshades are called witch berries because of their color changing properties. When making drinks, purple foam appears, and then the entire liquid changes color. When fermented, it shimmers like opal. Truly a magic potion.

Knowing what to cook from black nightshade, you are unlikely to pass by it when you meet it on the river bank or on the lawn. The taste of the fruits is original, you can experiment with them, combine them with oranges, and add them to cocktails.

Watch the video about black nightshade berry:

It is very important to remember that you can only pick ripe berries. If you ignore this recommendation, you may get poisoned.

Black nightshade is a herbaceous annual that is found throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia. Many people think that this is a useless and poisonous weed, but in fact, it has strong healing properties.

People call the black nightshade plant differently - black nightshade, bzdnika, late... Science christened this herbaceous plant Solanum nigrum and classified it as a member of the nightshade family.

Nightshade has its own distinctive features, by which it is very easy to recognize:

  • leaves are oval-shaped with a serrated edge;
  • straight branched stem;
  • miniature snow-white flowers collected in umbrellas;
  • spherical fruits of black or dark purple color, resembling blueberries.

It blooms in the second half of summer, the fruits ripen in August and early autumn. It can often be found on the banks of reservoirs, landfills, vegetable gardens, ravines, and roadsides.

The benefits of bzdnik for the human body

The benefits and harms of this herb have long been discussed by scientists. Although nightshade has been recognized as beneficial medicinal plant, but you still need to use it very carefully.

Pozdnik is also used externally to quickly eliminate itching, redness, and purulent skin lesions.

Poisonousness and medicinal properties of late fruit

Many people do not know whether nightshade is poisonous or not. Unripe fruits do contain the toxic substance corned beef, but ripe berries do not. It transforms into other forms and loses its toxicity.

But nightshade contains many useful substances:

  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • glycosides;
  • ascorbic acid.

The plant has strong wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties.

This makes it possible to use it to treat such diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • fever;
  • neuroses of various kinds;
  • rheumatism;
  • gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hysteria;
  • cystitis;
  • scrofula;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • headache.

Externally, preparations based on nightshade are used to treat skin rash, pustular skin diseases, boils and lichens.

Voronyazha in folk medicine

This plant has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. Hippocrates wrote about its properties. In official medicine medicinal properties This plant is not documented, but this does not prevent traditional healers from actively using it to treat various diseases in the form of decoctions, infusions, juice and ointments. For medicinal purposes, the herb is harvested along with the leaves in the second half of summer, and the berries are harvested at the end of summer.

The most common traditional medicine recipes:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. You need to take 2 tsp. leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 1/3 hour before meals.
  • Rheumatism. For 1 tsp. inflorescences take 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, take 1 tbsp. l. before main meals.
  • Atherosclerosis, hypertension. It is enough to eat 5 - 6 ripe berries every day.
  • Asthma, headaches. To prepare the decoction you need to take 1 tsp. dry raw materials per 200 ml hot water. Boil for ¼ hour over low heat. Cool the cooled broth and dilute with boiled water.
  • Weakened immunity. Pour a handful of berries with alcohol, leave for 4-5 days and take 20 drops, diluting them in a glass of water.
  • Sore throat, laryngitis. You need 3 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice diluted in 100 ml warm water, leave for 30 minutes and gargle.
  • Pustular skin diseases. In such cases, compresses made from strained infusion of leaves are very useful. 4 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiled water and leave for at least 3.5 hours.

The juice of ripe berries is used to improve vision in old age, as well as to eliminate insomnia. It can also be instilled into the sinuses for sinusitis and rhinitis.

Nightshade is especially useful for women. It normalizes the cycle and has a beneficial effect on the body both with scanty and heavy bleeding.

The use of bzdnik in cooking

Ripe berries are often used as food. They are used to make preserves, jams, jelly, and compotes. The sweet preparations are then used as filling for various pies. The black nightshade berry has a specific smell that can be removed by pouring boiling water over it. The scalded fruits are then used for their intended purpose.

Making berry jelly is very simple. The fruits need to be ground through a fine sieve, pour boiling water over them, bring to a boil, strain, add starch and cook until thickened.

In the Caucasus, young leaves are even used as an ingredient for salads.

Possible harm from black nightshade

The following contraindications should be mentioned:

  • diarrhea;
  • hypotension;
  • severe pancreatic diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood.

Long-term consumption of berries large quantities can cause dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, heaviness in the head and even convulsions.

Signs of plant poisoning

Mild poisoning is accompanied by a sore throat, nausea and diarrhea.

In severe cases, a person complains of the following symptoms:

  • severe vomiting;
  • frequent and loose stools;
  • severe weakness and dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • profuse wet cough;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • dilated pupils;
  • speech disorder;
  • dyspnea;
  • convulsions.

Even death from cardiac or respiratory arrest is possible.

Signs of late potato poisoning resemble poisoning from bleached or green potatoes. The patient may even lose consciousness. The victim urgently needs to be taken to a medical facility, where his stomach will be washed and prescribed necessary medications. If it is not possible to take the patient to a doctor, you need to rinse his stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Most often, poisoning occurs in children who eat attractive-looking unripe berries of bright scarlet color. Therefore, if there are kids in the house, you definitely shouldn’t leave nightshade bushes on the property.

Under no circumstances should unripe berries be consumed as food or as medicine. All parts of the plant except ripe berries are toxic. Corned beef can cause severe poisoning, but it does not break down even with prolonged heat treatment.

You can be treated with nightshade only after preliminary consultation with a herbalist and only under his supervision.

The stem is erect with abundant branching. The foliage is slightly pubescent, with a jagged edge, lanceolate, narrowed towards outside. The veins are clearly visible, on the back of the leaf slightly protruding above the surface.

Flower buds collected in half-umbrellas are white or with a slight greenish tint. In place of the flowers, single berries are formed, reaching 0.7-0.8 cm in diameter when ripe. Initially green, upon reaching maturity they turn black, becoming shiny anthracite-colored balls. For decorative purposes, it is most often not black nightshade that is grown, but pepper-shaped nightshade, whose berries gradually become orange or orange-red.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the “Black” nightshade plant in the photo below:

Home care

Black nightshade is not picky, it pleases with the splendor of its crown with timely watering and optimal lighting for the species.

Care after purchase

First steps:

Check the humidity of the substrate, water if necessary(an abundance of fallen leaves and berries may indicate both insufficient watering and overwatering; a sign of excess moisture is blackening of the base of the stem).

Place black nightshade on the window with good lighting(V summer period the south window is slightly shaded).
After quarantine, following the rules of replanting, the bush is transplanted into a new, slightly larger flowerpot.

Quarantine measures:

  • keeping the black nightshade bush separate from other existing plants (4-5 days);
  • inspection for the presence of pests (spider mites, whiteflies, aphids).


Black nightshade is a highly growing crop, so potted specimens have to be systematically trimmed.


Water requirements:

  • room temperature;
  • stood for at least 10 hours;
  • preferably soft.

In summer, black nightshade is watered more abundantly, given temperature regime, pot volume, in winter – moderately, once a week. In hot weather, it is useful to spray the bush early in the morning or evening.


Soil acidity should be between 6.5 and 7.5 pH. A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the flowerpot, on top of which nutritious light soil is poured.


The bush is removed from the flowerpot along with the earthen lump.

If the roots of the plant are excessively large and have already formed a couple of rings, then they are carefully cut off with sharp scissors.

Growing from seeds at home

Even planting material from fruits on bushes that have survived the winter under open air(unless the winter is very harsh).

Friendly shoots from seeds sown in fertile soil appear on the 9th–10th day. After the formation of the third pair of leaves the most powerful sprouts can be moved to separate pots(or leave the most attractive one in the flowerpot).


Like all representatives of the black nightshade species, it reproduces well by seeds and cuttings. To clone a bush, a healthy branch is carefully separated from the main trunk and placed in a glass of water. After many roots appear, the cuttings are rooted into the ground.

IMPORTANT! For better survival of the baby branch, it is better to remove existing flowers and fruits from it. The cut site on the parent bush can be sprinkled with crushed charcoal.


Without shading black nightshade does not tolerate heat above 30 degrees. Kills when frozen. For potted crops, the minimum acceptable threshold is 10 degrees Celsius.


Nightshade black photophilous, but is afraid of excess direct sunlight. The best place in the house: east, west, south windows. In the latter case, shading is recommended in summer.

Benefits and harms

Nightshade “Black” is poisonous, so it will harm anyone who decides to use any parts of the bush or unripe berries for food. But among herbalists, black nightshade is held in high esteem because it is used to prepare medicinal infusions, lotions and other similar products. The plant is not used in traditional domestic medicine.

Some housewives prepare jams and a filling for baking from ripe nightshade berries.

REFERENCE! Properly prepared for subsequent use, the plant retains its beneficial properties for at least 5 years.

Poisonous or not?

Nightshade "Black" is poisonous.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

When used skillfully, the various parts of the plant:

Any medicinal or food products, prepared with the use of some parts of black nightshade, should not be taken:

  1. For allergy sufferers.
  2. For children.
  3. Pregnant.
  4. Nursing.
  5. Hypotonics.
  6. In violation of recommended standards.

First aid for poisoning

The victim needs rinse the stomach and take it to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible.

Diseases and pests

The plant has good resistance to most typical plant diseases, but may be susceptible to invasion aphids, spider mite , whiteflies.

Against insects It is advisable to use insecticides of any type.

Against ticks Prevention is effective in the form of maintaining optimal humidity through systematic spraying in the summer and with the onset of the heating season.

Black nightshade, like many other nightshades, has attracted the attention of flower growers due to its long flowering period and the decorative attractiveness of its fruits.

Healers and herbalists value this poisonous plant for its widespread distribution and ability to help in the fight against many diseases.

Useful video

You can visually see the nightshade “Black” in the video below:

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