Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. Moscow and suburban kindergartens in the summer Active leisure for preschool children

From 2016-10-02 to 2017-31-05, I took the TOPIC "Active recreation of children in the system of the motor regime of a preschool institution" for self-education.


Active rest of children in the system

motor regime of children


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………

1. The value of organizing outdoor activities for children in a preschool institution.

1.1. The essence and content of the concept of "physical activity" in relation to preschool children ……………………………

1.2. The peculiarity of planning active rest in the system of the motor regime in preschool children ................................. ................................. ..............

1.3. Organization of active recreation for children in the motor regime of a preschool institution ……………………………………………………….

1.4. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ..

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….


A child is a person with a constant need for movement. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a healthy child motionless, although now sedentary children can be found more and more often among our pupils. It is no coincidence that in recent years one of the main topics of medical and pedagogical literature has become the study of factors that affect the health and performance of a growing child's body. One of these factors is the physical activity of children (DA).

According to the specialist M.A. Runova, only DA, which is within the optimum values, has a beneficial effect on the body. So, with hypokinesia (reduced DA), a number of negative consequences for the child arise: there is a violation of the functions and structure of a number of organs, the regulation of metabolism and energy, the body's resistance to changing external conditions decreases. Hyperkinesia (excessive physical activity) also violates the principle of optimal physical activity, which can lead to overstrain of the cardiovascular system and adversely affect the development of the child's body.

Even in the studies of prominent Soviet and foreign psychologists L.S. Vygotsky (1956), A.V. Zaporozhets (1967), J. Piaget (1956), D. Bruner (1981) showed the presence of a direct correlation between the nature of motor activity and the manifestations of perception, memory, thinking and emotions in children of different ages.

It is known that as a result of educational activities associated with long-term maintenance of a static posture, fatigue develops in children, activity, attention decreases, and perception decreases. Exercise causes active work of muscles, and this in turn increases blood circulation and thereby increases the intensity of the heart, activates activity nervous system, increases the tone of the whole organism, restores efficiency.

The study of special literature indicates that the effectiveness of the educational process in kindergarten largely depends on the correct organization of the motor regime in kindergarten. It is especially important to rationally alternate the educational activities of children with active rest.

Purpose of the work: to reveal the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective use of physical culture holidays, leisure, health days in the development of physical activity of children.


To study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research problem.

Select physical culture events: holidays, leisure, health days that contribute to the development of physical activity and test them in practice.

In order for children to grow up healthy and cheerful, in order to create favorable conditions for solving the whole complex of tasks of their mental, moral and physical development, it is necessary to follow the appropriate alternation of work and rest, a certain frequency of mental activities and physical exercises, games, entertainment. The diverse activities of children, saturated with emotional games, exercises carried out in the fresh air as entertainment, contribute to the physical recovery of children, relaxation of the body after mental stress, and strengthening of their health.

Motor activity is the child's natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the all-round development and upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to create the prerequisites for providing children with a rational level of DA.

When developing a rational motor regime in our preschool institution, we tried not only to ensure that the biological needs of children for physical activity were satisfied, but also to provide for a rational content of DA based on the optimal ratio different types classes, selected taking into account age and individual characteristics.

The motor activity of children should correspond to their experience, interests, desires, functional capabilities of the body, which forms the basis of an individual approach to each child. Therefore, we try to organize a variety of children's motor activity, its diversity, as well as the fulfillment of the main tasks and requirements for its content.

The basis of the motor regime in the kindergarten is made up of physical culture and health-improving classes: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical exercises in classes with mental stress, as well as running in the air, gymnastics after sleep.

The second place in the motor mode of children is taken directly by educational activities in physical education - as the main form of teaching motor skills and the development of optimal DA for children, which are carried out three times a week.

In addition to organized types of physical culture classes in the daily routine of children in our kindergarten, independent motor activity takes a significant place. Here, the main condition is the correct guidance by adults of this type of activity of children, aimed at a variety of games and movements, without suppressing the initiatives of children.

Of no small importance in the motor mode is active recreation of children. It is absolutely impossible to imagine the life of children in our kindergarten without fun leisure and entertainment, noisy holidays and competitions, interesting games and exciting attractions during health days! Interesting content, humor, musical arrangement, games, competitions, a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity.

Various types of outdoor activities develop children's intelligence, ingenuity, imagination and creativity, but they are united by one common thing - raising the child's need for movement and emotional perception of life. Conducting sports leisure, physical culture holidays and health days is designed to satisfy the natural need of children for movement and to promote their timely mastery of motor skills and abilities, to form a positive self-esteem, an analytical attitude towards oneself and the activities of comrades.

Such work with children in kindergarten is also valuable in that it creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, as it has a great influence on the development of mental abilities, education of character, will, morality, creates a spiritual attitude, awakens interest in self-expression, contributes not only to better learning knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. The use of music in these activities makes it fun and effective. It cheers up, organizes the movement of children and facilitates their assimilation. When holding sports events, organizing leisure and entertainment, children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions.

The practice of our work convinces that the interaction of the kindergarten team and the parents makes the active rest of the children more emotional, intense, contributes to family cohesion.

Experience of conducting physical culture holidaysin our preschool institution showed their positive influence on the solution of a wide range of health-improving and educational tasks. The widespread use of various game techniques, game riddles, music contributes to

positive emotional mood of children, active use of previously acquired motor skills and abilities. Overly mobile children develop the ability to complete the task to the end, showing attentiveness and achieving accuracy of execution; sedentary children learn to navigate well and freely in space, participate with interest in collective games, showing quick reaction, agility and flexibility. Joint activities of children, overcoming various difficulties together, achieving a common team result - all this unites the children's team. Children empathize with each other, maintain good relations with each other, take care of weaker, shy children, encouraging and supporting them with exclamations, worry about team results, strive for victory

Sports events in kindergarten can be held at any time of the year - in the hall and on the site, but the holidays organized in the open air bring the greatest benefit for the improvement and hardening of children. The content and duration of the holiday largely depends on the season and the conditions in which it takes place. So, when holding winter holidays in the fresh air, the temperature should be at least - 8 C, the weather should be calm, and the duration should not exceed 40 -45 minutes. At the same time, physical exercises and games typical for winter are used - games and exercises on sledges, skis, elements of a game of hockey, games - relay races on snow, ice paths, etc. And the duration of the holidays held in the hall and in the fresh air in the summer is up to 90

min. In summer, relay games are held with running, jumping, throwing at a target and at a distance, exercises in balance, competitions on bicycles and scooters, elements of sports games (basketball, football), funny attractions.

For a successful celebration, a program and script are being developed, taking into account the existing material base and sports equipment; musical material is selected, paraphernalia, costumes for fairy-tale characters are made, prizes are purchased to encourage the participants of the holiday.

Almost the entire staff of the kindergarten takes part in the preparation of the holiday. Educators carry out preliminary work with children: they read literary works, conduct conversations on various topics, depending on the content of the script, play outdoor games, prepare team emblems, attributes, consider thematic illustrations in books, postcards, booklets, draw plot pictures and fairy-tale characters ; physical education teacher - develops a script and selects sports exercises, outdoor games, games - relay races, contests, competitions, a music director - selects musical material.

On the day of the holiday, in order to create a relaxed atmosphere and a cheerful mood, we decorate part of the territory of the kindergarten where the holiday is planned, depending on the season. The opening of the holiday can be very diverse. We start it with a parade of participants and building teams around tables with the team's logo and name. This is followed by the greeting of the teams in the form of a motto, reflecting in its text the name of the team, the presentation of the judges. And the fairy tale begins ... because most often the script is based on a fairy tale - that which is close, understandable and loved by our children. They become the protagonists and, being in the center of the plot, rejoice, empathize, actively “fight” against evil, achieving the victory of good, thus receiving not only a sports and emotional, but also a moral charge.

Holiday scenarios are developed by us in such a way as to exclude a long stay of children in one place. They include mass warm-ups and entertainment, general outdoor games, overcoming obstacle courses, and competitions.

The competition program is designed in such a way that all children, even physically poorly prepared, can participate in them. Fun exercises, games are selected on the basis of program material for the corresponding age group. The purpose of the competition can be to familiarize children with physical education, popularize certain sports or movements, summarize the results of training sessions, determine the physical fitness of children, etc. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up and the winning team is determined. However, we award all teams with certificates of honor in different nominations. For example, "for the will to win", "the most friendly team", "the most athletic team", etc. Prizes are received by all children participating in the holiday, so that all children have a festive, cheerful mood. After the end of the award ceremony, the host of the holiday and fairy-tale characters say goodbye to the children until the next competition. Well-chosen games, entertainment exercises, active participation of all children in the holiday contribute to health improvement, teach them to have active rest.

Along with physical education holidays, physical culture leisureas an organized form of active recreation for children. Physical culture leisure does not require special training, it is based on material familiar to children and is carried out with several groups that are similar in age. Leisure activities are available for all ages

groups on vacation days and once - twice a month, lasting 30 - 50 minutes. Various forms of physical culture leisure in terms of content and organization are possible. Some develop ingenuity, others - creativity and ingenuity, others - imagination and memory, but they all have a common task - to educate children in the need for movement and an emotional perception of life.

Here are some options for physical education.

First option.Leisure is based on games and exercises that are well known to children. Initially, children are offered games of low and medium mobility, such as "The sea is worried", "Do it this way", "An even circle", etc. These games develop children's imagination, ingenuity and fantasy. Then children participate in various attractions, performing motor tasks in a playful way. It is advisable to select the content of the games taking into account the level of YES of children. It is better for children with high YES to offer games exercises for balance, for attention. For children with low YES - games of exercises such as "Take your house", "Fishing rod", "Dash", etc. Then, after a short rest, children are offered games of a competitive nature: "Who will build the pyramid faster", "Tug", "Winders", etc. At the end, games with a low degree of mobility are held with the children.

Second option.Physical culture leisure can consist of some sports games with elements of football, basketball, hockey. However, the use of this option is possible only if all children are well versed in the elements of sports. In this case, an individually differentiated approach is also required. Thus, children with high YES and good physical fitness are offered more complex elements of sports games with a fairly high physical load. Children with low YES, and with delayed motor development

Third option.Leisure activities can also be based on basic movement exercises and sports exercises. This can be: running, jumping, throwing, climbing, crawling on all fours, cycling, jumping rope. The organization should also be based on the principle of an individually - differentiated approach. The first subgroup of children (with high YES) performs exercises aimed at developing attention and accuracy of movements. And the second subgroup of children (with low YES) is offered tasks aimed at developing speed, quickness of reaction.

Fourth option.Physical culture leisure "Merry Starts" is based mainly on games - relay races, well known to children. Each subgroup participates in different relay races with different content and volume of physical activity. For the subgroup with high YES, difficult relays are offered that require attention and accuracy. The second subgroup, with a low YES, is offered easier relay races. Relay games can be repeated no more than 3 - 4 times, between them you can invite children to guess riddles, remember proverbs.

When carrying out all types of physical education, we try to create a positive emotional background that has a beneficial effect on the body of children, through the introduction of fairy-tale characters, musical accompaniment, funny rides and relay races, outdoor games.

Great opportunities for improving children's health and improving their physical and emotional well-being give health days, which are held, as a rule, once a quarter. Traditional teaching sessions are not conducted during this time. This whole day is dedicated to activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening health,

the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to take care of your body and the desire to take care of it.

Health Day is held outdoors. Diverse and interesting physical activity, a long stay in the fresh air contribute to the physical recreation of children after mental work, health improvement, hardening of the body, teach them to active rest. Play activities are organized in a calm atmosphere, without haste, they should create a cheerful mood in children. The program of this day includes outdoor games, play exercises, elements of sports games and exercises, merry relay races, entertainment and fun, overcoming various natural obstacles. The basis of the program is made up of fun and interesting physical exercises and tasks for children, including the acquired motor skills. This content allows you to spend your health days emotionally, with great physical activity.

The content of physical exercises is the motor activity of children, typical for this season. For example, in winter you can organize sledding on level ground or downhill with various agility tasks; games with a stick, puck or ball; throwing snowballs at the target, building snow sculptures, various competitions such as "Who will roll the biggest snowball", taking a snow fort, etc.

Preparation for the day of health begins in advance. It is necessary to think over the scenario of this event: starting from receiving children and ending with going home. As well as music, medical care.

Determination and regulation of loads on this day require special attention of teachers. An important condition for the successful management of loads is their dosage, which is carried out in various ways, the choice

which depends on the pedagogical tasks, the characteristics of the exercises used and the conditions for their application. The load should be regulated in accordance with the age of children, physical fitness, health. Intense games, relay races should alternate with entertainment, attractions, musical numbers. It is necessary to give this type of rest an arbitrary character, not to force children to compulsorily perform the intended types of games and entertainment. Children should be active themselves, strive to participate in games and exercises. Successful health day is the result of well-coordinated and organized work of the entire kindergarten team.

This work presents scenarios of sports events that were held in our kindergarten.


Physical activity has a great impact on the health and life of the child. Without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy.

Active recreation for children is not only the ability to move, but also a cheerful, healthy atmosphere of games and entertainment. And success in creating interesting sports events, leisure and health days is determined by a creatively working educator. Only he, the “acting director”, is able to transform the everyday motor experience of children into problem-creative activity.

Special pedagogical literature and the experience of colleagues from other preschool institutions are of great importance in planning and developing scenarios for sports events, leisure, entertainment and health days. When analyzing the available literature on this issue, I was especially interested in the manuals for practitioners of preschool educational institutions: "Sports holidays in kindergarten" by N. Lukonina and L. Chadova, "Winter sports holidays" by N. Silyuk, T. Dadonova, "Sports holidays and entertainment "a group of authors-teachers publishing house ARKTI," Physical education in kindergarten: a creative school for preschool children "author N.N. Ermak.

The joint work of teachers, methodologists, parents in organizing children's active recreation forms a value-orientational unity, gives rise to traditions, improves the organizational structure of the children's team, which will subsequently lead to an increase in each child's level of cultural and leisure activities, the effective implementation of educational and cognitive opportunities in it.


  1. Antonov Yu.E., Kuznetsov M.N. Healthy preschooler. - M., 2008.- p. 164.
  2. Baranova Z.P. Let the child grow up healthy. - M., 2000. - S.92-93.
  3. Vavilova E.N. Learn to run, jump, climb, throw. - M. 1983.
  4. Doskin V.A. Growing healthy. - M., 1983
  5. Ermak N.N. Physical education in kindergarten: creative school for preschool children. M., 1992.
  6. Lysova V.Ya. Sports events and entertainment. - M., 1980.
  7. Lukonina N. I. Physical culture holidays in kindergarten. - M., 2000.
  8. Makhanova M.D. Raising a healthy child. - M., 2000
  9. Minyaeva S.V. Outdoor games at home and on the street. - M., 1985.
  10. N.A. Notkina The influence of physical exercises on different orientations on the formation of the motor ability of older preschool children // Author's abstract. Cand. diss. - L., 1980
  11. Runova M.A. Physical activity of a child in kindergarten. - M., 2000.
  1. Silyuk N.A., Dadonova T.L. Winter sports holidays.
  2. Shishkina V.A. Movement + movement. - M., 1992
  3. Yakovlev V.V. Physical education of children in the family. - M., 1992

Theme Active leisure for preschoolers

Conducting active recreation, namely: physical culture leisure and physical culture holidays contributes to:

  1. Health promotion and hardening of children, because exercise in the air.
  2. Creation of a cheerful holiday mood for children and adults.
  3. consolidation of children's motor skills in basic movements and sports exercises.
  4. The development of physical qualities in children: dexterity, speed, flexibility, speed-strength qualities, orientation in space.
  5. Awakening the interest of children in physical exercise, stimulating the desire of children to engage in physical education, instilling independence and initiative of children in games.
  6. The upbringing of moral and volitional character traits, determination, perseverance, courage, friendliness.
  7. The formation of positive habits and moral qualities in the process of active recreation: benevolence, readiness to help out a friend, to intercede for him, if necessary; the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of game partners.
  8. The development of the creative initiative of children, the ability to create, implement play ideas, independently organize outdoor and other games, coordinate their actions with each other, behave in accordance with the plot of a sports holiday, the role and rules of the game assumed.
  9. Involve parents in preparation and active participation in the event with their children. Which leads to the unification of adults and children with common goals.
  10. Creation of a stable gaming team, united by common interests, mutual sympathy, comradely relations.

Active rest (physical education and holidays) bring joy and pleasure to children. They instill a respect for toys and materials, the habit of independently maintaining order in the toy household. Active rest is a means of active physical development of preschoolers.

According to the famous Soviet physiologist N.M. Schelovanov, emotions play a very important role in a child's life.

The most early stage communication of a child with the world is an emotional stage. Thus, a positive emotional environment should be constantly in kindergarten. Various forms of entertainment contribute greatly to this.

Physical culture entertainments occupy a special place in the range of entertainment. Physical activity is enjoyable in itself. Muscular movement is a source of the strongest joy, which I.P. Pavlov called “the feeling of muscle joy”. A moderate muscle load always improves well-being and cheers up. Exercise is the best way to discharge. Physical culture leisure and holidays, with the correct selection of the elements included in them, can become effective remedy impact on the personality of the child. They contribute to the development of thinking, imagination, purposefulness, as well as the formation of a sense of responsibility, they teach to restrain their desires, to show determination.

The organization of outdoor activities does not require special training for children. It builds on familiar material. And if a new one is used, then it should not cause difficulties for children.

When developing a program of physical culture entertainment, you must be guided by the following criteria:

Games and exercises should be varied in terms of motor content and motor characteristics;

The placement of games and exercises in the program must meet the dosage rules: physical activity gradually increases, and in the last task it decreases, but the emotional load increases continuously;

After relay games or other tasks that greatly excite children, it is advisable to plan shows, motor riddles, round dance games and other moments that ensure the organization of the players;

After frontal games of great mobility, tasks should be followed in which more hardy children, mainly boys, act;

Programs are planned 3-4 weeks in advance, so that individual games or exercises leading to them would be included in the plan of educational work and master without haste.

The teacher must:

Choose a venue (hall, stadium, meadow, park) and, taking into account its features, select outdoor games (3-4), accompanying literary and artistic material;

It is necessary to involve children in the preparation of attributes and decorations (posters, badges, landmarks, masks, hats, etc.);

Think over the ways of presenting the game material (in tone and emotional coloring). It is advisable to prepare a scenario in which the content of the moderator's actions should be clearly defined; an interesting and ceremonial start to entertainment, play ideas, a surprise introduction of attributes for games, methods of distributing roles, non-standard assessments of children's actions, rituals for awarding winners in competitions, etc.

Goal:to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe active recreation of children, its importance for the development of children in preschool age; to educate educators, parents, the desire to use various forms of organizing and conducting active recreation for children.

  1. Organization of outdoor activities in a preschool educational institution.
  2. Health days.
  3. Sports holidays.
  4. Physical culture leisure.


  1. V.N. Zamonina. Education of a preschooler. "Vlados", 2004
  2. N.V. Sakratova. Modern technologies for the preservation and strengthening of children's health. "Childhood-Press", 2004

Deficiency of physical activity exerts negative attention on the development of the body, often contributes to the occurrence of significant disorders on the part of various organs and systems, especially in childhood. As a result, the overall development of the child may be delayed. Decrease in physical culture and adaptive capabilities, increasing morbidity.

In this regard, a well-organized daily routine for preschoolers, the correct alternation of classes and active rest, is of particular importance.

Active rest involves a change in mental and physical activity, i.e. includes types of exercise. Movements help to preserve and strengthen the health of the child by "loading" his body with the amount of muscular activity required by age, and also helps to prevent neurotic conditions associated with overstrain of the child's body.

The forms of active recreation for preschoolers include: hiking trips. Physical culture holidays, physical culture leisure, health days.

Correct organization of all types of active recreation in combination with other forms of upbringing and educational work helps to establish an appropriate motor regime. Which helps to improve the functional capabilities of the child's body, the development and improvement of motor qualities. The motor actions, games, entertainment used, bring great joy to children, raise their spirits, and give emotional relaxation.

The combination of different forms of outdoor activities is based on the material of those games. Tasks and actions that are well known to children and do not require additional learning. In order to diversify them, you can use various options, change the conditions of the event, etc.

Health days.

Days of health provide for the prevention of overwork in children, the maximum satisfaction of their natural need for movement, the enrichment of independent motor activity.

Pedagogical requirements for the organization.

Health Day is held at least once a quarter, starting with the second junior group.

Health day is a day of rest. Games and entertainment. All training sessions are canceled, and educational work is aimed at creating conditions for active recreation for children.

When scheduling specific dates for this event, it is necessary to take into account such forms of work as sports holidays and vacations. They should not be combined - after all, health day is held only four times a year.

On health days, outdoor games are held. Sports exercises and entertainment, hiking and skiing, simple tourism. All these physical culture and recreational activities help to achieve from children the ability to apply the accumulated experience in practice: to perform exercises from the section of basic movements, to use elements of sports games. It is very important to develop students' interest in organizing games and simple competitions with their peers on their own initiative. Encourage the desire to achieve better results when performing a variety of physical exercises, in outdoor games, games - relay races.

In addition to physical culture and recreation work, health days also include various forms of work (taking into account the age of the children), for example, cleaning the territory, mending toys, snow crafts (slides, ice paths, snowmen). Work in the flower garden.

In younger preschoolers, the predominant movement is walking, running, squatting and bending over. More complex movements - jumping, throwing, climbing - take up significant space. That is why it is recommended to include outdoor games in the content of health days, in which jumping, climbing, throwing are used, for example:

Jumping - "Along a flat path", "Catch a mosquito", "From bump to bump";

Crawling and Climbing - "Mice in the Pantry";

When organizing and directing children's play, one should take into account the nature of the preceding and subsequent activities. For example, outdoor games are not desirable before bedtime, as well as immediately after meals. It must be remembered that the most favorable state of the physiological systems of the child's body is ensured by uniform physical activity, a combination of movements of different intensity. On health days, several outdoor games are held (from four to six), throughout the day, each duration 6-10 minutes. All children or small subgroups can participate in the game.

The enrichment of motor activity in younger and middle preschool age is facilitated by taking out a variety of physical training aids and equipment for a walk. In addition to standard aids (hoops, jump ropes, skittles, balls), it is advisable to use portable boards, ladders, light boxes, from which children, if desired, can make up sports complexes to perform certain movements.

Great opportunities for activating movements are walking outside the kindergarten site - to the park, square, to the stadium. To the river. They are held in the morning, their duration is 20-30 minutes one way (total duration is 1-1.5 hours). In addition to the educator, children are accompanied by a nurse or other educator, parents. You should prepare in advance for a walking trip - choose a place with natural obstacles: slides, bridges, stumps, so that children can satisfy their needs for a variety of movements (running, jumping, jumping, crawling).

The teacher should not restrain the desire of children to run, play in nature.

When conducting a health day, special attention should be paid to physical activity in the afternoon.

During this period, it is advisable to include in the regime of physical culture leisure. Its duration should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Positive emotions received during leisure time reduce children's fatigue, arouse interest in performing a variety of movements.

On the day of health, the simplest hiking trips are organized with children of senior preschool age. Their goal is to improve the basic types of movements (walking, running, climbing, throwing, jumping) and the development of physical qualities. Hiking to the place of walking, often in difficult conditions for children, affects the formation of character traits such as endurance, discipline, a sense of camaraderie, responsibility. These walks have a valuable impact on the ethical education of children. They evoke positive emotions and joyful mood, teach to see and feel the beauty of the surrounding world. The hardening and health-improving effect of hiking is especially significant. Children get used to the effects of various changing meteorological conditions, learn to overcome difficulties.

In a warm period of time, the total duration of hiking trips should not exceed 2.5 - 3 hours, with a halt for at least an hour and rest for 5-10 minutes after every 25-30 minutes of walking.

Children during the hike are accompanied by at least two or three adults.

Every adult should be able to provide first aid to children when needed.

Approximate plans for health days for different age groups.

Junior group

The first half of the day.

Reception of children. Independent motor activity on the site. Sledging. Outdoor games6 "Run to me", "Snowflake and the wind".

After breakfast.Walk on the site of the kindergarten. Bird watching. An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car". Sledging. Game "Jumpers". Pair skating.


Physical culture leisure.

On a walk: sledding. Amusing exercises: "Polar bears", "On the snow bridge". An outdoor game "Little White Bunny Sits".

Middle group.

The first half of the day.

Reception of children. Sledding on the site. Game "Jumpers". An outdoor game "Find the Snow Maiden".

Morning exercises at the site.

After breakfast.

Walk on the site of the kindergarten. Outdoor games "Beware - I will freeze!", "Snowflakes and the wind". Watching birds (crows, sparrows): compare them by size, singing, crying, whistling; external signs; footprints in the snow. An outdoor game "Sparrows and a Crow". Modeling snowmen on the site together with the teacher.


Physical culture leisure.

On a walk: game exercises "Who will knock the cap down faster", "Hit the target", an outdoor game "Fox in the chicken coop". Skiing.

Senior group.

The first half of the day.

Reception of children. free games. Cleaning the site from snow, snow buildings. Walking and running along the snow shaft, jumping off it. Making snowballs. An outdoor game "Two frosts".

Morning exercises at the site.

After breakfast.

Walk outside the kindergarten (to the park). Outdoor games: "Homeless Hare", "Frost Red Nose".

Fun exercises: "Spin and dance."


Independent games for children. Fun exercises: "Constraints". Outdoor games: "Blizzard", "Snow carousel". Competition for the best figure: "Ice Lace".

Preparatory group.

The first half of the day.

Reception of children. Free games. Snow removal from the site. Games with sledges: "Out of the blue", "Be the first to succeed", "On the sled!"

Morning exercises.

After breakfast.

Ski trip outside the kindergarten (duration 1.5-2 hours). Children walk part of the way, then put on skis. During the rest, outdoor games: "Zateyniki", "Two frosts". Game exercises: "Snipers", "Who is next."

On the site of the kindergarten: buildings made of snow.


Independent play activity. Games with elements of hockey "Kick it in the gate", "Ice". Sledding in pairs - "Fast Sleds". An outdoor game: "two frosts".

Sports holidays.

Starting with the middle group, sports events are held twice a year (one at the end of summer, the other at the end of winter). Duration of the holiday in middle group 45 minutes, and in senior and preparatory - 60 minutes.

Holidays are held in the morning at the playground of the kindergarten. To participate in the holiday, it is better to combine parallel groups, if there are no parallel groups, then, depending on the possibilities of the children, you can hold the holiday for each age group separately. Combining groups contrasting in age (middle and senior), you need to think about physical activity for every age and their active participation in the holiday. It should be noted that at the festival, mass events alternate with exercises of a competitive nature for small subgroups.

Approximate schemes for constructing a holiday if the holiday is held for one group:

  1. Parade of participants, exit to the site. Building, rebuilding (Poems).
  2. Demonstration performances of the group (general developmental exercises with objects).
  3. Competitions: "Who will run faster between the cubes", "Hit the target".
  4. The game of great mobility: "Catch".
  5. Performing dance movements to music.
  6. Organized end of the holiday (awarding of medals to participants, you can provide a treat).

If two parallel groups take part in the holiday, then it can be built in the form of a sports competition, where two teams participate with their own emblem, for example, "Herringbone" and "Snowflake".

An approximate scheme of such a holiday:

  1. Solemn exit of teams, greetings of teams.
  2. Competition of captains (questions, answers, tasks of a game nature or competitive nature).
  3. Performing general developmental exercises with objects.
  4. Competitions of teams, games with elements of competition (one or two).
  5. A game of great mobility.

The forms of organization of physical culture leisure can be varied. It is advisable to devote them to the seasons, interesting sporting events (day of the athlete, the Olympics, etc.), public holidays.

In the younger and middle preschool age, fabulous and literary heroes can be introduced into the content of physical education, an entertaining plot can be used, for example: "A walk in the autumn forest", "The Christmas tree called us in the winter," "Visiting Mishka", " Travel to Africa ".

Music has a great power of emotional impact, so it is desirable that it be played at leisure time. However, it should be thoughtful about the choice of musical works. So, it is convenient to march with cheerful, energetic music. And perform gymnastic exercises with smooth and rhythmic music. For example, "Cheerful Waltz" by E. Talicheyeva can accompany an exercise with balls, flowers, ribbons; “Polka” by P. Tchaikovsky - exercises with tossing and catching balls. To the music of A. Schnittke, it is convenient to jump high, vigorously pushing off with both legs. Games are accompanied by light, fun, cheerful music, such. Like the works of T. Lomova "Look for", "Who is more likely?", "Sharp eyes" by Y. Slonov, etc.

When conducting sports leisure in different age groups, educators face certain tasks.

At a younger preschool age, it is necessary to involve children in their feasible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich them with vivid impressions.

In the middle preschool age - to teach to independent participation in joint exercises, games, entertainment, while encouraging each child to show their capabilities.

In senior preschool age - to develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience, in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take initiative in a variety of activities.

When choosing the content of physical culture leisure in groups of younger and middle preschool age, it is best to use an entertaining plot. When composing a program, it should be remembered: the main leisure time (60-80%) should be filled with movements so that each child has the opportunity to satisfy his inherent motor need.

When selecting material for children of primary preschool age, it is necessary to provide for a frontal form in order to simultaneously include everyone in the performance of the proposed tasks and games. Besides. It should be remembered about the alternation of outdoor games with physical exercises and game tasks in order to ensure a change in muscle and emotional load. For example, after walking on a bridge or throwing, provide for an outdoor game with a run.

The structure of physical culture leisure depends on the subject matter, tasks and conditions (forest glade, sports ground, gym).

Children should be familiarized with the rules of conduct during a tourist trip in advance.

It is advisable to conduct the trip in the form of an exciting thematic game or use a pre-developed scenario.

At a break, the teacher can organize active recreation for children (games and exercises in natural conditions, swimming, fun games), relay races, acquaintance with significant events, with representatives of different professions.

In winter, ski trips of up to 2.5 hours are recommended. They can be combined with walking on rough terrain, skiing from the mountains. The distance of the ski trip is 2 - 2.5 km (in two passes). The teacher needs to familiarize himself with the area in advance, lay a ski track, and outline a resting place.

During ski trips, it is advisable to hold games with orienteering elements (on the terrain using map schemes).

The main goal of gymnastics after a nap is to improve the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrasting air baths and physical exercises. The gymnastics complex after a nap lasts 10-15 minutes, after which the children move on to water procedures. The complex consists of several parts. Gymnastics begins with warm-up exercises in bed, children perform simple self-massage finger exercises. Further, children can perform general developmental exercises, play outdoor games in a room with a contrasting air temperature, perform exercises with simulators. Gymnastics ends after a day's sleep with hardening procedures, jogging along massage, ribbed, saline or wet paths, rubbing with cold water, contrast dousing. Any version of the complex should include corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and posture disorders. Most of the options for the complexes are designed for greater independence, children must remember the exercises, their sequence and consciously perform the complex.

Gymnastics complex after a nap for the older group

1. In bed.

To quiet music, the teacher wakes up the children, the children stretch, the teacher offers to wake up their hands and remind them that today is their holiday.

Children clap their hands, rub their hands together (wash), take off and put on rings, bracelets, watches, fasten clasps and bracelets on watches. Hands wake up the face: children rub their eyes, eyebrows, nose and ears. The face cheered up - the children grimace with their tongues, lips. Hands wake up legs; stroking them, patting them. Hands invite feet to the celebration. Legs happily make a “bike” in the air, then get up and set off on the road.

The rate of waking up is slow, calm, comfortable.

2. In the hall.

Educator: “We invited hands and feet to the holiday. And so our feet walk along the road. Different legs walk along the road. " Children independently choose one of the two movements that the teacher shows them, then change it to another.


1. Long and short legs walk along the road - walking on toes and squatting.

2. Dexterous and clumsy feet walk along the road - walking on the heels and the outside of the foot.

3. Hands play hide and seek, hands hide from legs - claps.

4. Strange and tangled legs walk along the road - walking sideways, side steps, sliding steps, backwards.

5. Cheerful legs are jumping along the road - jumping as you want.

6. Different legs run along the road:

- light legs run along the road - run on toes for 20 seconds,

- funny legs play catch-up - gallop sideways in one direction, then in the other 10 + 10,

- silent feet run along the road - 20 seconds,

- mincing legs run along the road - 20 seconds,

- mischievous legs running along the road - running, bending legs back, - 20 seconds,

- slow and tired legs running along the road - slow running for 10 seconds.

7. Tired legs run along the road - walking scattered between the chairs. There are handkerchiefs on the chairs.

Educator: "What smart houses, probably, we were invited here for a holiday, you need to come up and knock 6 times."

1. Children come up and knock their heels on the floor: "Who lives in the house, who lives in the smart one?"

2. Educator:"Nobody is answering. Let's look around the house. ” Children walk "cogs" to the right and left around the chairs. We are surprised, we shrug our shoulders.

3. Educator:“Where is the owner of the house? Where is the holiday? We were in such a hurry! Let's go into the house and look there. ”

4. Children sit on chairs. Head turns to the right, left, up, down at a slow pace.

5. Educator: “Hands rest on the hips and say to the legs:“ This is a holiday for us today, we are the most important for a person, he loves us very much, often praises us, calls us “golden”. Legs argue with hands: "We also need a person, we also help him." Hands argue: “And we are more important, so try to do without us today. Wash your handkerchiefs! ”. The children take their handkerchiefs from the chair to the floor with their feet, and they themselves sit on the chairs.

6. Collect and wash handkerchiefs in the river 6 times. I. p. - standing on the kerchief, counter movements are performed with the feet back and forth, without tearing them off the kerchief.

7. “Rinse handkerchiefs”. I. p. - sitting on a chair, feet on the floor, squeezing the handkerchief with your fingers, hands holding the seat of the chair Raising straight legs, swinging up and down several times, return to and. etc., repeat 5-6 times.

8. Educator:“Someone jumped in the water under the bridge and scared us, our legs dropped their handkerchiefs. Let's see from the bridge, who scared us? " I. p. - lying on a chair with his stomach, head, arms and legs below. Simultaneous lifting of arms, head and legs up 6-8 times with pauses for rest.

9. “Let’s squeeze out the handkerchief” - opposite movements of the legs to the sides - together.

10. “Hang to dry” - put your toes on the knee of the other leg.

11. Educator: "The wind rustled, blew on the handkerchief, blew it to the ground." They breathed in through the nose noisily and slowly, exhaled, leaning forward on the handkerchief, while lying on their knees with their chest. Run 4-5 times.

12. Educator: "The handkerchief is dry, let's stroke it and fold it." Fold it with the foot four times 1 time.

13. Educator: “Well, it's hard to wash without hands, even my ears are sweating. Wipe your ears with a handkerchief ”- 1 time.

14. Hands praise feet (alternately) - stroking, massaging, rubbing, tapping, patting, tickling ... They say that they would like to make friends.

Educator:“Hands and feet became friends. They wanted to play the new Handkerchief Catch game.

An outdoor game "Catch with a handkerchief". Traps are chosen with a counting device, children go down on all fours, grabbing a handkerchief with their toes. On the words "One, two, three - catch!" the trap catches up and takes away the handkerchiefs. At the end of the game, handkerchiefs are counted and the best trap is marked.

What a holiday without dancing? Hands and feet dance with handkerchiefs, legs and arms bow together. Legs promise hands someday to invite them to their holiday.

Water and hardening procedures.

"Funny kittens"

On the bed

1) “Kittens wake up”. I. p.: Lying on your back, arms along the body. V.: Raise the right hand, then the left, stretch, in and. n. (pulled the front legs).

2) “Hind legs pulled”. I. p.: Lying on your back, arms along the body. V.: Raise and pull the right leg, then the left, gradually lower it alternately.

3) "Looking for a mom-cat." I. p.: Lying on his stomach. V.: Raise your head, turn your head left-right, in and. P.

a) “Kitten angry” I. p.: standing on all fours. V .: to rise up, arch your back in an “arc”, head down “fyr-fyr”.

b) “Affectionate kitten”. I. p.: Standing on all fours. V.: head up, bend your back, wag your tail.

On the floor

1) Walking in place with a high knee lift.

a) pull up on toes, hands up;

b) sit down, group;

c) straighten up.

2) Jumping, running in place.

3) “Who will hide faster”. Play with a blanket.

Jumps in place.


One two Three
Lie under the covers.

Hardening, air baths, water treatments.

"Animated toys"

On the bed

Today, children, we will play with toys that come to life. At first, the toys lay quietly and calmly in their places. But then they began to move and look around.

1) I. p.: Lying on your back, arms along the body. IN.; raise your head slightly; turn left and right, on the pillow.

2) Then they began to stretch and stretch. V.: Children put their hands behind their heads, stretch, bend their arms, legs at the knees, make twisting movements.

3) "Roly-stand-up - tumbler". Swinging merrily in different directions. V .: lying on their backs, clasping their knees, children bow back and forth.

4) "Teddy bears". V.: to stand on high all fours, walking in place, imitate the movements of bears.

On the floor

5) “Dolls”. V.: walk around themselves on straight legs, arms below, hands slightly to the sides.

6) "Frisky horses". Q: running in place, raising your knees high, holding the imaginary reins.

7) "Clockwork frogs". Q .: Children “turn on” themselves with imaginary keys and jump like frogs.

8) Breathing exercises, close and open eyes, relax.

Hardening procedures "Magic flowers"

All of you guys have seen how beautiful it is in the summer in the meadow, in the clearing. And this is because many different flowers grow on them. How do they grow? Now you will show it.

On the bed

1) "Grain". V.: Lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them, group - rolls back and forth, then straighten up.

2) "Stalk". V.: lying on your back, slightly helping with your hands, sit down, pull your arms up, in and out. P.

3) “Leaf buds”. IN.; kneeling, hands together, palms connected, imitation of movements of blossoming leaves, buds.

4) “The flower grows”. V.: Sitting on your heels, slowly kneel down, raise your hands up, return to and. P.

On the floor

5) “The flower is blooming”. I. p .: o. Art. B.: Slowly raise your hands through the sides up, rise on your toes, in and. p. (round hands).

6) “Flowers tremble in the wind”. V.: shaking hands, springs - simultaneously.

7) Light running in place, jumping, dance moves.

8) Breathing exercise.

Entertainment for young people "Visiting Aibolit"

The arrival of Dr. Aibolit, a conversation with children about the rules of hygiene.

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge of children about cultural and hygienic skills, about the appointment of personal hygiene items.

The teacher puts the children on chairs, there is a knock on the door, Aibolit enters.

Aibolit:Hello children. Are you sick?

I am very glad to be with you.
With healthy friends.
Do you know me?
Looks like an old man,
I am affectionate, good.
I'm kind even in appearance
My name is Doctor Aibolit.

There is a knock, a boy runs in.


Doctor, doctor,
I have a stomach ache
And it won't heal.
Oh, oh, it hurts -
Can `t stand.
I can die.

Aibolit (examines):

I will look and what I can - I will help.
The trouble came from unwashed hands
Vegetables, I don't like these children,
Drink your medicine quickly.

(Provides milk and vitamins.)


Doesn't hurt, doesn't hurt
Thank you, Aibolit.
To be healthy, strong,
We need to wash vegetables and fruits
Everyone, without exception.
There is no doubt about that.
Eat, guys, them both in summer and winter,
Wash them guys with clean, running water.

The boy puts a basket of apples on the table, thanks Aibolit and stays with the guys. There is a knock on the door again, a girl appears, her hands and face are stained.

Aibolit:Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your dress so dirty?

Girl:It's candy to blame. I put them in my pocket and they stained the dress.

Aibolit: Oh, you grimy girl, where have you smeared your hands and knees so? Girl: It's Trezor's fault, got out from under the fence and started barking at me: “Woof! Woof! Climb the fence. ” I climbed.

Aibolit: Well, why are you so disheveled?

Girl:And the wind is to blame. I run, and he follows me. I hid under a bush, and he found me there, I climbed under the stairs, and he found me there too. It's not my fault at all. Aibolit: Oh, was that the case? Give soap! The girl, frightened, runs away.

Aibolit (asks the children): Why did she get scared and run away? That's right, she's afraid of soap. Aren't you afraid? Do you know how to wash? But I'll check now.

Aibolit takes out various items from his suitcase: soap, soap dish, washcloth, towel, comb, clothes brush, toothbrush, paste, cup.

Aibolit:Here are how many different items I have. Now I will call two children. One needs to select items that are needed in order to wash, the second - to brush your teeth. The guys choose the items they need. The doctor specifies their name.

Aibolit:Well done, you can immediately see that in this group the children are always neat, tidy, they love cleanliness.

In parting, Aibolit gives the kids combs and toothbrushes.

Physical culture leisure "Winter fun"

Children to the music of A. Lenin "Winter Song" run into the site.

Children's answers.

The snowman dances to the Russian folk melody "Polyanka", invites children.

Snowman: While you were playing here, I put some snowballs on you. Now Santa Claus and I will defend the fortress, and you guys try to take it.

The game “Capturing the Fortress” (knock the Kasbachki from the towers of the fortress with snowballs) Santa Claus draws a line with colored water at a distance of 2.5 m from the snow fortress. The player has no right to cross it.

The presenter gives a signal: "To storm, hurray!" Finally, the fortress was taken. The winners are awarded.

Gymnastics after sleep "Little Witch"

There lived a little witch in a small cave. (We wake up and make a cave out of a blanket.)

She lived alone and was bored. Then the witch decided: “And I’ll prepare a magic potion that will put all children on earth to sleep. And while they sleep, I will play with their toys. I'll have some fun! " And one dark night, the sorceress was going to prepare a witch's sleeping potion.

I looked to see if there was anyone nearby and got out. (We open one eye, the other, stick out our head.)

She made the cave with the help of a spell invisible and went for a different potion. (We get out from under the blanket, straighten it.)

"Darkness! I can not see anything! Where is the moon? There she is! (Turns the head left and right, up and down.) Let me collect the moonlight, it is very necessary in witchcraft. (We reach up, stand on tiptoe.) Now I need herbs for the potion. This herb is for invisibility. This one is for transformations. This one is for flying. (Leaning forward. We take the grass, straighten up, “put it in our pocket.”) Without what else not to cook a witch's broth? No frogs! You need to go to the swamp.

What a quagmire! From bump to bump, so as not to be sucked in. (We walk “over bumps”: it can be a bench, chairs at a short distance from each other, spread sheets of paper or packages.)

Where are my frogs? I'll catch it now! Aha! One more! (Sitting down, we jump after the frogs, clapping our arms outstretched forward.)

Oh, again the moon hid behind a cloud. Where are the frogs? Fu, everyone hid. And the marsh bumps are not visible. (Push-ups from the floor. If you have enough strength, then we rest only on the toes and palms or on the socks, knees and palms. A simple option: lying on our stomach, raise the front of the body.)

The swamp is sucking me in! We need to get out! (Legs high, swing your legs.) Now it's time to run home, cook a witch's decoction. Past the swamp, past the meadow, rich in herbs. To the witch's kitchen ”. (Run.)

She fell to the floor and burst out laughing. (Lying on our back, swinging our arms and legs, “riding a bike,” rolling on our backs with our hands around our knees. To complicate: lifting to a sitting position, holding our stomachs with our hands.)

Many kindergartens, both private and public, change their working hours in the summer or close altogether. But in spite of this regime of preschool institutions, parents continue to work at the same pace. This situation gives rise to the problem: "what to do with the child for three sunny months."

Lucky for those whose parents, grandparents and other close, unoccupied relatives or friends, conscientiously take on the role of educators and look after the child. And what about those married couples who have no one to leave one or more of their children with? In such a situation, a summer kindergarten will help out.

What summer preschool institutions offer

An advantage over ordinary kindergartens in children's institutions for summer stay will be active recreation, mostly in the fresh air and an educational program. As a rule, such camps for preschoolers are private, therefore they are paid. The price varies depending on the institution itself and the length of the child's stay. It is possible to stay part-time, the whole day, until the weekend or with a continuous stay for up to several weeks.

All conditions for comfortable rest, entertainment, development and nutrition are presented here for children. The most common activities are:

  • learning foreign languages;
  • lessons with a musical orientation;
  • outdoor games;
  • study of the surrounding world, nature, caring for plants;
  • excursions, hikes;
  • thematic events, research sessions;
  • mugs of all kinds, board games;
  • reading books, watching films, cartoons.

One of the favorite summer activities for all kids is swimming. If the kindergarten is not located near a natural reservoir, then a swimming pool will become its replacement, so that the opportunity to splash is always provided.

Pros and cons of summer kindergartens

Nevertheless, before sending their child to such institutions, parents weigh all the pros and cons. The undoubted advantages of resting in a summer kindergarten will be:

  • continuous babysitting;
  • maximum pastime in the fresh air;
  • constant development and knowledge acquisition;

But there are also disadvantages everywhere. Here, these include:

  • adaptation to a new place, which not all children can cope with;
  • reducing the time of communication with mom and dad.

The employment rate in Moscow and the region is high, so kindergartens in the summer are a necessary luxury for many families. The Moscow region is famous for such camps and surprises with their abundance.

Which summer kindergarten to choose

To compare and choose a place for a child's summer stay, you need to familiarize yourself with some of them and choose the appropriate option. Here are a few reviews of preschool camps near Moscow for comparative analysis.

Summer club "Gusenok"

Period of work this year: from 29.05 to 28.07.

Location: Nikolskaya Sloboda village (9 km from MKAD)

Age range: 3 - 11 years old.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 34 years;
  • 4 - 6 years old;
  • 6 - 8 years old;
  • 8-11 years old.

For the seventh year in a row, the health club "Gusenok" invites children to spend their summer holidays with benefits for their health and mind. On a suburban area of \u200b\u200balmost a hectare of land, there is everything you need for active recreation:

  • four cottages for living;
  • sports and playgrounds;
  • tennis courts;
  • swimming pool;
  • equestrian complex near the camp;
  • tree house with rope ladder;
  • workshops for creativity;
  • music classes;
  • dining room;
  • swimming pool;
  • a vegetable garden for gardening;
  • cinema hall.

For cognitive activities at the disposal of classrooms with interactive whiteboards, qualified teachers, teachers in English... For a fee, interviews with psychologists, preschool courses, group training in swimming, equestrian sports, tennis, ju-jitsu are organized. Each parent has the opportunity to create a program of activities for their children personally.

Meals are offered taking into account individual food preferences every child. The menu includes delicious dishes made from the freshest ingredients. Six meals a day.

Throughout the entire period of stay, the kids are under the constant supervision of counselors and educators, medical personnel and under the strict supervision of security.

Summer kindergarten "Gusenok" is a great way to spend an active, cognitive, developing, comfortable rest for children, as well as a guarantee of parents' peace of mind for their child.

Children's Montessori Camp "Dacha in Veshki"

Period of work this year: from 29.05 to 18.08.

Location: pos. Veshki-2 st. Okruzhnaya, 8 (2 km from MKAD along Altufevskoe highway)

Age range: 1.5 - 7 years old.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 1.5 - 3 years;
  • 36 years;
  • 6 - 7 years old.

It is possible to stay from 9.00 to 19.00, a full five-day stay with a break at the weekend, as well as long-term rest without leaving home. The price depends on the amount of time spent in the camp.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village Veshki-2 there is a cozy cottage with an adjacent territory for active recreation, adapted for a summer kindergarten. For children provided:

  • equipment for educational and sports games for children;
  • music and choreographic studios;
  • mini botanical garden;
  • garden;
  • creative laboratories;
  • outdoor fun areas;
  • scooters, bicycles, sports equipment;
  • dining room.

A convenient schedule of classes, games, rest and meals is organized for all children. The schedule is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. Qualified early development teachers work in groups, English language, music courses and choreography are taught.

Children's camp for toddlers in Veshki-2 is a safe, interesting, comfortable, exciting and informative world that is open every summer.

Private kindergarten "Zhemchuzhinka"

Period of work this year: June July.

Location: md. Kosino-Ukhtomsky, st. Zlatoustovskaya 1

Age range: 28 years.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 2 - 3 years;
  • 34 years;
  • 4 - 6 years old;
  • 6 - 8 years old.

"Zhemchuzhinka", like many kindergartens, continues its work in the summer. Kids, whose parents wish to choose this place for a vacation, are provided with a wide range of activities for health improvement, development and entertainment:

  • lessons on the development of speech skills;
  • mastering basic mathematical knowledge;
  • lessons in English, music, choreography, literature;
  • training on copyright programs;
  • sports activities and swimming;
  • game forms of classes;
  • wellness treatments and oxygen cocktails.

Zhemchuzhinka has excellent conditions for staying, the health of the children is monitored by the medical staff, qualified teachers are engaged in constant development, professional children's chefs are responsible for tasty and proper nutrition, the educators organize an entertainment program, psychologists help to adjust the system of interaction between garden workers and kids.

The stay in the summer kindergarten "Zhemchuzhinka" is focused on improving health, preschool training and active recreation for kids.

Private kindergarten "Treasure Island"

Period of work this year: all year round.

Location: m. Timiryazevskaya, st. Ivanovskaya, 17 (Dubki park)

Age range: 1.5 - 7 years old.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 1.5 - 3 years;
  • 34 years;
  • 45 years;
  • 5 - 7 years old.

For the period of vacation time in the kindergarten "Treasure Island" opens a summer group. Rest and development is implemented in the following areas:

  • preschool preparation;
  • classes in fine arts from an equipped studio;
  • montessori system of classes;
  • work in sports sections;
  • mastering the English language;
  • work with a speech therapist;
  • choreography and vocals;
  • advice and consultations from a psychologist;
  • excursions and hikes;
  • theatrical performances.

Small groups, their own schedule for each kid, individual developmental activities, quality food, fresh air, high-level medical care and the most comfortable conditions for quick adaptation - what a small child needs in the summer and this is what Treasure Island is famous for!

An uninterrupted month stay is possible, as well as an incomplete month and daytime visit. The cost of kindergarten services depends on the length of stay.

Summer season of the kindergarten "Far Away"

Period of work this year: from 1.06. until 31.08.

Location: SZAO, md. Kurkino, st. Yurovskaya, house 92, building 8, section 3.

Age range: 16 years.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 1 - 2 years;
  • 34 years;
  • 45 years.

Year-round kindergarten "Far-away Kingdom" offers additional services for the formation of additional groups for the summer season. Perhaps five-day, daily and partial stay with an overnight stay or hourly, which determines the cost of visits.

All suitable conditions for proper development, recreation are provided for children, varied leisure, five balanced meals a day and sports improvement are organized. Summer group activities:

  • development of speech;
  • acquaintance with literature;
  • mastering math skills;
  • drawing, modeling, creativity;
  • labor education;
  • knowledge of the surrounding world;
  • sports activities.

Cozy apartments of the "Far-away Kingdom" are ready to accommodate anyone who wishes for a summer vacation.

All-season "Junior Park" with the program "Summer in the City"

Period of work this year: from 1.06. until 31.08.

Location: Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 21A

Age range: 1.5 - 7 years old.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 1.5 - 3 years;
  • 34 years;
  • 4 - 7 years old.

Summer kindergarten "Junior Park" provides an opportunity to spend sunny holidays fun and for the benefit of the child. Every day, except weekends, from 8 am to 8 pm the doors are open for children, for whom parents prefer a comfortable summer vacation. Guaranteed:

  • a set of measures for the development of creative abilities;
  • english lessons;
  • balanced five meals a day;
  • preschool education;
  • music lessons;
  • physical education and sports;
  • themed parties;
  • theatrical matinees;
  • outdoor games.

In "Junior Park" the optimal regime of stay is competently organized, where mental stress, physical recovery, moral education and a regime of rest and nutrition are correctly combined. Qualified teachers and educators will organize comfortable adaptation, which will facilitate the child's attitude to changing surroundings.

“Summer in the City” is a program of exciting development and health improvement according to the age and individual characteristics of each child in the “Junior Park” kindergarten.

"Sunny City" - summer camp garden for kids

Work period this year: from 1.06. until 27.08.


  • st. Dybenko, 14, building 2.
  • st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 67.
  • st. Tatyana Makarova, 6.

Age range: 3 - 10 years old.

Breakdown into groups:

  • 36 years;
  • 7 - 10 years old.

"Solnechny gorod", like other kindergartens in the summer, focuses on active recreation, health improvement and all-round development of children. Under the leadership of a group of educators, teachers, trainers and psychologists, the employment of children of all ages is organized, taking into account the specifics of each period of development.

Most of the time is occupied by outdoor games, knowledge of the surrounding world. Since the groups of this kindergarten include children with a large age difference, the daily regimen is compiled for each group separately.

Younger children are mainly engaged in preschool preparation, speech development, creativity and games. For schoolchildren, it is possible to repeat the program passed, sports competitions, literary evenings and theatrical circles are organized.

"Sunny City" is an interesting way of entertainment, health improvement and education for preschool children and a good option for spending summer holidays with the benefit of younger students.

International School "Magic Castle"

Period of work this year: from 1.06. until 31.08.


  • m. Polezhaevskaya
  • m. Novoslobodskaya
  • m.Cvetnoy Boulevard Pushkinskaya

Age range: 26 years.


  • russian;
  • english;
  • chinese;
  • spanish;
  • french;
  • german;
  • arab;
  • italian.

A summer kindergarten with an English bias is a great opportunity to combine summer vacations with the opportunity to learn a foreign language in a fun, comfortable, easy and accessible way in a playful, sports and creative way.

The standard developmental and health-improving program of the kindergarten is combined with English courses for the little ones. All communication takes place in a foreign language with native speakers.

For those parents who are concerned about the early development and preparation of their child in a non-standard way, and also want to combine this with the summer holidays, the International School "Magic Castle" provides all the suitable conditions.


Each parent for his child, no matter what age he is, strives to give only the best and spend as much time with him as possible. But such an opportunity is not always provided. Thanks to a large number of various preschool institutions for summer stays, it has become possible to organize the child's employment without distracting mothers and fathers from work.

The variety of kindergartens in Moscow and the Moscow region gives a chance in the summer to children who want to relax in the fresh air, get a lot of pleasant impressions, have fun, make new acquaintances, and also learn a lot of interesting things.

Thematic and profile directions and their diversity provide parents with the opportunity to decide what exactly and at what age will suit their baby.

Enrolling a child in a summer kindergarten group is good way work for parents and rest for children.