There are a lot of lean vegetable soups. Lenten vegetable soup Delicious vegetable lean soup

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Due to the absence of a meat component, this liquid dish can be served both hot and cold, so it will warm you up perfectly in winter and refresh you in summer. Being a low-calorie and dietary product, this culinary product contains a huge biological and energy value. Moreover, depending on those included in the Lenten vegetable soup ingredients, you can change both its taste and the effect on certain functions and systems human body. But still the main ones beneficial features of this first course remain unchanged.

  • Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes.
  • Easy digestion and absorption of its constituent substances.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and waste.
  • Saturation of cells with vitamins and minerals.
  • Promotes weight loss, since with a low calorie content, the fiber contained in vegetables swells in the stomach and leaves a feeling of fullness for a long time.

You can prepare lean vegetable soup from any plant ingredients; of course, it is better to use fresh seasonal products, but in winter you can also resort to frozen and even dried vegetables (after soaking them in water). It is necessary to put all the components of the first course in boiling water, this way they will retain more vitamins and other useful substances. I advise you to give preference to a culinary product with chopped rather than pureed vegetables, since chewing food promotes longer contact with saliva, which prepares it for breakdown in the stomach and promotes better absorption by the human body.

Preparing lean vegetable soup will not take much of your time and consists of simple and understandable steps. All you need to do is chop and cook all the vegetables in plenty of water. But even this process has its own subtleties - the ingredients must be added to the pan in a certain order, depending on the cooking time of each.

Therefore, below I have given you the exact step by step instructions preparing this wonderful culinary dish...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BJU: 1 /1 /5.

Kcal: 30.

GI: low.

AI: low.

Cooking time: 25 min.

Number of servings: 13 servings (250 g each).

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Water - 2 l.
  • Zucchini - 100 g.
  • Broccoli - 100 g.
  • Cauliflower— 200 g.
  • Green peas - 50 g.
  • Sweet pepper - 100 g.
  • Green beans - 100 g.
  • Tomatoes - 100 g.
  • Carrots - 100 g.
  • Potatoes - 300 g.
  • Onions - 100 g.
  • Salt - 8 g (1 tsp).
  • Spices - 4 g (1 tsp).
  • Greens - optional.
  • Sunflower oil (for frying) - 20 ml (2 tbsp).

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients.

I took all the vegetables that I found in my refrigerator and added them green beans and peas. Half of them were in fresh- potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, onions and onions, the rest are frozen (no need to defrost anything first).

We wash fresh vegetables and herbs under the tap. Peel carrots, potatoes and onions. Remove the seeds and stem from the sweet pepper.

My zucchini is frozen, young, with small seeds and already peeled. If you use a fresh product, it is necessary to remove the peel and large seeds.

Place a saucepan with 2 liters of water on maximum heat. Bring the liquid to a boil.

Cut the potatoes into medium cubes.

Chop the onions.

Fry the vegetable in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil for 3 minutes until soft. Make sure it doesn't burn.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

Add the orange product to the onions, fry, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes.

Meanwhile, the water has boiled, add chopped potatoes to it. Cook for 5 minutes.

Cut the tomato into medium cubes.

Add the chopped tomato to the frying, reduce the heat to medium.

We immediately begin cutting the sweet pepper into strips or cubes.

Add it to the pan and continue to fry the vegetables until soft, about 5-10 minutes.

Add cauliflower to boiling potato broth. We wait until the liquid boils again.

Cut the zucchini into medium cubes.

Add salt (1 tbsp) and spices (1/2 tsp) to the soup. Cover it with a lid and simmer over low heat until the potatoes are soft (about 5 minutes).

We place the prepared lean vegetable soup on plates, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and invite the family to the table.

I’m sure everyone will be happy to try this tasty, aromatic, colorful dish that can not only satisfy hunger, but also lift your spirits with its rainbow appearance.

Bon appetit!

You will need:

1 medium head cauliflower
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, squeezed
4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
50 g grated parmesan
salt and ground pepper

You will need:

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Onion - 1 goal.
Celery greens - 2 pcs.
Garlic - 1 clove
Chicken broth - 850 ml
White asparagus – 225 g
Broad beans – 225 g
Green beans – 225 g
Cream - 100 ml
Grated Parmesan cheese - 50 g
Pesto - 4 tbsp. l.

You will need:

1 medium onion, chopped
1 stalk of celery, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
500 g carrots, cut into 2 cm pieces
2 cm long piece of ginger root, peeled and cut into thin slices
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
3 cups (cups) chicken broth
1.5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
1.5 tbsp. spoons of peanut butter
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 cup (glass) milk

To serve: mix 1/4 cup sour cream with 2 tbsp. spoons of cream.

Only 20 kcal per 100 g

To prepare this diet soup we need:

1 liter of natural good tomato juice,
3-4 celery stalks,
1 tbsp. l green tabasco sauce or red pepper to taste,
2 tsp soy sauce,
juice and zest of 1-2 lemons.

The complexity of our soup is 2 out of five.

Serves four to six.

Average cooking time is one hour.

The following products are needed:

The main thing is 1 kg of carrots

second - 2 onions

third - 2 cloves of garlic

fourth - 1 ginger root

fifth - 3 tablespoons olive oil

sixth - 1 pinch of cinnamon

You can cook:

1. Peel the carrots and cut into small circles.

2. Grind the onion and garlic in a blender.

3. Pour a little olive oil into the pan and lightly sauté the onions, garlic and carrots.

4. Pour water over all ingredients and cook until tender.

5. When the carrots become soft, add chopped ginger, salt and pepper.

6. Place carrots, onions, garlic and ginger in a blender and blend until creamy.

7. Pour the cream soup into a tureen and add a pinch of cinnamon.

Cauliflower soup - tasty and healthy

Cauliflower soup has a special cabbage aroma, and cauliflower is a real storehouse of nutrients. From fresh cauliflower or frozen practically all year round You can make cauliflower soup. The cauliflower soup recipe is similar to other vegetable soup recipes. The cauliflower soup recipe is based on vegetable or meat broth. Light vegetable soup with cauliflower is ideal for those who are watching the amount of calories they consume. Cauliflower and other vegetables

Cauliflower soup is a quick, healthy and tasty dish.

Lenten soup recipes

Lean kharcho soup includes rice, potatoes, onions, garlic, nuts, and tomatoes. Kharcho is richly decorated with greenery. It simply smells of sour tomatoes and spicy garlic. You'll lick your fingers!

It is very easy to prepare lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker. The peculiarity of the multicooker is that the vegetables do not boil in it, they remain dense and full of flavor. We will prepare cabbage soup from fresh vegetables.

Lenten borscht with sprat is prepared very quickly and simply. For it you need to chop all the vegetables, fry them, throw them into the pan, add sprat in tomato and cook until tender. You'll lick your fingers!

You can cook Lenten pickle with barley in less than an hour. The rassolnik turns out rich, satisfying, and sour. The pearl barley will need to be pre-soaked for half an hour. And then it’s simple.

Lenten borscht with mushrooms is a fragrant and bright first course that will delight your home with an abundance of vegetables and different flavors. This includes not only beets and mushrooms, but also cabbage, beans, bell peppers, etc.

Shchi is a national Russian dish, tasty and loved by everyone. Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms is good for a fasting day. They will restore strength and fill the body with vitamin C, which is abundant in cabbage.

Lenten borscht is prepared from vegetables in a slow cooker for two hours. The result is a very tasty thick borscht, filled with the aromas of vegetables. In the slow cooker they open up wonderfully and retain their shape.

Lenten cabbage soup is an excellent hot soup for those who are fasting or just want to have a fasting day. The cabbage soup is prepared simply and from available ingredients, but the results are simply delicious.

This bean soup will go great both in Lent and in hot weather. Beans will make the dish filling, the absence of meat will allow you to stay alert, and lemon juice and greens will be pleasantly refreshing. Are we ready?

Champignons are an indispensable product during Lent. There are many recipes for lean dishes made from champignons, and I want to offer you another one - a delicious and nutritious soup. Read the recipe!

A recipe for cooking cabbage soup in vegetable broth with large sauerkraut, potatoes, tomato paste, carrots, parsley root, garlic and herbs.

Recipe for Russian cabbage soup with dried mushrooms, sauerkraut, fried in oil onions, potatoes and tomato paste. Cabbage soup with mushrooms is lean, so you can eat it during fasting.

Recipe for making Russian cabbage soup from turnips, rutabaga, sauerkraut and cabbage brine based on kvass.

During Lent and for relief, my family and I eat Lenten okroshka with mushrooms. It goes with any mushrooms you have at home or buy. The simple version is with champignons, the royal version is with white ones.

Lenten okroshka is usually eaten during Lent. But it is highly recommended to do fasting days without fasting. This lean okroshka is suitable for both those who are on a diet and those who do not eat meat.

Light, but very satisfying, lean broccoli soup is prepared very quickly. An excellent option for fasting people and those following a strict vegetable diet.

Everyone knows that gazpacho is a red tomato soup. However, gazpacho can be not only red, but also green :) I’ll tell you how to prepare green gazpacho.

Broccoli soup recipe. The soup is very quick to prepare and tastes simply excellent. And thanks to a vegetable like broccoli, this dish becomes very nutritious and healthy.

Probably, of all the soups, everyone’s favorite is borscht. Rich, tasty, which becomes even tastier the next day. What not to add to this soup besides cabbage and beets.

Lenten rassolnik is a very easy to prepare and hearty homemade soup. There are no frills - Lenten pickle is prepared only from simple and affordable ingredients. Just what you need for Lent.

Lenten borscht with beans is a very nourishing and rich, but absolutely lean borscht. Our family loves it so much that they cook it not only during Lent, but all year round. I'm sharing the recipe.

Pea soup with olives is a vegetarian dish. This soup is very tasty, healthy and satisfying. Try it, you will definitely like it!

Borscht "Lenten"

Lenten soup recipe. Traditional Russian cuisine.

Recipe for making turei from kvass, dried black bread rubbed with garlic, onions and green onions.

Mung bean soup with spices - very tasty soup in Indian style. Mung bean is a legume rich in protein and various beneficial microelements.

Recipe for preparing borscht for the winter. This is an excellent dressing for main courses and soups. Winter borscht saves time when preparing soups; just take it out of the refrigerator, add water and heat.

Fasoulada is a traditional Greek thick soup made from vegetables and beans. Fasulada is a very rich and thick dish, so it can be served as a soup, as well as a main second course.

Borscht with beans is a borscht specially designed for those who are on a diet and prefer lean or vegetarian food. However, the taste of this borscht is absolutely not inferior to the classic one!

Red bean soup is a very tasty dish. The beautiful and bright color of the soup whets your appetite. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamins and fiber, which gives the body useful material. You will definitely like it!

Spanish cold soup recipe.

Everyone associates German cuisine with beer and sausages. But German cuisine is very diverse. Salads, baked goods, soups and much more. Each dish has its own traditions and tastes.

Recipe for making soup from peas, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato sauce and spices. Lenten pea soup is no less tasty than meat soup.

Our grandmothers often prepared barley soup. For some reason they forgot about him today. I think it's undeserved.

Cooking Tyuri dish based on kvass.

If you decide to fast, this is not a reason to give up your favorite dishes, for example, borscht. Lenten borscht will appeal not only to those who observe fasting, but also to vegetarians.

Potato noodle soup is a very simple, light and satisfying soup. As an option, this soup can be prepared with mushroom broth.

Recipe for making soup from beans, celery, tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots.

Very tasty soup of Italian cuisine.

Puree potato soup in bread Three simple ingredients, a few simple manipulations and velvety potato soup with the extraordinary aroma of baked garlic is ready. Serve it on a crusty half of rye bread and sprinkle with green onions. Both tasty and beautiful!

1 head of garlic
1 tbsp. spoon + 1 teaspoon olive oil
2–3 leeks
6–8 medium red potatoes
1 liter vegetable broth or water
salt, pepper - to taste
4–5 tbsp. tablespoons frozen or canned corn (optional)
1–2 loaves of rye bread (depending on the number of persons)
green onions - for garnish

How to cook:

    Heat the oven to 200°C. Remove the outer skin from the head of garlic. Cut off the top by 2-3 mm. Grease 1 tsp. olive oil, wrap in foil and place in the oven for 35–40 minutes.

    Remove the garlic and do not turn off the oven. In a large saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. olive oil, add leeks cut into rings and fry for 3-4 minutes until soft.

    Add potatoes, cut into small cubes, and broth/water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10–15 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

    Remove from heat, add baked garlic cloves, salt, pepper and blend with a blender until smooth. Add corn and stir. Cut the loaf of bread in half and remove the pulp.

    Bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes, the crust should be lightly browned. Pour soup into prepared bread bowls, garnish with green onions, and serve immediately.

Tomato soup with beans

Tomato soup with beans This thick tomato soup not only has bright view, but also taste. Nutritious, aromatic, with crispy garlic croutons and spicy notes, the soup is reminiscent of sunny Provence and the approaching summer.

1 large onion
2 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon red chili pepper
3–4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
1 can (450 g) chopped tomatoes in their own juice
2 teaspoons Provençal herbs
1 can (420 g) white beans in their own juice
1 liter of water
1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar
1.5 tbsp. tablespoons white wine vinegar
salt and black pepper - to taste

Garlic croutons:
2–3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
2–3 cloves of garlic
half a French baguette or a whole ciabatta
salt - to taste

How to cook:

    Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add finely chopped onion, sauté for 5 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic and chili, fry for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown.

    Add tomato paste and fry, stirring, for 1 minute. Add chopped tomatoes and Provençal herbs. Drain the beans and rinse well.

    Pour water into the frying pan and bring to a boil. Then add the beans and cook for 10-15 minutes. Add sugar, vinegar, salt and black pepper.

    Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. For the croutons, heat the oven to 200°C. In a bowl, mix olive oil and crushed garlic. Cut the bread into medium cubes, add to the bowl and mix well.

    Add salt to taste. Place on a baking sheet and cook for a few minutes until golden brown. Serve soup with garlic croutons.

Spicy vegetable soup with rice

Spicy Vegetable Soup This is another fun vegetable soup. Its secret lies in the combination of the warming spiciness of chili peppers with light lemon sourness. Rice will make the stew even more rich and nutritious.

1 large onion

2–3 cloves of garlic
2 medium carrots
2 stalks of celery
2 teaspoons dry thyme
0.5 tsp dry chili pepper
3 leeks
2.5 liters vegetable broth
1 can (450 g) tomatoes in their own juice
2–3 tbsp. spoons of rice
salt, pepper - to taste
1 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice

How to cook:

    In a large saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Finely chop the onion and saute for 5 minutes, add finely chopped garlic and fry for another 1 minute.

    Add carrots and celery, chopped as desired, thyme, chili pepper and leeks cut into rings. Keep on fire for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Pour in the broth, tomatoes along with the liquid (if they are whole, chop them) and washed rice. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium-low.

    Cook for about 30 minutes. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Serve immediately.

Mushroom soup with sauerkraut

Mushroom cabbage soup “Where there is cabbage soup, look for us there,” they said in Rus'. These thick, rich cabbage soup, with a wonderful aroma of porcini mushrooms and a rich sour taste, will help diversify your Lenten table. They become much tastier the next day.

7–9 dried porcini mushrooms
0.5 liters of warm water
1 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
2 medium onions
500–700 g sauerkraut
2 liters vegetable or mushroom broth
1 large potato
1 bay leaf
peppercorns - to taste
dill - to taste
4 cloves garlic
salt - to taste

How to cook:

    Soak mushrooms in warm water for 30 minutes. Strain the water and set aside. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.

    Fry finely chopped onion for 5 minutes. Add cabbage to the onion, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add mushroom water, mushrooms and diced potatoes to the broth.

    Cook for 10–15 minutes. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt, cook for another 10 minutes. Place cabbage and onion in a saucepan with soup and bring to a boil.

    Add dill and finely chopped garlic. Remove from heat and cover with a lid. Ideally, cabbage soup should sit for 12 hours before serving.

Vegetable noodle soup

Vegetable soup with noodles Noodle soup has been familiar to us since childhood. IN classic version it is cooked in chicken broth with the addition of pieces of meat. Today we will introduce you to the Lenten option. It will appeal to both children and adults. If desired, you can add cubes of fried tofu.

1 medium onion
1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
0.5 teaspoon dry thyme
3 medium carrots
2 stalks of celery
2.5 liters vegetable broth
1 bay leaf
1 cup small noodles
salt, pepper - to taste
fresh dill or parsley - for decoration

How to cook:

    Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Fry the onion for 5 minutes until golden brown. Add thyme and stir.

    Cut carrots and celery into any shape. Add to the onion and fry for 1-2 minutes. Pour in the broth and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.

    Add bay leaf to soup and reduce heat to medium. Add noodles and cook for about 10 minutes until al dente (depending on variety).

    Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Thick Lentil Soup

Thick Lentil Soup Flavorful roasted vegetables, thick cumin lentil chowder and fresh cilantro – this vibrant trio comes together in one pan to make a delicious addition to your dinner table. Spicy notes of cumin create a festive oriental mood. Soup for true gourmets!

1 large eggplant
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
1 can (450 g) tomatoes in their own juice
200 g red lentils
1 teaspoon cumin
1 liter vegetable broth
salt, pepper - to taste
0.5 bunch of cilantro or parsley - for decoration

How to cook:

    Cut the eggplant into small cubes, add salt and place on a paper towel. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse cold water and dry.

    Heat the oven to 220°C. Cut the peppers and onions into small cubes. Finely chop the garlic. Place peppers, onions, garlic and eggplant on a baking sheet greased with olive oil (1 tbsp).

    Pour the remaining oil on top and stir. Bake vegetables for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown. Place tomatoes, washed lentils and cumin, previously crushed in a mortar, into a large saucepan.

    Add to broth and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes until the lentils are tender.

    Add baked vegetables, salt, pepper and stir. Serve with chopped herbs.


Solyanka Solyanka or selyanka - classic dish Russian cuisine. Today we will prepare hodgepodge using vegetable broth without meat. Sauerkraut, olives and capers create a rich sour-salty taste, and crushed garlic and cilantro give the solyanka a spicy note. The freshest rye bread will be an excellent addition to the soup.

400 g sauerkraut
2–3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
1 large onion
2–3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
2 pickled cucumbers
2 liters vegetable broth
1–2 teaspoons capers
4–5 olives (preferably with lemon)
2–3 cloves of garlic
0.5 bunch of cilantro
salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:

    Fill sauerkraut boiling water. After a few minutes, drain the water and squeeze the cabbage thoroughly. Heat vegetable oil in a large frying pan.

    Add cabbage, simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Allow the cabbage to brown slightly. Add finely chopped onion and simmer for another 5 minutes.

    Add tomato paste and cucumbers, cut into small cubes, heat for another 2-3 minutes until a strong, pleasant aroma appears.

    Pour in the broth and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook for 10 minutes. Wash the capers and cut the olives into rings. Add to soup and cook for another 5 minutes.

    Place crushed garlic and finely chopped cilantro into the hodgepodge, add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and cover with a lid.

    Let sit for at least 30 minutes.

Watch the video recipe - real French onion soup will perfectly diversify the Lenten menu, only the croutons with cheese will need to be replaced with regular ones!

Vegetable soup with chicken broth is a simple and proven way to surprise your family. This can be a soup for fasting days or during fasting, to diversify the diet or just for Have a good mood. In a word, vegetable soup is a universal dish.

You can prepare this soup with absolutely any vegetables and cereals. Moreover, the more varied the set of vegetables, the tastier the soup will be. It should also be noted that this soup is very healthy. Since the soup cooks very quickly without meat, the vegetables do not have time to cook.

However, one small nuance should be taken into account. To prevent the soup from being cloudy and too greasy, drain the broth after 20 minutes of cooking. Then fill the meat with water again and put it on medium heat. The soup will be rich, but without foam and excess fat.

How to cook vegetable soup with chicken broth - 15 varieties

When there is chicken broth left after boiling chicken, you want to make something tasty and quick. As you know, chicken broth itself is very fatty, which means adding meat ingredients is not required.


  • Chicken broth - 2l
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Homemade noodles - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.


First of all, let's prepare the noodles. To do this, we need to mix 1 egg with the required amount of flour.

Knead the dough and pass it through the noodle cutter. We clean and cut the vegetables. Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes, carrots into rounds.

Add vegetables to boiling broth and cook covered for 15 minutes.

Please note that vegetables should be added to the boiling broth, this is the only way the soup will turn out rich.

Now you can add the noodles. Cook for another 5 minutes.

The soup can be served with breadcrumbs and herbs.

Bon appetit.

The whole household will definitely like this soup, and then use the chicken for salad.


  • Chicken leg - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper- 0.5 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • Celery root - 0.25 pcs.
  • Broccoli - 100 g
  • Cauliflower - 100 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.


Cut the chicken leg into two parts at the joint. Place the chicken in a saucepan and add water. Cook the chicken for about 40 minutes.

Attention, chicken broth that is cooked on the bones will be fatty.

Peel the celery root and potatoes and cut them into cubes. Place in boiling broth.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the grated carrots on a coarse grater, chopped peppers and onions into cubes. Fry vegetables for 15 minutes.

Place the roast into the pan. Separate the cauliflower and broccoli inflorescences and place them in a saucepan.

Finely chop the greens and add them three minutes before removing from heat.

Bon appetit.

This simple and at the same time very satisfying soup can be prepared every day. After all, it is different every time, but the taste in it is constant.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Cauliflower - 300 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Broccoli - 200 g
  • Rye bread- 2 pieces
  • Chicken broth - 2 l


First of all, you need to boil the broth. In the meantime, we peel and wash all the vegetables.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots and onions into arbitrary small pieces.

Cut the cauliflower and broccoli into small florets. As soon as the broth boils, place the vegetables in the pan, cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes.

While the soup is cooking, prepare the croutons. Cut the bread into cubes, mix with spices and butter, place on a baking sheet and put in the oven.

Fry the bread for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Serve the soup with croutons and herbs.

Bon appetit.

Vegetable soup in chicken broth with carrots

A simple recipe, great for those who have switched to healthy eating, for those who have gone on a diet.


  • Chicken meat - 400 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion -3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns


We put the chicken meat into the water. Cook for 20 minutes, then drain the broth, pour boiling water over the chicken and cook for another 20 minutes.

The first chicken broth turns out to be very fatty and cloudy, while the second one turns out to be no less rich and more dietary.

Wash the carrots and onions and cut them into large cubes and add them to the broth. Add bay leaves, peppers and herbs to the soup.

After 10 minutes, remove the soup from the heat and let it brew under a closed lid.

Bon appetit.

Puree soups have always been distinguished by their satiety and rich taste, and if they are also cooked in chicken broth, then it is unlikely that you will need to add a meat ingredient to the soup.


  • Chicken broth - 1.5 l
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Onion -2 pcs.
  • Pumpkin -200 g


We clean the vegetables and cut them into cubes.

It will be easier to peel the pumpkin if you first soak it in microwave oven 15 minutes.

Let's boil the broth and add all our vegetables there. Cook until fully cooked. Then beat the soup with a blender. To make the soup not too thick, you can add cream.

Bon appetit.

This light and delicious soup will please the whole family. It can be served for dinner because it is very light and for lunch as a first course.


  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Chicken wings - 0.7 kg
  • Cabbage - 300 g


Place the wings in a pan and fill them with water. Turn on the soup program and cook until it boils.

Then add bay leaves, peppercorns, unpeeled onion and garlic to the soup. Cook for 20 minutes. We take out the wings and onions.

Cut peppers, potatoes, carrots, cabbage into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Add the vegetables to the soup and cook on the “Cooking” program for 30 minutes.

Often you want to eat something light, but satisfying, and something that is prepared quickly and simply. Here is a great option for a tasty and satisfying lunch.


  • Chicken broth - 1.5 l
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Mushrooms - 200 g


The broth must be boiled. Peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into cubes and immediately add them to the broth.

Cut the mushrooms into slices and cut three carrots on a coarse grater. Fry mushrooms and carrots in a small amount of oil.

After frying, add the vegetables to the soup. We clean the bell pepper from seeds and remove the stalk. Fry the pepper with garlic for 3 minutes.

After the time has passed, add the pepper to the soup. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Bon appetit.

This soup is suitable for fasting days, because it is very light and easy to prepare.


  • Chicken - 0.5 kg
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Celery - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch


Wash and peel all the vegetables, cut into medium pieces. Place the vegetables in a bowl on the multicooker. Turn on the “Baking” program and fry for 15 minutes.

Then put the vegetables except potatoes and celery out of the pan. Now put the chicken, herbs and spices in a bowl and fill with water.

We set the “Quenching” program for one hour. After half an hour, add the vegetables back.

Bon appetit.

Fatty chicken soup with vegetables and donuts this is the best the best option for lunch break.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion -2 pcs.
  • Rice - 90 g
  • Tomato paste - 40 g
  • Beetroot - 1 pc.
  • Yeast - 10 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 150 g


Place the chicken broth on the stove until it boils. In the meantime, peel all the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Three carrots and beets on a grater.

Cut the onion into feathers and fry in oil. Then add carrots and beets to the onions. Simmer for 5 minutes, add salt and tomato paste.

We add the roast to the soup. Rice should be added to soup already boiled. Let the soup cook. Let's start making donuts.

Dissolve yeast in milk and sugar. Leave for 15 minutes. Now mix the dough with flour and salt. Mix the dough.

Form the dough into buns and coat with garlic butter. Place in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve the soup with pampushki.

Bon appetit.

An excellent spring puree soup that will surprise everyone with its piquancy.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion -2 pcs.
  • Chicken broth - 2 l
  • Pepper - 1 pc.
  • Peas - 50 g
  • Corn -50 g


Cut the potatoes and carrots into small pieces and add them to the boiling broth. Place the bay leaf into the pan.

Cut the onion into large half rings. In a frying pan, fry the onion in a small amount of olive oil. Chop the onion until transparent.

Cut the bell pepper into small cubes. When the broth with vegetables has boiled, add the fried onions, reduce the heat and wait until the vegetables are completely cooked.

Blend the soup with a blender until smooth. Place the puree soup back on the fire. Add frozen corn and peas and pepper to it.

Mix everything well and add spices. We wait for the soup to start boiling and remove from heat.

The recipe for this soup will certainly come in handy during fasting or fasting days. Moreover, this soup is pleasant to prepare, because it does not take much time.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Leek - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • Canned beans - 1 can
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Peas - 1 jar
  • Chicken broth - 2.5 l


We put the chicken broth on the fire and wait until it boils. Cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes and add them to the broth.

Cut the leek into a semicircle and fry in a small amount butter. Once fully cooked, place the onion in the pan.

Open the canned vegetables, salt the juice and place in a saucepan. Add chili pepper to taste. Cook the soup for 20-30 minutes.

Bon appetit.

Lenten soup flavored with chicken broth for those who want to quickly and tasty feed their family.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Chicken broth - 2 l
  • A can of tomatoes in their own juice - 1 can
  • Parsley
  • Turnip - 1 pc. (small)
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Celery - 3 pcs.
  • Dried cereal (barley, peas and lentils) - 1 packet.


Fill the cereal mixture with water in the evening and remove all excess liquid in the morning.

Pour olive oil and garlic into a pan, heat it and add all the vegetables. Stew 5 pour vegetables with tomatoes in their own juice.

Mix well and add the cereal mixture. Simmer for another 10 minutes and add chicken broth to the soup. Now add 2 glasses of water.

Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 40 minutes.

We really liked Mexican soups. Firstly, they are very nutritious and filling. Secondly, they are very simple to prepare.


  • Canned beans - 1 can
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Tomatoes in their own juice - 1 can
  • Lentils - 70 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Chicken broth - 2 l
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.


Leave the chicken broth on the fire until it boils. Then we send canned beans, corn and rice. Cook for 20 minutes.

We beat the tomatoes in their own juice with a blender and pour them into the soup. Peel the bell pepper and cut into cubes. Fry it in a small amount of oil.

Add pepper to soup.

Cook for another 20 minutes.

Bon appetit.

There are times when you really want pea soup. But without fatty meat. This is the recipe you should use.


  • Peas - 150 g
  • Chicken broth - 2 l
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.


We put the chicken broth on the fire and wait for it to boil. Then we send the peas. We clean the vegetables and cut them into small cubes. Then we put it in the pan. Cook for 30 minutes.

In order for the peas to cook quickly, leave them in water overnight; they will soak and cook in a matter of minutes.

Bon appetit.

This stew will save you on January 1st. Warm, fatty, but at the same time light stew - this is something you can only dream of the morning after the holiday.


  • Chicken broth - 2 l
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion -2 pcs.
  • Yachka - 90 g


Bring chicken broth to a boil. We clean the vegetables and cut them into large pieces. Place the vegetables into the pan.

After 20 minutes, place the cell in the pan. Cook for 10 minutes and leave to infuse.

Bon appetit.

Step 1: prepare the potatoes.

Using a vegetable peeler, peel the potatoes. Then we thoroughly wash the tubers under running water. warm water to remove remaining soil and other dirt. Next, place the vegetables on cutting board and using a knife, finely chop into cubes approximately 1 centimeter. Place the chopped potatoes into a small bowl and fill them completely with plain cold water so that the components do not interact with air. Otherwise they will darken and we will end up with an ugly soup.

Step 2: prepare the onions.

Using a knife, peel the onion and then rinse thoroughly under running warm water. Place the component on a cutting board and finely chop into cubes. Pour the chopped onion into a free plate.

Step 3: prepare the bell pepper.

We rinse the bell pepper well under running warm water and place it on a cutting board. Using a knife, peel the vegetable from the tail, and then from the seeds. Next, cut the component lengthwise into two halves and chop each into cubes. Transfer the finely chopped pepper to a free plate.

Step 4: prepare the rice.

Pour the rice into a sieve and rinse thoroughly under running warm water until it becomes transparent. Then set the container with the component aside to drain excess liquid.

Step 5: prepare the tomatoes.

Wash the tomatoes well under warm running water and then place them on a cutting board. Using a knife, make a shallow cross-shaped cut on the skin.

Now move the vegetables into a medium bowl and fill completely hot water. Let them blanch for 5 minutes.

Then carefully drain the liquid and return the tomatoes to flat surface. Using available equipment, remove the peel and finely chop the vegetables into cubes. Pour the crushed ingredients into a free plate.

Step 6: Prepare the parsley.

Wash the parsley well under running warm water, shake off excess liquid and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, finely chop the greens and then pour them into a clean plate.

Step 7: prepare lean vegetable soup.

Pour vegetable or olive oil into a saucepan or cauldron with a thick bottom and place on medium heat. When the contents of the container are well heated, add chopped onion. Stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, fry it for 2–3 minutes.
Next, add finely chopped parsley and tomatoes to the container. Continue frying the vegetables for about 2 minutes.
Now pour the chopped bell pepper here and, after mixing everything thoroughly, fry the ingredients 1 more minute.

Then pour hot clean water or vegetable broth into the pan and wait for the contents of the container to boil. Immediately after this, pour in the washed rice and potato cubes. Using a tablespoon, mix everything well, turn on the burner, cover the container with a lid and cook the soup for 13–15 minutes. After this time, add ground paprika, as well as salt and ground black pepper to taste. Once again, mix everything thoroughly using available equipment, turn off the burner, and let the soup brew another 10–15 minutes under the lid.

Step 8: serve vegetable lean soup.

When the soup has steeped, stir it again with a ladle and pour into deep plates. Serve the dish to dining table along with slices of bread. If desired, the soup can be sprinkled with finely chopped fresh parsley or dill, as you prefer. Help yourself!
Bon appetit everyone!

In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can add some more to your taste. For example, bay leaf, allspice, a mixture of dried bell peppers and other;

If you don’t have a thick-bottomed pan on hand, don’t be upset, because all the vegetables can be fried in a regular frying pan, and then pour everything into a special container for cooking soup;

Instead of rice, you can add wheat, buckwheat, corn grits, as well as the usual arnautka;

In winter, when the food market little choice vegetables, you can use frozen mixtures. These ingredients are usually sold in supermarkets in the frozen section.