Fine water filter. How to install a coarse water filter - photos and videos. Instructions - correct installation of the coarse water filter

The quality of water both in a private house and in a city apartment leaves much to be desired. To clean it, experts recommend using several stages of cleaning. The first stage of this procedure is carried out by installing coarse filters, the task of which is to retain mechanical elements, silt, sand, and rust particles that have entered the water.


Coarse filters are designed to retain large particles (hard and soft), thereby providing primary water purification. When used in individual water supply systems, such devices mainly retain silt, sand, and clay coming from wells or wells. With a centralized water supply, such contaminants do not enter the water, but when water is transported through outdated pipes, rust particles end up in it. At the same time, the chemical composition of the water remains unchanged.

Coarse filters are also installed before installing meters, washing machines and dishwashers, which reduces the risk of breakdowns due to low water quality and thereby extends the life of the equipment.

Thus, among the main functions of coarse filters are the following:

  • eliminating pollutants that could make water consumption hazardous to health;
  • protection of the plumbing system (pipes, gaskets, connections and bends) from abrasive wear;
  • preventing pipe clogging;
  • protection of household appliances and water meters from damage and wear caused by exposure to polluting particles;
  • elimination of foreign tastes and odors of water caused by the ingress of foreign particles into it.

Such devices may have different designs, dimensions, and degrees of water purification, but they all work on the same principle - they create a barrier to the passage of polluting particles and allow water to pass through.


Depending on the features of the device, the coarse water filter can have one of several types.


The most affordable and simple, but nevertheless effective devices. Installation points - main cold and hot water supply in city apartments, point to the heating unit in private properties. In addition, there are filter meshes that are attached directly to the tap. They are an excellent option for a summer residence because they are easy to install, and at the end of the season they can simply be removed and reinstalled on a tap in a city apartment.

The mesh filter can have different diameters of transmission holes - from 20 to 500 microns. The cleaning ability is due to the small size of the mesh cells. In addition, there are devices that are cleaned manually (mud collectors), as well as analogues that have a self-cleaning function and a system for draining contaminated water.

The mud trap can be straight or oblique. The first is mounted on horizontal sections of the pipe, the mud trap is directed downwards. The oblique filter is suitable for installation on both horizontally and vertically directed pipes. Depending on the type of installation, strainers are either coupling or flanged.

Modern products are equipped with pressure regulators, thanks to which it is possible to maintain constant water pressure. A useful “addition” is a double pressure gauge installed before and after the mud tank. If there is an excessive difference between the readings of the devices, it is necessary to clean the filter.

The advantage of mesh devices is their low cost and durability, strength, ease of installation, and the ability to install on hot and cold water. This makes it possible to combine them with meters and install them in front of each household appliance connected to the water supply system. However, such models only retain large particles, and if we are talking about a mud collector without a self-cleaning system, then it is necessary to clean it quite often.


The disc filter has special discs made of high-strength plastic, which are characterized by the presence of grooves of a certain depth. The principle of operation is based on the ability of the discs to compress, thereby forming a cylinder with grooves. The latter retain heavy suspended matter and allow water to pass through. The cleaning fineness is 5-250 microns. For convenience, many manufacturers paint discs in different colors depending on the size of the cells.

Due to their high strength, increased productivity and resistance to high and low temperatures, they are widely used in industrial environments.


They are an element of a multi-stage cleaning system, which is usually mounted autonomously or under the sink. Provide more high degree cleaning compared to mesh models, since they retain particles 0.5-30 microns in size. They are suitable for retaining small debris. Devices are installed under the sink provided that the water flow is not intense. For stronger flows, autonomous analogues of higher power are required.

The principle of their operation is based on the retention of contaminants during the passage of cleaning compounds(granules), between which a small gap remains. And clay, silt and other similar impurities tend to settle on surfaces when the pressure of the water flow decreases, which is what happens when the liquid passes through the filter layer.

They are a housing filled with filter material. The body can be steel or plastic. The former can withstand high temperatures, are more durable and durable, but have a higher cost. Usually they are mounted on the hot water supply line, and for pipes with cold water choose more affordable plastic options.

However, the majority modern models plastic cartridges are characterized by versatility and are suitable for cleaning both cold and hot water. The advantage of such a housing is its transparency, thanks to which you can control the degree of contamination.

Polyester acts as a filter base(sometimes a filter non-woven material) or a mesh insert. The latter is usually removed from the device; it can be washed and returned to its place. Polyester analogues, as a rule, need to be replaced. The exact information about the possibility of washing or the need for replacement is usually indicated by the filter manufacturer.


They are equipped with a pressure regulator, since in such filters water is supplied and purified under pressure. This becomes the reason for their bulkiness, however, it is the pressure devices that cope with the retention of different fractions of contaminants, which gives a high degree of purification.

Depending on the pipe diameter and performance, household and industrial devices are distinguished, having the same principle of operation. The differences relate only to dimensions. The sizes of filter cells also vary, this, in turn, affects the degree of water purification.


The filter device is quite simple. It is a mesh enclosed in a housing. The latter has an inlet and outlet pipe. Below the pipes there is a so-called settling tank - the place where filtration takes place. In this area, the speed of water movement decreases, so large particles (sand, rust, silt) settle in the body. The rest of the water tends to the grid, where it is also purified.

The material for making the mesh is usually steel, sometimes brass or bronze. In any case, it is a metal that can withstand contact with water, mechanical damage, and pressure well.

The filter housing (flask) is made of metal or plastic, and there are also combined models. Products made of steel, or having a steel box, are suitable for hot water pipes, plastic ones are used for cleaning cold water.

Polypropylene is most often used as the filtering components of a cartridge device. It provides high-quality filtration, is characterized by chemical inertness and resistance to biological factors.

Polypropylene is wound from the cord, so that large suspensions remain on the outside of the cartridge, and smaller ones settle on the twisted surface of the cord. They last for quite a long time and even when filled, such a cartridge does not cause a decrease in water pressure in the pipes.

Polypropylene cartridges can withstand temperatures ranging from 1-52C and are suitable for cleaning cold and warm water. Filtration of hot liquid is carried out using devices having a cartridge made of fibers impregnated with a special substance based on cotton material. The impact temperature on the system can reach 93C.

Filter fibers can have additional carbon coating, due to which they acquire the ability to purify water from chlorine. Although this is usually the task of fine cleaning cartridges, which are installed after the type of device in question.

Well-known manufacturers and reviews

Today there are a large number of primary water purification filters on the market. The most famous, approved by customers, are the products of several brands.

  • Honeywell. Compact devices that have several design options depending on the operating conditions. For cold water mains, devices made of transparent plastic are usually chosen; for hot water pipes, similar models are purchased that have a protective box made of brass. The advantage of devices from this manufacturer is that there is no need to dismantle the entire system for repairs or cleaning. The system is cleaned automatically. The collection of this brand mainly includes systems for industrial filtration, however, household filters are also available.
  • Valtec. The products are made of steel and brass, which ensures their wear resistance, increased strength, and durability. They are equipped with a self-cleaning system and are capable of retaining particles no more than 100 microns. They have pressure gauges that simplify the process of managing the system, as well as indicators for monitoring the degree of filter contamination. Can be installed on pipes with hot water, since they can withstand up to 115-150C.



  • "Sapphire-P". Compact models (lower in height than many analogues), represented by filters for cold and hot water with manual and automatic control. They have the function of self-cleaning and regeneration through reverse current. In automatic models, you can set the period or amount of purified water, after which the self-cleaning process starts. They have a special controller that starts automatic cleaning after a specified period or after processing a certain volume of water. The required period or volume indicators are set through pre-programming by the user. The devices retain particles up to 100 microns in size and are suitable for household and industrial use.
  • "Soyuzintellect". Filters universal action, providing not only mechanical, but also sorption and antibacterial cleaning. In addition, in such filters the water is saturated with oxygen. This, in turn, makes it possible to reduce water consumption (the amount of liquid decreases, but does not in any way affect the user’s sensations), improves its quality (the water becomes more voluminous, foams, and soap or detergent lathers better in such water).

The developed line is suitable even for pipes with high water pressure and can be installed on hot water mains; the devices are resistant to corrosion.


Sapphire –P

  • "Geyser". The Typhoon line has gained the most popularity. Available in a metal filter, suitable for hot and cold water. The equipment serves not only to retain impurities, but also to soften water with a high iron content. Models for very hard water are also available. Three-stage purification systems are becoming increasingly popular, in which the first stage of purification is carried out by coarse water treatment systems.
  • "Barrier". The products are easy to use and affordable. For a long time, the company's specialization was the production of cassette filters for jugs, but today the main activity is the production of stationary filters. They are cartridge-type filters, the use of which, as users note, changes the taste characteristics of water for the better and eliminates unpleasant odors.

  • "Aquaphor". The company has been producing various water purification systems for a long time (about 15 years), and therefore its range includes a large number of manual and automatic coarse filters. Buyers are particularly trusted by “under-sink” systems, which can be installed on hot and cold water supply pipes.

The disadvantage of these models is the labor-intensive installation, however, if you purchase the product from official representatives, the installation will be performed by professionals for free.

How to choose and install?

Important criteria The choice is the size of the retained contaminants and productivity. The performance of the filter is determined by the volume of water being purified and the required amount for a particular user. At the same time, high productivity should not cause a decrease in water pressure in the tap.

When using low-capacity filters, you can mount a storage tank, where purified water will flow while the tap is closed. After the tap opens, the purified water accumulated in the container is consumed.

The size of the cells or mesh should be selected based on the quality of the water, the nature and size of the impurities. If the size of the filter elements exceeds the size of the polluting particles, the filter will have no effect.

When using fine-fraction systems to purify heavily contaminated water with large particles, the filter will have to be frequently removed and cleaned, and its elements replaced. Intensive use under such conditions increases the risk of premature filter failure.

Preliminary research will help you avoid making mistakes in choosing a filter. laboratory analysis water. Based on the results of assessing the water quality, experts will recommend the optimal type of filter. In some cases, it is beneficial to use 2 mesh filters installed in series with larger and then smaller cells. This will reduce the frequency of cleaning and extend the life of the device.

A gearbox will also be a useful addition to the filter. It reduces the water pressure at the entrance to the filter, and also dampens water hammer in the system, which provides better cleaning and allows you to extend the life of the device.

Due to their structural features, direct filters demonstrate greater efficiency compared to oblique filters. It is better to choose the latter only if it is impossible to install a straight model (this usually happens when there is a lack of free space, for example, when the pipeline is close to the floor or another pipe).

For country house It is recommended to install 2-3 mesh filters of different cell sizes. As a rule, coarse-grained protection is installed in a private house, while for a city apartment it is better to choose a more dense mesh.

Before washing and dishwasher It is recommended to install additional filters. Ideally, they are needed in front of every household or engineering device, but this is expensive. But it’s still worth installing a filter in front of the washing machine and dishwasher; this is a rather demanding equipment in terms of water quality. Moreover, the more expensive, the more capricious.

When purchasing a filter, you should pay attention to the materials - they should not only be durable, but also environmentally friendly. All connecting and threaded elements must be securely fixed, rubber gaskets and seals must fit tightly to the structure.

It is important to understand how necessary certain functions are, since their presence increases the cost of the product. For example, devices that soften water with excess iron are very popular. However, it will be useless if there are none. Moreover, the water may contain excessive amounts of manganese and potassium ions that need to be reduced. The type of product in question in this case will also not cope with the task.

The way out of the situation, as already mentioned, is a preliminary laboratory study of the quality and composition of water.

Only based on the analysis data obtained should you purchase a filter.

There is an opinion that it is better to give preference to equipment from a Russian manufacturer, since it is best adapted to the composition of the water in the surrounding areas. Leading positions are occupied by companies such as Aquaphor, Geyser, and Barrier. Among foreign filters, German and Scottish brands enjoy the trust of buyers.

The method of installing the meter is usually determined by its type. Professionals advise using detachable connections for all types of devices - both for those who need to be removed and washed, as well as stationary, bulk ones. This will simplify the process of dismantling the device if necessary to repair it. Proper installation of main filters with your own hands begins with cleaning the surface of the pipe, removing traces of rust, and checking its tightness.

For pre-cleaning water flow supplied to residential or public premises, it is recommended to install filter elements at the entrance to the water supply network. Despite the preparation drinking water in urban wastewater treatment plants To ensure that its characteristics comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards, water enters residential or office premises through an extensive network of pipelines.

The inclusion of plumbing fittings in the measuring unit, which helps maintain the accuracy of KPU measurements, is recommended by all water meter manufacturers. Therefore, for additional cleaning, a filter is installed in front of the water meter.

Basic provisions for installing “dirt” filters

The most common devices for rough water purification, due to their versatility, low cost and ease of installation, are oblique mesh filters. The reservoir in the slope is equipped with a cylindrical mesh and a plug. The water flow passing through the filter element is cleaned of mechanical impurities larger than 10-15 microns.

In many cases, such a device helps to preserve the mechanisms of not only the CPU, but also many other household appliances that use water in their operation. More thin filters, trapping small dirt particles, can be installed at the inlet of appliances or on mixers. When installing a filter, follow several rules:

  • the filter device is installed immediately after the shut-off valve, at the entrance of the water supply to the apartment;
  • the direction of water in the pipeline must coincide with the arrow marked on the valve body;
  • on vertical sections, the filter is installed with the water flow directed from top to bottom;
  • The dirt collector is always positioned with the plug down, under which it is necessary to provide free space for removing the mesh.

The fittings are selected according to the parameters of the apartment water supply, according to the nominal diameter of the pipes and the operating pressure; these data are always indicated on its body. The connections of the pipes and the filter device are reinforced with FUM tape or flax tow. By briefly turning on the water, the reliability of installation is checked; if there are no leaks, the filter can be used without fear.

Depending on the degree of water contamination, filter cleaning activities can be either rare or quite frequent. It is recommended to check the filling of the filter dirt compartment regularly, at least once a year, without waiting for a decrease in water pressure. Exposing a threaded connection to an aggressive environment for a long time causes the cover to stick and becomes difficult to remove.

Our company carries out a range of services for servicing apartment metering devices, which includes cleaning the coarse water filter. In front of the meter, there is not only a filter, but also a shut-off valve, the failure of which, if handled carelessly, can lead to an accident.

Sequence of work:

  • turn off the water;
  • Using a wrench, carefully, without jerking, remove the cover from the slope;
  • remove the mesh and clean it with a stiff, short-haired brush;
  • if the grid is defective, update it;
  • clean the tank chamber with improvised means;
  • install the mesh in place;
  • tighten the lid, replacing the seal on the thread;
  • turn on the water and check the reliability of the connections.

If the filter was included in the sealing chain, the housing office must be notified about the removal of the seal so that they can restore the seal at the end of the event.

Water delivered to a home through a water supply system contains a certain percentage of impurities in the form of sand, scale fragments, corrosion, lime particles, etc. In order to protect people and Appliances, it is imperative to install a filter on the water pipe for coarse and sometimes fine purification (the second option is used to eliminate odors, organic and chemical contaminants, and individual microorganisms).

How do coarse filters work and what are they?

All devices that perform mechanical filtration of water are characterized by structural similarity. The housing is equipped with an internal metal mesh or other filtering device. These can be special discs for cutting off coarse sand, corrosion, etc. An important part The design of such a filter is an outlet that collects retained debris.

When the sump tank is completely filled, the water must be turned off and the outlet cleaned and rinsed. The frequency of such cleanings is directly affected by the degree of water contamination. For prevention purposes, this procedure should be carried out at least 4 times a year.

Regardless of the specific model, all mechanical cleaning filters operate on a similar principle. At the same time, a number design features may differ: we are talking, first of all, about the type of filter, its configuration, installation method and method of removing dirt that has accumulated in the pipe.

Mesh and cartridge filters

The mesh dirt filter has a cleaning element in the form of a metal mesh, the manufacture of which is made of stainless steel. This mesh has cell sizes ranging from 50-400 microns. Mounting the filter on water pipe, you need to make sure that the inspection cover is facing down. Installation into the pipeline system is carried out using conventional tools included in a standard plumbing kit. When making threaded connections, it is important to achieve complete tightness to avoid water leaks.

The popularity of the mesh filter is explained by its good service life, without the need to replace the filter element. This is precisely why they compare favorably with another model of coarse filter - cartridge (cartridge). These devices are mainly wall-mounted due to the large bulb included in their design. The flask itself can be transparent or opaque: inside it is equipped with a replaceable cartridge, for the manufacture of which polyester, twisted polypropylene thread, or pressed fibers are used.

The cleaning abilities of such cartridges may vary: coarse mechanical filtration of water is carried out by products of 20-30 microns. A dirty filter element must be replaced with a new one: it is prohibited to rinse and reuse the used cartridge. When installing water filters on pipes in an apartment, cartridge models are most often combined with mesh ones, which significantly increases the effect of mechanical filtration of water. In this case, it is better if the mesh filter is in front of the bulb filter, because this extends the service life of the latter.

Straight and oblique mesh water filters

Any type of mechanical filter is characterized by the presence of two pipes - inlet and outlet, as well as a special sump where water is cleaned. Based on exactly how this sump is located, mesh filters are divided into straight and oblique. In the first case, the settling tanks are located at a slight inclination to the water flow, which is very convenient in situations where the pipeline runs above the floor. In addition, such models are equipped with vertical pipeline sections.

In the second case, the sump is perpendicular to the water supply. The direct filter for the pipeline is of considerable size, which requires a lot of space for its installation under the water communication. The large size of the settling tank allows vertical filters to achieve a good level of purification. To close it there is a convenient threaded plug or flange cover.

Strainers with flanges and couplings

Depending on the type of insert with which filters are installed on pipes for water purification in the water supply system, they can be flanged or coupling. It is customary to equip pipes with a cross-section of over two inches with flanged products. First of all, we are talking about main water pipelines and junctions located in the basements of high-rise residential buildings.

Bolts or studs make it possible, if necessary, to quickly dismantle such a filter: while all other parts of the water supply remain in place. Sections of highways that are equipped with flanged filters are outlined at the drafting stage project documentation. As for pipes with a diameter of up to two inches, they are equipped with threaded filters. In such a situation, quick-release union nuts (so-called “American” nuts) are used as connecting elements.

Mud collectors and mesh filters with a washing system

Another type of classification of strainers is based on the method of removing accumulated debris from the sump. Mud traps are models that do not provide for flushing. This mainly applies to all oblique mesh filters, as well as some models of the direct type of pipe arrangement. To clean the accumulated dirt, the device must be disassembled and washed. On direct filters perpendicular to the settling tank, where there is a flushing system, an outlet tap is also installed: through it the settled area is drained into sewer system and cleaning the outlet with water flow.

The principle of fine water purification in pipes

Using rough mechanical cleaning, most of the debris is removed from the water, but some chemical elements and their compounds still remain.

In this case, fine cleaning equipment is used, the main ones of which can be the following filter elements:

  • Sorptive substances (activated carbon and aluminosilicate).
  • Reverse osmosis membrane.
  • Ion exchange resins.

You should know that this filter for water supply pipes it is mainly equipped with replaceable working elements. Each manufacturer indicates the frequency of replacements in the attached instructions: this is influenced by the period of operation of the device and the amount of water volume processed.

Ultrafine multi-stage cleaning

In systems with several stages, after mechanical filtration, the water flow is passed through ultrafine filters, which are located in several groups, one after another. As a result, the output is high-quality drinking water. At the first stage, mechanical debris is removed from it: the water becomes almost transparent, but this is only the beginning of the cleaning process.

The second stage is equipped with an ion exchange cartridge, which allows you to change the chemical composition of water, removing from it all elements and substances harmful to health. As a result, traditional scale formation is not observed during boiling. At the third stage, the water is purified with compressed activated carbon: thus, conditioning of the water flow is achieved.

After this, the water becomes tasty and begins to smell pleasant. It is also given crystal transparency: now it can be safely used for drinking and cooking. Typically, the place to install three-flask systems is under the kitchen sink. This approach allows you not to disturb the overall appearance of the interior. To remove purified water outside, the sink is equipped with an additional tap.

Molecular purification with reverse osmosis filters

It is not for nothing that reverse osmosis systems are called the highest quality water filters: in the process of such purification, the molecular level is affected. For filtration in this case, a thin-film membrane of a semi-permeable type is used, where the pores have a size of no more than 0.0001 microns.

This makes it possible to eliminate almost all impurities (99%). Microscopic membrane pores allow only water molecules to leak through. Before reverse osmosis, water is passed through several purification stages to prevent rapid clogging of reverse osmosis filters with large debris.

Most often, these systems contain the following degrees of purification:

  • The first stage is equipped with a cartridge for mechanical pre-treatment: it is capable of ridding water of impurities measuring 15-30 microns.
  • The second stage consists of activated carbon to remove gas, chlorine and organochlorines.
  • The third stage carries out fine cleaning of debris 1 - 5 microns in size. For additional cleaning, there is also activated carbon.
  • The fourth stage is directly reverse osmosis. At this stage, water is passed through a thin film membrane.
  • The fifth stage is another carbon cleaning.

Reverse osmosis filtration removes harmful chemicals and metals from water. In addition, in this way water can be purified from many harmful microorganisms, as a result of which it becomes crystal clear and safe.

The disadvantage of this method is that it removes both harmful and beneficial impurities from the water. minerals and salt. To solve this problem, some manufacturers of reverse osmosis systems began to include mineralizers and ionizers in the design. If the pressure in the water supply is less than 3 atmospheres, reverse osmosis filters are equipped with special pumps: they help create optimal functional pressure in the system.

How to choose the right cleaning option for your plumbing

When choosing the optimal method for water purification, it is important to determine exactly what goal should be achieved. It is hardly reasonable to purify the entire volume of water entering a home to drinking level. To extract large particles from it, mesh filters or filter flasks are sufficient. Usually a hard water filter is installed on the cold water and hot water pipes. The resulting water can be used for water procedures, laundry, and floor cleaning. The kitchen can additionally be equipped with a multi-stage fine cleaning system, containing or not containing reverse osmosis.

Most often, such a filter is mounted under the kitchen sink, on the surface of which there is an additional tap (if you need to cook food, water is taken from it, if not, from regular taps located nearby). In addition, fine filters can protect plumbing fixtures and household appliances from excessively hard water.

Located on your site, the water quality in it will still not be ideal. And in order to ensure that the water supply system is not contaminated with all sorts of impurities (from iron to sand and silt), it is important to install a cleaning system that will prevent the entry of dirt.

This will have a beneficial effect both on the taste and quality of drinking water, and on the condition of the equipment (boiler, washing machine, shut-off and control valves, pipeline), which also suffers from contaminated liquid. And the very first step in getting rid of impurities is cleaning the water using a coarse filter.

1 Purpose and features of filters

As the name suggests, a coarse filter is necessary to capture the largest suspended particles that may be contained in the water entering the house (apartment). This is, first of all, sand, silt, and various organic matter. For this reason, the device is installed at the very beginning of the cleaning system - before other types of filters.

Its installation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • the filter prevents solid suspensions from entering the plumbing and heating systems;
  • The following filters (fine filters, aeration filters, softeners) receive less load - due to the fact that fewer impurities simply reach them.

As a consequence of the first point, dirt is prevented from getting into the equipment:

  • inside the washing machine;
  • toilet cistern;
  • water heater;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • cranes;
  • dishwashers

Each of the devices listed above has a specific water quality requirement. For example, the installation of a washing machine (as well as dishwashers and boilers) should be carried out only if available - this item is separately indicated in the instructions.

Otherwise, the operating life of the washing machine is significantly reduced - since its design is quite complex, and solid impurities can damage individual parts.

And a regular water tap in your kitchen is also unlikely to withstand the presence of dirt in the water well - its shut-off and control device (a ball with a hole) may become clogged or begin to open and close worse. This nuance especially applies to expensive devices - the same washing machine from some well-known brand, in the first place.

Besides, poor quality water can also harm meters – the purchase and installation of which are also expensive.

As for filters of other types, their work (if there is a stage of coarse water purification) is significantly simplified, since they will receive fewer impurities. As a result, you will have to change cartridges less often, which means you will save money.

In addition to use in apartments and houses, the use of devices of this type is no less important at production facilities - an industrial coarse filter in this case performs the same function:

2 Types of coarse filters

The filter itself is extremely simple: in fact, it is a metal filter that traps impurities from the water. It is enclosed in a housing (usually metal), which has an inlet and outlet pipe.

Below the pipes there is a part called the settling tank - the department where, in fact, filtration occurs. Initially, the water speed in this part decreases, which allows impurities to settle to the bottom of the body rather than be carried away further. Then the liquid passes through a mesh, which traps dirt.

The design of the coarse filter may differ in a number of parameters, which should be considered separately.

First of all, we should mention the material from which the mesh is made. Most often it is steel, less often bronze or brass. These durable connections are resistant to mechanical damage and withstand pressure changes.

The difference is in the connection method - the filter can be mounted in the system using a coupling or flange connection. This difference is determined by the dimensions - with a diameter of 2 inches or more, a flange is used, if smaller, a coupling is used.

The industrial version is usually mounted using these methods; in other cases, threaded filters are used. Such household models are relevant for pipelines running inside apartments and residential cottages. In this case, the installation can be carried out either directly with the pipe or through the “American” one.

Pore ​​size is, in fact, a key quality parameter that affects how well the filter can clean water. The smaller the size of the mesh cells, the more dirt it can naturally hold. For a coarse filter, this parameter varies from 50 to 400 microns.

Based on the location of the sump tank, products can also be divided into two categories:

  1. Straight.
  2. Oblique.

In the first case, the sump is located perpendicular to the water flow, forming a T-shaped body with inlet and outlet pipes. Thanks to this solution, this department can be quite large in size. Therefore, a direct settling tank will be able to better purify the water passing through it.

The oblique design of the body is easy to determine visually - in this case, the sump is installed at an angle to the water flow. This reduces efficiency compared to a straight filter. Not by much, of course - household filters of this type will also cope with the task successfully.

However, they are best used where installing a straight model is simply impossible due to lack of free space (for example, when the pipeline runs too close to the floor or to another pipe).

One of the relatively new and very useful nuances is also the method of cleaning the filter itself - after all, sooner or later the sump tank will overflow with accumulated dirt, which will need to be removed from there. In this regard, products are divided into two categories:

  1. Sump.
  2. Filter with washing system.

The first option is non-flushing. This category includes oblique devices and some straight ones. In this case, the sump is closed with a removable lid - through which you can clean the device from dirt.

Its disadvantage is that cleaning in this case requires disassembling the device - the cover will first have to be unscrewed and then put back.

The second option is more convenient - in this case the body is equipped with a tap. Cleaning is extremely simple: the tap opens and the sediment is drained into a substitute container.

You can find an even more advanced option on sale - a self-cleaning coarse filter. Such a device is equipped with two sensors - one is installed at the input, the second at the output. By measuring pressure, sensors record its difference - if at the outlet (after cleaning) it decreases, it means that the self-cleaning filter is dirty.

It is cleaned through a valve that opens and releases sediment. The good thing about a self-cleaning filter is that you don’t have to monitor the condition of the unit - it will automatically be able to determine the need for cleaning and perform it.

The most famous representative producing such models is Honeywell. Honeywell filters are most often used in industry, but for domestic purposes the company also produces a number of models suitable for water supply.

Of course, Honeywell devices are an order of magnitude more expensive than simpler options - this, in fact, is their only drawback.

3 Filter installation rules

Correct installation of the filter is a fairly important question (it does not matter which option will be installed - a regular cheap mud filter or an expensive self-cleaning one). Let's look at where and how to install this unit correctly:

  1. Installation must be carried out before the meter.
  2. The filter should be positioned correctly on a horizontal section (relevant only for straight models - oblique models can also be installed on vertical segments of the pipeline).
  3. Installation of the oblique filter is carried out with the sump facing down.
  4. To install the unit correctly, pay attention to the direction of the arrow on the body: it must coincide with the direction of fluid flow.

As an option, filters can be installed separately in front of each device. First of all, this is relevant for the washing machine and dishwasher - this equipment is the most demanding on the quality of the water used.

3.1 Filter cleaning steps

If you have a non-self-cleaning filter installed, the unit will require cleaning from time to time. You can clean it properly with your own hands. Moreover, this should be done regularly - otherwise the water pressure into the system will weaken.

The easiest way to clean is for devices that have a tap - in this case, just open it and drain the sediment into a nearby container. For mud collectors, the procedure will be a little more complicated:

  1. The water supply before and after the filter should be shut off.
  2. You need to unscrew the nuts on the filter cover (using an adjustable wrench).

Be prepared for water to flow out from under the lid when the fasteners are loosened. So before unscrewing the nuts, prepare some container and place it under the filter.

After the water has drained, you can remove the mesh from the filter. It should be cleaned of rust, plaque, and scale - simply by rinsing it under running water. After that, you can rinse the filter itself by slightly opening the water supply tap. Then you can put the mesh in place and screw on the lid.

3.2 Stages of disassembling the coarse filter (video)

When arranging water supply systems, few people pay attention to the installation of filters that purify the liquid. Meanwhile, it is filters that are the first and most reliable barrier that protects us from pollution and various deposits in the water.

After all, water, whether it is pumped out of a well, may well be contaminated with various impurities, bacteria or even sand. It is prohibited to use it in this form, as everyone knows.

Therefore, if you don’t want unnecessary troubles, then it is better to install special mesh filters. And before purchasing them, it is better to understand all the features and nuances of this equipment.

1 Purpose and principle of operation of mesh filters

We all want to drink clean water. Justifiably not trusting the quality of tap water, as well as any other water obtained within the city, people install various water purification systems for themselves.

This can be a single cartridge filter or a multi-stage installation. It all depends on the initial quality of the water and the buyer’s ability to pay.

Purified water is necessary not only for our health, but also allows us to protect and extend the life of various household appliances (washing machines, humidifiers, dishwashers, etc.), pumps, mixers.

Among the great variety of filters and cleaning systems, the so-called mesh filters stand out. What's so special about them?

The fact is that a strainer in one form or another is installed in any water supply system: at the entrance to washing and washing machines, before fine water filters, before pumps and tanks. Even an ordinary tap is often equipped with a small mesh, which is essentially a coarse mesh filter.

The simplest mesh filter consists of a metal body, connecting flanges (or pipes) and a cylindrical filter mesh located inside the flask. The body-flask is closed with a plug nut (in non-flushing devices) or a special tap (in flushing and self-flushing devices).

Now let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of these filters. They must be taken into account if you are going to make the right choice.

The main advantages of a mesh filter over others:

  • very simple design;
  • ease of maintenance, does not require special equipment and skills;
  • possibility of washing and restoring functionality,
  • cheap components - replaceable mesh;
  • relatively low price;
  • environmental friendliness - no replaceable cartridges made of synthetic materials.

Like any device, there are also disadvantages:

  • traps only fairly large contaminants (particle size 100 microns or more), although filters are currently being produced for finer mechanical purification of water;
  • It purifies water only from mechanical impurities, but does not eliminate chemical and biological contaminants.

Based on the information above, we can conclude that it is advisable to install mesh filters for water purification in everyday life:

  • with old, rusty water supply networks, which can clog the water with rust particles and other debris.
  • in front of any equipment connected to the water supply ( geysers and boilers, washing machines and dishwashers, water meters, toilet cisterns, etc.).
  • as a method of preliminary water purification before finer purification devices;
  • to protect pumps and other water supply devices from wells (wells) from sand, clay, and other impurities.

2 Types of mesh filters

Mesh filters are straight and oblique (y-shaped), for cold (with a transparent plastic flask) and hot water (with a metal flask), and are also divided into non-washable, rinsable and self-cleaning.

Non-rinsing samples are filters of the smallest dimensions, and they can be cleaned by unscrewing a special nut located on the flask of the device, removing and cleaning the mesh manually. Before cleaning, turn off the water supply taps.

Sometimes such a filter device is equipped with two pressure gauges, so that their readings can be used to judge the degree of contamination. In this case, its size will inevitably increase.

Advantages: small size, low price, ease of installation and operation, low price.

Disadvantages: the need for regular manual cleaning, relatively short service life.

There are a few things you need to know before you go shopping for a strainer.

First, determine the purpose of the installation. To protect most equipment from mechanical contamination, it is enough to have a coarse filter, the replaceable mesh of which has cells measuring 100 microns.

For better purification of water intended for drinking, it is worth purchasing an additional fine filter (50 or 20 microns).

Then the connection method itself is taken into account - using flanges, external or internal threads, as well as connecting dimensions, for example ¾``, ½``. Threaded connections - up to 2" and flanged connections - over 2 inches.

The position of the pipeline - vertical or horizontal - will also play a role. The working position of flushing and self-cleaning devices is on a horizontal pipeline. In a vertical position, only universal filters from some manufacturers that are specially designed for this purpose are effectively cleaned.

In addition, some advanced models are equipped with rotating flanges that allow the installation of even coarse and fine wash filters on vertical pipelines.

It is also worth considering the size of the filter installation area - the small size of the installation space may limit the choice. The smallest dimensions are the usual non-flushing ones, which are two times shorter and less in height than the others.

You need to be very careful with the dimensions, since a lot depends on them. A discrepancy in size will make even the best and most advanced filter completely unusable. And you won’t be able to change anything, since such equipment cannot be modernized or modified.

Therefore, when choosing sizes, always take into account the dimensions of the pipes, nominal positions in the system and all other parameters.

Thus, if you need to protect equipment from mechanical impurities and you are not limited in the amount of space for installation and finances, then best choice There will be a self-cleaning coarse filter from the German company Honeywell with a stainless removable mesh, the cell size of which is 100 microns.

At the same time, it is better to choose a filter element with backwashing, as it is much easier to work with. And you will have to wash the filters quite often. Especially if you have contaminated water in your system.

3.1 Operating principle of an industrial water strainer (video)