The problem of a person’s awareness of his fulfillment in life. The problem of human self-realization, arguments from works for C1 in the Unified State Exam in Russian. Problems of choice in human life

Bank of arguments
I . Problems
1. The meaning of human life
2. Fidelity to your calling
3. Finding your life path
4. True and false values
5. Happiness\unhappiness
6. Freedom

II . Affirmative theses
1. The meaning of human life is self-realization.
2. Love makes a person happy.
3. A high goal, service to ideals allows a person to reveal the forces inherent in him.
4. Serving the cause of life is the main goal of a person.
5. A person cannot be deprived of his freedom.
6. You cannot force a person to be happy.

III . Quotes
1. There is nothing insurmountable in the world (A.V. Suvorov, commander).
2. Only work gives the right to enjoyment (N. Dobrolyubov, literary critic).
3. To live honestly, you have to be willing to get confused, struggle, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again, and always struggle and lose. And calmness is spiritual meanness (L. Tolstoy, writer).
4. What is life? What is its meaning? What is the goal? There is only one answer: in life itself (V. Veresaev, writer).
5. And the two wings behind my shoulders no longer glow at night (A. Tarkovsky, poet).
6. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of courage (A. Maclean, English writer).
7. The meaning of life is not to satisfy your desires, but to have them (M. Zoshchenko, Russian writer).
8. If the main goal in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what difference does it make when to die (D. Oru EM, English writer).
9. There are no great talents without great will (O. Balzac, French writer).
10. To think and create, to create and think - this is the basis of all wisdom (I. Goethe, German writer).
11. Man is born to live either in convulsions of anxiety or in the lethargy of boredom (Voltaire, French writer). 12. A person who chooses evil, to a certain extent better than that who was forced to Good (E. Burgess, English writer).

IV. Arguments
Self-realization of a person. Life is like a struggle for happiness
1) Let's imagine that some kind wizard or some highly developed aliens decided to benefit humanity: they saved people from the need to work, entrusting all the work to smart machines. What would happen to us then, to our age-old dream of an idle and cheerful life? A person would lose the joy of overcoming, and life would turn into a painful existence.
2) From tiny An apple seed thrown into the ground will eventually grow into a tree that will produce sweet, juicy fruits. Likewise, a person must realize the powers inherent in him by nature, grow in order to please people with the fruits of his labors.
3) Life drama Evgeny Onegin, an extraordinary person, was caused precisely by the fact that “he was sick of persistent work.” Having grown up in idleness, he did not learn the most important thing: to work patiently, achieving his goal, to live for the sake of another person. His life turned into a joyless existence “without tears, without life, without love.”
4) Colonists North America drove the indigenous Indians into special settlements - reservations. White people wished the Indians well: they built them houses, provided them with food and clothing. But a strange thing: the Indians, deprived of the need to earn their own food through their labor, began to die out. Probably, a person needs work, dangers, and life’s adversities just as much as air, light and water.
5) Self-realization- one of the most important human needs. From the point of view of a tradesman who considers calm satiety to be the highest good, the act of the Decembrists seems the height of madness, some kind of absurd eccentricity. After all, almost all of them came from wealthy families, had fairly successful careers, and were famous. But life contradicted their beliefs, their ideals, and they exchanged luxury for the shackles of convicts for the sake of their goal.
6) Some tourist companies in the USA offer their clients strange species rest: being in captivity, but escaping from captivity. The calculation is correct, because people, tired of boredom and dull everyday life, are willing to pay huge amounts of money to find themselves in extreme conditions. A person needs difficulties, needs to fight against hardships and dangers.
7) One talented inventor he came up with containers in which dishes would not break, and came up with special carts for transporting wood. But no one was interested in his inventions. Then he started making counterfeit money. He was caught and put in prison. It is bitter to realize that society has failed to create conditions for this person to realize his extraordinary talent.
8) Some scientists continue to claim that man did not descend from the monkey, but, on the contrary, the monkey descended from people who, as a result of degradation, turned into animals.
9) In magazines talked about a curious experiment by scientists: near a hole, FROM which threatening sounds were heard. They set up a cage with rats. The animals carefully began to creep up to the hole, look into it, and then, having overcome their fear, they climbed inside. What made the animals climb there? They had food! No physiological need can explain such “curiosity”! Consequently, animals also have an instinct for knowledge. There is some powerful force that forces us to discover something new, to expand the boundaries of what we already know. Unquenchable curiosity, an inexhaustible thirst for truth are the inherent qualities of all living things.
10) Shark, if it stops moving its fins, it will sink to the bottom like a stone; a bird, if it stops flapping its wings, will fall to the ground. Likewise, a person, if his aspirations, desires, goals fade away, will collapse to the bottom of life, he will be sucked into the thick quagmire of gray everyday life.
1 1 ) River, which stops flowing, turns into a fetid swamp. Likewise, a person who stops searching, thinking, striving, loses the “beautiful impulses of his soul”, gradually degrades, his life becomes aimless, miserable vegetation.
12) All heroes It is more correct to divide L. Tolstoy not into good and bad, but into those who change and those who have lost the ability for spiritual self-development. Moral movement, the tireless search for oneself, eternal dissatisfaction is, according to Tolstoy, the most complete manifestation of humanity.
13) A. Chekhov in his works shows how smart, full of strength people gradually lose their “wings,” how high feelings fade away in them, how they slowly plunge into the swamp of everyday life. “Never give up!” - this call sounds in almost every work of the writer.
14) N. Gogol, an exposer of human vices, persistently seeks a living human SOUL. Depicting Plyushkin, who has become “a hole in the body of humanity,” he passionately calls on the reader entering adulthood to take with him all “human movements” and not to lose them on the road of life.
15) Image of Oblomov- this is the image of a person who only wanted. He wanted to change his life, he wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, he wanted to raise children... But he did not have the strength to make these desires come true, so his dreams remained dreams.
16) M. Gorky in the play “At the Bottom” he showed the drama “ former people”, who have lost the strength to fight for their own sake. They hope for something good, understand that they need to live better, but do nothing to change their fate. It is no coincidence that the play begins in a rooming house and ends there.
17) Newspapers told about a young man who became crippled after spinal surgery. He had a lot of free time, which he did not know what to spend on. He admitted that he was the most happy moment a milestone in his life came when a friend asked him to rewrite his lecture notes. The patient realized that even in this situation people might need him. After that, he mastered the computer and began posting advertisements on the Internet in which he was looking for sponsors for children in need of urgent surgery. While confined to a wheelchair, he saved dozens of lives.
18) Once upon a time in the Andes There was a plane crash: a plane crashed into the gorge. Some of the passengers miraculously survived. But how can you live among the eternal snow, far from human habitation? Some began to passively wait for help, while others lost heart, preparing for death. But there were those who did not give up. They, falling into the snow, falling into the abyss, went in search of people. Wounded and barely alive, they finally made it to the mountain village. Soon, rescuers rescued the survivors from trouble.
19) Medieval knights performed numerous feats, hoping that the most worthy of them would see the Holy Grail. When the most worthy one was called to the temple so that he could see the sacred vessel, the lucky one
experienced the most bitter disappointment in life: what to do next? Is there really an end to all searches, dangers, battles, are exploits really no longer needed?
20) Overcoming difficulties, intense struggle, tireless search - these are necessary conditions for the formation of a person. Let's remember the famous parable about the butterfly. One day a man saw a butterfly trying to get out through a small gap in a cocoon. He stood for a long time and watched the unsuccessful attempts of the unfortunate creature to get out into the light. The man’s heart was filled with pity, and with a knife he parted the edges of the cocoon. A frail insect crawled out, dragging its helpless wings with difficulty. The man did not know that the butterfly, breaking the shell of the cocoon, strengthens its wings and develops the necessary muscles. And with his pity he doomed her to certain death.

21) Some American billionaire, apparently Rockefeller became decrepit, and it became harmful for him to worry. He always read the same newspaper. In order not to worry the billionaire with various stock exchange and other troubles, they produced one special copy of the newspaper and placed it on his desk. Thus, life went on as usual, and the billionaire lived in another, illusory world specially created for him.

The problem of human self-realization, arguments from works for C1 in the Unified State Exam in Russian

And A. Goncharov “Oblomov”

A good, kind, talented person, Ilya Oblomov, was unable to overcome himself, his laziness and promiscuity, and did not reveal his best traits. The absence of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov.

U.S. Maugham "The Razor's Edge"

In his late novel The Razor's Edge, W.S. Maugham depicts the life path of the young American Larry, who spent half his life reading books and the other half in travel, work, search and self-improvement. His image stands out clearly against the background of young people of his circle, wasting their lives and extraordinary abilities on the fulfillment of fleeting whims, on entertainment, on a carefree existence in luxury and idleness. Larry chose his own path and, not paying attention to the misunderstanding and reproach of loved ones, sought the meaning of life in hardships, wanderings and wanderings around the world. He devoted himself entirely to the spiritual principle in order to achieve enlightenment of the mind, purification of the spirit, and discover the meaning of the universe.

D. London "Martin Eden"

Main character the novel of the same name by the American writer Jack London, Martin Eden, a working guy, a sailor, coming from the lower classes, about 21 years old, meets Ruth Morse, a girl from a wealthy bourgeois family. Ruth begins to teach the semi-literate Martin the correct pronunciation of English words and awakens his interest in literature. Martin learns that magazines pay decent fees to the authors who publish in them, and firmly decides to make a career as a writer, earn money and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he has fallen in love. Martin is putting together a self-improvement program, working on his language and pronunciation, and reading a lot of books. Iron health and unbending will move him towards his goal. In the end, after going through a long and thorny path, after numerous refusals and disappointments, he becomes a famous writer. (Then he becomes disillusioned with literature, his beloved, people in general and life, loses interest in everything and commits suicide. This is just in case. An argument in favor of the fact that fulfilling a dream does not always bring happiness)

Scientific facts

If a shark stops moving its fins, it will sink to the bottom like a stone; a bird, if it stops flapping its wings, will fall to the ground. Likewise, a person, if his aspirations, desires, goals fade away, will collapse to the bottom of life, he will be sucked into the thick quagmire of gray everyday life. A river that stops flowing turns into a stinking swamp. Likewise, a person who stops searching, thinking, striving, loses the “beautiful impulses of his soul”, gradually degrades, his life becomes aimless, miserable vegetation.

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry(1900, Lyon, France - July 31, 1944) - famous French writer, poet and professional pilot.

A. de Saint-Exupery " A little prince». The Old Fox taught the Little Prince to comprehend the wisdom of human relationships. To understand a person, you need to learn to peer into him and forgive minor shortcomings. After all, the most important thing is always hidden inside, and you can’t see it right away.

This is the story of the accidental landing of the writer himself and his mechanic Prevost in the desert.
The symbol of life is water, it quenches the thirst of people lost in the sands, the source of everything that exists on earth, the food and flesh of everyone, the substance that makes rebirth possible.
The dehydrated desert is a symbol of a world devastated by war, chaos, destruction, human callousness, envy and selfishness. This is a world in which man dies of spiritual thirst.

A rose is a symbol of love, beauty, and femininity. The little prince did not immediately discern the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning and content.

“Loving does not mean looking at each other, it means looking in the same direction” - this thought determines the ideological concept of the fairy tale.

He examines the theme of Evil in two aspects: on the one hand, it is “micro-evil,” that is, evil within an individual person. This is the deadness and inner emptiness of the inhabitants of the planets, who personify all human vices. And it is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the planet Earth are characterized through the inhabitants of the planets seen by the Little Prince. By this, the author emphasizes how petty and dramatic the modern world is. He believes that humanity, like the Little Prince, will comprehend the mystery of existence, and each person will find his own guiding star, which will illuminate his path in life. The second aspect of the theme of evil can be conditionally called “macroevil.” Baobabs are a spiritualized image of evil in general. One interpretation of this metaphorical image is associated with fascism. Saint-Exupéry wanted people to carefully uproot the evil “baobab trees” that threatened to tear the planet apart. “Beware of the baobabs!” - the writer conjures.

Saint-Exupery encourages us to treat everything beautiful as carefully as possible and try not to get lost in difficult things. life path beauty within yourself - the beauty of the soul and heart.
The Little Prince learns the most important thing about beauty from the Fox. Outwardly beautiful, but empty inside, roses do not evoke any feelings in a child-contemplator. They are dead to him. The main character discovers the truth for himself, the author and the readers - only that which is filled with content and deep meaning is beautiful.

Misunderstanding and alienation of people is another important philosophical topic. The deadness of the human soul leads to loneliness. A person judges others only by the “outer shell”, without seeing the main thing in a person - his inner moral beauty: “When you say to adults: “I saw beautiful house made of pink brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roofs,” they just can’t imagine this house. They must be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”
People must take care of the purity and beauty of their planet, together protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. So, gradually, unobtrusively, another important theme arises in the fairy tale - environmental, which is very relevant for our time. The Little Prince's journey from star to star brings us closer to today's vision of cosmic distances, where the Earth, due to the carelessness of people, can disappear almost unnoticed.
Love And the Fox reveals one more secret to the baby: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes... Your Rose is so dear to you because you gave her your whole soul... People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed.” To tame means to bind oneself to another creature with tenderness, love, and a sense of responsibility. To tame means to destroy facelessness and indifference towards all living things. To tame means to make the world significant and generous, because everything in it reminds of a beloved creature. The narrator comprehends this truth, and the stars come to life for him, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, reminiscent of the laughter of the Little Prince. The theme of “expansion of the soul” through love runs through the entire tale.

Only friendship can melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, since it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
“It's sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend,” says the hero of the fairy tale. At the beginning of the fairy tale, the Little Prince leaves his only Rose, then he leaves his new friend Fox on Earth. “There is no perfection in the world,” the Fox will say. But there is harmony, there is humanity, there is a person’s responsibility for the work entrusted to him, for the person close to him, there is also responsibility for his planet, for everything that happens on it.
Exupery wants to say that each person has his own planet, his own island and his own guiding star, which a person should not forget about. “I would like to know why the stars glow,” said the Little Prince thoughtfully. “Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.”

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy ---1828 --- 1910 Novel "War and Peace"

Pierre (Tolstoy's "V. and the World") was helped to survive in captivity by the wisdom of Platon Karataev, who taught him to live simply and appreciate what you have: the sun is shining, the rain is falling - all is good. There is no need to rush, rush around in search of happiness - live and rejoice, be happy that you live. He got along with everyone mutual language, even with the French.

Using the example of Pierre Bezukhov and Platon Karataev L. N. Tolstoy showed two completely different types Russian characters, two different social heroes.
The first of them is the count, who was captured by the French as an “arsonist” and, miraculously, escaped execution. The second is a simple, experienced, patient soldier. However, soldier Platon Karataev managed to play exceptionally important role in the life of Pierre Bezukhov.
After the execution of the “arsonists,” of which Pierre became an eyewitness, “it was as if the spring on which everything was held was pulled out in his soul, and everything fell into a heap of meaningless rubbish. Faith in the improvement of the world, and in the human soul, and in God."
A meeting in a booth with Platon Karataev helped Pierre’s spiritual revival: “He felt that the previously destroyed world was now being erected in his soul with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations.” Karataev made a huge impression on Pierre with his behavior, common sense, expediency of actions, and ability to “do everything not very well, but not badly either.” For Pierre, he became “an incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth.”
Bezukhov, having endured severe suffering and fear of death, finds himself in another world. He sees how Karataev carefully arranged all his “household” in the corner, how a little dog ran up to him and began to caress him. The soldier started talking about something very simple, began muttering prayers. All these everyday words and actions in those conditions seemed to Pierre a miracle, a great discovery of the truth of life. Pierre felt new beauty of the recently destroyed world, received “peace and self-satisfaction”: “And he, without thinking about it, received this peace and this agreement with himself only through the horror of death, through deprivation and through what he understood in Karataev.”
Karataev feels like a part of the people: ordinary soldiers, the peasantry. His wisdom is contained in numerous proverbs and sayings, each of which reveals an episode of Plato’s life. For example, “where there is justice, there is untruth.” He suffered from an unfair trial and was forced to serve in the army. However, Plato takes any twists of fate calmly; he is ready to sacrifice himself for the well-being of his family. Karataev loves every person, every living creature: he is affectionate with an ordinary stray dog, helps other prisoners, sews shirts for the French and sincerely admires his work.
Platon Karataev becomes for Pierre an example of the perception of another world, where simplicity and truth, love for humanity reign.
The relationship between Platon Karataev and Pierre Bezukhov developed very briefly in the novel. Due to the worsening illness, Karataev was shot by the French.
The soldier passed away unnoticed, and Pierre took Karataev’s death calmly, as a matter of course.
Plato appeared next to Pierre, like a savior, at the most difficult moment of his life and left casually. But, despite this, his personality is so extraordinary and his influence on Pierre’s fate is so great that Karataev cannot simply be counted among the episodic heroes of the novel.
It was not for nothing that years later Pierre often remembered him, thought about what Plato would say about this or that event, “would he approve or not approve.” The meeting of these two heroes largely determined the future fate of Count Pierre Bezukhov and showed the greatest wisdom of the Russian people, embodied in the guise of the soldier Platon Karataev


(1) There is an accurate human observation: we notice air when it begins to be scarce. (2) To make this expression completely accurate, it would be necessary to use the word “treasure” instead of the word “notice”. (3) Indeed, we do not value air and do not think about it while we breathe normally and unhindered. (4) But still, it’s not true, we notice. (5) We even enjoy it when warm moisture comes from the south, when it is washed by May rain, when it is ennobled by thunderstorms. (6) We don’t always breathe indifferently and casually. (7) There are the sweetest, most precious breaths of air, memorable for a lifetime.

(8) Due to everyday life, due to our invisibility, there is, perhaps, no one on earth closer to the air than grass. (9) We are used to the world being green. (Yu) We walk, crush, trample into the mud, tear off with tracks and wheels, cut off with shovels, scrape off with bulldozer knives, slam shut with concrete slabs, fill with hot asphalt, fill with iron, cement, plastic, brick, paper, rag rubbish. (11) We pour gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene, acids and alkalis onto the grass. (12) Empty the car with factory slag and cover it and shield the grass from the sun? (13) Just think! (14) How much grass is there? (15) Ten square meters. (16) We are not falling asleep on a person, but on grass. (17) It will grow in another place.

(18) One day, when winter was over and the antifreeze in the car was no longer needed, I opened the tap, and all the liquid from the radiator poured onto the ground, where the car stood - on the lawn under the windows of our village house. (1 (^The antifreeze spread out into an oblong puddle, then it was washed away by the rains, but on the ground, it turns out, there was a severe burn. (20) Among the dense small grass growing on the lawn, an ominous black spot. (21) For three years the earth could not heal the burn site, and only then the bald spot was covered with grass again.

(22) It’s noticeable under the window, of course. (23) I regretted that I acted carelessly and ruined the lawn. (24) But this is under your own window! (25) Every day you walk past, see and remember. (26) If somewhere far from sight, in a ravine, on the edge of a forest, in a roadside ditch, yes, Lord, is there not enough grass on the ground? (27) Do you feel sorry for her? (28) Well, they poured out the slag (iron scraps, crushed stone, broken glass, concrete crumbles), well, they crushed several million blades of grass.

(29) Is it really possible for such a higher being, in comparison with herbs, as a person, to think and care about such an insignificance as a blade of grass? (ZO) Grass? (31) Grass is grass. (32) There is a lot of it. (ZZ) She is everywhere. (34) In the forest, in the field, in the steppe, on the mountains, even in the desert... (35) Except that in the desert there is less of it. (Zb) You begin to notice that it turns out that it may be like this: there is earth, but no grass. (37) A terrible, terrible, hopeless sight! (38) I imagine a person in a boundless, grassless desert, which our Earth might find itself after some cosmic or non-cosmic catastrophe, who discovered on the charred surface of the planet a single green sprout making its way from the darkness to the sun.

(39) A breath of air when a person is choking. (40) A green, living blade of grass, when a person is completely cut off from nature. (41) Actually, it’s grass. (42) Scrape it with bulldozer knives, fill it with garbage, fill it with hot asphalt, crush it with concrete, pour oil on it, trample it, destroy it, despise it...

(43) Meanwhile, to caress a person’s eye, pour quiet joy into his soul, soften his disposition, bring peace and relaxation - this is one of the side purposes of any plant.

(According to V. Soloukhin)


I lie on the grass and look into the bottomless blue sky. The grass is tender, soft, affectionate. A scythe has just passed over it, and there are even rows all over the meadow. This is a dear and distant picture from childhood, when my grandfather took me with him early in the morning to a dewy meadow smelling of forbs. I remember how he said: “You, granddaughter, inhale the grass, remember: this is what your childhood smells like.” ...Grandfather has been gone for a long time, but his words remain and live in my memory as a spiritual farewell wise man who went through the war, saw death and blood. Eternal gratitude to him for teaching us to understand the spiritual value of nature and teaching us to feel our kinship with it.

Having become an adult, I was convinced many times that the problem of man’s awareness of the value of nature is one of the main problems of modern man. The text of the famous Russian writer, a subtle connoisseur of nature, V. Soloukhin, made me think about this once again.

Discussing the spiritual value of nature for humans, the writer rightly says that people often do not notice nature, considering it an ordinary background of life. The most invisible to any of us, according to V. Soloukhin, are air and grass. With what pain the author writes: “We walk, we crush, we trample into the mud, we tear off with caterpillars and wheels, we cut off with shovels...” It seems that this sad list of what a person, through his ignorance, can do to the grass, the writer can continue ad infinitum. Indeed, people, considering themselves the highest beings in nature, are extremely inattentive to it. But she is alive! It is no coincidence that, speaking for the second time about the barbaric attitude towards grass, V. Soloukhin endows it with the qualities of a living being. “A green living blade of grass” - how much tenderness, trembling, affection there is in these ingenuous words of the writer. Neither the air, nor the grass, nor nature in general deserve human contempt.

The author’s position is fully and quite emotionally formulated in the last sentence of the text: “... caress a person’s eye, pour quiet joy into his soul, soften his temper, bring peace and relaxation...”. Consequently, the spiritual value of nature is manifested in its positive, beneficial influence on each of us.

The fact that communication with nature has spiritual value for any of us is said by many Russian writers, for whom nature is a source of inspiration, an opportunity to rise above ordinary and everyday affairs and anxieties. This is the story of the modern writer V. Krupin, “Drop the Bag.” The heroine of the story, Varya, learned to see quiet joy in communicating with all living things, in contemplating amazing pictures of nature. And this ability to rise above immediate concerns makes her a happy person. How fitting that the heroine of the story passes on this unique skill to her daughter and granddaughter!

Speaking about the fact that nature is an eternal and unconditional spiritual value that helps a person realize his place in life and soften the blows of fate, one cannot help but recall the famous oak from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". When Prince Andrey enters Otradnoye, he is in the gloomiest mood: life seems complete to him and devoid of high meaning. It seems that the oak tree, dried up from old age, is ending its life just like the hero. But how everything changes in one night: Prince Andrei, under the influence of Natasha’s enthusiastic words, under the influence of a wonderful spring night, is internally transformed. I remember the famous phrase: “Life is not over at thirty-one.” Life with all its accomplishments, joys, anxieties and sorrows is just beginning. It seems that the giant oak tree also understands this, it comes to life in just one night, and its young, sticky leaves, and all of it, rejuvenated and fresh, instill in Prince Andrei a strong desire to live, love and believe!

Thus, we can conclude: for humans, nature is a spiritualized being that brings relief from work, quiet joy of peace of mind, softening of the heart, confidence in the happiness of life and awareness of oneself as part of a great and beautiful world.

Probably, every person at a certain stage of life begins to analyze himself, to “reflect,” so to speak. How often does he remain satisfied with the result of evaluating himself? Unfortunately no. After all, what usually happens is that who we want to become is not the same as who we are, and we are forever striving for an unattainable ideal. So can a person sensibly realize whether he has realized himself in life or not? How far are his desires from the realized possibilities? It is these questions that D.A. Granin discusses in his text.

The writer sadly states that a person “consists of omissions, unfulfilled desires and aspirations, opportunities.”

Various options for his development and self-realization do not make it possible to understand whether he chose the right path for himself or made a fatal mistake: “Every person probably has this ratio, when he himself is much larger than his life. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether he understood himself or not.”

The author of the above text is convinced that sometimes it is very difficult for a person to understand whether he was able to self-realize, to realize all his explicit and implicit aspirations and desires. After all, a person is not only his real, real life, who he is, but also his inner spiritual life, who he would like to be.

I share the author's point of view. Indeed, sometimes a person stops at a seemingly achieved goal and lives his whole life blindly, without realizing himself. This happened to the hero of A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych”, Doctor Startsev. At first it seems to us that this person is successful, that he has fully revealed his potential: after all, he has many patients, he is constantly engaged in practice, and is far from poor. But behind all this glitter lies a gaping emptiness. Doctor Startsev seemed to have stopped in his spiritual and professional development; he is engaged in medical activities not in order to treat ailments or save people, but only in order to ride horses and have big house. For his base aspirations, the hero is punished not only by the lack of any prospects, but also by terrible loneliness. At the end of the work we see the already flabby, aged Startsev, who is popularly called only Ionych. Thus ended the story of man’s spiritual fall due to his inattention to his true aspirations. In modern life, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a person to understand who he really is. Facilities mass media they impose on us their own standards, which, it seems, we must obey. But that's not true. A person should only listen to his own inner voice, not paying attention to the cries of the crowd, because only he himself is able to choose the right path for himself. Always, under any circumstances, you need to remain true to yourself and your highest interests.

Thus, the problem of realizing one’s own realization has been and will always be relevant. A person, coming into this world, is initially confused and confused. But life usually makes him understand where his true purpose is. You just need to look more closely at the signs.

Updated: 2018-02-21

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