Italian national character. The harsh truth about Italian men. Rules for communicating with Italians

Each country has its own character and characteristics of local residents. Coming to Italy, we are interested in learning more about this temperamental, noisy and hospitable people. I will tell you about my observations, about some features of the Italians, which it would be incorrect to call advantages or disadvantages, but only distinctive features, inherent in the majority. And remember that there will always be exceptions.

Italians and greetings

Greetings are definitely the first thing worth mentioning when talking about Italian etiquette and manners. Generally, Italians are very welcoming and friendly.

It is customary to say hello when entering shops, offices and other institutions, and also to say goodbye when leaving. You need to talk until 14:00-15:00 Buongiorno(good afternoon), and after 15:00 Buonasera(Good evening).

It is customary to address oneself with “you” (Lei), but often these formalities are omitted, and young people, and not so young ones, are addressed with “you.”

Italians greet acquaintances and friends with emotional hugs and a double kiss on the cheeks, even if they parted just a couple of hours ago. Such greetings can be observed not only between women, but also between men.

Although, to be more precise, they do not kiss, but simply press their cheeks to each other, making a smacking sound.

In the south of Italy, such emotional greetings are awarded to everyone, even those whom they have just met. In the north, people are a little more reserved and may well limit themselves to a warm handshake with strangers.

Italians generously use words like “thank you” (Grazie) and “please” (Prego/Per favore), but you don’t hear “sorry” (Scusi) as often as from Americans. The Italian does not consider it necessary to apologize if he does not feel guilty.

Italians and punctuality

The time the Italian gives you is always approximate

The punctuality of Italians is a stumbling block for foreign business partners. The fact is that punctuality and Italian are not entirely compatible concepts. This applies to friendly meetings, business negotiations, and various classes and seminars. It is important to remember that the time the Italian gives you is always approximate.

Of course, there are always exceptions. I know several punctual Italians, including my husband. When he started working with a Moscow translation agency, after several completed works, they doubted that Danilo was a real Italian, because he completed all the translations on time. He was the only colleague from Italy who turned out to be so punctual.

If you have Italian friends over for dinner at 7 pm, you can safely aim for 7:30, especially if your friends are from Southern Italy. In the north of Italy, things are a little better, here the period of delay is significantly reduced.

Then you will be able to please your guests with a hot dinner, and not worry about the cold risotto waiting for a long time, as happened to me.

I will never forget the first time we invited guests to our home, and not just guests, but my husband’s relatives. Exactly at the appointed time everything was ready and served to the table. The worst thing is that that evening I decided to cook risotto! After all, this dish is especially capricious; it should be served immediately when ready, because after standing for a while, it turns into a dry, unattractive porridge.

So our guests deigned to be 45 minutes late. It was a cruel, but unforgettable lesson for all subsequent years.

Italians and queues

Here is another concept that is difficult for the Italian consciousness to perceive: a queue. If we talk about the south of Italy, everything there is generally very neglected.

Exactly what is happening is what is described in the video, which I have already published in the article, but for those who have not seen it, I am publishing it again.

To combat this situation, the Italians found a way out. Now, when entering a post office, pharmacy, meat or fish department, you need to take a number and wait for your turn. Although, to tell the truth, some people forget to take it))

Italians and rules

As I already said, the majority of Italians are very pleasant people to talk to. They smile widely and are always ready to offer you coffee. But the rules really irritate them.

For example, few Italians know, much less follow, traffic rules. Why burden an already difficult life and remember who must give way when entering a roundabout?

In bureaucratic matters, there are simply no rules in Italy, well, maybe only theoretically. Each official has his own ideas about the rules, it depends on your luck. I have already written about complex issues of bureaucracy in an article.

Smoking in public places is not prohibited in Italy

In Italy, smoking in public places is not prohibited. Although, to be honest, I don’t think much would have changed if there had been a ban. After all, they don’t like rules))

Italians smoke a lot and everywhere, lying on the beach, standing in line, sitting at the next table in a cafe, without thinking at all that this may cause discomfort to others.

Italians also love talking on the phone, both women and men. It is not at all considered indecent to talk loudly on the phone, discussing personal matters in front of everyone. Answering a phone call is sacred for an Italian. To do this, he is ready to interrupt almost any activity.

Italians and their way of expressing thoughts

Italians are known to be very talkative. From a small incident, they can inflate many topics of conversation that will last not just for the whole day, but sometimes for years. This can partly be explained by the fact that Italians love to beat around the bush. They like to savor every detail without going too deep. I am always amazed at this ability of theirs.

Italians do not like directness, and may even perceive it as tactlessness and impudence. They talk about their feelings and desires in half-hints, which other Italians can understand almost instantly. This applies to both friendly and business communication.

There is a lot more that can be said about Italians. Some of their features are closer to us, others are not, but one thing is absolutely clear - it is simply impossible not to love the inhabitants of the sunny hospitable boot!

If you have been to Italy or live here, you have probably noticed other features regarding Italian etiquette and manners. I would be glad if you share your observations in the comments.

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The cultural heritage of Rome, magnificent landscapes and the gentle sea, not to mention the cuisine and music - all this has won the hearts of more than one tourist. But it is not only Italy that wins hearts, but also the Italians themselves, and today many Russian girls dream of marrying a resident of this country. Therefore, let's leave the sights and nature aside and talk about gentlemen. What are they like, Italians? What should a Russian bride expect from a foreign groom?

The mentality of Italian men

Italians are impetuous people, subject to passions. Their expansive temperament is completely different from the calmer Russian and is in many ways reminiscent of the Caucasian. On your first visit, Italy and its people captivate with their openness and color, but upon closer acquaintance you will encounter many surprises, and not all of them will be pleasant.

First of all, it is necessary to note the musicality of Italians - almost everyone loves to sing and have a beautiful voice, so they are happy to pamper their chosen ones with love confessions in the form of serenades, opera arias and simply beautiful songs.

Italian men are some of the best lovers in the world; they are passionate, hot and irrepressible, not only in bed, but also in courtship in general. Endless compliments, gifts, confessions, readiness to throw the world at the feet of your beloved is a common thing for every Italian. Italians are masters beautiful words, they love to make promises and build castles in the air, but they do not always fulfill them, depending on the situation and opportunities.

Because of their generosity, they cannot be called economical and rational in financial matters; Unlike men in many other European countries, they willingly spend money on a lover and dates. They are happy to pay small bills, pay for two in a restaurant, give flowers, and can even give money just like that, for personal expenses.

But Italians are not particularly generous either. Despite their willingness to spend, they clearly control the expenses caused by the affair and will never spend more than they consider necessary. Therefore, despite first impressions, it will not be possible to “live beautifully” at the expense of an Italian during the period of romance and courtship, even if he is wealthy.

Men in this country prefer to communicate face-to-face, at least by telephone. The Internet is not their environment, and Italians are not inclined to carry out long correspondence. Dates, meeting friends, attending football matches and beer bars - there is nothing better than live communication, so be prepared that you will see each other often and spend a lot of time together. By the way, there are almost no alcoholics among Italians, despite their love of wine and beer.

Italian men in relationships

Italian before and after wedding – two different people. After you say the most important words to each other and exchange rings, he may change dramatically. A sense of ownership, jealousy, constant control - as soon as you become his legal wife, your life risks turning into a series full of passions, violent quarrels and reconciliations.

Moreover, not only men behave this way - Italian couples can hang on their phones endlessly, sorting things out. Noisy scenes of jealousy and family squabbles are the norm in Italy, so they often happen not only at home, but also in public.

But constant calls with checks, demands for reports and explanations in the spirit of “why did you look at him like that” are actually a sign not of despotism, but of love and concern for your woman. It’s just that Italians express it this way, often being good-natured and non-conflict people by nature, simply overly sensitive and emotional.

How to choose a groom?

Much in your future relationship will depend not only on your desires and goals, but also on the groom. You need to choose wisely and very carefully. Marrying a rich Italian is not just difficult, but very difficult. In Italy there are many wealthy families who have been developing their business for several generations, and all important decisions in them are made by general advice, and not the man himself.

Therefore, parents will do their best to prevent the marriage of their beloved son with an incomprehensible foreigner who, in their opinion, does not need him, but the family fortune. Poor and not particularly handsome guys, as in many countries, are often left alone, and often it is they who try to seduce foreign women who are not particularly versed in the nuances of the local culture and mentality.

Finding a gentleman upon arrival in Italy is not difficult - the appearance of a typical Russian girl for this country is exotic and therefore very attractive. So you will find fans yourself, and quickly, especially if you are blonde. But the most attentive and decent Italian, to the untrained eye of a Russian woman, could easily turn out to be a “tourist lover,” a divorced father of many children, or simply a loser.

Therefore, do not rush to final conclusions, no matter how beautifully your novel develops.

Italian family

Family life in Italy is built on the principle “the mother is sacred,” and the cult of the mother in this country reaches incredible proportions. Because of this, almost every third man is a “mama’s boy,” and often they are not looking for a wife, but rather a “second mommy” who will look after him, endure all his whims and love him immensely on a one-sided basis.

Even quite successful and accomplished men in life listen to their mother’s opinion in one way or another, so she will also have to please you, and not just your chosen one. If you live separately, then this is not a hindrance for your parents - they will constantly strive to take part in all your affairs. There are also families in Italy with more progressive, free views, but the likelihood that you will come across a traditional one is very high.

The loveliness and temperament of Italians often pushes them into infidelity and minor affairs on the side, especially during the period of their wife’s pregnancy and the first years after childbirth. But women are strictly prohibited from even thinking about something like that. Any “wrong” look or even a hint of slight flirting with a stranger is a reason for scandal and jealousy.

For an Italian wife, the most important thing in life should be the interests of her husband and children, even if this means staying at home almost all the time. In any case, today in Europe, without many confirmed diplomas, it is impossible for a foreigner to find a good job, but to work, for example, as a dishwasher... That’s not why you traveled so far?

The Italian husband considers it his main duty material support family, but you shouldn’t expect any special luxury or money for yourself. At the first place - family budget, so you will receive from your husband as much as you need to maintain the family hearth. For an Italian, a wife is a helper and a mother, and not a “spinner” who spends her husband’s money and loves shopping.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about divorces - they were prohibited back in the last century, and to this day they remain complex and lengthy processes. Moreover, when choosing who the children should stay with, the court usually takes the father’s side. And this is not about infringement of women’s rights, the interests of the whole family are simply taken into account, and the husband’s parents will never give their children to their now ex-wife, especially if they are from another country.

If the wedding took place in a church, then only the Pope himself can give permission for divorce. Therefore, when deciding to marry an Italian, you should once again weigh the pros and cons, taking into account not only the romantic, but also all the everyday nuances characteristic of the culture of this country.

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Andriano Celentano - temperamental Italian

How beautifully they know how to care! What poetic compliments you hear addressed to you! With what an enveloping passionate gaze they follow you, walking not quite firmly, but proudly, in ten-centimeter heels. Everything is blooming inside! And the abundance of superlatives in speeches? Not just beautiful, but bellissima. Not just “I’m in love”, but “sono inammoratissimo”, well, that is, just “about the ears.” Everything is overflowing with them, passion consumes. Yes, passion is the key word of the Italian character.

Here's a wine ad: "Share our passion." Can you imagine advertising vodka with a similar slogan? And here - please. The one who makes this wine doesn’t just come to work every morning, but does it with passion. And what about advertising yogurt: “Fate amore con il sapore” (“Make love with taste”) or boiled sausage, which is proudly called “mortadella”: “Passione e desiderio” (“Passion and desire”)? Well, what does sausage have to do with it?! In our country it would be banned for using the image of female sexuality too openly.

Having arrived for the first time in Italy at the age of 17, being an inexperienced virgin, I returned home in a tight mini-dress, because I decided that it was a sin to hide such beauty. During the two weeks of travel, my self-esteem increased greatly. Of course, when you are walking down the street, and every passing male specimen shouts after you, “Most beautiful, wait! Do not break My Heart!". I didn’t know Italian then, but I learned a few phrases. But they were enough to understand what exactly the men were saying after me.

With each subsequent trip, my self-esteem rose higher and higher. I felt like a Woman. I left the house with my head held high, because I knew that I attracted admiring glances. It's nice, damn it. And the ice cream man will ask: “What does the delightful young lady want?”, and the bartender in the cafe will call you “Honey,” and even look as if he was going to propose tomorrow. It doesn't matter which one. And that's not the main thing. It is important to always be in good shape.

Later I worked in Moscow as a translator with Italian entrepreneurs. Purely business relations. But! In communication there was always a slight touch of flirtation, without any vulgarity, graceful compliments, verbal play of half-hints and glances.

Gallant. They dress with taste (just look at their stylish shirts with matching ties in absolutely breathtaking colors, and boots that shine in any weather). And what aromas emanate from them! I recognize an Italian even in a multinational crowd of identically dressed men.

Then, they are all handsome, they have a special character. A garbage man hanging from a truck wearing an orange reflective vest. God, how good! And here’s another one, spraying the parsley on the display. And this one is so beautiful in the carabinieri uniform (I don’t like military men, but what a posture, what a profile!). Here is another doctor in a green coat. And this one is no longer young, but what a sparkle in his eyes.

In general, I was crazy about Italians. But Italy is so diverse. And the people there are different too. In the north, in the central part, in the south - opposite worlds. Northerners do not like southerners, consider them loafers and parasites, southerners snort contemptuously when northerners are mentioned: “pompous geese”, “polenta eaters” (polenta is something like thick corn porridge, which is eaten instead of bread in the northeast).

I communicated with all sorts of types: from the south, and from the central part, and from the north-west. But I haven’t met any northeastern ones. Therefore, when I moved to a small town located between Trieste and Venice, I was very surprised. It seemed like I was in another country. Where are the Italians? Where is the emotionality, where is the worship of a Woman, after all? People here are very reserved. They follow the rules very strictly, watching “how to and how not to.”

On the street, if they look at you, it will be with some kind of indifferent gaze. He turned his head, but so as not to strain his neck too much. No shouting after you. Maybe I'm sick? Maybe it’s written on my forehead now that I’m married?

I wondered: “Where have those Italians gone who took my breath away?” But after thinking about it, I realized what was going on.

1. I have been living in Italy for eight years. I've seen enough! Well, handsome guys, so what?

2. Those Italians who came to Moscow on business behaved completely differently than at home. In Russia they were politeness and courtesy itself. Here, having worked in several places, I can say that all their courtesy disappears after your first day of work begins. Other relationships are already emerging. From them I learned the entire vocabulary of obscene words in Italian. And you understand that in most cases the Italians are simply showing off.

3. When I came to Italy, it was obvious that I was a foreigner. Therefore, these heartthrobs thought that they could afford more than with local gentlemen: “Oh, he’ll leave later anyway.” Not to mention that there was a time (before the collapse of the USSR) when it was believed that girls from Eastern Europe would do anything for a pair of tights. Some people still think so. So sometimes we have to defend the morality of a Russian woman.

4. Italian men from different regions are quite different. Perhaps, living somewhere near Naples, I would complain that it is impossible to go out in a dress that goes above the knees, because everyone around me is smacking their lips and shouting after me “bellissima, stupenda”. And in the north, Italians are quite reserved in their emotions.

Yes, most Italians master the art of flirting almost from the cradle. But what is behind their game? You will be surprised, but many of them live with their mother until they are 40-45 years old. At the age of 35 they can study at university, in the 3rd year. Italians have a completely different age scale. What's the hurry?

And in conclusion, I want to say that you can shower compliments as much as you like, but you shouldn’t expect decisive action from Italian men. Although, without a doubt, it’s nice to be admired!

Italians... The mentality of Italians consists of contradictions and paradoxes. World famous opera singers and loud and rude voices of the inhabitants. The cult of the family – and a very low birth rate. Classic ideals of health and strength - and weak warriors. Developed individualism - and the superiority of the crowd. One of the most advanced European waste recycling systems - and indecently dirty streets...

It is almost impossible to give a brief and succinct description of Italians. Every Italian distinctive feature temperament gets along well with its opposite.

Keep the style!

One of the main components of the nature of the inhabitants of Italy is the desire to preserve “bella figura”, which means “to keep the style”. This is a kind of code of external behavior, very important for Italians, whose life always takes place in public. This code also includes a specific manner of dressing smartly. Clothes should always be beautiful. No Italian woman will allow herself to go out in an old house dress or tracksuit. Even your shopping bag should match your clothes.

The desire to always be “on top” is expressed in the manner in which one behaves in public. It is important for an Italian to show himself as self-confident and decisive; everyone should see that he is the master of life, even if in fact he is all complex.

Food and pleasure

Neither work, nor politics, nor money, nor career are as important for local residents as receiving pleasure. This is both delicious food and street or family celebration, and good wine, and chatting with a friend, and beautiful woman. This is probably why Italians are often accused of laziness.

The people of Italy take such a pleasure as food with great passion and very seriously. Eating here is not just eating, gastronomic delights, their variety and abundance - this is a responsible process in which everything is significant: mood, order, atmosphere, and time. Neither price nor location matter in this case.

Italians are also sensitive to alcoholic drinks. What, where, with whom and when to drink are the unshakable rules here. On early Saturday mornings, strong and mature men in bars drink raspberry-colored liquid, and on a weekday they drink prosecco, the Italian version of champagne. After a meal, be sure to have wine of the appropriate color; after a meal, a digestif; for normal digestion, something strong, for example, grape vodka. Italians drink almost all day long, but despite this, drunk people on the streets are extremely rare.

Family and women

For an Italian, the true center of the universe is the family. The most reverent and tender attitude is noted towards children and mothers. Children are not only loved, children are admired, allowing them to do whatever they want.

The local culture has a special attitude towards representatives of the fairer sex. It is customary to admire a woman without hiding it. Moreover, Italians admire any representative of the fair sex - old or young, ugly or beautiful, smart or stupid. A woman in Italy can truly be the center of attention of men, feeling delightful and desirable.

All life is theater...:)

The secret of a real man's success is fully revealed by theatrical acting. Nobody gives himself to the game with sincerity and passion like an Italian. He is always in character: a bar visitor, a family man, an employee, a friend - and he always brings his chosen image to perfection. In the country, it is customary to address a person by his position. The natural apogee of Italian theatricality is the popular carnivals of Italy, which take place not only in Venice, but also in other cities. Venetians prepare for the holiday throughout the year, creating not just costumes, but entire masterpieces that are real works of art.

Many small Italian towns have a traditional pre-dinner walk - “la passegiata”. People put on nice clothes and go outside to walk around before eating. The usual setting for such an evening performance is the main street, which fills to such an extent that traffic stops. And so every evening...

Italians are characterized by a subtle aestheticism and an innate sense of taste. This is manifested in the artistic design of shop windows, in exquisite clothing, and in beautiful furniture. In the most remote corner of Italy you can see shops whose interiors are equated to works of art. Even dilapidated, at first glance, houses hide masterpieces of modern art inside.

Italians communicate everywhere and always, and they speak emotionally, passionately and loudly, as if they were kept locked up for a long time, not allowed to open their mouths. But this sociability does not at all mean that they are open. No one in Italy just talks to a stranger, but if an Italian considers someone a friend, then this person will not have any problems in the country. Friendship for him is sacred. There is a certain naivety and youth in Italian friendship; it is impossible for them to betray a friend.

New and old, living side by side in Italy, contrast with each other, but do not exclude each other. It is this amazing character of the Italians, their naive and childlike clear perception of the world, their unique style of life that creates the charm of this amazing country, which cannot be expressed in words, cannot be conveyed in words, but which is also difficult to resist.

In this material we will talk to you about the Italian mentality. It must be said that the inhabitants of this country are very expressive people and during a conversation they often gesture with their hands, as if complementing their already enchanting speech. Couples can sort things out in public, while at home they will not need to continue the conversation at all. They admire something beautiful without embarrassment and can react sharply to things that they do not like at all. To some, this may seem too unrestrained, but this is what makes Italians so alive and real. It must be said that the residents of this sunny state are very open and sociable and their temperament cannot be confused with anyone else.

Perhaps the southern location of the country has an effect. Let us note that they love to dress smartly and no self-respecting woman would leave the house in a shabby robe. If we talk about the mentality of Italian men, they also like to show off in beautiful clothes, for example, in jackets, pressed trousers and always with a handkerchief in their pocket. Their other passion is sunglasses. Even if the sky is covered with clouds, they will still take them with them. And this is not surprising, because Italy is considered the capital of world fashion and we can say that style is already in the blood of local residents.

Italians love to eat delicious food. Their cuisine is one of the most popular in the world, and this is proven by the abundance of Italian cafes in many countries around the world, where you can taste pizza, lasagna and the most delicate tiramisu. But food for the residents of Italy is not just eating - it is a kind of ritual, where the mood, atmosphere, campaign are important, because it is important to enjoy eating. Even appearance food plays a huge role. Those who have already been here know that when pasta is served, it is decorated with tomatoes, basil leaves, olives and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. Or remember the panna cotta dessert topped with raspberries and a mint leaf. For Italians, it is important to enjoy not only the taste of food, but also its appearance.

Speaking of alcohol, Italians may drink a few glasses of wine during meals, such as lunch or dinner. On a day off, they can have a drink with friends, sit in the evening with family or acquaintances in a restaurant, but drunk people are very rarely seen on the street. This is because they do not drink strong alcohol and the main goal is not to get drunk, but to drink a high-quality alcoholic drink in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. It must be said that in the Italian mentality, family is sacred. They love children very much here and are kind to mothers and the older generation. All the most important holidays of the Italian Republic are always held with family.

Women are the object of adoration of any Italian and they are usually admired and idolized. If you meet a man on the street beautiful girl, then he will most likely give her a compliment, and this does not obligate anyone, it is just a trait of their temperamental character. They are very expressive, not only in life, but also in relationships. Men court beautifully and can be very spontaneous in their actions. They give loud compliments and original gifts, but throwing money around is not their thing. A gentleman can spend the whole day at the stove, preparing a romantic dinner for his beloved.


Residents of Italy prefer not to strain themselves once again, and proof of this is siesta - the time when all shops, cafes, and city institutions close during the day and no one works for several hours. In small towns there is a tradition of walking before dinner. People dress in beautiful clothes and go to the promenade along the busy embankment or along the main street of the city, receiving aesthetic pleasure from the views of passers-by. Because here you don’t have to be a public figure to show off in a beautiful outfit in the evening. The Italian mentality is characterized by a sense of beauty. Even in a store located in a small town, the windows will be decorated neatly and tastefully. Even in Italy, it is customary to smile even to strangers and this is considered a rule of good manners.


Let us note that pensioners of this sunny country are also accustomed to taking care of themselves. Older women get their nails done, go to hairdressers and dress tastefully. Men also do not lag behind and are very gallant, constantly watching their manners. Pensioners can often have lunch or dinner in a cafe in the company of their peers, and also quite often attend various cultural and social events. From time to time they go abroad and one of their favorite vacation options is trips on cruise ships. It must be said that in the Italian mentality there is no concept of living out your life sitting on a bench.

Here it is customary to enjoy life at any age and in the Italian mentality it is customary to always be in shape. This is expressed in self-presentation, confidence and determination. When communicating with these people, you get the feeling that they have no worries. And the best epithet for their life can be the Italian expression - “non vogliamo vivere in eterno, bensì vivere intensamente”, which means “it’s not in our plans to live forever, it’s in our plans to live brightly.” In our next article we will tell you where you will find out what goods this state is famous for and about their main sources of income.