Why do women's sausages hurt so much? Why do women's nipples hurt? Colostrum production during pregnancy

Most often, pregnant and lactating women experience pain and burning in the nipple area. Moreover, the symptom tends to appear immediately after fertilization, before the first delay. In medicine, this is called “increased sensitivity of the nipples.”

Pain that occurs after fertilization signals hormonal changes in the body. Mainly, prolactin levels increase. This hormone enlarges the breasts and develops ducts for future milk. Nipple tissue grows faster than nerve tissue, which is why girls feel pain.

Pain in the nipple area during pregnancy is normal. This problem rarely signals any pathological disorders in the body. However, be sure to tell your doctor about this.

In addition to pain, unpleasant sensations of a different nature may occur. For example, itching/burning. In this case, drug intervention is not required: when the body adapts, the symptoms will go away on their own.

During feeding, the nipple is constantly exposed to mechanical stress. Despite the fact that the skin deliberately “coarsens” a little, adapting to the situation, periodic softening often leads to microtraumas. As a result, pain appears in the nipple area.

Also, pain can only occur during feeding. The most common cause of this is a congenital malocclusion. Because of this feature, the baby positions his mouth incorrectly when eating. Try to support your baby's head and make sure he is latching onto both the nipple and areola.

Pain in the nipples during lactation can occur due to a “milk bubble”. It forms when the outer opening of the milk duct becomes blocked. A puncture will help you get rid of the misfortune. But do not perform it at home, so as not to introduce an infection into the body and prevent the inflammatory process.

Another cause of nipple pain in nursing women is cracked nipples. They may bleed, swell, or turn red. To cope with the problem, available and pharmaceutical products will help: milk, oils (vitamin E, sea buckthorn, olive), panthenol, etc. Just lubricate the injured area and make sure that no infection gets there. It can cause a serious disease - mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland.

External causes of pain in the nipple area

If you are not pregnant or a nursing mother, pay attention to external irritants that can trigger pain in the nipple area. The first is a low-quality bra. If it is chosen or sewn incorrectly, if it puts too much pressure on the chest, or if the seam goes right through the sensitive area of ​​the chest, it can cause discomfort.

The second point is chemical reagents. For example, fabric paint, shower gels/soaps, laundry detergents, cosmetics. If you have increased sensitivity of your areolas and nipples, the substances contained in these products can seriously injure the intimate area and cause pain.

A more careful approach to choosing underwear will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations. Try to use only proven cosmetics that do not contain dyes or harmful impurities. There are also special pads and creams that help speed healing.

Pain in the nipple area as a consequence of health problems

Nipple pain often occurs before/after menstruation. The first case is always considered as PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and is associated by doctors with hormonal changes in the body. Sore nipples after menstruation are a consequence of low sexual activity or a signal of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is accompanied not only by pain in the nipple area, but also by symptoms of a different nature. Firstly, there are lumps in the chest, and secondly, there is clear discharge.

Pain in the nipple area also occurs when it spreads skin infection. Unpleasant sensations often accompany psoriasis, herpes, eczema, candidiasis, impetigo. In this case, the root cause should be treated.

Another cause of discomfort is nerve damage. For example, it can be hit during an impact, surgery, or accident. This pain has a sharp stabbing nature and occurs only in the nipple that has been subjected to mechanical stress.

Nipples can also react painfully to existing muscle pathologies. For example, if your posture is incorrect, you wear an uncomfortable bra, sit in an uncomfortable position, you may feel shooting pain in your nipples. The same type of sensations occur with fibromyalgia (a complex disorder of the body).

The most dangerous disease, a symptom of which can be pain in the nipples, is Paget's disease (a type of cancer). On early stages the illness may resemble eczema: the areola and nipple will become swollen, reddened, and peeling will appear. However, the symptoms are very minor and go away quickly. After some time they return in a more serious form and begin severe pain and burning, bleeding from the nipples. Diagnosis is made by biopsy.

Almost every woman at least once in her life is faced with such a delicate problem as pain in the mammary glands and nipples. Discomfort in this case can be of a different nature. They can occur from time to time or occur constantly. The intensity of pain varies. For example, tingling may be felt only during palpation. Some women experience sharp pain that radiates to the neck, shoulder blade or shoulder.

In some situations when nipples hurt, the causes are natural and do not require any intervention. However, pain in this area can also be a sign of dangerous pathological processes, which cannot be dealt with without qualified specialists. medical care impossible. Therefore, it is very important to understand the causes of discomfort.


If pain appears a few days before the onset of menstruation, it is most often associated with hormonal changes. The cause of pain in this case is directly related to the increased production of prolactin and progesterone, which begins in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

One of the consequences of increasing the concentration of these hormones in the blood is fluid retention in organs and tissues, including swelling of the mammary glands. As a result, swelling of the milk ducts and compression of the nerve endings occurs. It is because of this that the sensitivity of the nipples increases, and pain may occur when touched. With the onset of menstruation, the discomfort goes away.


Nipples also hurt in women and initial stage development of pregnancy. Almost all systems female body During this period, they experience certain changes. First of all, hormonal changes occur. Active preparation for lactation also begins: breast volume increases, ducts grow.

Do not lose sight of the fact that nerve endings form more slowly, so they remain in a tense state for a long time. This is what causes pain when touched, which usually goes away after a few weeks.

However, for many women, breast pain returns just before giving birth. In this case, it is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, darkening of the nipples and the appearance of colostrum.


Many young mothers are interested in the answer to the question: why do a woman’s nipples hurt during pregnancy? breastfeeding.

There are many reasons that contribute to discomfort:

  1. Incorrect position of the baby during feeding, due to which he cannot drink all the milk. To avoid many problems after childbirth, you should definitely ask your doctor to show you how to properly put your baby to the breast.
  2. When during feeding the nipples are injured because they have an irregular shape. For example, they may be too long or retracted, or may have folds or growths.
  3. If the baby does not know how to latch onto the breast correctly: his lips close only around the nipple. Some children pull their lips inward, which can also cause pain to the mother. It is also worth paying attention to whether the woman takes the breast correctly after feeding.
  4. Women should pay attention to proper hygiene procedures. First of all, during this period it is very important to use special softening cosmetics, do not use hard towels, and wash your breasts. warm water after each feeding and treat cracks in a timely manner. You should also take into account that pain can cause softening of the nipple due to untimely replacement of pads in the bra.
  5. Stagnation of milk residues in the ducts also causes painful sensations and can cause a lump to form in the breast. The main reasons for this problem are the child’s improper attachment or refusal to eat. When lactostasis is detected, it is necessary to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing an infection.
  6. Mastitis is an inflammatory disease that is associated with infection in the mammary gland. As the pathology develops, a woman may notice that her nipples are swollen and sore, her body temperature rises, and the skin on her chest becomes red. Sometimes milk contains purulent impurities. It is worth noting that this pathology is treated with antibiotics. It may also be necessary to open the abscess.

Other causes of pain

In addition to menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are many other factors that can cause pain in the chest area. Some of them are associated with the development of serious diseases and require urgent consultation with a doctor.

Skin diseases

If, in addition to pain and inflammation, a woman notices the appearance of white plaque and small cracks are manifestations of candidiasis. As a rule, the fungus, which is the causative agent of this pathology, enters the breast tissue through wounds and cracks.

Herpes can also cause discomfort, which is considered quite dangerous pathology for fetal health. Therefore, it is recommended to treat it even before pregnancy.

Formation of neoplasms

Pain can accompany the development of both benign and malignant tumors. Other symptoms also occur: the shape of the breast, color, size of the areola and nipple may change, and nodular seals may form. In addition, pain appears in the axillary area. It is worth noting that most often discomfort occurs only in one breast. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Nerve damage

In such a situation, discomfort is observed in one nipple and is stabbing in nature. Most often, the nerve can be damaged due to a fall, surgical intervention or a strong blow.

Sometimes the pain can go away on its own a short time. However, there are times when this problem requires long-term treatment.

Physical damage

Women who are wondering what could be causing their nipples to hurt need to consider whether the pain is due to an injury or blow. If this symptom does not go away after a few days, or is accompanied by bleeding or the appearance of a hematoma, you should immediately check with a doctor.

Taking hormonal contraceptives

If you choose the wrong oral contraception or non-compliance with the instructions for their use and dosage, a common complication there is a hormonal imbalance. It negatively affects a woman’s health and can cause pain in the mammary glands. To correct the situation, you need to contact a gynecologist and, based on tests, individually select the optimal contraceptive method.

Psychological factors

In some cases, the answer to the question: why nipples may hurt is hidden in the woman’s emotional state. Experienced conflicts and shocks, depression and stressful situations - all this can lead to discomfort, as well as the development of hormonal imbalance. In addition, taking antidepressants can cause pain.

Wrong choice of underwear

When your breasts have become enlarged and your nipples are sore, the wrong size bra is often to blame. If the underwear is too tight or tight, it rubs the delicate skin, squeezes the breasts and impairs blood circulation.

If, in addition to pain, itching also occurs, this may be an allergic reaction to the fabric or decorative elements of the bra.

Cold season

As the temperature drops, the nipples begin to shrink. In addition, during this period the skin dries out, which can cause irritation. Therefore, in winter it is worth wearing softly padded bras, dressing warmly and not forgetting to moisturize your skin.


Many young people consider this accessory to be very fashionable. In addition, it is popular due to the fact that piercing increases sensitivity. However, when the nipple is pierced, the ducts may be blocked, so the procedure can only be trusted by a highly qualified master.


As breasts begin to grow and develop, this area becomes overly sensitive. As a rule, the pain disappears over time. But if the pain becomes unbearable, do not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Disorders of the nervous or endocrine system

Nipple discomfort may also be associated with adrenal dysfunction or intercostal neuralgia. It often accompanies disorders of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland.


The areolas and nipples are a very sensitive area, so if the stimulation is excessive, pain may occur. To avoid this, you should ensure that the stimulation is leisurely and gentle.

Alarming symptoms

A woman needs to know not only why her nipples ache, but also the symptoms that require urgent consultation with a gynecologist or mammologist.

Such symptoms, first of all, include:

  • the appearance of bloody or purulent discharge, ichor from the nipple;
  • swelling, deformation of the nipple or areola, change in skin color;
  • the appearance of ulcers, erosions or cracks on or near the nipples;
  • the pain is continuous, it increases or radiates to the armpit area.

Features of treatment

You can begin treatment only after the reason why your nipples hurt is determined. So, for example, if we are talking about physiological reasons (for example, discomfort during puberty, before menstruation or during pregnancy), then treatment is not required. After some time, this symptom will disappear on its own. However, to alleviate the situation, you should avoid excessive breast stimulation in case of painful sensations, and also wear seamless underwear of your size and made from natural fabrics.

In other situations, methods for solving the problem will depend on the factors that led to its occurrence:

  • if the discomfort is caused by any disease, its treatment will be required;
  • when this is a reaction to the peculiarities of the breastfeeding process, then you need to follow the rules of hygiene with special care;
  • If cracks appear on the nipple during lactation, it is better to temporarily feed the baby with the other breast (you will need to express milk from the damaged breast and lubricate the nipple with ointments with a healing effect).

Don't forget that pain is always a definite signal. Therefore, it is important to notice it as quickly as possible and identify the causes of its occurrence.


From this video you will learn how to prepare your nipples for childbirth so that you don’t experience pain or problems with feeding in the future.

And in this video you will find useful tips how to treat cracked nipples.

About 60% of women experience periodic nipple pain. In most cases, they are directly related to a sharp change in hormonal levels. In some situations, soreness in the nipples may be a symptom of a pathological condition of the mammary glands.

Cyclic mastodynia

There can be a large number of reasons why nipples hurt in women. One way or another, not all of them are associated with the development of diseases. The phenomenon of pain in the mammary glands is called mastodynia.

This disease is associated with cyclical changes in the body that are observed during menstruation. Thus, many women note moderate pain in the nipples during the menstrual cycle, which is usually observed after ovulation or in its middle. This is due to an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, as well as prolactin. It is they, together with other biological substances in a woman’s blood, that contribute to the retention of fluid and electrolytes, both throughout the body and in the mammary gland. The result is pain and swelling, which sometimes causes the breasts to increase in volume.

Noncyclic mastalgia

The second reason why nipples on a woman’s breast may hurt is. This type of disease has nothing to do with hormonal fluctuations. It is caused by such pathologies as:

  • inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms;
  • disruption of the pituitary system;
  • dysfunction of central and peripheral nervous system etc.

Also, pain in the nipples is often the result of various types of psychological disorders ( Bad mood, experience, stress and others). In addition, sometimes a girl, tormenting herself with the question: “Why do my nipples hurt?”, does not even suspect that this is a consequence of taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives.

Pregnancy and lactation

Women often complain of pain in the nipples when touched during current pregnancy, and a little less often during breastfeeding. These pains are caused by the growth and expansion of the milk ducts in the gland. In addition, the presence of pain can sometimes be one of the signs of pregnancy that has just begun.

Quite often, young mothers position their baby incorrectly when feeding, which results in mild pain in the nipples. Also, at the beginning of feeding, the newborn may latch onto the breast incorrectly, pulling the nipple too hard, which also causes pain.

What to do?

If a girl encounters such a common phenomenon as nipple pain for the first time, then, as a rule, she does not know what to do. In such situations, diagnosis plays a major role.

First you need to find out whether these pains are cyclical in nature. If they appear and disappear, then most likely this is due to hormonal changes in the body. In such cases, no treatment is required, and the woman can only wait until they go away on their own.

Particularly noteworthy are those cases when, along with painful sensations, a woman also notes the presence. As a rule, they are the main symptom of a large number of diseases, the differentiation of which is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

Thus, pain in the nipples can mean either the development of pathology in a woman’s body or be a separate symptom of a complex disease. In any case, when they appear, a woman should be wary and try to seek help from a doctor as quickly as possible, who, if necessary, will prescribe comprehensive treatment.

The female body is a very complex and sensitive organism. Breasts are one of the most sensual organs in women, especially the nipples. Why do nipples hurt, causing a lot of discomfort and discomfort?

Physiological causes of pain

Often nipple pain occurs unexpectedly and also disappears suddenly. It happens:

  1. Before the upcoming menstruation - this is one of the common reasons. In women, 3-5 days before this, the amount of hormones in the blood increases. The mammary glands swell and pinch the nerve endings, the nipples become more sensitive and are painful to touch.
  2. During pregnancy, from the very first days, a woman’s body begins to prepare for motherhood and breastfeeding (lactation). There is an increase in hormonal levels and the milk ducts increase, but the nerve tissue grows less quickly, so they are tense. And this, in turn, leads to painful feelings in the nipples of pregnant women.
  3. When feeding, due to the increase in mammary glands in volume, pain symptoms appear in the nipples.

There are cases when the baby takes the breast incorrectly or the mother herself, by her position, created an uncomfortable position for the baby and thus he was unable to take it correctly. And also the mother tears the baby from the breast with a sharp movement. This can cause your nipples to crack, even before bleeding appears. The pain is severe and burning. It is recommended to use a cream or ointment to heal wounds.

And also at the time of feeding, the skin on the nipples is very thin and dry, and only 4-6 days after the birth of the child, it is naturally covered with lubricant, so at first, feeding causes discomfort. Also, when the nipples have an irregular shape, this also causes painful feelings when feeding.

It is especially worth noting that excess milk should be expressed, otherwise the ducts become blocked, which is accompanied by redness and pain.

Pathological causes or diseases

Nipples hurt not only due to changes in hormone levels during pregnancy and feeding a baby, there are other reasons.

One of them is a breast tumor, which occurs both benign and malignant, but it is not manifested by pain alone, but is accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • discharge;
  • the nipple changes shape, color and size;
  • armpits hurt;
  • It is worth noting that all this is felt in one chest.

Another reason is taking contraceptives. The use of these drugs can cause hormonal imbalance, and this provokes pain and special sensitivity of the nipples. The instructions often indicate this as a side effect, and if these sensations lead to discomfort, you need to change the drug.

In addition, the following diseases can lead to nipple pain:

  1. Mastitis is an infection in the breasts, usually through cracks in the nipples. Sometimes mastitis is caused by extreme cold.
  2. Mastopathy - occurs due to a failure in hormone levels, excess progesterone and lack of estrogen. The mammary glands (its tissue) grow and cysts form. Women over 30 years of age are especially susceptible.
  3. Mastalgia - can be after surgery, from depression and with low immunity.
  4. With improper functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, intercostal neuralgia and poor liver function.


Nervous shock and stress can also lead to nipple pain. Since mental arousal leads to an imbalance of hormones, and they, in turn, are associated with the sensitivity of the mammary glands. Chest pain is also possible when using depressants.

Other causes of pain

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are a number of others:

  1. A long absence of sex is a common cause of pain in the breasts and nipples. With a long absence of sex, we can say that the body seems to fall asleep and hormones weaken. And when sex occurs in such an organism, it is rebuilt. There is a more active production of hormones and this makes the nipples hurt.
  2. If you are bruised, that means there is physical damage to the chest. It is worth noting that this can be dangerous, so it is better to visit a specialist.
  3. If you wash your nipples with soap, it dries out the delicate skin of your nipples; washing with water is enough.
  4. Allergy - possibly to fabric or household chemicals. When wearing synthetic underwear, some women experience allergies, which results in pain. There is so-called contact dermatitis if used for breast care cosmetical tools(gels, creams) that don’t suit you.
  5. Bra - if it is incorrectly selected and its shape does not suit you.

How to get rid of or reduce pain

As you can see, not every pain should cause serious concern; if it is before the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc., then the pain will go away on its own. To reduce discomfort at these moments, you need to:

  • maintain personal hygiene, just do not use a lot of soap and gel when washing your breasts;
  • wear a bra of the correct shape and size, preferably made from natural materials and without rough seams, so as not to injure the nipples;
  • reduce unnecessary stimulation of the chest at these moments;
  • take proper care of your breasts: after feeding your baby, wash the mammary glands with warm water; if there are cracks or wounds, lubricate them immediately with a special ointment;
  • familiarize yourself with the information on how to properly put your baby to the breast, this will ease the pain at the first stage of feeding, and then it will go away altogether.

For serious reasons, the pain is sharp, more constant and severe, even in the shoulder blade and shoulder. In these cases, you should consult a doctor and get diagnosed. These are events such as:

  • communication with the patient;
  • examination of the mammary glands by palpation;
  • undergo a mammogram;
  • Ultrasound of the sore breast;
  • donate blood to determine hormonal levels.

How to treat

Depending on the cause of pain, they are treated with different remedies. The doctor can prescribe a course of treatment after examination.

For sore nipples, the following remedies are used:

  • Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointments;
  • oral antibiotics;
  • immunomodulator;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • means for general strengthening.

Traditional methods

Castor oil is good for cracked nipples. It is necessary to wash, wipe and oil them. Leave for 25 minutes until it is absorbed. And if your nipples are bleeding, after applying the oil, apply compress paper on top and put on a bra, only made of natural material.

Another way to heal cracked nipples is to apply a solution of brilliant green to them, and Vaseline on top.

You can make homemade ointment:

  • vegetable oil - 200 ml and natural honeycomb wax - 20 g; bring to a boil over low heat, stirring;
  • yolk 1 boiled egg add small pieces to the mixture and stir;
  • Pass the resulting mass through a strainer;
  • When using, bring to a warm state, apply to a napkin and apply to the nipples.

Another way, grated apple, butter and combine carrot juice. Place the resulting mixture on a napkin and on the nipples, for 2 - 3 hours, can be done up to 3 times a day.

From all of the above, we can conclude that nipples hurt for various reasons. Therefore, at the first pain symptoms you should not be alarmed, but if they do not go away and get worse, you should see a doctor.

Painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands and nipple areolas can be evidence of both natural physiological processes in a woman’s body and pathological changes.

Physiological causes of pain in the chest and nipples

Before menstruation

The most common cause of nipple pain is impending menstruation. During this period - from the middle of the cycle or a few days before menstruation - the level of hormones such as progesterone and prolactin increases in women's blood.

An increase in their concentration causes fluid retention in tissues and organs - edema, including in the mammary gland. The ducts of the mammary glands swell and compress the nerve endings, as a result, the nipples become overly sensitive: any touch to them causes discomfort and even pain.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy can also cause pain in the nipples. Starting from her first weeks female breast undergoes active structural changes, preparing for future lactation.

The level of hormones again increases and the milk ducts very quickly gain volume. Meanwhile, the nerve fibers do not grow so rapidly; as a result, they are in a state of tension for a long time - this is why the nipples and breasts in general hurt in women at the beginning of pregnancy.

During breastfeeding

Chest pain can also occur while feeding the baby. There are several reasons for this:

  1. First of all, this happens due to the fact that the breasts “fill up”, and from a significant increase in volume, pain appears in the chest area in general, and the nipples in particular.
  2. Nipples may hurt due to the baby’s improper latching on the breast: either the mother is not applying the baby to the breast correctly, or the breast is swollen and the nipples are so rough that the baby cannot latch onto it correctly. A baby may latch on to the breast incorrectly if the mother has taken a position that is uncomfortable for him or has positioned the baby awkwardly. Due to incorrect grip, the nipples become injured and cracked, and this can cause more serious breast diseases.
  3. Pain in the nipples can occur if a nursing mother takes the breast from the baby too abruptly at the end of feeding.
  4. The skin on the nipples is thin and dry. A few days after birth, it will become rougher and covered with grease, and in the first days, feeding a newborn can cause significant discomfort.

  1. Irregularly shaped nipples - inverted, long, with folds or growths. When feeding, they can get injured and get sick.
  2. Incipient mastitis or milk stagnation.

Pathological causes of pain in the nipple area

Painful sensations in the breasts, including nipples, can appear not only due to hormonal changes or with feeding a child, but also for a number of other reasons:

Breast tumor

Painful sensations in the chest area are often accompanied by neoplasms, both benign and malignant. However, in such cases, pain is not the only symptom.

Typically, the development of breast tumors is accompanied by:

  • discharge,
  • changes in color and shape, size of the nipple and areola,
  • pain in the armpit area,
  • as well as the fact that discomfort is usually observed in one breast.

In addition, self-examination of this breast may reveal nodular lumps. If you notice such symptoms, immediately go to see a doctor!

Taking OCs, the action of which is based on the work of hormones

The use of such drugs can cause hormonal imbalance in the body, which is manifested, among other things, by breast tenderness. Pain in the nipples is often indicated as side effect contraceptive in the instructions for use.

However, if such sensations cause severe discomfort, it is better to change the remedy after consultation with a gynecologist.

Psychological background

In some cases, pain in the mammary glands is a consequence of emotional shock, stress, or a strong conflict experienced. The fact is that all these psychological phenomena have an impact on the fragile hormonal balance, with which breast sensitivity is closely related.

Malfunctions of the endocrine or central nervous systems

Nipple pain can also be a symptom of diseases such as intercostal neuralgia and adrenal dysfunction. In addition, it often accompanies reflex and segmental pain, disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and liver.

What to do for pain in the chest and nipples?

Not every time there is pain in the nipples you should sound the alarm. If you have established that painful sensations occur in accordance with certain phases of the menstrual cycle, there is nothing to worry about: with the arrival of your period, there will be no trace of pain when touching your breasts.

The norm is sore nipples in women during pregnancy, as well as at the beginning of the breastfeeding period.

How to reduce nipple soreness?

What to do to reduce discomfort during these periods:

  • practice good hygiene (but don’t overdo it: don’t use soap or gels every time you wash your breasts),
  • wear underwear the right size, if possible, from natural fabrics and without seams that injure the nipple,
  • Avoid excessive breast stimulation and overstimulation.

If you are a nursing mother or will soon become one, take the time to study the information about how to properly attach your baby to the breast - it will noticeably reduce pain in the mammary gland during feeding. After some time, the pain will disappear completely and, in the future, the feeding period will proceed without problems.

When do you need to urgently visit a doctor?

If you are not pregnant or breastfeeding, your period is over, and you still feel that your nipples are sore, you should be wary and monitor the symptoms associated with pain.

An urgent visit to a mammologist is necessary if the following signs are detected:

  • bloody or purulent discharge from the nipple;
  • noticeable deformation of the mammary gland as a whole, as well as the nipple and areola, a sharp change in color;
  • the appearance on the chest, namely on the skin of the areola and nipple, cracks, ulcers, redness, swelling;
  • continuity of pain, its intensification.

Remember that pain is always a signal from the body. It is important to correctly recognize it and identify the cause of pain. Attention to yourself is the key to health.