How smoking affects women. The effect of smoking on the female body. So why do women smoke

Smoking is considered one of the most negative habits that cause significant damage to the body. But few people know that the harm from this for women is stronger than is commonly thought.

In the past, men dominated smoking. Feminists not only achieved women's freedom, empowerment, but also contributed to the introduction of a new fashion. The fair sex picked up cigarettes to emphasize their independence.

For some women, a cigarette is a way to emphasize their style and personality. An excellent example of this is the elegant mouthpieces that first appeared in the 17th century. Currently, thin women's cigarettes of various colors, with unusual flavors are in great demand.

Why smoking is bad for women

Impossible to keep a fresh look and smoke at the same time. Nicotine causes a lack of oxygen needed by the skin of the face. This leads to premature aging.

Damage to beauty

The complexion fades, new wrinkles become visible on the face. The vital elements collagen and elastin are produced in slow motion. The woman notices that non-smoking friends her age look younger and more spectacular.

Violation of the reproductive function

The female organ system is very susceptible to the harm of smoking. A huge burden is imposed on the woman's body.

A woman who smokes is at risk of infertility, especially if there are already deviations from the norm in the reproductive system. For example, the bend of the cervix, found in many of the fair sex.

A pregnant woman who does not want to give up a bad habit puts her child at an unjustified risk. The fetus will not be able to develop normally, since the elements found in tobacco smoke interfere with the production of hormones responsible for the functioning of the fetus.

Also, smoking can lead to a lack of oxygen in the embryo. resulting in fetal death and subsequent miscarriage.

Some women think it's not worth it to get rid of the problem of smoking while expecting a child, as it causes stress, causing even more damage. This is nothing more than a myth. If pregnancy has occurred, it is not too late to prevent the risks and abandon the negative habit. A woman who quits smoking in the first three months of pregnancy increases the likelihood of a successful development of her child.

Negative effect on the body as a whole

Smoking damages the nervous system. Much more significant than stressful situations. The risk of heart disease increases.

Some women start smoking in order to lose the hated kilograms. It does indeed have a medical basis. Substances present in tobacco smoke, getting into the stomach, disrupt the functioning of nerve endings. There is irritation of the stomach lining, inflammation is possible. The digestive system does not function properly, the metabolism is disturbed. Because of this, weight is lost. But you can’t call it healthy weight loss.

Smokers put themselves at risk of developing lung cancer. Every cigarette you smoke increases your chances of developing cancer.

Problems with hormones

Smoking reduces estrogen production. Hence painful and irregular menstruation.

Also, the onset of menopause comes a few years ahead of schedule.

The consequences of cigarette smoking for women are quite disappointing. Therefore, it is worth giving up this terrible habit as soon as possible.

What to do to a smoker in the eyeballs

It’s not enough just to pick up and quit a bad habit. The body has undergone severe damage, and it is necessary help him restore his former state.

How to help young girls avoid smoking

It is necessary from an early age to make it clear to the girl that smoking is no longer a fashionable attribute and it will not do anything good.

In addition to raising a teenager in the family circle, important impact from other sources. For example, school activities aimed at developing healthy perceptions and instilling the right values ​​in children.

Children are very susceptible to peer influence. A group of teenagers who drink alcohol and love to smoke around the corner of an educational institution is a well-known phenomenon. It is impossible to force a daughter to stop communicating with her classmates, but it is quite possible to influence her by your own example. A non-smoking mother, who has a well-groomed, fresh appearance, causes respect and a desire to be like her.

A woman's body is more vulnerable to destructive addictions such as alcoholism and smoking. At the same time, in most civilized countries, very disappointing statistics are observed, indicating the rapid growth of smokers among women of childbearing age.

The impact of smoking on the female body is enormous. Only in Russia, about a third of all heavy smokers are representatives of the fair sex. Next, we will talk about the consequences of addiction and methods for overcoming it.

The effect of smoking on the female body in figures and facts

Tobacco smoke not only weakens the immune system and poisons the entire body as a whole, but also has the most detrimental effect on the reproductive system. Literally with every cigarette smoked during the three-year period before the conception of a child, the risk of miscarriage and various pathologies and abnormalities in the development of the fetus increases significantly. Smoking mothers often give birth to children who are lagging behind in mental and physiological development, which is expressed in mental disability or in a lack of body weight.

German scientists who studied the harm of smoking on a woman's body were able to identify very disappointing statistics, according to which:

  • More than 40% of women who smoke suffer from infertility (among the non-smoking half of the female audience, such figures do not exceed 3%).
  • Almost 90% of miscarriages are associated with systematic poisoning of the body with nicotine and tobacco tar.
  • Premature babies are born predominantly to women suffering from addiction to cigarettes.

In a woman who smokes half a pack a day, the possibility of conception is reduced exactly by half. The fact is that toxins and poisons that enter the body through tobacco smoke accumulate in the egg, which ultimately leads to the inability to conceive a child. In the case of simultaneous use of tobacco products while taking hormonal contraceptives, there is a huge risk of various complications, primarily affecting the cardiovascular system.

Is smoking bad for a woman? Many ladies clearly underestimate the risks of such addiction, which leads to periodontitis, pneumonia, acute myeloid leukemia, abdominal aortic aneurysm and other dangerous diseases.

Expectant mothers who smoke even 1/4 pack a day or less during pregnancy subject the fetus to torture by oxygen starvation, and due to vasoconstriction due to nicotine exposure, red blood cells lose their ability to deliver oxygen to the placenta. Pregnant women who smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day or more increase the risk of placental abruption by up to 70%.

Smoking mothers often give birth to children with diseases caused by systematic poisoning of the body by tobacco smoke. Moreover, they appear already during the first year of a child's life. The harm of smoking for women is not limited to problems with the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. In women suffering from addiction, the likelihood of an inflammatory process of the membrane of the eye and age-related degenerative damage to the retina is three times higher.

Vessels return the lost tone only 30-40 minutes after smoking a cigarette. If a woman smokes more often, without observing this interval, the vessels narrow critically, their walls lose their elasticity, and the cardiovascular system literally works for wear and tear.

Important! According to statistics, children who, from the very first years of life, are forced to observe their mother's or father's addiction to nicotine, try to smoke already at the age of 6–8 years, imitating their parents.

How smoking affects the appearance and health of women

How does smoking affect the appearance of a woman? First of all, in chronic smokers, the voice becomes hoarse with an unpleasant timbre. In addition, the vast majority of women who cannot imagine their life without cigarettes experience the following metamorphoses:

  • The skin of the face and other parts of the body becomes dry and faded, there are bags and puffiness under the eyes, as well as wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • The menstrual cycle is disrupted, and severe pain occurs in the ovarian region.
  • Reproductive ability is rapidly lost, which is expressed in the death of eggs and menopause, which develops prematurely.
  • Teeth and nail plates become yellow, losing their healthy shade. Nails lose strength and exfoliate.
  • Body weight is dropping rapidly, but those who want to achieve a slender figure at a similar price expose their own body to unjustified risk.
  • Nicotine reduces the production of the female hormone estrogen, which leads to a decrease in mental abilities.

A woman who is systematically exposed to the negative effects of tobacco combustion products is haunted by: increased fatigue, headaches, irritability, sweating and a decline in vitality. Heavy smokers are prone to the development of such diseases as: hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, myocardial infarction and inflammatory processes of the organs responsible for reproductive function.

Nicotine interferes with the absorption of important vitamins and minerals, as well as the synthesis of collagen, which makes the skin wrinkled and pale. In the body of a smoking person, there is a violation of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Excess carbon monoxide provokes thrombosis and ischemic disease, which entail hemorrhage in the placenta and a number of other serious problems with gestation. Nicotine in combination with carbon monoxide binds hemoglobin and disrupts tissue respiration, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of all body systems without exception.

Bad breath, brittle hair and nails, wrinkled skin, intense aging and exacerbation of chronic ailments - this is not a complete list of changes that occur in the body of a smoking woman.

How to give up a bad habit

If a woman stops smoking before pregnancy, her chances of giving birth to healthy offspring will be much higher. Scientists have proven that the most favorable period for a woman, during which it is easier for her to give up addiction, is the time immediately after the end of the menstrual cycle, since the body at this moment has the greatest resistance to the withdrawal syndrome caused by smoking cessation.

First of all, a woman who decides to give up a destructive addiction should get rid of the psychological factor that influences the formation of dependence on a subconscious level: for someone, the first cigarette was associated with a desire to demonstrate to the outside world (including parents) their own independence, for whom On the contrary, the habit arose as a desire to get away from problems and offenders, surrounding oneself with an impregnable veil of acrid tobacco smoke.

Recognizing that smoking is harmful not only to unborn children, but also to health and appearance, a woman should minimize the number of situations that make her nervous, get more rest and spend time with non-smoking friends in the fresh air or attend entertainment venues such as theaters, cinemas and bowling alleys.

During the refusal of nicotine addiction, the body is actively restored, and taste buds are aggravated. Therefore, during the period of getting rid of a bad habit, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and natural juices.

The negative impact of smoking on the female body is huge. A bad habit provokes many pathologies, exacerbates their course. Tobacco smoke causes oncological, cardiovascular, pulmonary diseases. Health suffers to a greater extent from the toxic substance nicotine alkaloid contained in cigarettes.

  1. Light thin cigarettes are less harmful because they contain less nicotine - the negative effect does not depend on the strength. Tobacco products contain harmful tars and additives. They have a detrimental effect on the body. In addition, the smoker on a subconscious level takes deep puffs, trying to compensate for the fortress. Toxic smoke stays in the lungs longer. Switching to light cigarettes only makes the addiction stronger. A woman is looking forward to every serving of nicotine.
  2. Hookah smoke is not harmful to health - passing through the liquid, the smoke loses some of the nicotine. However, carbon monoxide and harmful tars are produced in half an hour of smoking as much as from two packs of cigarettes. A large number of heavy metals are also synthesized in the form of salts. This further enhances the negative impact.
  3. So that tobacco smoke does not harm the unborn child, you need to abandon the bad habit only during pregnancy - the eggs are not capable of renewal. Even if a woman quits smoking a year before conception, a baby can still be born with congenital pathologies or in the future will lag behind her peers in physical and mental development.
  4. Those who quit a bad habit sharply gain extra pounds - a really weighty argument not to quit smoking for a woman who takes care of her appearance. However, this phenomenon is observed only in half of smokers. In addition, the weight returns to normal, according to statistics, within a couple of months. To maintain health, you can sacrifice your appearance for a while.

As it became clear, the listed myths are just an excuse not to give up a bad habit.

In fact, smoking leads to serious consequences for women's health. Therefore, it is necessary to tie up with addiction. The sooner this is done, the less harm nicotine will have time to do.

The impact of smoking on women

The adverse effects of smoking on the female body are stronger than on the male. Since it is weaker, it is more susceptible to the aggressive influence of the environment. According to statistics, about 500,000 smoking women die every year in Europe. At the same time, 80% of oncological pathologies. Girls harm cigarettes not only to themselves, but also to their unborn child:

  • every second smoker gives birth to a sick baby;
  • 10% of women with a bad habit suffer from infertility;
  • in 20-30% the baby is born with serious congenital pathologies.

A woman with an addiction increases the risk of having a premature baby by 2 times.


The substance, getting into the body, provokes chronic intoxication. The classic consequences of nicotine poisoning are:

  • vasospasm;
  • problems in blood circulation in the internal organs;
  • oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

There are also adverse events that are characteristic only for girls. With nicotine addiction, hormonal disturbances occur, provoked by problems in the central nervous system, ovaries. Because of this, sexual desire is reduced. The menstrual cycle is interrupted. Metabolic diseases develop.


Tobacco smoke contains a huge amount of carcinogens. They tend to accumulate inside tissues.

As a result of the negative impact of carcinogens, a woman has problems with the thyroid gland. Premature menopause occurs, cervical cancer develops. The harmful effects of tobacco smoke have a bad effect on reproductive function. This is due to the ability of the female body to accumulate everything in itself.

Impact on reproduction

Girls appear on the account with already formed eggs. Their reproductive function will depend on their lifestyle and health. The earlier a girl starts smoking, the more likely the formation of infertility. In the egg of a smoker there is an accumulation of toxins that change its natural structure. In addition to violations in the reproductive function, nicotine provokes severe pathologies of the unborn child.


Smoking spoils the appearance, health of a woman, leads to pathological conditions of her children. A girl with a bad habit shows excessive irritability with a lack of nicotine. She is aging early, her face is covered with deep wrinkles. Teeth from nicotine acquire a yellow coating, from the oral cavity and from the hair it smells unpleasant.

Nicotine addiction affects not only appearance, but also health. There are disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Decreased sexual activity. A woman has migraines, her heart hurts, her lower limbs hurt.

Women who smoke usually give birth to unhealthy children. If the girl is lucky and the child was born without congenital pathologies, most likely he will lag behind in mental and physical development. Such babies suffer from excessive activity, lack of attention, aggressiveness. Therefore, every woman should think about the future of her baby and tie up with addiction so as not to blame herself for the problems of her son or daughter in the future.

Smoking during conception, pregnancy and lactation

Nicotine addiction provokes disturbances in the hormonal background. The ability to conceive in women with a bad habit is reduced by 1/3. Women who smoke take twice as long to conceive as those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Negative effects of cigarettes during pregnancy:

  • Toxic substances in tobacco smoke penetrate the placenta and poison the fetus.
  • Nicotine entering the female body reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the child. The result is hypoxia.
  • The risk of congenital deformities (cleft lip, bull's eye and the rest) increases several times.
  • A child after birth is far behind in physical and mental development from his peers.

A complete rejection of addiction in any trimester of pregnancy will improve things.

By quitting smoking, a woman increases her chances of having a healthy baby. It is advisable to start a bad habit without nicotine substitutes. If you cannot do it yourself, it is better to contact a specialist.

When breastfeeding, you should also quit smoking. It is recommended to do this without nicotine replacement therapy. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to turn to NRT preparations. Such funds are accepted intermittently. It is necessary to undergo treatment under the supervision of a specialist. This will help to achieve an effective result, to avoid consequences.

Despite the fact that there is an active fight against smoking in the world, the number of people who are addicted to nicotine is by no means decreasing. At the same time, there is also a negative trend. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of women who smoke. In addition, there is a decrease in age limits.

Even very young girls begin to get involved in cigarettes. Public opinion also contributes to this to some extent. After all, if in the middle of the 20th century. a smoking woman evoked a negative reaction from others, today no one is surprised to see a young mother holding a baby by the hand, or a pregnant woman with a cigarette.

Causes of addiction to tobacco

According to psychologists and sociologists, the increase in the number of female smokers is associated with the following:

Their lack of awareness of the health risks of tobacco;
- Active advertising of cigarettes.

At the same time, experts considered young girls and women to be the most promising group of future smokers from all the people inhabiting our planet. It is in their minds that the formation of the image of the “lady with a cigarette”, which is characterized by independence, self-sufficiency and irresistibility, is most easily formed.

However, for those who are able to soberly assess the situation, it becomes incomprehensible how all of the above qualities can be consistent with the psychological dependence on nicotine, spending money on cigarettes every day, and also with the constantly deteriorating state of the body?

So, what do lovely ladies need to know about smoking?

The influence of tobacco

Addiction to cigarettes adversely affects the health of everyone. However, the harm of smoking for women is especially great. After all, according to the results of numerous studies, the body of the fairer sex is more susceptible to tobacco than the male. This suggests that the risk of various pathologies in smokers is several times higher than in smokers. This has been confirmed by numerous studies.
What is the harm of smoking for women and the effect of tobacco on their body?

Negative effects on appearance

It's no secret that every person who prefers to look good should certainly lead a healthy lifestyle. The harm of smoking on a woman's body is that beauty and a cigarette are incompatible concepts. Those ladies who want to always be attractive should simply forget about tobacco. After all, those representatives of the weaker sex who do not have an addiction to nicotine look much younger than their peers who carry packs of cigarettes in their purse.

The harm of smoking for women is the negative effect of tobacco on the skin, because of which it simply begins to lack oxygen. This leads to the fact that the aging process on the face of a woman begins ahead of time. What happens with this?

1. The harm of smoking for women (see photo below) is that nicotine leaves a very noticeable mark on the skin.

In smokers, the signs of aging appear in a complex manner and very quickly become noticeable to others. Withering of the skin occurs due to the cessation of the production of natural proteins, collagen and elastin. Its surface layer gradually begins to acquire a yellowish-gray hue. At the same time, the face, despite all efforts, seems unkempt. In addition, smoking causes the body to lose vitamin C, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. That is why it becomes thin, dry and flabby.

2. The first wrinkles appear in a smoking woman very early. And they are five times more noticeable than non-smokers. Early wrinkles are caused by a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood due to the ingestion of nicotine. At the same time, the skin lacks the nutrition necessary for it, and it begins to deform.

3. The harm from smoking cigarettes for women is also expressed in the appearance of acne and comedones on the face. This happens because the smoke inhaled by smokers contains microscopic particles. They settle on the skin and clog its pores. This leads to a violation of the process of sweating and saturation of skin tissues with oxygen, which provokes the appearance of inflammation and black spots. In addition, under the influence of nicotine, vitamin E is destroyed in the body, which is responsible for the health and cleanliness of the skin. Passive smoking carries the same danger.

4. Over time, smokers develop rosacea. This phenomenon is characterized by a noticeable capillary network on the skin. It occurs due to the fact that under the influence of nicotine, the vessels are noticeably weakened. Their walls become thinner and less elastic, which is why congestion occurs in the circulatory system.

5. The harm of smoking for women is also expressed in the appearance of age spots. Of course, with age, this phenomenon does not bypass almost every person. However, in smokers, such spots are more pronounced and appear in much larger numbers. This is due to a general deterioration in the condition of the skin, which loses its ability to reflect the harmful effects of sunlight.

6. Smokers can also be identified by dark circles under the eyes. They occur due to a strong vasoconstriction due to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the skin tissues. Especially affects the harm of smoking for women after 40 years.

The effect of nicotine on the oral cavity

Issues smoking women and yellowness of tooth enamel. It can also cause bad breath. The harm of everyday smoking for women is also obvious.

Heavy smokers often suffer from inflammatory processes in the gums and tooth loss.

The effect of nicotine on hair

The harm of smoking for women lies in the loss of health of her curls. Hair suffers from nicotine no less than the skin of the face. After all, in this case, there is a shortage of oxygen. At the same time, hair follicles and scalp experience a lack of nutrients. Of course, this leads to weakening of the hair and their dullness. In addition, the scalp of smokers dries out. It begins to peel off and foci of irritation appear on it. Over time, the hair loses its elasticity, becomes brittle, begins to split and fall out. Heavy smokers very early begin to notice the manifestation of gray hair.

Nicotine is no less dangerous for the internal organs of a woman. Consider its negative impact in more detail.

Digestive system

What is the harm of smoking for the gastrointestinal tract? Heavy smokers are more likely to develop inflammation of the intestines and gastritis. They often suffer from gastric or duodenal ulcers.

In the process of smoking in the mouth of a person, there is a more intense secretion of saliva. It absorbs some of the nicotine contained in cigarette smoke. Together with saliva, this toxic substance enters the stomach, irritating its mucous membrane. This phenomenon provokes an increased secretion of gastric juices, which increases acidity.

Numerous studies have shown that smoking leads to spasms of blood vessels in the walls of the stomach. In this regard, the central nervous system ceases to receive signals about the feeling of hunger. Appetite is artificially suppressed. This factor, as well as a violation of metabolic processes, leads to weight loss. Many women who smoke are happy with this effect. However, it should not be compared with healthy weight loss.

Respiratory system

Under the influence of tobacco smoke, various non-specific diseases begin to develop in the organs responsible for the supply of oxygen to our body. At the same time, the harm of smoking for the body of women is quite large. Exposure to tobacco smoke, which contains an extensive list of toxic substances, leads to pathological changes in the respiratory system. At the same time, the mucous membrane atrophies, inflammatory processes develop in the lower and upper tracts, which subsequently take on the character of chronic ones, and also lose their elasticity of the alveoli.

It should be noted that almost 80% of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are long-term smokers. In addition, such people have a high risk of emphysema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchiolitis and pneumosclerosis, as well as malignant neoplasms in the lungs.

The influence of cigarettes is sometimes compared to the action of the strongest poison, since the death rate for those who suffer from this addiction is nine times higher than for those who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, it is worth remembering that intoxication in representatives of the weak half of humanity occurs much faster than in men. This is due to the fact that metabolic processes are more active in the female body, which makes the harm caused by tobacco smoke more pronounced.

Heart and blood vessels

The harm of smoking on a woman's body is manifested in the constant narrowing of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed after each smoked cigarette. Constant exposure to nicotine causes the heart to work with an increased load, which greatly exceeds the capabilities of this organ. However, he is trying to adapt to the situation. As a result, muscle fibers grow, increasing the volume of the heart. In smokers with an experience of 3-5 years, such changes become noticeable during the examination.

Negative changes occur in the vessels. They begin to lose their elasticity, and the atherosclerotic plaques that arise in them make their walls more brittle and fragile. All this leads to a decrease in blood flow activity, and the heart begins to receive less of the amount of nutrients and oxygen it needs. There is a serious risk of developing heart attacks, strokes and other pathologies.

Nervous system

Nicotine is a neurotoxic poison. Its negative effect on the body is also manifested in the disruption of the harmonious flow of electrochemical processes occurring in the nervous system, which causes the death of neurons.

Initially, cigarette smoke has a stimulating effect on a person. But soon this effect is replaced by depression, which is caused by vasoconstriction. Smokers are more likely to suffer from overwork and neurasthenia. This creates a vicious circle. A long working smoker begins to smoke more and more, trying to spur his body. As a result, he becomes even more overtired.

People exposed to the negative effects of nicotine experience sleep disturbances and memory disorders, decreased performance and headaches. They are often diagnosed with polyneuritis, sciatica, neuritis, and so on. Heavy smokers may experience frequent mood swings. It is also related to the effects of nicotine.


How does nicotine affect this main organ of the human psyche? Over time, this harmful substance turns into a kind of stimulant for the brain. Initially, nicotine speeds up the passage of nerve impulses. But then the need for the brain to rest kicks in. All his processes begin to slow down greatly. After getting used to tobacco, the brain already stops working on its own, demanding a “dose”. Moreover, if a person does not have the opportunity to smoke, he begins to show anxiety and severe irritability, becomes inattentive and cannot concentrate.

sense organs

They also get their negative dose of nicotine. Heavy smokers will certainly notice a violation of smell, taste, hearing, as well as declining visual acuity.

childbearing function

A woman who smokes 10 cigarettes a day runs the risk of being infertile. This happens due to the fact that over time there is an accumulation of toxic components of tobacco smoke in the egg. This reduces her ability to fertilize. After some time, under the influence of aromatic, polycyclic hydrocarbons of tobacco smoke, the egg dies.

Very often, smokers experience irregular menstrual cycles and even the absence of menstruation. More often, they also have vaginal discharge unusual for healthy women, which is sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Menopause occurs earlier than usual in such women. This is also due to the action of toxins contained in cigarette smoke.

smoking and pregnancy

Numerous scientific studies have shown that women who are addicted to cigarettes are less likely to give birth to a healthy child. The negative impact and harm of smoking for pregnant women is undeniable. In addition, a future mother who prefers not to deny herself a cigarette may have miscarriages. The death of the fetus occurs due to its oxygen starvation. After all, red blood cells lose their ability to supply oxygen to the placenta due to the fact that the walls of its vessels are narrowed by nicotine.

What else is the harm of smoking for pregnant women? They are 5 times more likely to give birth to dead children. But even in the case of the birth of a healthy child, the baby will invariably have problems a little later. First of all, they will consist in violations of the body's metabolic processes. This will lead to a child lagging behind his peers in development, for example, in slow growth.

For a long time, smoking was considered just a bad habit. Its influence on the occurrence of a number of diseases was not known. Over time, this connection was traced, and now there is no doubt that the increase in cancer, lung, cardiovascular diseases, as well as accidents and burns, defects in newborns depend on the prevalence of smoking among the population. It is also important that many diseases in smokers are more severe than in non-smokers.

Why is smoking harmful?

The harmful effects of smoking are due to the constituents of tobacco smoke, such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar and irritants.

The main active ingredient of tobacco is the alkaloid nicotine, the lethal single dose of which for a person is 0.06-0.08 g. It is contained in 20-25 cigarettes.

However, a smoker does not die by smoking that many cigarettes. This is due to the fact that nicotine comes in small portions and causes not acute, but chronic poisoning of the body. Under the influence of nicotine, there is an increase in the activity of sympathetic nerves - the pulse rate, blood pressure, and filling of the pulse increase; due to increased contractility of the myocardium, its excitability increases. If atherosclerotic vasoconstriction is present, myocardial ischemia, arrhythmias, and ventricular fibrillation may occur. In other words, nicotine enhances the work of the heart and increases myocardial oxygen consumption.
Under the influence of smoking, the amount of free fatty acids in the blood increases, the secretion of norepinephrine increases, and then the level of triglycerides. Smoking has a negative impact on the integrity of the vascular endothelium.

Carbon monoxide (CO), entering the body during smoking, combines with hemoglobin, which, as you know, has a 200 times greater ability to combine with CO than with oxygen. For those who smoke a lot, the level of carboxyhemoglobin can reach 15%. CO, by shifting the oxygen dissociation curve to the left and worsening the release of oxygen in the tissue, can support anoxic lesions of the arterial wall and, in the presence of hyperlipidemia, stimulate atherogenesis. An increase in the secretion of catecholamines under the influence of nicotine and a violation of the dissociation of oxygen under the action of carbon monoxide significantly aggravate myocardial ischemia in a critical situation. CO affects the increase in platelet aggregation and may contribute to the formation of a thrombus.

Smoking interferes with the absorption of dietary proteins, and this is thought to be the reason why women who smoke during pregnancy have underweight babies.
Smoking is also a risk factor for the health of people who do not smoke themselves but are exposed to tobacco smoke for a long time. Analysis of cigarette smoke shows that the part that is emitted directly into the air from the opposite end of the cigarette contains more toxic substances than the stream of smoke inhaled by the smoker. It contains 5 times more CO, 3 times more tar and nicotine, 4 times more benzpyrene and 46 times more ammonia.

The harm of smoking on the body of a woman

Of course, smoking is harmful to everyone, but its negative impact on the children's and women's bodies is most pronounced. Thus, women who smoke are 2.5-5 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. If the number of women who smoke is not reduced in the near future, then, according to Dr. Taylor (American Cancer Society), in 3-4 years, lung cancer will become the main cause of death of women with cancer (now the main cause is breast cancer).

In addition to lung cancer, as in men, smoking in women increases the incidence of cancer of the nasopharynx, mouth, throat, and is one of the main causes of cancer of the bladder, kidneys, and pancreas.

A number of researchers have proven that women who smoke and, in addition, consume alcohol, are more likely to suffer from cancer of the oral cavity and tongue at a young age. According to the authors, this indicates that the simultaneous exposure of the same cells to alcohol and tobacco smoke accelerates the formation of a cancerous tumor.

Epidemiological studies conducted in Sweden and the United States have found a relationship between smoking and cervical cancer. Women who smoke are 3.5 times more likely to develop invasive cancer than nonsmokers. This risk is associated with the intensity of smoking - for heavy smokers it is 12.7 times higher than for non-smokers. The risk of severe dysplasia in smokers is 10 times higher than in non-smokers. It is believed that the substances contained in tobacco smoke are absorbed by the blood and reach the epithelium of the cervix. The analysis showed that both nicotine and its main metabolite cotinine are present in the cervical mucosa of women who smoke. At the same time, the level of cotinine was the same as in the blood, and the amount of nicotine in the mucous membrane exceeded its amount in the blood. It is believed that the cells of the epithelium of the cervix are especially sensitive during puberty, which makes smoking during this period especially dangerous.

For women under the age of 50, smoking is the biggest risk factor for developing heart disease. And the more cigarettes they smoke, the more likely they are to develop heart disease, even in the absence of other risk factors. If women in this age group smoke about 2 packs of cigarettes a day, then the risk of the disease increases by 7 times. And if there are additional risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol and heredity, then the risk of developing heart disease increases even more.

Smoking contributes to the development of women, as well as men, chronic lung diseases. This is one of the main risk factors for pulmonary pathology. There is evidence of the effect of smoking on the occurrence of dental disease.

smoking during pregnancy

Many researchers have noted the negative impact of nicotine on the course of pregnancy. It has been established that cases of low attachment of the placenta in the uterus, leading to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and the death of large areas of the placenta are more common in women who smoked before pregnancy and are associated with the number of cigarettes smoked per year and the duration of smoking. Although it is not exactly established how long before conceiving a child, you should quit smoking, it is better to do this as early as possible.
According to recent data, maternal smoking is one of the causes of "sudden death syndrome" in newborns. Although not the main cause of this syndrome, it nevertheless increases its danger.

Smoking during pregnancy also increases the chance of miscarriage or stillbirth. As a result of smoking in a pregnant woman, the content of carbon monoxide in the blood increases, as a result of which the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is significantly reduced. In addition, nicotine causes vasospasm, which also reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed by the fetus.

Smoking mothers often give birth to children with low weight, predisposed to many diseases in the 1st year of life, and sometimes maternal smoking during pregnancy can affect the further physical and mental development of the child. In an experiment on rats exposed to carbon monoxide during pregnancy, it turned out that their cubs subsequently became less capable of learning and had a worse memory than control animals. These studies were conducted with exposure to CO at a concentration comparable to that in the body of smokers.

Women who smoked during pregnancy have 65% more cases of premature separation of the placenta and 43% more cases of congenital fetal defects than non-smokers. Among newborns whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, deaths from fetal erythroblastosis occur 81% more often than among children of non-smoking mothers.
Smoking during conception in older women increases the frequency of trisomy - the presence of an extra chromosome in humans (with the exception of sex chromosomes), which leads to serious genetic consequences, in particular to Down syndrome.

Thus, these data show that one of the risk factors that significantly increase the likelihood of diseases in women is tobacco smoking. The significant spread of this dangerous habit throughout the world and the indication of a decrease in morbidity and mortality after quitting smoking, obtained in the course of observing the natural dynamics of this risk factor among large contingents of the population, make it necessary to pay special attention to the fight against smoking in the development and implementation of preventive measures against a range of diseases in women.

Smoking is seen by many as a predominantly male problem, perhaps because men were the first to acquire the habit and therefore were the first to suffer from its adverse effects, at risk for cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. Now the situation has changed and women who smoke along with men are dying along with them. Current statistics show that smoking in industrialized countries kills more than half a million women every year and is responsible for about 40% of deaths from heart disease, 55% of fatal strokes, 80% of deaths from lung cancer, and 30% of deaths from lung cancer. death from cancer. Over the past 20 years, lung cancer deaths among women have doubled in industrialized countries. Indicative is the fact that in the United States the same indicator for this period among non-smoking women has not changed, and among smokers it has increased 5 times. Thanks in large part to tobacco advertising linking smoking to women's equality and success in business, women are now more likely to light a cigarette than men. Particularly alarming is the fact that in many countries there are now more girls than boys among young people who smoke.

The impact of smoking on women's health is also specific, which puts their lives at increased risk. Thus, among women who smoke, the incidence of cervical cancer is higher, and for those who use oral contraceptives at the same time as smoking, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases increases several times. This is confirmed by the fact of a 12-fold increase in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in young smokers who take oral contraceptives. Moreover, there is evidence that smoking affects fertility. Women who smoke appear to take longer to conceive, have fewer pregnancies and have more miscarriages, while men who smoke have higher rates of sperm abnormalities. In a smoking pregnant woman, the harmful substances of tobacco smoke (nicotine, carbon monoxide, cyanide compounds, etc.) freely penetrate the placenta, acting on the central nervous system of the fetus, disrupt the activity of enzymes, so such children are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases. Simultaneous exposure of the mother's body to nicotine, carbon monoxide and other components of tobacco smoke leads to chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus, and it begins to literally suffocate.

Newborns of smoking mothers do not receive the nutrients they need, oxygen, and therefore, as a rule, weigh much less, which in turn increases the risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality. In addition, such children subsequently lag behind in physical, and sometimes in mental development, by the age of 5-6 they show a deterioration in psychological tests, memory, thinking, quick wits, etc. Women who smoke are more likely to have children with birth defects. Statistics showed that smokers have a third more miscarriages, 6 times more premature births and 9 times more childlessness. Thyroid lesions are six times more common than non-smokers. Women who smoke are more susceptible to osteoporosis, which is the leading cause of fractures in the elderly, especially in post-menopausal women.

What can be done to stop the epidemic of tobacco use among women? According to the unanimous opinion of experts from the World Health Organization, overcoming the problem of female smoking should include three components: protection, coverage and support. Women and young girls should be protected from the effects of smoking. The tobacco industry is multinational and has multi-billion dollar capital. But still, it is in danger - a quarter of its users eventually die due to tobacco use, so in many countries smoking is becoming less popular.

To maintain their profits, tobacco companies need to get at least 2.7 million new customers to start smoking. Young women were considered the main target group for tobacco advertising. Women-only brands of cigarettes, large-scale advertisements depicting dazzlingly beautiful, lucky members of the fairer sex as smokers, donations of fashion products, sponsorship of women's sporting events (for example, tennis competitions and fashion shows) are all part of the marketing of smoking in women.

Young girls and women should be protected from urges to smoke, they have the right to information about the harmful effects of smoking on their health, the support they need to become or stay non-smokers, and to find less damaging ways to deal with the problems that make them started smoking. For many women, smoking helps to cope with difficulties, it kind of allows you to "take a break" during the day, burdened by raising children and a variety of work, numerous problems of uncomfortable life, the difficult burden of the socio-economic crisis, which falls on women's shoulders to a greater extent.

It is necessary to create conditions that will allow a woman to get rid of this harmful habit, to make a choice in favor of a better, healthier life. Those who quit smoking gradually regain their health, attractiveness and beauty.


Effect on the body

Smoking is one of the most destructive habits for women. Tobacco smoke, together with tobacco tar, affects the internal organs. It is worth considering in detail how smoking affects the female body.

  1. The cardiovascular system. A cigarette is a cocktail of all kinds of harmful substances that lead to vascular atrophy, hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood), increased heart rate, arrhythmias, and increased cholesterol levels. Possible blood clots, heart attack, stroke.
  2. Respiratory system. Tobacco smoke affects the cells of the respiratory tract, leads to a narrowing of the bronchi, narrows the pulmonary alveoli. Resins slow down the release of harmful substances from the body, so they settle on the walls of the lungs, are absorbed into the blood and are carried throughout the body.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract. Tobacco tar settles on the walls of the esophagus, gradually corroding it, leading to inflammation. The following diseases occur: gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, gastroduodenitis.
  4. Hormonal background. Nicotine has a detrimental effect on women's health, it kills estrogens - hormones that are necessary for conceiving and bearing a child. And also the girl's menstrual cycle gets off, menopause occurs much earlier. Menopause begins in women after 45, but smokers may experience this problem in their 30s.
  5. Malignant tumors. Heavy smokers are 6 times more likely to get cancer.

External changes

In addition to the development of organ diseases, female smoking affects the appearance. Smoking girls can forget about beauty. Tobacco provokes early aging, which primarily affects the skin. The skin acquires a grayish-yellow hue, loses its natural glow, becomes flabby and wrinkled.

Due to the fact that tobacco destroys calcium in the body, bones break more often, hair and nails fall out, teeth become yellow and gradually decay.

Common myths

Among heavy smokers, there are several misconceptions about the health effects of tobacco:

  1. Light cigarettes are not harmful. This misconception is caused by advertisements that seek to sell a product and impose an opinion that it is harmless. All cigarettes are harmful without exception, their composition contains not only tobacco, but also a mixture of poisons that accumulate in the body, destroying it from the inside.
  2. The hookah is safe. This statement is also a lie, after the passage of smoke through the liquid, the amount of carbon monoxide and the concentration of poisons increase several tens of times, which is equivalent to three packs of cigarettes.

smoking and pregnancy

Separately, it is worth considering the consequences of addiction on reproductive function. Everyone is aware that tobacco negatively affects the formation of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. It has been scientifically proven that women with nicotine addiction are 2 times more prone to infertility. Numerous studies have proven that smoking is dangerous:

  • smoking mothers are more likely to have intrauterine fetal death;
  • smoking can cause a genetic failure and form a pathology such as Down syndrome;
  • tobacco resins impede blood circulation, subsequently the fetus does not receive enough oxygen;
  • children exposed to carbon monoxide will later have problems with memory, mental development;
  • nicotine leads to vasospasm, which blocks the access of nutrients to the fetus;
  • 70% of smoking girls have a miscarriage;
  • Nicotine during pregnancy is more harmful to the health of the fetus than to the health of the young mother.

Sometimes women forget about cigarettes during pregnancy or quit smoking. To smoke or not is your choice, for the consequences of which you pay with your health. If you want to have a healthy baby, stop smoking.

Getting rid of a bad habit

  1. Drug treatment consists in the complete cleansing of the body of the poisons found in cigarettes, and direct treatment, which is carried out with the help of drugs that block the opioid receptors in the brain.
  2. Psychological treatment is carried out with the help of cognitive-behavioral therapy, during which the patient, together with a specialist, corrects his mind and attitude towards cigarettes.

It is important to understand that treatment cannot be forced. A result is possible only if the patient wishes. If you do not want to get health problems, consider finding an alternative to harmful cigarettes.

Tobacco smoking came to Europe almost as a way of treatment, but thanks to the development of medicine and science, there is now no doubt that smoking is harmful - no. How exactly nicotitism (dependence on tobacco use) affects a woman's body is analyzed in this material below. For convenience, here are other relevant links to

The harm from smoking is manifested in full for the female body and all organs. For the oral cavity, pulmonary system, stomach, urinary system and mammary glands, the risk of developing malignant tumors increases.

The appearance of cancer is directly related to smoking, and the risk of its development increases with every cigarette smoked. It sounds scary, but not every woman is able to understand that all these diagnoses are not as distant and unrealistic as they seem. Most people think that this will never happen to them. This is a dangerous delusion.

Why tobacco worsens women's health

The harm of smoking is manifested in the form of increased blood pressure, even in young women. Each puff provokes a decrease in the number of contractions of the heart muscle, which leads to an increase in pressure. Women who have been smoking for a long time suppress their nervous system more with a cigarette than with stress or excitement. But, if it is quite possible to cure heart diseases, if you quit smoking, then it is impossible to restore the activity of nerve cells even after a while.

The harm from smoking for the female body is quite obvious reason to forget about cigarettes, hookah and other tobacco products forever. Ignoring the consequences of smoking is a real attempt at self-destruction, which should not be inherent in the modern representatives of the weaker sex. Reproductive function can be impaired precisely “through” smoking. Infertility is often associated with nicotine addiction. In addition, diseases of the lungs and bronchi arise, the heart muscle weakens, and heart diseases appear.

How smoking affects female beauty

Tobacco is especially terrible for the female body because it worsens the appearance of girls and women. The skin ages and does not look fresh. The fact is that the vessels located near the surface of the human skin narrow when nicotine enters the body. And the cells of the epidermis cease to be updated and filled with nutrients. As a result, the skin looks so unkempt that you can immediately tell about the passion for frequent smoking.

The face and body become wrinkled faster, the skin loses its elasticity and attractive pink color, becoming gray and dry. It is because the skin becomes sluggish and dry. Women who smoke should not be exposed to direct sunlight for more than ten minutes. Since it is this time that is relatively harmless to the skin. Pimples and pustules may appear on the skin, which, of course, does not adorn women at any age.

Needless to say, the teeth of a woman who smokes are not particularly white. A clear darkening, and in addition, a very unpleasant characteristic smell from the mouth appears. As a result of the destruction of enamel, stomatitis, caries and gingivitis appear on the teeth.

For the female body, smoking is also harmful because it provokes the development of pain symptoms during and before menstruation. Chest pain, irritability and drowsiness during the premenstrual period are all obvious harms of smoking.

It should not be thought that the harm from smoking is reduced if you smoke cigarettes with a lower content of nicotine and tar, i.e. lungs. Equally, the body is saturated with harmful substances and toxic components. There is practically no difference for the female body.

For the female body, a cigarette is several times more dangerous than for men. The fact is that, by its nature, metabolic and metabolic processes occur faster in the female body, and this contributes to more rapid poisoning and intoxication. Can a poisoned and diseased organism of a woman contribute to her blooming appearance and good mood? The answer is obvious.

Can pregnant women smoke a little

The topic dedicated to women who are going to become mothers deserves special attention. Many women who are about to give birth do not intend to quit smoking and do not even reduce their doses of nicotine. And if a pregnant woman continues to smoke, then the chances of giving birth to a dead child increase three times.

All this brings terrible consequences, for example, congenital problems in children, a weakening of their immune system immediately after birth, problem periods of growth and developmental delays.

The possibility of miscarriage should cause any woman for whom a child is desired to give up cigarettes altogether. Medical studies and findings suggest that the harm of smoking will manifest itself in any case if a woman has not given up cigarettes for a year and a half before giving birth. It is this period of time that is necessary to prepare the body for conception and gestation.

The harm of smoking cannot but affect. Nothing passes for the body without a trace. Sooner or later, at one age or another, a woman will experience "all the charms" of the rash actions of youth. Is it worth risking yourself, your beauty and health in order to get dubious pleasure from a smoked cigarette?

Many smokers believe that nicotine addiction does not affect their health in any way; however, they are greatly mistaken. It is important to understand what smoking affects, and then there is a real chance to finally get rid of such an addiction.

But it’s interesting how smoking affects a woman’s body, and what are the “pitfalls” of such an addiction? It’s worth starting with the fact that all representatives of the weaker sex are future mothers, so smoking negatively affects not only the female body, but also future offspring. It doesn't matter if the smoking young lady is pregnant or not, the child will still suffer from the harmful effects of nicotine. Such a disgusting habit also affects the reproductive system: not only can you not get pregnant on demand, but also the risk of pathological childbirth, miscarriages, and congenital pathologies is quite high.

When answering the question of how smoking affects the entire body, it is worth focusing on the cardiovascular system. After the penetration of tobacco smoke into the lungs, toxins penetrate into the systemic circulation and spread throughout the organic resource. Instead of oxygen, the blood receives toxic substances, which first of all violate the permeability of blood vessels, provide oxygen starvation and extensive foci of necrosis. Capillaries and vascular walls become less elastic, as a result of which a woman who smokes becomes a regular patient of a cardiologist. The diagnosis is obvious - arterial hypertension, but with the abuse of this addiction, jumps in blood pressure can not get off. Doctors do not exclude exacerbation of coronary heart disease, heart failure, atherosclerosis.

Separately, it is worth talking about atherosclerosis, which, according to statistics, smoking precedes in 70% of all clinical pictures. The penetration of nicotine into the vascular cavities disrupts the blood flow, changes its consistency and structure. As a result of such an anomaly, atherosclerotic plaques form, which move freely in the walls of the vessels. One fine day, one of these neoplasms will provide blockage of the vascular space, followed by oxygen starvation of tissues and the death of individual sections of organs, internal systems. It is important to prevent such pathological processes, otherwise some of them are not compatible with life.

In addition to the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system of the female body also suffers, and photographs of the affected lungs often make out packs of cigarettes with a warning inscription: "Smoking kills." The lungs are clogged with tobacco smoke, as a result of which normal breathing is disturbed, severe attacks of shortness of breath prevail, bronchitis progresses, prone to its chronic course. It turns out that a woman deliberately reduces the quality of life, and her previous physical activity is no longer within her power. Among the potential health problems that are incompatible with life, it is worth highlighting malignant tumors in the lungs and larynx. Such diagnoses are not subject to recovery, and the smoked cigarette is to blame.

Studying the topic: “How smoking affects a person,” doctors emphasize the harmful effects of nicotine on the nervous system. Nerve endings are stressed after each puff, and the feeling of tension is accompanied by abnormal relaxation, which is why a woman cannot always control her own emotions. The danger lies in the absence of the next dose, when the female nerves are at the limit, and the body is in search of new ways of maximum relaxation. It can be alcohol with subsequent alcohol addiction, a large amount of food with the threat of obesity, or other equally pleasant phenomena.

Women who smoke are 2 times more likely to suffer from diseases of the endocrine system. The slow production of hormones disrupts the hormonal background of the fairer sex, as a result of which the thyroid gland, the reproductive system, and the skin suffer. Also, the predominance of male hormones with subsequent reincarnations of the female body is not excluded. So it is advisable to avoid this bad habit, otherwise the health consequences may be irreversible, fatal. According to statistics, women who smoke are 3 times more likely to suffer from diagnosed infertility, and in 33% of all clinical pictures, a planned pregnancy is interrupted by a miscarriage at the beginning of the first trimester.

Now with regard to the appearance of a smoking woman. As practice shows, smokers are frequent patients of a dermatologist and are even registered with this highly specialized specialist. Most often, they complain of increased sebum formation, impaired functioning of the sweat glands, symptoms of acne and pink acne, as well as inflammatory processes in the upper layer of the epidermis. The condition of the skin leaves much to be desired, and the problem can be solved if the woman finally gives up her addiction. In addition, with nicotine addiction, immunity is noticeably weakened, so infectious and fungal lesions of the skin progress twice as often, and the process of final recovery is noticeably delayed.

Smoking women are characterized by a dry type of skin, a tendency to peel, show signs of pigmentation and early wilting. Such skin ages a few years earlier, and the first wrinkles appear at the age of 25. Every year of smoking, the problem only gets worse, and at the age of 40, a woman is simply unrecognizable. on imperceptibly for itself has turned into an old woman, and already no secrets of progressive cosmetology are able to correct the situation. To maintain a presentable appearance and give beauty and health to the skin, you need to give up nicotine addiction and remember the benefits of vitamin therapy to eliminate signs of intoxication in the body.

If a pregnant woman smokes, then harm is done not only to her weakened health, but also to the body of an unborn child. Smoking at an early stage provokes miscarriage, gene mutations of the fetus and congenital diseases of the newborn. A bad habit in the second trimester affects the pulmonary and cardiac systems, contributes to the birth of a life-long disabled person. Nicotine addiction in the third trimester can cause abnormal delivery, and the baby is born sick and premature. So it is important to take care of future offspring even during the planning of pregnancy, and for this, finally give up smoking and naturally remove most of the products of intoxication from the female body.

Now it is clear how smoking affects a person, it remains only to add that this addiction creates favorable conditions for exacerbation of diabetes mellitus, obesity, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, hormonal imbalance, chronic bronchitis and variable metabolism. The skin and reproductive function of the smoker also suffer, the threat of the formation of destructive cancer cells hangs. In addition, it is worth noting that women who are addicted to nicotine are twice as likely to need timely body shaping, and for a long period of time they are not able to get rid of excess weight. This is not only about large-scale replenishment, all internal organs and systems suffer from an increased load, irreversible changes occur in the cerebral cortex and nervous system.

So the problem takes on a global scale, especially since today smoking has already fascinated every third modern woman.

It remains only to add: everyone should know how smoking affects a person. If you do not stop the voluntary destruction of your own body in a timely manner, then there can be no talk of further healing. Nicotine is rapidly destroying the organic resource, and a once healthy person one day turns into a terminally ill person without the right to a full-fledged lifestyle. And all this is the fault of pernicious nicotine addiction.

More recently, it was rare to see a woman smoking on the street. What happened? Why now many representatives of the weaker sex smoke and do not think about the consequences?

Such a disregard for one's health is frightening. A woman with such behavior endangers not only her health. As a future mother, she dooms the child to torment. And there are absolutely no excuses for this. A woman is the successor of the whole family. Does it tend to self-destruct? Otherwise, such behavior cannot be called.

Harm of smoking for women

The effect of smoking on a woman's reproductive function

In addition to the heart and broncho-pulmonary system, in the body of a smoking woman, the reproductive function suffers first of all. By smoking up to ten cigarettes a day, the fairer sex exposes herself to a high risk of remaining infertile. Few people know that it is the sex cells in the body that suffer the most from smoking. The egg, like a sponge, actively absorbs all harmful substances - derivatives of tobacco smoke. The ability to fertilize is lost forever.

The use of hormonal pills to prevent pregnancy is strictly prohibited for smokers. Doctors have long abandoned this method of contraception, so as not to put their patients at risk of heart disease.

Smoking and its consequences

Everyone is well aware of the diseases that are caused by smoking. Smokers are afraid of serious consequences, and there is not a bit of exaggeration here. Young girls are sure that all the diseases that even passive smoking is fraught with are far from them.

Few people know that even 1 cigarette a day already leads to certain changes in the body. The heart rate decreases and blood pressure rises. Increasing the number of cigarettes smoked is a risk of increasing cholesterol. As a result, the work of the autonomic nervous system is inhibited.

Lungs' cancer It is the most common carcinoma of all cancers. Especially for smokers! Women do not think about it, clicking a lighter. The consequences of smoking are more than serious. A woman with such an addiction may need lung cancer treatment in Israel or, for example, in other countries where medicine is at a fairly high level.

Smoking women have long been out of fashion. Men like the smell of perfume more than tobacco. A smoking woman is no longer of interest among men. It is worth thinking about this and giving up smoking as a habit once and for all.

Smoking and reproductive function

Negatively affects reproductive function. So, if a pregnant woman smokes, it can affect the health and development of the child. Moreover, a deviation from the norm can manifest itself both immediately after the birth of the baby, and after a few years. A woman who smokes is more at risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy. In addition, a woman with this habit is much more likely to become infertile than a non-smoker. It is believed that in the case of planning a pregnancy, you need to quit smoking one and a half years before its expected onset. This period is considered the most optimal for cleansing the body of nicotine metabolites. Only in this case, you can be sure of the birth of a healthy child.

The effect of smoking on the heart

Smoking is dangerous if a woman uses hormonal contraceptives. In this case, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases significantly. The effect of smoking on the female body is the development of various diseases. Statistics confirm that more than a quarter of all ischemic pathologies occur in young people who smoke. Oxygen deficiency most often occurs in those who abuse tobacco. Just one cigarette a day raises blood pressure and reduces the number of heartbeats. Each cigarette smoked increases the possibility of increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also inhibits the work of the autonomic system of the body.

The effect of tobacco on blood vessels

Vascular tone is known to be restored only 20 minutes after smoking a cigarette. This means that if you smoke every 20 minutes, the vessels will be in constant tension, they narrow sharply under the influence of nicotine, and this, in turn, provokes a rapid heartbeat. The heart begins to work in an enhanced mode, which leads to its faster wear and tear. The longer smoking history, the higher the risk of coronary heart disease. If you quit smoking, you can avoid this possibility. Normal heart function, as a rule, is restored six months after smoking cessation.

How does smoking affect your appearance?

Of course, smoking, among other things, negatively affects the appearance of a woman. The substances contained in tobacco contribute to the narrowing of the superficial vessels of the skin. In this regard, the skin receives less nutrients and ages faster. The skin of a smoker is in a state of constant stress, which is associated with oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is the condition of the skin that primarily gives out in a woman her addiction to smoking. The skin looks gray, dull and dry, wrinkles appear much faster than that of a woman who does not smoke. Smoking also causes dark circles under the eyes. Rarely do smokers have beautiful nails and hair. Hair tends to be dull and nails brittle and flaky. Among other things, from a woman who smokes, and especially from her hair, the smell of tobacco smoke constantly emanates, which cannot be called very pleasant. Teeth deteriorate quickly. The yellow plaque that appears on them cannot be removed with a toothbrush and paste. Caries most often affects smokers.