Drawing a house online. Create your dream home in a few minutes. Arcon: planning of all kinds of structures at the highest level

Working with professional designers is a guarantee of informed architectural decisions. How can you plan your house without having to pay for expensive design services? Basic skills, knowledge of the needs of your family, as well as mastery will allow you to develop a project for a comfortable country house, saving time and money on paying for the services of professional specialists.

  • Draw a house plan with dimensions by hand on a sheet of checkered lined paper or graph paper;
  • Draw a house plan on a computer using a special design program;
  • Make a house layout online using 3D editors on the web.

Each method allows you to independently make a drawing of a house and distribute the area of ​​its living rooms and premises for household and household needs.

The most accessible is to do it yourself, however, this path does not exclude the risk of errors when scaling. In addition, an inexperienced person will not immediately guess how to correctly draw the layout of a house in his drawing.

You can make a house plan in a specially developed computer program, but you should make sure that the version you are using is licensed in order to avoid errors in calculations. You can work in the program yourself if it is not particularly complex and does not require many weeks of mastery.

Online editors allow you to make a house plan both in a drawing and in 3D format; they are also accompanied by detailed lessons and blocks of advice on how to draw a house plan and make the most efficient use of its area.

Why do you need a house plan?

Often, the ease of abandoning a professional project for many is explained by the seeming simplicity of the task of dividing the total area of ​​the house into rooms. However, there is no understanding that making a house plan is not only about determining the area and location of future premises.

So, let's figure out how the layout of a house differs from its design.

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Bathroom design software

Country house project - comprehensive calculation and detailed description all parameters of the future construction, taking into account the characteristics of building materials and house systems:

  1. Architectural description (drawing of the building plan, dimensions of the interior with designation of doors and windows, layout of living rooms and utility rooms).
  2. Calculation of structural elements (foundation, frame one-story house, rafter structures, roofing are depicted schematically in drawings with detailed markings and calculations).
  3. Electrical part (detailed description of connecting the house to the power grid with a schematic representation of electrical wiring and socket layout).
  4. Engineering component (plan for laying vital communications - ventilation, sewerage, gas, water supply, heating).

As can be seen from the structure of the project, the layout of a country house is one of its parts included in the architectural component, which determines the area and location of the internal premises and main structures (stairs in the house, partitions, windows, doors, arches).

Thus, even if you decide to reduce the budget for building a house by refusing the services of a professional designer, this does not mean that it is permissible to skip the house planning stage or consider it without taking into account the remaining parts of the project. In this case, drawing up project documentation before starting construction will be your responsibility.

Algorithm for drawing a house plan

The basis for the layout of the house are handwritten or electronic drawings for each floor (including and). Let's consider the sequence of actions in order to correctly draw a house drawing.

  1. Setting the scale on graph paper or sheet with checkered lines;
  2. Drawing the axes of the house;
  3. Linking the walls to the axes of the house;
  4. Application of internal partitions, arches, windows and doors;
  5. Signing the name for each schematic room and indicating the area in square meters. m.

Advantages of planning a house in the program or online

  1. Possibly a task unlimited quantity options of area, number of floors, furnishings for a meaningful choice of the optimal layout suitable for the goals and needs of your family.
  2. Automatic linking of various stages of construction, incl. interior architecture of space, laying engineering communications, installation of boiler or boiler equipment, supplying an electrical network.
  3. Possibility of virtual planning utility networks and the location of the premises of the house allows you to calculate in advance the ideal place to install a riser, determine the optimal route for connecting utility networks, and minimize the length of pipes.
  4. Ready-made packages of standard layouts that you can use without modification or create your own unique layout based on them in a few clicks.
  5. A library of images of furniture and finishing materials will help give the architectural 3D model a residential look, which will allow you to most accurately assess the degree of convenience and harmonious design of each room and the entire house as a whole.
  6. Convenient interface of programs and 3D editors, wide functionality for creating the most detailed layout.
  7. Lessons and practical advice about how to make the most optimal and quick layout of a house are added by design software developers to increase confidence in their product.

The layout, placement of furniture and even the consumption of materials used - all this is provided for when constructing a home. This is time consuming and requires the right approach.

But I want to say a huge “Thank you!” programmers who have developed applications and programs for designing a 3D house. They were able to introduce their computer technologies even into our everyday life. This is what our article will be about.

We present to your attention the top ten programs for designing houses.

So, what opportunities does the first program present for us?

We can create drawings and 3D models, as well as developments, sketches, plans, etc.

This is an excellent assistant for both beginners and experienced professionals for designing a home.

Thanks to this successful development, you can make both two and three-dimensional plans. The finished result can be imported into several of the most common formats.

Another plus we would like to point out is the function of a demo video of your project.

The program is completely free.

FloorPlan 3D as a design planning tool

  • Draw up a project for a private house without the help of others.
  • Create a plan for several floors at once.
  • Add windows.
  • “Furnish” a virtual apartment.
  • Add decorative elements.
  • Add comments and notes to a particular element.

Overall, an ideal program for developing projects.

ArchiCAD - the application that captivated architects

This program is equipped with all the useful functions that are needed for the full design of structures. Many professionals appreciated the program. Even furniture and landscaping elements are available when planning buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the benefits of this program? To begin with, there is an inextricable connection between the parts of the building and the elements. If you change something in one part of the house, it will affect everything else, i.e. this software will automatically calculate and rebuild the structure. All the customer’s whims can be easily incorporated into an existing project and not bother with the complete processing of the entire structure.

Disadvantages include difficulties in designing non-standard projects and some limitations in capabilities. And yes, the cost of the program is also decent. But here there is an alternative: the developer gives a choice of a demo version for training and a paid version for those who appreciate the merits of the program.

Arcon: planning of all kinds of structures at the highest level

Arkon can rightfully be called a universal program for designing offices and residential buildings, industrial facilities and design structures.

Advantages - the ability to approach interior design in a comprehensive manner, without the need for modifications in other programs. Users rightly noted that the documentation and projects that were prepared through Arkon did not cause inconvenience or problems during verification.

However, there is still a small drawback - there is a price for both the full-scale version of the program and the educational one. In the second case, the cost is lower, but you still have to pay. This is a professional tool that requires design skills.

Autodesk 3Ds Max

Autodesk 3D is a multifunctional and affordable program for designing and building a house.

In the advantages column, we can safely note the possibility of creating three-dimensional objects and images.

This is a very relevant software for those whose creative approach to work comes first.

But a noticeable disadvantage still makes itself felt - the high cost and complexity of training, as well as a not very user-friendly interface.

But this can all be solved: fortunately, there are many video tutorials on the Internet, thanks to which you can master the basics and learn how to make masterpieces of architectural art.

But the cost is a disadvantage for the most part for beginners and amateurs, but professionals pay without hesitation and remain very, very satisfied.

The program's capabilities are wide - you can design not only buildings and their interiors, but also cars, streets, and even cities!


But this program differs from all of the above. The K3-cottage makes it possible to design from logs and beams for further construction, to work out everything down to the smallest detail.


  • Wide functionality.
  • Widely used among those who work in construction companies.

And disadvantages:

  • There are bugs in version 5.5 of the program, so it is better not to abandon licensed software.
  • The demo version 6.4 does not have an autosave feature, which can sometimes cause inconvenience.

Chief Architect as a tool for designing frame structures

And the latest program for today for designing 3D houses.

Anyone who has dealt with frame structures can understand it. Despite the fact that the program is “strong”, it is quite difficult to master it, especially for those who practically do not know English.

To gain experience with this software you need to work constantly. But it’s worth noting how convenient it is to design different types buildings

Individual construction is a long and very complex process, but it is practically impossible without a high-quality and competently drawn up project. Because most of people who plan to become owners of private housing build it themselves, they also try to do without the help of specialists and develop plans and projects with their own hands. As statistics have shown, in most cases they are incorrect, and the commission simply does not accept them. In order for you not to encounter a similar situation in the future, you need to know how to make a house project with your own hands correctly, and what you should pay attention to Special attention during its creation.

First stage

First of all, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what kind of home you plan to have at the end of construction. If you have never encountered such work before, then try to study as much literature as possible about the creation and construction of private houses. Arm yourself with a notepad and pencil, because in order to create a project for your own house, you will definitely need to draw it. If you cannot decide on the model and shape of the future structure, then look at the pictures finished houses, it is possible that among them you will find exactly the one you like by adding or removing some of its constituent elements. If you don’t like to draw and know how to use computer programs, then today you can create a project for your future housing with their help.

After you decide on appearance your building, you need to develop a plan for it. This is the main part of your project.

First floor and base of the house

Start by calculating the dimensions of your future home. To do this, you need to take into account the territory of your existing plot. The next thing you should pay attention to is the main building materials that will be used for load-bearing structures. The fact is that the foundation or foundation you use will depend on their weight in the future.

The main rooms that are located on the ground floor of any building are:

  1. An entrance room that can be combined with an additional room, such as a storage room.
  2. Kitchen, you may want it to have additional access to the summer veranda.
  3. Central room or living room.
  4. Depending on your personal needs, there may be more than one bedroom.
  5. A sanitary room, which can be combined or separated.

After you decide on the number and shape of your future rooms, you should correctly calculate their sizes. All calculations must be made based on the area that you previously allocated for development.

When drawing drawings, do not forget that, depending on the type of building materials The thickness of the walls, which will act as partitions, will vary.

If you are planning to build a multi-storey building, then you can prepare a plan for the upper premises only after the design of the first floor is finally ready, since this is the main one.

Foundation for a future building

In order to decide which foundation you will use, you need not only to make a lot of calculations, but also to study the soil available on your site, as well as the depth of the flow groundwater. After you have studied all the characteristics of your site, you will need to choose what kind of foundation you will use. Then make all the necessary calculations.

The base of the house should be slightly wider than your building, so when calculating the area of ​​the house, try to take this into account.

Once you are done with the basic calculations, you should prepare a step-by-step estimate of the materials used for construction, and this is:

  • load-bearing structures and internal partitions;
  • ceiling, which is simply necessary when constructing a multi-story building;
  • calculation of the roof and materials used for it.

Next, you will need to prepare several sketches of the façade of the building from all sides. This is necessary not only for the special services to which you will send the project, but also for you, since with their help you will be able to fully imagine the entire structure.

Upon completion of the main project, you will also need to prepare several additional plans, which include:

  • wiring diagram of electrical systems,
  • sewerage equipment and its connection to the main building,
  • water supply system,
  • installation of heating devices based on the area of ​​your living space.

It is worth noting that here, in addition to drawings, you will need estimates for the materials used. Only after all the calculations have been completed will you need to agree on the project, after which you can confidently begin construction.


What should be considered when creating a house project can be found in the following video:

3D projects for creating designs for houses, apartments and other premises are traditionally created in AutoCad. This professional program by 3d modeling. You can view the prices for this product and buy autocad here. If your profession is not related to design and architecture, then it will be enough for you free program online on the website www.homestyler.com

Pros of online house design:

  • There is no cost to purchase a special program,
  • All design work is done in the browser,

The main disadvantage: you must understand that this is not a professional program, and one way or another, you will be deprived of all the features that AutoCad offers.

Registration is required to use the program. Without it, you will not be able to save your project, and some functions will not be available to you. You can create your projects on your mobile phone. Special applications have been developed for this; download links can be found on the website.

This is what Autodesk online design offers us:

Click on the “Create Project” button from the top horizontal menu and start volumetric modeling.

You will be offered 3 options:

  1. start from scratch
  2. loading background image. This could be a diagram of a house,
  3. select a project from the gallery.

First, we “build” the walls of the house and create a general layout. In the toolbar on the left, you take objects (rooms, partitions, walls, openings) and drag them onto the work area. Here you can rotate them, change their size and proportions.

We add bulges, balconies, loggias using the “stretch with room enlargement” function - we add these objects to the perimeter of the room.

We change the scale of the project using the mouse wheel or using the magnifying glass from the top menu.

The 3D viewing function will be very useful to you; you will also find it on the top toolbar.

When the house is “built” - all the rooms, partitions, floors have been added, it’s time to move on to interior decoration. Click on the “home” icon on the left side of the program, and a hidden navigation will open in front of us.

There is probably no person who would not dream of having their own home. This symbolizes a person’s dream, which he is trying to achieve in order to live in comfortable conditions and establish himself as a person, proving to himself that he lived and worked not in vain.

As a wise proverb says, a real man must do three things in his life - build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. And if, in principle, little depends on the person regarding the goal of “raising a son,” then planting a tree is quite possible for everyone, all it takes is a desire.

Regarding the construction of a house in our living conditions, this is not entirely simple, since for this you need to have a certain amount of money, which is not so easy to earn. However, if you still succeed, then you are lucky!

The construction of a house begins with its design in order to clearly plan the location of the rooms, their area, the number of floors, where the staircases will be located, and so on. Such a house project can be made to order for you by any construction company that carries out orders for the construction of objects. However, it is more interesting to make a house project yourself, taking into account your desires, especially since in our age of the Internet and advanced computer technologies this is not at all difficult.

From this article you will learn how you can make a house project on a computer yourself. To do this you need to use special programs. Let's take a closer look at them.

Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0

First, download the program and install it on your computer, then launch it.

Please note that it is paid and costs thirty dollars, but it has a trial period. In these days, we think you will have time to design your dream home yourself on the computer.

Using this program, you can design a building in three-dimensional mode, orienting it according to the cardinal directions you need, in order to visually see on the screen how it will look on your site.

Having set your dimensions, you can visually make a house project by drawing it in the program, using the tools that the developers have included in it. Select the units of measurement, indicate the scale, and the view of how you can view the structure after the design is completed.

Using the Wall, Window, Door and many other tools that the program has, you draw door and window openings, and also draw the location of the walls of your future building.

To make your home design easier and faster, you can use the built-in design and texture templates in Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0. You can preview any selected part from all sides using the 3D mode, rotating it as you like at any angle.

If you decide to build a two or three-story building, then use a special function that will allow you to copy everything that you have already drawn and transfer it to other floors. You can also set your own height for each floor.

Using these templates you draw the roof. If none of the ready-made options suits you, you have the opportunity to draw it yourself. In this case, the program itself will calculate all the parameters - width, length, total area, and so on.

If you have a site plan on which the orientation to the cardinal points is indicated, then you can transfer this data to the program so that the house design is as close to reality as possible.

A very interesting and useful feature in the program is realistic global illumination. Using it, you can plan where all other objects on the site will be located - gazebos, lawns and other buildings. At the same time, you will see what kind of shadow and where each object will be cast throughout the day.

With Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0 you can even design the interior of your home. You can plan the interior environment, while floor and wall coverings will be shown very realistically.

You can even furnish the rooms with furniture, examples of which can also be found in the program templates, while the samples presented are exact copies of furniture models that you can actually buy in a store, so the project will look as realistic as possible.

Online services

If you do not want to download and install, much less buy the program, you can use online services, which also provide the opportunity to make a house project.

According to experts, the site planner5d.com is best suited for this purpose.

It is very convenient because the workspace contains intuitive tools with which you can easily and quickly create your project. The size of the room, the type of materials, the colors of the floor and walls, wallpaper, furniture, the environment around the house - this is not the entire list of what you can change and plan in your project on this site.

The only thing you have to do first is register on it. So, register, confirm your registration by email and log in with your username and password.

Now click the “create project” button and then select “start from scratch”.

A page will open where you will see a room plan with a standard square footage, which was initially laid out on the site after the start of a new project.

If you pull the side margins, you can change the width and length of the room to suit your needs. Then you start filling it with details - select and insert any type of windows, doors or arches. Place stairs, columns, partitions.

In the left menu there are buttons with which you can switch rooms, interior type, layers, floor.

On the interior tab, you can select furniture, home appliances to suit any most demanding taste, as well as decorative items and other designs.

After clicking on the room whose thumbnail is displayed on the left, you can select the materials that will cover the walls, ceiling and floor.