A remedy for chlamydia for men. Chlamydia in men - symptoms and treatment regimen. Symptoms of chronic chlamydia

Chlamydia is a type of hidden sexually transmitted infection, the consequences and complications of which can be unpredictable without treatment.

Before starting conservative therapy, the doctor must conduct laboratory diagnostics women, since the final stage of recovery and rehabilitation depends on this.

The treatment regimen for chlamydia in women includes an individual approach and combination therapy with drugs and agents.

Description, main symptoms

Chlamydia is a disease that is predominantly sexually transmitted. It is caused by bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.

Theoretically, a household route of transmission of infection is also possible, but this is very rare, because the bacterium itself is not viable in an open environment.

Chlamydia is more likely to cause inflammation and pathologies of the pelvic organs, vagina, urethra (urethra), rectum, etc.

If a woman self-medicates or does not take any therapeutic measures, the disease can manifest serious complications in the form of the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • pathologies of the cervix, ovaries.

In this case, treatment should be started immediately. Symptoms of chlamydia vary from person to person every woman. It all depends on the immune system and the specifics of the body.

Often the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain, except for copious mucopurulent discharge from the vagina.

Slightly less common are acute symptoms in the form of itching, burning, pain in the lower abdomen, and bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Sometimes this is accompanied by urological symptoms in the form of cystitis, urethritis, pain during urination, etc.


The first stage of treatment is an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Chlamydia is detected using special tests, which are carried out using the PCR technique.

Due to their specificity, no other tests (smear for flora) can accurately detect chlamydia, since they do not have the same degree of sensitivity as PCR.

This is the main difficulty, since the results of laboratory studies carried out using polymerase chain reaction, often show false positive or false negative results.

This may occur as a result of the following factors:

  • incorrect collection of biomaterial;
  • lack of preparation for the study;
  • use of cheap reagents by laboratory technicians;
  • taking antibiotics, vaginal suppositories;
  • other reasons.

In this case, gynecologists often direct the woman to retake tests to make sure of the presence of infection.

Often, violation of the conditions of preparation for the study (urination before taking a smear, the first phase of the menstrual cycle, antibacterial therapy, etc.) lead to false negative results.

To accurately detect the disease A whole list of laboratory diagnostic methods is used:

  • smear or scraping using the PCR method for all sexually transmitted infections from the cervical canal, vagina;
  • venous blood for Chlamydia trachomatis IgA and IgG antibodies;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • colposcopy.

These are standard tests that a woman must undergo to accurately detect chlamydia.

In this case, it is advisable to be tested for a variety of sexually transmitted infections, since along with chlamydia, the patient has other STDs.

If a woman has a regular sexual partner, then he should also be carefully diagnosed, otherwise the prescribed treatment will be meaningless and ineffective.

How to treat the disease

After a complete examination, the gynecologist prescribes an individual course of treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the infection itself and its complications.

Antibacterial therapy for chlamydia

There are no universal drugs for the treatment of chlamydia Trachomatis, since rehabilitation therapy in women will be complex.

The main means of combating all STIs is antibiotics.. No other medicine can remove such bacteria from the body.

Usage folk remedies, vaginal suppositories, antimicrobial drugs will be useless in this case, since they are used to complement the main treatment of chlamydia in women.

For such an infection, it is important to prescribe the correct type of antibiotic to which the infection is sensitive.

If chlamydia is detected, then laboratory technicians in addition conduct a special test for the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics.

Based on these data, the doctor prescribes the necessary medications., otherwise antibacterial therapy will not bring any results.

Using such strong drugs “blindly” will lead to the infection becoming resistant to all drugs taken.

Basically, doctors in a situation of chlamydia prescribe the following antibiotics:

  • tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline);
  • cephalosporins (Cefazolin);
  • penicillins (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab);
  • fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin);
  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Midecamycin, Spiramycin);
  • carbapenems (Imipenem);
  • lincosamides (Lincomycin);
  • aminoglycosides (Kanamycin).

The gynecologist prescribes in an individual dosage a certain type of antibiotic to which the bacteria is sensitive according to PCR tests.

Usually women take them for 5-14 days, and then take control tests. If the antibiotic does not help, and chlamydia remains in the body, then another group of medications is prescribed.

Carbapenems and aminoglycosides are used to treat STIs in the most severe cases. Medicines from the group of tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, and macrolides are widely used, as they successfully treat chlamydia of the urogenital tract.

As a rule, a woman takes antibiotics in combination with other drugs. This is an auxiliary treatment, which is also necessary for a speedy recovery.

Immunotherapy for chronic form

The main complication of chlamydia is immunodeficiency, which appears during a long course of the disease.

Immunotherapy is used as a combination treatment, which includes the following categories of drugs:

  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators of synthetic or plant origin;
  • interferon-based medications;
  • interferon inducers;
  • vitamin complex;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • antioxidants.

The doctor usually prescribes immunostimulants and other interferon-based drugs along with antibiotics for a week. This strengthens the therapeutic effect of antibiotics.

Among the popular immunostimulants are Immunomax, Polyoxidonium, Imunofan etc. They are of synthetic origin, so their restorative effect is more noticeable.

All other medications should be taken after stopping antibiotics. This can be said to be the third stage of treatment, which includes an immunomodulatory effect.

After taking antibiotics, a woman takes immunostimulants, vitamins, antioxidants, interferon inducers, etc. for 1 month.

All of them can be used together. Antioxidants have proven to be particularly effective in eliminating the complications of chlamydia and having an anti-inflammatory effect.

A naturally occurring antioxidant is Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as well as Vitamins E1, which must be used for 2 weeks.

Hepatoprotectors are medications that protect the liver from the toxic effects of antibiotics and other drugs.

If a woman has liver diseases, then it is prescribed Karsil, Essentiale Forte, Legalon etc.

Interferon inducers activate the body’s own defenses without manifestation side effects. A detailed immunomodulatory and antibacterial treatment regimen can be presented in the table.

The course of treatment of chlamydia in women with drugs should be 1-1.5 months, if the woman does not have complications in the form of inflammation of the appendages (or cervical diseases).

Then the treatment for chlamydia will be the same, but the rehabilitation period for women will be approximately 3-3.5 months. It all depends on the severity of the disease and complications.

Probiotics - medicines to restore microflora

Antibiotics tend to have a toxic effect on the intestinal microflora, causing bacterial imbalance.

Taking such drugs can not only cause intestinal dysbiosis, but also vaginal dysbiosis.

Vaginal dysbiosis is dangerous due to the activation of pathogenic bacteria, which can cause local inflammation.

It can turn out to be a vicious circle, which is why gynecologists always prescribe probiotics immediately after a course of antibacterial therapy.

There are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that restore the microflora of the intestines and vagina. These can be either medications or vaginal suppositories or solutions.

Tablets can also be used to prevent bacterial vaginosis.

The most popular remedy is Trichopolum or its analog Metronidazole, which restores the vaginal microflora.

This medicine successfully copes with another sexually transmitted infection -.

Metronidazole is taken for 10 days after a course of antibiotics. The drugs are used together with immunomodulatory therapy.

Find out even more about the symptoms and treatment features of chlamydia from the following video:

Treatment of chlamydia is complex and complex.

First, you need to prescribe antibiotics, and then probiotics and immunostimulating drugs.

In complex cases, treatment will be lengthy, and the doctor may combine several types of antibiotics.

The final stage is a control smear using PCR 2 weeks after antibiotic therapy. A negative result will indicate recovery, but otherwise additional treatment will be required.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease that affects the genitourinary system in men. The main route of transmission is unprotected sexual intercourse. But there are known cases of chlamydia infection through contact with underwear that had discharge on it.

The disease often occurs in a latent form, in which there are no typical symptoms. The sluggish picture of the disease weakens the body and by the time it appears characteristic symptoms chlamydia takes on an advanced form. And as a result, a long and difficult process of treating chlamydia in men.

Symptoms of chlamydia

The first symptoms appear after 2–4 weeks, which are incubation period for the pathogen (Chlamydia trachomatis).

Signs of chlamydia infection in men:
frequent urge to urinate;
pain during urination;
burning, and in some cases acute pain in the area of ​​the excretory canal;
discharge from the urethra that is mucous or purulent in nature;
prolonged pain in the scrotum area;
aching pain in the perineum.

Possible consequences and complications of chlamydia

For men, the disease is dangerous due to the likelihood of chronic prostatitis and narrowing of the excretory canal.

There is a possibility of developing Reiter's syndrome, accompanied by joint pain, inflammation of the eyes and severe pain when urinating.

Diagnostic measures for detecting chlamydia in men

When diagnosing chlamydia in men, the following tests may be needed:
1. Bacteriological smear from the excretory canal. This analysis allows us to identify pathogens of other diseases that may occur in parallel with chlamydia.
2. A blood test aimed at detecting the amount of antibodies against chlamydia.
3. CPR analysis for chlamydia, in which DNA of the pathogen is isolated.
4. Culture of chlamydia.

Treatment of chlamydia in men

The modern scheme of therapeutic measures is an integrated approach that involves solving several problems simultaneously:
1. Elimination of the source of infection; a complex of antibiotics is used for this purpose.
2. Reducing possible risks of the spread of fungal infections. The result is achieved with the help of antimycotic agents.
3. Restoration of protective functions immune system.

Successful treatment involves simultaneous treatment of chlamydia in both partners. The absence of symptoms in one of them does not guarantee that he is healthy. Both sexual partners must undergo the examination.

Read also: Symptoms and treatment of gardnerellosis in men

Treatment of chlamydia involves abstaining from intimate relationships throughout the course of therapy.

Previous treatment regimen for chlamydia

The therapeutic course according to the outdated scheme lasted several months. The whole process boiled down to the use of different groups of antibiotics. The use of antifungal agents complemented treatment.

In combination, the therapy weakened the patient’s already depressed immune system, causing a lot of side effects. A positive result was not guaranteed.

Modern treatment regimen

At the beginning of the century, completely new drugs appeared that were more effective and safe. The course of therapy has been reduced to 3 weeks, and a wide choice medicines allowed us to select an individual course of therapeutic measures for each patient.

This depends not only on the severity of the disease, but also on the microflora accompanying chlamydia.

Medicines and dosage

The treatment regimen includes the use of the following antibiotics:
Doxycycline (twice a day, 100 mg after meals, course is 2 weeks or more);
Erythromycin (4 times a day 500 mg before meals, duration of administration is similar to Doxycycline);
Sumamed (once a day 250 mg);
Lomefloxacin (once a day, 600 mg, course of administration for 2 weeks, in case of complications the course can be extended);
Ofloxacin (twice daily, 300 mg after meals, take from 10 to 14 days);
Rovamycin (3 million IU three times a day after meals for 10-14 days);
Vilprofen (twice daily, 500 mg after meals, from 10 to 14 days);
Pefloxacin (twice daily, 400 mg with meals, for up to 2 weeks);
Levofloxacin (400 mg twice daily for a 7-10 day course).

The regimen allows the use of probiotics (Bifikol, Lactobacterin, Enterol) aimed at preventing dysbiosis, which can be caused by taking antibiotics.

The doctor may prescribe several antibiotics at the same time if there is a suspicion of another infection along with chlamydia. For example, drugs containing Metronidazole or antifungal agents.

In addition to antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed, since chlamydia can inhibit the body's defense systems:
Polyoxidonium (intramuscularly every other day, 6 mg);
Timalin (daily intramuscular injections).

Chronic chlamydia in men is a consequence of a change in the form of the disease. In other words, a chronic type of chlamydia develops during the transition from the acute phase, in the absence of adequate treatment.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of chlamydia often practically do not appear, the disease is easily not diagnosed on time and simply becomes a sluggish chronicle.

First of all, chlamydia affects the male genitourinary system, or rather the urethra. That is why the first signs may be in the form of urethritis. Moreover, the pattern of development of the disease may have different paths.

Why is chronic chlamydia dangerous?

However, the main thing you need to know is that the danger of the chronic form of the disease in men is that during its course it affects:

  • Urethra.
  • Testes,
  • Epididymis.
  • Prostate.

Among the complications that can be diagnosed with chlamydial infection are Vesiculitis and.

In addition, advanced chlamydia in chronic form may cause inflammation in the kidneys.

In rare cases, Reiter's syndrome may develop against the background of a chronic course of the disease.

This is a systemic disease in which arthritis, conjunctivitis and urethritis occur simultaneously.

Without appropriate treatment, scarring of the urethra may develop, causing it to narrow.

Symptoms of chronic chlamydia

The first signs of the disease begin to appear in a man approximately 7-20 days after infection.

The most common route of infection is through unprotected sexual contact; other routes of infection are extremely rare.

Symptoms appear in the form of nonspecific acute urethritis. The following symptoms can be noted here:

  • Burning when urinating.
  • Itching at the entrance to the urethra.
  • Pain and discomfort may occur in the scrotum.
  • Feeling of discomfort in the testicles.

It should be noted that all the symptoms simply disappear after a while and no longer bother the man.

However, in some cases, the above signs of chlamydia may include fever, feeling chronic fatigue and ailments and other similar symptoms.

The disappearance of all signs does not mean that the disease has gone away, it’s just that the immune system was able to muffle all the symptoms for a while, and chlamydia successfully passed from acute to chronic form.

Before choosing a treatment, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis; the fact is that the chronic type of chlamydia in a man is very similar to the manifestation:

  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Some diseases of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of chlamydia in men, drugs

Therapy for both acute and chronic diseases is carried out using antibiotics.

The basis here is tetracycline drugs for men. This:

  • fluoroquinolones
  • macrolides

Acute and chronic chlamydia can be cured with such remedies.

If there is a need for other treatment, then the regimen can be adjusted, and several drugs of combined action will be used in it, which should cure the disease once and for all.

For example, it can be used.

This treatment regimen is calculated over a course of 10-14 days. If the case of chlamydia is no longer just in a chronic form, but in an advanced state, then the course will be extended for a month.

In order to improve immunity, the treatment regimen may involve the use of:

  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Natural adaptogens.
  • Immunostimulating drugs.

Along with taking antibiotics that should cure the disease, it will be necessary to take medications with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The need for such complex treatment is due to the fact that the antibiotic destroys the beneficial intestinal microflora, and it needs to be restored.

You can use:

  • Bifidobacterin,
  • Lactobacterin,
  • Linex

In case of an imbalance in the intestines, which leads to digestive problems, enzyme preparations may be prescribed:

  • Mezim,
  • Creon,
  • Pancreatin,
  • Essentiale forte,
  • Heptral,
  • Rezalut

Naturally, during the course of treatment it will be necessary to follow a certain diet and exclude alcohol.

A prerequisite for cure is that both sexual partners take medications, otherwise there is no talk of a positive prognosis.

Consequences of chlamydia for men

Chronic chlamydia is dangerous for men due to its complications, which can have extremely negative consequences.

We have already said that in men, due to untreated chlamydia, urethritis can occur, in which the urethra narrows, and this is a direct referral for surgery.

The second unpleasant complication is chronic prostatitis. It is against this background that a man can become infertile, and if the chronicity of prostatitis is not cured, then there is a chance of becoming impotent.

Orchiepididymitis is an inflammatory process in the epididymis. With this disease there is also a risk of developing infertility.

Under unfavorable conditions for them, these infectious agents “hibernate.” But, as soon as the body’s immune function weakens, chlamydia begins to actively multiply. Healthy cells die, and the number of new chlamydia is steadily growing.

  • organs of hearing and vision
  • heart and blood vessels
  • upper and lower respiratory tract
  • genitals
  • joints

The latent form of chlamydia can last for months. Certain factors contribute to the transformation of the disease into an acute form:

  • a consequence of a viral or
  • hypothermia
  • physical fatigue
  • stressful situation
  • poisoning with food, chemicals, harmful fumes

Every year, up to 100 million cases of chlamydia are recorded among the population in the world.

Modes of transmission of chlamydia

It is not for nothing that the World Health Organization pursues a policy of protected sex among adolescents. Cases of urogenital chlamydia are increasingly being recorded among young people aged 14 to 18 years. Most diagnoses occur between ages 20 and 40.

The main route of transmission of chlamydia is sexual contact with an infected partner (and there may be no disease). The infection is transmitted through any type of sexual contact, through vaginal discharge and infected skin.

  • Vibramycin
  • Klacid
  • Clubax
  • Unidox Solutab
  • Hemomycin
  • Sumamed
  • Ecomed
  • Spiramycin
  • Tsiprolet
  • Ceftriaxone
  • Amoxiclav
  • Clarithromycin

Pulse therapy with antibiotics has a good effect: a week of treatment, a week off, 3 cycles in total. Today, the best antibiotics for chlamydia are drugs based on Doxycycline.

When prescribing antibiotics, the symptoms of the disease, acute and process, as well as the time of infection must be taken into account. To prevent concomitant sexually transmitted infections, the patient is prescribed Metronidazole or Trichopolum.

Chronic chlamydia cannot be cured without the use of immunomodulatory drugs along with antibiotic therapy.

Related medications: treatment regimen for chlamydia

In case of chronic recurrent chlamydia, there is a need to prescribe immunomodulators. In the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, agents that stimulate the body's defenses play a key role. The drugs are administered intramuscularly throughout the course of antibiotic therapy.

taking probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Lactobatherin, Bifiform).

An approximate treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. The preparatory stage consists of 7 days. During this period, immunostimulants are prescribed, if necessary, an enzyme preparation (Wobenzym), baths with chlorhexidine, etc.
  2. The main treatment lasts 14 days: a combination of two antibiotics, an antimycotic drug, and agents to stimulate digestion (Festal, Pancreatin). Taking enzymes and vitamin complexes is not canceled.
  3. Rehabilitation. Recovery time takes about two weeks. Here, medications are prescribed to restore liver function, probiotics, and sometimes physical therapy.

Enzymes play an important role in treatment: preparations based on plant and animal enzymes that stimulate the immune system, relieve intoxication, and promote the concentration of antibiotics in areas of infection. The treatment regimen includes: Longidaza, Wobenzym, Trypsin.

With chlamydia, it is powerless, and self-medication only harms the patient and worsens the state of health.

Complications and consequences of self-medication

Delayed treatment is fraught with consequences:

  • . Against the background of chlamydia, the prostate gland becomes inflamed, urination is difficult, pain in the groin and lower back, and watery discharge appear. The prostate becomes sensitive to touch, painful, heterogeneous structure.
  • Epidimitis. Inflammation of the epididymis. Characterized by high temperature and an increase in the volume of the appendage. The inflammatory process disrupts spermatogenesis and leads to infertility. Often occurs in parallel with orchitis (inflammation of the testicle).
  • Reiter's syndrome. Simultaneous damage to the skin, joints and mucous membrane of the eyes.

Most frequent complications chlamydia in men: urethritis.

It is worth noting that there are no express methods for treating chlamydia in 3 days. Removing chlamydia from the body is an extremely long and painstaking process. Therefore, men are advised to avoid having sex without a condom with a new partner to prevent infection.

Sep 4, 2016 Violetta Doctor

What is chlamydia in men?

A common infectious disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact.

The causative agent of chlamydia is the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis, also known as the chlamydia bacterium. It is often classified as a virus and microbe, since it is an intracellular inhabitant of the human body.

Let's consider the causes of chlamydia in men and the infection process itself:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse. This applies to both standard and anal sex;
  • domestic. Through common items of use, dishes, personal items, in the presence of open wounds and damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Caring for the genitals, hands, and eyes is very important.

The incubation period is usually up to 28-30 days from the moment of infection, so diagnosis is not carried out in a timely manner and it becomes more difficult to find effective drugs for the treatment of chlamydia in men. The recovery process takes a long time and consequences are possible.

It may take at least a week for the first symptoms of infection to appear. In most cases, a microorganism needs time to penetrate a cell and begin the process of reproduction, development and spread.

Within 3 weeks from the moment of infection, you can observe how chlamydia manifests itself in men:

  1. inflammation of the urethra. Characterized by slight pain when visiting the restroom and clear discharge;
  2. discomfort in the testicles and scrotum;
  3. nagging pain in the lower back, tailbone;
  4. increase in body temperature up to 37 °C.

All this indicates acute form illness that lasts about 10 days. The patient experiences temporary relief and a feeling of recovery.

Untimely treatment of chlamydia in men leads to the spread of infection, which turns into urogenital chronic chlamydia and has more severe symptoms:

  • cloudiness of urine and the appearance of impurities in it. Mainly purulent in nature;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • spotting, itching, burning during ejaculation and urination;
  • weakness;
  • body temperature reaches 37 °C and does not decrease.

The progressive disease provokes serious consequences for men's health, including damage to the testicles, seminal canals, inflammation of the prostate and the onset of infertility.

Chlamydia in men: treatment with drugs

How and with what to treat acute chlamydia?

It is not possible to choose a reliable quick remedy for bacteria like chlamydia. The process is lengthy and will take about a month.

Before you start treating chlamydia in men, you need to start preparing:

  1. exclude sexual contacts;
  2. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

The treatment regimen for acute chlamydia involves going through several stages.

Therapy required:

  • Preparation. Prescription of immunostimulants and vitamins to strengthen the body;
  • treatment. A course of antibiotics and antifungals. Duration of treatment is at least 7 days;
  • recovery. Probiotics, hepatoprotectors, antioxidants. Physiotherapy methods are sometimes used.

A regimen is often used that includes a systematic course of antibiotics - 7 days, followed by a break - 7 days. The reception should be repeated at least 3 times. Only at the discretion of the doctor.

To cure acute chlamydia in men and its treatment to be effective, you will need the following drugs:

  1. « Azithromycin" Daily intake – 500 mg 1 time;
  2. « Doxycycline" Dosage per day – 200 mg. Continue taking it for at least a week at the discretion of your doctor. For a sluggish, long-term disease, the daily dose is 100 mg 2 times;
  3. « Ciprofloxacin" Take 0.75 g every 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 28 days.

Along with antibacterial agents, it is recommended to additionally take antifungal medications:

  1. « Fluconazole" In order to prevent the occurrence of candidiasis, a daily dose of 50 to 400 mg is prescribed;
  2. « Pimafucin" Dosage of 100 mg per day for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections.

The prescription of drugs is strictly individual. Only a venereologist specialist has the appropriate qualifications to determine the required amount medicines and duration of treatment.

Treatment regimen for chronic chlamydia in men

Complications caused by prolonged presence of chlamydia in the body require intensive and comprehensive treatment.

Do not forget that the microorganism is located inside the cell, and therefore the doctor should select the most effective antibiotics:

  • tetracycline. It is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that interferes with protein synthesis and is active against viruses, bacteria, and most strains of fungi;
  • macrolides. A less toxic drug among other antibiotics, safe for the body. Actively affects intracellular microorganisms. Developed based on erythromycin;
  • fluoroquinolones. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs. Prevents the spread of microorganisms and destroys the DNA of bacteria, leading to their destruction.

Also, when prescribing drugs, the state of the patient’s immune system, biliary, genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract organs is taken into account.

Comprehensive treatment of chronic chlamydia and its consequences includes:

  1. antibiotics. “Spiramycin”, “Azithromycin”, “Ciprofloxacin”, “Doxycycline”, “Rifampicin”;
  2. antioxidants. To remove toxins from the body. Vitamins A and E, sodium thiosulfate are usually used;
  3. hepatoprotectors. Used to protect and restore the liver. "Essentiale Forte";
  4. means to enhance immunity. Medicines: Interferon, Amiksin;
  5. antifungal medications. "Nystatin", "Fluconazole";
  6. probiotics. Restore normal intestinal microflora. "Linex", "Probifor", "Lactobacterin", "Bifiform".

The dosage of drugs and the choice of drugs depends on the stage of chlamydia, its duration, and the number of associated complications.

Each patient is treated according to an individual regimen and only after undergoing a laboratory examination. All recommendations are issued by the attending venereologist.

Consequences of chlamydia in men

If the disease is detected late, at the stage of chronic chlamydia, serious complications in men are possible:

  • prostatitis. Inflammatory process of damage to the prostate gland. Can lead to urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, blood poisoning;
  • urethritis. Bacterial infection of the urethra;
  • epididymitis. Swelling and inflammation of the scrotum, testis. Becomes the cause of necrosis of testicular tissue, scarring, and deterioration of sperm quality;
  • Reiter's disease. The occurrence of concomitant diseases after recovery, such as conjunctivitis, urethritis;
  • orchitis Inflammation of the testicle;
  • vesiculitis. Chlamydia infection of the seminal vesicles. Provoke sexual dysfunction, lack of erection;
  • chlamydial arthritis. Autoimmune damage to joints, cartilage, tissues.

Naturally, such complications in the functioning of the genitourinary system affect the function of a man. Chlamydia leads to infertility and the inability to produce healthy sperm.