Chinese tea with lymphatic effect. Doctors found alternative methods for cleansing the lymphatic system. Lympodian - Treatment of herbs

Why is it necessary to purify the lymphatic system? Lack of physical exercise, iodine deficiency, disease or irrational diet contribute to the clogging of the lymphatic system and cause health problems. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to comprehensive cleansing the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a complex drainage system, which consists of lymph nodes, vessels, spleen and thymus.

The lymphatic system plays an important role in combating infections and absorption of excess fluid, fats and toxic waste from the body. After the integrated cleansing of the lymphatic system, you will notice improvements: skin, arthritis, cellulite, headaches, colds, cold, fatigue, cholesterol, digestive disorders and overall health.

Alternative methods for cleansing the lymphatic system

The lymphatic drainage massage stimulates the circulation of lymph, and also contributes to the elimination of fat, liquids, toxins and other waste. Acupuncture also stimulates lymphotok. The sauna or steam room are an excellent way to remove toxins from the body through the skin and clean the lymphatic system.

Regular exercise (the best way is jumping) gently support the flow of lymph in the lymphatic system. Although jumping up and down are best way To stimulate lymphotok, any type of exercise is useful for cleansing lymph. While your muscles move, they massage the lymphatic system, which improves lymphotok.

Variables are hot and cold water Within a few minutes, they have a beneficial effect on your bloodstream and lymphotok. Heat causes extension of vessels, and cold is narrowing. Do not fulfill these procedures during pregnancy, as well as with heart disease and high blood pressure.

Deep breathing exercises stimulate lymphotok, which avoids the accumulation of toxins in the body, and also delivers more fresh oxygen to cells.

Daily cleaning with a dry brush improves lymphotok and activates the lymphatic system. Before taking a shower, make a dry body massage with a brush (preferably from natural material) for 5 minutes.

Products for cleansing the lymphatic system

A healthy diet produces less toxins and waste, which reduces the chances of the fact that the lymphatic system will be clogged with slags. Choose organic products, avoid drinking pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

Products that promote lymphotoku:

1) Fruits, especially cranberries, contribute to cleansing the lymphatic system, intestines and kidney, which allows you to get rid of various types of harmful toxins. In addition, fruits contain many antioxidants and other beneficial substances. 2) Vegetables, especially containing chlorophyll sheet greens, are very useful. 3) Linseed oil. 4) Spirulina. 5) Walnuts. 6) Almond. 7) Flax seeds. 8) avocado. These products are rich in important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and other useful phytonutrients, due to which the lymphotock and the quality of the purification of the body improves. Add more raw fruits, vegetables, fresh juices to your diet, because they contain powerful enzymes and acids to purify the lymphatic system.

Products that pollute the lymphatic system:

Artificial sweeteners. 2) meat. 3) preservatives. 4) Purified grain. 5) Processed products. 6) High salt content. 7) Candy and bakery products. All these products are known to produce toxic substances and can clog the lymphatic system.
Water is necessary for the lymphatic system

Drink a lot of water! Your body needs water, which avoids dehydration, and also contributes to the right lymphotoku. A day you need to drink from 6 to 8 glasses of filtered or purified water. This should avoid carbonated drinks, sports drinks and commercially available sweet fruit juices.

Herbs for cleansing the lymphatic system

Herbs can be used as a powerful medication. Some herbs can help improve lymphotok and toxin removal. Among them: Echinacea, licorice, Canadian yellowing, red clover, Laconos, Astragal, wild root of indigo, etc. Herbs have an excellent effect on the lymphatic system. I already wrote about cleansing lymphs licorice. If tea is regularly consumed, it will help ensure proper lymphatic drainage.

Calendula flowers are used for wound healing, reduce skin inflammation, cleaning the lymphatic system, as well as to increase immunity.

The Zemannik Chain stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system and its organs. This grass helps in cases of lymphatic congestion and with an increase in lymph nodes, and also contributes to blood purification.

Korovyak also treats lymphatic congestion. The leaves and flowers of the cowboy activate the circulation of lymphs and can be useful when swinging the glands, especially when the lymph nodes in the throat, neck, hands and the area of \u200b\u200bgroin are increased.

Grass tea for cleansing increased lymph nodes:

2 parts of the calendula, 2 pieces of the jareennik, 1 part of the cowboat. Place herbs in a small saucepan and fill with cold water. Slowly heat and boil on low heat under the lid of 20-45 minutes. The longer you boil herbs, the stronger there will be tea. Drink 2-3 cups per day for 2-3 weeks. Creaters available on sale, dental pastes, creams, sunscreens, deodorants, etc. contain a lot of dubious chemicals that fall into our lymphatic system. Choose natural, organic beauty products, and learn how to do healthy cosmetics at home. Close clothes slow down the Lymph current. Therefore, we carry only loose clothes. If you comply with these tips, your lymphatic system will work more effectively, which will certainly improve the overall health. You will have more energy, less pain, and less toxins in the lymphatic system.

It is very important to periodically clean the lymphatic system with herbs. But always need to clean the lymph with useful products - Vegetables and fruits, as well as drink plenty of water. As you know, purely where they do not sort. Therefore, try not to pollute the lymphatic system with harmful products, smoking, alcohol and other toxic substances.

In violation of the functions of the lymphatic system, up to 83% of harmful substances accumulates in the intercellular space and the resulting pollution of the lymphatic channel is formed - lymphotoxicosis. At the same time, the load increases on all organs of removal and detoxification: liver, intestines, kidneys. It turns out that the purity of the inner medium of our body is directly interconnected with a network of lymphatic vessels.

We bring to your attention the recipes of Elena Svitko from the book "Golden Recipes: Fitotherapy from the Middle Ages to this Day", which will help work your lymphosystem without failures.

Living tea Czech healer Rosa Faleshnikova

25 g of a leaf of rosemary, 20 g of Timyan flowers, 15 g of mint coaching. 10 Flowers of the Hawthorn, 10 g of the root of Nather, 10 g of the root of Dyagil medicinal.

All components mix. 2 tbsp. Spoons of mixture pour 1 l of cold water. Boil. 1 hour insist. During the day with honey.

Course - 14 days. Improves lymphotok.

White herbs

10 g of white deaf nettle, 10 g of white acacia, 5 g of jasmine flowers, 5 g chamomile, 5 g of white lilac (flowers), 10 g of yarrow (flowers). From this mixture to take 1 tbsp. A spoon for 1 cup boiling water.

10 minutes insist, strain and drink in the second half of the day with small sips for several techniques.

This infusion consume 7 days. Herbs can vary. The composition of the mixture should be discussed with their attending physician individually.

The infusion is very effective in anticipation, lymphaticity, as well as other diseases of the lymphatic system, liver and skin diseases.

The lymphatic system is directly related to the liver, with a blood formation system, with a vascular system. It must be treated and cleaned in the complex.

Cleaning the body (according to the Czech spiritual master Francis Bardoku):

    dissolves and removes toxins from the body;

    well cleanses the vessels and activates nervous system;

    cleans the gastrointestinal tract and the entire endocrine system;

    regulates blood circulation and blood pressure.

2 tbsp. Spoons of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. Spoons of syrup of rose hips "Holosas", 200 ml of water, a little red zhugochi or Cayenne pepper.

Attention! Only fresh-free juice should be used, in no case canned!

Take courses for 2 weeks, starting during the full moon. Drink 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Break between courses - 2 weeks.

Recipe for cleansing lymphy

It is best to clean the lymphatic system on a decreasing moon, as, however, and clean the whole organism.

It is necessary to take 0.5 liters of distilled water or boiled, it is desirable to heat up to 40-45 ° C, to dissolve 1 tbsp. A spoon of magnesium sulfate. There to squeeze 1 lemon juice, juice 1 grapefruit and 1 orange. The procedure is better to start on an empty stomach and be at home at home, since slags will go out natural way.

The prepared mixture for the detoxification of lymph should be made up with small sips in the first half of the day, and after this procedure, take a bath with marine Solu: 1 kg of salts on warm water.

Magnesium sulfate is surprisingly effectively cleansing lymph, and in combination with citrus, it puts into order and the entire lymphatic system. In your feces, you will see how many toxins, dirty lymph will come out of you.

Magnesium sulfate, like a magnet, can pull up from lymph to 16 liters of toxins and other waste (especially in complete people)!

After this cleaning, you should drink infusions of all white herbs that clean the lymph.

Kvass from kidney chestnut konsky

200 g kidney chestnut konsky, 2 cups of home sour cream, 3 l of lactic serum, 1 tbsp. A spoon of ground cleanliness, 100 g of natural honey.

Early spring, when the kidneys are about to begin to swell, carefully collect them (we need to rip it out of a row, but no matter how thinning them by collecting every tenth kidney).

The drink is prepared in a large glass container. Prepare a serum from milk (from a healthy home cow), a little warm it, add honey and clean, chopped chestnut kidneys, as well as sour cream for break. Put the vessel on the window on the sunny side of the house so that the serum is 3 days wandered. Then mix the mixture and run over the bottles, put them in the refrigerator,

Take such a kvass for 2 months per 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

The drink is shown to those in the morning can not be pulled out, who often wet sputum, swell their feet and the lymph nodes are swept away, whom the runny nose is reworked. Published.

Elena Svitko "Golden Recipes: Phytotherapy from Middle Ages to this Day"

I have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.


  1. Grass Echinacea
  2. Grass Castoby
  3. Grass Sage
  4. Grass of Hypericum
  5. Grass Verbena
  6. Grass horsetail
  7. Borovat leaves
  8. Calendula flowers
  9. Black elderberry flowers
  10. Birch kidney
  11. Poplar kidney
  12. Buds of pine
  13. Dog-rose fruit
  14. Roots dandelion
  15. Kori Chicory
  16. Roots Lopuha
  17. Roots Static
  18. Sabelnik roots

Properties: Cleans lymph, dissipates lymph nodes and seals.

The collection is part of the cleansing organism of the line, has an antiviral and anti-infectious components. Birch kidneys, black poplar kidney, pine buds, chicory root, sage have an antiviral action. The collection contributes to the resorption of lymph nodes, relieves the inflammatory processes of the lymphatic system, purifies from poisons, slags and toxins. This collection is also effective as prevention in the disease of the thyroid gland. A good effect is achieved with the alternation of collection No. 70 with a collection No. 62. Displays an extra liquid from the body and disintegration products, is used as the prevention of neoplasms, with papillomas and warts. Plays an important role when weight loss.

Indications: In the complex of measures to purify the body, prevention and treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system, after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, etc., removal of swelling.

Method of cooking and applications: 1 tablespoon of collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water, warm to catch, 1 hour insist, strain. Drinking warm at 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals four times a day, the fourth time - before bedtime.

Course application: In preventive purposes, the collection rate is 30 days, with a complicated degree of the disease therapeutic course of 2 months.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, lactation.

Combination: Compatible on the system of alternation of courses with other charges of indications for increased therapeutic effect, for example, in viral diseases (papillomas, etc.). , 7, 23, 18, 11, 12, 47, 55, 71, 8, 9, 39, 32, 24, and PR.

Additional Information:

The lymphatic system is closely related to cardiovascular and complements it. The lymphatic system transports fabric liquid and proteins from the interstitial space through the connective veins in the blood. The fluid circulating in lymphatic vessels is called lymph. The system also transfers fats from the small intestine into the blood, which plays an important role in the protective system of the body from infections.

The structure of the lymphatic system includes:

  • lymphatic capillaries, vessels and trunks: pipes for which liquid flows;
  • lymph nodes: Education located all over the body;
  • lymphatic organs: spleen, thymus (fork iron) and almonds;
  • lymphatic ducts: distinguish two duct - right lymphatic duct and breast duct, which fall into the right and left connectible veins, respectively;
  • lymph: fluid that circulates by vessels.

The lymphatic capillaries are closed from one end of the tube forming a huge network in the tissues and organs of the human body. The capillar walls are very thin, so liquid, proteins and large particles are freely falling inside. Since these particles and proteins cannot pass through the walls of the blood vessel, they fall into the blood through the lymphatic system. Lymphatic vessels are formed by merging the smallest lymphatic capillaries. In the structure, the lymphatic vessels resemble veins, but have thinner walls and a larger number of valves to prevent lymph outflows.

All lymphatic vessels pass through lymph nodes. They are combined into several groups and are located along the blood vessels. The set of vessel bringing is carried by lymph into the node, and it follows from there only one or two ending vessels. Lymphatic nodes are small formation of a rounded, oval, beanoid, less often a ribbon form up to 2 cm long. Here the lymph is filtered off, foreign inclusions are separated and destroyed, and lymphocytes are produced here to combat infection. Extending vessels, leaving the nodes, are connected to lymphatic trunks. They form two main ducts:

The chest duct: through it, Lymph passes from the left hand, the left side of the head and chest and all organs below the ribs and strengthened into the left subclavian vein.

The right lymphatic duct: Lymph passes through it, it takes away from the right upper quarter of the body - the hands, the right side of the head and chest - and strengthens into the right subclavian vein.

In this way, Lymph is transferred from the interstitial spaces back to the blood. Any failure or blockage of the lymphatic system entails a tissue tumor, or swelling.

The speed with which Lymph passes through the lymphatic system depends on many factors: for example, the reduction and relaxation of muscles help the reverse outflow of lymph, as well as negative pressure or breast motion during breathing. Therefore, physical exercises significantly accelerate the flow of lymphs. Doing exercises, it is possible to improve the condition of the tissues with stagnants and edema in the joints and muscles. The volume of lymph, passing through the capillaries and vessels, depends on the pressure inside and outside the vessels.

Massage helps speed up the lymph movement in lymphatic vessels, thus increasing the outflow of the tissue fluid. Long circular strokes have pressure on the vessels and push the lymphatic fluid to the nearest group of lymph nodes (remember this!). Pressing (kneading) compress fabrics. This increases the amount of tissue fluid, which is sent to the lymphatic vessels.

Functions of the lymphatic system.

1. The lymphatic system takes a tissue fluid from the intercellular space.

2. It transfers this liquid and proteins to the connective veins and returns to the blood.

3. Transfer fats from the small intestine into the blood.

4. It produces lymphocytes that protect the body from infections and diseases.

5. In the lymph nodes, foreign substances and spent products are filtered and removed.

Impact of massage on the lymphatic system.

☀ Accelerates the lymph flow in lymphatic vessels. As a result of the fact that massage movements are carried out in the direction of the outflow of lymphs to the nearest group of lymph nodes, the flow rate of lymph increases. Therefore, massage strokes should always be directed to the closest group of lymph nodes.

☀ Pressure on the fabric facilitates the penetration of the liquid through the walls of the vessels. The liquid from the tissue passes through the lymphatic vessels faster, which prevents or reduces swelling (tumor tumor).

☀ The large particles of decay products are faster, which can pass through the walls of lymphatic vessels.

To remove the edema after stroking, it is advisable to apply the movements of pressure and compression. It will be much better if lift the massaged part of the body, since the strength of gravity will help the outflow of lymph.

Why is it necessary to purify the lymphatic system? Lack of physical exercise, iodine deficiency, disease or irrational diet contribute to the clogging of the lymphatic system and cause health problems. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to comprehensive cleansing the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a complex drainage system, which consists of lymph nodes, vessels, spleen and thymus.

The lymphatic system plays an important role in combating infections and absorption of excess fluid, fats and toxic waste from the body. After the integrated cleansing of the lymphatic system, you will notice improvements: skin, arthritis, cellulite, headaches, colds, cold, fatigue, cholesterol, digestive disorders and overall health.

Alternative methods for cleansing the lymphatic system

The lymphatic drainage massage stimulates the circulation of lymph, and also contributes to the elimination of fat, liquids, toxins and other waste. Acupuncture also stimulates lymphotok. The sauna or steam room are an excellent way to remove toxins from the body through the skin and clean the lymphatic system.

Regular exercise (the best way is jumping) gently support the flow of lymph in the lymphatic system. Although jumping up and down are the best way to stimulate lymphotok, any type of exercise is useful for cleansing lymph. While your muscles move, they massage the lymphatic system, which improves lymphotok.

Variables with hot and cold water for several minutes have a beneficial effect on your blood flow and lymphotok. Heat causes extension of vessels, and cold is narrowing. Do not fulfill these procedures during pregnancy, as well as with heart disease and high blood pressure.

Deep breathing exercises stimulate lymphotok, which avoids the accumulation of toxins in the body, and also delivers more fresh oxygen to cells.

Daily cleaning with a dry brush improves lymphotok and activates the lymphatic system. Before taking a shower, make a dry body massage with a brush (preferably from natural material) for 5 minutes.

Products for cleansing the lymphatic system

A healthy diet produces less toxins and waste, which reduces the chances of the fact that the lymphatic system will be clogged with slags. Choose organic products, avoid drinking pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

Products that promote lymphotoku:

1) Fruits, especially cranberries, contribute to cleansing the lymphatic system, intestines and kidney, which allows you to get rid of various types of harmful toxins. In addition, fruits contain many antioxidants and other beneficial substances. 2) Vegetables, especially containing chlorophyll sheet greens, are very useful. 3) linseed oil. 4) Spirulina. 5) Walnuts. 6) Almond. 7) Flax seeds. 8) avocado. These products are rich in important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and other useful phytonutrients, due to which the lymphotock and the quality of the purification of the body improves. Add more raw fruits, vegetables, fresh juices to your diet, because they contain powerful enzymes and acids to purify the lymphatic system.

Products that pollute the lymphatic system:

Artificial sweeteners. 2) meat. 3) preservatives. 4) Purified grain. 5) Processed products. 6) High salt content. 7) Candy and bakery products. All these products are known to produce toxic substances and can clog the lymphatic system.

Water is necessary for the lymphatic system

Drink a lot of water! Your body needs water, which avoids dehydration, and also contributes to the right lymphotoku. A day you need to drink from 6 to 8 glasses of filtered or purified water. This should avoid carbonated drinks, sports drinks and commercially available sweet fruit juices.

Cellulite is one of the most common problems of female representatives. If you are faced with such a notch, then it is necessary first to pay attention to your food.

To get rid of cellulite and all concomitant troubles should be used as much as possible in its diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and juices.

In order to combat it, various methods of lymphatic drainage are effective. One of these ways to struggle is lymphatic laminating herbs.

Lymphodenage herbs

Everyone knows that herbal fees and teas have a beneficial effect on a person, strengthen immunity, accelerate metabolic processes in skin cells and in the body as a whole.

Limphoded tea is used for the prevention and treatment of skin swelling, as well as during failures in the metabolic processes of the body.

The composition of such tea includes herbs having diuretic and immunostimulating properties, as well as green tea.

How to apply lymphatic price tea?

Lymphatic insections, as a rule, contain specially selected and dried on the special method of grass. It can be consumed daily by replacing them ordinary tea. It is drinking after meals, and for more pleasant taste sensations it is allowed to add sugar and honey to it.

After using such a beverage, excessive selection of sweat is often observed, which quickly passes. Such a reaction of the body is associated with the process of cleansing all its systems.

Before you purchase such a collection, it is necessary to carefully read its composition. It should not be lack of a sheet of hay, as it has a laxative effect that adversely acts on the body.

There are many recipes for making lymphatic drainage tea. Below are some of them. Such teas can be drunk every day or alternate each other.

Recipes of lymphatic drainage tea

The first method of cooking lymphatic tea

For one portion you will need to take:

  • One spoonful honey.
  • Table spoon collection of dry mint.
  • 2 spoons of dried plantain.

Prepare drink is needed as follows:

Dried plantain and mint leaves are laid in dishes and poured boiling water. From above covered with a lid and give time to stream in about 15 minutes.

After the drink has been fed, sugar or honey is coated and added to taste. Such a means need to drink twice a day.

Second way

This tea cleans blood, expands the vessels, speeds up the processes of fats splitting and contributes to the withdrawal of them from the body.

You will need:

  • Several tablespoons of dried leaf lingers.
  • ½ Spiral honey.
  • 2 spoons of natural cranberry juice.


It is necessary to take the leaves of the lingonberry, send them to the container and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Boil about 20 minutes. Next, it is necessary to cool and straighten the decoction and strain through the marry or sitechko. Fuck boiled water, so much so that it turned out 500 ml. Add cranberry juice, honey and can be used.

Third way

This drink helps to eliminate slags from the body, stabilizes the work of blood vessels and clears them.


  • 4 pieces of dry apple.
  • Several spoons of currant leaves.
  • Spoon honey.
  • Rosehip syrup.
  • Thick cinnamon


We put everything apart from honey and rose hips in the container and pour them with steep boiling water. Next, cover the lid and insist about 20 minutes. Then we cool, add honey, syrup and cinnamon. Drink is ready to eat.

It should be applied daily.

With the help of lymphenage herbs, you give your body health and forget forever about such troubles as: cellulite, overweight and swelling.

Yours faithfully,

Clean lymph and good

The lymphatic system is one of the most unknown and poorly studied in human organism, even despite the scale of its influence on our appearance.

Cellulite, pastosity (swelling) of the skin, endlessness of the face, excess weight, "tummy", weak immunity, fast fatigue, lethargy and even the cysts of the ovaries (and in general, the tendency to form a cyst), tonsillitis - all these problems can be solved by holding healing lymphatic system.

I will tell you about her brief:

Lymphatic vessels, knots, capillaries, spleen, almonds, thymus - all of them are combined in our body in a single whole.

On the one hand, the lymphatic system transfers nutrients and oxygen to each cell cell. Initially, they enroll in lymph and only from it in blood. On the other hand, the lymphosystem is a kind of filter that impedes the spread of infection, pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

The movement of lymph, as well as blood on the veins, contribute to bending and extension of legs and hands during walking and different activities. So, the most elementary and sure way of supporting the natural flow of lymph in the body will be daily physical activity. Sitting lifestyle Lymph movement slows down significantly.

The most accessible ways to purify the lymphatic system:

1) . Homeopathic preparation "Lymphomyosis"

More precisely, it refers to homotoxicology - a variety of homeopathy based on the idea that all the troubles from homotoxins and, cleaning them from them, can be heard from any kival.

Lymphomyosis is the most famous and strong drug in this area. All the problems of the lymphocy system, given by me at the beginning of the post, he decides with a bang. True, the duration of the course and the reception scheme is always different, and here it is already worth consulted with a homeopath. Usually, the inside is prescribed 10 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour after eating. By the way, when cellulite L. is taken together with Galium Hel (with a difference of 1-2 hours).

In theory, they can "turn out" without appointing a doctor - there are almost no side effects, but in the composition there is a homeopathic dose of iodine, so it is not recommended in the hypertension and autoimine processes in the thyroid gland. Sold in most pharmacies.

2). Lymphodenge massage Accelerates Lymph Currents 7-8 times, fabrics begin to freer from toxins faster, the metabolism is being established. I recommend this massage to everyone - everyone - everyone !!!

To date, lymphatic drainage massage - the most quick an effective way Element from cellulite and swelling.

Do not waste money on aggressive techniques, after which you have bruises and bruises - In addition to the fibrosis of fabrics and early aging of the skin, you will not get anything in the end. Subcutaneous fiber - the intonation of the tricky, after the force effect, it can call and only worsen your appearance. The damaged walls of capillaries and vessels (which give bruises) to cellulite have nothing to do.

Better, find a good massage therapist and make the body a gift from 10 courses of lymphatic laminating.

3). Lymphodnaya Samomassage

It can be held every day. True on their own lymph can be driven only from the hip area, that is, cellulite, for the rest of the sites is better without a specialist, and even without prior purification it is better not to take.

So, put one leg to the exaltation, grab it with both hands, or more and more precisely and stable fingers, and start smooth extritional movements from your knees to the thigh! All movements should only be to the body, as Lymph moves from the periphery to the center !! If you confuse, then get the extra edema to your feet.

Movements should be squeezing, soft, but at the same time sensitive. Such massage five minutes are best done in the morning and in the evening in the shower. It is better with massage oil, then the structure of the skin will improve without any particular effort in a couple of months.

four). Application of oils (in massage, of course) with a lymphatic drainage: canow, lavender, limetic, jasmine, juniper, from basic oils (that is, those in which essential are dissolved) - grape bone oil, avocado, etc ...

There are already ready-made oil mixtures for lymphatic drainage: "Antidot of hypodynamines" and "Yoon Chai" from "Styx", "Lymph Pak Wo" and "Lecithol Valo" from "Karel Hadek", "draining massage oil with adding essential oils"From" Beautymed "," Birch butter "from" Weleda "," Anti-cellulite oil "from Galing Farm.

five). Many ready lymphatic drains are available For example, Rusalia for the treatment of edema (series "Berendeya Foothai", Novosibirsk). On all sorts of case, the composition: chicory root, birch leaf, green tea, juniper berries, hawthorn fruits, sage.

Women's tea "Dobiy" (Tomsk) and its composition: The root of the burdock and licorice, chaga, grass turn, layer laminaria, marigold flowers, herb grass.

"Lymphodren" ("Rior", Czech Republic)

All three are in the online stores of our country, sometimes found in retail.

6). From Badov The most accessible "lymphotransit" from Evalar - there is almost every pharmacy. More expensive and less often encounter "elderberry syrup". From the Ayurvedic drugs of Limph, in my opinion, the best cleans the "dasamula".

Vitamins and additives cleansing lymph: WIT. B5 and B6, C, E, selenium, amino acid L-Arginine and Omega 3.

7). The lymphoculating action possess: Timarnik chain, calendula, birch leaves, roots of burdock, Echinacea, Pau d'Arco, herba Veronica, Motovet, Norichnik, Mojakka, Linnak, Korovyat, Red Clover.

eight). Products supporting the purity of lymphs: Onions, garlic, radish, ginger, all dark green vegetables, algae, cranberries, celery, all citrus and flax seeds. And they should be in nutrition daily and in maximum possible quantities.

Contraindications to the purification of lymph:

Pregnancy and feeding, heavy chronic diseases, including diabetes (only under the supervision of the doctor).