Mineral water. Compound. Purpose. Basic types. Everything you need to know about mineral water: composition, benefits, contraindications What mineral water consists of briefly

Mineral waters help with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, liver diseases and diabetes. Have a beneficial effect on the immune and endocrine systems. They also have a number of other positive properties.

Balneology (the science that deals with the study of mineral water and its therapeutic and prophylactic use) divides mineral waters into:

Canteens (salt content up to 1 g/l). Such waters are suitable for daily use; you can drink them and cook food with them. However, people suffering from any diseases should still consult a doctor before using these waters.

Medicinal table salts (salts from 1 to 10 g/l). This type of water has some healing effects and is not used for cooking. Before drinking medicinal table waters, you should consult your doctor.

Medicinal (with mineralization more than 10 g/l). Used exclusively for medicinal purposes, in dosages recommended by a doctor.

Also mineral waters have the following categories:
The degree of mineralization (the amount of substances dissolved in water). Weak (up to 1-2 g/l), small (2-5 g/l), medium (5-15 g/l), high (13-30 g/l), brine (35-150 g/l) , strong brine (over 150 g/l).
Height of temperature. Cold (below 20°C), warm (21-35°C), thermal (36-42°C), high thermal (above 42°C).
pH value. Strongly acidic (pH less than 3.5), acidic (pH 3.5-5.5), slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.8), neutral (pH 6.8-7.2), slightly alkaline (pH 7, 2-8.5), alkaline (pH greater than 8.5).

In addition, depending on their ionic composition, mineral waters are divided into hydrocarbonate, chloride, and sulfate. And the presence of different cations in them further divides them into calcium, sodium and magnesium. Mineral waters are also divided according to the presence of gases (carbon dioxide, sulfide, nitrogen) and microelements (iodide, bromide, siliceous)

Each type of mineral water has certain properties:

Hydrocarbonate mineral waters reduce the acidity of gastric juice, and depending on the method of application, they can either stimulate or inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. This type of water is also used in the treatment of urolithiasis.

Chloride mineral waters improve the secretion of the stomach, small intestine and pancreas. Used for digestive disorders. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

Sulfate mineral waters stimulate motility of the gastrointestinal tract. They have a good effect on the restorative functions of the gallbladder and liver. Used to treat diseases of the biliary tract, as well as chronic hepatitis, diabetes and obesity.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate medicinal table mineral waters with little or no carbon dioxide and dissolved organic substances are indicated for use by patients with chronic gastritis with increased secretory function, uncomplicated peptic ulcer and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Among such waters, the most widespread are: “Azovskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Vyarzi-Yatchi” (Udmurt Water Company), “Darasun”, “Minskaya”, “Noyabrskaya” (JSC “Noyabrskneftegaz”), “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya” "(JSC “Mineral Waters of Zheleznovodsk”).

Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate medicinal table and medicinal mineral waters prescribed to patients with chronic gastritis with decreased gastric secretion. These waters include: "Azovskaya", "Ekateringofskaya" (JSC "Petrospirt" St. Petersburg), "Essentuki N4, 17" (JSC "Essentuki Mineral Water Plant"), "Zheleznovodskaya" (JSC "Mineral Waters of Zheleznovodsk" ), "Izhevskaya", "Karachinskaya" (JSC "Karachinskoye"), "Mirgorodskaya", "Narzan" (Company "Caucasian Mineral Waters", Kislovodsk), "Silver Spring" (JSC "Deka").

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium medicinal table waters used for chronic diseases intestines with increased motility. These waters include: "Borjomi", "Krainka", "Anna Kashinskaya" (JSC "Veresk"), "Narzan" (Company "Caucasian Mineral Waters", Kislovodsk), "Slavyanovskaya" and "Smirnovskaya" (JSC " Mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk”).

Chloride-sulfate medicinal mineral waters indicated for patients with chronic intestinal diseases with reduced motor function, as well as for diseases of the biliary tract, diabetes mellitus, obesity and gout. There are mineral waters for them: “Izhevskaya”, “Ekateringofskaya”, “Essentuki 17”, “Karmadon”, “Lipetskaya”, “Noyabrskaya” (JSC “Noyabrskneftegaz”), “Silver Spring” (JSC “Deka”, Novgorod ), "Semigorskaya", "Batalipskaya" (when bred), "Lysogorskaya", "Galitskaya" and others.

Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate medicinal table waters Used for chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas. In such cases, they recommend: Borskaya (ASKO), Borjomi, Ekateringofskaya, Essentuki 4 and 17, Silver Spring (JSC Deka, Novgorod), Smirnovskaya (Zheleznovodsk Mineral Water Plant "), "Uglichskaya", "Obukhovskaya", "Moskovskaya".

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate and mineral-organic medicinal table waters recommended for chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases. The following waters are used for treatment: “Berezovskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya” (“Zheleznovodsk Mineral Water Plant”), “Naftusya”.

Ferrous medicinal table waters indicated for patients with iron deficiency anemia. One of them is produced in St. Petersburg - “Polyustrovskaya” (JSC “Polyustrovo”). Hydrocarbonate-iodine waters are suitable for the treatment of patients with thyroid diseases.

Since mineral waters have a pronounced effect on the body and, if taken incorrectly, can cause severe disturbances in the electrolyte composition, their use should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Mineral water

Mineral water

Mineral water- waters containing dissolved salts, microelements, as well as some biologically active components.

Among mineral waters there are mineral natural drinking waters, mineral waters for external use and others. Mineral waters for external use are used for baths, bathing, showers held in balneotherapy clinics and in healing pools, as well as for inhalation and rinsing for diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, for irrigation and rinsing of hollow organs and other similar purposes.

Mineral waters have important balneological significance and are widely used in spa treatment.

IN THE USA mineral water Water with a total mineralization of at least 250 mg per dm³ is considered, provided that it comes from an underground and physically protected source, characterized by a constant level and constant proportion of the concentration of components and the absence of artificial mineral additives.

Mineral natural drinking waters

Mineral natural drinking waters are waters extracted from aquifers or aquifer complexes, protected from anthropogenic influence, preserving the natural chemical composition and related to food products, and with increased mineralization or with increased content of certain biologically active ingredients having a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

The following are not considered natural mineral waters:

  • mixture groundwater from aquifers with different conditions for the formation of their hydrochemical types or a mixture of groundwater of different hydrochemical types;
  • a mixture of natural mineral water with drinking water or with artificially mineralized water.

Mineral drinking water should be a clear, colorless or yellowish to greenish liquid, with a taste and odor characteristic of the substances it contains. Mineral water may contain sediment from the mineral salts it contains.

Classification of drinking mineral waters

  • fresh (mineralization up to 1 g per dm³ inclusive);
  • low-mineralized (mineralization more than 1 to 2 g per dm³ inclusive);
  • low-mineralized (mineralization more than 2 to 5 g per dm³ inclusive);
  • medium-mineralized (more than 5 to 10 g per dm³ inclusive);
  • highly mineralized (more than 10 to 15 g per dm³ inclusive).

Depending on the purpose, drinking mineral waters are classified into:

According to the chemical composition, there are six classes of mineral waters: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and carbonated. There is another interpretation of this classification - according to ionic composition:

Depending on the gas composition and the presence of specific components, mineral waters are divided into: carbon dioxide, sulfide (hydrogen sulfide), nitrogen, siliceous (H 2 SiO 3), bromide, iodide, ferruginous, arsenic, radioactive (), etc.

The reaction of water (the degree of acidity or alkalinity, expressed by the value) is important for assessing its therapeutic effect. Acidic waters have a pH = 3.5-6.8, neutral - 6.8-7.2, alkaline - 7.2-8.5 and higher.


The distribution patterns of mineral waters (in general) are determined by geological structural features, the geological history of a given territory, as well as geomorphological, meteorological and hydrological factors. In the area of ​​young folded structures, carbon dioxide and nitrogen mineral waters are often found. The deep-lying parts of the foothill depressions are characterized by highly mineralized mineral waters and even brine enriched with hydrogen sulfide. Calcium chloride and sodium chloride waters are common in the deep horizons of platform depressions; above lies a zone of sulfate waters and, finally, in the highest zone - waters of the hydrocarbonate type. Within the boundaries of crystalline massifs and shields there are mineral waters of various chemical compositions. Radioactive mineral waters are more often associated with massifs of acidic crystalline rocks.

Mineral waters can be groundwater (poured to the surface by gravity) and pressure water (artesian, gushing).

Carbon dioxide waters of young folded structures are common in the Caucasus, Pamir, Sayan Mountains, Kamchatka, Transcarpathia, Southern Tien Shan, Transbaikalia and other places. These waters belong to the well-known types of mineral waters - North Caucasian Narzan (and Burkut - Carpathian Narzan), Borjomi (Georgia), Arzni (Armenia) and Essentuki (KavMinVody). Nitrogen waters often outline areas of carbonated mineral waters and are associated with zones of tectonic faults and fissures in igneous rocks. Nitrogen mineral waters are known in the Tien Shan and Altai, hot nitrogen waters are known in Tbilisi, Krasnodar and Pyatigorsk. Hot radioactive mineral waters are found in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, KavMinVody and Altai Territory, as well as the Khmelnytsky group (Khmelnyk, Vinnytsia region), Mironovsky group (Mironovka, Kiev region), Polonsky group of resorts (Polnoye, Khmelnytsky region) and others. Hydrogen sulfide mineral waters - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus () and KavMinVody (Pyatigorsk, Gaazo-Ponomarevsky spring of Essentukov), in Dagestan (Talgi) and the Terek-Sunzha Upland (Sernovodsk-Caucasian), in the Carpathian region (Truskavets [including sulfur hydrocarbons], Nemirov, Velikiy Lyuben, Shklo) and the Urals, Fergana Valley, etc. Hydrogen sulfide mineral waters accompany oil fields and natural gas, as well as gases from volcanic eruptions. Glauberian, salt and salt-alkaline mineral springs are known in the foothills of the Carpathians and Crimea, in the region of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression (the most famous among them are in Truskavets and Morshyn, Lviv region and Mirgorod, Poltava region).

Chemical composition

Previously, clinicians believed that everything depended on the method of administration. If you drink water 10-15 minutes before meals, it stimulates gastric secretion, if one and a half to two hours before, it slows down. It has now been established that the secretory reaction depends not only on the method (time) of administration, but also to a large extent on the chemical composition of the water.

Since mineral waters are among the external irritants acting on the body, they cause quite definite natural changes in it. These patterns, according to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov and N.E. Vvedensky, consist in the phase nature of responses, the nature of which largely depends on the initial state of the body. In drinking treatment, as well as in balneotherapy, three phases of the action of mineral water are distinguished: complex reflex, neurochemical and aftereffect phase. But this division is somewhat conditional.

The first phase is characterized by the body’s reactions under the influence of irritation of mucosal receptors by mineral water digestive tract. Excitation in this phase is carried out according to the type of both unconditional and conditioned reflex reactions. Moreover, with unconditioned reflexes, the reflex arc closes in the subcortical centers, while the path of conditioned reflexes goes through the cerebral cortex.

The second phase is closely related to the first. It begins from the moment of absorption of the components of mineral water and their impact on the interoceptive fields of the body. In this phase, the most important are the chemicals (mediators) formed in the body as a result of the action of mineral water on the receptors of the digestive tract.

The aftereffect phase is associated with changes in metabolism under the influence of mineral waters.

Existence three phases The effect of mineral water on the body, in particular on the gastrointestinal tract, has been confirmed by a number of experimental and clinical studies.

Mineral waters come into contact primarily with the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The mechanism of their stimulating and inhibitory effects on the function of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out with the help of hormones.

The specific effect is determined by the composition of mineral waters. It has been established that the secretory reaction of the glandular apparatus of the stomach largely depends on the chemical (and gas) composition of water, so it is not the same when drinking different mineral waters. Introduced into the body [taken orally], they change the acid-base balance of gastric juice, blood and urine. A change in the alkaline reserve of the blood affects the nature of the reaction of secretions secreted in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, despite the fact that the method of taking mineral water plays a big role in the therapeutic effect, when prescribing it internally, it is first necessary to select a type of water whose effect on the body will contribute to the expected changes in gastric secretion. In case of reduced secretion (hypoacid gastritis), it is necessary to use waters that have a powerful juice-containing effect; in case of increased secretion (hyperacid gastritis), it is necessary to use water that has an inhibitory effect. A correctly prescribed method of taking mineral water (for low secretion 10-20 minutes before meals, for high secretion - an hour or two hours, in the case of normal secretion - 40 minutes before) will provide the necessary therapeutic effect on the corresponding digestive glands, thereby enhancing the direction of the action of water on the body.

The temperature of the mineral water also matters (non-specific). hot water used for hyperacid conditions (with increased acidity) gastritis, peptic ulcer. If the patient has intestinal atony, a tendency to constipation, it is more useful cold water(it enhances peristalsis [motor function] of the stomach and intestines, promotes spasm of the bile ducts and intestines). In all other (predominant) cases, the temperature should be 33-44 °C. Warm water has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect (helps relieve spasms and remove mucus).

The dosage of mineral waters for drinking treatment depends on their chemical composition, mineralization, as well as on the type of disease and the patient’s condition. With a content of 2-10 g of salts per liter ( ordinary waters low and medium mineralization) mineral water is prescribed three times a day before meals, 200-250 milliliters (1-1.5 cups), but when the patient’s body is weakened, they start with a lower dose - 50-100 ml (0.5 cups) , followed by an increase to normal. This technique is also used for those with a tendency to diarrhea and unstable cardiovascular activity.

When there is a tendency to spasms of the pylorus, as a result of which the evacuation of food from the stomach into the intestines is disrupted, it is recommended to take additional mineral water during the digestion process 2-4 times in small portions of 30-50 milliliters (between meals). This better reduces the acidity of the stomach contents.

In some cases, for example, if drainage of the bile ducts is necessary, 400-500 ml of mineral water is taken on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink it in two doses with a break of 25-40 minutes. Large doses of mineral waters are prescribed for diseases of the urinary tract in order to properly rinse them. Then take water 5-6 (and sometimes more) times a day, a glass and a half. And with all prescriptions, it is necessary to take into account the state of the patient’s cardiovascular system and water-salt metabolism. If there are disturbances in these areas of the body's activity, large quantities of mineral waters (as well as highly mineralized ones) are contraindicated.

The following main types of carbonated waters are distinguished:

Bottled mineral waters

Pouring mineral waters into hermetically sealed containers after preliminary carbonation with carbon dioxide allows you to preserve their salt composition and medicinal properties. This makes it possible to use medicinal drinking waters in non-resort settings.

Many resorts tend to use a small number of sources for bottling. But mineral waters from a large number of manufacturers enter the distribution network. When choosing, you should take into account the recommendations on the label: “Used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract,” or even shorter: “Used for diseases of the digestive system.” Neither one nor the other makes it possible for even a doctor to navigate the choice of water. To select the medicinal drinking water needed for a given disease, you need to know what type it is. And knowledge of its analogues will help, in the event of the absence of the [requested] prescribed water, to choose an equivalent replacement.

Typically, the bottle label lists the chemical composition of water in grams or milligrams per liter [or dm³] (mmol/L or mEq/dm³). However, it is quite difficult to determine the approximate salt composition from these data, especially for a non-specialist. Below is a description of the main medicinal drinking mineral waters in bottles.

For each of them, the table shows the formula of M.E. Kurlov and the approximate salt composition as a percentage of the total mineralization. To have a more complete understanding of the chemistry. composition, the formula shows all anions and cations, regardless of their quantity. The waters are grouped according to the classification of V. A. Alexandrov. Low-mineralized ones (with salt content up to 2 g/l) are isolated separately.

The question (preferences) of prescription is decided by the doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient and establishment of an accurate diagnosis. The type of mineral water is prescribed depending on the state of secretory, motor and acid-forming functions.

Group of chloride waters

For gastritis, characterized by inhibited motor function and low acidity of gastric juice, sodium chloride water is recommended. They improve the secretion of the digestive glands. Once in the stomach, sodium chloride waters enhance peristalsis, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. Chlorine and hydrogen ions serve as the main material from which hydrochloric acid is produced, which determines the acidity of gastric juice. And hydrochloric acid stimulates the activity of the pancreas and the secretion of intestinal enzymes. All this helps improve digestion and absorption of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Mineral water for gastritis with low acidity should be taken shortly before meals - 10-15 minutes before heating (30-40 °C). You need to drink slowly, in small sips. This technique corresponds to the direction of action of sodium chloride components. Water does not have time to leave the stomach and, lingering in it along with food, irritates the receptors, stimulates its secretion, thereby enhancing digestive ability.

To preserve carbon dioxide, which acts as an additional therapeutic factor in the treatment of hypoacid gastritis, it is recommended to heat a small amount of water to a higher temperature and then dilute it with cold water.

Chloride (salty and bitter-salty) waters occupy a fairly significant place among bottled medicinal drinking waters. They contain mainly salts of the chloride group. Sometimes they contain a small amount of bicarbonates or sulfates - a few percent. The cationic composition of these waters is most often represented by sodium, which, in combination with chlorine, forms table salt, hence their salty taste. Sodium chloride sharply prevails over other salts in almost all chloride waters.

In bitterly salty waters there is quite a lot of magnesium chloride, although it is always much less than table salt. The content of calcium chloride sometimes reaches large values, even exceeding the amount of dissolved table salt. This is the so-called calcium chloride type of water.

Sodium chloride waters

The group of sodium chloride (salty) bottled waters recommended for hypoacid (low acidity) gastritis includes “Nizhneserginskaya”, “Talitskaya”, “Tyumenskaya”. These are sulfate-free waters with a mineralization of 6.3, 9.5 and 5.3 grams per liter, respectively, and a high percentage of sodium chloride (89-91%). In addition, “Talitskaya” contains bromine (35 mg/l) and iodine (3 mg/l), while “Tyumenskaya” has 26 mg/l bromine and 3 mg/l iodine.

The type of sulfate-free sodium chloride water is “Yavornytska” (Transcarpathia) with a mineralization of 10.5 g/l. It contains 75% table salt, the rest is bicarbonates (8% soda and 13% calcium bicarbonate).

Sodium chloride waters have slightly less table salt: “Minskaya” with a mineralization of 4.3 grams per liter and “Nartan” (Nalchik) with a content of 8.1 grams of salts per liter. The first contains 77% sodium chloride, the second - 71%. Both contain small amounts of sulfates (Glauber's salt, 14 and 12%, respectively); in Nartan water, 8% of the total mineralization is soda.

Sodium chloride waters also include Karmadon, Mirgorodskaya, and Kuyalnik waters with a mineralization of 3.8, 2.8 and 3.1 g/l. The first two contain 79 and 83% table salt, the latter - 61%. In “Mirgorodskaya” and in the source “Kuyalnik No. 4” there are sulfates (Glauber’s salt): in the first - 9, in the second - 16%. Karmadon and the Kuyalnik spring contain hydrocarbonates. Soda makes up 13% in the first, and only 1% in the second (the springs of the Kuyalnitsky resort are characterized by a high content of hydrocarbonates).

Calcium chloride (bitter) waters

Calcium chloride waters (bitter and bitter-salty) reduce the permeability of vascular walls and have a hemostatic effect. They are also known as an expectorant. These waters are also prescribed for the treatment of the digestive system; they increase the enzymatic power of gastric juice, improve the protein function of the liver, and enhance the formation of urea and its excretion in the urine. Such waters also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Pure calcium chloride waters are rare in nature. Among bottled medicinal drinking waters, this type of water is represented by the Lugela spring, containing a 5% solution of calcium chloride.

Chlorides of mixed cationic composition

The Baltic springs are rich in chloride waters of mixed cationic composition with a predominance of sodium (salty): “Druskininkai”, “Valmierskaya”, “Kemeri”, “Vytautas” and “Birute” have a mineralization of 7.5, 6.2, 4.8, respectively. , 8.3 and 2.4 g/l.

The first three sources are of the sodium-calcium chloride type. Table salt in them is (in order): 63, 68, 48, 64, 50%. The first three contain all three chloride salts, the last two do not contain calcium chloride. All these waters contain sulfates, represented by gypsum [within 25 percent equivalents], but in the Valmierska spring there are only 6%, in the Druskininkai water - 14, and in the Ķemeri spring - 23%. The waters “Vytautas” and “Birutė” contain gypsum (12 and 9%, respectively) and magnesium (5 and 7%).

Group of hydrocarbonate waters

For hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers, which are accompanied by increased acid-forming and secretory functions of the stomach, treatment with sodium bicarbonate (alkaline) waters is prescribed. By replenishing the lack of blood carbonates, they increase the body's alkaline reserves. Under their influence, the content of hydrogen ions (pH) in the body decreases, which, together with chlorine ions, serve to produce hydrochloric acid. By averaging the acidic contents of the stomach, alkaline waters contribute to its faster evacuation. As a result of drinking alkaline waters, heartburn, belching, and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region are eliminated.

Hydrocarbonate waters “Kuka”, “Elbrus” (Polyana Narzanov, Elbrus region) and “Tursh-Su”, with a mineralization in the first two sources of 2.8, and in the last 3.5 g / l, also have a mixed cationic composition. The first of these contains magnesium and calcium bicarbonates in approximately equal quantities (41 and 48%), and the Tursh-Su source contains 40 and 27%. Both waters also contain soda (in the first - 7, in the second - 19%) and a little Glauber’s salt (4 and 9%, respectively); in the Elbrus spring there are 33% soda, 30% calcium bicarbonate and 17% table salt. All of them contain iron (19-27 mg/l).

Group of sulphate waters

Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract are usually accompanied by insufficient formation and (or) delayed secretion of bile. This makes it difficult to digest food. On the other hand, retention of bile in the liver threatens poisoning. For the treatment of this type of disease, mainly sulfate waters, which have a choleretic effect, are used. Waters of magnesium composition are particularly intense in this regard. Thanks to them, liver cells increase the formation of bile, the peristalsis of the biliary tract increases, the outflow from the gallbladder and ducts improves, thereby ensuring the removal of inflammatory products, creating conditions that prevent the loss of salts from the bile and the formation of stones.

Sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. Therefore, if liver disease is accompanied by decreased gastric secretion, you need to choose water that contains sodium chlorides along with sulfates. To a much lesser extent than sulfate, they have choleretic properties and . They increase the amount of bilirubin and cholesterol in the duodenal contents, which facilitate the digestion of food, and at the same time stimulate all metabolic processes occurring in the liver. As already noted, these waters help flush out mucus, leukocytes, salts and microbes from the biliary tract.

For the accumulation, storage, transportation and use of mineral waters, there are appropriate balneotechnical devices: captages, above-captage structures and borehole heads, reservoirs, mineral pipelines, as well as bathroom buildings, drinking galleries and pump rooms (for internal use of mineral waters), devices for heating and cooling Minvod.

Internal use of mineral waters is also practiced in non-resort settings. In these cases, imported mineral waters (bottled water) are used. The bottling of these waters is carried out in special factories and workshops of food industry enterprises. For bottling mineral waters in the countries of the former USSR, about 180 mineral springs are used with a production of over 1 billion bottles per year (over 3,500 mineral springs and wells are known on the territory of the republics of the former Soviet Union). Bottled water is saturated with carbon dioxide to a concentration of 3-4%, which improves its taste and maintains the stability of its chemical composition. The water in the bottle must be colorless, absolutely clean, without odor or unusual (foreign) taste; It is recommended to store bottles in a horizontal (lying) position in a cool place. The effectiveness of non-resort treatment with mineral waters (at home, in a local sanatorium, hospital, clinic) is significantly enhanced if it is combined with adherence to a certain regimen and diet ( therapeutic nutrition) and the use of other therapeutic measures (physiotherapy, physiotherapy, less often drug therapy, etc.).

Artificial mineral waters used as table and thirst-quenching drinks include soda water, which is fresh water to which bicarbonate of soda NaHCO 3 and slightly calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, saturated with carbon dioxide have been added.

Mineral water market

The mineral and drinking water market is currently one of the fastest growing consumer markets in Russia. According to various estimates, the share of mineral and drinking water accounts for 50 to 70% of the total soft drink market. According to the Uralstar-Trade-2007 company, the overall increase in sales of mineral waters per year averages 10-15%. The largest players are the international transnational corporations Pepsi Bottling Group with the Aqua Minerale trademark and the Coca-Cola Company with the BonAqua trademark. However, in regional markets the share of local producers and brands is still very large (in resort areas).

Currently in Russia there is a trend of industry consolidation on the part of large international players.


Average annual consumption of mineral water (bottled) liters per capita, ( ).

see also


  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21: Sec. 165.110 Bottled water. (2)(iii) "Mineral Water" .
  2. An exhaustive list of biologically active components according to clause 3.1 of GOST R 54316-2011:

It is necessary to support it using a variety of methods, because metabolic processes in the tissues of the body are carried out exclusively in the presence of this substance. The daily portion of liquid for a person, as a rule, includes not only clean water - it is appropriate to replace it with juices, tea or mineral water. What is the latest product? What classification is it subject to? Is it big benefits of mineral water for the body?

Historical information

As a rule, society is of the opinion that water from healing springs can do the impossible: it relaxes, relieves irritation, calms, and also resists aggression and bad mood. Is it so?

The history of the existence of mineral water is determined by hundreds of years. It all started with the fact that in ancient times, not far from holy springs, Greek tribes built sanctuaries for the god Asclepius (he was considered the patron of medicine), and the Romans practiced the construction of temples in the name of Aesculapius. It is important to note that Greek archaeologists discovered the ruins of what was apparently a hydropathic clinic, which was built in the sixth century BC. Thus, from generation to generation, the transmission of oral traditions about the truly magical properties of mineral waters, which never ceased to flow from the ground, was practiced.

The process of formation of mineral waters

Mineral water is water of rain nature, which an unimaginable period of time ago went deep into the bowels of the earth. In the process of penetration of the product through the pores of various layers of rock, the many-sided substances of mineral origin located there dissolved in it. Thus, water differs from standard natural water found in open reservoirs and subsoil in the presence of substances of mineral origin in its composition. In addition, during the process of product formation important role The depth of the mineral water plays a role: the deeper, the better the degree of purification of the product and its saturation with carbon dioxide, as well as minerals, which, as it turned out, accumulate naturally as the product passes through formations of geological nature. So, mineral water is, first of all, water from underground sources.

Distinctive features of mineral water from table water

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between drinking and mineral water. Codex Alimentarius, the main UN standard with nutritional information, defines data distinctive features at the following points:

  • Mineral water is extracted from natural sources and wells formed by drilling. Thanks to this approach, external influence on both physical and mental Chemical properties natural mineral product.
  • Mineral water is a product containing a certain amount of salts as well as trace substances.
  • The process of collecting mineral water is carried out under conditions that definitely guarantee the initial purity at the microbiological level, as well as the stable chemical composition of the components contained in the product.

Interesting features of mineral water

Mineral water is The product is quite capricious in nature and requires careful handling. There is an opinion that natural water is much more delicate than precious wine. And this is actually true, because water from the source should be lifted very carefully, which is very difficult to do, because depth plays a qualitative role. Packaging a product in a convenient and extremely safe container is also not an easy task, because during this operation it is necessary to preserve unique properties mineral water, which were originally provided by Mother Nature.

Natural water is perfectly absorbed by the body: when it enters the stomach, it reacts qualitatively with gastric juice, releasing carbon dioxide and stimulating the secretory work of the organ. Of course, as a result of such “magic”, appetite and mood significantly improve. Mineral water, the benefits and harms of which we consider, has a beneficial effect on our body. That is why, for example, the French, on dinner table It is mandatory to place a bottle of mineral water, usually next to the bread.

Statistical data

Today, Russia is experiencing a real mineral boom. This fact can be confirmed by calculations of the State Statistics Committee, as a result of which the number of types of mineral water throughout the country is equal to 700. However, there is a significant lag behind the industrial developed countries, judging by the criterion of the volume of product consumption per capita. According to statistics, one European today consumes approximately one hundred liters of mineral water per year. An Austrian is able to drink 72 liters of water over a similar time period, a Frenchman - 80 liters, an Italian - 116 liters, but consumption natural water The average person in Germany reaches 129 liters per year. And now the main fact: a Russian citizen drinks only 10 liters of mineral water during the year, which is not at all impressive, although during the times of the Soviet Union this figure was half as much. It should be added that the natural water market in Russia is estimated at approximately 1.2 billion liters per year. In addition, this market is growing by 10-15 percent every year.

Species diversity

Today there are certain indicators that are the basis for the classification of natural waters. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following types of product:

  • Depending on the mineralization: low-mineralized, mineral waters of low, medium, high mineralization, brine and strong brine natural waters.
  • From the point of view of balneology, there are dining rooms, medical and
  • Depending on the chemical composition: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium and mixed mineral waters.
  • By temperature conditions: very cold, cold, cool, indifferent, warm, hot (otherwise called thermal) and overheated (otherwise called high-thermal).
  • According to the degree of acidity: neutral, slightly acidic, acidic, strongly acidic, slightly alkaline, alkaline.

Popular mineral waters today

As it turned out, today the range of mineral waters is extremely rich. This means that it would be advisable to consider the most popular product brands:

  • "Borjomi" is carbonated sodium bicarbonate water. The benefits of mineral water of this manufacturer is to treat liver diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary tracts, as well as to prevent and normalize the consequences of metabolic disorders. The Borjomi source is located in Georgia (800 meters above sea level).
  • 17, 20) is a system of mineral waters, the first representative of which is a medicinal and table product, the second is a medicinal product, and the third is exclusively a table product. This product has no analogues both in terms of healing properties and taste. Mineral water is characterized by the influence of a complex focus on all functional systems of the body (from the book “Mineral waters for the protection of health”
  • "Narzan" is carbonated water of hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium origin. Its source is located in Kislovodsk and is called similarly to the brand. This product can increase appetite, enhance the secretory activity of the digestive system, increase the quantitative indicator of urine, and so on.

Mineral water benefits and harms

On initial stages existence of mineral water, its healing purpose is highlighted as the main direction justifying the use of the product. Therefore, selling mineral water exclusively in pharmacies would be extremely fair. What are the health benefits of mineral water?? There is no information in the world that determines the maximum quantity and acceptable quality of mineral water - everything is individual! However, in the process of drinking mineral water, you should adhere to the following rules: it is necessary to exclude regular intake of natural water, and use it only during periods of active loss of salts by the body. To achieve a satisfactory effect, you should carefully read the information on the labels and tend to buy only a high-quality product, and, if possible, choose mineral water with elements of natural origin.

Benefits of sparkling mineral water

As it turned out, natural water is endowed with a mixed type structure, which, together with biologically active substances, significantly enhances the therapeutic effect of its consumption:

  • Iron is a powerful barrier in the fight against anemia.
  • Iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Calcium is an excellent tool for maintaining ionic balance in the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the process of blood clotting.
  • Magnesium serves as an excellent regulator of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, in addition, it contributes to normal functioning nervous system.
  • Sodium is good for maintaining normal blood pressure.
  • Potassium is essential for the functioning of the heart and kidneys.
  • Fluoride is an essential element of bones and teeth; in addition, it is very useful for pregnant girls.

Harm of mineral water to the human body

Mineral water is harmful to health: Is it so? The answer to this question is extremely simple: it is a matter of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the use of this product. Thus, the frequency of taking medicinal mineral water, as well as the daily dosage, depend on the quality composition of the product and, naturally, on the doctor’s recommendations. As a rule, it is correct to drink mineral water 15-30 minutes before eating in case of low level gastric secretion, and in 45-60 minutes with adequate secretion. If the secretion of the organ is increased, then you should drink mineral water an hour and a half before meals.

It is important to note that artificial gasification of water is very common today, which fully argues for the loss of the medicinal properties of the product after some time. However, there is a workaround here: to eliminate carbon dioxide, the open bottle should be shaken thoroughly, after which the artificial gases will evaporate. Otherwise, a highly carbonated drink can be an increasing factor in the acidity of gastric juice.

Choosing mineral water is a task that requires an individual approach

Which mineral water is good for health?? The answer to this question is very multifaceted, because just like the features human body, the properties of mineral water are individual. As it turned out, mineral water of natural origin is a specific combination of salts and their ions dissolved in water, so today it is possible to form an artificial composition easily, if only you had the desire and the appropriate knowledge. Only crude counterfeits (water, salt, soda) pose a particular danger, which, fortunately, have been practically eradicated.

When choosing a product, you need to pay close attention to factors such as the integrity of the packaging, the cleanliness of the bottle and the content of impurities in the water. If, while drinking mineral water, you feel a burning effect or an extremely strong smell of a chemical nature, then it is better to get rid of this product as soon as possible. In general, it is advisable to purchase natural water only in trusted places, for example, in pharmacies.

Mineral waters are underground (rarely surface) waters, which are characterized by a high content of biologically active components and which have specific physicochemical properties. Depending on these properties and composition, mineral water can be used both as an external and internal remedy.

The nature of the appearance of mineral water is rainwater, which accumulates for centuries and millennia in different layers of the earth's rock. All this time, numerous mineral substances were dissolved in it, and the deeper into the rock it went, the more it was purified and the more carbon dioxide and useful substances. That is why, depending on the depth of its location, mineral water differs in its composition and properties.

Mineral water: composition and types

The chemical composition of mineral water is primarily a variety of combinations of six main components: sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), sulfate (SO4) and bicarbonate (HCO3). Thus, they distinguish between hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate and other mineral waters.

Carbon dioxide (carbonic anhydride) is also an important component of mineral water, since the medicinal properties of water are formed through the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rocks. Carbon dioxide, in addition, softens the taste of the drink and helps to better quench thirst. It also stabilizes the chemical composition of mineral water, so to preserve all its beneficial properties, it is additionally saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

In small quantities, mineral water contains almost the entire periodic table in micro- and ultramicrodoses. It contains the greatest quantities of: iron, iodine, fluorine, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, manganese and lithium.

In addition to its composition, mineral water also differs in its temperature. It can be cold (less than 20°C), subthermal (from 20 to 37°C), thermal (from 37 to 42°C) and hyperthermal (over 42°C).

And finally, according to the degree of concentration of mineral salts, it is divided into: table, medicinal-table and medicinal. The salt content in table mineral water does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. This water is suitable for daily use, it tastes good and does not have a pronounced smell or taste; it is even recommended to use it for cooking. Medicinal table water contains from 1 to 10 grams of salts and is considered a universal drink, since it can be used as a table drink, and, if necessary, as a medicinal one, but it absolutely cannot be subjected to thermal treatment to avoid loss of beneficial properties. Mineral water with maximum degree mineralization (more than 10 grams per liter of water) or with a high content of any active components - this is medicinal water, it is recommended to drink it in strictly dosed quantities and only as prescribed by your doctor.

Mineral water: health benefits

Each type of mineral water has its own healing properties. Hydrocarbonate water is effective for the treatment of urolithiasis and for normalizing the secretion of gastric juice. Chloride water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and generally stimulates metabolic processes in the human body. It is recommended for problems with the digestive system. Sulfate water favors the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. It is useful for chronic hepatitis, biliary tract diseases, diabetes and obesity.

In most cases, mineral water has a mixed structure, which, together with biologically active substances, significantly enhances its therapeutic effect. These include:

  • iron - prevents anemia;
  • iodine – normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • calcium – maintains ionic balance in the body, affects the process of blood clotting, is useful for bones, teeth, muscles and the cardiovascular system;
  • magnesium – regulates carbohydrate and energy metabolism, helps the functioning of the nervous system;
  • sodium – normalizes blood pressure, good for the muscular system;
  • potassium – necessary for the kidneys and heart;
  • fluoride is an important element of teeth and bone tissue, recommended for pregnant women. Using beneficial features mineral water, remember that it, like most other products, has a limited shelf life, so be sure to pay attention to the bottling date. For reference: the shelf life of water in a glass container is limited to one year, and in a plastic container - only six months.

How to choose mineral water and which is better

When purchasing mineral water, there is a possibility of purchasing a counterfeit product. To avoid such a misunderstanding, you should buy water from reputable suppliers, in trusted pharmacies (stores) or directly from the manufacturer. In addition, you should always pay attention to the label and appearance containers, since in many cases, based on a number of signs, one can guess that the product is falsified. Original mineral water usually contains a label with detailed information about the manufacturing company, its location, terms and conditions of storage, well number, as well as time and date of storage. Conscientious manufacturers even indicate on the labels a list of diseases for which this category of water is indicated. There may also be a company logo on the container or lid.

Counterfeit products often contain grammatical or stylistic errors, and inscriptions are blurry and difficult to read. It does not contain GOST standards or information about certification.

There are mineral springs in almost every region of our country, so it is not necessary to buy expensive water brought from afar, since it is easier to fake. On the other hand, giving preference to famous brands such as “Essentuki”, “Borjomi”, “Arkhyz”, “Narzan” and so on, one can hope for its authenticity, thanks to complex system protection against counterfeiting created by each such manufacturer.

Artificial mineral water

Modern technologies make it possible to create analogues of various mineral waters by saturating ordinary tap water(less often artesian) minerals, salts and carbon dioxide. Such water also complies with GOST standards, but its properties have nothing in common with natural mineral water, since it is not an active living environment, but a kind of salt solution. It is not harmful, but it cannot be called useful either. When choosing mineral water for yourself, give preference to natural water, carefully studying the label and not purchasing it from suspicious retail outlets.

What is mineral water?

Mineral water is rainwater that, many centuries ago, went deep into the ground, seeping through the crevices and pores of different layers of rock. At the same time, various mineral substances found in the rock dissolved in it. Mineral waters differ in composition from simply natural water from subsoil sources and open reservoirs. The deeper they lie, the warmer and richer in carbon dioxide and minerals. In addition, the deeper water penetrates into the rock, the more it is purified.

In such water, minerals accumulate naturally as it passes through geological formations. Thus, mineral waters are, first of all, waters from underground sources.

A distinction should be made between drinking and mineral water. According to the Codex Alimentarius, the main UN food standard, these differences are as follows:

mineral water is extracted from natural sources or drilled wells without external influence on its chemical and physical properties;

the water contains mineral salts in certain proportions, trace substances and other components;

Water collection is carried out under conditions that guarantee its original microbiological purity and the stable chemical composition of the components existing in it.

Mineral water is valued primarily due to its medicinal properties. In addition, mineral water is often used in cooking and cosmetics.

Effect on the body.

The healing effect of natural mineral water consists in replacing cellular water with a partially destroyed structure with individually structured water, which allows you to increase the life time and efficiency of absolutely all human cells, as well as a beneficial complex effect on the entire body as a whole, which allows the body to independently extinguish internal foci of pathologies.

The effect of mineral waters is determined by the composition of the elements and chemical compounds they contain.

Chlorine affects the excretory function of the kidneys. Sulfate in combination with calcium, sodium or magnesium can reduce gastric secretion. Bicarbonate stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach. Potassium and sodium maintain the necessary pressure in the tissue and interstitial fluids of the body. Potassium affects changes in the heart and central nervous system, and sodium retains water in the body.

Calcium is able to enhance the contractile force of the heart muscle, improves immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, dehydrates the body, affects bone growth, and increases their strength. Hot calcium waters help with stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Magnesium is well absorbed by the body, helps reduce spasms of the gallbladder, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Iodine activates the function of the thyroid gland and participates in the processes of resorption and recovery. Bromine normalizes the function of the cerebral cortex. Fluoride is extremely important for the body: a lack of fluoride leads to the destruction of bones, in particular teeth. Manganese has a beneficial effect on sexual development and enhances protein metabolism. Copper helps iron pass into hemoglobin.

Iron is part of the structure of hemoglobin: its deficiency leads to anemia.

Carbon dioxide mineral waters improve metabolism. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, carbon dioxide enhances lung activity and increases muscle tone.

Hydrogen sulfide mineral waters are used mainly in the form of baths. Hydrogen sulfide has a positive effect on blood vessels and the central nervous system. It also affects the glands that secrete hormones: adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland.

The taste and temperature of mineral water have a stimulating effect through receptors on the cerebral cortex.

Indications for use.

Stomach diseases

Mineral water should be drunk in case of clinically expressed symptoms of stomach pathology (gastralgia, belching with air, heartburn, etc.), changes in the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. For persistent heartburn, sour belching, “late”, “hunger” pain, drink two glasses of mineral water an hour and a half before meals at a water temperature of 40-45 ° C.

For chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretory function of the stomach, treatment with mineral water is carried out for 3-4 weeks. Drink water warm (temperature 40 °C) without gas, one and a half glasses 1-1.5 hours before meals 3 times a day. “Tyumenskaya”, “Isetskaya” and “Rafaylovsky Monastery” are ideal as medicinal waters.

Suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenum Mineral water must be consumed warm (40-45 °C) without carbon dioxide, one and a half to two glasses 3 times a day, 1-1.5 hours before meals. You should drink water slowly, in small sips.

For chronic hepatitis, drinking treatment with mineral water is carried out at a time depending on the secretory function of the stomach, 30-90 minutes before meals, two glasses. Water temperature 40-50 °C.

For chronic infectious cholecystitis, mineral water is used at a temperature of 40-50 °C. If there is an abundance of inflammatory products in the bile and the presence of pathogenic microflora in it, the dose of water is increased to 250 ml and drunk in 2-3 doses with an interval of 20-30 minutes.

In the presence of atonic and hypotonic forms of gallbladder dyskinesia, mineral water is used cold and low-thermal (18-35 ° C), and in the hypertensive form of dyskinesia - at a temperature of 38-50 ° C, 3 times a day, two glasses 30-90 minutes before meals (depending on the secretory function of the stomach).

Bowel diseases

For intestinal dyskinesia with a predominance of hypotonic and hypokinetic components, mineral water is given 1 glass 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. Water temperature - 20-25 °C. Intestinal dyskinesia with a predominance of hypertension and hyperkinesis, on the contrary, is treated with mineral water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C, giving 100-150 ml 3 times a day.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Mineral water has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract, facilitating the passage of stones. Water should be taken only when heated (up to 40 °C) on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. However, the treatment process requires drinking these mineral waters more often and in large quantities to ensure the regime frequent urination(2-3 glasses, 3-4 times a day). For chronic urinary tract diseases good choice The mineral waters “Tyumenskaya”, “Isetskaya” or “Rafaylovsky Monastery” will be used as a remedy.

Liver diseases

For liver diseases (for example, viral hepatitis, hepatosis), mineral water is irreplaceable. It helps restore the functions of liver cells. They drink it 3 times a day, always warmed up (40-45°C) in a gradually increasing dose of one and a half to two glasses at a time. The type of mineral water should be selected depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach. Suitable water for the treatment of liver diseases would be “Tyumenskaya”, “Isetskaya” or “Rafaylovsky Monastery”.


Obese people need to drink a lot: their body's water content is greatly reduced. It is recommended to drink one and a half to two glasses of mineral water room temperature 3 times a day 45-60 minutes before meals, after releasing all carbon dioxide. Siphon intestinal lavage is also indicated.


Treatment with mineral water can slow down the development of diabetes. People with diabetes produce large amounts of urine and feel constantly thirsty. Therefore, they need to restore lost fluid.

It is generally accepted for people with diabetes to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 45-60 minutes before meals, two glasses. In addition to drinking treatment for diabetes mellitus, other methods of internal use of mineral waters can be used: administration through a duodenal tube, therapeutic enemas, siphon intestinal lavages.


A contraindication to the use of mineral waters for drinking is exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and pain. Treatment with mineral water is also contraindicated for diarrhea, especially if it worsens as a result of its intake.


According to the concentration of mineral salts

Dining room. Mineral water suitable for daily use. The salt content in it does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water, and its composition does not contain biologically active chemical microcomponents (such as boron, bromine, arsenic, etc. in concentrations acceptable for mineral waters). As a rule, it is soft, pleasant to the taste, without any foreign smell or taste.

Medical dining room. This water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salts per liter of water. The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters, which include such waters as “Tyumenskaya”, “Isetskaya” and “Rafaylovsky Monastery”, lies in their versatility: they can be consumed as a table drink and systematically for treatment.

Therapeutic. The most saturated water in terms of salt composition. This category includes mineral waters with a mineralization of more than 10 grams per liter, or waters with a high content of active microelements, for example, arsenic or boron. It should be drunk strictly as recommended by your doctor.

By origin.

Atmospheric infiltration, formed as a result of seepage into rocks atmospheric and surface waters. They are formed mainly at shallow depths. Their mineralization rarely exceeds 5-15 g/l. In their anionic composition, HCO 3 - - and SO 4 2- - ions prevail, and Cl - - ions are either completely absent or play a subordinate role. Waters of atmospheric origin are characterized by different cation composition and constant gas composition (CO 2 or N 2). Among carbonic waters, the most common are hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters of various cationic compositions. Among the nitrogen waters of atmospheric origin, there are widespread weakly mineralized siliceous thermal waters, formed in difficult to leach crystalline rocks, and sulfate and sulfate chloride waters, genetically associated with carbonate sedimentary rocks enriched in gypsum and anhydrite.

Sedimentary (sedimentary) formed as a result of burial and transformation sea ​​water. They form in horizons with extremely difficult water exchange. The mineralization of sedimentation waters varies from 10-20 to 35 g/l, and strong and ultra-strong brines reaches 150-650 g/l. The anionic composition is dominated by chloride ions, which are a stable component of seawater. In the complete absence of SO 4 2- ions, marine waters often contain a lot of bromine, iodine and boron. Being sodium or calcium in cationic composition, these waters are often enriched with Li, Sr, Rb compounds and organic substances. Basic gas composition and is represented by N 2 and CH 4 of biochemical origin, less often CO 2. Among sedimentation waters, hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium and sodium chloride, usually methane, as well as calcium-sodium chloride, predominantly nitrogen, waters are widespread. Carbon dioxide waters of marine origin belong mainly to hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride and sodium chloride and sodium-calcium waters.

Igneous (juvenile), which arose due to the condensation of endogenous vapors and gases. The widespread participation of magmatic eruptions in the formation of groundwater, substantiated at the beginning of the 20th century. Viennese geologist E. Suess, is currently disputed by most researchers. Only partial participation of condensing magmatic vapors and gases in feeding certain types of thermal waters in zones of active volcanism is allowed.

Mixed, formed as a result of the displacement of ancient sedimentation waters by young infiltration waters.

According to the production method.

In addition to natural mineral waters, there are also artificially mineralized waters.

The production of artificially mineralized water goes through two stages. First, water is pumped out from an artesian well or water supply system, then subjected to deep purification. Careful filtration removes not only harmful impurities, but also all beneficial salts and minerals. The second stage is to saturate the purified water with salts. The output is inactive living environment, but just a solution of salts. According to GOST, artificial or reconstituted water belongs to the class of non-alcoholic drinks and has nothing to do with mineral waters.

By temperature.

Very cold (0-4 °C).

Cold (4-20 °C).

Subthermal (20-37 °C).

Thermal (37-42 °C).

Hyperthermal (over 42 °C).

According to the chemical composition.

The composition of mineral waters consists mainly of salts of three main acids, called macrocomponents: negatively charged ions (anions) of carbon, called bicarbonates (HCO 3 - anion), hydrochloric acid - chlorides (Cl - anion), sulfuric acid - sulfates (SO 3 2- anion). ). Of the positively charged salt ions (cations), the main macrocomponent composition of mineral waters is: sodium (Na + cation), calcium (Ca 2+ cation) and magnesium (Mg 2+ cation).

Hydrocarbonate waters. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Moreover, depending on the method of application, they can both stimulate and inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Used in the treatment of urolithiasis. This group includes such popular waters as Narzan and Borjomi.

Chloride waters. Stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improve the secretion of the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. Used for disorders digestive system. The well-known waters of the Essentuki brand, as well as the products of the Siberian Mineral Company, are classified as sodium chloride.

Sulfate waters. They stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, and have a particularly beneficial effect on restoring the function of the liver and gall bladder. Used for diseases of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, obesity.

Most mineral waters have a complex mixed structure (chloride-sulfate, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, etc.), which increases their therapeutic effect when used correctly.

Mineral waters, in addition to the main salt macrocomponent composition, often contain impurities of other chemical elements in microscopic quantities (microcomponents), which can also have a significant healing or stabilizing effect on a living organism. Microcomponents of mineral water are usually those substances that, in larger quantities, are usually considered poisons for the body. All these substances (elements) are present in very small (trace) quantities in the human body and are usually part of various enzymes and are constantly involved in the process of water-salt metabolism. Therefore, they must be constantly replenished, including from water. The absence of one or some of them may lead to various diseases person.

For example, silicon is found in hair and in the lens of the eye. Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland and is part of the hormone it produces, thyroxine, which regulates the level of protein and carbohydrate fat metabolism and the activity of the nervous system. Daily requirement in iodine is not large and is only 100 mcg, but if it is not administered, chronic diseases occur.

Specific microcomponents of mineral waters include boron and arsenic. In biotic doses, arsenic is considered a vital element. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, in the processes of oxidation and nucleic acid metabolism.

Mineral waters are distinguished with the presence of specific components in them. Let's list some of them:

ferrous (iron content not less than 20 mg/l);

arsenic (arsenic content not less than 0.2 mg/l);

How to spot a fake.

Poor quality water can be identified by external signs. Table water should not have the smell of a film on top and sediment. True, we must take into account that there are medicinal waters in which a small sediment is allowed, but this assumption does not apply to ordinary table drinking water, which is used for drinking and cooking.

Fake mineral water is not obtained from a well. Minimum costs allow its manufacturers to dump. Therefore, a low price (15-20% cheaper than the market average) can be considered a sign of a fake.

You should also pay attention to the release date of the water: original products are not kept in warehouses. If the water was released more than six months ago, it is probably a fake.

Before buying mineral water, you need to learn to read the label. Each label must contain the following information:

degree of mineralization of water in grams per liter;

chemical composition, purpose (canteen, medical, medical-table), as well as indications for medicinal use;

name of the group (sodium bicarbonate, chlorine sulfate, sodium, etc.);

well number or source name;

year, month and day of bottling;

volume in liters, storage conditions and expiration date;

manufacturer's trademark, trademark;

address of the manufacturer (if the water is imported, then the name and address of the importer);

GOST or TU number.