The electric meter at the dacha stopped spinning. What to do if the water meter does not spin

26.11.2010, 18:26

5. How to select a counter? Where is the best place to buy? Approximate cost? The counter looks like a counter, round like in all nine-story buildings in the western region.

27.11.2010, 16:21

1. What happens if the user does not change it? The wheel doesn’t spin, the money doesn’t drip.. In theory, until the energy sales company notifies that it is broken, she will not be able to find out about it, although it is in her interests to control its operation, as well as force it to replace the broken meter.

Sooner or later, the inspector from Energosbyt will discover that your meter is broken. And they will give you an AVERAGE bill from the moment of your last payment, based on YOUR average consumption before the meter breaks down for 3 months. That is, if there was 300 kW per month on average, then you will pay for 300 kW for each month.

2. What could happen if you score and don’t change anything?

See above - pay the average. Six months of non-payment - the lights in the apartment will be turned off.

3. Does the apartment owner really have to change it at his own expense?

Yes, it is written in the LCD

4. What services can inspect, repair and replace meters? And tell me the approximate cost of the work, if anyone has encountered this...

Yes, at least the ad master. Energosbyt seals

How to select a counter?

If there is a technical possibility in the house, set it to day/night. For the rest, you can rely on the experience of the one who will bet - they will tell you.

27.11.2010, 16:42

By the way, about day/night - what technical capability is needed?
Readings are taken in exactly the same way - visually, i.e. eyes. Any inspector will come and check, everything according to the receipt. And these books are yellow, there is a column for entering data - day/night.

27.11.2010, 18:19

I don’t know, when we installed it, they said that our house was a bummer. I wasn’t eager then, because under the old tariff system there was an increased tariff during the day and a lower tariff at night, now I would even change it, because... the same during the day, but lower at night

28.11.2010, 0:14

A friend of mine had a problem: the electricity meter stopped spinning. At the same time, Novgorodenergosbyt said over the phone that the user must buy and replace the meter himself. Questions arise.

28.11.2010, 0:28

And don't worry. The meter is not “YOUR”, it was not “YOU” that broke, so changing it is not your headache.

Alas, according to Government Decree No. 530, meters must be changed at the expense of the owners.

28.11.2010, 0:48

29.11.2010, 14:37

This seems to be the main question... It seems that the owner of the apartment should change it, but he has no interest in this.

If the meter breaks down, it is more profitable to pay according to the standard - it was written in the Soviet years and for studio apartment is 120 kW, and for a two-room apartment 150 (the numbers are approximate, from memory) - in a word, it is guaranteed to be less than what you actually have to pay in an apartment in which at least a washing machine regularly works. Again, a huge bonus during the heating off-season - you can safely run electric heaters around the clock, the payment does not change.
The electricians, of course, will put pressure on you, like “you need to install a new meter” - say “there is no money, I’ll save up and install it” and you will calmly pay according to the average.

29.11.2010, 23:10

If the meter is broken, it is more profitable to pay according to the standard - it was written in the Soviet years and for a one-room apartment it is 120 kW, and for a two-room apartment 150 (the numbers are approximate, from memory)

30.11.2010, 10:52

but that’s a bummer - otherwise my counter would have “broken” long ago. They demand to pay exactly according to their “average” consumption for the last months, but not below the norms. You can, of course, make 100 kW for 3 months, and then “break” the meter...

Who is demanding and where? My colleague has been paying according to the standard for two years, my meter has been running low for about six months (to be honest) - I also pay according to the standard and no one has demanded anything from me. For the last two months, when the meter was supposedly already full and for which it was not paid, they charged according to the average, and as soon as the paper on removing the meter is signed, they cannot impute anything to you except the standard.

4.12.2010, 14:48

And they changed the meter for me, but it was the installers’ fault that it was broken.

4.12.2010, 18:16

3. Does the apartment owner really have to change it at his own expense?

7.12.2010, 20:21

There is one more thing in all this trouble, but until a common house meter is installed, you will pay according to the average and then according to the common house meter, so it is unlikely that you will pay less, but most likely you will pay more. In addition, payment is made per person and not per number of rooms! So the advice is to install meters day and night, preferably with a wireless data transfer function. Soon they will be forced to install just such meters. Therefore, there is no message to save 300 rubles, and then buy a new meter

8.12.2010, 11:10

If the brush is in the apartment, then responsibility for its safety and the safety of the seals lies with the owner. If it’s on the site, then the tenant is not obligated to change. Something like a division of responsibility. At the site, change the housing department's permission

In our house we were doing a major overhaul of electrical equipment according to 185 fz, I asked the guys exactly on this topic, what and how and why the meters are not changed at the same time. According to them, everything that is located behind the on-site machines is already the property and competence of the residents, such as they even pulled the wires to the meters after the machine at their own peril and risk and can also be raked for it as inappropriate spending.

Too kind

8.12.2010, 12:05

with wireless data transmission function

For what? We have an electronic counter, day and night, where you receive data and write it off from the display. Why do we need meters with bluetooth, cable (maybe we already have wifi?) which will only make it more expensive.

Of course, it would be great if the readings of the meter(s) were automatically taken every month on a certain date, they would go into a program like “Home Utilities” (press the button “Take readings of all meters”), everything would be calculated in accordance with the tariffs (which the user would I installed it myself, or even better, they would be taken from the servers of the water utility, electricity supply, regional gas) and ultimately the amount “for everything” (+ penalties would be calculated if there was a delay) would be debited from the owner’s account (plastic card, which must first be registered in the program) , and receipts for payments made could be printed.

But this will only be introduced in our country in 100 years. Well, or there is an option to write a program yourself, install meters (gas, water, electricity) with data transfer to a PC and you will be happy

Installing a water meter is a financially suitable solution for residential apartment owners. With a meter, you will only pay for the amount of water you consume. But you must remember that the meter may break.

You should know what to do in such cases. The service life of the meter is about 12 years. For normal functioning of the water meter during this period, the owner must check the device every 5 years.

To check the serviceability of the water meter, first inspect the body of the device to see if there is any mechanical damage, for example, cracks. Check whether the impeller rotates in the meter when the water is turned on.

External signs of damage:

  • The counter shows incorrect readings;
  • The indicator stopped spinning.

If your water bills are disproportionately high, find out what's wrong before you do anything. Based on the identified reasons, you can try to fix the problem yourself.

Causes of meter problems

It is important to note that in the event of a device breakdown while under warranty, the repair or replacement of the meter is paid for by the manufacturer, but only on the condition that there is no mechanical damage to the device. This provision must be stated in the contract concluded with the manufacturer. If the company refuses to pay, repair or replace a faulty device, you have every right to sue.

If a malfunction is discovered by authorized persons of regulatory authorities

Authorized persons of the relevant bodies have the full right provided by law to recover from the owner of the property in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utilities individuals, if the owner of the apartment violated the norms of this resolution. If a breakdown is detected by a representative of a utility organization, you may be charged a large amount for the water consumed but not paid for. The amount of payment is determined by the number of citizens registered in the apartment.

The more people are registered in a residential area, the larger the accrual. It does not matter whether the registered people live in the apartment or not. The exception includes persons who are in hospital treatment, on business trips, in a boarding school, etc. You will be required to provide supporting documents. Payment will be calculated after the date of the last inspection: no less than three months and no more than six months before the malfunction is detected.

To avoid possible unpleasant situations and conflicts with regulatory authorities, it is recommended to periodically check the device yourself.

If you discover a breakdown of the water meter and cannot repair the device yourself, write written statement about the identified fact of breakdown to the relevant service, with a request

take readings from the water meter. You should be left with a copy indicating the date and name of the person who accepted the application.

According to the law, you have 30 days within which you must have time to repair or replace the device. During this period, the relevant organization makes a calculation based on your average monthly expenses for the last month.

You do not need to know the reasons for the meter malfunction. Therefore, you can write an application to replace the device, inviting an authorized person to take the latest readings. The entire procedure is confirmed by an act where all the actors will be indicated.

You can purchase a new water meter at the appropriate store. When purchasing, check the device to see if it has any mechanical damage. The seller must write the date of purchase of the meter in the passport, the stamp of the institution that carried out the sale and put a signature. To install a new device, you should invite an appropriate specialist. After installing the meter, contact management organization for checking and sealing the device.

To independently check the operation of a new water meter, take a container whose volume you know exactly. Record the meter readings. Open the tap and fill the container with water. Close the tap and note the new readings. If the counter is working properly, they should increase by exactly one unit.

It is quite natural that a water meter installed in an apartment/private house makes it possible to significantly save family budget. A water meter can break down, like any other device. At the same time, if the operation of the water meter is disrupted, then the accounting is carried out according to inflated standards, and, as a result, you will have to pay more for cubic meters than for those actually consumed.

Consumers need to know what to do if the water meter does not turn and where to go to troubleshoot problems. On average, the time for proper operation of a hot and cold meter cold water is 12 years old. In order for the device to function properly throughout this entire period, the owner needs to check the device (every 5 years of service life).

How to determine if a water meter is faulty?

First, to check the serviceability of the water meter, you should inspect the body of the device for damage (cracks, chips, etc.). After this, you need to see if the impeller of the device rotates when the water is open.

External signs of water meter failure:

  • The device shows inaccurate readings;
  • The counter indicator does not spin.

If your family feels that Lately bills for water consumption have unreasonably increased, then you should immediately begin to search for the reasons that led to this.

What are the reasons for a water meter malfunction?

Reason #1. Depressurization of the water meter

In this case, you may notice that the glass of the water meter is fogged up or water is leaking. In this case, it is worth turning off the water (at least for 1 hour) and recording the meter readings. After an hour, you should compare the water meter readings with the existing ones. If there are discrepancies, you should make sure that the taps are tight. In most cases, a faulty stopcock can be the cause of a leak. In this case, tighten the couplings, and if leaks water pipes– you will have to call a plumber to fix the leaks.

Reason #2. Incorrect installation of the water meter

Here you need to make sure that it corresponds to the abbreviations “SWH” and “SVG” printed on the device (they determine what kind of water passes through the water meter, hot or cold). Installing “cold” water on hot water can lead to incorrect readings or failure of the entire device.

Reason #3. Clogged water pipes

The presence of mechanical impurities in water can cause the water meter to fail faster. This will lead to the fact that the meter will need to be replaced with a new one. To avoid this and maximize the service life of the water meter, you should periodically clean the filters.

Reason #4. Water pressure

The device readings may not correspond to reality due to excessively intense water pressure (with strong pressure, up to 20 liters flow out of the tap in 1 minute).

Reason #5. Breakdown of the counting mechanism

If water passes through the water meter, but the water meter does not spin, this indicates a breakdown inside the device (for example, the counting mechanism or rotor). You should not fix this problem yourself. Repairs should be carried out by a specialized company, and if the water meter is under warranty, then by its manufacturer.

Reason #6. Tampering with the water meter

There are times when users try to independently slow down/stop the impeller of the device and thereby achieve a decrease in readings. Interfering with the operation of a water meter can easily lead to its breakdown.

Reason #7. Water too hot

Too hot water can cause the meter to break down hot water. This happens if its temperature exceeds the maximum permissible level that the meter can withstand. To prevent this from happening, the user should choose the optimal water temperature and not overload the water meter (the maximum permissible water temperature at which the water meter works properly is 90? C).

The following rule is mandatory: if the water meter is under warranty, then its repair/replacement in the event of a breakdown is carried out by the manufacturer (if there is no mechanical damage to the device). This provision must be specified in the contract concluded with the manufacturer. If the manufacturer refuses to repair or change the metering device, then you can safely sue him. Further on in the video you can examine in detail several reasons for water meter breakdowns.

The meter breakdown was discovered by utility workers

Authorized employees of the relevant authorities have the right to apply sanctions to users, in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services to individuals, in cases where these standards are violated. If a breakdown of the meter is detected, representatives of utility organizations can issue the subscriber a fairly significant fine (for water received but not paid for). The amount of the fine will be determined in accordance with established standards and the number of residents registered in the apartment/house (the more registered, the more money you will need to pay). In this case, the fact of residence itself is not taken into account, but only the number of registered ones. Exception: persons on a long business trip, in a boarding school or in hospital treatment (supporting documents confirming these facts must be provided).

Payment in this case will be calculated after the date of the last inspection: no less than 3 months and no more than 6 months before the breakdown is detected.

To eliminate the possibility of unpleasant incidents associated with a breakdown of the water meter, you should periodically check the meter yourself.

If you independently discover a breakdown of the water meter and cannot fix it, you should write a statement to the appropriate service about identifying the breakdown. In this application you must indicate that you are asking to take readings from the water meter. You give one copy to the organization, and keep the second copy for yourself (with the signature of the person who accepted the application and the date of submission).

According to the law, the subscriber is given 30 days to eliminate a malfunction of the water meter or replace the device. During this period, the water supply organization will make calculations and issue an invoice for water based on average monthly consumption (for the last month).

The subscriber is not required to know the reasons for the meter malfunction. An application can be written with a request to replace the meter, inviting an authorized employee to take the last readings. The implementation of this process is confirmed by a separate act.

Replacement and installation of a new water meter

You can buy a water meter in a store, but you should make sure that there are no mechanical damages. The seller is obliged to put a trade organization stamp in the device passport, as well as the date of sale and his signature.

A water meter can only be installed by a specialized organization. After installation, please contact management company For .

How to check the serviceability of a water meter yourself?

To independently check the serviceability of a new water meter, you need to:

  • Take a container of a certain volume;
  • Record meter readings;
  • Open the tap and fill the container with water;
  • Close the tap and record the new meter readings.

If the difference in readings corresponds to the volume of the tank, this indicates that the new water meter is working properly.

If you periodically check the operation of the water meter and carry out its verification according to the schedule, the device will work properly for a long time, and your family will not overpay for the volume of water that it did not actually use.