Infrared heaters: pros and cons, prices for devices. How to choose an infrared heater - operating principle, design and important selection criteria. Which company is better to buy a ceramic infrared heater

An infrared heater is a heating device that transfers thermal energy into the surrounding space using infrared (IR) radiation. Such devices are often called reflectors, which is not entirely correct. An IR heater does not heat the air, but transfers thermal energy to surrounding objects, which increase the temperature of the air masses. This principle provides significant savings compared to the convection heating method, since energy is not spent on heating unused spaces in the room. Infrared heating devices allow you to get an instant effect immediately after switching on.

The modern market for space heating devices is saturated to the limit with a variety of devices. All of them are divided into types and types according to the principle of operation and design features. Household IR heaters are one of the most common on the climate control market. They have a number of significant advantages over other household heating appliances. In this article we will tell you how to choose an infrared heater for your dacha, house and apartment, and also give instructions for making such a device yourself. Let's start with the principle of operation and design of the device.

Operating principle and design features of IR heaters

As mentioned above, these household appliances are radically different from convection heating devices. They heat not the air, but the surrounding objects in the room: furniture, appliances, floors and walls. Infrared devices can be called a small home sun, the rays of which penetrate the air without heating it at all. Only objects that do not transmit light are heated by this radiation and transfer heat to the surrounding air, heating it to the required temperature.

Infrared radiation is perceived by human skin as heat emanating from our sun. We do not see these rays, but we feel them with our whole body. This radiation warms us regardless of external factors. He is not afraid of drafts and other natural factors. The main thing is that the radiation does not have insurmountable barriers in front of it and passes freely to the required location. Infrared heaters act in exactly the same way as our luminary, because the wavelength of radiation from these devices is similar to the solar IR spectrum.

Converter-type heaters are unable to instantly create a comfortable temperature in a room, because their operating principle is based on the constant upward movement of warm air. In this case, the space under the ceiling is heated first, and only after a long time does the mixing of warm and cold air masses occur, which leads to the creation of a comfortable thermal regime throughout the room. During this period, a person has to freeze.

Infrared heaters work completely differently. A person feels the heat from this type of household appliance immediately after turning on the device, but it cannot be felt in the entire room. An infrared heater operates locally, that is, thermal energy is directed to a specific location. On the one hand, this allows you to create an instant effect of increasing the temperature at the required point in space, on the other hand, it saves energy resources. This is what is good about household heaters that use infrared radiation to operate.

There are no complicated parts inside ordinary electric infrared heaters. An aluminum reflector is mounted in the body of the device, most often made of metal. The main part of the structure is installed on it - the heating element, which is the “heart” of the device. Currently, there are several varieties of this part: tubular (heating element), halogen, ceramic or carbon. Also, in heaters of this type, thermostats are installed to regulate the temperature and special sensors that turn off the device in emergency situations.

In addition to electric IR heaters, there are devices that use other energy sources: solid and liquid fuels, as well as natural gas. But such devices are used extremely rarely in domestic conditions and we will not consider them. We have reviewed the operating principle and design features of IR heat sources; now let’s move on to the pros and cons of this household appliance.

Pros and cons of using infrared heaters

IR heaters, like any other household appliance, have certain advantages and some disadvantages. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing equipment for heating a room. So, below are the main advantages of using infrared heaters in domestic conditions.

  1. Infrared radiation sources can quickly warm up large areas. The consumer almost instantly begins to feel the effect of using such household appliances. Localization of the heating location allows optimal use of thermal energy.
  2. IR heaters do not require any complex maintenance. It is enough just to periodically clean the device from settled dust and carry out a routine inspection for damage. In addition, you do not need to purchase consumables to operate the equipment.
  3. The environmental safety of infrared heaters is excellent. During operation, they do not emit harmful substances, do not burn oxygen in the air, and also have virtually no effect on the humidity levels in the room. These devices do not require installation of supply and exhaust ventilation.
  4. When using IR heaters, energy savings are obvious, of course, compared to other electric space heating systems. This type of climate control equipment consumes electricity from a regular 220V network, without installing additional devices.

The disadvantages of electric infrared heating devices include the rapid cooling of the room after the device is turned off, as well as the need to follow safety rules to prevent thermal burns. But the advantages of using infrared heaters are much greater than the disadvantages. Having considered the advantages of using technology, we move on to the main part of the article, namely: choosing an infrared heater for an apartment, house or cottage.

Choosing the right IR heater

So, having weighed all the advantages of an electric infrared heater, we begin to choose it on the climate control market. When purchasing a device, first of all you should pay attention to the appearance of the device. He simply must inspire confidence in the consumer. Quality equipment should have a strong and stylish case, a reliable power cable and an excellent plug. Don't be tempted by very low cost devices! Many unscrupulous manufacturers reduce the cost of their products by using low-quality components. Such an IR heater is simply dangerous and its use can lead to a fire. Remember this!

Important! Before looking for the best infrared heater, you should calculate its power required to create a comfortable temperature in the room. This technical characteristic is calculated simply: for heating every 10 square meters. m of room area requires 1.2 kW of electrical energy.

Having determined the required power of the IR heater, you can begin choosing a device based on design features, technical characteristics and other important features. The primary task that needs to be solved at the preliminary stage is to decide on the type of installation. There are only three of them: floor, wall and ceiling. Let's consider each of them separately.

Having decided on the installation location of the equipment, you should choose a heater model in accordance with these criteria. Regardless of which type you choose: ceiling, floor or wall, you need to know exactly which heating element in this household appliance is most suitable for you. There are four main types of this main part of the IR heater, which we will look at below.

The above describes the main criteria, taking into account which you should choose infrared heaters. But it should be noted that there are other factors that also need to be taken into account when purchasing a device. This is the presence of a thermostat capable of maintaining a constant temperature in the room; sensors protecting the device from tipping over and severe overheating of the structure; a small mobile remote control for comfortable control and so on.

Attention! If you need to create a new heating system based on IR heaters or duplicate an existing one, then you should use several devices of different types: ceiling and wall. With this system configuration, the rays from the installed infrared heaters will intersect and better warm the room.

So, to summarize all of the above, here is an algorithm of actions that you must take to correctly select the best infrared heater for a summer house or other property:

  • decide for yourself for what purpose you are purchasing this device;
  • decide on the location of the device and the type of heating element;
  • calculate the power of the device based on the area of ​​your premises;
  • take into account the cost of the device, depending on its type, options and external decoration;
  • choose an infrared heater that meets all requirements.

We're done with choosing a device! But one question remains: what to do if it’s cold and you can’t buy a heater. This often happens in the country when there is a sudden change in weather. No choice! You will have to make an IR heater yourself, and we will tell you how to do this in the next chapter.

Making your own infrared heater

Below we will briefly describe how to make a simple infrared heater with your own hands from scrap materials that are almost always present in the household. For a person, as they say, with hands, this will not be difficult. To complete the work, you will need the following materials and components: aluminum or copper foil, two glass rectangles of the same size, an ordinary candle, any sealant, epoxy quick-hardening glue, a powerful electrical power cord with a plug, a napkin, cotton swabs and a multimeter.

Below are step-by-step instructions for making a small IR heater yourself.

  1. We clean the glass from dirt with a napkin and apply a layer of soot to one side of each, using a candle. It is necessary to ensure that the soot lies evenly without gaps. Using a cotton swab, clean the edges of the glass from soot by 5 mm along the contour.
  2. Using a multimeter, you need to measure the resistance of the soot layer on each glass. It should be approximately 48 ohms. If this indicator is less, remove some of the soot with a cotton swab, and if it is more, apply another layer of soot with a candle.
  3. Assemble the structure. To do this, place pieces of foil that will become electrodes on the soot layer of one glass, apply epoxy to the surface of the glass, and cover the structure on top with another glass with the soot layer down.
  4. After the glue has dried, coat the ends of the structure with sealant. The heater is now ready for use. The resistance of the conductive layer will be 24 Ohms, which, when connected to a 220 V network, will provide a power of 2 kW.
  5. The manufactured structure should be placed on a wooden block with metal plates, to which a power cord with a plug must be connected. The foil petals should be pressed tightly against the metal plates.

Important! The pictures show an experimental low-power heater. To make a more powerful infrared heater, you should use glass of a different size, approximately 50x50 cm.

This completes the making of an infrared heater with your own hands. Of course, you can place an additional sheet of foil under the entire structure for greater heat transfer, but this is at your discretion. Even without it, such a device is capable of heating a small room!


We hope you understand how to choose a good infrared heater using the information from the article. We deliberately did not talk about well-known manufacturers of such household appliances. There are many of them and the choice is yours! But remember, the main thing is not the brand, but the quality of the product!

Video on the topic

After the appearance of UFO products on the market, there are more and more similar offers. And this is not at all surprising, because such equipment is a reliable source of heat, is inexpensive and at the same time very economical in terms of energy consumption. But since each manufacturer is trying to make their products better and better, competition in the market is getting tougher. This rating will help you avoid becoming a “victim” and buy only what you need. It includes only the best infrared heaters for wall, floor, ceiling and mobile designs with various types of heating elements.

Convector or infrared heater – which is better?

They differ in that the first is located on the wall just above the floor and heats the cold air. The second one, if mounted, is high on the wall or ceiling; it only increases the temperature of objects that are encountered in the path of the heat wave.

Name Advantages Flaws
Convector Some of them are equipped with fansHigh power consumption
The presence of a thermostat in most modelsMobile models are heavier than infrared ones
High efficiencyService life is 5-10 years shorter than that of “competitors”
Easy installation
Infrared heater Doesn't dry out the airDifficulties may arise if installation is required
Works without noiseNot all devices can be left unattended
Fireproof (except for film models)
Can last up to 25 years

Based on the results of an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both models, one conclusion can be drawn: to provide targeted heating in a certain area and increase the temperature on terraces or in rooms with drafts, an IR device is suitable. If you plan to use equipment for constant, uniform heating of the air, then a convector can handle this.

Which company is better to buy an infrared heater?

  • Neoclima– a brand of heating and climate control equipment offering products of European quality. They have both inexpensive models and premium products. During the production process, the product undergoes multi-stage testing, which guarantees a long service life.
  • – these products were developed by Spetsmash LLC and are made entirely from domestic materials. The manufacturer guarantees the buyer comfort, coziness, warmth and a pleasant microclimate in the country house, apartment, house, etc.
  • Pathfinder is a manufacturer of tourist gas equipment, including compact heaters. Its scope of application is hunting, fishing, hiking, picnics, etc.
  • Ballu is a brand that produces equipment for household and industrial use. The company was founded in 1978, actively developed until 1994, and appeared on the Russian market only in 2003.
  • Electrolux– a Swedish company produces household and professional appliances that are supplied to 150 countries. Founded in 1919 in Sweden, it is actively developing and has sold more than 60 million units of goods.
  • Timberk– one of the recognized leaders in the production of water heating and thermal equipment. Some of this list is produced in Europe, while some products are manufactured at our own factory in China.

When choosing a company, the key point should be the availability of service, the level of brand representation in stores, its pricing policy and user opinions.

Rating of the best infrared heaters

An objective list of leaders was formed based on the results of an analysis of customer reviews. Their impressions about the price-quality ratio, the performance of the devices, and the ease of use were important.

The selection criteria for the winners were:

  • Type (household, industrial, outdoor);
  • Service area;
  • Installation method (wall, floor, ceiling, mobile);
  • Safety class;
  • Case material;
  • Equipment;
  • Level of protection from moisture and resistance to wind;
  • Design (color, shape, etc.);
  • Dimensions and weight;
  • Functionality (power, possibility of remote control, presence of a thermostat, etc.).

The cheapest are small floor-mounted or portable products, and the most expensive are ceiling and wall-mounted products that require complex installation. Our TOP includes both those with carbon, ceramic, quartz, classic PETN and film type heaters.

The best option among carbon ones

– a budget device with relatively low power consumption that requires wall mounting. It is designed specifically for rooms with high ceilings, and heats the room quickly enough. Users in reviews note the ability to adjust the angle of inclination. A special grill prevents damage to the equipment, and the IP65 protection class prevents it from malfunctioning as a result of exposure to water and dust. A power of 1800 W is quite enough to heat a room up to 18 square meters. m.


  • Good value for money;
  • Works quietly;
  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Not heavy;
  • Does not dry out the air.


  • Requires installation at a height of at least 2.2 m;
  • No stand included;
  • The power cannot be adjusted.

The most worthy quartz model

— the model has a power of up to 1.5 kW. Maintains a comfortable temperature with combined convective and infrared heating. Cold air enters the device through the bottom opening, after which heat escapes through the passage grille, spreading throughout the house. The device is easily installed on removable supports, and can also be mounted on the wall using brackets. The efficiency of use will be evident in an apartment with an area of ​​up to 25 sq.m. It has small dimensions of 460x350x315 mm and weighs 3.5 kg. The device does not create a burning smell, does not cause allergies, and is safe. It has a convenient portable handle on top, allowing you to place it alternately in each room.

The device can be used in open and closed areas, it retains heat well and is economical. Warmth in the room occurs in a few minutes. The protective grid protects against accidental contact with the heating element.


  • Heats up quickly;
  • Keeps you warm;
  • There is a backlight;
  • Affordable price;
  • Good quality.


  • Heats only a small area.

Reviews show that the Vallu infrared heater is suitable only for small rooms, mainly used in a children's room. The portable mechanism allows you to place the device alternately in each room, supplying it with additional heat in the absence of autonomous heating.

— the model has innovative technology of use, is equipped with a component device that controls startup and shutdown. The infrared heater can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted; installation must be purchased separately. It has a modern heating element – ​​Hedgehog, which instantly supplies the space with heat and guarantees a comfortable environment. The heating element has a service life of up to 25 years; it is economical, practical, and durable.

The cleaning system has four filters that thoroughly remove dust and dirt without causing allergies or other side effects. The air intake covers a large area and can be placed in large houses. The maximum surface heating is 60 degrees, the recommended air temperature is 25-27. Weight is 3.2 kg, with dimensions - 56x40. 40x9. 10 cm.


  • Easy to use;
  • Works silently;
  • Heats up quickly;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Suitable for large areas.


  • High price.

Reviews show that quartz heaters for the home quickly supply heat to the entire room, do not cause an unpleasant odor of dust and burning, and operate with minimal noise. During the day, the operation of the device is not noticeable at all, and at night it is advisable to disconnect it from the system.

The highest quality ceramic heater

is the best gas infrared heater, designed both for permanent indoor use and for use, for example, in tents on vacation. For the same price, the buyer receives both a heat source and the ability to heat food. To work, he needs collet gas cylinders. The product weighs only 1.8 kg, and in terms of power it is not far behind stationary devices - it is equal to 1.5 kW. Its operation does not create difficulties thanks to piezoelectric ignition and a system for preheating the fuel mixture.


  • Versatility, serves both for cooking and as a source of heat;
  • Mobile;
  • Light weight;
  • Availability of a carrying handle;
  • Piezoelectric ignition;
  • Wind resistant.


  • There is no usual adapter for the cylinder.

The most effective classic option

– an infrared heater designed for ceiling mounting and providing fast zone heating in 10-20 minutes, judging by the reviews. It is suspended using a chain and brackets included in the kit at a height of about 3 meters. The design is not light, weighing 6.1 kg. The body is made of aluminum and therefore cools down faster. A power of 2 kW allows you to heat a room of 20 square meters. m. Due to longitudinal corrugation, heating is carried out more efficiently.


  • Does not burn oxygen;
  • The presence of a thermostat;
  • No unpleasant smell;
  • Quick effect;
  • Temperature support in cyclic mode;
  • Minimum power consumption;
  • Protected from freezing and overheating.


  • Difficult installation;
  • No remote control;
  • Not cheap.

The Neoclima IR-2.0 ceiling infrared heater, which has become one of the best, is successfully used by users to create a comfortable temperature in both city and country houses.

The best film infrared painting heater

is a series of “canvases” depicting animals and natural motifs that can be used to heat rooms with air temperatures from -40 degrees Celsius. They are mounted on the wall in the form of a panel and connected to an outlet using a cord. Their advantage is that they only need 10 minutes to warm up, after which the device starts working in energy-saving mode. These undoubtedly best infrared heaters in the film category are easy to use and carry, since they can be easily rolled up if necessary.


  • Almost invisible;
  • Low power consumption;
  • They warm well;
  • Inexpensive;
  • They weigh little;
  • Easy to carry;
  • Economical energy consumption.


  • Poor heating of a large area.

Judging by the reviews, Velvet Season products are often used in children's rooms.

Which infrared heater is best to buy?

The most convenient, but at the same time the most expensive, are ceiling-mounted devices, since their heating area is much larger. If the choice falls on floor products, then the most optimal ones will be those that have a carbon heating element. A ceramic analogue is ideal for night work.

  • For permanent use, it is better to choose wall or ceiling models that are fireproof and do not take up much space. A good option here would be Neoclima IR-2.0 and Timberk TIR HP1 1800.
  • Electrolux ECH/AG2-1500 T – high power model for large houses;
  • Ballu BIH-LM-1.5 – device for small rooms;
  • If there are small children in the house and the emitter also needs to be transported frequently, then one of the “picture” options “Velvet Season” will be the most optimal.
  • For temporary use, to quickly increase the temperature in the room, you can use BiLux U2500.
  • Where there is no access to electricity, the Pathfinder-Ochag, powered by gas, will help out.

This video will introduce buyers to the purpose and features of infrared heaters:

Having chosen the best infrared heater, you can be sure that it will be used as the main source of heat. But if possible, then for a room of more than 20 square meters. m. it is still better to buy not one, but several thermal emitters.

User reviews about which it will be useful for every consumer to read differs from convectors primarily in the principle of operation.

Principle of operation

The first of the above-mentioned heaters do not heat the air, but the surfaces and objects that are in the room, this includes walls and floors. An infrared heater is compared to indoor sun, since its radiation is similar to ultraviolet radiation. The radiation from the unit penetrates the air rather than heating it. After the beam reaches an object that does not allow the sun to pass through, it immediately absorbs heat, heating up. Infrared waves have an impressive length; they are perceived by the skin as sun rays. A person feels such radiation, but does not see it. These rays can warm you regardless of drafts and wind. An infrared heater, which is used in everyday life, works on the same principle. Long-wave radiation is similar to the wavelength of the infrared spectrum of the sun. If you decide to purchase an infrared heater, you are advised to read user reviews.

Why choose an IR heater

The convector will not be able to heat the room instantly, since during its operation the warm air moves upward. Initially, the space near the ceiling will heat up, while the person is below. Air masses, including cold and warm ones, will mix, which will take quite a lot of time.

If we are talking about an infrared heater, the situation is different. A person feels heat immediately after turning on the unit, but it is not felt throughout the room, but locally, only in the place where the radiation occurs. The device is not equipped with any complex elements during manufacture. The metal housing, which is powder coated, contains a reflector made of aluminum. The main element of the unit, called the heater, is installed on it. There are four types of these elements, namely carbon, halogen, tubular and ceramic. Among other things, every infrared heater for which you should read user reviews is equipped with a thermostat to regulate the temperature. The device also has a sensor that turns off the unit when it overheats. If the model is intended for installation on the floor, then it is necessarily equipped with a tip-over sensor.

Types of infrared heaters

If you are thinking about which infrared heater to choose for your home, then you should pay attention to the design of the unit. Everything will depend on the dimensions of the room, as well as the conditions of use. The consumer must decide which device he needs: a stationary one or something that can be moved around the room. The mobile version of such heaters is smaller in size and has low power. As for stationary ones, they can be baseboard, ceiling or wall.

If you decide to purchase an infrared heater, you will be interested in reading user reviews. Buyers indicate that the most convenient type of such devices is It takes up the least space, and the radiation range will be very wide. There are models that are designed to be suspended from the ceiling; they can be built into elements of the system.

If you do not want to work on embedding the device, then you can choose a regular model, which is equipped with brackets for hanging. In this case, the consumer must take into account that the distance to the ceiling surface from the device body should be approximately 5 centimeters.

Reviews of floor IR heaters

Reviews of infrared heaters will allow you to make the right choice. So, consumers do not very often choose the floor-standing variety of such units, which are characterized by low power and not so high efficiency. This is due to the fact that the rays will encounter many obstacles on their path, which cannot be said about the rays emanating from a ceiling heater.

If you decide to opt for a floor heater, then it is best to opt for a model with a tubular or carbon fiber. Buyers claim that it can not last so long, so it cannot be called too suitable. The halogen element, which emits short waves, can have a negative impact on human health, which is why it is unacceptable to use this type of device, since long-wave radiation is needed for the device to function normally.

Consumer reviews of wall heaters

Buyers claim that infrared heater reviews allow them to choose the right model that lasts for many decades. If we are talking about wall-mounted heaters, dismantling work must be carried out in such a way that the unit is installed at a certain distance from the floor surface. If there are children in the family, then the installation height should be such that children cannot reach the device while it is operating. Quite often, consumers choose a baseboard version of an infrared heater. In this case, the device can be installed under the window, then the unit will fit perfectly into the opening.

Reviews about the halogen heating element

If you still haven’t decided which type of infrared heater to prefer, you should keep in mind that such devices differ in the shell that contains the element that emits the waves. This shell can be made of quartz, ceramic or metal.

Electric infrared heaters, reviews of which will be useful to every consumer, may have a halogen heating element. It is a lamp that emits heat in the infrared range. Inside this element there is a filament, which is made of carbon fiber or tungsten. When the filament is heated, energy is released and transmitted through the lamp tube. they emit golden light, which can irritate the eyes (to eliminate such a negative factor, manufacturers coat the surface of the lamp with a protective compound). However, the main disadvantage of this heating element is short-wave radiation, which can have a negative impact on human health. Consumers rarely choose such infrared heaters, which can be called justified.

Infrared heaters are a modern and efficient type of climate control equipment. They are universal and have a number of advantages: low energy costs, fast heating, no strong drying of the air and, as a result, maintaining normal oxygen levels in the room. IR heaters are useful in apartments, country houses, and offices. Thanks to its convenient design and many mounting options, you can install the device anywhere, it will not take up much space and will always fit into the interior. Today, stores present a lot of manufacturers of IR heaters, with different types of installation and technical characteristics. To choose the most suitable heater model, we recommend understanding their classification and taking a closer look at the current leaders, both in reviews and in sales.

IR heaters can be divided into 3 groups according to the installation method: floor, wall or ceiling. There is no fundamental difference in the operating mechanism between them; the main differences lie in installation and some additional functions.

There are models with combined mounting, for example wall-ceiling or floor-wall. They are more versatile and allow you to choose the most successful installation option, taking into account the heating area and the direction of heat flow. As a rule, all the necessary parts for fastening are included with the device (brackets, hooks, etc.).

The best manufacturing companies

Since the demand for infrared heaters is growing every year, a large number of companies have appeared that produce this climate control equipment. Some companies have been around for a long time, others are only in the process of development.

  1. BALLU– an international holding company for the production of industrial and home climate control equipment. The company's headquarters is located in Hong Kong; there are representative offices in Russia, Poland, and a number of Asian countries. Specializes in technologically advanced and relatively inexpensive climate control devices. All have a laconic stylish design, simple controls, and high efficiency. Innovative technologies and eco-materials are used in production. IR heaters from BALLU are used to heat rooms of various sizes and purposes; most of the products are wall and ceiling models.
  2. Almac is a domestic company that mainly produces ceiling-mounted IR heaters. The manufacturer focuses on ease of installation, high-quality materials, and device safety. Most IR heaters from Almac are suitable for homes, cottages, greenhouses and garages, have good power and are quite compact.
  3. NeoClima is a European brand from Greece that produces high-quality climate control equipment. The company is known for its latest technological equipment, innovative approach to production and a huge network of enterprises around the world, including in Russia and the CIS countries. NeoClima IR heaters are open and closed ceiling models, including home and office ones.
  4. Timberk is a Swedish holding company producing various types of household appliances. In the manufacture of climate control equipment, high quality requirements are imposed; all devices are tested for compliance with international standards. IR heaters of this brand are available for installation on the ceiling or wall; there are also portable models. Almost all devices are equipped with a remote control for ease of operation.
  5. BISON is the largest Russian manufacturer of construction products, which also produces climate control equipment. The company has a wide range of heat guns, but there are also models of infrared heaters. The company's developments are constantly being improved, the production process is controlled at all stages.

In tenth place in the top of the best units is the STN 500 W infrared heater. The model became a bestseller for the company. The main advantage is the design: it Can be wall mounted or floor mounted(for this purpose, legs on wheels are supplied). This model can be chosen for a home, apartment, or office space. In addition, the device is suitable for heating an area of ​​up to 10 m2 in premises for various purposes: schools and preschool institutions, commercial enterprises, industrial facilities.

Important! This is a combined type heater, equipped with 2 types of heating: infrared and convection. Due to this feature, walls and objects quickly warm up, and the heat flow is evenly dissipated in the room.

STN 500 W is produced by a Russian company using innovative technologies. Quality assurance confirmed by European certificates. The device is quite compact, looks harmonious in any interior, and is available in black (glossy) and white (matte) designs. You can buy a heater for just over 3,500 rubles.

  • does not dry out the air in the room;
  • maintaining oxygen concentration in the air;
  • less energy costs compared to oil radiators;
  • overheat protection;
  • waterproof housing;
  • availability of certification from the Russian Federation and Europe;
  • quality guarantee up to 5 years.
  • the cost is slightly higher than that of oil radiators.

On Yandex Market

If you want to choose an infrared heater, but cannot decide on the color of the body, take a closer look at Almac IK11. This model has the most large range of colors to choose from(as many as 5 shades), as well as very light weight and thin body. The heater not only looks stylish and neat, but also has a high power of 1000 W. This figure means that the device heats about 20 m2. The model has only hanging mount, and the maximum ceiling height for correct installation is 3.5. m. Almac IK11 is universal and suitable for installation in an apartment, country house, or spacious office.

On a note! When heating a room, infrared heaters from Almac burn an order of magnitude less oxygen than oil radiators, imitating the natural thermal energy of the sun as accurately as possible.

The model has its own peculiarity: for full operation it needs an external thermostat. As a rule, the thermostat is purchased together with the heater and is connected to the circuit between the power source and the device itself. The instructions for the heater contain a detailed connection diagram that even an inexperienced user can understand. The average price for an IR heater from Almac is 4,300 rubles.

  • slim body made of high-quality aluminum;
  • many color options;
  • easy installation that does not require a screwdriver;
  • clear instructions;
  • large heating area.
  • Thermostat must be purchased separately;
  • The heating element makes noise during operation.

On Yandex Market

The eighth line in the rating of infrared heaters is the domestically produced model ZUBR IKO-K3-1000. It has a heating element design and an impressive claimed power of 1000 watts. The device is reliable and durable, and it also works 5-year manufacturer's warranty. We can say that this is the most economical infrared heater, since it heats only a certain local area or a small part of the room. At the same time, the desired area is heated quickly and evenly, and a comfortable level of humidity and oxygen content is maintained in the air.

Important! It is worth noting the body material: the panels are made of aluminum alloy with an anodized coating, which provides powerful thermal insulation.

Like the previous model, here Thermostat is not included in the package. It is purchased separately, but connects quite easily. The entire installation to the ceiling does not require special skills; all fastening parts can be found in the box with the device. The model is sold at an affordable price from 2090 rubles.

  • quality material;
  • corrugated panels with heat-reflecting elements;
  • durability;
  • simple controls;
  • low power consumption;
  • good power;
  • silent operation.
  • The set does not include a thermostat or power cord.

On Yandex Market

Seventh place in the top 10 is occupied by a simple but effective model from the famous company Ballu. This smallest infrared heater, and the power is not impressive - only 300 W. Nevertheless, the model is popular among owners of small offices, retail spaces, and cafes. Ballu BIH-S2-0.3 is designed specifically for installation in the ceiling (suspended, Armstrong type). Lightweight design and a well-thought-out system of protection against moisture and dust are ideal characteristics of the heater for installation in a commercial organization or a small cafe.

Heater works on the principle of “warm floor”, The body material is heat insulating. As a result, the device provides directed heating of the surface; double thermal insulation using shielding increases the efficiency of the action.

Advice! The user can install several Ballu BIH-S2-0.3 heating panels into the ceiling at once. They will not spoil the appearance of the interior and, most likely, guests simply will not notice it on the ceiling.

On the heater five-year warranty applies, and the company’s service centers are represented in many cities.

  • universal design;
  • simple fastening;
  • suitable for office or cafe;
  • compactness;
  • double thermal insulation;
  • no noise during operation;
  • warm floor effect.
  • small coverage area;
  • easily soiled body.

On Yandex Market

The sixth place in the ranking of the best infrared heaters is occupied by the reliable and versatile Hyundai H-HC2-30-UI692 model. The main advantage of the device is Possibility of both wall and ceiling mounting. The device has a record power of 3000 W, allowing it to heat a room of about 30 m2. The heater is perfect for a garage, a spacious loggia, or any home or commercial space. There is no excessive dryness in the air, and the low level of convection does not allow dust to rise from the surface. In addition, in reviews, customers often praise no burning smell during operation of the device, as well as complete silence.

Since the power of the IR heater is high, the radiating panels heat up to high temperatures in a matter of minutes. Wherein the device is safe, both mounting options are reliable. The only thing that spoils the overall picture is the lack of a built-in thermostat and the heavy weight of the device - as much as 8 kg. Currently, Hyundai H-HC2-30-UI692 costs from 4797 to 6990 rubles.

  • fast heating;
  • does not dry out the air;
  • large heating area;
  • high power;
  • two mounting options.
  • high price.

On Yandex Market

Fifth place is taken by the 2018 heater NeoClima NQH-1.2i. The model can be purchased for only 900 rubles. The power of the model is adjusted using a convenient manipulator and is 1200 W, however, if necessary, the device can only operate at half the declared power. The indicator has a bright and very attractive backlight. Installation is only possible on the floor, there is no fixation on the wall.

Important! Users praise the device's well-thought-out security system: if the device overheats, the built-in lock will turn it off. Shutdown also occurs in the event of an unexpected capsize. A useful feature, especially if there are children or pets in the house.

The dimensions of the device are standard; after use, the heater can be easily stored even in a small room. The heating effect accumulates gradually, but after turning off the device a heated room does not cool down immediately. Perfect for heating not only an apartment, but also a small garage or country house.

  • low cost;
  • reliability, proven brand;
  • strong body;
  • automatic shutdown when overheating or turning over;
  • 2 operating modes;
  • convenient switching;
  • consumes little electricity.
  • there is no power gradation;
  • cannot be mounted on the wall.

On Yandex Market

The top ten best infrared heaters include the compact and convenient Timberk TCH Q2 800. The model is very popular among users; it is chosen for apartments, cottages, and small garages. Another reason for the demand is low price, only 730 rub. The model is floor-standing, but has a very stylish design and ergonomic body. Despite its compact size, it will reliably heat up to 12 m2 of area. You will feel that the room has become much warmer in the second minute of use! According to the manufacturer, the efficiency of the device is 93%, it does not dry out the air and does not burn large amounts of oxygen. The power here is stepped, so you can easily choose the optimal one for specific conditions. This is the best infrared heater in the budget segment, ideal for home use.

  • original design;
  • high-quality heating;
  • compactness;
  • easy to carry from place to place;
  • there is a fall sensor;
  • no noise;
  • low price.
  • small heating area;
  • Sometimes there is a burning smell when working.

On Yandex Market

Different types of infrared heaters create certain difficulties; which one is better to choose? In order to answer this question, you should take a closer look at the model from Polaris. A quartz infrared heater is available at a price of 990 rubles. At first glance, this is a completely ordinary budget model. But it is distinguished by a number of features. For example, dual-band operation(400 and 800 W) and functional adjustment of the heating level. The maximum heating area is 20 sq.m. This is the size of an average living room or small studio apartment. Add here power from a regular household outlet, and you get a very interesting proposal that does not require complex additional fixation through installation.

Control is carried out using mechanical buttons and a manipulator. Like its more expensive counterparts, the model can turn off when the coil overheats or the case is accidentally turned over. Similar passive safety system more common among competitors with a price tag much higher than indicated above. The small case is made quite modestly, but tastefully. An excellent device that fully justifies its cost.

  • small body sizes;
  • good heating area;
  • passive safety system;
  • silent operation, no rotating elements;
  • very economical;
  • does not require installation;
  • interesting appearance.
  • no timer;
  • only one fixation method.

On Yandex Market

If you want to choose an infrared heater with the fastest heating possible, take a closer look at the Wester IH-2000 model. The cost of the device is 4599 rubles. The user has as much as 2000 watts at his disposal. With such power it will not be difficult to heat a room with a total area of ​​up to 20 sq.m. This heating unit is ceiling panel. After installation, the device will heat the room without taking up any space. All communications will be placed behind the ceiling; only the panel itself will be on display. When finished, the design looks very aesthetically pleasing. The weight of the device is 7 kg, but thanks to the secure fixation, this does not matter much.

If you believe the developer’s statements, the room is heated in just 20 minutes, even at low room temperatures. At the same time, the panel is devoid of any rotating elements, does not make noise during operation and consumes little electricity. The device comes with wires for connecting to the electrical network, as well as all the necessary parts for installation. Among infrared heaters for cottages and garages, this one is best suited: reliable, compact, with a powerful heat flow.

  • does not take up space on the floor or wall;
  • looks stylish;
  • quickly heats the room;
  • reliable and easy to use;
  • reasonable price;
  • economical;
  • You can't trip over the wires.
  • additional installation required;
  • only two power options.

On Yandex Market

1. Ballu BIH-LW-1.5

The best infrared heater is another product from the famous Ballu company. The demand for Ballu BIH-LW-1.5 is very high, so it is quite expected that in 2019 it will remain at the same level. Interest in the device from buyers is ensured by an affordable price tag - only 1,790 rubles. The heater looks stylish and modern, giving the impression of a more expensive device. There is only one body color, grey. Users will appreciate three-stage heating level adjustment: 500, 1000 and 1500 W. The maximum area that the device in question can heat is 25 sq.m. The smaller the room, the faster the device will raise the temperature in it.

Important! A pleasant surprise was the presence of a remote control, as well as a bright switch equipped with an indicator light. Using the device is convenient and comfortable.

In addition to the standard floor fixation, the gadget can be mounted on the wall, which will significantly save space in a small room. The case is protected from moisture, so you don’t have to worry about dampness appearing on the walls (which is a common problem in summer cottages, garages and hangars). The device weighs only 1.7 kg, installation is easy and does not require special efforts or skills. The gadget will be interesting for its functionality and stylish design of the case. A unique combination of compactness and efficiency, and at an affordable price.

  • floor-wall option;
  • attractive design;
  • three power levels;
  • heating up to 25 sq.m.;
  • economical;
  • convenient control;
  • There is a remote control included.
  • inconvenient fastening;
  • heating occurs gradually, not immediately.

Ballu BIH-LW-1.5 on Yandex Market


Before purchasing an IR heater, it is important to know the type of room, its dimensions and humidity level. The advantage of infrared models over oil radiators and convectors is that they do not burn a lot of oxygen, are less energy-consuming, and most importantly, do not attract attention. If you have to heat a large area, you don’t have to look for one super-powerful radiator; it’s better to buy several compact ceiling models and enjoy the comfort.