Why do you dream about the number 13 in a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Number, what does it mean to see a Number in a dream. Origin and completion

The first day of the week obeys exposure to the moon and therefore it is a very difficult day. Any images of Monday dreams express your emotions, as well as the burden of problems that is currently pressing on you. Dreams of this day, for which characterized by long storylines, as well as images associated with water elements, indicate that you will be busy with everyday problems in the near future.

The most favorable on this day are short dreams that are not filled with rich plot twists and turns. In this case, you will not be distracted by troubles in the future, you will maintain balance and a positive attitude.

What is the effect of the 13th day of the month on sleep?

When considering and interpreting dreams of the thirteenth calendar day, it is worth remembering that all symbolic dreams of this day should not be taken seriously, since the number “13” with its energy endows these dreams with unnecessary information, which only confuses the dreamer in thoughts and conjectures. However, if the dream of that day had a specific and understandable plot, you should prepare for the fact that the dream will come true quite soon with enviable accuracy.

Gamma meanings of dreams on the thirteenth day- very wide. Many of the plots of these dreams are related to how protected the dreamer is, both by himself and by the people around him, and a person can also receive a prediction that an important patron or friend will leave him.

But not all dreams are on the thirteenth day- have a negative context, on the contrary, individual positive stories on this day are more important than usual, therefore they should be taken more seriously than ever, and coupled with the fact that dreams of this day will soon come true, this feature is an excellent catalyst for action.

Also in the dreams of this day- you can find a warning that some actions may lead to the situation getting out of control and it will be very problematic to achieve what you want as a result of the work done.

Why do you dream about the Number 13 in a dream according to the dream book?

In a dream, the number 13 symbolizes peculiar galactic portals through which it passes between good and evil, light and, and where they are united. Thus, it warns you that some rare chance will be sent to you, that an unusual event may happen to you, but at the same time you need to soberly assess the situation, not succumb to temptations and temptations, clearly understand what is good and what is so bad.


Video: Why do you dream about Number 13?

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Did you dream about the Number 13, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Number 13 means in your dreams, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello, today I dreamed that someone was knocking on the door of the room where I was sleeping, the knocking was not loud and did not last long, then I dreamed of the number 13, I just saw it for a few seconds. But I didn’t feel much fear. As a result, I woke up from the fact that I physically felt someone touching the back of my head. How to interpret a dream? Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed about my cousins ​​with a cat. I haven't seen each other for many years. It's like they're inviting you to visit. I am traveling with my husband and child in some kind of road transport, I don’t remember which one specifically. We're going for a very long time. Then we walk for a very long time. We walk through the courtyards. On the street everything is gray and dull, there is asphalt and off-road. The time of year resembles autumn or warm winter without snow. Finally we have arrived. There is a white booth like a checkpoint. The grandmother-concierge is sitting in the booth. I ask if my sister and brother live here. She found them in the lists. At this time they passed by, as if they were in a hurry somewhere. And then the thought occurs to me that we need housing. I said that we need an apartment. This grandmother replied that the cooperative gives families apartments for free. And she gave me the key. There was a number 13 on the keychain. I told my husband that apartment 13 is on the third floor. We found ourselves in the entrance, it was very spacious, but there were also a lot of people, everyone said it was very noisy. We went up to the third floor, but not from the stairs. the site is very large. First we approached apartment 12; across the flight of stairs on the other side was the apartment we needed. Someone was waiting for us and opened the door for us. We went inside. The room was very large. I also asked why they made the rooms so big, what to put in them? There were very high ceilings. There was a man in the room who said that there was only one bus, route 111, from here. And I tell my husband that it’s such a long walk to the stop, and then while you get there by bus... we’ll probably go to our parents in a year or two. He also won’t be able to handle frequent trips with a child.
    That's all.

    I dreamed that I was taking some courses in a multi-story building. Suddenly, some animal mortally wounded the finch bird. I begin to save her, entering the elevator I clearly see the floor number - I myself pressed the button on 13. Arriving on this floor, I felt safe and my bird came to life. This whole floor looked like a jungle - there were many colorful plants, especially green ones.

    In a dream, someone higher up told me that she was supposed to go to the capital on the 13th, and I told him that I would like to go there on the 8th, and I had this dream on the night of August 8-9, so I don’t remember the details, thank you in advance!!! Is this related to my work? I have difficult circumstances there, although I am currently on maternity leave?

    Hello Tatiana. Thank you for your response.
    In a dream I saw in front of me a closed, I don’t know if it was locked, brown wooden door with the number 13. I just stood in front of the door. Unfortunately, this is all that remains in my memory.

    Hello! Last night I dreamed: it was raining very heavily and it was already dark. I tried to leave work after a corporate party, missed one car, a second, a third, and as a result I ended up on bus number 13, drove it a little and got off because... he was driving in a completely different direction. Please tell me why you have such dreams?

    Dear Tatyana,

    In a dream, I boarded bus number 13, which supposedly was supposed to go to the sea station with my grandfather (died in 2006). Before this, I was with a bunch of relatives, among them were children and those with whom I was in a quarrel in a house unknown to me. There were also people unknown to me, supposedly friends of my brother, for whom I felt sympathy, and they called me sister (this recently happened to my childhood friend).

    Thanks for the help.

    I dreamed that our house was completed + a small rearrangement. Then, in honor of the fact that the house was completed, guests came to us. In a dream, my father asked me: “What date is today?” and I clearly remember that I went to the calendar and supposedly said today “December 13th” then, in a dream, I wanted to turn on the computer, but I realized that it was time to get up. Here. I had this dream on the night of November 12-13, and I want to know if it could be that the date “December 13” means something? And what could it mean...

    At the beginning of the dream, I saw a priest. He had a strange appearance, covered in piercings. He walked around the dorm and said something. Then I was in a room with my friends, at first we were just talking, then they said that their things were missing. They went to the priest to tell him that something was missing. Then they said that I stole their things and hid them. And he said that I would find them myself. We had a fight. The things they were looking for were in place. I asked them why they said that I stole them. And they said they did it just for fun.
    Then a hedgehog appeared from somewhere. I fed him a pear, then started petting him. After a while, my other two friends come into the room and say that classes will be held in class No. 13. Then I found myself on the stairs, there were a lot of people there. It was very difficult to climb the stairs, but I still climbed to the second floor.
    There, my friends and I started looking for this office. We approached each door and peered into the room. After we walked around the entire floor, it turned out that there was another corridor on this floor. We went there. As soon as I entered the corridor, my friends disappeared, and instead of them, there was a pleasant-looking girl and someone else, whose identity I could not see. The corridor was very wide and dark. There were no windows. I went deeper into the corridor, approached the first door, it said number 13. I opened the door and that was the end of the dream.

    I dreamed about the number 13, which follows me throughout my life, in what style the dream was approximately like the interpretation on your site, like mystical or fantasy, some kind of otherworldly forces, well, it’s not scary, not something, but as if something was really for me they wanted to say, there was such a feeling after sleep, and at some point in the dream it was connected with my communal apartment, which everyone couldn’t seem to resettle and as if everything that was wrong with me was because of the apartment and I needed to get out of there and this thought or sensation in the dream was for a second, there seemed to be no words in the dream at all, only pictures, a plot and sensations, everything was beautiful, mystical but a little foggy!! I had a dream today! and the number was in the hands, as if in the air, in someone’s robe, like death in the hood, the face is not visible, but not death, the number was red, but I think the colors changed and this number 13 appeared somewhere else, not only in the hands, in different In some places it lit up like on a board and all this was in my apartment and there were creatures or magicians or queens or aliens, it’s unclear all together!!! What is this, please tell me why this dream with the number 13 always haunting me

    car, gatherings, or rather a feast with friends whom I have not seen for more than 2 years. There are 4 people and 4 glasses at the table. I see 2 pieces of bread, even three in one place. I was angry that they didn’t leave me but one piece of bread, but I managed to take one piece for myself, but didn’t eat it. I look at the time and understand that I need to go. The bus is at 12.20, and it’s already 12.00. I understand that I won’t have time. I remembered and said to myself: “There is only one bus at 13.40, I’ll take it.”

    I dreamed that today was Friday the 13th, and I was having problems with my boyfriend. Our relationship is on the verge of breaking
    In a dream, I went to see my friends in some bar, sat down with them and my boyfriend called me and asked why I was skipping school. Well, we had a fight.

    Hello Tatiana. I had a dream yesterday - on Friday the 13th. Why exactly yesterday - when I woke up and analyzed the dream, looked at the clock - it was 22-35.
    The point is this: I have an aunt (she lives in the territory where the war is currently going on - ATO). I see how I, in a dark robe with a capishen on my head, begin to descend into the basement of their garage. My aunt has a private house, there is a separate summer kitchen (overhaul), the continuation of the kitchen is the garage where my uncle parks his truck. In general, they call this extension an outbuilding, but this building is located separately from the house. So I go down to the basement - although there is no such basement there (in my dream I see walls made of concrete blocks and a longitudinal room in the twilight). I know that there are dark entities there and my goal is to expel them from there. In my hands I hold 2 knives with curved blades, and I crossed them over my head and am reading some kind of prayer or spell, but at the moment of reading, a white-silver glow begins to emanate from the blades of my knives. And these dark entities, there were 3 or 4 of them, begin to become active and huddle in a corner away from me. And at this moment I understand that these little dirty tricks (for some reason I called them spirits of witches) are not the worst thing there is. And I feel like some more terrible enemy (a stronger demon) is rising from the ground from behind me on the left side of me and he begins to pull me towards him with the power of thought - and so that I bend back at the waist, but still I'm holding on. He wants to wrap his arms around my neck and at that moment I twist 90 degrees to the left and stab him with my glowing knife right in the heart. This demon begins to fall into pieces before my eyes and, with scraps of his clothing and crumbs of earth that were on him, begins to crumble back into the earth from where he rose.

    And then I woke up. Tell me what this means. The strangest thing is that neither at work nor at home I am in any way connected and do not bother with all these occult stories and passions.

    I dreamed that I returned in an incomprehensible way to the day when something terrible happened in my life (Friday the 13th), but now I already know that one of my old acquaintances knew in advance that this would happen to me. I am real, not without obstacles, with tears, but I found him so that on that day he would warn me then about what would happen

    At first I dreamed that they extended their hand to me and helped me to stand up (the hand is clearly visible; the person who extended it is familiar to me). After that, I decided to get a tattoo on my neck in the form of the number 13 (exactly 13). I repeated this number several times.

    Hello! I am worried about a dream I had last week. In this dream, I was going to school, and there were a lot of military men near the school and they brought chairs and tables to our school, and then I went to my class to show my friends and at that moment my niece’s best friend (Karina) appeared (Tanya) with whom I quarreled not so long ago. This Karina gave me something in my hands and started talking about Tanya and then said look at the number, and I looked and it was November 13th (Friday the 13th), and then I went out onto the porch and started crying... Please help, I don’t know what to do on this day, what could happen?

    Hello! I had a dream that I was hiding from someone with a girl I didn’t know in real life, we ran into rooms on the doors of which there was always the number 13. Thanks for the answer.

    I’m sitting at the table with a woman in her 40s. She is clairvoyant. In a dream, she shows me ordinary cards. And she talks about the number 13. That no matter how much she hangs out the deck and pulls it out. Sometimes 13. And he tells me to remember this. I didn’t touch the cards myself in the dream. A week before. I dreamed about my deceased grandmother. And more than once she also messed up my cards. Each dream is different and the cards are either tarot or ordinary. I see the suits, but I can’t distinguish them... everything is crawling. Then I see that I’m loosening the cards but with my grandmother’s hands. And another strange thing. When she was buried, I cried a lot and blamed myself for not hugging her. And in a dream she came. Pampered me. She said that she loves. And she saved me from a pack of wolves...hungry and flayed. Then I have the following dream: that I am hollowing her out of the ice and taking her home. Lna is all glowing and accompanies me as always. After 40 days I didn’t dream about her. Tell me please. What is happening to me?

    it’s difficult to connect everything together, but the dream was associated with the number 13. I didn’t see the image of 13 itself, but it seems I did a presentation in which I presented two iron cabinets of different sizes (it looked like a safe). together they were supposed to designate 13, either by the number of cells inside, or by other parameters, but the safes were closed, I don’t remember them being open. at the end I remember that there was one smaller safe left, but it was implied that this was how it should have been.

    A friend of mine dreamed that in a dream she was telling me: remember the number 13. And in a dream she also saw a sheet for an appointment at the hospital, which she recently gave me in reality and she drew attention to the date 3

    I dreamed of an exam that I was forced to attend at the last moment. She pulled out ticket No. 13 and appeared happy. She slept well, but then the examiner started pestering me and I quickly left.

    Hello!! I had a dream that my husband walked into room number 13, I opened the door, it was very ugly, I didn’t go in there, I called him but he didn’t come out! I ran outside and looked for a window to call him, but there was no window near this room!!

    An acquaintance brought a piece of paper, on it was written: Name - Dima (the name of the guy I like), Number - 13 (my favorite number), Height - 167 (as I understand the height of the guy I like), Eye color - blue (color eye of the guy I like)

    Grandfather's apartment was open, the apartment number was 13 - 26 (not true), the apartment was open, I was standing on the threshold. I couldn’t come in, and I didn’t want to. Grandfather was lying in his room, I couldn’t see him and said the phrase Alena, help. He called his daughter.

    I had a dream that I came on vacation and we were given a hotel room 1313 and this number was large. But we didn’t go there, and I panicked and they gave us another room, far from this one. Then the dream was colorful and cheerful, but these numbers in the dream worried me and I felt a little uneasy. Is this bad or just a normal dream? Maybe I'm obsessed with them? I recently watched a program on TV about 1313 and now I’m not even close to these numbers.

    I had a dream in which I saw that I was going on the subway and there was a sign with the number 13 on the train, on the driver’s cabin, then I found myself on the roof of the building and not alone, there were a lot of people there, about 25 people, and the situation was like there was fuss at work and I felt some kind of struggle for a place or for a position, something similar to this, and then I fought with the girl and said: if you come up, you’ll get it again...

    Everything happened in an abandoned amusement park. There were 12 people, I was 13. And suddenly a wave came and washed away everyone except me. I immediately dreamed of the words that I was saying: “13 is not a lucky number, but I am now in cabin 13 and that means this is a lucky number for me.”

    Good afternoon. I dreamed about my husband and told me this phrase (It’s already the 13th, I’m tired of waiting). Now we don’t live together, he left. But I don’t remember from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday

    I dreamed that I was inspecting an apartment before buying. In a completely new house. The walls in the hall are blue, the apartment is light, there is beautiful tulle hanging, it is light and cozy, there is new furniture, but not a lot of furniture. But I was confused that this apartment is number 13 in house number 13

    At first I was at my neighbor’s with my buckets. The buckets were good, not rusty, not bent. But theirs, on the contrary, were small, crumpled, and my two buckets were puddles. They carried water to their bathhouse with theirs and mine. When they finished carrying water to the bathhouse, I decided to take it my buckets, but I didn’t find them. Instead, they gave me two basins, one large enameled, the other slightly smaller aluminum. I put one into the other and supposedly went home. I left with a grudge (that I had brought good buckets and they gave me some old basins). And with these basins I supposedly went home. It was not convenient to walk around the city with them, people paid attention. I made a stop and put the basins on the ground. Then I found myself in an industrial zone (where my husband and I had a room for the owners). They allegedly gave us an apartment at number 13. It turned out to be on the first floor on the left. The apartment was old without renovation. What happened I don’t remember in the rooms, but in the kitchen there was gray felt on the floor (we had it before). I and some child came into the apartment. Then my husband came and I went to look for my cousin who also got apartment number 31. I think I found it but the numbers are written backwards. Some people opened it to me and said that they were Americans and they looked like gypsies. There was a man standing on the right, I don’t remember him, but the women were well dressed, everyone had black hair and hairstyles. They stood as if in a row and behind them was a dilapidated wall and the floor was strewn with either dirt or stones

    The dream is associated with a loved one, the relationship with whom was broken 2 years ago. I dreamed that I came to him, or rather, in the city where he seemed to live, there was a wedding, but joyless, gray, and we were dressed in ordinary and gray clothes (I remember a gold wedding ring on my finger). After the end of the celebrations, he was angry, and his friends whispered non-existent nasty things about me into his ears, and I heard and heard how he joked about me with them and made dirty jokes. I burst into tears and began to whisper to my friends that I didn’t recognize him, it wasn’t him, he had always been an intelligent person. Then we walked down the street with our friends and came to a shopping stall that sold all sorts of delicious dishes. We sat down on a bench by the stall because there was a long line, the sun was shining brightly, and I didn’t want to eat, but wanted to wait in line to buy a round loaf of bread and tear it open to see the number in order to know our future with my beloved. In general, there was the number 13, such a dream.....

    I dream that I am next to a person who must sign a review of my diploma, but this is some American actor, instead of this scientist. He refuses to sign because I missed the deadline. I don't pay attention. He studies cats throughout his life. Suddenly he takes my toy lion cub, who is 16 years old, from my hands. But for some reason I say that he is 13. He smiles, and I can already see that he is more inclined towards me. Then I wake up.
    The dream is dark in terms of color. All colors are dark, blue, black.

    I'm in labor. They inject me with something so that I don’t feel pain and contractions begin, but I don’t feel them. After that, over and over again, they pull out children, there are 13 of them in total. And then I tell everyone that I gave birth to 13 children...

    Write your dream here (the more detailed, the better)... I got a room in a new building on the 13th floor. I was very happy in my dream. no matter what, a male neighbor lived with us (my husband and children). The apartment was bright, comfortable and clean. To get into it, I rode the elevator.

    My classmate and I were sitting on the couch, he was playing some kind of game and I asked him for his phone, and he told me no, you’ll merge all the levels together right now, I’ll sell it, give it to me, here we go. He gives me the phone and says that he is on level 13 and I somehow go through level 15 right away and he looks at me in shock. And he says I couldn’t even pass it. Then he puts his hand behind my back and hugs me and I continue to play on his phone. Then I lay my head on his chest and he kisses my forehead, then my cheek and then bites my lips. He's not my friend, just a classmate

    It wasn’t even like it was a dream, I just went to bed and started to fall asleep, at first I just saw the number 13, and then I saw myself going up the landing and seeing apartment number 13, with the door open, I went in there and immediately woke up . Whatever it could be is very strange.

    I dreamed that I was in the hospital where my young man and his platoon mates were lying. Everyone except my martyr and his friend were lying down, then I started jumping on the beds, counting everyone and calling out everyone’s name. There were 13 of them in total. Some of them reacted to me calmly and laughed, while in others (2 or 3 people) I aroused hostility. The dream was in gray-blue tones. And the beds on which everyone was lying were standing on the street, although there was a clear feeling that this was either a hospital or a sanatorium. And in my dream I thought the same. And for some reason, among my platoonmates was my former classmate, who once liked me, although in real life he did not know my martyr and did not serve. I aroused intense hostility in this classmate. Even in the dream, when I jumped onto his bed and called his name, I thought “what is he doing here?” After I counted everyone, I went up to my martyr and proudly announced that I had learned everyone and that there were 13 of them.

The meaning of the dream depends on where exactly and in what form you saw the number you dreamed about, as well as on its meaning.

If the number was on the calendar, this is a warning that an important event awaits you on this day that will change your whole life.

When you wake up, you should write down this number and try to complete all important tasks and pay off all debts by this day so that the event does not take you by surprise.

The number on the check - see Check.

If you write any numbers in a notebook or just on a piece of paper, this means uncertainty in business, vanity, confusion and a lot of empty troubles.

Prime (single digit) numbers mean that your problems are solved quite simply, in one move. You just need to sit down and think.

Complex numbers (multi-digit) indicate that you will have to work hard to solve the pressing problem.

Odd numbers - you will have to sort out all your affairs alone. Even - friends will help you.

Remember that a dream has meaning only if you clearly remember the number (or series of numbers) you dreamed about.

If, upon waking up, you do not remember specific numbers, you can forget about the dream.

If you dream about the same number several nights in a row, numerology will come to the rescue.

In this case, you need to write down the number and add all its components until you get a single-digit number.

It must be interpreted based on the meanings of numerology.

For example, you dreamed of the number 589. You add 5 + 8 + 9 = 22, 2 + 2 = 4.

Four will be the key to solving the dream (see Numbers).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing 10 in a dream symbolizes great new beginnings. Something has ended and you are ready to move on. A new start in life or you started doing something differently. What is required is your willingness to accept what comes to you.

Number 11 / Eleven

Seeing the number 11 in a dream means life situations that are in the process of change, or that someone will do for you. Power and control over the development of the situation will come easily to you. It may seem to you that the person or situation itself knows what you need, and you will get the feeling that life is doing everything necessary for you. Luck or accidents work in your favor. On a spiritual level, the number 11 represents co-creation and cooperation with God.

If you dream about 11:11, it is an indicator of automatic control and power. People or situations will do anything for you. You can control or fix whatever you want. Life will do what you want and time is on your side.

Number 12 / Twelve

If 12 appears in a dream, this means constant or long-term problems, accompanied by the inability to avoid conflict. You may resist, but the problem will not go away soon.

Number 13 / Thirteen

If you dreamed of 13, this represents opposition to chaotic forces. The symbol of the number 13 - you never know what will happen and what to expect from whom. The dream signifies problems facing you or failure in the future.

Number 14 / Fourteen

Seeing the number 14 in a dream means confrontation with stability. Perhaps you don’t like stagnation in business, you want something new. As a positive expression, 14 means that you will not lose anything, even despite the machinations of ill-wishers. In a negative sense, 14 means feelings about something unwanted that you cannot get rid of, no matter how hard you try.

Number 15 / Fifteen

15 symbolizes the collision of various changes happening in your life, so that you cannot stop anything. In a positive sense, 15 indicates problems that will solve themselves or something good that will begin to happen without your efforts. In a negative sense, 15 indicates problems that you do not want to deal with. Often speaks of arrogance, perhaps you are worried about loss of status and power.

Number 16 / Sixteen

If you dream about the number 16, this means that you are actively fighting against negative influences. Negative thinking patterns or clashes in life situations. You need to rely on your own strengths; you should not wait for support.

Number 17 / Seventeen

If you dream of 17, it means a collision or confrontation with someone for purification. 17 reflects negative situations or negative beliefs, it forces you to abandon old intentions or stereotypes. You have no control over the situation that forces you to change or overcome the problem. 17 can also mean difficulties that will force you to change your way of thinking. In a negative sense, a 17 can be a sign that you are taking risks or did not do enough to deal with a negative situation until you were forced to. There is no escape from this; you must repay your karmic debt in one form or another. When 17 appears in a dream, you should take it as a warning that you need to start solving the problem without delay. Be proactive. You must actively confront fear, fight back, take care of yourself, and respect other people. Failure to do so may result in trouble or loss of status.

Number 18 / Eighteen

Seeing 18 in a dream means the end of a confrontation with something or someone. In a positive sense, 18 represents the freedom to do as you please. The negative situation is over and now you have to do something else to move on. 18 means complete freedom of choice or the abolition of restrictions. In its negative form, the number 18 reflects the difficulty of change or the fear of doing something wrong. Feeling forced to change too quickly or move away from what you are used to.

Find out what numbers mean in dreams - don’t miss the opportunity to get a hint from higher powers. Perhaps these dreams mean important dates or numbers, or maybe they simply signal fatigue.

In the article:

Why do you dream about numbers - important signs of fate

When asked what numbers mean in dreams, Eastern dream book answers like this - higher powers are sending you a sign that cannot be ignored. Most likely they mean an important date for you. Think about the question you've asked yourself most often lately. Perhaps you are expecting profit or hoping for failure to end? If what you see looks more like a date, most likely this is the “hour X” you are expecting.

According to the same dream book, the numbers can mean the length of the life period that is currently observed.
In addition, they may indicate other important information. For example, you could see successful lottery ticket numbers or the office number of the institution where you will receive help. Listen to yourself, and you will understand these signs of fate - no interpreter will do this better than you.

The numbers are quite difficult to interpret. In order to understand their meaning, remember what you thought about before going to bed. If you previously asked questions to higher powers through meditation, or in other ways, this is how you could get an answer. The answers of higher powers are rarely simple and understandable; you almost always have to puzzle over them. This convinces your patrons that you are worthy of receiving their tips. They especially like to give clues in numbers. There is even a separate esoteric discipline -.

If you often see numbers in your dreams, dream books recommend memorizing them. You need to pay attention to such dreams, otherwise you will miss important events or gifts of fate. However, numbers can also mean tests - their dates, duration and much more.

Writing or hearing numbers in a dream - dream books of different authors

Why do you dream about numbers if you write them down? By To the newest dream book, they indicate the awakening of magical abilities. If you take dictation, remember who dictated them - that's who your teacher will be. The appearance of a teacher often depends on the student - perhaps the meaning of the dream suggests searching for him. But he can also warn about the teacher’s arrival - as you know, he appears when the student is ready for it.

By Longo's dream book writing down numbers in a dream means that in reality the person is a pedant. Your love of organizing information seriously interferes with your relationships with others. In order to improve the situation, try to break away from this habit at least for a while and listen to the opinions of loved ones.

If you are not just writing down numbers, but doing some calculations, the dream suggests that soon you will have to seriously think about making an important decision. Your choice will be able to change your life - for the worse or for the better. The dream recommends not to rush into making a decision. It may make sense to seek advice from someone knowledgeable.

If you erase the written numbers, the dream warns that in the near future you will have to get rid of the consequences of your actions. How easy it will be to do this depends on how easy it was to erase the numbers in the dream. If the numbers remain visible despite attempts to erase them, the consequences of your actions cannot be completely eliminated.

If you observe numbers being written down, this portends admiration or envy towards someone from your environment. If you remember the person who wrote the numbers in your dream, we are talking about him. Try to avoid envy towards his achievements, leaving only positive emotions in order to maintain the friendship.

Hearing numbers in a dream is a good sign if the voice was pleasant. An unpleasant voice reading out numbers warns of negative events. With a high probability, the events that the dream predicts will be associated with the numbers heard. Perhaps it is a time, a date, a quantity of something, or something else.

Numbers in a dream as a sign of fatigue

By Family dream book the meaning of numbers in a dream is a sign of extreme fatigue. It can influence your behavior. You may fail an important meeting or disrupt an event that is of great importance. Dreams warn you that before taking on an important task, you need to give yourself some rest.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya
recommends checking all the things you did in a state of mental fatigue. Most likely you made a mistake. Remember this mistake and don't make it again.

In addition, the numbers may portend an emergency period that will seriously tire you. This is a warning dream that you saw for a reason. Higher powers have decided to give you time to prepare for difficulties. Try to settle all matters that will distract you from solving problems.

The meaning of numbers according to different dream books

By Dream interpreter D.N. Ushakova, each number seen in a dream has its own meaning. A one foreshadows the company of people, a two - gossip, a three - a conversation about business. The number 4 indicates efforts that will be in vain, 5 indicates an argument. If you saw the number 6 or any other higher number in a dream, this is a sign of deception.

IN dream book of Peter Leiman numbers have a different meaning. They are reflections of future events or expressions of desires that come from the subconscious of the sleeper. The meaning of numbers in a dream according to Leiman is as follows:

0 - emptiness, absence.

1 - flexibility and mobility.

2 - understanding and submission to fate.

3 - joy and creative enthusiasm.

4 - stability.

5 - change. Why do you dream about the number 5? Either serious changes, or this dream means a desire to change something.

6 - the need to make a choice, as well as guidance or advice from higher powers.

7 - manual.

8 - balance and harmony.

9 - completeness.

10 - new cycle or work on old errors.

According to the same dream book, the number 11 means strength - either manifested in your life, or the need for it.

12 - endurance, patience.

13 - giving up the old or leaving something from life.

14 - knowledge.

15 - the need to see the will of higher powers in what is happening.

16 - the need to find gifts from higher powers in situations that seem catastrophic at first glance.

17 - search for differences, comparison.

18 - courage.

19 - vitality or personal energy.

20 - honor and dignity.

21 - a new beginning.

22 - selfishness.

23 - destructive behavior, destruction.

24 - fear.

25 - temptation.

26 - illusions.

27 - resistance.

28 - abuse of the benefit given by higher powers.

29 - abuse in a general sense.

30 - manipulation.

31 - danger from the mind or logical thinking.

32 - disharmony.

33 - freedom.

According to Layman, numbers that are greater than 33 must be reduced to a smaller value through numerological manipulation. Using this dream book as an example, let’s look at the numbers seen by many people in their dreams - 666:

Accordingly, in this case, the number 666 means the need for courage.

Why do you dream about numbers that you can’t remember?

Seeing numbers in a dream but not remembering them is a bad sign. It portends financial problems on a large scale. Most likely, they will happen due to your own carelessness. Perhaps in the recent past you made a serious mistake that will be reflected in the near future.