The most well-read country. The best countries for education. The best countries for educational emigration

Since 1996, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has conducted international studies to determine which country is the most educated in the world. Over the years, the ranking has changed many times beyond recognition, but there were also states that firmly took their place at the top of the planet’s education.

At the beginning of February 2018, the OECD compiled a new top 10 list of the most educated countries in the world. It was based on the results of studies to determine the number of students who successfully graduated from universities among the population aged 25 to 64 years. Where do the most educated people live and what contributes to the growth of this indicator? We'll tell you in this article.

Scientifically proven! The level of education of the population often determines the quality of life of citizens.

10. Luxembourg

Tenth place in our ranking was taken by Luxembourg, one of the smallest countries in the world with a total population of 580 thousand people. Despite the fact that there is only one university in the state, 42.86% of residents 25-64 years old have completed higher education. This is explained by the fact that many Luxembourgers go to study in neighboring countries - France, Germany or Belgium, since classes there are conducted in almost their native languages.

Statistical fact! The Luxembourg government pays great attention to the development of the education system. In 2012, the country allocated 21,000 € per student, while the average for OECD member states at that time was 9 thousand euros.

9. Norway

Spending three times more money on education than on defense, Norway has been firmly in the ranking of the most educated countries in the world for the past few years. According to the results of an OECD study for 2017, 43% of the people surveyed have higher education, with a total population of 5.3 million inhabitants.

Norway is one of the few countries in the world with completely free education (even for foreigners). In addition, it is here that students pay a lot of attention to independent learning, for which almost half of the curriculum is allocated. Students' attendance at lectures is not controlled; tests are not carried out more than once a semester. Perhaps it is thanks to this freedom that the education system in Norway is so effective, because it is always more pleasant (albeit more difficult) to control the learning process yourself than to go to classes and complete assignments under pressure from teachers.

8. Finland

The total population of the country is 5.5 million inhabitants, of which 43.6% of people aged 25-64 have completed higher education. Back in the 1980s, Finland's education system was considered one of the most confusing and ineffective in the world, but everything changed after a series of reforms carried out in the early 2000s.

Today, education in Finland is based on a system of relaxed attention and self-control, so local students do not know what cramming or cheating is. They can independently create their own study schedule with the subjects they like and the desired intensity, enroll in unlimited amount Universities (education is free), retake a difficult test several dozen times. As a result, students strive to gain as much knowledge as possible, rather than points, and by the end of the program they become truly qualified specialists.

7. Australia

With an indicator of 43.74%, Australia ranks 7th in the ranking of the most educated countries in 2017. It is here that students from all over the world come to study at 7 of the 100 best universities in the world, research is conducted here annually, the results of which are used by more than a billion people, universities have graduated from here 15 modern Nobel laureates.

Australian education is considered especially popular due to the opportunity to obtain two specialties at the same time. Each student can choose a related profession and in just 5 years receive a double diploma (for example, economics and law, psychology and marketing), which opens up great prospects.

Interesting to know! In Australia, education is practical in nature, so the unemployment rate in the country does not even reach 5%.

6. USA

Although the United States is home to 8 of the 10 best universities in the world, in our ranking they occupy only 6th place with an indicator of 45.67%. This is due to the high cost of education and the high demands placed on students. For example, Yale University admits only 1,300 freshmen each year out of 20,000 applicants, and there are only 3 students for every faculty member.

5. UK

Almost 46% of the country's adult population has higher education, and most of them are representatives of technical sciences. It is here that 10% of the world's research is carried out, so students of English universities have access to unique databases and equipment. No less attention is paid to the humanities - about a third of students choose them, and creative organizations bring the UK 140 million pounds a year.

Interesting fact! In the United Kingdom, the bachelor's degree program lasts only three years, which is the lowest in Europe.

4. South Korea

Seoul National University

South Korea ranks fourth in the ranking of the most educated countries with a score of 46.86%. A special feature of this state is the presence of a clear hierarchy of universities, so the more prestigious your university, the greater the chances of a successful career. The most respectable are Seoul National University and the Korean Leading Institute of Science and Technology.

3. Israel

Almost half of Israel's adult population has completed higher education. There are only 9 universities in the country; education in them is paid and costs about $3,000 per year. Israelis graduate from university quite late, compared to other countries - at 27 years old. This is due to the fact that both boys and girls are drafted into the army upon reaching adulthood, and only then devote themselves to training.

2. Japan

Strict requirements for applicants, paid tuition and only 24% of students who manage to enroll the first time - despite all these difficulties, 50.5% of adult citizens in Japan have higher education.

In total, there are about 700 universities in the country, only 10% of which are public, and a year of study costs on average from 7 to 9 thousand dollars. Japanese education has its own unique features:

  1. Student attendance is strictly monitored and scored.
  2. In most educational institutions, the academic year begins in April.
  3. For foreigners to enter a Japanese university, a certificate of completion of 11 years of study is not enough. Due to the fact that local residents spend 12 years of their lives in school, they will have to study for another year at the university of their country or at special preparatory courses in Japan.
  4. Japanese universities accept students over 18 years of age only.
  5. An applicant can choose only one educational institution to which he wants to enroll.
1. Canada

The most educated country in the world in 2017 was Canada with an indicator of 56.27%. Here, universities provide training in English and French, and Canadian bachelor's and master's certificates are highly valued throughout the world. Higher education in the country is paid, but thanks to large investments in grant systems, talented students in unpopular specialties (chemistry, physics, biotechnology, psychology) have the opportunity to study for free.

Higher education here is very expensive - from 9 thousand dollars per semester, but despite this, students come here from different parts of the world. Canada has been the most educated country in the world for the past 3 years, so the demand for Canadian students is increasing every year.

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Thanks to global connections that span the planet modern world as if it had become smaller. In these conditions, the role of education has increased significantly - the prosperity of the state cannot take place without the effective operation of the education system, as well as other factors of socio-economic development. In order to somehow compare the quality of the education system, experts have come up with a number of metrics (PIRLS, PISA, TIMSS). Based on these metrics and other parameters (number of graduates in a country, literacy rate), since 2012 the Pearson group has published its own index for various countries. In addition to the index, learning achievements and thinking skills are taken into account. This year the list of countries with better education is:

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1. Japan

This country has advanced the most in many technologies, and the reform of the educational system put it in first place in this ranking. The Japanese were able to radically change the education model and create an effective control system in it. When the country's economy suffered a complete collapse, education was seen as the only source of its development. Japanese education has a long history, and now it preserves its traditions. His system is based on high technology, which allows the Japanese to lead in understanding of problems and level of knowledge. The literacy rate of the population here is almost 100%, but only primary education is compulsory. For many years, the Japanese education system has been aimed at preparing school students for employment and fruitful participation in public life. Here, children are required to achieve results consistent with their abilities. The curriculum in Japan is rigorous and dense, and students learn a lot about the cultures of the world. Particular emphasis is placed on practical training.

2. South Korea

Until about 10 years ago, there was nothing special to say about the Korean education system. But the rapid development of the South Korean economy has sharply pushed it into the list of leaders in the world. There is a large percentage of people here with higher education, and not because studying has become fashionable, but learning has become the principle of life for Koreans. Modern South Korea leads in terms of level technological development, and this could only be achieved by government reforms in the field of education. $11.3 billion is allocated annually for education here. The country is 99.9% literate.

3. Singapore

The population of Singapore has a high IQ. Special attention here they pay attention to the quality and volume of knowledge, but also to the students themselves. On this moment Singapore is one of the richest countries and at the same time one of the most educated. Education plays a vital role for the success of the country, so they spend money on it without stinting - investing $12.1 billion annually. The country's literacy rate is above 96%.

4. Hong Kong

This piece of mainland China is distinguished by the fact that researchers have determined that its population has the highest IQ. Literacy of the population and the education system here are at a very high level. Thanks to a well-thought-out education system, success in development here has also become possible. high technology. Hong Kong is one of the “business centers” of the world; it is perfectly suited for obtaining quality higher education. Moreover, different levels of education here have a high level: not only higher education, but also primary and secondary education. Training is conducted in the local dialect of Chinese and English language. Schooling, lasting 9 years, is compulsory for everyone in Hong Kong.

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5. Finland

The Finnish educational system gives students and schoolchildren maximum freedom. The country has completely free education, and the school administration even pays for meals if the student spends a full day at school. They are actively involved in attracting applicants to the country's universities. Finland leads the way in terms of the number of people who consistently complete any form of education. The country allocates significant resources to education - 11.1 billion euros. Thanks to this, it was possible to build a strong educational system here from primary to higher levels. Finnish schools are free to choose educational materials, and teachers here must have a master's degree. They are given wide freedom to organize activities in their classes.

6. UK

This country has long had the best educational system in the world. The UK has a traditional reputation for excellent education, especially at university level. The University of Oxford is considered a reference university in the world. In the field of education, Great Britain is a pioneer; over many centuries, it was here that the education system was formed within the walls of ancient English universities. But as for the primary and secondary levels of education, much less attention is paid to them, and only higher education is considered impeccable. This does not allow the UK to lead this ranking, and even in Europe it ended up in second place.

7. Canada

The level of higher education in Canada has reached such a high level that to obtain it in this country in last years More and more foreign youth began to flock. At the same time, the rules for obtaining education may differ in different Canadian provinces, but what is common throughout the country is that the Government of Canada pays a lot of attention to the standards and quality of education everywhere. The share of school education in the country is especially large, but fewer young people strive to continue receiving it at universities than in the countries already mentioned. Funding for education is mainly handled by the government of a particular province, that is, the Canadian education system has a clear decentralized nature. Therefore, each province controls its own curriculum. Educational practices and teaching staff here are subject to strict selection. The integration of technology and meaningful interaction with students' families makes education more advanced. Education in Canada is conducted in English and French.

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8. Netherlands

The quality of Dutch education is evidenced by the fact that the population of this country is recognized as the most well-read in the world. Here, all levels of education are free, although there are paid private schools in Holland. Peculiarity local system education is that students under 16 years of age must devote their entire day to education. Teenagers can then choose whether they should continue studying all day or reduce their study time, which determines whether they will strive to obtain a higher education or be content with primary education. In the Netherlands, in addition to secular educational institutions, there are also religious ones.

9. Ireland

The Irish education system is also considered one of the best in the world, if only because it is absolutely free, including in colleges and universities. Such successes in the field of education did not go unnoticed in the world, which is why this modest island also made it into such an honorable rating. Currently, Icelandic education has a clear bias towards the study and teaching of the Irish language. Primary education is compulsory for all Irish children and all educational establishments, including private ones, are financed by the government of the country. Its goal is to provide quality and free education to all residents of the island and at all levels. Therefore, 89% of the Irish population has completed compulsory secondary education. But free education does not apply to foreign students - even young people who come from the European Union must pay tuition here, and if they work here at the same time, they pay taxes.

10. Poland

Back in the 12th century, an education system began to take shape in Poland. It is interesting that it was here that the first Ministry of Education appeared, which to this day copes with its tasks perfectly. The successes of Polish education have a variety of confirmations, for example, Polish students have repeatedly become winners of various international competitions in mathematics and basic sciences. The country has a very high literacy rate. Thanks to the consistently high quality of education, Polish universities are ranked in many countries. Students from abroad also tend to come here.

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People like to make various ratings and classify countries according to different criteria. In this case, various factors are usually taken into account. Let's look at such a factor as the quality of education in more detail. Check out the list of countries with the highest quality education! To compile the list, we took into account educational traditions and the availability of a system, as well as the value of such education in the world and the number of people with a diploma.


The Russian Federation is one of the most educated countries. For example, compared to China, there are four times more people with higher education. All this allows Russia to take a worthy position in the world; they really provide a good level of knowledge here.


Canada also made the list of the most educated. In this North American country, eighty-nine percent of people can boast of higher education. People between the ages of 25 and 64 can obtain a diploma without any difficulty.


Japan has the highest educational level. Almost fifty percent of Japanese adults can boast a science degree. This is one of the states where university education is well developed. There is the highest level of literacy here: almost one hundred percent of the population is able to read and write, perform mathematical operations and the like.


This is a country where many people are able to obtain an academic degree. Higher education is held in high esteem here. Only sixteen percent of the population aged 25 to 64 were unable to complete their higher education.


On average, only forty-three percent of Americans can boast a degree. Nevertheless, this is a fairly high level of knowledge. Recent studies have shown that the quality of education in the States is beginning to decline. One way or another, eighty percent of the people were able to get a diploma.

South Korea

This is one of the strongest states in terms of science, where almost half of adults have received a scientific degree. Sixty-six percent of the population between the ages of 25 and 64 were able to graduate from higher education without difficulty. The literacy rate in South Korea seems no less impressive; it is one of the highest in Asia.


Australia has a fairly high level of education, and many people obtain diplomas, but there are not many scientific degrees here. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that studying in Australia takes an impressive amount of time, which not everyone can afford.

Great Britain

In the UK, forty-one percent of the population can boast a degree. This is a country that holds the record for the number of female students aged 25 to 34 years. Most students earn a degree rather than just attend college or technical school.

New Zealand

There are many people with higher education in this country. In addition, according to statistics, almost ninety-one percent of children aged three to four years are involved in the early education system. There is an impressive level of literacy in any age group: almost all residents of this country can read and write well.


There are almost forty percent of people here with a bachelor's degree or higher. In addition, almost one hundred percent of children attend school. Ninety-three percent of Irish students complete their education successfully. Equally impressive is the literacy rate.


Germany has a free public education system. In many countries scientific degrees are taken into account, but in Germany it is generally accepted. In addition, this country has the highest literacy rate in the entire world.


This is a country where children are required to attend school. The Finnish government has taken full responsibility for the level of education of the country's residents.

Netherlands and Norway

These countries attract attention because there are many educational programs with detailed information about them. There is an opportunity to study here for everyone.


When talking about the level of knowledge in Asian countries, the Philippines should be mentioned first. There is a lot of talent in this country. This is a country with beautiful nature and national cuisine Moreover, its residents are among the most successful in the world. This is not only a great holiday destination, but also a good choice to get an education. Not only are the people here literate, most of them also speak English, which says a lot about the quality of education in this state.


This is another Asian country that deserves a high place in the list of the most educated countries. In India rich history, there are highly developed technologies and interesting traditions. It’s not only nice to live here, it’s also great to get an education here. There is everything a student needs. India has educational institutions of the highest level, the diplomas of which are valued all over the world. Students come there from different countries. This is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to get an education.


Taiwan is a beautiful country with a strong economy and protected human rights. The state has an excellent educational system. There are more than a hundred institutions of various scientific fields here. Even children study computer technology, art and science. There are many schools and other institutions throughout the country that make education accessible to all residents.


The educational system in France is characterized by a fairly high level of quality. There are more than a hundred academic institutions where you can earn a degree. Ninety percent of the population has a diploma, and twenty percent are engaged in science after receiving it. In addition, France actively cooperates with foreign institutions: the country has many representative offices of prestigious educational institutions from all over the world.


Poland is one of the most educated countries in all of Europe. According to recent estimates, it ranks fifth on the continent and eleventh in the world. Polish schools deserve the highest praise. The level of education here is even higher than in Great Britain and the United States. The most prominent institutions here are related to mathematics and science. School students in Poland show excellent results in exams.


This is another European state that impresses with its high level of knowledge. It has one of the best educational systems in the world. In 2009, two hundred thousand people were engaged in education. It seems that the Swiss understand not only banking systems, but also in gaining knowledge. This is where significant organizations are located that provide jobs to people from all over the world. There are excellent science programs for students who want to major in economics.


In Spain, education is government-sponsored and compulsory for children between the ages of six and sixteen. Students usually study from nine to five, with a two-hour break in the middle of the day. In 2003, it was found that more than ninety-seven percent of the residents of this state can boast of a good education. There is the highest level of literacy here, which is only growing. People over fifteen can write, read and speak fluently different languages. This says a lot about the school system.

The UN program for the study of social processes involves a global study of human development. The main focus is the level of knowledge.

The development of a country largely depends on the literacy of the population and the quality of education. Similar conclusions were made back in the 19th century; today nothing has changed. However, there are areas in the world where residents do not have the opportunity to complete school. There is no question of obtaining a university diploma. We present a list of countries by level of education for 2019.

Education Index Concept

There are several indicators of social development of the population, one of which is the level of education in the country. The UN is studying the issue according to the UNDP program created in 1980. The goal is to calculate the human development index (HDI), which consists of several indicators:

  • GDP level;
  • life expectancy;
  • education index.

The last parameter reflects the percentage of the literate population and is calculated by complex scheme. International experts, UN representatives, and employees of the UNESCO Institute of Statistics are studying the issue. When conducting a population census, the questionnaire contains a question about a person’s level of knowledge; the collected information goes into a database.

HDI world map for 2018. The more intense the blue color, the higher the index

Personal development is a complex concept that implies the right to a long, dignified life, education, political freedoms and a guarantee of human rights. The concept of HDI was developed by an economist from Pakistan in 1990. In the same year, a detailed report by the organization on the topic of human development was published, in which the view on this topic changed for the first time. From this year, social development was assessed not only by the level of national income, but also by the quality of development of medicine and education.

The Education Index is not compiled from subjective assessments of experts, but according to real indicators.

How is EI calculated and what does it affect?

For calculations, two types of statistical reports on topics are used:

  1. share of students in schools, kindergartens, colleges, universities;
  2. the proportion of a country's adult citizens who are literate.

Estimation of literacy levels on the planet by age

Information obtained from different sources is compared, and average scores for each item are calculated. Additionally, the average and expected duration of education of citizens is taken into account.

The indicators are summed up, with the first taken in a ratio of 1/3, the second - 2/3. As a result, a country’s educational level index is formed, expressed as a number from 0 to 1. Note that the life expectancy of citizens and the standard of living according to GDP per capita are standardized in the same way.

As a result, the geometric mean of the three indicators is the Human Development Index (HDI). The leader of the list over the past 10 years is Norway.

Important! A number of countries that have achieved development do not collect statistics on the level of education of the population. For them, the default literacy rate is 99%. In practice, this means that every citizen has access to all stages of education. There are kindergartens and schools in every locality, and there are no restrictions on obtaining a bachelor's or specialist's degree.

Rating of institutions by specialty of study

Obtaining a specialty and a higher education diploma does not guarantee a person a high salary. People in developing countries often forget this. The choice of profession should be approached consciously. A good education received today is an investment in the future.

A number of specialties require improving the quality of knowledge throughout life, since the technological process does not stand still. Doctors, lawyers, managers, engineers must regularly improve themselves.

Let's talk about the most common areas of study today. Let's compare foreign and Russian programs.

Legal education

A profile study of legal activity that implies a body of knowledge about the state, its laws, and governance.

In Russia it is divided into:

  • specialized secondary;
  • higher.

Assessment of the quality of world universities in the field of jurisprudence from

In Western countries, the stages of preparation are similar; there are retraining and pre-university courses. According to the rating, based on a study of the diplomas of lawyers from leading foreign companies, the top 5 countries look like this:

  1. USA (Columbia Low School, Harvard Low School, Georgetown University);
  2. UK (King's College, Oxford University, BPP Low School);
  3. Germany (Hamburg University);
  4. Netherlands (Leiden University);
  5. France (University de Paris).

In Russia, Moscow State University, Moscow State Law Academy, and MGIMO are recognized as leading universities in terms of the quality of legal education.

Economic Education

Applicants for professions with an economic focus are becoming more and more common in the world. Training is based on data about current state economics and analysis of efforts that could improve the course.

IN developed countries The system of specialized economic education is supported by the state and promoted with the help of public organizations. For this reason, the following universities are recognized as the most promising:

  • Harvard University (USA);
  • University of Chicago (USA);
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA);
  • Princeton University (USA).

Harvard University produces the world's best economists

Economic diplomas provided by Singapore, Great Britain, and South Korea are valued throughout the world.

Technical education

Technological progress does not stand still. The ranking of the most promising technical education includes universities from the following countries:

  • Great Britain;
  • Japan;
  • Singapore;
  • China.

Educational institutions on the basis of which industrial engineering, aerospace, and engineering are studied are taken into account. According to the portal “My Education” the best technical universities Russia recognized:

  1. MEPhI;
  2. Bauman MSTU;
  3. ITMO;
  4. SUAI;

MEPhI is the best platform for studying in Russia in a technical specialty

Natural Sciences

The study of nature is more relevant today than ever before. Support is provided to programs for the protection of flora and fauna and the search for a safe ecological model for various territories and zones. Young people are interested in problems environment and tries to choose for this best universities. The world ranking of countries includes:

  1. Great Britain;
  2. Germany;
  3. China;
  4. Australia.

Harvard was named the best university in 2018.

Medical education

The development of medicine in the country is one of the types of support for the population, providing decent quality life. A number of developing countries have programs to train students abroad in the best educational institutions in the world with the goal of producing a generation of qualified specialists. The most rated educational institutions are located in:

  • Great Britain;
  • Sweden;
  • Australia;
  • Germany.

According to the My Education portal, the best medical universities in Russia are:

  • Sechenov Moscow State Medical University;
  • Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University;
  • Siberian State Medical University;
  • PSPbSMU;
  • Northwestern State Medical University named after Mechnikov.

The best Russian university for future medical workers is Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov

Humanities education

The humanities include philology, linguistics, psychology, religious studies, anthropology, and so on. Universities in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and Hong Kong are actively moving in this direction.

Main levels of education in Russia

The process of teaching specialties in Russia has not developed for a long time. Dramatic changes occurred after October revolution 1917, when access to education and culture became free, classless. The Soviet government set itself the problem of eliminating illiteracy.

Since then, the system has undergone several reforms. IN modern form, as in the Soviet years, it is divided into the following levels:

  • general (including preschool and three general levels);
  • professional.

General education

This level is required for everyone and is available. Each child sequentially overcomes stages, gaining knowledge. The goal is the formation of personality, moral beliefs, and the development of specific abilities.

School “President” in the village of Zhukovka near Moscow

General schooling is divided into three stages:

  • primary (4 grades);
  • basic (5 classes);
  • average (2 classes).

The transition from one stage to another is possible only after certification.

Professional education

Obtaining a profession in Russia is a person’s voluntary choice. Vocational training is divided into:

  • average;
  • higher.

To meet the needs of citizens, there are public and private colleges, institutes, academies, and universities. Higher degree diplomas are classified according to the duration of study:

  • Bachelor (4 years);
  • specialist (5 years);
  • Master's degree (2 additional years).

Third level vocational training involves defending the degrees of a graduate student or a resident.

Rating by individual stages of education

The level of education in countries around the world can vary significantly. Public organizations conduct research, trying to identify the quality of education at different stages. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ratings.

Secondary education

According to OECD PISA, an organization that studies the quality of school education in the world, the ranking of countries in 2015 is as follows:

  1. Singapore;
  2. Japan;
  3. Estonia;
  4. Taiwan;
  5. Finland;
  6. Macau;
  7. Canada;
  8. Vietnam;
  9. Hong Kong;

Research for 2018 has been completed, the results will be published in December 2019. Thousands of children took part in the literacy assessment program.

Latest survey results from OECD PISA

Higher education (bachelor's and master's degrees)

Residents of developed countries have the highest level of higher education. The list below is based on data from the U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems and is updated annually.

  • Switzerland;
  • Great Britain;
  • Denmark;
  • Sweden;
  • Singapore;
  • Canada;
  • Netherlands;
  • Finland;
  • Australia.

The results of training are scientific research, publications, further employment of graduates, and the demand for the profession in the labor market. Students with a bachelor's degree sometimes try to complete a master's degree.

MBA (Business Administration)

Obtaining an MBA degree from business schools is an opportunity to enhance your knowledge. A number of institutions offer a 1-year program, which was popular, but eventually lost first place to the standard 2-year programs.

US only MBA degree receives 12 thousand students. Schools in America and Great Britain are considered the most promising in this direction.

Postgraduate studies

  • Oxford;
  • Cambridge.

List of the best countries for educational emigration

Those who are considering moving abroad to begin or continue their studies should pay attention to universities in the UK and USA. The requirements for students are high.

The USA is the best country for educational emigration

In Europe, it is also worth considering educational institutions in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. In Asia, the education systems of Hong Kong and Singapore are popular.

TOP 13 countries by level of education

Let's return to the topic of accessibility and quality of education in the world. It is recognized that this factor is capable of uniting the nation and forcing citizens to work for the benefit of the state. The top 13 countries by educational level in 2018 are presented in the table.

Place A country Index
1 Australia 0,939
2 Denmark 0,923
3 New Zealand 0,917
4 0,916
5 Germany 0,914
6 Ireland 0,910
7 Iceland 0,906
8 USA 0,900
9 Netherlands 0,897
10 Great Britain 0,896
11 Switzerland 0,891
12 Canada 0,890
13 Slovenia 0,886

Russia received a combined index of 0.816 and took 34th place.


  1. The Education Index (EI) is not a criterion for assessing the quality of education in schools and institutes. It shows the percentage of accessibility of educational institutions, the proportion of literate citizens, the average rate of education for each adult citizen. The score you receive affects how the HDI (Human Development Index) will be assessed by the UN.
  2. Analyzing individual areas of study, the conclusion suggests itself: the first lines of world rankings among universities are occupied by educational institutions in the USA and Great Britain.
  3. In Russia, general education is compulsory; vocational education is optional.
  4. If you need to obtain an international diploma, you should pay attention to universities in the USA, Western Europe, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
  5. The first places in the education index in 2018 are Australia, Denmark and New Zealand.

Considered the standard of academic preparation. The education system in Great Britain is based on centuries-old traditions, but this does not prevent it from being modern and keeping up with new technologies.

Diplomas English schools and universities are valued all over the world, and the education received serves as an excellent start for an international career. Every year more than 50 thousand foreign students come here to study.

about country

Great Britain, despite its conservatism, is one of the most prosperous countries in Europe. She played important role in the creation of parliamentary democracy, the development of world science and art, for several centuries this country was the legislator in the world of art, literature, music and fashion. Many have been made in the UK important discoveries: steam locomotive, modern bicycle, stereo sound, antibiotics, HTML and many others. Most GDP today comes from services, especially banking, insurance, education and tourism, while manufacturing's share is declining, accounting for only 18% of the workforce.

The UK is a great place to practice English and not only because it is the official language. This is also a great opportunity to master the “British accent” and get acquainted with the culture of this great power. The myths about British reserve are somewhat exaggerated - residents will be interested in chatting with you, and any shop assistant will be happy to chat about the weather and local news before handing out a check.

  • included in the top 20 countries in terms of happiness according to analysts of the international project “Network of Sustainable Development Solutions” (2014-2016)
  • included in the top 10 countries in the world in terms of living standards Prosperity Index-2016 (5th place in terms of conditions for doing business, 6th place in terms of education level)
  • London - 3rd place in the ranking of the best cities in the world for students (Best Student Cities-2017)

Secondary education

Each British school has a history and centuries-old traditions passed down from generation to generation. Among the graduates of private schools are members of the royal family and prominent people: Prince William and his father Prince Charles of Wales, British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain, mathematician and writer Lewis Carroll, Indira Gandhi and many others.

Most British schools are located in small towns or further afield. settlements and are surrounded by magnificent nature, which ensures the safety of living and studying for children. Classes are small, 10-15 people each, so the teacher knows each student and his characteristics well. In addition to the main program, an important place is given to creative and sports activities - from field hockey to pottery.

International students can enroll in a private boarding school at the age of 14 for the GCSE program - program high school, at the end of which the student passes 6-8 exams and then proceeds to the A-level or International Baccalaureate (IB) high school programs. If at A-Level a student chooses 3-4 subjects to study, then at IB - 6 out of 6 thematic blocks: mathematics, art, natural sciences, people and society, foreign languages, basic language and literature. Children choose compulsory and optional subjects according to their plans for higher education. Starting from the 9th grade, university admissions consultants work with students to help them decide on the direction of study, choose suitable universities and prepare well for submitting an application. A high school diploma allows students to enter universities around the world.

Higher education

Great Britain has been a leader in higher education for several centuries. The high quality of education is confirmed by independent ratings.

Of course, the most famous universities with an impeccable reputation, which applicants from all over the world strive to get into, are the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. However, other British universities, for example, University of Edinburgh, University of Exeter. University of Sheffield give quality training in all areas of knowledge.

  • 6 British universities are in the top 20 according to the QS ranking 2016/2017
  • 7 universities are in the top 50 according to THE World University Rankings-2016
  • 8 universities are in the top 100 of the Shanghai ranking 2016