What is included in yogurt. Chemical composition and nutritional value of yoghurts. Dietary properties Yogurt nutritional value content per 100 g

Everyone knows and many people love the fermented milk product yogurt. Today there are a great variety of its varieties on the market. And, according to statistics, the adult population eats yogurt more and more willingly than children.

However, how can one determine which manufacturer actually produces useful product, rich in nutrients, and what is just another delicacy or delicious dessert? Is yogurt always good for you and can you harm your body by eating it every day?

It is difficult to determine where and when this delicious dessert appeared, but it has been reliably proven that this fermented thick kefir, which is practically harmless, has a history of creation that is more than seven thousand years long. Scientists agree that yogurt is a product of ancient nomads who filled their wineskins with milk before going on a long journey. During the hikes, under the influence of oxygen and bacteria that got into the containers, the product began to ferment, and during the movement it was thoroughly shaken.

The benefits of yogurt were noted by the ancient Turkic nomads, who called it living oxygen. And the Greek product is still considered one of the best for health. Until now, the method of preparing Greek yogurt is considered the best. Indian peasants achieved fermentation and the desired consistency by pouring it from one vessel to another under the scorching sun. This homemade yogurt was considered the best for health.

The nutritional value

Yogurt is a nutritious and energetically valuable product, the benefits of which have been proven by nutritionists in many countries around the world. To determine the benefits of yogurt for human health, let’s consider its nutritional value using the example of a natural product with a fat content of 3.2%. Calorie content per 100 grams – 68 kcal.



With correctly followed technology, vitamins are a whole storehouse of substances that are useful and necessary for the body, and do not cause harm if the shelf life is observed. Natural yoghurts contain the following vitamins - A, PP, Beta-carotene, RE (A), Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pyridoxine (B6), Cobalamin (B12), C, Choline.

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 0.01
Vitamin B1 0.03
Vitamin B2 0.15
Vitamin B3 1.2
Vitamin B5 0.3
Vitamin B6 0.05
Vitamin C 0.6


per 100 grams of product mineral content mg
Potassium 152
Calcium 124
Chlorine 100
Phosphorus 95
Sodium 50
Sulfur 27
Magnesium 15
Zinc 0.4
Iron 0.1

Thanks to such a rich content of various nutrients and elements beneficial to the body, yogurt rightfully occupies one of the leading places among food products in the dairy industry. Manufacturers who have put its production on stream produce them in various consistencies, with various vegetable and fruit additives, including prunes for baby and dietary food. Greek yogurt, aged and prepared using all technologies, is considered mineralized and healthy.

Store-bought and homemade yoghurts

Fermented milk products made using technologies approved by the Ministry of Food Industry and approved by the Ministry of Health are considered healthy and not harmful to health. Cooking involves adding microorganisms such as lactobacilli to the ingredients.

The industry also produces drinking yoghurts, the benefits of which are no less than ordinary ones. However, to increase shelf life, some manufacturers pasteurize the product. Part of microelements, nutrients and beneficial properties they are lost during such processing, so the expiration date on the bottle or packaging, in order not to cause harm, should not exceed 30 days from the date of preparation. Then the benefits of yogurt will be obvious.

Is it possible to prepare the product at home? Yes, sure. Homemade is even more useful than store-bought, since during the manufacturing process you know for sure that the technology is not broken, it will not harm your health and everything is added to the composition necessary ingredients. By purchasing a special starter at the pharmacy and following the recipe (for example, Greek yogurt), you can get a homemade product without concentrates and stabilizers, preserving all the vitamins for just 5-6 hours.

Useful qualities

In order for yogurt to bring tangible benefits to your body, it should be included in your daily diet. The only thing you need to remember is that the product must be “live” and without additives.

Domestic production has mastered the production of products that are as close in composition to natural fermented milk as possible. For example, the composition of Miracle yogurt, the benefits of which have been confirmed by laboratory studies, does not contain additives and its taste resembles a homemade product. Such a product will never harm your health.

Useful qualities:

  1. It is digested in the human body much faster than all dairy and fermented milk products, which makes it the basis of nutrition for people prone to allergic reactions and suffering from lactose intolerance;
  2. Daily consumption stabilizes the microflora of the small and large intestines; with prunes it is beneficial for stomach problems;
  3. Promotion immune system the body, helping the body produce interferon, strengthening the protective properties against infectious diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  4. Thanks to the high calcium content, it strengthens the skeletal and muscular systems.

Greek yogurt

A product such as Greek is gaining great popularity, healing properties which is also widely known. The Greek product is made from cottage cheese and is called Dahi or Labane among consumers. It is enriched with calcium, protein and cholesterol and does not harm the body. The manufacturing technology is designed in such a way that the daily requirement of these nutrients will enter the human body if Greek yogurt is consumed regularly.

Possible harm

The harm of yogurt can only lie in the fact that unscrupulous manufacturers, to enhance the taste and color, add growth stimulants, antibiotics and preservatives to the product, which increase acidity and provoke diseases such as caries, diarrhea, and flatulence.

The use of this fermented milk delicacy has always caused controversy, and claims that it is healthy are questioned from time to time. Like every product for strengthening and healing the body, yoghurts should be selected individually, taking into account the peculiarities of human digestion.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the composition. The number of additives in the list of ingredients should not exceed 30%, then the product can be considered similar to natural. Consult your doctor to see if you need to use it regularly or if you just need to occasionally enjoy this tasty and fresh fermented milk product.

The dairy industry is an industry that plays a special role in solving problems of providing the population with food. Dairy products are in demand by all segments of the population, regardless of age, place of residence and financial situation of consumers, therefore the dairy products market is developing dynamically. The importance of the role of the dairy market is determined not only by the significant volumes of production, sales and consumption of milk and dairy products, but also by their social significance.

The products of the dairy industry as a whole can be divided into two segments: the segment of traditional products (sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, butter, cheese) and new products (yogurt product, desserts, puddings with milk, flavored milk, fortified products).

Currently, there are no significant changes in the structure of dairy categories on average. It should be noted that the segment of traditional products in monetary terms changes in accordance with changes in the income of the population. This segment has growth prospects in physical terms, since the consumption of dairy products in this segment is assessed as insufficient due to low purchasing power population. The segment of new dairy products will actively grow in value and volume terms with rising household incomes. Products in this segment are currently relatively expensive, which results in low consumption volumes compared to European countries. This market segment is more attractive for large companies, as they have the opportunity to buy modern, expensive equipment and ensure higher production profitability.

There are practically no changes in the dairy market of traditional categories. Despite the growth of new products presented by dairy producers, the main turnover in this category is still determined by traditional products. However, it should be noted that an important source of profit for companies is innovative products, which, against the backdrop of stagnation in the traditional segment, ensure stable growth of the entire category. There is also an increase in the consumption of packaged dairy products, active development of the yogurt and dessert segment, fortified and functional products. Fast-growing segments also include dairy desserts and puddings. Consumers increasingly prefer natural products. Accordingly, luxury yogurt manufacturers are reorienting themselves to producing products without flavors or additives.

In retail trade due to relevance healthy eating National dairy products (kumys, tan, ayran) appear. Consequently, the demand for new products offered by the largest companies is currently growing quite rapidly.

Current state The dairy market is characterized by the fact that numerous manufacturers offer consumers products with similar names, similar functional properties and in a price range close to each other. In conditions of fierce competition, it is important to skillfully differentiate your product and promote it effectively.

In their marketing proposals, producers of milk and dairy products, in order to promote their products, draw the attention of consumers to naturalness, environmental friendliness and high quality. The priorities of naturalness and tradition are among the effective marketing strategies in promoting dairy products. Popularity and fashion theme healthy image lives today also help to effectively promote dairy products. One of the most common techniques in promoting dairy products is promises of the benefits of consuming dairy products: health, beauty, Have a good mood and well-being.

Segmenting consumers is key in product promotion because it encourages companies to take into account the needs of individual groups, provides ample opportunities to meet consumer needs more effectively than competitors, and ensures growth in sales and profits. Geographic segmentation also plays an important role.

In addition, the requirements for the quality of dairy raw materials have increased, and further down the chain - for products made from them. For us as ordinary consumers, as well as for the health of the economy, this is a very positive measure. The only thing without which the industry cannot become healthy and competitive is without strict administrative control over the implementation of the law by raw milk producers and processors. Supervisory, veterinary, and sanitary authorities must, not limiting themselves to issuing absentee permits, ensure that in real life the technologies and production conditions on farms and factories comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations.

The nutritional value of yoghurt is determined by the composition and properties of the initial components of milk. The presence of lactic acid microorganisms in the composition, capable of suppressing putrefactive microflora, leads to inhibition of the putrefactive breakdown of proteins, prevents the formation of toxic products that enter the human blood and cause aging of the body.

The yoghurt product consists of milk and a starter containing cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus, but in different countries Around the world, the composition of yogurt is treated more or less strictly.

Table 1 - Content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content of yogurt product

Note - Source: .

The yogurt product is useful due to the presence of complete protein in its composition. It must be included in the diet to prevent various diseases.

Essential amino acids that make up proteins are important role in human nutrition, since the absence or deficiency of one or more essential amino acids in food leads to a negative nitrogen balance in the body, disturbances in protein biosynthesis, metabolic disorders, stunted growth and development, nervous disorders, depression and other negative consequences.

The daily requirement of an adult for each of the essential amino acids is on average about 1 g. Thus, dietary fermented milk products satisfy daily requirement adult human in essential amino acids in small quantities (0.03-0.39%). At the same time, the yogurt product has the highest total amount of essential amino acids (2.088 g). The yogurt product also has the highest total amount of nonessential amino acids (3.107 g). Consequently, the yogurt product of all the analyzed products has the highest total amount of nonessential and essential amino acids (5.195 g).

The high digestibility of yoghurt products is explained by the fact that they affect the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, causing the glands digestive tract Enzymes are released more intensely, accelerating the digestion of food.

Yogurt product, due to the content of lactic acid and carbon dioxide, have a number of remarkable properties: they stimulate appetite, quench thirst, increase the secretion of gastric juice, enhance peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, improve kidney function, transfer to humans all the nutritional elements of milk, contain methionine, choline, calcium, and have antibiotic properties.

Yogurt products are digested faster than natural milk, since the lactose and proteins in them are partially hydrolyzed. The content of B vitamins in them is higher than in milk, since the microflora of the starter is capable of synthesizing them.

The differences between yoghurt and yoghurt product lie in the method of production, heat treatment, microorganism content, temperature and shelf life.

A product that does not contain at least 10 7 CFU of microorganisms in the finished product at the end of the shelf life cannot contain the name “yogurt” on the packaging. It may be called a "yogurt product".

The composition of yoghurts and yoghurt products necessarily contains a starter in the form of a mixture of pure cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and lactic acid Bulgarian bacillus.

According to STB 1552-2012, yogurt should not undergo heat treatment. Accordingly, a product that has undergone thermization, as a result of which its fermented milk microflora has died, is a yogurt product.

You can store yoghurt at a temperature of 4 to 6 degrees, yoghurt products - from 4 to 25.

The shelf life of yoghurts is no more than 1 month, yoghurt products - 3 months.

I make yoghurt products according to technical specifications(TU BY), developed by manufacturers, in accordance with the requirements of STB 1552-2012, TR TS 033.

Yogurt products are intended for sale and direct consumption.

Yoghurt products made from a normalized pasteurized mixture cow's milk, sugar and stabilizer by fermenting it with pure cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococci (Streptococcus thermophilus) and lactic acid Bulgarian bacillus (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus), mixing the curd with or without the introduction of flavoring products and subsequent special heat treatment.

Product Types

Depending on the mass fraction of fat and raw materials used, yoghurt products are manufactured in the following types:

Thermized yogurt product 6.0%, 5.0%, 4.0%, 3.0%, 2.0%, 1.0% fat content”;

Yoghurt product with food flavorings 9.0%, 8.0%, 7.0%, 6.0%, 5.0%, 4.0%, 3.0%, 2.0%, 1.0%- fat content thermized;

Yoghurt product with fruit 1.5% fat or low fat.

Specially prepared foods are used as food flavoring products:

Natural or canned berries;

Mixtures of natural or canned fruits and berries, grain products, dried fruits.

Yogurt product shelf life - 3 months (long shelf life is achieved through heat treatment of the product, during which starter cultures and other types of microorganisms die, so yogurt processed in this way turns into a long-term shelf life product) storage temperature - +4...+25 degrees on the packaging there is the term “thermalized yoghurt product”.

Yogurt is a fermented milk product that is unique in many respects. Firstly, two cultures of lactic acid microorganisms are used in its production - Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. It is the collaboration of these two bacteria that provides yogurt with special qualities that distinguish it from other fermented milk products.

Secondly, yogurt fully retains its beneficial properties during industrial production (which is much more difficult to achieve in the production of, for example, kumys), and its technology is completely controllable and manageable at all stages. This product is compatible with many flavoring additives, so it meets any need.

Third, because yogurt is made from milk that is fortified with nonfat milk solids, it contains more protein and minerals than milk itself and other fermented milk products. The additional content of dry substances, in addition, promotes the survival of lactic acid flora and bifidobacteria, if they are included in the product.

Both yogurt bacteria work together to ferment casein (the main protein in milk), turning it into easily digestible peptides and amino acids. This property of yogurt is especially important for people with atrophic gastritis, gastric motility disorders and protein deficiency, so it is useful for such patients to include it in their diet.

Compared to other microorganisms used in the production of fermented milk products, yogurt starter ferments the main carbohydrate of milk, lactose, much more actively. The decrease in milk sugar concentration in yogurt is combined with the presence of a high number of living microorganisms that contain their own enzymes that digest lactose. This produces a replacement effect in the intestines, and people with lactase deficiency (lactase is an enzyme that helps digest lactose), whose bodies cannot digest cow's milk, tolerate yogurt just fine.

The bacteria used to make yogurt are even resistant to gastric juice and bile acids. They tolerate the unfavorable environment of the upper digestive tract better than many other microorganisms, which allows them to reach the colon, where their beneficial effects are mainly realized. And it is very multifaceted. In particular, the Bulgarian bacillus, like some other lactic acid bacteria (cheese stick, acidophilus bacillus), is capable of suppressing the proliferation of harmful putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria, as well as displacing pathogens of intestinal infections from the intestines - salmonella, shigella (causative agents of dysentery), enteropathogenic E. coli. This is ensured by the production of beneficial microflora lactic acid and antibiotic-like substances.

This fermented milk product is made from milk that is fermented with the help of special bacteria. It is thanks to the bacteria that make up yogurt that it becomes so healthy.

Yogurts come in different varieties; you should distinguish between homemade and store-bought products; they have different properties, depending on the components they contain. They use various starters and add additional ingredients that affect the quality of the product, as well as its beneficial properties.

History of origin

“Yogurt” translated from Turkish means “condensed”. Initially, nomads began to eat it. They transported milk in vessels, and in the process of shaking, under the influence of heat, it began to ferment.

Bulgaria is also considered the birthplace of this delicious dessert, where people were actively involved in sheep farming. According to another version, yogurt arose at the time of the resettlement of peoples to the lands of Bulgaria. People who arrived from the Taman Peninsula brought with them a starter culture, which was the ancestor of modern yogurt.

Previously this product was exclusively medicine. Studies have found that the drink increases life expectancy. In modern Bulgaria they often close large productions yoghurts due to the fact that they do not correspond to those healthy recipes which were used in ancient times.

Manufacturing process

This product is produced using a yogurt starter that contains bacteria. Initially, bacteria are mixed with milk and the drink is exposed to certain temperatures, resulting in yogurt.

Industrial production uses stabilizers to help make the product thicker. To increase shelf life, it is subjected to heat treatment, which kills bacteria. Such actions reduce the quality of the product and deprive it of its beneficial properties.

You can make natural and healthy yogurt at home; it’s not difficult at all. To do this, you will need a natural starter, into which you will need to add preheated milk and place this mixture in a warm place. The fermentation process will gradually begin, which will transform the original liquid into a useful product.

You can also use a yogurt maker; with it you can prepare a more technically correct yogurt. The technology of this product is designed in such a way that the required temperature is maintained during the processing process, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. The end result will be the most natural and healthy product possible.

The calorie content of the resulting treat will depend on the fat content of the milk. If you want to prepare a more dietary yogurt, then you need to take milk with less fat content. In this case, the product will promote weight loss.

Composition of fermented milk drink

Manufacturers often add various additives, flavors and fruits to drinking yogurt. But the most important ingredients are the bacteria that make it so beneficial.

Yogurt is made by adding several types of beneficial bacteria:

  • thermophilic streptococcus;
  • Bulgarian stick;
  • acidophilus bacillus;
  • bifidobacteria.

After adding these bacteria, lactose is converted into lactic acid, the taste becomes more delicate and the consistency becomes thicker. Yogurt has biological activity due to the presence of probiotics in its composition.

The product contains vitamins and minerals.

The mineral composition of the product is as follows:

And this table shows which vitamins are included in the fermented milk drink:

Name mg per 100 g

Eating yogurt daily will help produce natural interferon, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system. Yogurt will help remove waste and toxins from the body naturally and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Benefits for the body

A product that is prepared according to the right technology, meets international standards, very useful. If the composition does not include preservatives, flavors, or stabilizers, it has a large list of useful qualities, including medicinal ones.

In ancient times, yogurt was considered the source of life. To some extent, this opinion is true, since this drink can affect all systems of the human body.

First of all, regular consumption of this product improves the digestion process, improves metabolism and normalizes intestinal microflora. When yogurt is included in a person’s diet, a person’s appetite improves and the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed.

Fermented milk drink can slow down the aging process. This is possible thanks to lactic acid, which is included in the composition. Being in the body, this acid prevents food from rotting in the intestines. It also helps absorb nutrients.

A person who often eats yogurt is less susceptible to infectious diseases, since the drink has antibacterial properties and strengthens the body's protective functions. Yogurt can be used by people who want to lose weight; the product speeds up the process of losing excess weight.

The list of positive properties is extensive, but there are also disadvantages to this fermented milk product. Do not forget about individual intolerance; people with increased acidity stomach.

How to find a quality product

Store-bought fermented milk products are not natural, so you shouldn’t expect any benefits from most of them. A large number of preservatives, thickeners, dyes, and flavors are added to yoghurts, which makes them harmful to the body. In some cases, such a product can cause stomach upset, an allergic reaction, diarrhea and flatulence.

Manufacturers who are conscientious about their work quickly release a high-quality and useful product to the market. To find such a product on the counter, you need to carefully read the composition. First of all, you should look at the shelf life - it should not exceed seven days. The more additives it contains, the further its quality is from the natural product. Be sure to read which lactic acid bacteria are in the ingredient list.

It is best to give preference to a homemade product. The preparation process is simple, it won’t take much time, but you can be sure of the quality and naturalness of the finished delicacy. You can also add fruits to it, which will make it even more delicious.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I"

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Technology

Department of Obstetrics and Physiology of Farm Animals

Coursework on the topic:

Nutritional value of yogurt. Assessing its quality.

(Pasteurized fruit yoghurt drink “Ermigurt drinking”)

Completed by: full-time student

FVM and TG 3rd year (VSE)

Shaforostova E.A.

Checked by: Associate Professor Ventsova I.Yu.

Voronezh, 2012


  1. Characteristics of food product……………………………………………………..5-9
  2. Requirements for raw materials………………………………………………………. 10-13
  3. Product quality examination……………………………………………………14- 18
  4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….19-22

List of references………………………………………………………..... ..........23


Milk is an extremely valuable product in human nutrition, because it contains all the necessary nutrients in a balanced state. Thus, 100 g of natural cow's milk contains on average 3.2 g of protein, 3.6 g of fat, 4.8 g of milk sugar and 87.3 g of water; calorie content is 64.4 kcal. Goat milk contains approximately the same amount of nutrients. Sheep milk has a higher protein and fat content (per 100 g, 5.6 and 7.7 g, respectively). Mare's milk, on the contrary, contains more milk sugar and less protein and fat (per 100 g, respectively 5.8 g, 1.9 G).

Milk proteins are easily absorbed by the body and contain all the amino acids vital for humans. They allow you to improve the overall balance of amino acids and proteins in the entire diet. Milk fat is the most complete in nutritional and biological properties. It contains deficient arachidonic acid and a protein-lecithin complex, which play an important role in metabolism. When milk is stored, individual fat globules rise to the top, forming a layer of cream. Milk fat has a low melting point (25-30 °C), so it is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Milk sugar (lactose) is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract more slowly than other sugars, without causing intense fermentation in the intestines. In addition, when milk sugar is fermented by lactic acid bacteria, an acidic reaction is formed in the intestines, which prevents the development of putrefactive processes. This is one of the most beneficial properties of milk and especially lactic acid products.

Fermented milk products are produced by fermenting milk or cream. These include sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, acidophilus products, kefir, yogurt, koumiss, etc. These products are highly nutritious, easy to digest and have good taste.

To produce yogurt, milk of various mammal species is used, which differs in chemical composition.

The quality of yogurt depends on the type of milk. For example, from the milk of a sheep, buffalo, or female deer, which has a high fat content, thick, creamy yogurt is obtained. It tastes superior to yogurt made from milk with less fat or artificially reduced fat, such as skim milk. The lactose contained in milk serves as the main nutrient for the starter microorganisms, and proteins play an important role in the formation of the curd structure. Thus, the viscosity, and therefore the consistency of yogurt, will depend on the protein content of the raw material. Yogurt made from unfortified mare's milk and donkey's milk will be more viscous than yogurt made from sheep's milk or doe's milk.

The taste of yogurt is formed mainly during complex biochemical processes occurring under the influence of starter microorganisms, however, differences in the taste of the source milk (depending on the type of animal) also affect the taste of the final product.

Since cow's milk is widely distributed in most countries of the world, further attention will be paid to its use as a raw material for the production of yogurt. It should be noted that the milk of cows of different breeds differs in the content of the main components (fat, protein, lactose, minerals).

At the same time, even in cows of the same breed, the chemical composition of milk is not constant and depends on the age of the animal, the stage of lactation, the time of year and air temperature, the completeness of milking and the interval between milkings, feeding, the health of the animal and a number of other factors.


Yogurt is a fermented milk product with a broken or undisturbed curd. It is obtained from skim or normalized pasteurized milk with a high content of dry fat-free milk substances by fermenting with a mixture of pure cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus, the concentration of which (in the living state) at the end of the shelf life of the product must be no less than 10 7 CFU/1 g. It can be produced with or without the addition of various food products, flavors and food additives. When producing bio-yogurt, bifidobacteria or acidophilus bacillus are also introduced, the concentration of which (in the living state) at the end of the shelf life must be at least 10 b CFU/1 g.

Depending on the raw materials used, yogurt and bioyogurt (hereinafter referred to as yogurt) are divided into the following types: yogurt made from natural milk; from normalized milk or normalized cream; from reconstituted (or partially reconstituted) milk.

Depending on the food flavoring products, flavorings and food additives used, yogurt is divided into fruit (vegetable) and flavored. Both yogurts can be produced fortified. Depending on the standardized mass fraction of fat, yogurt is divided into: low-fat milk (no more than 0.1%); low fat milk (from 0.3 to 1.0%); semi-fat milk (from 1.2 to 2.5%); classic milk (from 2.7 to 4.5%); milky cream (from 4.7 to 7.0); “zhyvochio-milk (from 7.5 to 9.5%); creamy (at least 10%).

For yoghurts, the mass fraction of milk protein is standardized - without fillers, no less than 3.2%, fruit (vegetable) protein, no less than 2.8%, as well as the mass fraction of nonfat milk solids, respectively, no less than 9.5 and 8.5%. The mass fraction of sucrose (for yoghurt produced with sugar) and total sugar in terms of invert sugar (for yoghurts with fruit and berry fillings), as well as the mass fraction of vitamins is established according to technical documentation.

In terms of organoleptic indicators, yogurt must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1 - Characteristics of yoghurt according to organoleptic indicators

In terms of physical and chemical indicators, yogurt must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

Table 2 - Characteristics of yogurt according to physical and chemical parameters

In terms of microbiological indicators, yogurt must meet the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3 - Characteristics of yoghurt according to microbiological indicators

Table 4 - Characteristics of yogurt according to the content of toxic elements

Yogurt should be stored at a temperature of (4±2)C for 14 days in a hermetically sealed container.

The range of yoghurts is very large, they can be classified:

By type of processing/shelf life - long-lived (3-6 months) and short-lived (1-4 weeks) yoghurts (long-lived yoghurts are subject to heat treatment or the addition of preservatives);

By fat content – ​​cream (about 7% fat content) and milk (up to 5% fat content);

By type of bacteria - regular yogurt and bio-yogurt, yogurt in which bifidobacteria are present;

By type of filler - with fresh fruits, flavors, other additives (chocolate, jam, jelly, nuts, cereals, etc.);

According to the presence of sugar - with or without added sugar.

Currently, there are three main types of yogurt.

  • Unflavored yoghurts without added fruit. It contains no sugar and no ingredients or additives. This type of yogurt is the most healthy.
  • Flavored yoghurts. They contain flavorings, both natural and identical to natural. Such flavorings are not harmful, however, they do not provide any benefit.
  • Yogurts with pieces of fruit. It is the most popular type of yoghurt. Various fruits and berries occupy approximately 30% of its volume. At the same time, all requirements for the content of necessary fermented milk products are met.

Nowadays, yoghurts have become so popular for a reason. Along with taste, yoghurts normalize intestinal function and are activators of the immune system. For this reason, in the West, yoghurts are consumed in quite a large quantities- from 13 to 35 kg per year per person (in Russia – 2-3 kg).

Yogurts are divided into “live” ones, containing live microbial cultures of the starter culture, and yogurts in which this starter culture is absent. The shelf life of “live” yogurt is relatively short - no more than 1 month and only in the refrigerator.


In accordance with the ISO 9000:1994 standard, quality is the set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy established and expected needs, i.e. assessment of product quality involves establishing its compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, safety requirements and satisfaction of consumer desires.

Requirements for standardized identification indicators of yogurt quality are established in GOST 51331-99.

Requirements for raw materials:

GOST R 51331-99

5.2.5 In terms of microbiological safety indicators, yogurt must comply with the “Hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products» 11 in relation to fermented milk drinks.

  1. Requirements for raw materials
  2. Used in the production of yogurt.
  • cow's milk, purchased not lower than second grade, with an acidity of not more than 19 T, a density of not less than 1027 kg/m 4 according to GOST R 52054;
  • pasteurized cow's milk according to GOST R 52090;
  • spray-dried whole milk powder of the highest grade in accordance with GOST 4495 or according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • skimmed milk powder, spray dried according to GOST R 52791 or according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • skimmed condensed milk according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • skimmed cow's milk with a density of at least 1030 kg/m’, acidity not more than 20 0 T;
  • cow butter according to GOST 37;
  • concentrated milk fat according to technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • cream prepared from cow's milk according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • pasteurized cream from cow's milk that meets the requirements of GOST R 52054, with a mass fraction of fat no more than 30%, acidity no more than 18 0 T;
  • premium spray dried cream according to GOST 1349;
  • buttermilk obtained during the production of sweet butter according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • spray dried buttermilk according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • bacterial starter cultures according to technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;

as well as imported raw materials and components approved for use by the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Ministry of Health.

  1. In the production of yogurt, the following types of fillers, food additives, and vitamins are used, including imported ones, approved for use for this type of product by the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia:
  • granulated sugar according to GOST 21;
  • refined sugar according to GOST 22;
  • liquid sugar according to technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • vitamins, multivitamin premixes according to technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • food flavorings are natural, identical to natural or artificial according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • fruit and berry, vegetable fillers according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner;
  • dyes according to technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • sweeteners according to technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • consistency stabilizers according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
  1. Marking
  1. Labeling of consumer packaging must comply with GOST R 51074.
  2. The marking of transport containers must comply with GOST 14192.
  3. Package

5.5.1 Yogurt is packaged in consumer containers of breakable capacity from packaging materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of the Ministry of Health of Russia for contact with dairy products, ensuring the quality, safety and integrity of yogurt during its production, transportation, storage and sale.

Evils of yogurt.

The main defects of yoghurt are excessive acidity, slow ripening process, and stickiness of the curd.

Excessive acidity. This defect can occur when the relationship between the Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus is disturbed in the direction of increasing the number of bacilli. By shortening the duration of ripening and quickly cooling the finished product, you can avoid the appearance of excessive acidity of the product.

Slowing down the ripening process. The defect is also observed when the ratio between rods and streptococci is disturbed, but in the direction of decreasing the number of rods.

The viscosity of the clot. The defect may appear when the chemical composition of milk changes (usually in spring or autumn), as well as when the fermentation temperature decreases, which causes mucus formation in thermophilic streptococcus cultures.

Acidophilus milk. The main defects of acidophilic milk and other acidophilic products are atypical taste and consistency. The causes of the defect are the development of residual microflora of pasteurized milk and a violation of the temperature conditions of ripening.

The main role in the occurrence of defects in acidophilic products belongs to thermophilic streptococci and enterococci (at milk pasteurization temperatures below 85°C). As a result of their development, acidophilus milk loses its specific taste and becomes similar to curdled milk. The viscosity and antibiotic activity of the product sharply decreases; diplococci and streptococci are found in a microscopic specimen. If a defect appears, it is necessary to pay special attention to the milk pasteurization modes, the quality of washing and disinfection of equipment.


1.1 Characteristics of research objects

One sample of yogurt was taken as research objects. Characteristics of the study objects are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of research objects

1.2 Yogurt research methods

Organoleptic research methods.

This method was used to determine the quality of a product using the senses, by appearance, color, consistency, taste and smell.

The color of the yogurt was determined as follows: the yogurt was poured into a flint glass cylinder and the color was determined by reflected daylight.

The consistency was determined by the nature of the product flowing down the wall of the glass.

The smell and taste were tested indoors at room temperature when the package was opened. The taste was determined by wetting it on the surface of the tongue without swallowing. At the same time, they noted the purity of taste and the absence of foreign tastes.

Table 2 - Results of the study of yogurt according to organoleptic indicators

Indicator name


Appearance and consistency

Homogeneous, moderately viscous, with the addition of a stabilizer it becomes jelly-like or creamy. When using flavoring food additives with their inclusion.

Taste and smell

Sour – milky, without foreign tastes and odors. When made with sugar or sweetener, it is moderately sweet. When produced with flavoring food additives and flavoring agents - with the corresponding taste and aroma of the added ingredient.

Milky white, uniform throughout the mass. When produced with flavoring food additives or food coloring, it is determined by the color of the added ingredient.

This product meets all criteria. Yogurt is a homogeneous mass, moderately viscous consistency, creamy. There are inclusions of fruit. Sour – milky, without foreign tastes and odors. Moderately sweet. With peach and passion fruit flavor (peach fruit filling, passion fruit juice, flavoring identical to natural).

Color – peach (due to the addition of dye?-carotene).

Falsification for the detection of cottage cheese is negative.

Physico-chemical research methods.

The measuring method allows, using instruments and reagents, to determine physical, chemical, microbiological, physiological properties, energy value, digestibility, food safety of the product, etc.

Determination of acidity: measure 10 ml of product into a conical flask and add 20 ml of distilled water. The contents are thoroughly mixed. Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein solution and titrate with 0.1 N alkali solution until a faint pink color does not disappear within a minute. The amount of alkali used for titration is multiplied by 10.

12.6 ml of alkali was used for neutralization, which means the acidity is equal to:


This result corresponds to the values ​​in GOST (min. 75°T – max. 140°T). We can say that in terms of acidity, Ermigurt yogurt meets the requirements of GOST.

Table 3. Physico-chemical parameters

Indicator name

Mass fraction of fat (%):

Milk low-fat

No more than 0.1

Low fat milk

Milk semi-fat

Dairy classic

Milk creamy

Creamy milk


At least 10

Mass fraction of milk protein (in % not less than):

No fillers

Fruit, vegetable

Mass fraction of dry skim milk substances (in % not less than):

No fillers

Fruit, vegetable

Mass fraction of sucrose and total sugar in terms of invert sugar

Mass fraction of vitamins (%)

Is established in the technical documentation for a specific name of yogurt


From 75 to 140°T


Must be missing

Temperature upon leaving the plant

A study was also carried out for the presence of starch. 2 drops of iodine were added and the yogurt turned bluish - this is a consequence of the fact that starch was added to the product.

1.3 Analysis of labeling and packaging.

Table 6. Study of yoghurt labeling

Containers and materials used for packaging and sealing the product must comply with the requirements of legislative, regulatory and technical documents establishing the possibility of their use for packaging dairy products.

Transport packages are molded according to GOST 23285.

Conclusion: the tested sample of yogurt meets the requirements of regulatory documents according to its labeling.


Yogurt is one of the very ancient dairy products that are good for health.

He is an excellent example of what in nutrition is called the principle of interaction, when you take different products, and as a result of their combination, a new product, more valuable in its nutritional properties, is formed. This is exactly the case when 1+1=3. According to international standards, in order for a product to be entitled to be called yoghurt, it must meet three criteria:

1. The main ingredient of yogurt is milk.

2. The main production process is fermentation.

3. The main condition for fermentation is the direct participation of living microorganisms from the lactobacilli family.

Yogurt is digested better than milk. Many people who suffer from lactose intolerance or milk protein allergies can eat yogurt.
