Electric metal shears: types and their features. Electric scissors. Types, characteristics, how to choose and price of electric shears Types of electric shears for metal

Fast, smooth, safe: choose electric scissors

For each job, it is necessary to select the appropriate tool - construction professionals know this rule by heart. An unsuitable device can ruin the material, slow down the work, and even cripple the master himself, or at least squeeze all his strength out of him at record speed. For cutting roofing and shaped sheet metal, special scissors have long been used, which looked a little larger and more powerful than cutters' scissors, but working with them required a certain amount of physical strength and dexterity: it was enough to tilt the blades a little to ruin or wrinkle the material. And besides, an ordinary hand tool without lever amplifiers can overcome a sheet of tin no more than 1 mm thick. And this is only in cases where it is necessary to achieve a straight cut. Plumbers and body workers, who every now and then have to perform figured cutting, often injured their hands and, out of habit, spoiled the material, trying to give the part a rounded shape.

Advantages of electric scissors

The torment continued until electric metal shears replaced manual ones. This tool is much more convenient to use and does not require months of training or any supernatural skills from the master. Here are the main advantages of scissors equipped with an electric motor:

  • high performance;
  • application for metal sheets up to 6 mm thick in standard models;
  • neat cut on the edges;
  • high cutting accuracy even when making curved shapes;
  • traumatic correct use practically equal to zero;
  • no need to exert physical effort;
  • Most models require the use of only one hand, with the other remaining free (for example, to hold the material).

It is also important to know that electric scissors are very economical; the most popular models have a 0.3-0.6 kW motor. For comparison, the same household electric kettle, which craftsmen will definitely use during their lunch break, will on average consume 3-4 times more energy in the same time.

Nowadays you can find a huge number of different models on sale, and they all have approximately the same purpose: cutting tin, profile sheet metal, hard plastic, metal tiles and similar materials. However, there are still differences, and they relate primarily to the design of electric scissors. Based on the type of design, there are three main types of cutting tools, which we will consider below.

Types of electric scissors

Sheet electric shears- the most common type, some manufacturers call them “knife”. Their design is simple, and therefore the cost of such a tool is relatively low. The body of these electric shears is like that of a small grinder; in its front part there is a multi-stage gearbox, which is a matching link between the motor and the spindle. It is to the spindle, capable of reciprocating movements, that the cutting equipment is attached, consisting of two parts: a static horseshoe-shaped base and a movable blade placed above it with a gap into which the material being processed enters.

Such power tools are widely used when installing ventilation ducts; they are also indispensable when dismantling metal structures, when speed is especially important. This is why craftsmen love and value sheet metal shears so much:

  • high speed and accuracy for straight cutting;
  • work with steel up to 3 mm thick and with aluminum up to 5 mm;
  • the mutual position of the upper and lower knives allows you to cut through wire, folds, and fittings;
  • absence of shavings;
  • the cutting blade wears out slowly, you can save on components and sharpening.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • You can start cutting only from the edge of the sheet;
  • insufficient maneuverability, it is impossible to make a turn of a small radius or at an acute angle during the cutting process;
  • when cutting soft material at low speed, the edges may jam;
  • do not cope well with metal profiles.

Nibblers (or nibblers) have a cutting attachment similar to a heavy-duty single-punch office punch and operate in a similar manner. Only the “hole punch” lever is set in motion not by the hand of a fragile secretary, but by an electrified mechanism. If the punch punch has a round shape, then it is used on thin materials (up to 3 mm); thick, stubborn metal (up to 8 mm) can be handled with square punches.

The compact cutting “proboscis” allows you to work with complex surfaces, penetrate deep into intersecting metal structures. Nibblers are respected by mechanics and craftsmen involved in facade work for the following properties:

  • starting the cut both from the edge and from the middle of the sheet (in the second case, you need to make a “starting” hole with a drill);
  • work with corrugated and profiled metal, complex profile metal tiles, double sheets;
  • high maneuverability: during the cutting process it is possible to turn at any angle;
  • full overview of the working area;
  • no edge deformation.

But it was not without its drawbacks:

  • when there are differences in thickness on one sheet, it is difficult to maintain a straight line;
  • high material consumption: the punch extrudes a “path” with a width commensurate with the cross-section of the punch, and the removed material turns into waste;
  • crescent-shaped shavings fall under the punch and can injure the master.

Slotted electric shears in a sense, they are a hybrid of the first two types: during the cutting process, they make a “path” in the metal, like die-cut blades, but with a static upper U-shaped blade and a movable lower blade they resemble sheet blades. Making upward movements, the blade falls into the groove of the U-shaped base, “cutting” the metal. The shape of the cutting part allows this tool to be widely used in finishing and internal engineering work. During the cutting process, spiral-shaped chips are formed, but they do not fall onto the master’s hands, but appear in the upper part of the tool in the form of a continuous strip.

Electric shears, slot type

Spline models have the following advantages:

  • you can start work not only from the edge, but also from any point on the sheet (a starting hole is required);
  • perfect precision in work;
  • excellent maneuverability: these scissors allow you to cut round parts of small diameter;
  • the edges remain smooth;
  • The narrow cutting part allows the tool to be used in hard-to-reach places;
  • the tool maintains a straight line when passing through irregularities and thickenings (rebates, welds).

The disadvantages include the relatively low force in the cutting part - therefore, the maximum thickness of the processed material cannot exceed 2 mm. Since chips are formed during the work, we can talk about increased consumption of metal on cuts.

Chips generated by slotted electric shears

Nuances of choice

We have figured out the main design differences, but this knowledge is not enough to not get confused in the store and choose exactly the tool that is necessary for certain types of activities and working conditions. Electric scissors, like other hand tools such as screwdrivers or drills, can receive powered by battery or directly from the mains. This is an important detail - and not only in cases where we are talking about a construction site that is not connected to the mains (so you will have to bring a couple of removable batteries with you). For example, when performing high-rise roofing work, connecting to an outlet can also be a problem - and here cordless electric shears will really help out the craftsmen.

Battery powered electric scissors

Well, in a well-equipped repair shop or garage there will always be an extra outlet, so a mechanic or a tinsmith can use a cutting tool equipped with a power cord.

Mains powered electric scissors

As mentioned earlier, such a tool can be handled by moving it along the workpiece with one hand, having first secured the power button. In this case, your free hand can be used to hold the piece of material being cut. This is quite feasible if you have to work on the floor or at a workbench; devices with straight or D-shaped handles.

Electric scissors with straight (left) and D-shaped (right) handles

However, cutting is often done on a vertical, uneven surface, or even under the ceiling. The second hand is used here to press the cutting part of the electric scissors more tightly onto the workpiece. Safety precautions do not allow you to touch directly the body of a running power tool, but you can and should use an additional handle. For your own convenience, you can choose electric scissors with a side or mushroom-shaped additional handle. Usually the side handle is straight, and the “mushroom” is located on top.

Electric scissors with top and side additional handles

The issue of performance is as important as usability. The operating efficiency parameter of electric scissors is determined by two factors: motor power And speed of cutting equipment. The combination of their maximum values ​​allows you to quickly and accurately cut a piece of metal of considerable thickness. Many home craftsmen mistakenly rely only on the first value. However, when the power exceeds the frequency, the electric scissors will confidently, but extremely slowly, bite into six-millimeter-thick material.

Everyone likes a universal tool, so reputable manufacturers of electric scissors are trying to add more components to the set - all kinds of attachments, spare blades and other useful accessories. Universal use implies not only replaceable elements, but also the ability adjusting the gap between the knives. This gap must correspond to the thickness of the sheet being processed: so that the material does not get stuck, but at the same time there is no play in the grip, otherwise the cut will be uneven.

Replacement cutting attachments for electric scissors

A history of 3500 years. So much has passed since the invention of the first scissors. They appeared in Ancient Rome and looked more like tweezers. The blades were connected at the top by a spring plate bent into an arc.

By squeezing the plate, the knives were brought together. They began to rotate relative to the center when an 8th century craftsman had the idea to connect the blades with a rivet rod.

Since then, the mechanics of scissors have remained unchanged. A new breakthrough was made in the 20th century. Scissors have become electric. We will tell you further where and why they are used, as well as how to choose a product.

Types of electric scissors

The first tweezer models in history were created for shearing sheep. Mechanical ones with a rivet rod were designed for cutting fabrics and human hair. Electric scissors- an idea for working with metal.

Millimeter sheets of tin are also subject to mechanical models. For metal they were made larger and more powerful than the cutters. However, thick sheets of tin could not be processed, and skill was required to “cut” ordinary sheets.

Electric sheet metal shears

Electric metal shears not only “conquered” steel 6 millimeters thick, but also made it possible to cut holes inside the sheets. Let's start with the classification by purpose:

  • Electric sheet shears. These have one of the two blades moving. The design has a horseshoe mount. It's tough. The electric drive provides speed and precision cutting, straight or curved. Also, sheet scissors are convenient for separating wires and folds. The latter means the connection of two sheets of steel of the “shell” type.

If the knife of the sheet machine becomes dull, you can turn the blade. Models in this category are equipped with four sharpened edges. Each of them is capable of passing through a sheet 6 millimeters thick.

Electric nibblers

True, sheet metal scissors can only start cutting from the edge. At low speed, the tool begins to cut in so-called steps. These are sort of notches, irregularities.

  • Electric nibblers. They are also called die cutters. In structure they resemble a hole punch, and in principle of operation too. The blade here is a movable punch inside the structure. The knife cuts out pieces of tin. It falls to the floor like circles of paper from a hole punch. The depth of passage into the metal for cutting machines is 3.5 millimeters.

Nibblers work on any part of a sheet of metal. However, to start cutting, you need to make a starting hole in the alloy. If the thickness of the metal is not constant, the passability of the scissors decreases, and it is difficult to keep a straight line with them.

Slotted electric shears

  • Slotted scissors. They have two blades. One is stationary, made in the shape of the letter P. Inside this “gate” there is a straight blade that cuts metal within a given frame. Accordingly, a sort of steel serpentine is removed. Nippers in scissors periodically cut it off. The cut is perfect and does not require additional grinding. The rule is the same for both smooth and shaped metal. Cutting begins at any point, even hard-to-reach ones. This allows the slots to be used for both assembly and finishing practices. The only limitation is the depth of the cut. For slotted devices it does not exceed 1.6 millimeters.
  • Rebar shears. Designed specifically for cutting rods. They are clamped between two knives. The blades are pushed towards each other by hydraulics. The knives are clenched until they break.

Rebar electric shears

To be fair, we note that there are also electric hair cutting scissors green spaces. They resemble a miniature lawnmower. The cutting elements in it are fishing line or metal blades. Like metal scissors, garden scissors can be battery-powered or mains-powered.

Electric grass shears, as a rule, are equipped only with fishing line. Models that cut bush branches are equipped with metal blades. The distance between them is also important.

The smaller it is, the more powerful the device. Also, electric garden shears vary in blade length. The short ones are intended for curly cutting, and the long ones are only for trimming bushes.

Battery-powered grass shears

Hairdressers will remember electric hair scissors. They were first created by the Germans. Production began under the Jaguar brand. The essence of the new product is not in movements stimulated by current, but in the heating of the blades due to it.

This is how the famous hot haircut appeared. The hot plates not only cut the hair, but also seal the ends. This eliminates cross-section and fragility of curls, even long ones.

In principle, the technology was known back in Ancient Rome. Due to the lack of electricity, the blades were then heated over a fire. In the 20th century, the method became a new interpretation of old beauty secrets.

Pros and cons of electric scissors

Some pros and cons are described according to the types of electric scissors. Now is the time general parameters. Firstly, the device reduces the labor costs of the master, be he a hairdresser, gardener or builder.

With hand-held tin snips, for example, the effort of cutting the steel was left to a person. In electric models, the load is taken over by the motor. All that remains is to guide the scissors in the intended direction.

Hairdressers with electric scissors do not have to jump from the stove to the client and back. That is why a hot haircut in the 21st century has an affordable price. It's not just about effort, but also time.

Electrical devices save it by greatly speeding up the process of cutting metal, grass, bushes, and hair. Actually, scissors for the latter “work” with blades in a standard rhythm, but clippers are a different matter.

The advantages of electric scissors also include ease of repair. The blades of the devices, as a rule, can be easily removed and replaced with new ones. Only the engine can fail, therefore, to it Special attention.

Unlike manual scissors, electric scissors provide precise, precise cuts. If we consider metal models, mechanical ones deform even even sheets. Electric scissors preserve the configuration of the layers, whether they are smooth or embossed.

In addition, chips do not fly in all directions, as when cutting metal with a grinder. This means that the littering of the workspace and injuries are reduced. It's no secret that steel filings can get into your eyes and burn your skin. When working with electric shears, chips fly only from the cutting shears. However, the metal falls under the working surface of the sheet without posing a health hazard.

The disadvantages of electric devices are mainly subjective or related to individual types of scissors. Splined devices, for example, unfold over a large radius, while sheet devices are bulky. As for the general shortcomings, you can argue with everyone.

Some people like miniature scissors. These are comfortable to grasp with your hand. Others choose large devices with a handle. How not to make a mistake with your choice and what to pay attention to first, we will tell you in the next chapter.

How to choose electric scissors

We compare the analysis of proposals with needs. If you need a universal device, you should look at sheet models. With some skill, they can at least perform most operations. The ideal ones would be straight and curved cuts from the edge of the metal.

If a device is selected for narrowly targeted operations, the choice may fall on slotted and die-cut models. It is also worth taking into account the type of power supply of the machine. Battery-powered scissors will help you when away from outlets or electrical outlets.

Devices with a cord are convenient for home, stationary use. True, along with the cord comes the risk of damage, which can lead to a short circuit and failure of the device.

The risks associated with network scissors are outweighed by their power. The devices work tirelessly. Cordless models cut sheets up to 1.5 millimeters thick. The battery is discharged within 70 meters of cutting, or even less.

In general, battery-powered devices are an option for domestic needs, and not for industrial metal processing. If you plan to use cordless scissors to the maximum, pay attention to the number of spare units and their charging speed.

The catch lies in the power of the cutting tool. Buy electric scissors middle class does not always equate to losing. Sometimes, the power of the device is expressed in cutting speed, not depth.

Therefore, we look for instructions on the packaging specifically about the thickness of the metal that can be cut with scissors. If you have to work with thin sheets, you can focus on cutting speed. It is expressed in the speed of the blades. By the way, there are models with its adjustment.

If the emphasis is on neat cuts, compact and low-power scissors are recommended. Electric tractors work slowly and not so neatly. When contemplating a shaped “cut” of metal, we pay attention to the turning radius of the scissors.

Powerful and heavy scissors will not work for small fragments of the pattern. A miniature turning radius is an advantage of small cordless cutters. Why pay extra for heavyweight scissors? By the way, about the cost of the units. Let's get acquainted with the sellers' requests.

Electric scissors price

Electric scissors price household plan starts from 2000 rubles. The average cost of battery models is 7,000. Networked, professional units are valued at a minimum of 12,000 rubles. The maximum price tag exceeds 130,000.

There are profitable offers to buy used equipment. However, it is possible to save significant money only on devices that have been tested guarantee period. The reliability of the units comes into question. To take risks or not is everyone's business.

If you need scissors for literally one object, it is logical to rent a tool. For a day of using scissors they ask for 300-700 rubles. For small amounts of work, 24 hours is usually enough.

Those craftsmen who have already had to cut even the simplest roofing sheets with hand scissors know very well that this process turns out to be not only labor-intensive, but also quite dangerous. What can we say about the need to cut corrugated or profile material. In such cases, electric metal shears are ready to come to the aid of numerous professionals and amateurs. Using this tool will not require you to put a lot of effort, because cutting or chopping will be done automatically. In addition, when working with such units, the cutting line will be more even. And finally, do not forget that if manual scissors will help you cut metal no more than 1 millimeter thick, then with electric scissors there will be no difficulties even when cutting a 3-mm sheet.

What are metal scissors?

All modern views electric scissors can be divided into three types:

  • slotted metal shears
  • metal cutting shears
  • as well as cutting scissors sheet steel

Where to start choosing?

Of course, power, performance, reliability, equipment and functionality are standard criteria for choosing a power tool of any type. The conclusions here will be the same, and the recommendations are no different from choosing, say, a corded screwdriver or other unit with electric motor, designed to perform certain type works The same goes for class, although there is no division here, but there is some difference in terms of durability, endurance and reliability of the tools. In this regard, it is best to focus, of course, on reputable manufacturers - ZUBR, Makita, Hitachi, Bosch, and so on. We see it as important that electric metal shears vary today and some of their types can be called “production incompatible”, that is, for one purpose or another, for one or another type of work, a very specific type of tool will be required. We will build on this further.

Sheet shears

The last type, shears for sheet steel, are distinguished by the most modest dimensions and are used more often for precise cutting of not the thickest material. It is quite easy to operate such a tool - it is fast in operation, very accurate, reliable and quite productive. At the same time, sheet metal shears do not create any waste when cutting material; with their help, you can even perform shaped or straight cutting of sheet metal. According to the principle of operation, such scissors are practically no different from mechanical hand tools. The material is simply placed between two knives, one of which is movable. Then, when the tool is turned on, the movable knife moves, thereby cutting the material. Such models allow the user to adjust the distance between the cutting elements, which makes it possible to optimally configure the tool for working with specific materials. We definitely note that the main disadvantage of a tool of this type is the fact that it allows you to start cutting only from the edge of the sheet. But in the number most important advantages Let's consider the ability to cut sheets of the most serious thickness - here even 5 millimeters is sometimes not a problem.


Metal cutting shears are perfect for those who, in addition to straight and shaped cuts of material, also have to work with profile materials or create holes of various shapes and sizes in materials. Nibblers differ from sheet metal tools in their cutting part, which includes a stationary matrix and a punch. When performing work, the punch will perform movements very similar in its work to the movements of a hole punch. As a result, it turns out that when working, such scissors will leave a groove in the material, the size of which depends directly on the diameter of the punch itself. The main advantage of tools of this type is the ability to start cutting the material from any point, having first only made a hole in it, from which the cutting process will begin. The advantage of metal cutting shears is also their higher maneuverability, which allows them to cut with fairly sharp turns; it is also noted that such models do not leave irregularities and burrs after their work, and the metal will not curl when processed with such tools.

Slotted scissors

Slotted metal shears are tools that are considered to be the most ideal to work with, because they provide the opportunity to obtain the highest quality cuts. Even if you are planning to do shape cutting, you can be sure that, thanks to slotted scissors, the material will be processed accurately, accurately and without unnecessary distortions. This tool will help you perform the widest range of installation and finishing works. The main feature of this type of scissors is the presence of two blades at once - a fixed U-shaped one and a movable one, which fits into the U-shaped groove and cuts the material. Of course, with this type of cutting, chips will appear, which must be removed using nippers. Let us draw the attention of users to the fact that this type of tool perfectly passes folds and other unevenness of materials, at the same time, it perfectly holds the cutting line, and thanks to its short nose, it copes well with work in the most difficult to reach places. By the way, these units are not without a small drawback - as a rule, the maximum cutting thickness that slotted metal shears can demonstrate does not exceed 2 millimeters, and this is far from the highest figure for power tools in this segment.

The need to cut metal or pipes arises when carrying out various construction and repair work. The process uses special scissors, manual or electric. When the amount of work is large, it is more efficient to use household power tools.

Metal scissors are a necessary tool in the household. They are used to cut and cut sheet metal , roofing materials, gutters, produce metal frames, decorative elements from tin. They can cut wire and metal mesh. In repair work, this tool is second in importance only to a hammer, saw and drill.

And for roofers, tinsmiths, plumbers, and ventilation installers, electric metal shears are one of the important tools due to a number of advantages.

  1. Compared to the manual counterpart, productivity is several times higher.
  2. Electric metal shears can easily handle any sheet thickness: 3-5 mm and even higher.
  3. The tool can be used to cut out curved elements.
  4. High cutting accuracy without nicks or material deformation.
  5. No manual effort is required, eliminating cuts and calluses on the hands.

Types of electric metal shears

The electrical device is externally encased in an oblong casing made of impact-resistant plastic. Below it is an electric motor that drives a multi-stage gearbox. This mechanical assembly is protected by a metal casing. Principle of operation simple: the gearbox converts the rotational movement of the spindle into reciprocating movement of the cutting working unit.

Depending on the method of influence on a metal sheet working parts offered by manufacturers of electric shears are divided into three types:

  • leafy;
  • splined;
  • die-cut

Accordingly, the scope of application of these three options for cutting power tools differs.

The working mechanism of the sheet metal device is arranged similar to regular scissors: a static knife is fixed horizontally, and a movable blade works in a perpendicular direction. There is a function for adjusting the gap between the blades. Sheet models differ in performance. It is effective to use such a tool for dismantling metal structures, for cutting 4-5 mm thick iron, for cutting metal folds and wire. When using electric sheet shears, there will be no waste in the form of spiral chips.

The disadvantage of the design is that it is possible to start cutting only from the edge of the sheet; with their help it is difficult to make curved cuts and profile workpieces.

The cutting structure is made up of a stationary U-shaped blade and a lower translational knife moving vertically, which fits into a U-shaped groove. There is also an adjustment of the gap between the blades. Models of this type can handle cutting sheets up to 2 mm thick. They can be used to cut anywhere on the workpiece and can also be used to make holes.. The model is mobile, suitable for use in hard-to-reach places.

The disadvantage is the formation of thin spiral shavings when cutting metal, which must be periodically removed with pliers.

This type of metal cutting equipment is sometimes also called electric nibbler. This tool is expansion press in miniature, moved along the canvas using a handle. The cutting mechanism consists of a static matrix and a moving part of the equipment - a punch. The cutting mechanism can be round or square.

The round cutting mechanism is used for thin metal workpieces, and the square one is used for thicker sheets.

This tool is versatile and mobile, great for for cutting metal tiles. Performs a clean cut anywhere on the sheet. During the cutting process, waste accumulates in the form of sharp small chips.

When choosing a suitable tool model, it is recommended to pay attention to the following characteristics.

Choosing electric pipe shears

In repair and construction work craftsmen sometimes have to perform cutting for propylene: It is from this material that pipes are made for organizing the water supply of premises, as well as for constructing heating systems. Pipes on sale usually come in lengths of 12 meters, and for installation they need to be cut to the required size.

For polypropylene pipes The industry also produces professional manual and cordless scissors. The following types of instruments can be distinguished.

  1. Hand-held precision ratchet scissors equipped with a steel blade and serrated rack.
  2. Automatic guns with high productivity, allowing you to cut pipes up to half a meter in diameter.
  3. A roller pipe cutter with a disc blade or ratchet mechanism that allows you to make a high-quality, even cut.
  4. Rechargeable models with high operating speed. Recommended exclusively for professional use.

When choosing such electric shears, you should take into account the maximum diameter of the pipes you have to work with and the material of the blades. As a rule, for plastic pipes choose stainless steel.

For one-time repair work, there is no point in buying special pipe scissors: cutting can be done with a regular hacksaw.

Brief overview of popular brands

Available from a Japanese brand Makita Sheet, cutting and slotted electric shears are presented. The intended purpose of the tool is cutting aluminum and steel blanks of various thicknesses. There is a built-in thickness gauge for precise adjustment of the cutting depth. The models are distinguished by the quality of their equipment and well-thought-out ergonomics. high level security. Depending on the power, dimensions and type, prices vary in the range of 15,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Metal cutting shears Makita Jn1601

Tools from Russian brands are more affordable Bison and Interskol. Depending on the model, prices vary from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. If we talk about professional electric metal shears, then you should pay attention to highly specialized manufacturers.

Here we can note the German brands NWS Bessey, as well as the Taiwanese manufacturer JTC, which produces affordable, but at the same time quite high-quality tools.

Slotted metal shears Interskol NSh-1.2/520 For pipe cutting

choose models from Valtec, Jonnesway, Enkor, SibrTech. Foreign-made scissors are more expensive, but they are highly reliable, easy to use and aesthetically pleasing. Domestic manufacturers rely on affordability: such models can be purchased for up to 5 thousand rubles, and they cope with typical tasks of cutting medium-diameter pipes with a bang.

  • The process of cutting metal by hand is quite labor-intensive and sometimes takes a lot of time. When performing a large amount of work, it is necessary to purchase electric scissors, since it will be difficult to do this with a hand tool. Electric scissors have a number of advantages compared to similar hand tools:
  • reduction in labor intensity, since chopping or cutting of metal will be performed automatically;
  • possibility of cutting corrugated and profile material;
  • the accuracy and quality of the work performed is higher;
  • the ability to cut on a 3 mm sheet, when cutting with a hand tool - the thickness does not exceed 1 mm;
  • increasing labor productivity several times;
  • cutting is carried out without deforming the sheet;

How to choose electric metal shears? The main factor that influences the choice of a specific model of scissors is the nature and specificity of the work performed. Then you should pay attention to the type of scissors, their technical characteristics and features. The device of electric scissors on video:

Types of electric scissors

The entire modern range of electric scissors comes in three types:

  • for cutting sheet steel;
  • cutting;
  • splined.

Electric sheet shears consist of two cutting blades, one moves during operation and the other remains stationary. The static (moving) knife is mounted on a supporting and rigid sole, shaped like a horseshoe. The cutting process is similar to cutting with a hand tool, the difference is an electric drive.


  • high speed and reliability, therefore this tool often used during dismantling;
  • compactness;
  • straight line cutting accuracy;
  • reducing the fatigue of the master;
  • no additional waste;
  • convenient to cut wire, folds and other materials;
  • The cutting blade can be used for a long time: the knife has four edges that scroll if one of them becomes dull.


  • they start cutting only from the edge, and at low speed “steps” are formed on the metal when making a straight cut;
  • the tool cannot be used to perform maneuverable tasks: curved cuts and profile workpieces, but only for straight cuts;
  • some craftsmen consider them bulky and somewhat heavy.

Sheet shears, video:

Electric cutting shears cut metal using a static base and a movable punch located inside, resembling a hole punch (in operation). During operation, the punch cuts out sections of metal that fall down in the form of shavings, contaminating the master’s clothes. This fact irritates many workers.


  • good maneuverability, the ability to start cutting from any place, having previously made a hole;
  • suitable for cutting profiled and corrugated sheets;
  • they perform well curved cuts, as well as shaped cuts according to a shape or template;
  • high-quality cutting without twisting the metal or burrs, regardless of the thickness of the metal;
  • functionality, cutting elements can be quickly replaced;
  • tool rotation is minimal;
  • the work area is clearly visible;
  • good power and efficiency.


  • when cutting, a groove is left in the metal, the diameter of which is equal to the dimensions of the punch;
  • it is difficult to maintain the straightness of the cut;
  • with differences in metal thickness – low cross-country ability.

Nibblers, video:

Slotted electric shears cut metal using two knives, one of which is U-shaped and stationary. Inside the static knife there is a second moving knife that cuts the metal. During operation, chips are removed using built-in nippers.


  • ideal cutting quality that does not require further processing;
  • figured cutting: accuracy and precision, without distortions;
  • ease of working with any type of metal, both smooth and profiled;
  • you can start cutting from any point;
  • holes are cut well;
  • the ability to cut in hard-to-reach places;
  • versatility (used for installation and finishing work).


  • the ability to cut only thin metal, the thickness of which is up to 2 mm;
  • large turning angle;
  • rapid wear of the moving knife.

Slotted scissors, video:

Technical characteristics and features of electric scissors

Which electric scissors should you choose from the huge range of these products? Having studied the types of electric scissors, you need to familiarize yourself with technical characteristics and features of this tool:

  1. Power source - from a battery or from the mains: it is convenient to use a cordless tool, since when cutting material in hard-to-reach places there is a danger of damage to the cord. The disadvantage is that the battery drains quickly.
  2. The power value is from 300 to 650 W. The greater the power, the thicker the metal can be processed.
  3. The cutting speed depends on the speed of the equipment. The more revolutions, the more accurate and neat the cutting line. Some devices have adjustable stroke speed, which increases their versatility and increases the range of action.
  4. The maximum cutting thickness indicator is very important when choosing a device. Since violation of this indicator during operation will lead to damage to the tool.
  5. The maximum turning radius is indicated in the model data sheet. This indicator affects the maneuverability of the tool, which also needs to be taken into account when choosing.
  6. Ergonomics. To choose the right electric scissors, you need to pay attention to the equipment included with the tool, the shape and size of the body, the presence of corrugations, linings, and removable handles. Additional handles increase ease of use.
  7. View of the starting unit. During operation, the tool should not turn off due to vibration. The switch should be located in a convenient place so that there is no possibility of accidental pressing.
  8. The presence of a special shield - plate, to protect the hands of the master.
  9. The functionality of the cutting elements: the presence of adjustment of the gaps between them, the ability to quickly replace knives, matrix, punch. Availability of spare parts included.

After studying the features and characteristics of all types, their technical indicators, you can choose electric metal shears. When purchasing this tool, you must take into account the nature and volume of work performed, as well as the experience and personal preferences of the master.