When the sun is in Sagittarius. Sun in Sagittarius combined with moon in zodiac signs. A typical representative of the sign of Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarius - Jupiter - Ninth House

Sagittarius - Sagittarius. November 23 - December 21. Ninth . His symbol is an arrow and a bow. Depicted mainly as a centaur. All this symbolizes the conflict of mind and flesh. Key words for revealing the symbol: determination, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, extravagance. Fire sign, mutable, active, diurnal, dry.

A typical representative of the sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius the desire to understand the world is expressed. They are able to see the goal well, capable of growth and expansion of horizons. These people are assertive, but can compromise if necessary to achieve their goals. They can take a long time to achieve a goal, a career, and know how to establish contacts and connections.

They strive and focus on social success and people of a certain circle (selectivity). They are able to support someone, but always expect gratitude in return. In childhood, it is advisable to orient such a child to a good social circle, because Sagittarius' value system is formed in the system of children's education (in the family). The mind and reason are theoretical.

Advantages in character– Sagittarius always wants to go beyond limits; freedom of views is characteristic due to optimism and the ability to enjoy life. They have foresight and the prophetic gift, the ability to hit the mark in statements and actions, in the motivation of actions. Luck from God, they always get help at the very last moment. This is also the darling of fate.

Character traits: strategic thinking and broad knowledge, foresight, a heightened sense of justice, a strong imagination, this gives them priority over other people. Broad and optimistic, energizing and inspiring personality.

Negative features with severe damage to the Sun appear in hypocrisy and adventurism, hypertrophied pride. This may be a seductive and seductive person, trying to charm with his proud character, exaggerating his own importance. Characterized by rashness, nervousness, fussiness with or without reason. A special desire to be the center of attention, a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmorality and morality. This is a false teacher and a bad student, a religious fanatic or a sophist, a dogma: “I am right, and the rest may be partly right.” Language is his main enemy; he cannot remain silent, as he tries to compensate for the know-it-all complex. Prodigal son.

Weakness (vulnerability)- excessive selfishness and need for recognition.

Planets in the zodiac sign Sagittarius

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Sagittarius (rising sign)

Other people see you as a good athlete and a good friend, but not always consistent. In conversations, you take the initiative, speak loudly, harshly, as if shooting from a bow, but overall quite good-natured, optimistic, cheerful and frank. Always say what you think, even when they don’t ask, you skillfully advertise yourself and your tendency to narcissism: if you don’t praise yourself, no one will guess. You are a gambler, ready to take risks, love to talk, promise something, and are usually very persuasive. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats.

Patron planet Jupiter

"Star of Kings" or Great Happiness

In the physical world, Jupiter corresponds to energy of motion, centrifugal force, heat. Sets the direction of movement from the source. Planet of spiritual and material wealth, giving healing energy.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Thursday
  • Numbers 4 and giving a total of 4. For example, 4, 13, 22, 31,40, 112...
  • Substances– gas and gasoline, solid fats, wax and paraffin.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects– made of alcohol and fire, icons (healing).


Moral and ethical values, ideals, supreme laws, social and political life,gurus, priests, spiritual leaders, scientists, preachers. Everything related to higher education, science, philology, teaching, creative projects of an international nature.

Optics, telescopes and photography, communications industry, Internet, unlimited, traffic.

Any large business is usually international. Business related to aircraft, cars, gas stations, ships, long-distance transport, industrial and jointly international corporations.

Shuttle and wholesale business, publishing business, authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, justice authorities, jurisprudence, military sciences. Banks and multinational companies.

Manifestation of Jupiter in the horoscope

Social planet Jupiter - independence, empowerment, divine protection.

Function of Jupiter– the highest being, maintaining the stability of the World, a mixture of all principles in the world.

Qualities of Jupiter– there are many qualities and they are versatile, associated with the need for recognition, craving for external things, the importance of public opinion, orientation towards a prestigious position. Also generosity and abundance. Self-esteem, which can be exaggerated. This is pressure, but soft, with the ability to compromise.

Location of Jupiter in the Zodiac sign shows how a person’s needs for increased activity and activity will manifest themselves. How a person will show his initiative, strive to expand his sphere of activity in order to achieve success. This is also the area of ​​compliance with laws, worldview, attitude towards religion and the ability to obtain an academic degree.

Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope– these are those areas where a person is capable and will strive to expand his activities, career and education. These are also areas of manifestation of religious, philosophical, pedagogical and educational tendencies. Recognition from this house is very important for a person. The house shows an orientation towards society: “I will teach you, I will give to you.”

Ninth - IX house

Travels. Piety. Divine

Planets in the Ninth House

The ninth house is identical with the sign of Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter.

Ninth house in the horoscope– Philanthropy. Spiritual guides, Mission and purpose. Dharma and wisdom. Worship (through rituals, temples). These are research and scientific, publishing and diplomatic activities, judicial and legislative affairs, foreign contacts and connections. Luck and luck.

The ninth house symbolizes philosophy, religion, desire for higher education, long trips, travel, attitudes towards the culture of other nationalities, connections with foreigners, with high-ranking officials, people associated with the law (court, customs).

Unfavorable ninth house: adventurism, dangers in travel, risk, problems with the law, unfair attitude to life, false preaching, atheism and lack of spirituality, scandalous reputation, quackery, unrecognized creativity, lack of support from above.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Sagittarius

You are friendly, philosophical, and completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with enthusiasm, you may tend to exaggerate. You often like to talk, promise something, and at the same time you are very convincing. Your dreams are always big. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats. Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot stand being “imprisoned” for a long time; friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibilities often weigh heavily on you, and you may resist accepting the limitations of adult life when necessary. Other people see you as a good friend, consider you a wise person, but not always consistent, since you do not get bogged down in pettiness, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities. You like to have a goal to strive for, but once you reach it, you immediately look for another. Always looking for new opportunities.
Your shortcomings: You feel like a prisoner if you are forced to stay in the same calm, familiar, safe little world all the time. Also a gambler, ready to take risks and adventures.

Allegory for Sagittarius

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"I ask you, Sagittarius, to make people laugh, for in the midst of their misunderstanding of My Idea they become hardened. Through laughter you must give people hope, and through hope turn their eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives, even if only for moment, and you will recognize restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Limitless Abundance, so that you can spread wide enough to reach every dark corner and bring light there."

And Sagittarius retreated to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Sagittarius - Jupiter - Ninth House:

Church, priest, wedding, spiritual patron, teaching, education, foreign citizen, pilgrim, adventurer, religious scammers, air travel, diplomat, Fortune, success, achievements, expansion of activities, freedom, adventure, independence, insight, eloquence, flexibility, purposefulness, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, extravagance. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Tags: Sagittarius zodiac sign, Sun in Sagittarius, patron stone, Sagittarius talisman, keywords, planet Jupiter, Ninth house, Allegory for Sagittarius, function and quality of Jupiter

Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarius - Jupiter - Ninth House

Sagittarius - Sagittarius. November 23 - December 21. Ninth . His symbol is an arrow and a bow. Depicted mainly as a centaur. All this symbolizes the conflict of mind and flesh. Key words for revealing the symbol: determination, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, extravagance. Fire sign, mutable, active, diurnal, dry.

A typical representative of the sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius the desire to understand the world is expressed. They are able to see the goal well, capable of growth and expansion of horizons. These people are assertive, but can compromise if necessary to achieve their goals. They can take a long time to achieve a goal, a career, and know how to establish contacts and connections.

They strive and focus on social success and people of a certain circle (selectivity). They are able to support someone, but always expect gratitude in return. In childhood, it is advisable to orient such a child to a good social circle, because Sagittarius' value system is formed in the system of children's education (in the family). The mind and reason are theoretical.

Advantages in character– Sagittarius always wants to go beyond limits; freedom of views is characteristic due to optimism and the ability to enjoy life. They have foresight and the prophetic gift, the ability to hit the mark in statements and actions, in the motivation of actions. Luck from God, they always get help at the very last moment. This is also the darling of fate.

Character traits: strategic thinking and broad knowledge, foresight, a heightened sense of justice, a strong imagination, this gives them priority over other people. Broad and optimistic, energizing and inspiring personality.

Negative features with severe damage to the Sun appear in hypocrisy and adventurism, hypertrophied pride. This may be a seductive and seductive person, trying to charm with his proud character, exaggerating his own importance. Characterized by rashness, nervousness, fussiness with or without reason. A special desire to be the center of attention, a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmorality and morality. This is a false teacher and a bad student, a religious fanatic or a sophist, a dogma: “I am right, and the rest may be partly right.” Language is his main enemy; he cannot remain silent, as he tries to compensate for the know-it-all complex. Prodigal son.

Weakness (vulnerability)- excessive selfishness and need for recognition.

Planets in the zodiac sign Sagittarius

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Sagittarius (rising sign)

Other people see you as a good athlete and a good friend, but not always consistent. In conversations, you take the initiative, speak loudly, harshly, as if shooting from a bow, but overall quite good-natured, optimistic, cheerful and frank. Always say what you think, even when they don’t ask, you skillfully advertise yourself and your tendency to narcissism: if you don’t praise yourself, no one will guess. You are a gambler, ready to take risks, love to talk, promise something, and are usually very persuasive. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats.

Patron planet Jupiter

"Star of Kings" or Great Happiness

In the physical world, Jupiter corresponds to energy of motion, centrifugal force, heat. Sets the direction of movement from the source. Planet of spiritual and material wealth, giving healing energy.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Thursday
  • Numbers 4 and giving a total of 4. For example, 4, 13, 22, 31,40, 112...
  • Substances– gas and gasoline, solid fats, wax and paraffin.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects– made of alcohol and fire, icons (healing).


Moral and ethical values, ideals, supreme laws, social and political life,gurus, priests, spiritual leaders, scientists, preachers. Everything related to higher education, science, philology, teaching, creative projects of an international nature.

Optics, telescopes and photography, communications industry, Internet, unlimited, traffic.

Any large business is usually international. Business related to aircraft, cars, gas stations, ships, long-distance transport, industrial and jointly international corporations.

Shuttle and wholesale business, publishing business, authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, justice authorities, jurisprudence, military sciences. Banks and multinational companies.

Manifestation of Jupiter in the horoscope

Social planet Jupiter - independence, empowerment, divine protection.

Function of Jupiter– the highest being, maintaining the stability of the World, a mixture of all principles in the world.

Qualities of Jupiter– there are many qualities and they are versatile, associated with the need for recognition, craving for external things, the importance of public opinion, orientation towards a prestigious position. Also generosity and abundance. Self-esteem, which can be exaggerated. This is pressure, but soft, with the ability to compromise.

Location of Jupiter in the Zodiac sign shows how a person’s needs for increased activity and activity will manifest themselves. How a person will show his initiative, strive to expand his sphere of activity in order to achieve success. This is also the area of ​​compliance with laws, worldview, attitude towards religion and the ability to obtain an academic degree.

Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope– these are those areas where a person is capable and will strive to expand his activities, career and education. These are also areas of manifestation of religious, philosophical, pedagogical and educational tendencies. Recognition from this house is very important for a person. The house shows an orientation towards society: “I will teach you, I will give to you.”

Ninth - IX house

Travels. Piety. Divine

Planets in the Ninth House

The ninth house is identical with the sign of Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter.

Ninth house in the horoscope– Philanthropy. Spiritual guides, Mission and purpose. Dharma and wisdom. Worship (through rituals, temples). These are research and scientific, publishing and diplomatic activities, judicial and legislative affairs, foreign contacts and connections. Luck and luck.

The ninth house symbolizes philosophy, religion, desire for higher education, long trips, travel, attitudes towards the culture of other nationalities, connections with foreigners, with high-ranking officials, people associated with the law (court, customs).

Unfavorable ninth house: adventurism, dangers in travel, risk, problems with the law, unfair attitude to life, false preaching, atheism and lack of spirituality, scandalous reputation, quackery, unrecognized creativity, lack of support from above.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Sagittarius

You are friendly, philosophical, and completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with enthusiasm, you may tend to exaggerate. You often like to talk, promise something, and at the same time you are very convincing. Your dreams are always big. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats. Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot stand being “imprisoned” for a long time; friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibilities often weigh heavily on you, and you may resist accepting the limitations of adult life when necessary. Other people see you as a good friend, consider you a wise person, but not always consistent, since you do not get bogged down in pettiness, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities. You like to have a goal to strive for, but once you reach it, you immediately look for another. Always looking for new opportunities.
Your shortcomings: You feel like a prisoner if you are forced to stay in the same calm, familiar, safe little world all the time. Also a gambler, ready to take risks and adventures.

Allegory for Sagittarius

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"I ask you, Sagittarius, to make people laugh, for in the midst of their misunderstanding of My Idea they become hardened. Through laughter you must give people hope, and through hope turn their eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives, even if only for moment, and you will recognize restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Limitless Abundance, so that you can spread wide enough to reach every dark corner and bring light there."

And Sagittarius retreated to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Sagittarius - Jupiter - Ninth House:

Church, priest, wedding, spiritual patron, teaching, education, foreign citizen, pilgrim, adventurer, religious scammers, air travel, diplomat, Fortune, success, achievements, expansion of activities, freedom, adventure, independence, insight, eloquence, flexibility, purposefulness, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, extravagance. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Tags: Sagittarius zodiac sign, Sun in Sagittarius, patron stone, Sagittarius talisman, keywords, planet Jupiter, Ninth house, Allegory for Sagittarius, function and quality of Jupiter

SAGITTARIUS. Lord Jupiter. Unyielding Sagittarius.


In order to correctly understand Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, it is necessary to significantly expand your ideas about the fundamental principles on which the internal and external life of a person rests (there are 12 of these principles in total, according to the number of signs of the Zodiac) and recognize as fundamental those moments that for to the superficial observer do not exist or appear ephemeral.

In the signs of the transformation zone, the elements manifest themselves more ideally than in the previous zones, making it clear that they receive their true sound only in the subtle world.

Another feature of the signs of the transformation zone is that in them, along with the element they represent, the next element in order begins to sound indirectly, in the background, i.e. in Sagittarius the elements of Water appear, and in Pisces - fire.

Sagittarius man.

The element of fire in Sagittarius is represented to a greater extent in an ideal way, i.e. The energy flow of Sagittarius goes through ideas, mostly of a general nature. The Sagittarius Supreme is a spiritual leader, a religious leader, overshadowed by grace, whose ideas and words have the power to ignite people and lead them along the path indicated by Sagittarius. The accuracy of his arrows is amazing, but they do not destroy human hearts, but subordinate them to the Streltsov idea. The background of the element of earth in Sagittarius is expressed in the fact that this idea necessarily has a completely practical orientation (another thing is that it results in implementation).

Sagittarius and Virgo are the main idealists of the Zodiac; the difference between them is that Virgo looks up; from the earth to the sky, and sees the earth well, but the sky - poorly, and Sagittarius, on the contrary, looks from the sky to the earth, and its details float for him, but he has excellent orientation in the sky, i.e. among high ideas and their energy flows. Sagittarius is his own person, full of practice, he is driven exclusively by practical and earthly problems, but for some reason he often does not notice obvious things and such private details as the field of the situation, the mood of the interlocutor, and the like. His idea completely owns him, and he wants to bless the whole world with it, but he has neither the limitations of Aries nor the power of Leo, and if Sagittarius seems naive to someone (especially Virgo), then in fact this is not so at all: it’s just that he looks at some things too far away, but it should be remembered that, unlike air and water signs, he always looks at the earth, and if he can be mistaken in particulars, he will not be mistaken in general.

If the manifestation of Aries resembles the explosion of a bomb, and Leo resembles the smooth flow of a flamethrower, then Sagittarius (moving cross) can be compared to a gas burner with many flames. Sagittarius doesn't have one narrow idea; there are either many of them, or one, but quite wide and perfectly adaptable to a wide variety of situations. Neither the sharp depressions of Aries nor the stubborn constancy of Leo are typical for Sagittarius: the strongest gust of wind can extinguish only a few flames of Sagittarius; the rest will remain burning and will soon re-ignite the extinguished ones. Sagittarius is not inclined to force the situation: seeing how it does not yield to his influence, he will change his approach or leave, but will not receive psychological trauma in either case. His optimism and cheerfulness seem inexhaustible; this is almost true, especially considering his dislike of hopeless and dying situations where there is pure energy consumption, and vampires of any kind. Sagittarius runs away from such situations and from such people with a speed inaccessible to other signs of the Zodiac, taking advantage of the obvious advantage in the number and length of legs. His typical behavior in everyday life is to give out with great enthusiasm a thousand advances and promises and honestly try to fulfill them all... well, what didn’t work out, sorry, I did everything I could, after which the conversation naturally and charmingly moves on to another topic.

The highest octave of the signs of the transformation zone represents cosmic love manifested in the corresponding element. Sagittarius represents the fiery manifestation of divine love, which is perceived by unprepared people as an incomprehensible charm and attractiveness of the personality of ideas; in fact, Sagittarius, with his arrows, strikes a spark of divine fire in the heart, and a person for a second feels like Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, depending on his horoscope and the current situation.

All transformation zone signs are instinctively religious, regardless of rational beliefs. This means that from birth they have an open communication channel with the egregor, which they can use at any time; the nature of the connection depends on the element. Sagittarius feels its connection with the Cosmos in the most direct way, through energy. It must be said that despite the outward roughness characteristic of all fire signs, Sagittarius is significantly subtler than his brothers Aries and Leo, his energy flows are much more connected with general and subtle ideas, and he literally feels their divine origin and invisible power over the world , therefore, he is not as persistent as Leo and not as aggressive as Aries: he knows that his energy and ideas will reach without direct pressure, it is enough to simply spread them around himself, and then the principle applies: “When I come, everything is Mine.” the disciples will recognize Me.” This direct channel of energy communication with the egregor almost always works, so Sagittarius is difficult to understand not only for non-fire signs, but sometimes even for Aries and Leo. Firstly, Sagittarius is always filled with the best and highest intentions and always strives to do the best. Secondly, Sagittarius is consistent in the belief that the direct, even crude truth coming through him is absolutely necessary for everyone with whom he deals (and others too). Thirdly, (if there is no strong defeat) this is usually the case, and those around him easily forgive his mistakes, and not so much because of his supernatural direct charm (although it is significant) indeed, but because he (they feel it) ) there really is no second thought. The subtlety is that such behavior is allowed karmically only to Sagittarius. Even Aries and Leo are forbidden to do this, due to their specific fiery complex (the significance of their flow); however, Sagittarius is really not busy with self-affirmation and does not particularly strive for it: for him, the main thing is simply the opportunity to shine, i.e. to energetically express his thoughts and feelings, and to what extent those around him will correctly understand and appreciate them, worries him much less. Sagittarius, instinctively protecting his energy channel, will not tolerate any restriction of his freedom, and a possible oppressor or aggressor will have a very bad time, since Sagittarius’ anger resembles a forest fire. However, Sagittarius primarily perceives freedom as freedom of self-expression, especially in subtle ways. A developed Sagittarius will suffer much more from the lack of freedom of the press in society than from his own poverty, even if he was not a writer or public figure.

The main temptation of Sagittarius is that at some point it begins to seem to him that everything is allowed to him, and he can make up for any stupidity and inattention with his charm; the main difficulty for him is this: Sagittarius needs to learn to perceive his energy flow as God’s gift (it was not always, is and, of course! always will be), which must be distributed to others exactly at His command, and not at his whim. However, if this is not done, Sagittarius will degrade. His ideas are emasculated (i.e. the energy disappears from them, the Streltsov egregor narrows the channel) and become flat mental cliches that cannot inspire anyone, but cause severe irritation (empty slogans and no justification). Then Sagittarius either changes his egregor (more precisely, his egregor gives Sagittarius into slavery to a lower egregor) and switches to a harsher energy, so that his rudeness is already perceived as ordinary rudeness, and the sincerity of self-expression smacks of standard egoism, or moves away from reality into a very low-energy world pale fantasies and stereotyped romantic dreams, where the criticism of Virgo above turns out to be quite fair. Love of freedom and independence in the lower octave of Sagittarius turns into dogmatism and a fantastic desire to comb everyone with the same brush: here independence is understood as the unquestioning subordination of those around oneself, and freedom is provided only for one’s ego. Undeveloped Sagittarius is extremely superficial, but this superficiality is in a sense the opposite of the superficiality of Gemini: he looks too broadly, so that the details are invisible and the result is a flat (and banal) picture with a very rough energy; undeveloped Geminis look too isolated and concrete and do not feel depth at all, so all plans merge.

Jupiter's rule gives Sagittarius extreme optimism and a sense of the general protection of fate. In addition, Jupiter emphasizes the nobility of the element of fire in Sagittarius, the source of which is a broad view of things. To understand a phenomenon means to find its exact place in the picture of the world, and Jupiter helps to do this; the trick is that the phenomenon is illuminated with bright light; and what previously seemed ugly, ugly and unnecessary turns out to be functional and beautiful in its own way. However, to do this, you need to take the right point of view or, for stability, several such points, which Sagittarius does very well. His ethics are Jupiterian, he can take pity on anyone and give him a piece of divine energy for free, but, unfortunately, he is not inclined to look at what the lucky one will do with it, and therefore Sagittarius can, with the best intentions, cultivate a huge amount of evil without paying any attention to it . His frivolity, irresponsibility and adventurism are matched only by his charm. However, at the same time, all this is just camouflage; in fact, Sagittarius performs a very important karmic task - he spreads his energy, enthusiasm and luck to the whole world; therefore, you cannot be offended by him: otherwise Jupiter will stop bringing you happiness.

Jupiter is the planet of compensation, empowerment. Therefore, Sagittarius never gets stuck on their problems and failures, but finds internal reserves and ways to switch; his natural way of consoling a friend looks something like this: is it worth being upset about a loss or failure when there is still so much in the world (friends, women, jobs, opportunities... - underline what is necessary). And there are really a lot of them for Sagittarius. If Cancer is looking for reserves in the depths of his psyche, then Sagittarius finds them without deepening, by simple expansion, which gives the impression of a light character, but on a deeper look it looks like a miracle: a person constantly receives psychological support without any apparent reason. Good mood and optimism are not without reason: they are based on strong energy. In this sense, Sagittarius is the most protected sign of the Zodiac, since he everywhere (including psychologically and energetically) feels the support of the beneficent Jupiter, and for the same reason he is a weak psychologist, since it is difficult for him to imagine the characteristic difficulties and sorrows of other people. Sagittarius has the most difficulty in situations where energy is low and what is required is not an increase, but a deep restructuring of the situation at a given energy level. Here the standard Sagittarius behavior is inappropriate, and he becomes truly uncomfortable: he feels that his energy is not accepted, and his charm does not work, and if possible, he quickly disappears.

The imprisonment of Mercury gives the undeveloped Sagittarius a poor understanding of rational argumentation, difficulty in perceiving mental contacts and the dubious persuasiveness of his own ideas; however, he (it seems) doesn’t need this: detailed logical analysis kills inspiration, destroys the energy flow (it’s not for nothing that Mercury is falling in Leo, the main sign of energy). The imprisonment of Mercury emphasizes the external indifference of Sagittarius to the results of its energetic influence, but gives an internal, subconscious desire to spread its energy channels as much as possible (i.e., to distribute to the world what was previously called grace). The main internal task of Sagittarius (like Gemini) is to establish a balance between Jupiter and Mercury. The dominance of Jupiter gives Sagittarius an overly general view of things; the confinement of Mercury gives an internal desire for details, the direct implementation of Togo leads to a deprivation of energy; in addition, Jupiter does not allow one to focus too closely on the details; they begin to change and flicker as if in a kaleidoscope, which Sagittarius cannot withstand for long and returns to its usual general diffuse perception. The latter does not mean at all that his arrows miss the target. Sagittarius, especially a developed one, hits unusually accurately, but he himself does not know why. In reality, two factors overlap here: on the one hand, the developed Sagittarius consciously sees the big picture (Jupiter) and quite often demonstrates to the world the power of general considerations (the deductive method), and on the other, his subconscious (Mercury) carefully monitors the details of the most important fragments of reality , which Jupiter points to him.

Sagittarius of the highest octave knows how, while rising to the highest levels of generalization and abstraction, to remain practical and not lose sight of essential details. This is a sign of high religious teachers and existential philosophers who know how to demonstrate to the surprised world the unity of the Cosmos and the Absolute in a drop of dew.

The situation of Sagittarius at the everyday level is, for example, a cheerful feast with lush toasts in the oriental style, in which it is not reality that sounds, but the ideal to which, in the thoughts of the yearning person, she should strive. The lowest octave of the Sagittarius situation is religious wars, nationalism and any fanaticism, i.e. blind adherence to an energetic idea considered as the highest. Under Sagittarius there is the creation and unification of ethnic groups, national liberation and civil wars. Sagittarius's belonging to the moving cross is reflected in the fact that he chooses slogans for mass movements that are simple and intuitively understandable to everyone; their inspiring and unifying power exceeds all expectations. True, other signs have to disentangle the results of Sagittarius’ activities, most often Virgo, whom he despises. The high situation of Sagittarius is inspired prayer, especially collective and with specific goals, passionate preaching, heated religious or philosophical debate. The charm of Sagittarius has a strong effect on young people, who are easily inspired by the typically Streltsovian hot, naive-romantic ideas of restructuring the world, creating new types of states or social relations; It is typical for Sagittarius that the main attention is focused on the temperature of the speech and the general nobility of the main idea, but not on logic - the latter is considered unimportant.


The Sun forces Sagittarius to fight for his idea, to implement it, but not as straightforwardly as Aries and Leo do. This, on the one hand, makes Sagittarius’s task easier, since he knows how to choose the general type of energy and behavior in relation to the situation, and on the other hand, it leads to the possibility of large distortions. If solar Aries is deprived of flow for incorrect behavior, and Leo is hit on the head, then solar Sagittarius can quickly find a different approach or change an idea; his enthusiasm and will do not suffer defeat for a long time. The Sun generally gives a feeling of divinity, or at least the inviolability of personal will (in the houses where it stands, rules or aspects), and solar Sagittarius has to live with the feeling of God's chosenness of his general picture of the world, his ideas and energy flows that he conducts . Therefore, he fights for them tooth and nail, but (generally speaking) more plastically and intelligently than other fire signs.

With a strong defeat, fanaticism and narrow-mindedness, but extreme influence on supporters.

Sagittarius, when presenting general ideas, always strives for practice, and the extent to which he achieves it depends on elaboration; at the same time, the defeat of the Sun brings it down to earth faster than harmonious aspects, which can easily give, for example, a home-based romantic philosopher, whose Sun is practically not included in the horoscope at all (a common danger for harmoniously placed planets and signs).

The developed Sun in Sagittarius gives an energetic and flexible leader who has an individual approach to people, and most importantly, knows how to inspire them with the idea he serves; however, it will be difficult for him to limit himself and administer wisely; he will prefer to take a deputy - Capricorn.

What solar Sagittarius cannot stand is restrictions on his freedom and the absence of an idea that inspires him; if he, with all his flexibility, cannot find it, he goes out and smokes.

Sagittarius is a special, complex, but favorable sign. It is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The natural mood for this sign is optimism and an unprecedented love of life. It symbolizes generosity, enthusiasm and determination. Sagittarius loves long trips and travel.

When the Sun is in Sagittarius in the natal horoscope, a person usually achieves heights in his career, recognition, and love of the opposite sex.

Characteristics of the sign Sagittarius

One of the most idealistic and creative signs of the zodiac is Sagittarius. He has a flow of ideas and an avalanche of love for life. The native always craves to take leadership positions. But this is not a revolutionary who opposes the system, he goes into opposition.

Sagittarius does not like to put pressure on someone, but tries to present information in a favorable light, thinks about how to teach a person and guide him on the right path. By old age, such people turn into prudent and wise old men, from whom everyone asks for advice.

As a sign of the fire element, it is called to creativity and diversity. And if the Leo sign is always concerned about the recognition of its creation and desires popularity, then Sagittarius creates simply out of an abundance of inspiration.

The ninth sign of the horoscope is also the natural owner of the 9th house. Philosophical searches for meaning and religious searches are relevant here. And among other things, Sagittarius cannot be accused of inertia or slowness. They are very active and love when their opinion is considered significant in society.

Zodiac circle in Jyotish

We must remember that the Western horoscope and the Vedic horoscope have significant differences. Signs are calculated using a completely different system. In Jyotish, the zodiac circle is counted from one of the stars of the Pisces sign, and inconsistencies appear in the definition of the Sun sign.

For example, if you are a Sagittarius according to an ordinary horoscope, then do not be surprised that the Vedic charts show your Not only the Sun, other planets and houses appear in completely different places.

Horoscope of man and woman

The Sagittarius man always strives for the heights. Both in creativity and in any other activity, Sagittarius loves to mentor and teach others. If the Sun in Sagittarius occupies a favorable house (3, 9, 10), the native will be successful in his career and will travel abroad quite often on business trips. It is thanks to business trips that he will acquire most of his material assets and receive a promotion.

The Sun in Sagittarius also gives a woman a desire to be active in society, a love of freedom, the ability to quickly establish good relationships with people, and excellent creative abilities. Such a woman is always tolerant and patient. If she allows her anger to come out, she quickly calms down and does not hold a grudge against people.

Both men and women, thanks to their innate wisdom, usually achieve a lot in society. They quickly absorb information, as they are gifted with a strong, deep mind and excellent memory. The main thing is that parents teach them from childhood to do one thing, and not waste their efforts on performing several tasks at the same time.

Positive and negative personality traits. Sun in Sagittarius

A strong Sun in a sign makes a person an excellent business strategist. He knows how to inspire people and always feels full of strength and enthusiasm. Such a person is successful in his endeavors and full of creative ideas. Always sociable and fair in his judgments.

Struck by negative planets, the Sun “reveals” the negative sides of character. Fussiness, pride, hypocrisy, and an unbridled passion for adventure are manifested. A person does not seek the truth, does not follow the religious path, but prefers to create his own moral system.

Such a person speaks a lot and out of place, because he always wants to be paid attention to. The position of the Sun in Sagittarius in the 8th house can mean the loss of a father or great difficulties in communicating with him.

Neutralization of negative influence

However, the defeat of the Sun does not mean that negative personality traits will remain for life. According to the Vedic horoscope, upayas - methods of harmonization - are used to improve the qualities of the planet. Through strong-willed efforts, asceticism and the desire for self-improvement, you can neutralize the negative aspects of any planet.

Moon positions in solar Sagittarius

The Moon in a horoscope is no less important than the Sun. It indicates the type of thinking, the ability to concentrate and work with information, a person’s emotionality and other important characteristics.

  • The Sun is in Sagittarius, and the Moon is in Aries - self-confidence, courage, the desire to compete with others in everything.
  • Moon in Taurus - such a Sagittarius is restrained in displaying emotions, knows how to control them perfectly, and is sociable.
  • In Gemini. The main quality for the Moon in Gemini is curiosity and frivolity. The native has many plans, but the lack of work discipline makes it difficult to translate these ideas into reality.
  • In the sign of Cancer. Such people always take care of their relatives. Here the Moon is very strong and Jupiter is doing well.
  • Sagittarius with Moon in Leo. They are prone to impetuosity, energetic, and vain. They strive to get both money and fame from life.
  • Virgo sign. Virgo is the most disciplined sign, practical and economic. With the idealistic aspirations of fiery Sagittarius, lunar character traits come into conflict within the personality. It is necessary to learn harmony and calmness.
  • Sagittarius with Moon in Libra. The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus, and this also adds to the nature of creative aspirations; these people are simply obliged to devote themselves to either acting or art.
  • Sun in Sagittarius Moon in Scorpio. The person is incredibly strong-willed and will achieve his goals, despite any obstacles. Such people are very hard-working and secretive; they have difficulty expressing emotions.
  • Moon in Sagittarius. These are always people who do not know how to despair in any situation. They love to support others.
  • Moon in Capricorn. A prudent, reliable, practical person. Excellent at planning ahead.
  • Sun in Sagittarius Moon in Aquarius. The native has a huge number of interests, ideas and friends.
  • And one last thing. Moon in Pisces. This is a born missionary.

It is also important to pay attention to astrological houses and aspects with other planets. A good position can be spoiled by the aspect of Saturn. A personal horoscope is judged when all 9 planets in their interaction are visible on the map.

Profession according to the Sun

The most successful career if a man has the Sun in Sagittarius will be the one ruled by the planet Jupiter. What kind of activity is this? These are law, mentoring, charity, religion and writing. Sagittarians make excellent judges.

Sagittarians are also good actors, sculptors, and writers. For women, a creative profession is preferable. A free schedule allows you to devote at least a little time to your family. But she can also achieve great success if she goes into science.

Sagittarius Children

What do parents who have a Sagittarius child, either by the Sun or by their rising sign, need to know? Such children love sports games, hiking, and creative activities more. They are not quiet people, since the sign is still fire, and their energy is very strong. They will ask countless questions and ask why things happen the way they do.

Parents will have to look for arguments for their words, and come to terms with the fact that their child will not consider their opinion authoritative. He will act only as he wants. Any pressure on Sagittarius will lead to the loss of a trusting relationship.

Jewelry for harmonizing energies

What to wear if the Sun is in Sagittarius? High-grade gold should be worn either as a pendant or as a ring on the ring finger. In addition, it is recommended to get up early and do a set of Surya Namaskar exercises, then this person’s energy will overflow.

Lord Jupiter.
Unyielding Sagittarius.
In order to correctly understand Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, it is necessary to significantly expand your ideas about the fundamental principles on which the internal and external life of a person rests (there are 12 of these principles in total, according to the number of signs of the Zodiac) and recognize as fundamental those moments that for to the superficial observer do not exist or appear ephemeral.

In the signs of the transformation zone, the elements manifest themselves more ideally than in the previous zones, making it clear that they receive their true sound only in the subtle world.
Another feature of the signs of the transformation zone is that in them, along with the element they represent, the next element in order begins to sound indirectly, in the background, i.e. in Sagittarius the elements of Water appear, and in Pisces - fire.

Sagittarius man.
The element of fire in Sagittarius is represented to a greater extent in an ideal way, i.e. The energy flow of Sagittarius goes through ideas, mostly of a general nature.
The Sagittarius Supreme is a spiritual leader, a religious leader, overshadowed by grace, whose ideas and words have the power to ignite people and lead them along the path indicated by Sagittarius.

The accuracy of his arrows is amazing, but they do not destroy human hearts, but subordinate them to the Streltsov idea.
The background of the element of earth in Sagittarius is expressed in the fact that this idea necessarily has a completely practical orientation (another thing is that it results in implementation).

Sagittarius and Virgo are the main idealists of the Zodiac; the difference between them is that Virgo looks up; from the earth to the sky, and sees the earth well, but the sky - poorly, and Sagittarius, on the contrary, looks from the sky to the earth, and its details float for him, but he has excellent orientation in the sky, i.e. among high ideas and their energy flows.

Sagittarius is his own person, full of practice, he is driven exclusively by practical and earthly problems, but for some reason he often does not notice obvious things and such private details as the field of the situation, the mood of the interlocutor, and the like.

His idea completely owns him, and he wants to bless the whole world with it, but he has neither the limitations of Aries nor the power of Leo, and if Sagittarius seems naive to someone (especially Virgo), then in fact this is not so at all: it’s just that he looks at some things too far away, but it should be remembered that, unlike air and water signs, he always looks at the earth, and if he can be mistaken in particulars, he will not be mistaken in general.

If the manifestation of Aries resembles the explosion of a bomb, and Leo resembles the smooth flow of a flamethrower, then Sagittarius (moving cross) can be compared to a gas burner with many flames.
Sagittarius doesn't have one narrow idea; there are either many of them, or one, but quite wide and perfectly adaptable to a wide variety of situations.

Neither the sharp depressions of Aries nor the stubborn constancy of Leo are typical for Sagittarius: the strongest gust of wind can extinguish only a few flames of Sagittarius; the rest will remain burning and will soon re-ignite the extinguished ones.

Sagittarius is not inclined to force the situation: seeing how it does not yield to his influence, he will change his approach or leave, but will not receive psychological trauma in either case.
His optimism and cheerfulness seem inexhaustible; this is almost true, especially considering his dislike of hopeless and dying situations where there is pure energy consumption, and vampires of any kind.

Sagittarius runs away from such situations and from such people with a speed inaccessible to other signs of the Zodiac, taking advantage of the obvious advantage in the number and length of legs.
His typical behavior in everyday life is to give out with great enthusiasm a thousand advances and promises and honestly try to fulfill them all...

Well, if it didn’t work out, I’m sorry, I did everything I could, after which the conversation naturally and charmingly moves on to another topic.
The highest octave of the signs of the transformation zone represents cosmic love manifested in the corresponding element.

Sagittarius represents the fiery manifestation of divine love, which is perceived by unprepared people as an incomprehensible charm and attractiveness of the personality of ideas; in fact, Sagittarius, with his arrows, strikes a spark of divine fire in the heart, and a person for a second feels like Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, depending on his horoscope and the current situation.

The lower octave of Sagittarius is characterized by a focus on an energetic (and fundamentally practical) idea to the detriment of attention to the reality into which this idea is carried out.
The thesis “an idealist means a fool” is provoked precisely by the low octave of Sagittarius.

If Aries is blinded by his idea, and Leo is imperiously enslaved, then Sagittarius can see much better and is much more free, but he (with poor elaboration) does not want to look around him or make a responsible choice, concentrating his fire - he is fine anyway, warmed by warm cosmic energy, look down on the (he is sure) beautiful and harmonious world as a whole, teaching it in general and without delving too deeply into boring specific details.

All transformation zone signs are instinctively religious, regardless of rational beliefs.
This means that from birth they have an open communication channel with the egregor, which they can use at any time; the nature of the connection depends on the element.

Sagittarius feels its connection with the Cosmos in the most direct way, through energy.
It must be said that despite the outward roughness characteristic of all fire signs, Sagittarius is significantly subtler than his brothers Aries and Leo, his energy flows are much more connected with general and subtle ideas, and he literally feels their divine origin and invisible power over the world , therefore, he is not as persistent as Leo and not as aggressive as Aries: he knows that his energy and ideas will reach without direct pressure, it is enough to simply spread them around himself, and then the principle applies: “When I come, everything is Mine.” the disciples will recognize Me."

This direct channel of energy communication with the egregor almost always works, so Sagittarius is difficult to understand not only for non-fire signs, but sometimes even for Aries and Leo.
Firstly, Sagittarius is always filled with the best and highest intentions and always strives to do the best.

Secondly, Sagittarius is consistent in the belief that the direct, even crude truth coming through him is absolutely necessary for everyone with whom he deals (and others too).
Thirdly, (if there is no strong defeat) this is usually the case, and those around him easily forgive his mistakes, and not so much because of his supernatural direct charm (although it is significant) indeed, but because he (they feel it) ) there really is no second thought.

The subtlety is that such behavior is allowed karmically only to Sagittarius.
Even Aries and Leo are forbidden to do this, due to their specific fiery complex (the significance of their flow); however, Sagittarius is really not busy with self-affirmation and does not particularly strive for it: for him, the main thing is simply the opportunity to shine, i.e. to energetically express his thoughts and feelings, and to what extent those around him will correctly understand and appreciate them, worries him much less.

Sagittarius, instinctively protecting his energy channel, will not tolerate any restriction of his freedom, and a possible oppressor or aggressor will have a very bad time, since Sagittarius’ anger resembles a forest fire.

However, Sagittarius primarily perceives freedom as freedom of self-expression, especially in subtle ways.
A developed Sagittarius will suffer much more from the lack of freedom of the press in society than from his own poverty, even if he was not a writer or public figure.

The main temptation of Sagittarius is that at some point it begins to seem to him that everything is allowed to him, and he can make up for any stupidity and inattention with his charm; the main difficulty for him is this: Sagittarius needs to learn to perceive his energy flow as a gift from God (it was not always there, is, and, of course!

There will always be), which must be distributed to others exactly at His command, and not at your whim.
However, if this is not done, Sagittarius will degrade.
His ideas are emasculated (i.e. the energy disappears from them, the Streltsov egregor narrows the channel) and become flat mental cliches that cannot inspire anyone, but cause severe irritation (empty slogans and no justification).

Then Sagittarius either changes his egregor (more precisely, his egregor gives Sagittarius into slavery to a lower egregor) and switches to a harsher energy, so that his rudeness is already perceived as ordinary rudeness, and the sincerity of self-expression smacks of standard egoism, or moves away from reality into a very low-energy world pale fantasies and stereotyped romantic dreams, where the criticism of Virgo above turns out to be quite fair.

Love of freedom and independence in the lower octave of Sagittarius turns into dogmatism and a fantastic desire to comb everyone with the same brush: here independence is understood as the unquestioning subordination of those around oneself, and freedom is provided only for one’s ego.

Undeveloped Sagittarius is extremely superficial, but this superficiality is in a sense the opposite of the superficiality of Gemini: he looks too broadly, so that the details are invisible and the result is a flat (and banal) picture with a very rough energy; undeveloped Geminis look too isolated and concrete and do not feel depth at all, so all plans merge.

Jupiter's rule gives Sagittarius extreme optimism and a sense of the general protection of fate.
In addition, Jupiter emphasizes the nobility of the element of fire in Sagittarius, the source of which is a broad view of things.

To understand a phenomenon means to find its exact place in the picture of the world, and Jupiter helps to do this; the trick is that the phenomenon is illuminated with bright light; and what previously seemed ugly, ugly and unnecessary turns out to be functional and beautiful in its own way.

However, to do this, you need to take the right point of view or, for stability, several such points, which Sagittarius does very well.
His ethics are Jupiterian, he can take pity on anyone and give him a piece of divine energy for free, but, unfortunately, he is not inclined to look at what the lucky one will do with it, and therefore Sagittarius can, with the best intentions, cultivate a huge amount of evil without paying any attention to it .

His frivolity, irresponsibility and adventurism are matched only by his charm.
However, at the same time, all this is just camouflage; in fact, Sagittarius performs a very important karmic task - he spreads his energy, enthusiasm and luck to the whole world; therefore, you cannot be offended by him: otherwise Jupiter will stop bringing you happiness.

Jupiter is the planet of compensation, empowerment.
Therefore, Sagittarius never gets stuck on their problems and failures, but finds internal reserves and ways to switch; his natural way of consoling a friend looks something like this: is it worth it to be upset about a loss or failure when there is still so much in the world (friends, women, jobs, opportunities...

Underline whatever applicable).
And there are really a lot of them for Sagittarius.
If Cancer is looking for reserves in the depths of his psyche, then Sagittarius finds them without deepening, by simple expansion, which gives the impression of a light character, but on a deeper look it looks like a miracle: a person constantly receives psychological support without any apparent reason.

Good mood and optimism are not without reason: they are based on strong energy.
In this sense, Sagittarius is the most protected sign of the Zodiac, since he everywhere (including psychologically and energetically) feels the support of the beneficent Jupiter, and for the same reason he is a weak psychologist, since it is difficult for him to imagine the characteristic difficulties and sorrows of other people.

Sagittarius has the most difficulty in situations where energy is low and what is required is not an increase, but a deep restructuring of the situation at a given energy level.
Here the standard Sagittarius behavior is inappropriate, and he becomes truly uncomfortable: he feels that his energy is not accepted, and his charm does not work, and if possible, he quickly disappears.

The imprisonment of Mercury gives the undeveloped Sagittarius a poor understanding of rational argumentation, difficulty in perceiving mental contacts and the dubious persuasiveness of his own ideas; however, he (it seems) doesn’t need this: detailed logical analysis kills inspiration, destroys the energy flow (it’s not for nothing that Mercury is falling in Leo, the main sign of energy).

The imprisonment of Mercury emphasizes the external indifference of Sagittarius to the results of its energetic influence, but gives an internal, subconscious desire to spread its energy channels as much as possible (i.e., to distribute to the world what was previously called grace).

The main internal task of Sagittarius (like Gemini) is to establish a balance between Jupiter and Mercury.
The dominance of Jupiter gives Sagittarius an overly general view of things; the confinement of Mercury gives an internal desire for details, the direct implementation of Togo leads to a deprivation of energy; in addition, Jupiter does not allow one to focus too closely on the details; they begin to change and flicker as if in a kaleidoscope, which Sagittarius cannot withstand for long and returns to its usual general diffuse perception.

The latter does not mean at all that his arrows miss the target.
Sagittarius, especially a developed one, hits unusually accurately, but he himself does not know why.
In reality, two factors overlap here: on the one hand, the developed Sagittarius consciously sees the big picture (Jupiter) and quite often demonstrates to the world the power of general considerations (the deductive method), and on the other hand, his subconscious (Mercury) carefully monitors the details of the most important fragments of reality , which Jupiter points to him.

Sagittarius of the highest octave knows how, while rising to the highest levels of generalization and abstraction, to remain practical and not lose sight of essential details.
This is a sign of high religious teachers and existential philosophers who know how to demonstrate to the surprised world the unity of the Cosmos and the Absolute in a drop of dew.

The situation of Sagittarius at the everyday level is, for example, a cheerful feast with lush toasts in the oriental style, in which it is not reality that sounds, but the ideal to which, in the thoughts of the yearning, it should strive.

The lowest octave of the Sagittarius situation is religious wars, nationalism and any fanaticism, i.e. blind adherence to an energetic idea considered as the highest.
Under Sagittarius there is the creation and unification of ethnic groups, national liberation and civil wars.

Sagittarius's belonging to the moving cross is reflected in the fact that he chooses slogans for mass movements that are simple and intuitively understandable to everyone; their inspiring and unifying power exceeds all expectations.

True, other signs have to disentangle the results of Sagittarius’ activities, most often Virgo, whom he despises.
The high situation of Sagittarius is inspired prayer, especially collective and with specific goals, passionate preaching, heated religious or philosophical debate.

The charm of Sagittarius has a strong effect on young people, who are easily inspired by the typically Streltsovian hot, naive-romantic ideas of restructuring the world, creating new types of states or social relations; It is characteristic of Sagittarius that the main attention is focused on the temperature of the speech and the general nobility of the main idea, but not on logic - the latter is considered unimportant.

The Sun forces Sagittarius to fight for his idea, to implement it, but not as straightforwardly as Aries and Leo do.
This, on the one hand, makes Sagittarius’s task easier, since he knows how to choose the general type of energy and behavior in relation to the situation, and on the other hand, it leads to the possibility of large distortions.

If solar Aries is deprived of flow for incorrect behavior, and Leo is hit on the head, then solar Sagittarius can quickly find a different approach or change an idea; his enthusiasm and will do not suffer defeat for a long time.

The Sun generally gives a feeling of divinity, or at least the inviolability of personal will (in the houses where it stands, rules or aspects), and solar Sagittarius has to live with the feeling of God's chosenness of his general picture of the world, his ideas and energy flows that he conducts .

Therefore, he fights for them tooth and nail, but (generally speaking) more plastically and intelligently than other fire signs.
With a strong defeat, fanaticism and narrow-mindedness, but extreme influence on supporters.

Sagittarius, when presenting general ideas, always strives for practice, and the extent to which he achieves it depends on elaboration; at the same time, the defeat of the Sun brings it down to earth faster than harmonious aspects, which can easily give, for example, a home-based romantic philosopher, whose Sun is practically not included in the horoscope at all (a common danger for harmoniously placed planets and signs).

The developed Sun in Sagittarius gives an energetic and flexible leader who has an individual approach to people, and most importantly, knows how to inspire them with the idea he serves; however, it will be difficult for him to limit himself and administer wisely; he will prefer to take a deputy - Capricorn.

What solar Sagittarius cannot stand is restrictions on his freedom and the absence of an idea that inspires him; if he, with all his flexibility, cannot find it, he goes out and smokes.