Treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women in the early stages. Treatment of laryngitis during pregnancy with medications and folk remedies. What is laryngitis

Almost every person is familiar with such a disease as inflammation of the larynx. Laryngitis during pregnancy develops as usual, but its treatment requires special attention. The peculiarity is that the treatment should not affect the development of the child, especially if the inflammation of the larynx is caused by a viral infection. The immune system of a pregnant woman is greatly weakened, and if treatment is not started in time, there may be unpredictable consequences for the health of both mother and child.

Viruses can easily cross the placenta and infect the fetus. This significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or major blood loss during childbirth. During an acute respiratory viral infection or flu epidemic, the risk of laryngitis increases, so it is extremely important to protect a pregnant woman from contact with sick people.

Methods for treating a throat during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the disease

At the beginning of the disease, a woman may complain of pain and sore throat when swallowing, and her voice becomes hoarse. Then a cough may begin, which seems to “tear” the inside of the throat, gradually turning into a wet cough with coughing up mucus. Lymph nodes located in the neck increase in size, touching them causes pain.

The body temperature rises, in some cases up to 40°C, and there is a constant lump in the throat. A woman feels weak throughout her body, has muscle pain, and may experience nasal congestion and a runny nose. Severe hoarseness can lead to temporary loss of voice. Feels in the throat constant dryness, I want to drink all the time. A woman may have difficulty eating solid food.

At the first signs of inflammation of the larynx, you should quickly contact an otolaryngologist, who, after examination and based on test results, will prescribe treatment. Laryngitis can be acute or become chronic.

Causes of the disease

In each specific case, the cause of the disease may be different, but there are several common factors that can cause inflammation of the larynx. First of all, this can happen after direct contact of a woman with patients with respiratory diseases or influenza. A high probability occurs with a cold, after hypothermia of the legs or the whole body.

Another reason may be inhaling very cold air through the throat. Inhalation of large amounts of dust or chemicals that may be in the air can also lead to illness. The throat becomes inflamed when you have to talk or shout loudly for a long time. Caution should be exercised if pregnant women have an infectious disease of the nasal or oral cavity. The inflammatory process can easily spread to the larynx, because the pregnant woman’s body is weakened due to hormonal disorders.

Features of treatment

To cure laryngitis during pregnancy, you should do this immediately after the first signs appear. The infection should not enter the placenta. The doctor will select a special treatment package that will not harm the development of the fetus and the health of the woman herself. This takes into account the duration of pregnancy and how it progresses. If no complications are observed, then treatment takes place at home.

It is advisable that the woman observe bed rest, especially with elevated body temperature. The use of medications must be limited so as not to harm the fetus. An antipyretic can be taken if the temperature is very high, but only after consulting with your doctor. Antibiotics should absolutely not be taken.

If you have a runny nose, you can use drops with sea ​​water, they will help remove mucus and restore breathing, you should drip up to 4 times a day. If you have a cough, you can take a mixture that will help with expectoration. A decoction of marshmallow root is often prescribed, which is considered an excellent immunostimulant. Reduce all conversations to a minimum, it is better to remain silent for several days, save your throat.

At acute form disease, redness of the laryngeal mucosa is observed. Sprays, inhalations and all kinds of physiotherapeutic procedures are used as treatment. Inhalations can be with decoctions of chamomile or calendula flowers, eucalyptus or mint, and pine buds. Using sprays, the surface of the larynx is irrigated, providing a therapeutic effect. Make an appointment ascorbic acid up to 1 g every day.

Food should be soft and gentle so as not to injure the throat. It is good to drink a lot, especially fruit drinks, a decoction of rose hips or linden, tea with lemon and honey, and fresh fruit juices. The drink should be warm and should not irritate sore throats. You can gargle with decoctions of dandelion or sage. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, laryngitis will go away in about 10 days.

If not completely cured, it can become chronic. This can also occur from sudden changes in temperature, or a long stay in a dusty or smoky room. Chronic disease can be expressed in three forms.

In the catarrhal form, it can be observed that the vocal cords are thickened, local blood circulation is disrupted, and the tissues of the larynx change. In the hypertrophic form, nodules appear and saliva becomes viscous. In the atrophic form, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, dry crusts form on the surface, which cause discomfort in the woman.

If proper treatment is not carried out, inflammation of the larynx can lead to serious complications. In the first half of pregnancy, you should be wary of congenital malformations of the fetus. In the second half of pregnancy, premature birth or severe bleeding is possible. Therefore, every woman should take any inflammatory process of the larynx seriously and begin treatment in a timely manner to prevent unwanted complications.

Prevention of laryngitis

To prevent inflammation of the throat, a woman who is expecting a baby should take care of her vocal cords and follow basic hygiene rules. You should wash your hands with soap more often, especially after visiting the toilet and public places. During epidemics of infectious diseases, use gauze bandages to protect your respiratory system, and try to avoid places where large numbers of people gather.

In the room where a pregnant woman lives, wet cleaning and ventilation should be carried out regularly. Keep conversations outside to a minimum during frosty weather, dress warmly, and especially take care of your throat so that it is protected from the cold. In warm weather it is useful to walk more fresh air. You definitely need to eat well, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to replenish your body with vitamins. You should increase your body’s defenses in every way in order to be able to resist infection.

Expectant mothers should be more attentive to their own health; at the first signs of an inflammatory process in the throat, they should urgently seek advice from a doctor.

Only a specialist can prescribe safe and high-quality treatment. Even folk remedies should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Pregnancy is a new condition for the female body. Its main task is to satisfy the needs of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. At the same time, a weakening of women’s immunity is observed. Overheating of the body, hypothermia, working in rooms with polluted air, overexertion while shouting and other carelessness lead to illness. One of the most dangerous and common during pregnancy is laryngitis.

During pregnancy, laryngitis develops together with other diseases. Patients note that they experienced flu or cold symptoms before laryngitis. Under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, the larynx and trachea are affected, leading to laryngotracheitis. Ignoring the inflammatory process leads to abnormal development fetus

First trimester

The source of inflammation in the throat does not have much effect on the baby. May harm the fetus in the first months of gestation. It is at this time that the embryo is most likely to become infected. If a woman has laryngitis in the first month of pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases. The period is short, so the woman may not even know about her situation; changes are indicated by bleeding.

Laryngitis in the first 3 months of bearing a baby is the cause of infection in the child’s body and the formation of defects of various types. At this moment, the laying of body tissues and internal organs occurs. Even the slightest exposure leads to the development of serious diseases. A specialist with extensive experience cannot say for sure whether a child can become infected.

Second trimester

The course of laryngitis between the 12th and 22nd weeks has an average level of danger for the baby in the womb. The most serious complication is inadequate development of internal organs. Abnormal formation of the kidneys is observed. Deviations at the time of birth of a new organism can be determined using ultrasound.

Third trimester

The main period of formation of the body falls on the first 6 months of pregnancy. If a woman encounters a disease after the second trimester, she can breathe a sigh of relief. Laryngitis for an embryo from the 7th to the 9th month of gestation is not so dangerous. The only thing that the disease leads to at this stage is premature birth.

Planning and bearing a child with a chronic form

According to experts, pregnancy is something that needs to be planned in advance. After all, it is necessary to prepare the body so that a woman does not encounter difficulties while carrying a baby. The body is carefully examined for the presence of the disease and, if necessary, treatment is prescribed. But such situations are rare.

Pregnancy and childbirth are possible. All that is required of a woman is to take care of her body so that an exacerbation does not manifest itself during pregnancy. First of all, you need to be afraid of hypothermia, as well as dirty and dusty rooms.

It is important to eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and breathe fresh air often. In case of exacerbation, immediately seek help medical care.

Causes of the disease

The very first reason for the appearance of laryngitis is the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body. A large number of microorganisms can provoke the development of diseases of the ENT organs. The infection is always transmitted by a sick person. Pregnant women should not communicate with carriers of infection and avoid large crowds of people.

A harmless visit to the store can cause the development of laryngitis. In addition, the disease awaits women even in hospitals.

The slightest contact with a sneezing or coughing person leads to the appearance of symptoms of laryngitis in a woman. The disease occurs due to:

  • overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • poor protective properties of the immune system;
  • hard work outside in the winter season;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • consuming cold or hot food and drinks;
  • smoking;
  • great impact on the vocal cords.

If laryngitis begins to appear after a woman’s body is exposed to chemicals, we are talking about an allergic disease. The allergen gets on the mucous membranes and provokes the development of laryngitis. Inflammation progresses with the consumption of citrus fruits, strawberries, sweets and other similar foods. Patients who are predisposed to allergies are at risk.

Symptoms of inflammation in pregnant women

When carrying a child, there are two forms of the disease - acute and chronic. An acute course develops as a result of an attack of the body by an infection. A chronic process - against the background of an untreated illness. In each specific case, the disease is accompanied by different symptoms.


The pathological process affects the mucous membranes of the larynx. The tissues become red and swell. The surface of the larynx becomes covered with purple growths. After some time, they begin to bleed, causing discomfort to the woman. As laryngitis progresses, the following clinical picture is distinguished:

  • dry cough, sometimes sputum appears;
  • inability to breathe fully;
  • partial or complete loss of ability to speak;
  • burning and dryness in the throat;
  • pain when talking or eating.

In acute laryngitis appears headache, which interferes with even minor household tasks. The patient begins to complain of weakness. Every day is accompanied by fatigue. As your body fights infection, your body temperature may rise.


This form of the disease is characterized by mild symptoms. As a rule, it develops as a result of an untreated acute inflammatory process. Along with chronic laryngitis, inflammation in the oral cavity or lower respiratory tract is diagnosed. Chronic laryngitis is divided into atrophic and hypertrophic.

Diagnosis of the disease

Determining the disease will not be difficult, since laryngitis is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The otolaryngologist first examines the mucous membranes of the throat. If necessary, the patient may be referred for a laryngoscopy procedure. Using the instrumental method, you can see the condition of the vocal cords and the stage at which the inflammatory process is located.

When carrying a child, it is important to determine the cause of inflammation and identify the causative agent. A complete blood test will also help to definitively confirm the diagnosis. The results are carefully studied by the attending physician, taking into account any nuances. Only after this procedure is the necessary treatment prescribed, individual in each specific case.

Methods of treating the disease

Most often, laryngitis is treated at home. This does not mean that a woman should independently select a treatment regimen. Visiting a doctor, examination and testing allows you to maintain your own health and protect your baby from complications. There are particularly severe cases that require hospital treatment. The patient is under the supervision of a doctor who can monitor the course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus.

Therapy should be gentle, be sure to increase the amount of drinking. These can be herbal decoctions with the addition lemon juice and honey. Wet cleaning and ventilation of the room will help normalize the condition and alleviate the course of the disease.

Symptoms get worse when the woman starts talking and screaming a lot. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce conversations to a minimum or remain silent altogether.

Antitussives and expectorants

While expecting a baby, mothers often suffer from a dry cough. With each new attack, the damaged mucous membrane is irritated. To improve sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs are prescribed. In the first three months, Stodal and Mukaltin will help. In the second, experts recommend Gedelix or Bromhexine for treatment. The listed medications are absolutely safe for the baby.

Only the attending physician can prescribe medications.


As for physiotherapy, pregnant women can attend the following procedures:

  • inhalation with steam;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

Walkthrough full course Such activities can improve the patient’s condition. Over time, the pain in the throat goes away, and the mucous membrane takes on its previous shape. The redness of the mucous membranes disappears. A woman coughs very rarely, and over time she completely forgets about it.


In addition to treatment with medications, you should pay attention to your diet. You should only eat healthy foods. It is worth giving up fatty, salty, smoked and sweets. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited. The patient is prohibited from consuming anything that can irritate the mucous membrane.

Folk remedies and recipes

Laryngitis can be cured with traditional medicine. The most common recipes for treating sore throat:

  1. Ginger tea with honey and lemon. It's a kind of hydrating drink.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Used for gargling. You can replace it with a soda-salt solution or sage tincture.
  3. Warm milk. Promotes the removal of sputum, diluting it. An alternative is Borjomi mineral water with honey.
  4. Black radish juice and honey. Also serves as an expectorant.

Despite the fact that the recipes involve the use of natural ingredients, they are used after the permission of the attending physician.

Childbirth with laryngitis

A woman suffering from laryngitis can give birth to a child naturally. If the symptoms are severe and the woman does not feel well, it is indicated C-section. An increased danger is the transition of inflammation to the trachea and bronchi. Feeding a newborn is allowed only with the use of a disposable mask. Changes are made every 3 hours.

How dangerous is the disease?

There is no treatment for laryngitis; it can lead to various consequences. The acute course turns into a chronic form, and from time to time the disease makes itself felt. The expectant mother must undergo therapy. Being pregnant, she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the well-being of the unborn baby.

For mother

A woman may face various complications. As a result of a long course, the inflammatory process can spread to neighboring organs. Bronchitis or tracheitis occurs against the background of laryngitis. Often after laryngitis progresses, patients complain of pneumonia.

For a child

Many parents are afraid of infection and make a mistake without realizing it. The greatest danger lies in the symptoms of intoxication. The vital activity of viruses is accompanied by the accumulation of waste, which leads to poisoning of the body. In turn, this contributes to the abnormal development of the baby. Laryngitis during pregnancy occurs with obvious symptoms, so doctors detect it in time and begin treatment.


Good protective properties of the immune system are the best prevention of laryngitis and other infectious diseases. The expectant mother is obliged to monitor her health.


Laryngitis threatens the health of both mother and child if it is caused by a serious infectious disease. Refusal of timely treatment and ignoring the problem leads to the development of complications. If there are initial signs laryngitis, you should immediately seek medical help. Properly selected complex therapy eliminates the disease a week after the start of treatment, without leaving any consequences.

The respiratory tract is always the first to perceive all infections that try to enter the body. A pregnant woman can catch a cold from any gust of wind, and more often than not common cold laryngitis follows. This disease often develops into a chronic form if proper attention is not given to it. The disease affects the following parts of the upper respiratory tract:

  • Nasopharynx;
  • Sinuses;
  • Pharynx.

The danger of laryngitis is that an unborn child may undergo irreversible pathological changes under the influence of this disease. In an advanced form, when the first symptom was not noticed and treatment did not begin, even a miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus is possible. Today we will learn all the symptoms and how to treat laryngitis during pregnancy.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Before treating laryngitis, you need to make sure that the symptoms apply to it. Pregnancy as such does not change the symptoms of the disease, but certain signs may be more pronounced. This behavior of the disease is associated with weakened immunity in the expectant mother. Acute laryngitis manifests itself in pregnant women in the form of a deepened voice, and in some it may even disappear. In most cases, the voice becomes hoarse and it is difficult to speak. The disease affects the throat in such a way that discomfort and pain appear.

The first symptoms do not appear immediately, but usually in the morning. Over time, the discomfort begins to intensify, a lump of phlegm collects in the throat, and the woman tries to clear her throat. The viral type of disease almost always provokes a lump in the throat, and this is also a sign. So, to summarize, acute laryngitis during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the throat, vaguely reminiscent of a sore throat;
  2. Swelling of throat tissue;
  3. Hoarse speech;
  4. Slight increase in body temperature.

For pregnant women, laryngitis is dangerous because it creates favorable conditions for the development of viruses in the body; various infections can provoke secondary symptoms and interfere with correct diagnosis. You also need to take into account that through the connection between the fetus and the pregnant woman, not only vitamins, but also any harmful viruses can enter the young body. Therefore, laryngitis in pregnant women can infect the fetus and lead to its irreversible changes. in pregnant women they are deplorable - the female body acquires a chronic form of the disease, and the child may undergo severe genetic changes or even die. In addition, if treatment was not started on time, there may be consequences in the form of pneumonia or severe flu. Therefore, ordinary laryngotracheitis during pregnancy is actually a serious disease and can lead to serious consequences.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women in most cases is carried out at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. If it becomes noticeable that the signs of the disease are worsening and there is a danger of complex consequences, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital and the larynx is treated as an inpatient. During therapy, a pregnant woman must drink as much fluid as possible in order to remove accumulated negative substances. Unpleasant sensations and discomfort are relieved with mild painkillers or, which we will talk about a little later. A dry cough can be treated with expectorants, which gradually remove mucus from the lungs. Taking ascorbic acid daily can stimulate the body and may prevent severe consequences.

Therapy using folk remedies

Laryngitis during pregnancy should never be treated with antibiotics, so the use of folk remedies is appropriate here. Young mothers are able to prepare most recipes on their own. Some methods are so effective that laryngitis during pregnancy can be cured quickly and without consequences.

We will focus on the following natural recipes:

  • Steam breathing will help relieve nasal congestion. To do this, you just need to boil a bowl of water and breathe over it;
  • To successfully treat laryngitis during pregnancy, you need to stop consuming a lot of caffeine. Strong coffee, Coca-Cola and other drinks of this kind cause dehydration and dry out the throat;
  • You need to talk less so as not to strain your throat;
  • It is easier to treat laryngitis in a pregnant woman in the right conditions. Therefore, it is better to install a humidifier indoors;
  • For nervous disorders caused by illness, herbs will help you calm down, for example, ginger. An unpleasant taste can be sweetened with honey or other pleasant dried herb or tincture;
  • Acute laryngitis in the 1st trimester reacts extremely unpleasantly to dust, it creates dryness in the throat;
  • Smoking during pregnancy is not permissible at all, and if you also smoke during laryngitis, then there is a risk of quickly transferring the disease to the chronic stage - tobacco smoke should be avoided;
  • You need to drink a lot, at least three liters a day until complete recovery. This will help the larynx maintain the same level of moisture;
  • It is advisable to remain silent throughout the treatment so as not to tire the vocal cords again. But if you need to say something, it is better to speak quietly, but do not whisper, this is even worse;
  • Treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women in the early stages is not complete without cough drops. They help moisturize the epithelium in the larynx and significantly relieve annoying discomfort. But you should avoid menthol or mint flavors, as they are very drying and ruin all your efforts.

As a conclusion, it must be said that any illnesses during pregnancy are difficult to bear, and in order to avoid them you need to try to strengthen your immune system. Even regular walks in the fresh air, taking vitamins and regular fitness are suitable for this.

Every woman suffers from pharyngitis at least once in her life. And during pregnancy, the risk of contracting this disease increases several times. How dangerous is a sore throat for expectant mothers and how can it be treated?

What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the back wall of the pharynx. Depending on the nature of the disease, it can be acute or chronic.

Acute pharyngitis occurs suddenly and lasts for several days. The disease manifests itself as a dry and sore throat, moderate pain when swallowing, and sometimes a slight increase in temperature (up to 37.5–38 degrees).

In 70% of cases, the cause of inflammation is viruses, less often – bacteria and fungi. This explains why acute pharyngitis is a frequent accompaniment of colds. During pregnancy, the likelihood of infection increases due to the weakening of the woman's immune system.

Chronic pharyngitis occurs over a long period of time, with periodic exacerbations. Symptoms of this form of the disease vary depending on the degree of damage to the pharyngeal mucosa:

  • At the initial stage (catarrhal pharyngitis), the patient is bothered by dryness and swelling in the throat, which intensifies after a long conversation or inhalation of frosty air.
  • With moderate severity of the disease (granular pharyngitis), the soreness intensifies, and complaints of a feeling of a lump in the throat appear. The doctor finds red bumps on the back wall of the throat. The mucous membrane acquires a shiny, “varnished” surface.
  • The last degree of inflammation (atrophic pharyngitis) is characterized by difficulty swallowing and the appearance of bad breath. The back wall of the pharynx becomes covered with dry crusts. The doctor diagnoses thinning of the mucous membrane.

At all stages, patients suffer from a dry, persistent cough. Exacerbations are most often observed in the autumn-spring period.

Factors that contribute to the development of chronic pharyngitis during pregnancy include:

  • decrease in the body's defenses,
  • frequent colds,
  • reflux esophagitis (heartburn),
  • caries,
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses,
  • diabetes,
  • inhalation of dusty air.

To prevent the disease from prolonging, it is important to seek help from an ENT specialist or therapist in time.

Possible complications

The onset of pharyngitis is dangerous because inflammation can spread to neighboring tissues. This situation threatens a woman with the development of laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), tracheitis, and in some situations, pneumonia.

Acute pharyngitis in the early stages of pregnancy can negatively affect the baby: there is a danger of developing intrauterine hypoxia or fetal retention syndrome. Therefore, timely implementation of therapeutic measures is required.

How to treat?

Pregnant women with pharyngitis should especially avoid inhaling tobacco smoke.

  • Drink warm drinks that “lubricate” the throat - milk with honey, jelly, tea with raspberry jam,
  • provide peace to the throat - refrain from prolonged talking, shouting, singing,
  • do warm foot baths,
  • at night, put compresses on the throat with camphor alcohol,
  • eat light, mostly soft foods - cereals, purees, soups, meat and vegetables minced through a meat grinder,
  • during illness, avoid spicy, salty, sour, too cold and too hot foods,
  • avoid inhaling tobacco smoke,
  • humidify the air in the house (use special humidifiers or place a bowl of water near the radiator),
  • ventilate rooms more often.

The drug therapy regimen for the disease is determined by the doctor individually.

For acute pharyngitis during pregnancy, the following are usually prescribed:

  • Treatment of the back wall of the pharynx with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions. You can gargle with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, or use local inhalation sprays (Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Hexasprey, Kameton are approved for use in pregnant women).
  • Resorption of lozenges with an immunomodulatory effect (Lizobact or under the supervision of a doctor in the third trimester - Hexalize). The beneficial bacteria included in the preparations increase the local immunity of the throat mucosa and help to cope with inflammation more quickly.
  • In case of severe swelling of the pharynx, the mucous membrane is lubricated with astringent solutions - collargol or a 5% solution of tannin-glycerin.
  • If there is no allergic reaction, you can dissolve honey under your tongue between meals - 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times a day.

If the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, taking paracetomol (Panadol) is indicated.

Otherwise, chronic pharyngitis is treated. With this form of the disease, swelling in the throat is not observed or it is very small. Patients are shown:

  • Rinse with 1% sodium chloride solution or sea water every 2-3 hours.
  • Ultrasonic inhalations with mineral waters (Borjomi, “Bjni”).
  • The back wall of the pharynx is lubricated with moisturizing preparations - a solution of retinol acetate in nut oil or a mixture of vitamin A and sea ​​buckthorn oil(in a ratio of 2:1).
  • The use of local immunomodulators in the form of lozenges (Lizobact) is useful.
  • Taking vitamin A orally (2 drops 2 times a day).
  • For granulosa pharyngitis, compactions of lymphoid tissue are cauterized with trichloroacetic acid. Large granules are removed with a laser or liquid nitrogen.
  • In complex therapy of atrophic pharyngitis, inhalations with thinning drugs (acetylcysteine) are used. In severe forms of the disease, pharyngeal blockades are indicated - injections of novocaine with aloe into the back wall of the pharynx. At the discretion of the doctor, intramuscular injections of reparatives that stimulate restoration processes in the mucous membranes (Solcoseryl or Actovegin) can be prescribed.

Physiotherapy procedures used:

  • magnetotherapy,
  • mud applications to the submandibular area.

When the underlying disease that causes chronic pharyngitis is identified, measures are taken to combat it. For example, if inflammation is detected in the paranasal sinuses, the doctor may prescribe rinsing them. If reflux esophagitis is suspected, the patient is sent to see a gastroenterologist.

Prohibited for pharyngitis

  • Gargle with soda, iodine, and alcohol solutions. Suck menthol lozenges. All these products dry out the mucous membrane.
  • Abuse vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose. They irritate the throat.
  • Drink more than 2 liters of fluid per day (including soups, vegetables and fruits). During pregnancy, excess water threatens the development of edema.

The program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” talks about the treatment of colds during pregnancy:

We treat pregnant women - Doctor Komarovsky - Inter

In 95% of women, with the onset of pregnancy, immune protection is weakened. When the immune response to the development of the embryo in the womb of the expectant mother is suppressed, the likelihood of miscarriage decreases. However, immunological changes in the body increase the risk of developing respiratory diseases, in particular laryngitis.

Treatment of laryngitis during pregnancy should be accompanied by taking only safe medications that do not affect the development of the fetus. And these funds, by the way, are not so much. According to statistics, approximately 63% of pregnant women with the development of ARVI develop inflammation of the larynx.

Due to the body's reduced resistance, the infection progresses rapidly, affecting the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system. When treating laryngitis, you can use only those medications that are not able to be absorbed into the blood, cross the placental barrier and affect the natural process of fetal development.

Features of treatment

During the gestation period, i.e. While carrying a child, experts recommend keeping medications to a minimum. Most of them contain components that can negatively affect the development of the fetus and cause pathologies. If you have laryngitis, avoid completely drug treatment it is impossible, since the infection can damage the health of the unborn child even more than medications.

How to treat laryngitis during pregnancy? To reduce the likelihood of drug components penetrating the systemic bloodstream, it is advisable to use topical drugs when treating inflammation in the larynx. Antiviral, wound-healing, antipyretic and antihistamine medications can be used for therapeutic purposes.

  • maintain bed rest;
  • Avoid eating spicy and hot foods;
  • drink enough alkaline drinks;
  • gargle and inhale regularly;
  • minimize conversations that put strain on the vocal apparatus.

Against the background of a decrease in immune defense, the infection progresses very quickly, which entails the development of more serious pathologies - laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, acute bronchitis.

Like many other respiratory diseases, laryngitis poses a potential threat not only to the expectant mother, but also to the child. Pathogenic microorganisms release toxic substances that poison the woman’s body.

Severe intoxication can cause disturbances in fetal development, in particular cardiovascular and nervous system. Therefore, at the first symptoms of laryngitis, you must consult a doctor and undergo the recommended course of drug therapy.

Antiviral agents

As a rule, laryngitis in pregnant women develops against the background of a cold or flu. To eliminate infection in the respiratory system, it is necessary to take antiviral agents. In the first trimester of pregnancy, only certain types of medications can be used that do not lead to pathological development of the fetus.

The safest means that help destroy viruses in the larynx and other parts of the respiratory tract include:

  • “Oscillococcinum” – increases immune defense and destroys most pathogens of viral diseases;
  • “Viferon” – stimulates the production of interferon, which increases the activity of protective cells in the body;
  • "Anaferon" - prevents the proliferation of viruses and stops inflammation in the affected areas.

The dosage and frequency of taking antiviral drugs depends on the stage of pregnancy and is determined only by the attending physician.

The above products are available in the form of suppositories and tablets. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use medications in the form of rectal suppositories, since they do not irritate the gastric mucosa and practically do not cause side effects. Antiviral drugs can be combined with other medications without fear of developing allergic reactions.


Inhalations are the most quick way“delivery” of drugs directly to the sites of inflammation. In order not to harm the fetus, but at the same time stop inflammation in the larynx, it is better to use alkaline solutions as drugs. They normalize the pH level in the mucous membranes and create unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of infectious agents.

Aerosol and steam inhalations can be used for the procedure. Aerosol inhalations, which are performed using nebulizers, are considered the safest. To reduce inflammation and swelling of the hypopharynx, you can use:

Inhalation should not be performed on a full stomach, as this may cause nausea and vomiting.

Inhalations have a pronounced decongestant, wound healing and antitussive effect. Therefore, physiotherapeutic procedures must be repeated at least 4-5 times a day for a week.


If laryngitis occurs as a complication of influenza, ARVI, colds or sore throat, it is best to use rinses to treat it. Irrigation of the hypopharynx medicines helps increase local immunity, prevent the development of viruses and microbes and, of course, speed up the healing process. Unlike systemic drugs, when washing the tonsils and throat, the drugs are practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and therefore do not harm the development of the fetus.

During the gestation period, it is best to use the following drugs for rinsing a sore throat:

  • "Miramistin" - disinfects the mucous membrane and stimulates the regeneration of inflamed tissues;
  • “Chlorophyllipt” – destroys microbes and fungi, washes out pus from areas of inflammation;
  • "Chlorhexidine" - restores the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and increases local immunity.

To avoid burning the mucous membrane, you should use solutions with a temperature of no higher than 37°C to irrigate the throat.

In addition to pharmaceutical antiseptics, rinsing can be done with herbal decoctions. Thyme, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, sage and St. John's wort have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Cough remedies

Laryngitis is always accompanied by a spasmodic cough, which can intensify during sleep and after waking up. When coughing, the abdominal muscles become overstrained, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus. To stop a nonproductive cough, it is recommended to use dextromethorphan-based antitussives. It has no toxic effect, so it can be used by pregnant women in the treatment of laryngitis.

The safest and most effective antitussives include:

  • "Tussin Plus";
  • "Akodin";
  • "Ferfex";
  • "Grippostad."

Important! Dextromethorphan-based medications should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Approximately 3-4 days after damage to the larynx, sputum begins to be produced in the respiratory tract. To speed up its elimination, you need to use expectorants. During gestation, it is advisable to use herbal medications. Their active components do not cross the placental barrier and therefore do not harm the fetus:

  • "Stodal";
  • "Bronchicum";
  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Solfin";
  • "Libexin";
  • "Gedelix";
  • "Herbion".

Please note that antitussives can only be used for 2-3 days. After this period, sputum begins to collect in the respiratory organs. If you continue to take medications that stop the cough reaction, this will subsequently lead to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and, as a result, their inflammation.

Throat sprays

Pregnant women should not use throat aerosols that contain alcohol. They speed up blood circulation and help increase blood pressure, which can lead to a deterioration in a woman’s well-being. The safest medications are those based on medicinal herbs. They have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane, accelerating the process of its recovery.

To eliminate foci of inflammation in the throat and larynx, you can use the following aerosols:

  • "Stopangin";
  • "Hexoral spray";
  • "Tantum Verde";
  • "Derinat";
  • "Miramistin".

Spray medications should not be used by women suffering from bronchial asthma, as they can provoke bronchospasms.

The drugs contain components that have a reparative (wound-healing), anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. With their help, it is possible to eliminate pain and discomfort when swallowing. However, it should be noted that the medications can be used for no more than 5-7 days. The active components of the products tend to accumulate in tissues. An overdose can cause allergic reactions - nausea, urticaria, swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat.


Lozenges are the safest drugs that can be used to treat laryngitis in pregnant women. Multicomponent lozenges and lozenges contain substances with disinfecting, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They should be used at least 4 times a day to relieve pain and eliminate swelling in the hypopharynx.

While pregnant, women can use the following types of lozenges:

  • "Doctor Mom";
  • "Laripront";
  • "Faringosept";
  • "Stopangin";
  • "Lizobakt".

To enhance the effect of the lozenges, it is recommended to gargle with a saline solution before using them. It will help eliminate up to 70% of pathogenic agents in the mucous membrane and viscous sputum, which can interfere with absorption active ingredients drugs into the affected tissues.


High temperature is a constant companion of acute laryngitis, which can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. In the first months of pregnancy, it is not recommended to use antipyretics (fever-reducing drugs), as they are absorbed into the blood and can harm the unborn baby. But ignoring hyperthermia is fraught with serious consequences, including miscarriage and miscarriage. How to reduce the temperature in this case?

To normalize the temperature, experts recommend using only Paracetamol. Any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen and even Panadol, can provoke unwanted side reactions. In addition to Paracetamol for recovery temperature regime use folk remedies. Tea with lemon, milk with honey and linden decoction have a pronounced antipyretic effect.

Pregnancy is a very happy period in the life of every woman. At this time, the immune system works with double the load and therefore any carelessness: hypothermia, overstrain of the larynx can lead to the development of unpleasant diseases, for example, laryngitis. How to recognize the problem? How can an expectant mother deal with developing pathology so as not to harm her unborn baby? Let's try to figure it out.

Laryngitis during pregnancy: clinical picture

Laryngitis is an inflammatory process that develops on the mucous membrane of the larynx. The disease manifests itself as a dry cough, painful sensations when talking and swallowing.

The patient is haunted by the feeling of a foreign body in the throat. The laryngeal mucosa is hyperemic, the vascular pattern is more pronounced. A whitish coating may appear on the surface of the vocal folds.

Most often, laryngitis becomes a symptom of viral as well as bacterial infections.

Since some pathogenic agents are able to penetrate the placental barrier, there is a risk of developmental pathologies in the unborn baby. At the first signs of the disease, a pregnant woman should immediately contact a medical facility for a full examination.


The most common cause of acute laryngitis is infection with viruses or pathogenic microorganisms. The source of infection is the sick person. That is why pregnant women should avoid visiting crowded places during epidemics. In addition, the following unfavorable factors can provoke the disease:

  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • irritation of the larynx by polluted air;
  • smoking or often being in a smoky room;
  • local hypothermia due to consumption of ice cream or cold drinks.

Laryngitis can occur due to an allergic reaction to any food, medications, or chemically polluted air. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in the throat can also cause the pathology.

How to recognize laryngitis at the first signs, watch our video:


Laryngitis during pregnancy is of two types: acute and chronic. The second form is the result of colds that were not cured at the time, and the acute form occurs against the background of infection. The symptoms of both variants of the course of the disease differ significantly.


The pathology is manifested by sharp redness of the laryngeal mucosa and its swelling. Purple bumps form on the surface of the larynx, which may even bleed. The disease is also accompanied by:

  • dryness, burning, sore throat;
  • dry cough, gradually turning into wet;
  • deterioration of the sound of the voice or its complete loss;
  • sore throat when talking and eating;
  • difficulty breathing.

The acute process may be accompanied by weakness and headaches. A pregnant woman feels tired every day. A slight increase in temperature is possible.


The symptoms of chronic laryngitis in pregnant women are a little erased. It may appear against the background of untreated acute pathologies. Often chronic form diagnosed in the presence of foci of infection or inflammation in the oral cavity or in the underlying respiratory tract. It can occur in two forms: hypertrophic and atrophic.


Due to the fact that the symptoms of laryngitis are quite characteristic, diagnosing the disease is not difficult. The doctor visually examines the surface of the mucosa. If necessary, laryngoscopy may be prescribed. The instrumental method allows a more accurate assessment of the condition of the vocal cords and the neglect of the source of infection.

Identifying the causative agent of laryngitis during pregnancy is a very important point. To do this, you will need to take a throat swab, as well as a general blood test. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women should be gentle. It is recommended to increase the volume of warm drinks and regularly ventilate the room. Daily wet cleaning will help alleviate the patient’s condition.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about the peculiarities of treatment when carrying a child:


Drug therapy for laryngitis includes taking medications aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. If the pathology was caused by a viral infection, antiviral agents will help. Approved for use in pregnant women:

  • Viferon;
  • Aflubin;
  • Oscillococcinum.

Antihistamines are usually prescribed to relieve swelling in the throat. Most of them are contraindicated for expectant mothers, but as a last resort, when assessing the risk for the unborn baby and the benefits for the mother, the following are prescribed:

  • Zyrtec;
  • Claritin;
  • Cetirizine.

To relieve throat symptoms, topical antiseptic medications may be used (


) or lozenges (


). These drugs are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, minimizing the risk of complications in the fetus.

The photo shows drugs for the treatment of laryngitis

Folk remedies

  1. Ginger tea with honey and lemon helps moisturize the dry larynx.
  2. To liquefy and facilitate the release of sputum, you can use the usual warm milk, diluted Borjomi with the addition of a spoon of honey.
  3. For gargling, use decoctions of chamomile and sage or a regular soda-salt solution.
  4. Black radish juice with a spoon of honey is used as an expectorant.


Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, pregnant women may be allowed:

  • Electrophoresis on the throat area;
  • OKUF;
  • Steam inhalations;
  • Oil inhalations.

Such activities help alleviate the patient's condition. After the procedures, sore throat disappears, swelling of the mucous membrane subsides, and coughing attacks become less frequent.

Physiotherapeutic methods cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription. Only a doctor can assess the possible risks and benefits received.

How dangerous is the disease?

If laryngitis is not treated on time, various complications may occur. Inflammation quite often spreads to neighboring organs without the necessary therapy. Tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop.

A particular danger during pregnancy is laryngitis that develops as a result of viral infections, such as:

  • Whooping cough;
  • Scarlet fever;
  • FLU;
  • Measles.

Such pathogenic agents easily penetrate the placental barrier and can cause serious abnormalities and disturbances in fetal development. The development of these diseases on later may cause premature birth or even the death of the child.

Planning and bearing a child with a chronic form

In an ideal situation, pregnancy should be planned, and the woman should undergo a comprehensive examination in advance. The identified diseases are treated and only after that the expectant mother makes a decision about conception. However, this is not always the case.

If a woman has chronic laryngitis. She should take all possible preventive measures to prevent exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy. Hypothermia and staying in polluted and smoky rooms should be avoided. It is also necessary to eat well and follow a sleep and rest schedule. If an exacerbation does occur, treatment is symptomatic and only with approved medications.


The best prevention of any infectious diseases, including laryngitis, is considered to be strong the immune system. The expectant mother is obliged to monitor her health: take daily walks in the fresh air, wear clothes that fit properly, and protect her vocal cords from overstrain.

Cold and hot foods should be excluded from the diet. You should not eat foods that irritate the mucous membrane (spicy, salty, sour). The apartment must be regularly wet cleaned and the premises must be constantly ventilated.

Prevention of viral and bacterial infections during pregnancy:


Laryngitis during pregnancy, if not caused by severe infectious diseases and not accompanied by high fever, poses virtually no danger to the expectant mother and her baby. However, without timely treatment, complications can develop very quickly. That is why at the first signs of illness you should immediately consult a doctor. When carrying out complex therapy, recovery occurs in 7-10 days, leaving no consequences.

Medical statistics indicate that laryngitis during pregnancy is more common than any other diseases of the ENT organs, and expectant mothers need to know how to treat it. Otherwise, a “harmless” sore throat at first glance can turn into dangerous consequences for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the larynx in pregnant women

Pregnant women get laryngitis for the same reasons as everyone else, that is, due to:

  • viral, bacterial or fungal infection;
  • overstrain of the vocal cords by shouting, loud singing, etc.;
  • allergies;
  • smoking;
  • inhaling dusty or polluted air.

Sometimes the larynx of the expectant mother becomes inflamed due to the so-called rhinitis of pregnancy, when nasal breathing becomes difficult and the entire load falls on the throat.

Inflamed and hyperemic laryngeal mucosa in the expectant mother is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • hoarseness;
  • sore and sore throat;
  • cough;
  • temperature;
  • headache, fatigue, other signs of general deterioration.

Danger of disease

Laryngitis during pregnancy is not necessarily severe. But it must be treated immediately and fully. The following can harm the expectant mother, the health and normal development of the fetus:

  1. Virus. In the vast majority of cases, inflammation of the larynx is caused by a virus. This pathogenic organism has the ability to overcome the placental barrier, causing pathologies in the early stages of fetal development and developmental delays throughout pregnancy. Medicine also knows of cases where, due to laryngitis, an expectant mother’s pregnancy ended in termination or premature birth.
  2. Complications. If treatment of inflammation of the larynx is not taken on time, it can “sink”, causing tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. It is also possible that a bacterial infection may occur, which must be treated with antibiotics.
  3. Temperature. Despite the fact that laryngitis during pregnancy is rarely accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, even such an increase can lead to intrauterine suffering for the fetus.

Features of the treatment of laryngeal inflammation in expectant mothers

It would not be amiss to remind you once again that at the first symptoms of inflammation of the larynx, the expectant mother is obliged to consult a doctor.

If, with laryngitis, a pregnant woman experiences an increase in temperature by 1-1.5 degrees, her overall health is satisfactory, and the disease can be treated at home. The patient will be advised to visit a doctor every three to four days to monitor the progress of the disease and, if necessary, adjust treatment.

During illness, the expectant mother must adhere to a certain regimen:

  • avoid physical activity;
  • if possible, lie down more;
  • drink a lot of warm liquid in the form of weak tea, fruit drinks, juices, herbal decoctions to which she is not allergic, milk and non-carbonated alkaline mineral water(to avoid edema, the drinking regime is discussed with the doctor);
  • be in a ventilated area with humidified air.

Drug treatment of the disease includes taking drugs to eliminate its cause, symptomatic and restorative drugs.

Antiviral agents

If a pregnant woman observes the first signs of ARVI, she should take treatment antiviral drugs, then laryngitis may not happen at all.

If inflammation of the larynx does make itself felt, it can be treated with the following drugs:

  • Viferon;
  • Oscillococinum;
  • Aflubin.

Anti-inflammatory and antihistamines

Typically, treatment for laryngeal inflammation involves taking antihistamines. But most of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. In extreme cases, expectant mothers are prescribed Zyrtec, Claritin or Cetrizine. At the same time, the doctor evaluates the ratio of benefits for the woman and risk to the fetus.

It is possible to use local anti-inflammatory drugs - Ingalipt and Miramistin sprays, absorbable tablets or lozenges Lisobakt, Efizol or Faringosept.

Antitussives and expectorants

In the first days of laryngitis, a pregnant woman is tormented by a non-productive paroxysmal cough. In the early stages, only drinking plenty of fluids or inhaling will help soften it. Starting from the second trimester, treatment with the antitussive drug Sinecod is allowed.

When the cough clears up, the expectant mother will need to drink an expectorant based on marshmallow or thermopsis root.


Inhalation with a nebulizer with Decasan, saline solution or Borjomi water will help the expectant mother to have a local effect on pathogenic microflora, moisturize and soothe the inflamed mucous membrane of the larynx.

Folk remedies for inflammation of the larynx

It makes sense to treat laryngitis during pregnancy folk remedies. Before using any of the following, a woman should consult a doctor.

  1. Ginger tea with lemon to moisturize the laryngeal mucosa.
  2. Milk with honey and Borjomi to thin and remove mucus.
  3. Black radish juice with honey as an expectorant.
  4. Chamomile or sage decoction for gargling.
  5. Steam inhalations with chamomile infusion, mint and camphor oil.

If the treatment undertaken does not lead to recovery after 5-10 days, the expectant mother will continue it in the hospital.

To prevent inflammation of the larynx and other respiratory diseases, it is important for a pregnant woman to take preventive measures.