Water does not flow under a standing stone. Children's fairy tales online. Economical trick for standing shower

No song, no supper.


This proverb says that if you do nothing, things will not move forward, nothing will change.

It is usually used when we are talking about an inactive person who cannot even take care of himself, does not want to change anything in his life, and expects someone to help him. And as a result, the whole life can go by without a person achieving anything.

With such a proverb we seem to encourage a person to action.

IN English language A proverb with a similar meaning goes like this:

No song, no supper.

And in German a similar meaning is conveyed by the words:

Arbeit bringt Brot, Faulenzen Hungersnot.

But it must be said that both English and German proverbs are more specific, and in Russian the proverb “Water does not flow under a lying stone” has a more generalized and even philosophical meaning.

(written by Evgeny40 for the course "Proverbs and Sayings", 2014)

In ancient times, there lived a peasant. He had some good things, but most of all he valued his beloved wife. They used to get up at dawn and get to work together. They worked hard and somehow made ends meet. But it’s not for nothing that they say that grief and misfortune walk among people. Less than a year after the wedding, the unfortunate husband lost his only treasure: his dear wife died.
It is known that a good housewife is the pride of any home, and whoever has lost such a wife is sickened to look at a careless one. The widower's hut is empty, the hearth has grown cold, and now he himself goes about in a dirty shirt to the feast, and to the world, and to good people. There was nothing to be done, he had to think about marriage. Marriageable brides are like nuts in the forest, but take a closer look at them and you will see: the girl is beautiful, but lazy to spin. The peasant was tired of choosing a bride for himself, and then one day he decided to go to a neighboring village and marry the first girl he met on the way.
Once upon a time there were horse-drawn mills. Near the outskirts of a neighboring village there was just such a mill, and near that mill the widower saw a girl - she was waiting for the miller to sweep away her grain.
-Will you marry me, red maiden? - he asks at random.
The girl perked up and sang in a sweet voice, as if she had eaten enough honey gingerbread:
- Don't know. Ask mother!
There will always be a bride for the groom, but the peasant’s word was firm, and he did not want to back down from his decision. He went to the mother of the girl who was waiting for the grinding near the mill, and she said to him:
“We have a girl of marriageable age - that’s true, but I’ll just tell you frankly: my daughter is not trained to herd sheep, nor do laundry, nor cook dinner.” Then don’t blame us for giving you a pig in a poke.
“Look, son,” the girl’s father intervened, “the mother spoiled her daughter; she just didn’t dip her in honey or bathe her in milk.” If you hope that you can make a good wife out of her, well, then take it!
The groom himself understood what the bride was like as soon as she said a word, but he said to the old man:
- It’s a big problem! I have a big bag - as long as the bag is full, the young woman will sit with her hands folded.
And then the widower showed the old man a large colorful bag, filled to the brim with all sorts of food - wheat bread, meat, butter, but he never discovered what the secret was in that bag. He just added, addressing the bride:
- Your job is to make sure that the bag is always full, and don’t worry about anything else.
And then the fun began: the father is happy to death to throw away his couch potato, and the mother is happy that she has found a home for her beloved daughter, and the groom is happy that the bride agreed to only sit back until the bag is full.
The next day, the husband got ready to plow in the field, and the young woman remained to guard the house. Before leaving, the husband hung the bag on a nail and punished:
- Hey, bag! Pokaty is full, please do all the housework!
And to the door, and his wife called out to him:
- Why are you leaving, hubby, and not telling me where I can get lunch and dinner?
- There are all sorts of things in store in the bag - just take the trouble to stretch out your hands, my darling.
In the evening, the husband returned home from the arable land and saw that the young woman had settled down behind the stove with a cat on her lap; you couldn’t tell who was purring songs to whom. And the house is in disarray and desolation. The lazy woman trips over the broom, but still doesn’t touch it - why on earth, if the husband ordered the bag to be in charge. The husband had not yet crossed the threshold, and his wife was already complaining to him:
- Look, hubby, your bag didn’t even sweep the hut!
The peasant pretended that this was something new to him, got angry and started hitting the bag:
- Oh, you lazy thing, you should hang everything on a nail!
He whipped the bag properly, and then exclaimed, as if he had guessed something:
- Listen, wife, it seems to me that our bag has become thin...
- So I took food from it for both lunch and dinner!
“That’s probably why the bag was so careless today,” said the husband and took dinner out of it.
The same thing happened on the second and third days. The husband kept scolding and beating the bag until it was completely empty.
- What should we do now? - the wife became worried when it was time for dinner.
The husband seemed to be upset and worried too, like my head was spinning from worries, and when my wife was really hungry, he said:
- Yes, nothing, apparently, we have no choice but to fill the bag to the top... And then we can rest.
- What do we do?
- We'll have to work hard on the bag. I warned you when I came to get married - fill your bag and have a good time. But after the first lunch, the bag lost a lot of weight - you noticed it yourself.
Then the husband showed his wife what business she should take on first. The young woman had to clean the house and feed the cattle, and her husband twisted the head of a large rooster and ordered it to be fried. Then he got some flour and taught his wife how to knead the dough, light the stove and bake bread. When everything was ready, the husband put the bread and the roast rooster in a sack and said:
- Well, now, little wife, you can sit back.
The time has come to reap the wheat. The peasant gave his wife a sickle - go, reap and knit sheaves.
- Yes, I can’t! - the young woman cries.
- You’ll learn, don’t worry, wife. If you like to sit at the stove, you also like to stuff your bag full. Wheat will make flour, flour will make flat cakes, so your bag is full.
Involuntarily, the young woman has to work, but she just really doesn’t like the fact that the reserves in the bag are constantly melting and they need to be replenished constantly. And she told her mother: take me home or tame my husband.
The mother became angry, like a witch, and rushed to her daughter as fast as she could. And the son-in-law had been waiting for his mother-in-law for a long time and, as soon as he saw her, he grabbed a saw and started sawing wood and dumping it right under his feet.
- Hey, you crazy! Where have you seen this - dumping firewood at your feet? - the woman squealed from the gate.
- What, mother, is it only crazy people who dump firewood under their feet?
- the son-in-law meekly answers, as if he had no idea what kind of storm was about to break out.
The mother-in-law sees that her son-in-law is out of his mind and rushes to her daughter. The young woman spoke to her about three times, and her mother listened to her complaints and let’s honor her son-in-law. His mother-in-law calls him to the hut, but there is no trace of his son-in-law. They went back and forth and finally found him in the attic.
The woman became more furious than ever:
- Why are you hiding behind a pipe, as if bat or what an owl!
- Oh, mother, don’t scold me! - the poor man groaned. - This is me hiding from worries! I don’t know where to hide - they are hot on my heels.
- What other worries, thunder strikes you!
- Yes, I need to plow, but one of my ox died. What should I do now, poor wretch? After all, a pair of oxen is needed; the yoke falls off one of them and the furrow lies crookedly!
- What are you going to feed your wife, you fool, if you don’t sow on time! - the woman scolds him.
And the son-in-law pricked up his ears, remained silent and listened.
- Give me your ox, I’ll teach you how to work now! - his mother-in-law yelled at him.
The son-in-law quickly took the ox out into the field and set up the plow. The woman also did not waste time - she climbed into the yoke along with the ox and said to her son-in-law:
- Now hold the handles tightly, the furrow will lie evenly!
The son-in-law obeys, and the mother-in-law drew a furrow almost to the middle of the field and said:
- Why are you so sour, limp, like last year’s sauerkraut? Harness for me, and let your wife support the handles of the plow - and so that the whole field is sown!
“Okay, mother,” the peasant answers. - Just repeat all this louder so that my wife can hear.
“Yes, I’m not going to talk to you, the good-for-nothing,,” the woman snapped and rushed to her daughter, and from her the direct way home, so that her eyes would no longer see her son-in-law.
The mother-in-law returned to her village and told all the neighbors that her son-in-law was a bungler, he couldn’t provide his own wife with bread, and all he knew was that he was running around with his bag. She buzzed the ears of all her neighbors, and most of all her old man, until he got ready to visit his son-in-law.
- Well, now two wise little heads will come together! - the woman mocks.
But the old man doesn’t even care about her ridicule. He immediately liked his son-in-law - it was clear that he was a hard-working and thrifty owner, and the old man had already studied his wife and daughter to the finest detail. So he decided to look at the life of the young people with his own eyes. He comes to the village and sees that the son-in-law is plowing, and the daughter is leading the ox.
“Well, well, my children,” the grandfather rejoiced, “work together and you will live comfortably.”
The old man speaks smartly, the son-in-law doesn’t really know where to sit him, and the daughter immediately complains to her father:
- Father! When he married me, he promised that I wouldn’t have to work at all, but in reality, look, I’m in the field just like him.
- Excuse me, the agreement was this: rest while the bag is full! Is that so, father?
“Yes, yes,” confirmed the father-in-law. -What about the bag, isn’t it full?
“It’s full,” the daughter answers, “if you don’t take food from it for lunch and dinner.”
- Well, you don’t have lunch or dinner, so you’ll be kicking ass, but your bag will be full! - her father advised her.
- I'm not used to starving!
- Then put in it exactly as much as you take!
The old man sees that his son-in-law is smarter than he thought, and the son-in-law realized that he had a smart old man, and he tried to treat the owner to the fullest. They feasted for three days; the hostess only had time to offer food. When the father-in-law got ready to go home, his son-in-law greeted him with honor and even hung a bottle of honey drink around his neck.
The grandfather approaches his village, and the woman is already looking out for him. She saw her husband with a heavy bag around his neck and caused a commotion throughout the entire neighborhood. The neighbors came running, and the woman shouted:
- I told you what a crazy person got my daughter! Whoever didn’t believe it, let him see for himself! This crazy man plowed half of my field, but I ran away from him that same day! And he kept my poor grandfather for three days and, probably, harnessed him to my plowing and harrowed him and sowed him. So it seemed to him that this was not enough; he also hung a yoke around the unfortunate old man’s neck.
Meanwhile, the grandfather came very close, the neighbors looked at what was hanging around his neck, and burst into laughter. And when the old man treated them to a honey drink, everyone shouted, as if they had agreed:
- Hey, woman, they should put such a yoke on us more often!

Croatian fairy tale

In ancient times, there lived a peasant. He had some good things, but most of all he valued his beloved wife. They used to get up at dawn and get to work together. They worked hard and somehow made ends meet. But it’s not for nothing that they say that grief and misfortune walk among people. Less than a year after the wedding, the unfortunate husband lost his only treasure: his dear wife died.

It is known that a good housewife is the pride of any home, and whoever has lost such a wife is sickened to look at a careless one. The widower's hut is empty, the hearth has grown cold, and now he himself goes about in a dirty shirt to the feast, and to the world, and to good people. There was nothing to be done, he had to think about marriage.

Marriageable brides are like nuts in the forest, but look closely at them and you will see: the girl is beautiful, but lazy to spin. The peasant was tired of choosing a bride for himself, and then one day he decided to go to a neighboring village and marry the first girl he met on the way.

Once upon a time there were horse-drawn mills. On the outskirts of a neighboring village there was just such a mill, and near that mill the widower saw a girl - she was waiting for the miller to sweep away her grain.

“Will you marry me, red maiden?” he asks at random.

The girl perked up and sang in a sweet voice, as if she had eaten enough honey gingerbread:

- Don't know. Ask mother!

There will always be a bride for the groom, but the peasant’s word was firm, and he did not want to back down from his decision.

He went to the mother of the girl who was waiting for the grinding near the mill, and she said to him:

“We have a girl of marriageable age—that’s true, but I’ll just tell you frankly: my daughter is not accustomed to herding sheep, or doing laundry, or cooking dinner.” Then don’t blame us for giving you a pig in a poke.

“Look, son,” the girl’s father intervened, “the mother spoiled her daughter, she just didn’t dip her in honey or bathe her in milk.” If you hope that you can make a good wife out of her, well, then take it!

The groom himself understood what the bride was like as soon as she said a word, but he said to the old man:

- It's not a big deal! I have a big bag - as long as the bag is full, the young woman will sit with her hands folded.

And then the widower showed the old man a large colorful bag, filled to the brim with all sorts of food - wheat bread, meat, butter, but he never discovered what the secret was in that bag. He just added, addressing the bride:

“Your job is to make sure the bag is always full, and don’t worry about anything else.”

And then the fun began: the father is happy to death to throw away his couch potato, and the mother is happy that she has found a home for her beloved daughter, and the groom is happy that the bride agreed to only sit back until the bag is full.

The next day, the husband got ready to plow in the field, and the young woman remained to guard the house. Before leaving, the husband hung the bag on a nail and punished:

- Hey, bag! While you're full, please redo all the housework!

And to the door, and his wife called out to him:

- Why are you leaving, hubby, and not telling me where I can get lunch and dinner?

“There’s all sorts of stuff in the bag—just take the trouble to stretch out your hands, my darling.”

In the evening, the husband returned home from the arable land and saw that the young woman had settled down behind the stove with a cat on her lap; you couldn’t tell who was purring songs to whom.

And the house is in disarray and desolation. The lazy woman trips over the broom, but still doesn’t touch it - why on earth, if the husband ordered the bag to be in charge. The husband had not yet crossed the threshold, and the wife was already complaining to him:

- Look, hubby, your bag didn’t even sweep the hut!

The peasant pretended that this was something new to him, got angry and started hitting the bag:

- Oh, you lazy thing, you should hang everything on a nail!

He whipped the bag properly, and then exclaimed, as if he had guessed something:

- Listen, wife, it seems to me that our bag has become thin...

“So I took food from it for both lunch and dinner!”

“That’s probably why the bag was so careless today,” said the husband and took dinner out of it.

The same thing happened on the second and third days. The husband kept scolding and beating the bag until it was completely empty.

- What should we do now? – the wife became worried when it was time for dinner.

The husband seemed to be upset and worried too, as if my head was spinning from worries, and when my wife was really hungry, he said:

- Yes, nothing, apparently, we have no choice but to fill the bag to the top... And then we can rest.

- What do we do?

- We'll have to work hard on the bag. I warned you when I came to get married - fill your bag and have a good time. But after the first lunch, the bag lost a lot of weight - you noticed it yourself.

Then the husband showed his wife what business she should take on first. The young woman had to clean the house and feed the cattle, and her husband twisted the head of a large rooster and ordered it to be fried. Then he got some flour and taught his wife how to knead the dough, light the stove and bake bread. When everything was ready, the husband put the bread and the roast rooster in a sack and said:

- Well, now, little wife, you can sit back.

The time has come to reap the wheat. The peasant gave his wife a sickle - go, reap and knit sheaves.

- But I can’t! - the young woman cries.

“You’ll learn, don’t worry, wife.” If you like to sit at the stove, you also like to stuff your bag full. Wheat will make flour, flour will make cakes, so your bag is full.

Involuntarily, the young woman has to work, but she just really doesn’t like the fact that the reserves in the bag are constantly melting and they need to be replenished constantly. And she told her mother: take me home or tame my husband.

The mother became angry, like a witch, and rushed to her daughter as fast as she could. And the son-in-law had been waiting for his mother-in-law for a long time and, as soon as he saw her, he grabbed a saw and started sawing wood and dumping it right under his feet.

- Hey, you crazy! Where have you seen this - dumping firewood at your feet? - the woman was still squealing from the gate.

- What, mother, is it only crazy people who dump firewood under their feet? — the son-in-law meekly answers, as if he had no idea what kind of storm was about to break out.

The mother-in-law sees that her son-in-law is out of his mind and rushes to her daughter. The young woman spoke to her about three times, and her mother listened to her complaints and let’s honor her son-in-law. His mother-in-law calls him to the hut, but there is no trace of his son-in-law. They went back and forth and finally found him in the attic.

The woman became more furious than ever:

- Why are you hiding behind a pipe like some kind of bat or owl!

- Oh, mother, don’t scold me! - the poor man groaned. - This is me hiding from my worries! I don’t know where to hide - they are hot on my heels.

- What other worries, thunder strikes you!

- Yes, I need to plow, but one of my ox died. What should I do now, poor wretch? After all, a pair of oxen is needed; the yoke falls off one of them and the furrow lies crookedly!

“What are you going to feed your wife, you fool, if you don’t sow on time!” - the woman scolds him.

And the son-in-law pricked up his ears, remained silent and listened.

- Give me your ox, I’ll teach you how to work now! - his mother-in-law yelled at him.

The son-in-law quickly took the ox out into the field and set up the plow. The woman also did not waste time - she climbed into the yoke along with the ox and said to her son-in-law:

- Now hold the handles tightly, the furrow will lie evenly!

The son-in-law obeys, and the mother-in-law drew a furrow almost to the middle of the field and said:

“Why are you so sour, so limp, like last year’s sauerkraut?” Harness for me, and let your wife support the handles of the plow - and so that the whole field is sown!

“Okay, mother,” the peasant answers. “Just repeat all this louder so my wife can hear.”

“Yes, I’m not going to talk to you, the good-for-nothing,,” the woman snapped and rushed to her daughter, and from her straight home, so that her eyes would no longer see her son-in-law.

The mother-in-law returned to her village and told all the neighbors that her son-in-law was a bungler, he couldn’t provide his own wife with bread, and all he knew was that he was running around with his bag. She buzzed the ears of all her neighbors, and most of all her old man, until he got ready to visit his son-in-law.

- Well, now two wise little heads will come together! - the woman mocks.

But the old man doesn’t even care about her ridicule. He immediately liked his son-in-law - he was apparently a hard-working and thrifty owner, and the old man had already studied his wife and daughter to the last detail. So he decided to look at the life of the young people with his own eyes. He comes to the village and sees that the son-in-law is plowing, and the daughter is leading the ox.

“Well, well, my children,” the grandfather rejoiced, “work together and you will live comfortably.”

The old man speaks smartly, the son-in-law doesn’t really know where to sit him, and the daughter immediately complains to her father:

- Father! When he married me, he promised that I wouldn’t have to work at all, but in reality, look, I’m in the field just like him.

- Excuse me, the agreement was this: rest while the bag is full! Is that so, father?

“I told you what a crazy person got my daughter!” For those who didn’t believe, let them see for themselves!

This crazy man plowed half of my field, but I ran away from him that same day! And he kept my poor grandfather for three days and, probably, harnessed him to my plowing and harrowed him and sowed him. So it seemed to him that this was not enough; he also hung a yoke around the unfortunate old man’s neck.

Meanwhile, the grandfather came very close, the neighbors looked at what was hanging around his neck, and burst into laughter. And when the old man treated them to a honey drink, everyone shouted, as if they had agreed:

- Hey, woman, they should put such a yoke on us more often!

Since ancient times, they began to understand the great importance of water not only for people and all kinds of animals and plant organisms, but also for all life on Earth. Some of the first Greek philosophers even placed water at the forefront of understanding things in nature, and... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

WATER- one of the four symbolic primary elements that make up the world. According to the cosmogony of Thales, water lies at the basis of the universe. The Earth, in the shape of a disk, floats in the waters of the World Ocean. In the mythological traditions of various peoples, water is at the beginning and... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia

Shollar water- (Azerbaijani: Şollar suyu) well-known spring water in Azerbaijan and beyond its borders from the village of Shollar of the same name in the Khachmaz region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Contents 1 History 2 Plumbing ... Wikipedia

There is no water flowing under the lying stone.- Under a lying stone and water does not flow. See PATH ROAD Under a lying stone and water does not flow. See HOMELAND OF ALIEN...

under a lying stone and the water does not flow- (does not flow) Wed. God’s will is in itself, but measures must be taken. Water does not run under a lying stone. Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 25. Wed. Why sit like that for nothing? Nobody will feed you for free. Water does not flow under a lying stone. Danilevsky. Ninth... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

It also happens sometimes that water flows like a mountain.- Sometimes it happens that water flows like a mountain. See TRUE NEWS... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Sometimes water flows like a mountain.- (i.e. uphill). See TRUE NEWS... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Water does not flow under a lying stone.- Under a lying stone (under a lying log) and water does not flow. See CARING EXPERIENCE... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Lives sometimes - and water flows like a mountain.- Sometimes life flows and water flows like a mountain. See MIRACLE WONDERFUL... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

FLOW- FLOW, flow (flow, flow, south, west flow, flow), about liquid: strive, pour down the slope. All rivers flow downhill. Wherever it is cursed, it flows there. In general: run in a stream, ooze. Water flows from the barrel into the tub. Blood flows like from a nail, flow... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Why is water flowing from the tap? , I. A. Chukavina, From a cloud to the ground, along the ground - a river, from a river to a pipe, from a pipe - to a tap. This is how water appears in our home. But that is not all! There are also swamps, seas, groundwater, underground lakes, wells... Category: Environment Publisher: AST, Buy for 582
  • Why does water flow from a tap, Voltsit P., From a cloud to the ground, along the ground like a river, from a river into a pipe, from a pipe into a tap. This is how water appears in our home. But that is not all! There are also swamps, seas, groundwater, underground lakes, wells... Category:

Hello to the participants and guests of the portal. As I promised, I post regardless of the result. A short story with an unexpected outcome. I’ll say right away - the post is for the patient; others may not read it right away.
A little background. I wrote a program, in my free time, to calculate a robot for an exhibition, under a patent, which is otherwise expired and requires restoration, but our public is very disapproving of independent activity and wants to hinder it, otherwise it doesn’t matter - I’ll figure it out. So I just finished writing my parser for mathematical formulas and expressions, the finishing of which was accompanied by wild hooting that it wouldn’t work, but it works and is completed, there is nothing supernatural in it, but the work had to be postponed. The fact is that when I started making entries on the cyber forum, sharing thoughts about the code and the techniques that I developed myself along the way, and it was difficult for me to make these entries why - because, as I discovered, all the terminology is practically possible - it busy, and whatever term you choose from the suitable ones - there is already its application. And for example, I don’t like using the operator break, because it clearly indicates a lack of logic, in particular, there is no such thing in thinking itself - that is, this operator is absolutely not natural for logic, and writing code without its use is very difficult, since the operator has been removed GOTO from OOP. And that's when I wrote the code with a little trick - exiting the loop without break, but simply replacing the values ​​of the nested loop counters so that they would not be executed - this is where I ended up, as some all-knowing professors usually come, and I wrote a blog entry criticizing those who introduced programming break it was precisely in exchange for the GOTO operator, as usual, professors came and began to crap on the entry on my blog, naturally I went altogether to the freaky portal of the scientific and technical library, which even for some year was not publicly visible, but simply made a parallel one (I learned about this recently), and on this particularly invisible portal - what’s going on is just a madhouse. There I finished the parser amid hooting, because there they treat the new in the same way, the reality there has a double bottom, that’s what the administration of that portal wanted. In general, it doesn't matter. When I finished, I discovered several really valid rules in the code and some ambiguity - some code can be used one way or another, and decided to indicate them in the section of unsolved problems, realizing that there was no time for a detailed consideration, and there was no desire to write code in At that moment I began to get very bored (I had time and I wrote code for more than 12 hours a day, excitedly, and it was already starting to exhaust me, especially when I started correcting all the errors in my parser), and then I discovered something amazing on that portal, It turns out that the unsupported topic is more important than any code or anything at all, and that I cannot create topics without other participants getting into it with the unsupported ones. Then I decided to check the possibility of creating a supportless frame - I realized that in this way I would get rid of the obsessive presence of their creators.

The logic began with the fact that it would be nice to be able to compress space - then yes, a useful impulse could be output in the direction in which it is necessary, and then I discovered that, after all, the ZSI was written for material points, and it seemed to me at that time, we lost quite a lot. In general, since childhood I had a desire to check one system, but I did not devote time to it

What is shown here:
The disk rotates, a metal ball hits it, parallel to the axis of rotation of the disk, and upon impact the ball twists and throws back. Many people are mistaken that in this case the sum of the kinetic energy of movement (the energy of the acquired impulse and angular momentum) obtained during such an impact is equal to the impulse acquired by the axis of the disk from such contact with the ball. I also came into the same delusion, thinking that Ek(P1)=Ek(P2)+Ek(L3).
Here Ek () is part of the total kinetic energy of movement from any quantity,
P1-impulse acquired by the axis (torque can be neglected if there are two disks and the model is mirrored),
P2-impulse acquired by the ball, L3 - angular momentum (amount of energy of rotational motion),
L3 is the angular momentum acquired by the ball.
And how I dealt with it. First I decided to make a self-propelled water platform
with four propellers, the beginning had been made and was almost coming to an end, but then I realized that I didn’t have enough plastic at all and decided to speed up the work by attempting to repeat the effect on a water wheel with curved blades instead of blades that would throw small funnels of water back, creating them. To do this, I made a table on the platform for the container, so that it could be unfolded as desired, changing the direction of the generated traction

Realizing that this would create two large whirlpools in the propulsion tank, I made their absorbers, the configuration of which took a long time to change

during lengthy experiments with some mind-blowing results that led to exactly the opposite of what was expected. I even thought that physical reality itself was fundamentally changing its laws to show that, in my opinion, it would never happen. But more on that later. A double-row planetary gearbox with a large gear ratio was printed
here he is with a wheel on which the blades are attached

I took the battery and engine from my nephew’s broken toy, which I once gave to him.

The installation ended up looking like this:

but I covered the wheel casing with tape, because everything indicated that, despite the fact that I turned the propulsion system both to the bow and to the stern, that the platform acquired momentum, according to my theory, exactly the opposite. Therefore, I thought that even the blades are in contact with the air, and I sealed the casing with tape, these are the two best recordings closer to the end, I have a lot of them. I did all this in the evenings when I came home from work, so I did not solder the frequency switch for the engine, but simply used a variable resistor.
As I was told, the platform moves backwards due to vibrations, I began to turn the propulsion container and was convinced that this was the case, since it was necessary to make completely mirror floats, without blunting at the stern, but when I turned the container towards the rear, the platform stood like rooted to the stern - moving backwards. Everything is as in my theory, but quite the opposite. These circumstances drove me into despondency and thoughts about various evil spirits, and even the devil. Therefore, I did not want to believe that she was moving against my theory, and mentally I tried to deny this fact, clinging to the hope that with metal balls everything is completely different. This is not the only video, sometimes the level in the tank and the rotation speed were such that the platform moved as if it had been given a decent kick, all this somehow strangely reflected on my thought processes and I fell into despondency and confusion, and I felt It's very difficult to go back to working on a metal ball rig.

So, presumably, traction is created.
Movement towards the stern was always easy, even against the thrust. The thrust created here is quite the opposite than that of a water wheel. Why didn’t I go to another level of conducting a series of experiments - well, firstly, I was in a hurry all the time, changing dampers, shortening the blades, removing them. I did this without understanding what was happening, and thinking that my original formulas were correct.

This video, if you watch all two, simply shows that there is no draft in the room, the platform is simply spinning. Further, in general, the thrust was mainly created in the direction opposite to the direction of the impulse acquired by the wheel from interaction with the surface of the water. . In the end, I moved away from the impressions of what I saw and began to think logically, this is a week of trolls who never suggest anything but only mock people using their trump cards higher education as some kind of advantage, and those unable to explain anything, I ignored and did not respect.

So back to the diagram

I developed the logic as follows:
The kinematic chain that consumes the kinetic energy of rotation of the disk has three links, and then I developed it in the same way as the ball fell to the surface, and upon collision, acquiring angular momentum, it began to roll.
what would happen if the kinetic energy of the rectilinear motion of the system formed during contact was not converted into an angular momentum? there would be a slip. therefore, the energy from the ball's momentum will be exchanged with the energy of the surface only due to the resistance of the transition of the kinetic energy of rectilinear motion into rotational motion. how much energy of rectilinear motion will be exchanged between the ball and the surface? exactly that much will turn into the rotational motion of the ball. hence the kinetic energy of the system ball-surface will be distributed evenly across all its links opposing each other. And the formula doesn't actually look like this

Ek(P1)=Ek(P2)+Ek(PL) , and like this Ek(P1)=Ek(P2)=Ek(L3).

Now, on the subject of the results obtained during the mind-blowing experiments, it was difficult for me to admit that the installation is in reverse. Thanks to the results, I understood the mathematical description of the situation with the disk and the ball. I can give links to the outrages that competent specialists create - this is not human behavior. No attempts at explanation, I can give you a link to the topic - and you will see how competent specialists in our country act with strangers who are mistaken about something, but I think this makes no sense.

How the thrust obtained in the opposite direction is explained is very simple, the basics of hydrodynamics are enough.
Of course, the phenomenon itself requires a more detailed study, because FSI is not a joke, I already understood that, but the results of the experiments are a fact. So that's the explanation I could find.

And even then, fortunetellers, painfully worried about what if someone patents something, are constantly looking for materials that could be direct analogues that discredit the novelty, for example, citing some children's quotes and claiming that only idiots deal with unsupported patents.

In general, what I personally could find from the explanations was from a book on hydrodynamics, apparently again.

In fact, no attempt at explanation was made in this text, oddly enough. It’s worth starting with the fact that if air could be rejected, it would be no more than water, which is below the ring vortex (the phenomenon is observed for any diameter of the vortex ring.). Let’s even assume that the air was suddenly thrown back - only miraculously violating the FSI. Only with a violation of the FSI could such a miraculous ejection of air occur. It is clear that this is not an announcement. Most likely, the cause here is the interaction of the vortex with the environment itself in which it moves. And if the vortex accelerates when jumping out of the water, then when it collides with a wall it begins to distort so that it straightens out from its side and does not create the forces that are formed by the movement of the medium (liquid) in an arc. We can talk about this for a long time, but what’s the point if vortices are easily studied, especially water vortices.
And the second reason is that vortices have low resistance to their movement, that is, when twisting a vortex, the wheel requires much less kinetic energy than pushing a mass of water.

How is it for me?
Two blades from the wheel create and push vortices in different directions and back, thrust is created precisely in the direction in which the wheel throws the vortices

I won’t undertake to say what exactly is happening, because all I have are experiments that I somehow carried out.
I will now return to this later, after I have completed my calculation program with all sorts of things necessary for solving any problems, in particular, I wrote it to calculate a robot using patented mechanics.
And I'll return like:
I will attach four blenders to the wheel, which will literally forcefully spin the vortices as the wheel turns.
Like that

And then I will be able to draw more accurate conclusions. I will also make a second platform, of better quality.
So far I’m communicating with a patent specialist - it may not be possible to somehow secure some copyright rights for myself - but this is a big question.
I don’t consider my work to be any kind of scientific (although I will study it), the effect was discovered almost by accident - due to the fact that plastic began to run out and confusion with formulas.
Therefore, destroy plastic and become smarter. I overcame my misconceptions thanks to the fact that I began to run out of plastic. .
Good luck to everyone.